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A former sil asked to be friends on Facebook-I could not stand being around her when they were married what makes her think I want to be FRIENDS now-unbelievable.

Good Morning Crew,
Hi Barb,
I am so sorry to hear how fast your mom's dementia has progressed. It's a nasty disease.
Your post made all the sense in the world.

You are doing a great job and the information you need is at hand to make these tough decisions.

Keep posting and we are always happy to see you and everyone who needs to vent and say stuff like:
Is it me or does this really suck?

It's not you. It really sucks.

You are the inspiration to us all!

I want to holler out at everyone but shot my wad posting to an article on CNN.

Boat update:
wet and cold weather has stopped us for the last few days but the teak on the foredeck and pilothouse has been stripped and looks amazing. We are hoping that we can do some painting today but not if it's going to be too cold or too humid because it won't cure properly.

We have all the parts to repair the raw water AC units so they will be online for this summer.

Making a parts list to get what we need for 4 diesel engines; 1 main and 1 get home and 2 generators. Belts, air filters, oil filters, etc etc

This is really an amazing little world. The difference between the boat docked and the boat underway is incredible. Still is a lot of boat and needs constant care.
Remind you of anything?

OK, he'll be here in a few minutes and I need some coffee.
You guys have as good a day as you can and find some laughs whereever you can.


I just wanted to say hi and thank everyone for all the information they have posted on this thread. I am still trying to make a lot of adjustments and get an understanding of what is going on with Mom. It is hard for me to realize that in March I was just seeing the early dementia and she was actually bowling on 2 leagues. Now she cannot walk without assistance, can't formulate more than a 1 word reply, can't dress or bath herself, is incontinent and is quite frequently hallucinating and becoming paranoid. I took her to a neurologist this summer and found out she had vascular dementia because of numerous small strokes she has had. Now I am trying to figure out whether I can put her in day care 1 or 2 days a week and get some assistance at home with her bathing and such. Hopefully I will get that sorted out by the end of the year.

My husband and I put the tree up last weekend. Mom thinks it's beautiful but is afraid someone on the television is going to give it away.

I have spent a lot of time the last couple of weeks going back to the beginning of this thread and reading all the comments. I am just amazed at all the caring and loving people that have posted and are still posting here. It is great to be able to learn from somebody that has already been in the same situation.

Sorry I know this probably doesn't make a lot of sense. I need to get off here and go to bed. Mom will be up early in the morning.


Deef and Mame- Dads head and hands seem to have stopped the shaking. We still do not know what was causing it. But he was not doing it today. But sis called me this morning and was telling me that dad had been coughing up blood last night and this morning. And he was coughing up some the day before that. Not that much, but sis said that last night and this morning it was more than she wanted to see. Anyway, she wanted to know if I could carry dad to see his ENT, so we went, he said that it looked like some type of infection and wrote him a prescription. Connor is doing better at school, 2 days straight of behaving. I just hope it continues. Thanks for asking about them two. Ya'll I would write more but i am falling asleep at the computer. Wore out. So I will check in tomorrow. Love and hugs stormy

Dtflex, what is the old saying? "Don't count your chickens before they hatch." I don't see how some of you work n have to come home n work is still their with the relative with the illness n lets not forget that their is the house work. Or, like Book has two parents to take care of n working too. Shew! Prayers to y'all to give you strength.
I got my call back from diabetic dr about the med n the nurse said to leave it as it is. I said, but he said that my cholesterol lab was fine n she replied that, "he like to keep it that way." All he was suppose to do was think about changing my Zocor from a devastating because not too good with the other med that I have to take. so, he takes my 40mg Zocor n puts me on Lipitor 80mg! I don't feel comfortable taking that high of a dose n especially if my labs were fine. I did call n left a message with my kidney dr about it but never heard back for they don't like to interfere with other dr's doings I guess? I think I am just going to break them in half n that will be 40mg. Then, my next appt with him n if my lab r still good me and him will have a talk. I got to run all dogs to the vet n that took 3 trips for its too hard to take them all with just me doing it. The Niece took the mil out for lunch so, I got to take care of the animals, well the dogs at least. They r all caught up on their shots n distemper too. shew! One less thing to do on my list Actually, my last trip I had hubby help me for his dog is just way to big n hyper. Last year we couldn't get him done for he just so hyper n whinny. This year he had to get it done to check for heart worms. They had to give him a five minuets knock out sedation just to get his lab work n clipped his toe-nails too. Three dogs done n one had a ear infection so I have to bring her old butt back in 10days after the ear treatment. Plus, she gained 6 lbs so I have to cut back on her grocery a little. Poor thing for she is not going to like that idea.
At least the Niece kept the mil until I was almost done. They at least got to spend some time together while going out to eat. I think it did the mil some good too. I thin even though i was busy with the dogs pulling me around n getting them done I think it did me some good too. I know one thing that I am tired too. Mil didn't complain about her rear but I just had her use a suppositor anyway. However, I think she decided to go do #2 n their went the meds. She normally goes between 2-3pm. Then she going to tell me she didn't go. Either u did or didn't? Oh well, no big deal so I just let it go. I do need to find out if the poo is shaped round or long to make sure she is not constipated for she don't remember when she goes or she forgets that I asked her I need to see it. That way I know if I need to increase her Miralax n keep the hemorrhoids from coming back. I am afraid to give her another one for some of the med may have had time to dissolve. Oh well, tomorrow will be a whole new day n we will start all over. : )

