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Judy-sorry that your child is sick, I hope it passes soon. And away from your house. That was a gross one about the chunks coming out of the nose. I have a cousin that got sick one time and he had ate spagetti that night for supper, well lets just say that he had spagetti noodles coming out of his nose. Very gross and not a pretty site.
Mame- congrats on the boat time!!!!
Jen- I agree with you on the plant food. I bet that plant was thinking, "What is this?"
MM- welcome to the gross out thread!! I have heard of alot of things to kill bugs with but a toilet bowl brush takes the cake. I know you could have fell in the floor when you saw that. Hugs to you.
Deef- I know what you mean about the dead mouse thing. I am the one that has to get them when dad has one at his house. He had one last week that sis set the trap and I had to get it to the trash can. Yuck. Sis is petrified of dead things or things that are hurt. Thanks to our brother, he tormented her when she was younger bringing dead animals for her to see. She just can't take it.
Austin- how are you doing?
Bobbie- I bet the boat is going to look terrific when you get those colors on there. It sounds like you have really put alot of work into the boat. Have you got a name for the boat? I know some people name theirs.
Cat- where r u at? How are u doing?
Well, I know I have missed someone, just know that I am thinking about all of ya'll and your daily struggles. Love and hugs stormy.

"Plant Food" ? Oh that one is a winner!!!

Mame I may get up to Skanaltes next spring -four yrs ago 4 of us got together from our nursing class but sadly one has since died-wouldn't be a blast if we could meet each other-I am the old gray lady.

Mally, I was typing while you were posting. If your mom is doing things like this, you need to keep a close eye on her. It's all downhill from here. Not trying to discourage you, just trying to be helpful as I have been caring for my mom for over 5 years and have seen it all and then some. She is at the stage where she can no longer do anything for herself, such as wash, feed and dress herself. She is incontinent both ways and is in a wheelchair mainly due to Parkinsons. I would suggest you no longer let your mom cook for herself, manage her own meds, or leave her alone for very long. Trust me! They can cover up how bad they are very well, and only when you start finding these types of things do you realize they are no longer capable of caring for themselves.
I was shocked to realize how confused my mom was for sure. Now I try to help others to realize that you have to be very diligent in finding out how far the dementia has progressed and take measures to keep you loved one and others safe.
Bobbie is a wealth of information on this subject as well as many others on this site. feel free to ask questions of any of us and vent all you want when you are having trouble coping. You are among a huge family of knowledgeable and caring people here. So feel free to share your issues and ask for help anytime. Someone will always chime in!
Bobbie!!! The teak and the colors you chose sound beautiful!!!
Got to feed Mom some soup!

Yay!!!! Mame!!!!! Boat time! I'm chief cook and you can be bottle washer or my sous chef!
Is it cols and windy where you are? I was catching some 50 degree sun this morning after 10, but now it's 40 and windy as all get out. Glad I cleaned up the rest of the plant pots and leaves and put the rakes away before lunch time. Brought all the pots that have calla lily bulbs in them to the cellar for the winter. They were beautiful this summer, so I hope they make it through the winter for next spring.
You've been pretty busy and you must be ecstatic that your mom is back to daycare. Mine was leaning to the left today when I picked her up. Been thinking UTI for a couple weeks, but she goes from fine back to loopy so often now, that it's hard to tell. Calling her doctor in the morning for antibiotics just in case. She just had some in October, but I guess it's back.
As for dead mouse smell, when I worked at Old Sturbridge Village, There is a huge attic over the main gift shop and we stored a lot of stock up there. Once there was a nasty smell and the office is right outside the attic, so everyone was complaining. I knew it was a dead animal right away, so went searching and found a dead mouse. Half of it was liquified because of the summer heat and the attic temperature hitting over 100 on really hot days. I couldn't get the men to go look at it, much less clean it up. as always, they told me to call maintenance. Like they had time to clean up a tiny mouse! So I got 3 pieces of cardboard and scooped it up and marched it right past everyone and gave them a good look and a better sniff!!! I tell you what!!! I could smell that smell in my car, my stock room, my house, for 3 weeks!!! I thought i would never get that smell out of my head!! I did some pretty funky stuff in the 10 years I worked there, but that was one of the most memorable!
Austin, I hear you about being happy that the crocheting you "had" to do is done. I love to knit, but have orders for a set of wrist warmers and 3 pairs of children's mittens and I just can't get motivated! Started the wrist warmers last night and am up to the thumb gusset on the first one. Should have it done tonight an dbe able to start the matching one. I;m doing the :Dragon Scale" pattern and it looks really cool! Hope the teenager likes them.
Jen, store bought Chinese food? Okay in a pinch, but doesn't hold a candle to authentic and fresh!
Paid my last water bill for the year and my checkbook is $300 lighter! And the gas company filled our tank this morning!!! Merry X-mas to me!
Just gave Mom her pills and am going to feed her some of that homemade soup for an early dinner. That should be messy! Maybe I'll crush crackers into it.

