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I wish I was drunk on something!!!!! Mom is finally in bed after a battle to take her dentures out and then refusing to take her meds. Lord, I hope I get a big dose of patience because it is getting thinner and thinner with mom's antics. I don't think mom will be here another Christmas and I so want this one to be nice. I guess I'm getting sappy on frustration.

Merry Christmas to you all and to all a good night!

Good Christmas Eve Crew,

I am toasted on Maker's Mark courtesy of another warrior woman on another big boat.

The Cat is standing on the keyboard and I am typing around her.

A man who has been sailing all his life defined his boat and my boat by saying that it was like going from kindergarten to Harvard Law.

I am Harvard Law. haha. So What.....

Learned today that trying to get throught the Panama Canal and up the West Coast might be iffy costwise, so looking into yacht transport into Vancouver and then taking the currents and winds down the coast into LA for a bit....
Watch SuperShips on Hulu on your computer and there's an episode on yacht transport. Genius.

This is 3 years out but hey! If you don't have a plan...

Deef sent me a box of amazing things and made me feel loved.
Thanks Deef.
I have 3 Christmas Cards: one from the Yard where I am docked and one from my girlfriend Cindy Loo and one from Deef.

OK, I am sappy from Christmas Eve bourbon but that's ok.

Love you guys more than you'll ever know.

Merry Christmas and remember what it's supposed to mean,

Diane, dinner sounds wonderful. Deb, and everyone else, thanks for the kind comments. Sorry to be such a whiner. Right now I'm drunk on Aleve and Mucinex. boy what a cheap drunk I am. But, feeling no pain. I'm going to try half the recomended dose next time. I can barely type. Indio has been a dear, and helped take care of the animals. Stormy I am jealous you have Conner for tomorrow. Christmas is for children. The 2 little boys up the road (they are the only 2 children on my road), came by and sang Christmas Carols, and brought a plate of Christmas cookies. Looks like their Mom let them make the cookies, the ugliest Christmas cookies I ever saw. But I could have cried. They are so sweet (the boys and the cookies). I couldn't even invite them in the house, don't want them to get sick. Love you guys. Hope everyone has wonderful Christmas. Shirley

Shirley, I am so sorry you have the flu. Like Lildeb said, drink lots of fluids! Get some rest and feel better. I hope Indio can take care of the four legged critters while you are ill. It will be a quiet day for me, mom and James. I plan to cook a pork rib roast, mashed taters and fresh green beans. I spent today making some goodies like banana bread, fruit cake, magic bars and cheese balls. I was going to make applesauce bread but I realized I didn't have any candied fruit to put in it. Oh well, less for me to eat and put on my
I wish all of my dear friends here on AC a blessed Christmas.

Love ya,

Meanwhile- I am so sorry you are sick. I hope you feel better tomorrow. Merry Christmas!
I wanted to tell everyone that I am doing better, I think it is just the stress of the holidays, I hope. But wanted to thank all of you for your comments.
Time to get Connor out of the tub and in the bed, and then the magic begins..........
Merry Christmas everyone. Love you all!!! Hugs Stormy

Oh meanwhile,
Ow Ow Ow.

so sorry you are suffering.

Thanks lildeb for the nice comment.
We are pretty quiet here.
Looks like some serious weather is going to happen in the not too distant future. Everyone stay as safe as you can.


meanwhile, so sorry that u have the flu-bug. That is just plum aweful. Are u able to keep down Gatorade or some ginger ale to help your tummy n to keep you hydrated? What about something to break the fever? If u get to where u cannot keep any liquids to stay down, you may need to take a trip to the ER. I hope n pray this will pass real soon. I am so sorry to hear that u r so sick. I wish I could be their to help you feel better.

Well, I won't be cooking Christmas dinner after all. My ear infection turned into the flu. My sister has it. I'm still running a 100 temperature. So put out the plaque sign at the front door. Really, I was looking forward to fixing Christmas dinner. I like to cook. Last 3 days I can barely keep water down. Hope everyone else is having a better holiday.

Oh i almost forgot, we all got to sit down n watch, "Frosty the Snowman." I know it has nothing to do with why we celebrate Christmas but, It just don't seem like Christmas without watching a good ole jolly Frosty.