It is that time of year again where there r some mean-bad people out. I had a former teacher that got knocked down last year around this time of the year n they stole her purse as she was approaching her car during daylight time. She winding up with a broken collar bone n she had to report all her cards stolen.
Everyone out shopping whether for the holiday or just grocery, please be careful.

Jsomebody, did u just say, 20 degrees? OMG! And Yes, they can be so hardheaded n I would had let him got the 2 lbs himself. the choking n eating deal, too bad u couldn't had pulled away the food to get him to drink a few sips of water. However, I think he would had really bit your head off. Gotta luv it! Drive safely as much as possible in the slushy slosh.

JudyM, sorry the kids n half grown kids giving you a little trouble. Hopefully, it just the holiday n they will get back in gear. Maybe the one coming closer to y'all area can help around the house? Try to get some rest n don't worry about the lights unless u want them up. Try to do some shopping online. I would rather see n touch it myself but I have done some online shopping for my grand-kids in NM n for my son n his wife.
Mame n Jen, if u accidentally deleted your Amazon certificate you can sometimes go back to your Trash mail n recover it.

Mame, I think some dr's get so overwhelm that they look over things. I always try to keep up with the miln especially with her weight too for they sometimes don't even take that into consideration. Those insulin pens r great too! you can now get the needle that goes with them in a Nano size if your mom is petite like me. They don't hurt as much n less hitting a blood vessel. Is the place your mom goes to so u can get respite care a hour drive away? I remember when n not sure if it still does but, our insurance would help pay for the insulin but NOT on the needles. WTF? What am I suppose to do suck out the insulin n some how put it in my skin. Glad u were able to get mom out n her room cleaned n out of the way. At least the weather was sunny n now maybe u can wind down n get some rest tonight.
I hope everyone else will be able to do the same.

Austin, that is some awesome goodies in the basket n for a good deed too. Mame could use that service for her mom so she wouldn't have to drive an hour just to get a break. It is a shame that they don't offer enough of transportation systems for seniors n especially for those with an illness.

Hey deef that was nice you sent home the extras, I am sure they appreciated it.

Fp does take one bite at a time then gets it stuck starts choking and she has to Tell him three times to PUT the food down and not put more it....It is insane...

I was asked today to volunteer for another job at our Senior Center and for once I said no I would not do it and the sky did not fall-I could get use to this but did agree to be on the kitchen staff for our Seniors group that meets once a month-like I need another job-but at least did say no to collecting money as a gift for the lady who is President of the group.

