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Dtflex, Rumcake, that sounds yummy. If u could go ahead n get that baked n add alittle extra Rum, maybe we all could get a little zonkers n not worry about the holiday. ; ) I luv rumballs n I know they r loaded with sugar.
Glad u were able to get your mom to settle down n eat the potluck meal. After I took mil to the skin dr we went to McDonald's, where she always like her cheeseburger with just mayo so I get her a Happy Meal for she likes the little toy in them too. Of course their r times I like the little toy too. ; )
Anyway, a little concern with her today for I asked her to check her cheeseburger to make sure they made it right for her with no pickles n stuff. She replies, that she normally eats her with macaroni. I thought maybe I was hearing things so I asked again n she gave the same response. I just politely ask does it have mayo on it n cheese n she said yes n left it at that. It just through me off guard for she normally knows what she is eating but she seem to be confused this time n that has never happen with her cheeseburger meal. I guess she was thinking about macaroni n cheese noodles that I make her? Anyway, she ate good today n we we were on the mission for some petroleum-Vaseline for her lips for no more chapstick for the mil according to the skin dr. I got her a small jar n the lip one too.
Austin, I don't even won't to see a cookie for awhile n yes, I cheated an ate a few today too.
Hope all of yall can get some zzzzzzzzzzz.

Wind has been blowing so hard the tumbleweeds are all over the roads, and piled up against the fences. Not much chance of snow here.
My boss is talking about retiring. Will be hard to find another job. Thinking of taking my retirement savings and investing in some rental property. Never really wanted to manage rental property, but my Mom and Step Dad need more and more help. If I wasn't working so much, I could drive Step Dad instead of letting him drive, which is very scary. Mom is getting so she can hardly walk. Of course all I can afford to buy is something that will need a lot of work.
Deef, I hope you don't have rheumatoid arthritis? Have you every been checked for that. There is a blood test to check for the antibodies. Mame, hope you get to feeling better. Austin, I know what you mean about the cookies. I made a big batch for the Christmas party at work tomorrow. Finally, put them out in the car, so I won't be so tempted to eat anymore.
Maybe I'll go get a tumbleweed, spray paint it green, and put some decorations on it. Diane, sorry your Mom is getting so confused. Jen, Stormy, Deb, Bobbi, everyone I forgot (sorry) take care. Love Shirley

I had a wonderful early Christmas present today. I had called to a caregivers service to get help with my mother for a few hours (12 to be exact) a week. I was expecting them to start the service after Christmas. They called this morning and said they would be here at 2 this afternoon to introduce us to our caregiver and start service. My granddaughter was visiting me today. This was the first day of her Christmas break from school. So after Mom was settled with the new caregiver, my granddaughter and I went out into the holiday madness and had cupcakes and cocoa/coffee at a little cupcake shop. So it was like a double present. Special time one on one with my granddaughter (she's 8) and 3 hours that I had absolutely no place I had to be. Tomorrow I will worry about everything that needs to be done to get ready for the holidays. Today I think I will just enjoy the moment. Good night everyone.


I'm sorry we aren't having a more festive time, but it does make me feel better to know I'm not the only one that just can't get into the spirit of the season. I have the ingredients to make applesauce bread, fruit cakes and rum cakes and I haven't baked one! I did manage to get a few small gifts for my co-workers and wrapped them tonight. Deef I understand about things never working out. I couldn't even find the scotch tape tonight so I ended up cutting strips of the clear packing tape to wrap my gifts. I took mom to the office Christmas potluck dinner. She cried the first 30 minutes and eventually settled down and ate. She was so confused as to where she was and what she was doing. I had hoped she would enjoy just getting out the house. Other than the few holiday preparations its the same old stuff here. I'm all for a trip to escape the holidays, so count me in!! I hope all of you that a feeling under the weather will recover soon. Deef, maybe you have tendonitis?

Have a good night all and be careful with the nasty weather.

Love ya,

love you guys.

I have to stop making cookies because I eat too many.

Mame hope it was just over doing make sure you get a good nights rest and be careful of the throat thing..icku. With dizzy, sounds suspicious infection?