Meanwhile I agree with you on that dinner deal. I think it was all that caffeine in the fudge she been test tasting. ; )
Deef, You sure got a lot of stuff done in one freaking day, u go girl! Glad to hear you mom is eating better n she got a few z's. At least u r spacing the other stuff to do so you don't kill yourself. I have not heard too many people here in GA mention about making the Mincemeat pie anymore. I like to know what is in your Texas hash for hubby like corn-beef hash. I hope u r able to get your mom off tomorrow so y'all can spend a little time with the sil.
I think I need some of that fudge to get me on the roll for tomorrow. I plan on cooking Christmas Eve so we can just sat back n relax for Christmas Day, hopefully.
Pennypas, Welcome to this site n vent away for it does help. You poor thing, I hope your sniffer not working too good around your uncle. Once a month! I thought I was lucky to get the mil once a week n the tub. Can u get him to tsake a sponge bath? Please feel free to let us know how u r doing n your uncle.

Bob, sorry that u r grieving n you r so right that, "It is what it is." I hope u r able to find peace n comfort within in your heart for your loss. Now, as for the Febreeze, that was too funny. If that is what it takes to get her n the tub, I say kudos to you! I have to keep that one n mind n case I hit the brick wall again with the mil n her baths.
Stormy, I hope u r feeling much better. Are you taking anything for the Hypothyroidism? I bet it will probable take a while before the meds help any if u r taking anything to help.
I am going to cook a ham, potato salad, collar greens; cornbread n walnut brownies. It is only going to be the three of us so their will be left overs for a few days n that means less cooking for dinner meals.
Deef, try to remember to slow down just a wee-bit for they will either get it or not.
Happy Holidays Everyone.

Hi Penny and welcome to the home of Vent and Live!

Ya, that's what they do and man oh man they can really stink.
Sounds like your uncle has some Dementia rolling around in his head.

If you can't get him to take a shower every other day or so, break out the Febreeze!
(not kidding: that's how I got my mom to let me bathe her.)

Write and tell us how you're doing and what's going on in your life. This support group is amazing with an incredible gang of caregivers.

Does your uncle live with you?
Hang in and tell us your story because you are amongst those who have been there and we'll cheer you on.

Happy Saturday before Christmas everybody!
I hope that you guys are ok and not working yourselves to the bone. By the posts I have been reading, I can see that you guys ARE working yourselves to the bone.

We have been sad here but it all is what it is. Grief is like that.

love all you guys,

Deef, I don't know how you get all that done. I want to come to your house for Christmas dinner.
Penny have you tried telling your uncle he stinks?

My uncle takes a bath once a month

Well, I got out of the door without my husband this morning,YAY, and got almost all of my errands and shopping done. No voice in my ear, and no man 1 step behind me to get me confused and just plain p!ssed off!
Mom was goos all day even though she is still stuffed up and coughing. She ate well and was actually calm compared to recently. Keep your fingers crossed that she will make it to daycare on Monday. We are supposed to eat X-mas dinner at sil's at 1. That will give us time to get back to pick up Mom and an excuse to not have to stay too late.
I have 5 pounds of Ghiradelli chocolate fudge that I made this afternoon and 3 racks of candied grapefruit peel drying overnight. Tomorrow, today actually, i will dip the ends of some in melted chocolate. I need to wrap a few things and get gift bags put together for the families in the afternoon. Then I want to make raspberry tart squares and a mincemeat pie. I also have to make Texas hash for both dinners. I'll do the green beans and stuffed mushrooms on Monday and the cheese potatoes on Tuesday morning.
I will need to clean Mom's apartment for Tuesday as we will have dinner there so she can join in. I will probably feed her first so her gross eating habits don't ruin everyone's appetite!
Okay, she is finally snoring after going to check on her several times and finding her with her mouth clamped shut and puffing her cheeks out. I had so much sugar today from the fudge and sampling the candied grapefruit, that I will probably be awake from my twitching legs for hours.
I will do my best to talk to everyone before X-mas. Sounds like we are all up to our eyeballs!

Deef-Shirley, they have x-mas bags at the Dollar store n all u do is chuck the gift in their n put some tissue on top n walla done! Simplify woman if u can. ; ) Be careful with the Aleve, for they r very harsh on the kidneys however, you mention u rarely take anything. As for the holiday cooking, I am cooking here too but only for 3 people n that is great with me for less cooking. I think I will cook it Christmas Eve n we can eat on it all day Christmas day n all I will do is heat stuff up on that day. That is great news n very thoughtful of your step-dad n it seems it will help out a lot.
Stormy, I feel so sorry for you n would luv to take the thyroid problem away if I could. However, I can n will say a prayer for you. Crying sometimes helps with letting the emotions out so go ahead n vent all you must... That is what your cyber family is here for to listen n offer advice if possible. I hope u get to feeling better real soon.

Stormy, can you ask your Dr if it would be alright to try some herbal supplements. I take ginseng and ginko bilbo everyday. It helps me out. But, some herbs can interact with medications. So be sure to ask about it. Everyone reacts differently. Some herbal supplements have been shown to work as well as the medications Doctors like to Px. But, hopefully, with time your thyroid medications will even out.