Mame! Boat Time!! Boat Drinks with little umbrellas!!
That was a great post and I love how you called out to everyone. Sweet!

welcome mmally.
Yup, it's Dementia alright.
You can't make sense out of it and it will only make you nuts trying.

One time my mom was in the bathroom and I heard the top of the toilet come off and go back on.... you know the unmistakable sound that makes.

I walked in and she had dipped her comb in the water of the toilet tank to comb her hair.
Just one of those demented things that they do and you can't expect her to understand why she's doing it and you can't expect yourself to be able to anticipate what's next. You just do your best and try not to get upset at what you can't change. Take it easy on yourselves.

Stick around and you will hear all kinds of craziness about all kinds of moms and dads.
Insane Disease.

The only puking I remember with mom is the puking I did.
(I was discrete about it but still puked. Didn't want mom to feel bad.)
It's called: 'Be right back!' puking.

You actually get over a lot of squeamishness but some stuff will still set you off.
For me it was finding hidden tissues full of??? omg.

Judy, I am screaming here from your post. Funny funny.

Boat update:
The teak handrails and caprails on the foredeck and Portuguese bridge are getting done as well as the teak frames around the windows.
The color I chose is cream with a dark jade trim and with the finished teak brightwork, the look is classic.

Mame! you have to come on over and let me know what you think!

DEEF!! I dunno, just like saying Deef!!

OK, love all you guys way more than you'll ever know,

Mame.... 25500...Boat time? My oldest has broken blood vessels around his eyes, too, although not actually in the whites, just around on his upper cheeks and under his brows. He's my puker. I've never, in my life, heard someone make so much noise while puking.
Deef... soup... oh, no... Dang it, Stormy! We'll speak of it no more, for the sake of Deef's dinner! LOL!
mmally - the toilet brush for bugs is pretty vile. I thought the plant food was cute though. My dad has a thing about killing flies. He keeps a fly swatter in the kitchen, and when I see it on the table or counter, I could hurl.
Hey... some days are just all poop stories. This one is starting to be a puke day maybe. Nice. The YOU thread started the day with a few fart comments.

This is so gross yet alone disgusting! A week ago we caught my mother with the nasty toilet bowl brush in the living room! Her explanation is she had to kill a bug and that was the best thing to use. What happened to calling one of us to get the spray or my hubby would have killed it. Another time we found her leftovers in the plant and when we questioned her about it....she said it was food for the plants because she never sees us caring for it. WHY??????

Ahhhhh-25500? Me??

One time my son puked so bad he broke blood vessels in his eyes! He looked demonic! Yea, not a fan of puke here either...gotten used to poop...but any other bodily secretions and I gag!!! Yuck!
Mom is tired today from Daycare but happy. I am transforming the house into Christmas. Snowing lightly here!