Deefer, sorry for having such a bad luck time yet instead, it may be saying that, "you can rely on family members to help you when YOU need the help?" I know take that with a deep breath for we all know that family don't help worth a shit. It seemed that hubby was able to get the boxes n your sis was able to help with the printed labels. Sorry that your mom not feeling well but keep trying to keep her hydrated like your are already doing. Sorry that you wrist r bothering you n u may need to gives those wrist a break for the holiday for it sound like maybe some arthritis or carpel tunnel going on with you. That also means being the sibs not going over to your sis then why not just stay home n have your own little family Christmas get together. That way no extra cleaning involved n that will give your wrist a break too. I do wish you n your family a very blessed Christmas n pain free.
Somebody, you sound like u have a real harsh time too n I wish well crap, I wish everyone here a very Blessed Christmas. If it make u feel a little better, hubby just told me he needed baked cookies for the students for Friday for his class. So, when I get done with the skin dr with the mil I will be baking all day. Crap! I just ask the mil to go tinkle before we head out the door n can u believe what just fell out of her coat jacket pocket? You all only get one guess!!!!!
CHAPSTICK!!!!!!!! Unbelievable!!! This woman don't need anymore of that crap.
Stormy, I had to stay up until 11;30 for my b/'s dropped in the 60's so I need to go a unit down before dinner meal. Ate the same amount of carbs n this has happen more than once so I will decrease the insulin one unit. Maybe tonight I will get some better zzzzzzzzzzzz.
Mame, you may be wearing yourself out like all of us n its hard to just listen to r own body during the holiday.
I gotta run n hope everyone have a good day as much as possible.

Feeling ill today...I think I am overdoing...bad sore throat and dizzy... Mom is acting wierd like last year-wanting to get in bed during the day to nap... she NEVER gets back in bed unless she is sick. She seems to be happy about Christmas coming and seeing my brother who lives out of town... I am just not sure how it will go this year! I guess that is a source of anxiety for me...not knowing... you would think I would get used to it and it wouldn't make me anxious! HA!
Jen, I hope you had some fun making the cookies. It is good to let your mind be creative-get away from the craziness-even for a minute!
Deef-I hope your mom feels better sooooon! Know what you mean about plans!
Thanks for keeping us laughing Cuz!
Hi Judy, Linda, Austin, Emjo, Stormy, Rip, Lildeb, Bobbie, Flex, Cat, Meanwhile and all the rest. Hate it when I miss people but know I am thinking of everyone and praying for all us caregives every night!
No snow here but predictions for some over the weekend! Just enough for a white Christmas will be great! Trying to keep my expectations low!
Have a decent day all! Mame

Deef, Stormy, count me in on the trip to skip holidays.. next year? Jen, you're in whether you want to be or not.

I baked the damn cookies she went to bed pissed got over it...

God Deef that is way too much going on. How is your mom, is it serious or just a nasty hard cold that ads to everyone's discomfort?

Shampoo rugs, past that here on to burn the house down and move...

I added to the mess personally coughed so hard I peed in my shoe. why not. I mean really. why the hell not?

Lots of snow but it may be gone by Friday again.

I'll go do some laundry and go to bed. (9 PM here...)

Have a good weekend all if I don't get back to grouse before what ever...

Deef- I'm in. Let me know when we are leaving..... I hope your hands get to feeling better tomorrow. Love and hugs stormy