Took Mom to the neurologist this afternoon and was a bit late due to an accident on the freeway. She saw the PA today and he referred her back to her neurologist that left the practice to start her own. She specializes in PD and dementia, especially late stage like Mom. So I will be taking her to a different part of the city for her next appointment. There is really not much they can do for her now, accept monitor the progress of the disease and her meds.
I had Faith with me today and we stopped and got take out at Taco Bell on the way home. Mom enjoyed a soft taco and some nachos. I got 12 soft tacos thinking my husband would have some too, but he had already eaten, so I gave the last 6 to Faith to take home to her boys for dinner. She is a single mom raising 2 boys, 4 and 10, and really appreciated not having to make dinner. She is coming over to my house next week while Mom is at daycare. I have all kinds of jewelry making supplies and she has no $$ to get gifts for friends and family, so I told her she could use my supplies to make earrings, etc. for gifts that she would otherwise not be able to give. I have so much stuff, I figured it would help her out and clean out some of my "stuff".
Got the tree into the house yesterday before I picked up Mom from daycare. My husband helped me get the lights on after Mom went to bed. Tonight I am going to put the ornaments on and be done with it! Next I have to clean the house for sure!!!
Judy, sorry your boys are troubling you when you have so much on your plate already. Sounds like one of those "phases" they all go through at some point. And this too shall pass!!! Hope you get to your decorating and shopping soon. I sure know those irritating mom days!!
Lildeb, It's so tiring trying to keep track of our own meds, never mind someone else too!
Diane, Mom was not good on a low dose of Paxil either. 30mgs is her magic #. We out the dose up slowly and when we hit 30mgs, she leveled out and became somewhat human again. I have to say that the best thing that ever happened for me, was getting her used to a wheelchair. That's when my life became a bit easier and no more falls!!
Sorry to read about everyone having nightmares! I have very weird dreams and sometimes wake up laughing, and other times I just say what the "f" was that all about? I think it sometimes has to do with what I eat before bedtime. Nothing recurring or too frightening though.
Jen, your mom needs to give FP one food at a time. If it means 1 fry, then a bite of burger, then that's what she needs to do for her sanity and yours. Or, she can just let him choke! Sorry, just trying to help!!!
Stormy, Is dad's head still having tremors? Hope Connor is behaving for you.
Mame, sorry daycare isn't closer for you. Mom's is less than a mile away here. Sure makes it easy on me.
Austin, mix up the herbs and oil and add some fresh garlic and let it sit for a while. Then get some fresh pizza dough from the grocery store, let it rise and press it onto a pizza pan and brush the herbed oil over it. Then top it with fresh grated Parmesan cheese and bake for 10 to 12 minutes. Best darn herb focaccia bread you will ever eat!
Well, it sounds like we are all behind in our shopping and decorating, so let's just chill out and do what we can when we can and be happy with the results. we all know how hard it is for us to accomplish things. No sense beating ourselves up over it.
Bobbie!!!! How's the boat coming?
Cuz, Cat, Linda,Book, Meanwhile and everyone I forgot, hope you are all doing okay!

That is so nice Austin!
I did get mom to daycare today! I ended up cleaning her rooms and they are all shined up for Christmas! She is really tired tonight. I asked the ladies if she ever sleeps while she is there-and they said "NEVER." They said that she is afraid she will miss something! It was a cold but sunny day here. Funny-I was so tired earlier and now that I got lots done I am not tired anymore! Wierd how that works! Supposed to be cold and clear tonight-good weather to bundle up and go watch the meteor shower!!! Ba-bye! Mame

My basket was pretty and Christmasie and had a bottle of herb oil to put on bread a pake of herbs to mix with oil and a dish and small wisk to mis up the oil and herbs-just the fact I won was nice and the money goes for transportation for the seniors who use the bus which is great because around here in our county there is no good bus service for nondrivers.

Good morning.
Jen, if you deleted your Amazon gift certificate and think you can use it-I got an email from Spencer Rigsby from AC verifying that we received it and a phone # and address if we deleted it. I will attach the address if AC will let me-Spencer Rigsby t: 239.676.6671 e: Worth a try to get it back!

I was having trouble losing my posts a lot so I started right clicking and copying it every so often and then if the post was lost, at least I could get some of it back. Then, I started opening a Word document and writing it there and then copy and paste it when I am all done writing. Nothing worse than losing a post!

Flex, when I read that your mom wondered why you took her to the bathroom-it actually made me feel better cause mom does that to me a lot. I will say, well, you said you had to go-so do you want to try? My mom is very pleasant so she will usually play along. Hearing all the stories on this site, I wonder what I am in for! I am so lucky right now that she is so pleasant. Hey-don’t let your beastly sister get you upset-just picture her burning in the fires of hell when she starts up…

Deef-your villages sound wonderful! And a homemade Christmas is really sweet-I am sure everyone will love your gifts!