Hey ya'll just need to vent. I hate this hypo mess. My emotions are everywhere. I have been pissed off all day cause sis wanted me to come to dads and check on him and that means i get stuck over here for hours. Right now i just want to break down and cry. I can't stand living like this. I hate it. I feel like being a bitch to everyone. And i am not like that. Its the hypothyroidism. What am i going to do? hugs stormy

Deef, hope your Mom is doing better today. Deb, sorry about the wind, it has quit blowing here, finally. Took some aleve, my head hurt so bad. I rarely take any medication, but doing better. My step dad says he will help buy some old house to turn into rental property. Since it will help my sister and I take care of him and my Mom. He is such a considerate generous man. Supposed to cook Christmas dinner here, hope I'm better by then. Haven't gotten anything wrapped yet, it may not get wrapped. Take care everyone. Love Shirley

Deefer, I hope the ER visit will be speedy, however, just in case make sure you eat plenty for we all know it will be hours.... at the ER. Try to take care of yourself n don't worry about all that cooking mess n holiday spirit. If u can afford it n the time, go out n buy something already made. It may not taste as good as homemade food but, you won't have to worry about the cleaning, cooking n mess afterward. I would do whatever you feel like doing n if that means sitting back n trying to just relax in a chair with a warm cup of coffee or some hot soup then go for it! I hope your mom is alright.
Meanwhile, I think y'all blew some of that wind over here. I got tired of picking up the lawn chairs so I had to put heavy pots on the chairs to keep them from blowing away.
Bob, I hope u r doing well n at least I see u r still posting so, u haven't left us just yet. ; )
I should had drove down to Ocala where my relatives mainly live but, I didn't feel like making the long driving trip alone. I could had brought the mil n hubby but that would cost a fortune to kennel 3 dogs n 3 cats.
I guess everyone is out of town with families n that is why there is not so many people on here. Deef, let us know how it goes with your mom n I hope u r able to get some rest.

Deef, my heart goes out to you! I think if it were me and got to the part where the bed broke I would have got her in the chair and had a good cry. Bless you Deef.

Hi to everyone, I'm just stopping by to say hello and read a few posts. I get two weeks off from school work, Yes! I need the break bad. Although with all the extra work because of the holidays I'm not sure how much of a break it will be. Anyway you have all been on my mind and even though I have been to busy to check in often I want you to know you are all always in my prayers.

Shirley, get that ear healed up and feel better soon.
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricket Hugsღ

Deef, what a day!!!!! I can replay those scenes in my own life. THe only difference is mom doesn't get hyper but anxious. She will have anxiety attacks until a doctor or nurse comes to see her. I sure hope today will be better for you. I'm suspicious mom may have another UTI too.
Have as good a day possible everyone and I'll check in later.

Was too tired to write last night!
It was raining so hard that I waited until after lunch to get Mom to the ER. Husband drove us and came back home. They took us right in, then it got busy and I had to undress Mom and get her onto the bed! It was no easy thing with her being so delirious. This was before 1:30. Doctor saw her shortly after and I got the lecture of what I wanted to do if it wasn't a UTI. She was that bad in the behavior department. I just smiled and said it's a UTI. He said well I think you better be prepared to make a decision anyway. I just smiled at him and he left. About 2:30 a nurse came with a catheter and took urine. Never saw another person until 4. Mom was somewhat resting and mumbling and moaning, but stayed pretty still on the bed, so I knitted to pass the time. Finally the doctor came in and guess what?!! It was a UTI!!!! NO SH!T!!!! Said she would get fluids and an IV antibiotic to get her started. I said great! Thanks!! By now she was 45 minutes late for her afternoon meds and starting to get hyper. The nurse brought her the IVjust before 4:30 and I asked her to get pudding or applesauce to give Mom her meds. Took a damn executive order to get that!! Si I just pushed the pills into her mouth and gave her some water to dissolve them.
Next came putting the IV in. Nurse poked her 3 times and struck out. Mom pulled her arm away and tore the skin a bit, then her vein rolled, then the next one blew out. Finally a tech came in and pulled her skin taught and the needle went in! Too much loose skin from weight loss.
Now came the problem of keeping Mom from pulling out the IV over the next hour. I managed to wrap her arm in the blankets so she couldn't see it and held her other arm down until she calmed a bit.
It takes about an hour for the IV to finish and then the rest of the fluids went in fast. So I got her pants and shoes back on, and that was fun with her being dead weight. Nurse came in to take out the needle and I made her stay and help me finish dressing Mom and get her back into wheelchair.
Texted the house to let them know we were going to be waiting outside. Ten minutes later we were still waiting. My daughter had gotten in the shower because she didn't think we would be ready before 6. Finally we got home and then the fun began!!
First, I left the wheelchair that I use to get her from the house to the car, outside. Well, it started raining again and it was soaked. So I had to get the transport one out of the trunk again. I got her into the house and made her dinner because she said she was hungry. ONly ate a few bites, so I gave her the night meds and got her on the toilet to wash and dress her for bed. She still had trouble walking. That's when it all went bad!
I usually stand her up after washing and get her diaper on. Well, I got her up but she wouldn't stand still for me to fasten the diaper. She kept walking her legs forward and eventually I couldn't hold her up and she went down on her knees. I literally lifted her her and managed to get her the 5 feet walk to the bed and her legs gave our again. I finally got her onto the bed with much effort, and the bed collapsed onto the floor! By now I was huffing and puffing and fuming! My daughter came and helped me get her into the small wheelchair so we could fix the bed, then we got her back in and settled.
Needless to say, not a great way to spend my day! 4 1/2 hours in the ER then the comedy of errors at home after. I was exhausted and hurting last night. Now I need to get out and finish my shopping for gifts and food for X-mas dinner. Going to leave my husband home for that! He can go food shopping with me later.
Okay, I need to get laundry in, stuff ready for the bank, and find the script they gave me for Mom. Then as soon as help arrives, I'm off for the day.
I read everyone's posts and will reply to all of you later.
And yes Stormy, seems like the holidays get crazier every year!!