Guess everybody is busy or fed up with the holidays!!! Sorry I haven't been posting. Been trying to finish orders for mittens, clean house, and do some shopping. No such luck with any of those chores! Mom has a nasty cold and I can hear her labored breathing as I am typing. She got up with a cough on Monday, but was okay for daycare, When I picked her up in the afternoon, she was very tired and coughing a bit more. Had a tough time getting her to bed Monday night and she got up, after several tries on Tuesday, and had a quiet day. She even took a small nap. I finished my mittens, but had a hard time with my hands. Don't know if it's arthritis or something else, but both of my forearms above the wrist, are swollen and everything hurts from the shoulders down. Guess I won't be knitting the few gifts I wanted to do for X-mas.
Was supposed to get my packages out yesterday, but a friend stopped to pick up her wrist warmers and stayed for an hour. Then my sister came by with a friend from work, and they bought ornaments, jewelry and scarves, and stayed until 2:30! Then I started to wrap and pack my boxes for shipping. I ran out of tape and time to get to the post office before it closed.
My plan for today was to drop Mom at daycare,then go to the PO for boxes and head home to pack the boxes. Well, Mom stayed home so, change of plans again!!! I always say I don't make plans because that is just asking for trouble!! My husband went and got boxes and I packed everything up and had my sil print me labels so the mailman could take my packages when he made his delivery. Well, if I didn't have bad luck, I wouldn't have any!!! The printer would not print the barcodes on the labels, so we missed the mailman and had to take the boxes to the PO while Mom was napping. Sil kept an eye on her with the bedroom camera that is connected to our computers.
Couldn't get her to eat much supper tonight, but have managed to get her to take ibuprofen and mucous relief tablets every 5 or 6 hours. Man, that mucous relief stench comes through in urine and her pull ups stink to high heaven! Made sure she drank lots of fluids and chicken broth. She really wasn't in the mood to eat, but drank the fluids well.
So it looks like a long night ahead and maybe if help shows up tomorrow, I can get out and do a little bit of shopping.
Oh yeh! Some of the sibs decided they don't want to go to dinner at my sister's this year, so looks like it will be us and the cousins again and my youngest sister and BF. She was supposed to take Mom and do dinner, but no one wants to go to her house out in the boonies. So now I have to clean Mom's apartment. Dust vacuum and shampoo rugs and wash floors! Not too happy about that with the way my hands are hurting.
Anyway, just wanted to check in and say I'm still alive and Merry F'ing X-mas!!! One of these years I'm going to go away for the holidays and just sit back and relax! Anyone want to join me?

Ding-ding = dong ...
Shitophrentic popped in!
Linda Wisdom! Why did I receive the alert?
Who cares
We had a great ride with amazing caregivers.

cuz - thats funny lol . thnks . xo

jen-- oh jesus christ !!! ur mom is demented ! now u realy have ur hands full . oh dear jen , my heart is hurting . someday in my dreams i do wish i could come and give u a realy big hugg ! ure such a sweet heart to deal with all this heart aches in ur life . youre one hellva jenny looo !!! love u bunch xoxo , sending good spirit at ur way .. xoxo

Senior Moment

Yesterday my daughter asked why I didn't do something useful with my time.
She suggested that I go to the senior center to hang out with the guys. I did
this and when I got home last night I told her that I had joined a parachute club.
She said "Are you nuts? You're almost 80 years old and you're going to start
jumping out of airplanes "?
I proudly showed her my membership card.
She said, "For heaven's sake, where are your glasses!
This is a membership to
a Prostitute Club, not a Parachute Club!"
I'm in trouble again and don't know what to do! - I signed up for five jumps a
Life as a Senior Citizen is not easy.

Night, lildeb! Glad you made up the gift boxes!

You guys/gals just crack me up sometimes. lol
speaking of the Dollar Store, yes, the store was almost bare however, the mil n I manage to find some goodies n made up three gift boxes for the ladies at St. Luke to send them r appreciation for having a respite ministry place for us caregivers to get a little break n the price is good for 4hrs too. Too bad I cannot get the mil to go more than once a wk. Well, better be thankful for the 4hrs for that one day. Getting late n I need to get my zzzzzzzzzzzzzz Hope everyone has a good night.

Jen.....bake the f-ing cookies. I would. Then, I'd eat em. Been on a binge. Chocolate. More chocolate. Looking like I sat on that air hose again. Just can't even help myself now. Bake the cookies. Send me some :)

From the Land O Crazy making.....

"We need to get started on those Christmas Cookies." Last week

"I don't feel like making a lot of cookies this year." This week.

"I don't want to make a lot of cookies..."

"That box isn't big enough, I want a BIG box to put them in." ( sold out before we got back to dollar store I DID NOT say I told you so...)

"We should start baking early and put them in the freezer..."

"There isn't any room in the freezer so we have to wait..."