I hate puke!!! Judy, I hope you don't get sick too!
Stormy, sounds like a hectic day for you. I just got done making a pot of soup. Going to put your story about dad out of my head now!
Austin and Mame, we are pretty close! I'm in central Mass.
Got to go pay the water bill on my way to get Mom at daycare.
Back in a bit!!!

ew nose puke!

I've got gross here too. My youngest is puked so violently that he puked through his nose. Ugh. I hate that. Poor kid. Had him blowing his nose to get chunks of puke out. Obviously have him home from school today.
Middle boy is at the clinic at university with a fever, chills, headache, neck ache. Not meningitis. Waiting for the next update from him. Sheesh. Its a 3 hr drive to him. I'm tempted.
My daugher just called. I asked her what her deal was. She said "lethargy"... omg.
Waiting for oldest boy to call in with his complaint.
Judy the Complaint Department. Open for Businesss.

Sorry for grossing ya'll out, but this is the grossed out thread.....

Hey gang- I got the dates mixed up on dads appt. It is today at 2. Sis is carrying him. I've got to pick up connor at school at 2. Dad is doing better, he is in the shower now. I just got through cleaning his neck and giving him meds through the feeding tube, picked out him some clothes to go to the dr. waiting for him to get out so i can help him get dressed. He ate some vegetable soup yesterday and on the last bite he starts coughing and soup and vegetable particles start flying out of his trach. Then he starts coughing up some blood, but the blood stopped. It was gross!!! I will not be wanting soup for awhile.....
Mame- thanks for asking about dad. And the parade was good, Connor and I had a good time. He got just as much candy there as he did at halloween. I have got candy all over that house. And Connor hasn't even hardly touched it. Trying to figure out what to do with it all. He is out of the shower, got to go get him dressed. Hugs ya'll stormy

Hi Austin! I grew up in Syracuse and now live in Marcellus-very close to Skaneateles! Love this area!

I have probably asked you before where you live in central NY. I am in the lower Hudson Valley. I went to nursing school in Morrisville and did our clinical in Cortland and got to visit Green and Henriatta and Lima and Skanaltes and other places I really loved livng up there also live in Syracuse for a year.

Hi everyone! Lots of new people joining in! Welcome!
Been very busy since I last posted! Always a busy time of year because both boys birthdays were this past week! A little sad and meloncholy and in disbelief that they are now 25 and 20! Was nice spending time with them. Mom enjoyed it too. I told her that she couldn't have cake unless she came out to eat with us! (Sometimes she feels overwhelmed when she thinks it is a "party" even when it is just us.) Well, she came out and had a great time! At one point, she blurted out-"well, I have news" and everyone played along-very interested... She told a wonderful story we have heard many times and everyone acted like it was the first and it made her very happy to interact and have something to contribute. She is adorable.

Her brother did come on Friday and they had a nice visit. She acts like she understands and knows who you are talking about...but I know better. She can fool some people! I keep reminding her that he came and that they looked at pictures and had a nice visit...she is happy but I don't think she really remembers. I did take some pictures for her to enjoy too. His memory isn't what it used to be and I wonder how much he faked too! I noticed my cousin and I filling in the blanks when we needed to!

We had a dead mouse somewhere in the house that was stinking up the place. It took me two days but I found it! Good God it was awful!!!! Wish we could have a cat but the hubby is alergic and I promised him when our others died, I would not replace them... Damn mice.

Mom went back to daycare yesterday!!!!!!! She hadn't gone the whold month of November with her bronchitis. Soooo nice to get out of the house! I had a talk with her, not that she will remember, but she didn't want to go yesterday and I told her I really needed her to and that I thought it would be good for her to have some social interaction... She kept saying, "I like it here." She agreed to go. She said thay all were so happy to see her and that they were worried about her! That made her happy. I went to the mall and looked for Christmas ideas. Had no $ to buy so it I had fun looking. It was a gorgeous day here in central NY. 70degrees-broke a record! Cold and rainy today-possible snow later! HaHa-only in CNY!!!