Stormy-Hope Connor is doing better this week! He must be getting excited for Santa Claus?! How is Dad? Is the head shaking a constant thing or just sometimes? Hope you can get some answers!

Austin-8 or 9 who cares? Control freeks! What was in the basket? Love to win things!!

Lildeb-good thing you are on top of your medications! I have been wondering since I started going to Dr appts and hospitals with mom-what do ppl do who just trust their doctors and take what they are given? Or in mom’s case-what they are not given… I just about had a fit last time mom left the hospital-as a newly diagnosed diabetic-and there were no prescriptions for needles…umm, and how am I to administer the insulin??? (Now she is on one of those “pens” and it is so much easier). But really-what the hell-don’t they check their own work??? If you can’t advocate for yourself-you really need someone there for you!

Judy-sorry your boys are causing you stress! I hope you can take some time and get some decorations up and forget about life for 5 minutes!

Cat-how are you and the hubby feeling?

I have my house decorated for Christmas but no shopping done yet. Well, one thing purchased at a Craft Sale. Hubby and I are going out shopping Monday. My oldest has given me some ideas, but the younger one-I have no idea. Today while mom is at day care I am going to do a good deep cleaning of her rooms. Most of her little Christmas things are up-so she is happy. I gotta get her moving…I don’t think she wants to go today…I really don’t feel like “making” her… It is soooo much work and I am tired. Plus it is an hour round trip that I could be doing other things than driving! Then another hour at 4 picking her up. Ugh. We’ll see!
Talk to ya later! Mame

Tired. Busy day with Mom. She was extraordinarily irritating today. I still have no xmas decorations up. No shopping done. Tomorrow is a 3 hr drive to get middle boy. He's moving out of the dorm. Wants to transfer to the university closer to home. I'm so upset over this. Youngest kid chaps my ass lately too - grades slipping, attitude rising. I really wanted to go down the list of you all and blab, but I'm just wiped out and going to bed. This time of year, and the kid drama, has me whooped. Gnite!

Mall shooting not "local" Portland a ways away from Spokane but it is a sad misery for many. What IS the matter with men?

lild 55 would be balmy here !!! Man it is going into 20 s tonight and the slush out there now is gonna make the roads nauseatingly dangerous. BUT we don't have to go anywhere today was the errand fiasco i knew it would be, do this don't do it well go here no never ,mind. Man yesturday with oranges I alomst left her in the store..
oranges on shpping list:
"Not those, these are the ones on sale, come over here, stop, here these ghere."

I go over, get a bag say two pounds 2 dolars "How am I supposed to get that exactly?" ( just first two pounds sale I get it)
"Wait I am not sure those are the right ones, Not those...?"

I had it. "You say one more thing and YOU can pick them out yourself."

Boy did she get upset...defensive... pulls the "I'M tired and didn't eat breakfast." line, neither did I. so stop treating me like shit mother! God work out your situation in therapy, not on me!

Beh whatever.
Went with to be extra set of eyes on bad roads for fp to get denture re checked. Stopped for hambregs for the Third time in amotnh barf I got turkey, and came home...he started caughing choking on fries BUT continued to shove the burger in..
"Stop, put the food down, your choking..."


"Put the hamburger down and get a drink..."


yes so by all means keep shoving the burger down while your choking, (Dementia and stubbornness kills)

"I don't care what it is you need to stop putting food IN while you are coaghing and choking on something esle?" This is the LITERLLY two hundreth some time she or Grandma (deceased)0 or Aunt has said this to him, and he NEVER listens.


"That's why you NEED to stop and Take a drink of water to wash it through!"

"If I have to do that than to Hell with it!"

Good stop eating, die our lives will improve we get life insurance, and can fumigate the house when you gone...I am out walking my dog in the wet sloppy drive way listening to him crab and my tired worn out mother and am ready to scream will you just shut the hell up already!!!!!

Beh....going to liquids are we? great more hassle....