"We need to take some out to Grandma you know she'd love a cookie...(deceased 2005, I just bring a Spritz and put on her head stone from me...)

"We should start baking on Thursday..." (Going to cemetery tomorrow, Wednesday)

after diner, I start cutting up maraschino cherries.............

"Your NOT baking cookies are you!?"

I mumble under my breath..."I am not even going to answer that.. not even going to answer that..." and I do not even look at her.

She walks away deals with fart pants, goes and sits in living room and is in there now with her hand over her mouth in a huffy put out mood....

???????? I don't even know what to say. I am going to bake some cookies, if an armed gun man breaks into the house and kills us all, KNOW I am finally at PEACE!!!!!

Mame, Sorry your knee is in pain but you do have a great neighbor n I hope you two enjoy your time out.
Stormy, it is a shame that the kids have to be in school like a lock down prison. What ever happen to the old school where u just went to go to school n if you played hookie, well u hope u didn't caught. Now, you have to worry about being shot. Sorry I am no help here on that issue. As for your dad, I would think that neck brace may be a little rough feeling? What about one of those car pillows for your neck? They suppose to have soft mushy beans n may be more softer but not sure if that neck thing will punch a hole in it. That is just plum aweful to hear about a little child like that being abuse so bad that he/she may not make it. those people don't deserve a child! I agree, what is this world coming too. Congrats on losing some pounds but be careful not to lose too much too fast.
Cuz, I think we all needed some good laughs n luv the poem above the laughs with the child.

This is big news Westchester County is cacelling their huge gun show this comming year -if it keeps one person who should not have a gun from getting one it will be a benefit to us all.

1: I prefer breasts to legs.
2: Tying the legs together keeps the inside moist.
3: Smear the butter all over the breasts.
4: If I don't undo my trousers, I'll burst!
5: I've never seen a better spread!
6: I fancy a little white meat this time.
7: Are you ready for seconds yet?
8: It's a little dry, do you still want to eat it?
9: Just wait your turn, you'll get some!
10: Don't play with your meat!
11: Stuff it up between the legs as far as it will go.
12: Do you think you'll be able to handle all this at once?
13: I didn't expect everyone to come at the same time!
14: You still have a little bit on your chin.........
15: How long will it take after you put it in?
16: You'll know it's ready when it pops up.
17: Just pull the end and wait for the bang.
18: That's the biggest breast I've ever had!
19: I'm so full, I've been gobbling nuts all morning.
20: Wow, I didn't think I could handle all that and still want more !!!!!!!


Twas''s 11 days before Christmas, around 9:38
When 20 beautiful children stormed through heaven's gate.
Their smiles were contagious, their laughter filled the air.
They could hardly believe all the beauty they saw there.
They were filled wit h such joy, they didn't know what to say.
They remembered nothing of what had happened earlier that day.
"where are we?" asked a little girl, as quiet as a mouse.
"this is heaven." declared a small boy. "we're spending Christmas at God's house."
When what to their wondering eyes did appear,
But Jesus, their savior, the children gathered near.
He looked at them and smiled, and they smiled just the same.
Then He opened His arms and He called them by name.
And in that moment was joy, that only heaven can bring
Those children all flew into the arms of their King
And as they lingered in the warmth of His embrace,
One small girl turned and looked at Jesus' face.
And as if He could read all the questions she had
He gently whispered to her, "I'll take care of mom and dad."
Then He looked down on earth, the world far below
He saw all of the hurt, the sorrow, and woe
Then He closed His eyes and He outstretched His hand,
"Let My power and presence re-enter this land!"
"may this country be delivered from the hands of fools"
"I'm taking back my nation. I'm taking back my schools!"
Then He and the children stood up without a sound.
"come now my children, let me show you around."
Excitement filled the space, some skipped and some ran.
All displaying enthusiasm that only a small child can.
And I heard Him proclaim as He walked out of sight,
"in the midst of this darkness, I AM STILL THE LIGHT."