It took me all day yesterday and this morning to get caught up on your posts!
Flex-so glad Hospice will be in to help! And I hope you can get away to that Bowl game! It is fun to just get away and be there in the excitement of the crowd!
Deef-thanks for the shout out and it is interesting we both have been doing this all our thanks for the offer of your hubby...I would love to give you the break from him...but.... Oh-when mom has her "episodes" she never remembers anything either! When we tell her that we thought she was dying she says-"Fooled Ya"!!! How high was your blood pressure that day at the doctor! Bet it was high after that episode!
Cat-12 Elks! Wow! I took a picture the other day of a deer eating under my birdfeeder and another one coming up the backyard to join. I will try and put it up as my new profile pic! We threw/smashed our pumpkin out in the yard for them after Halloween and it is completely gone! Love when they visit.
Bamiracle-my mom does the same thing! Gets up early-and I try sooo hard to get her to go back to sleep...but no, and then she falls asleep on the couch all day... I HATE it when she gets up early! Throws off the whole day!
Lucy-the kitty treats your mom gives are adorable! Sweet she thinks of them!

You artistic/creative ppl-Judy, Deef, Austin and those handy pple Judy-who can strip wallpaper and Meanwhile-change out toilets and Bobbie with all the boat repairs-I really have to hand it to you!!!! I admire all of you that can do all that!!! Gives me hope that someday I will find my "thing" cause I really don't have one!! (Let's get someone to put a padlock or deadbolt or something on Jens bathroom door!!)
Cuz-loved the jokes! Then the fight started... haha My hubby enjoyed them too!
Linda-too windy here for any more bonfires for a while...wish I could enjoy yours with you! Nothin better than sitting around staring at a fire...
Stormy-how was the parade?? I love parades! How did the Dr appts go? And how is dad doing??
Lildeb-I only know what day it is when I change the calendar I change daily in Mom's room so she knows what day it is! One day this summer, my nephew came over and looked at it and I had written 2011! He said, "no wonder Nana is confused!" Haha
Austin-I definitly would go out of my mind if my computer was down! Glad yours is back in order!
Hello to Rip, Book, Cricket, Newbies and anyone I missed! Gotta get mom up! Then start decorating the house! Birthdays are over-Christmas can begin!
Hugs! Mame

Judy she may very well remember knitting or crocheting-I do not remember whichshe use to do-give her the yarn and hook or neddles and see what happens. Good news our last group of shawls are done -I got so tired of doing then-we started back in May we did about 300-now back to granny square laprobes.

Diane, is it possible a tiny dose of Valium would help your mom. Deef would know more about this. Maybe Hospice could give you some guidance as what would reduce her anxiety. Hugs. Cat

I am so frustrated with mom. I cannot convince her that she is NOT in a life-threatening situation. Every little sensation and she swears she is dying. She seems to thrive on creating drama!!!!! Just had to vent. Thanks

Jsomebody, You poor thing n please try to breath n vent all u must.
Dtflex, I have my finger crossed for you.
I hope everyone has a good night rest for I am going to try n get mine as soon as I can wind down n get my stupid b/s back up. I see his butt Friday to see about dropping a unit or too at supper time.

Beating a dead horse here ....she got frozen Chinese at Walmart...The cost is comparable so why the Hell not just go get it!
What ever. I give up.

Glad you got the OK Deef.