Hi all, gonna go watch Remember The Night on TCM

Lildeb it sounds like you had a trying day to say the least. I was busy as heck at work today, then when I got home I had to rush around and run errands while my brother stayed with mom for two hours. So far mom hasn't been too bad this evening but I can tell she is still disoriented and thinks she is somewhere other than home. At least she ate well tonight. I spoke too soon. Now she is complaining about her feet.
Deef, the doc also tells me to tweak meds as I think works best. I just haven't found that perfect combination to calm mom down. We tried increasing her Paxil to 15mg and it just made mom behave even worse. She is on so many medications for her various ailments that everything interatcs to a certain degree. I am fortunate that mom can't run away since she is so disabled with her back and the PD. Lord, if she could I really wouldn't get any sleep at all.
Jen and Cat, how is it in the northwest? I heard about that tragic shooting at an Oregon Mall. Geez, its getting scary to go to the mall.
I really don't have anything new to tell yall so I will sign off for tonight. I hope everyone is having more restful sleep and the nightmares have subsided. Night night

Well, I just type a lot n it all went Poof!!!!
Anyway, I finally had time to pick up my new prescription from my last visit from the dr. My heart dr was concern about me taking Zocor n another med n to talk with my dr about it. So, off I go to get my new Lipitor med n when I got home I notice the pills were huge n the dosage was double the milligrams than what my Zocor! So, I call the pharmacy to double check about the dosage n they said that was what my physician called in n that I must have high cholesterol. I told the pharmacy because I worked at this store for 10yrs before I had to quit that the dr has said my labs were great! So, I called the dr's office n they suppose to get back with me later today. She finally calls around 4:30 n tells me that is what my dr wrote out n that its okay to take the Lipitor instead of the Zocor. I am like WTF! That was NOT the problem, so I try toI explain to her again that the dosage is double the amount than what I was taking n that my cholesterol n labs were great n that I only weight 89 - 90lbs soaking wet that I was too afraid to take that high of a dosage. So, she tells me that she will have to get back with me tomorrow for the dr's is out of the office already. I told her okay. Where in the hell do thire these people from n they r suppose to have degrees? Good Grief!
To make things even better, when I went to pick up the mil, a new volunteer lady came to me n told me that Josie mae wanted me to know that her rear hurts n that she is out of med n that I needed to make sure I get her some more. Well, I let the lady know that she has already see a physician for that problem n she HAS medicine for it to take at night. That she just told me last night it didn't hurt anymore yet I had her anyway use one for once she is done with them then I will have to make another appt for her to get a barium test done. So... isn't it just so fun to talk to a person about my mil rear at the respite church! Give me some strength please...... What a respite break for me....; (

So the doctor's office called me today and my cholesterol is up from last year. Need to go back for fasting blood work in 3 months to see if anything changes. Guess I had better change my eating habits and start exercising after the holidays! Way too much going on right now.
Mom had a good day today, but help left at 6 and I had to get her to bed by myself. She decided to be belligerent and fight me all the way. Ended up twisting my back and knee. Just another day at the funny farm! Daycare tomorrow!!!
It was colder and windy today, but bright sun and I took advantage of the front porch again. Got one more pair of mittens to go, but carpal tunnel is acting up big time from all the knitting. have to wear both my braces at night. I didn't get much sleep again last night, so that doesn't help.
I did manage to finish the X-mas village set up today and got the dining room ready for the tree. that's tomorrow's project while mom is at daycare. I would really like to shampoo her den rug too, before X-mas. Just in case the sibs decide to show up.
Mame, I have my own inhalers tucked all over the house. When I get Mom up in the morning and ready for bed at night, I sit her on the toilet to wash and dress her. First I make sure I have everything I need before I set her down! In the morning I get her pills ready to take with a cup of applesauce. Then I get her clothes laid out in the bathroom along with her shoes and her pullups. Everything is within reach without my leaving her side. She moves too fast and has fallen off the toilet too many times after we turn our backs for a couple seconds.
Diane, I hope splitting the ativan helps. Mom's doctors wrote the scripts and gave me instructions on how to switch up the meds if I didn't see changes in her behavior after a couple weeks. they feel that all the time I spend with her makes me more qualified to assess what she needs and when. Then I report back to them and they make the adjustments needed. I t worked for me and we finally got her the right combination and dosages of meds for her. I also have a sister from Hell and we haven't spoken since she made a nasty comment to me this summer. Hoping she will stay home for X-mas and not show up here.
Lildeb and Judy, it is always about 62 degrees in my house during the colder months. We're used to it and keep it that way because of the cost of fuel.
Stormy, not sure why your dad's head is shaking. Could be PD or a reaction to some drug he is taking. Is he on anything new? Maybe better get him checked out in case it's something going on neurologically. By the way, Mom has PD, but her head does not shake and she rarely has tremors, but her left side is weakened by the disease and is very weak.
Austin, 8? 9? What's the difference? Glad you won the basket!
Way past my bedtime and I need to get some rest tonight!
Hope to be here tomorrow! night everyone!