Written by Cameo Smith, Mt. Wolf, PA

((((((stormy))))( glad your thyroid is getting sorted out and you are feeling better. I have been wondering Dhea is powerful stuff - not a vitamin - a hormone. Glad they had a state trooper at the school. It is scary to think of what can happen, Glad also your dad is OK. Nasty situation your hubby has to look after. It is depressing. ((((((hugs))))) Joan

LOL, after searching for the colander for 3 days I finally found it underneath one of the potted plants. Think about it, what's gonna happen when she waters the plant!
- Just be glad you saw her do that and hide your new tooth brush in the future.

Parents! What is a kid to do!

Hey ya'll I hope everyone is dealing with the holidays alright. We are doing ok here. Although, today was difficult having to carry Connor to school. I wanted to just keep him home with me where I knew he would be safe. They did have a state trooper at the school this morning, but he was not there when I picked him up from school. I have no idea how long he stayed at the school. Tomorrow they are going to be having a drill at school to practice what to do in case a intruder comes in the school. They already had a drill like this dec 5th of this year.But because of the recent tragedy in connecticut they wanted to have another one and frankly, I am happy about that. I just think it is a crying shame that us, as parents, have to live in fear of sending our babies off to school. I guess we are going to have to have our schools as prisons; steel doors, bars up to the windows, and guards or police outside of our schools. But, right now I don't care what they do as long as my child is safe. As I dropped off Connor today I thought of the 20 families that done the same thing friday morning and didn't have a second thought about their child's safety. Until the unthinkable happened. Well, I will get off of this subject because I will be here all night (bitching).
Dad is doing alright, he has stopped coughing up the blood. Drs have him on cipro.
Although, sis said that he did fall night before last but did not get hurt to bad, no broken bones. The shakiness he was having has stopped so I don't know what was the cause of that. He has gotten some small ulcers under his neck where the trach plate sits on his neck. He holds his head down and that just puts more pressure on the ulcers, we have tried to get him to hold his head up more but he doesn't. I told sis we need to set a cup up under his neck to take the pressure off and she said he needs one of those neck braces like when someone has been in a wreak.
I had my drs appt today for the results of my tsh levels. She said that it was too low, 0.74 so she has changed my prescription to 100 mg instead of 112 mg. And she has put me on a vitamin (i guess) dhea is the name of it. I told her that I was feeling better, and my blood pressure was good, and I had lost 10 lbs. I was very happy about that, just wish I could lose about 10 more.
For those of you that don't know, my hubby is a cop. He just calls and tells me that its going to be a long night at work. He is at the hospital. He said that they have a 5 month old that is probably not going to make it through the night. Because some dumbass has abused them. I dont know if it was a girl or a boy. What in the hell is this world coming to? It's just so depressing. Love and hugs stormy

All is well here today. Neighbor woman came and cared for mom so hubby and I could go out Christmas shopping and have lunch together. Got a lot accomplished and mom loves her so they had a nice time together. Hopefully all will be well getting mom to daycare tomorrow...I have an appt with Dr for my knee which hasen't been the same since all the dancing at the wedding in October...but it sure was fun! Talk to ya later! Mame

Wow Deefer, not a boring day in around near your town. Well, at least they caught some of them so that will be less on the street. However, its the big men that need to be caught. So, your mom was trying to drive, I bet that gave a scare or two or may three or five. Glad y'all are all okay. As for the new med, I am not going to take it until I hear from him for I think he has my records mixed up with someone else's for he was in a hurry. However, my mil n I had to wait over an hour to see him that day n only stayed in his office not even 5minutes! You may want Santa to bring your mom a Big Wheel n they come in pink now. lol.

Dtflex, I hope the heart dr results come out fine.

No matter what I am doing today those poor children are in my head. I looked at the pictures posted and my heart breaks for their families.
Just finished cutting the BF hair. He is worse than a child to get to sit still so I can getting looking human. I think he wants to be a leftover hippie. I wish I could cut my own hair.
I tried to escape overnight to Charleston and it looked like we were going to be able to then the sitter text me saying she had gotten her dates confused and she had to take her kids to their father. Just a little disappointed to say the least. Time away from mom is the best gift I could give my BF. Tomorrow we go to the cardiologist for a check-up and I hope the doc will say everything is ok.

Nothing new here but wanted to stop by to let you know I'm still here. Have a good night everyone!

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