Dtflex,buy him a used hand cart for Christmas:). Make sure it won't happen again. I so feel your pain.....

Hey everyone, sorry I havent been around, its just a crazy time right now. With the holidays and all. I am trying to figure out what to cook for dad for xmas and what to have here at my house, plus I have to make this huge container of ambrosia for my family of about 50 or so people plus two big macaroni pies. Ugh. I am stressing just thinking about having to do it all.
Hubby and I had to go to a police dept xmas party tonight, we had a good time there, but my monthly fairy was giving me the cramps from hell. And it seems I have been so on edge this past week and I am wondering if it has anything to do with the change in the hypothyroidism meds. Well, I almost lost this post so I better send it before it goes poof! Just wanted to let ya'll know that I am thinking about ya'll and that i will be mia for a couple of days but i will be back before xmas.
Deef- sorry to hear about your mom and i hope you are not at the hospital too long. I know i hate those places.
Dtflex- I know how you feel, my husband done the same thing to my kitchen floor. Now i have two long streaks in my kitchen floor. And it looks like s$#%. I fussed him out too for it. But what can you do, whats done is done.
Jen, meanwhile, lil deb, cat, bobbie, judy, sorry if I forgot anyone. Love ya'll and I hope ya'll have a good weekend. Hugs stormy

All the wind has given me an ear infection. Haven't had one of those since I was a kid. How come everything goes wrong this time of year.

Gah deef I hope your mom is Ok? How are you doing? It sounds like much too much!
Mhm Tumble weeds, love those. livin rural memories.

Stay safe everyone....

I just need to vent a minute. My BF is a wonderful man and has helped me unbelievably with this journey with mom. Our washer decided to break lastnight. Luckily when he moved in earlier this year we put his washer in the garage. The intention was that when I got back from work I would help him move the broken washer out and his working washer in. Well, I get home and he has moved everything by himself. Cost? My floors are scratched up all over. Granted it's only linoleum, but I can't afford new floors any better than the thought of a new appliance. I know I am already tired and annoyed by mom today but now I'm simmering over his impatience destroying my floor. Is it so terrible to want to keep your house in good condition? BREATHE!!!!!

Deb, what is wrong with chapstick? I work for a dentist, and he thinks the vasoline stuff is bad? Hope it isn't too hard at the hospital, Deef. I hate hospitals (worked in hospitals for 20 years). Barb, so glad you got to enjoy some time with your granddaughter. Hope the caregiver service continues so you can enjoy more time to yourself. Love Shirley

Hey Deef!
Take it easy on yourself. I know it's easier said than done....
love all you guys.

Going to have to call for ambulance ride to ER for MOM!!!. Pretty sure she has a UTI on top of the cold. Can't walk her by myself and she is acting delirious and crazy!!! Won't open her eyes. Won't open her mouth to breath. Mumbling and moaning off and on since 4 this morning. It's pouring down rain and the wind is howling, so let the ambulance give her a ride!
They can get a urine with a catheter and give her IV antibiotics and sure enough, they will send her home after hanging around the ER for hours!!! Not calling sibs. Not worth it!!! Got to clean myself up and eat something before I call.'
Wish me luck and a speedy ER visit!

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