Diane, I don't know want to say about your sister. Please avoid her like the plague. Let her take her toxic self elsewhere. Love, Cat

Austin, you know u just wanted to be the center of all the attention at the Senior Center. jk : ) I really don't see why it would matter if 8 or 9 sit at the table as long as their was enough room n room to get around the table. Go figure, maybe they just like to have control of something n they have don't have anything else to do? congrats on winning the basket.
JudyM, yeah Austin didn't even feel us in on what was in the basket? I hope it had tons of goodies to enjoy.
Stormy, I would keep a close on him for I have no clue about the shaking deal. I would let his physician know too. As for my shopping for the holiday, I am almost done. I even got some wrapped today n now I just got to keep the cats from chewing on the edge of the packages.
Jsomebody, 55 is frigging cold to me! We got the rain yesterday n now it freaking cold all day we have 48 right now at 6:30pm. I cannot stand cold weather n neither do my bones. I will have to get the mil to double layer in clothing for Respite Care for tomorrow morning. I am going to double layer myself too for I will have to do some errands tomorrow while she is at St. Luke Church.
I did get a nice vacuum cleaner, Bissell for we were overly due for one. Let's just say that thing can picked up some hair n dirt. Got it at Walmart n it was on sale too. ; )

Mame, sorry your mom is still a bit under the weather due to that nasty bronchitis. It sure can linger sometimes. I hope she clears up real soon. You probable should go back to placing those inhalers in each place that u use to do until her bronchitis clears up n she is able to breath more easily.
Dtflex, good to hear that cutting the pill in half is working somewhat for your mom. Even though we know its the illness most of the time, I think it's because they r kin that makes it harder for some of us to get r feelings hurt by a love one's with the disease like your mom. Plus, we r just plain human n can get a little stress as well with all this care-giving responsibility. Okay, a little stress is far from the truth, maybe a lot of stress. ; ) As for your sister n those inappropriate remarks about what she says to you, I would have to let her have a few words or two! She is clueless of what a fine sister she has n a great care-giver as well. She will get her day when Karma kicks her swiftly right in the ass! Sorry, I just couldn't help myself. I hope u r able to get some rest tonight n your mom as well. Try not to let your sister bother you n if u can avoid the drama then avoid her to help keep your sanity.

Stormy, the shaking head could be so many different things, not just Parkinson's. Tell the doctor the next time your dad goes in to see him. Deef, I will ask the nurse on Thursday about a recurrent UTI. I am really thinking mom is having TIA's that is causing this agressive and bizaar behaviour. As for mom and the Ativan hospice has suggested we give mom half a tablet at night and half a tablet in the day. That seemed to have worked some what yesterday since it was when is was wearing off that she got very strange. Needless to say these behaviors are upsetting and frustrating. I get upset with myself since I let her mean remarks get to me and then I get upset with her. Mom's current personality is so unlike her pre-dementia personality. I know I had nightmares last night too but at the moment I can't remember them. I woke up this morning feeling upset by whatever I had dreamt. STRESS!!!!! Well I found out last night my sister the B#%$ is visiting the end of January. I don't plan to see her if I can help it. She is very callous and makes completely inappropriate remarks to me. I will not let her push me over the edge like she did in May. I can still hear her telling me I've been a f$%k up all my life and her treating me like a thief. I just have to let karma bite her in the a$$.
I'll check-in later :)

Crazy experience with mom yesterday getting her out of the shower. I guess she isn't really "over" that bronchitis from last month! She got completely winded and I had to run and get the rescue inhaler....I was so afraid she would pass out...I had her sitting on the commode and was afraid she would fall off. Guess I need to keep a rescue inhaler in the medicine chest in the bathroom like I used to! It has been sooo long since she has gotten that winded that it scared me. I am sure it scared her too-but she forgets it even happend God Bless her... For a long time I had inhalers stashed all over the house for these emergencies-but this last year her breathing has been good... got me really down and feeling helpless-and I mean after all was all over... I am trying to get out of the funk it put me in. She went to daycare today and I gave them an inhaler just in case too. Damn bronchitis always screws her up for soooo long!!! Anyway....I just had to share. It was like it was a free pot of coffee and 24 hours I am still feeling it! UGH. Love to all! Mame

55 that s crazy warm. guys are ahead of the cold front so look out...

Thanks everyone....

With the head shaking it is probably another neuro problem and not Parkinsons-my friend has this but does not bother her very much.

9 instead of've got to wonder about people who can't bend the rules, even for something minor like adding one more person to a table. Sounds irritating as hell. Glad you won a nice basket though, Austin. Was it filled with goodies?
I know nothing about head shaking or Parkinsons, Stormy. Sounds like something to be concerned about if it continues. It couldn't be something minor like too much caffeine, could it?

I did not make up the name Knitwits I think it was our leader who had to pull out when her hubby had two brain surgeries for his Parkinsins -it is a new surgery and he has had good results-they even go out dancing and she can care for him herself theses days. We had our holiday party at the Senior Center yesterday and of course I was in the middle of drama-I got in trouble because I wanted to put 9 at our table instead of 8. The assisant to our director had to tell on me then I got scolded by the little terp manager- I think I am going to put a sign in front of the building saying it is a preschool-the thing is we have had nine at a table other times-I can not believe how childish people who have no real problems can be-God help any elder they have to care for-our country is going to hell and what is so important-having 8 people at a table-Lord give me strength-sorry for venting. I did win a nice basket from the chances we bought.

Yes last year they sent I think a coffee or mug but I did not believe it and never sent them my street address but others did and did receive the gift-we tend to be very careful with emails and are afraid to believe some things that pop up.

Hey everyone, I wanted to thank ya'll for the comments about Connor. His teacher told me that he did better today and that it was alot better than last week. But that he still needed reminding throughout the day to behave. And I made him apologize to the teachers. Anyway, I was happy that he did better. So I told him that we would make some X-mas cookies if he was good today. He was happy about that. I had planned on us doing that this past weekend, but because of his behavior at school I told him that we could not do that. So he got to watch tv, play with his legos, and got to help make and decorate cookies. I hope he does good tomorrow too!!
Judy-sorry you are plagued with the nightmares.... That can't be fun! That was cute about the hooligan.... He is a mess alright. How's the wallpaper coming off or is it?
Cat- thinking of you, I am sorry you and the hubby are not feeling good. I hope it is not the flu. You take care of yourself and go to the dr if you start to feeling worse. I hope you feel better tomorrow.
Jen- I am sure this is a stressful time yet again for you. I will keep you in my prayers.
Mame- How are you doing? You ready for Christmas?
Bobbie- sorry you are having the nightmares too, I hope they leave you and Judy alone.
Deef- Lord, if I lost a tooth, I would be trying to glue a white chicklet gum into my mouth!!!! I would probably look like MR. ED the horse. But I would have a tooth. Hehe..... Hope you are able to get it fixed soon.
Cuz- you got me too on the F***ing jokes they were real cute.
Diane- Lord, I hope your mom lets you get some rest. We give dad just tylenol pm to help him sleep. But i am sure you have tried this already.
lil deb- good to hear from you. Have you finished your shopping yet.
I am sorry if I forgot anyone, but I am hoping that you all have a better day tomorrow.
Also, I wanted to ask ya'll something, I noticed today that dads head was shaking, like someone with parkinson's disease. I mean this has happened before in the past, its been awhile though, what could be the cause you think. He has not been diagnosed with parkinsons disease. Well, I need to get to bed so I can get the little hooligan up in the morning. Love and hugs stormy.

Mom kind of feisty when I was getting her ready for bed. Finally made up my mind to call doctor in the morning for Cipro. Diane, the only time Mom gets aggressive is with a UTI. Could the hospice nurse get a specimen from your mom with a catheter so they can have a clean sample to test? She is definitely sounding like my Mom with a UTI. Hope you can figure something out soon!
Jen, got your package today! I'll save it for X-mas. No snow here, 55 this afternoon and very foggy for most of the day.
Bobbie, Judy, you are lucky you can take ibuprofen. The sodium filler in it and just about every over the counter and prescription drug cause a bad reaction for me. If I take the med for 3 or 4 days, I retain fluid to the point where I put on 5 pounds and have trouble breathing. I can't take any statins for cholesterol or any arthritis anti-inflamatory meds for this same reason. If I buy vitamins, I have to read the label and make sure they don't have sodium in the ingredients list.
Stormy, I think Connor is just being a "boy". He'll get over it and move on. Just have patience.
Judy, I love to paint on just about anything, but I sure hate painting walls, woodwork, wallpapering, etc. I hate when I have to paint around a window or door. If I do refresh my decor, I make sure it's something I will like for a long time. I'm afraid my husband hates doing that stuff too! When we do repaint or wallpaper, it's a lot of four letter words flying around!
Mame, Don't you love the sibs that never help or show up to visit, but want to make all the decisions for mom! I have a couple sibs that would have put Mom
away 5 years ago, rather than have me stay at home with her. The other 3 asked me to quit my job to keep her at home. They were actually thinking of Mom, the other 2 were thinking about getting the house and her $$. She is more work now, but in a way she is much easier because she is tied to the wheelchair and I don't have to constantly chase her around. But now I have to almost carry her to the toilet and bed at night. By the way, The long term care $$ is done as of last week, but paid for help the last 3 1/2 years! The house has been in my name for 3 years, and the rest of her $$ will get used up providing extra help caring for Mom as none of the sibs will offer to spend time with her. They won't be happy when she is gone, because there will be nothing left for them to fight over.
Lildeb, sounds like you are doing okay for the holiday!
Well, I got my sixteen village buildings set up after supper tonight. I still have to get the lights plugged in and the people and trees up, but the worst part is done. We cut our tree down yesterday and will try to get it into the house tomorrow and maybe get the lights on. I always do better when my husband isn't around!
As for shopping, no $$ no shopping! knitting away and breaking into my jam and salsa stash. Going to be a homemade X-mas again here.
Okay, falling asleep here. Time for bed!
By the way, I got an Amazon gift card too!

Cat, I just typed a nice long answer to you about Ativan and the darn post disappeared. I need to head to bed before mom has me up again. I'll answer you tomorrow about the Ativan. Have a good night all and lets hold momzilla sleeps!

Diane: I've heard a number of times that Ativan can wreak havoc with dementia patients. I'm sure you have checked with your doc, but is there something other than Ativan that can be used?

JudyM, you just cracked me up about the territory area of your husband. Paper bag n rubber band is what I always remember what they called those things. : )
I guess it depends on where a person is brought up n taught with different cultural. I hope u r able to get the room done so u can pain it.
I had no idea what a 'skiff' meant myself for y'all going make me break out my Language Master.
Deefer, gald your mom had a good day for that means u got a little good day too. I hope u get another one tomorrow n some rest. OMG! I just read where u swallow your partial tooth? Even with insurance my partial was still expensive so I didn't get mine for my back lower mouth redone. Mine r made out of old metal n look like a freaking crab claws n would hurt my gums. They now make them with different material. However, it's been so long without my back lower teeth that my gums shrunk so their is no 100% that a new partial would fit right. Forget that idea!. I will just continue to use my front teeth to eat. I hope u can get your tooth fix soon so u can go back to smiling. ; )
Btw, any ornaments on the bottom limb of r fake or real tree is up for grabs for my cats n the big head dog tail.; )
Diane, wow, sorry your mom is giving you a very, very hard time. She sounds like a handful n some, you poor thing. Also, u do not sound like her for you sound like a very tired person n needs a break big time. I think I would let the help come in n run like you know what out the door for a few hrs.
Hello, everyone else n hope y'all r doing alright.
Doing fine here n mil is doing okay too. I am still thinking about buying some arm floats for her arms where she bangs her arm some how n then it badly bruise. Got her Monday weekly bath, was able to swap her dirty clothes out for some clean ones before she got done too. I was able to mail off some x-mas cards too. We got a pretty good bit of rain today n we really needed it bad. I got a cat on my side bugging for a mid evening snack so I better get her something or Ms. Queen here will not hush. However, Mr. Blu, he will just plop on my laptop when he wants attention. I have 2 very spoiled children. I hope everyone is able to get some rest.

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