Jsomebody, hope your Christmas shopping is a blast even though it is a mini one. I love Chinese food but for some reason I seem hungry after 2hrs from eating it. Did you tell pervert pants to take one good look n see his way out? lol I couldn't help myself. I now have to lock my bathroom door from the mnl just open it up. At least mine is a female. hee, hee. You crack me up, thanks.
Lucy, that poor kitty tat if she or he even tries to eat that stuff. At least she is thinking of the kitty n trying to take care of it.
JudyM, come on over n we can go out to Chinese food tomorrow during my 4hr respite break. ; )
Margarete, join the crazy farm for my mnl can have a evil tongue toward me n said something really bad to her son the other day. I had to help him from feeling so hurt n reminded him its not all her. Sometimes I wander though for she has since I've known her to be a selfish ole person.
Cat, I didn't know they can come to the house to help, thanks. learn something new everyday.
Diane, I hope hospice is helping a lending hand so u can get a little R & R for yourself.
JudyM, I hope u get one of those paying jobs.
Deefer, I am going to go with that, 'shell shocker,' for my memory for it sounds a lot better. ; ) Glad your hip is feeling a bit better. sometimes its hard to work out those kinks in our joints but we keep on pushing. OMG, I just saw that u said, 50's n nice. That is freaking cold to me! I guess u r use to it since u live in England. We sure r having strange weather or I call it flu-bug weather. We hit the mid 70's today n loved every bit of it while raking some leaves to let off some steam off from the mnl.
We had to break down n buy a new vacuum cleaner. Got another Bissell but this is the Bissell pet one n it can pick up some dirt n some. Woo Hoo. I think I can breath better already.

Deef, I need to come visit you and get some painting lessons! I understand about your mom's unresponsive episode today. My mom has done that twice lately. Once she fell asleep mid chew as I was feeding her and no matter what I did she wouldn't wake up. When I did get her to wake up she asked why I was doing that.
With all the excitement yesterday with new equipment and lots of new people mom was a basket case last night. After she called me up about four times and I new she was safe, I unplugged the bell. I managed to fall asleep but my BF said mom kept banging on the bed trying to get attention. I was tired and didn't feel well so I zonked out.
Well the new range arrived today. BF has been cooking and enjoying it. Now that I have an oven I might try do some baking for the holidays. I may make some fruitcakes and some applesauce bread which is almost like a fruitcake.
Cross your fingers for me that I end up escorting the group to the Outback Bowl in Tampa. This would give me a few days away from mom and get paid to do it! I don't know squat about football, but getting away for a few days would be great.
I hate this getting dark so early. It makes me sleepier than ever. I still need to decorate my Christmas tree! Maybe James and I can do it tonight. I decided since the youngest cat picks the tree clean during the night that I will just put on the lights, garland and some florial picks to make it look pretty. That way I don't have to worry about the cat batting xmas balls around and then I step on them. Heck, I'm still finding xmas balls from last year.

Anyway dinner is about ready. Everyone have a good night and get some rest.

Love ya,

Well Mom got up an hour after her episode and acted like nothing even happened!!! Took her meds, ate her breakfast and sat in her wheelchair watching TV and polishing her tray!
Told both the doctor and the nurse what happened and they said the have seen that happen before. I did the right thing by waiting and trying to bring her around. They said you just never know with dementia!
I had my flu shot, got blood work done, and an appointment for a mammogram. Looks like I'm all set for another 6 months!
Austin is right about knitting and crocheting! You have to be taught by the right person and you have to practice! Both my grandmothers knitted and crocheted. Mom's mom did cotton thread doilies fro everyone's furniture. I still have all of mine. She also knitted beautiful afghans and baby sets and blankets. We all have one that she made each of us for our first born. My dad's mom was a prolific knitter. She could talk, and watch TV and knit like a bat out of hell without looking down at her work! made me crazy! Meme taught me how to knit and crochet and sew when I was 5 years old. I took to it right away and did lots of it as a kid for 4-H fairs etc. Have lots of blue ribbons from county fairs for both sewing and knitting. I do crochet, but it's not my favorite. Hurts my arthritic hands more than knitting.
I didn't knit for years after I started painting, but picked it up again while caring for Mom. I learned to read charts while knitting a shawl and now I find that the charts make really intricate patterns so much easier to do. I always have 3 or 4 things going at the same time. I also started knitting purses and felting them a couple years ago. slippers are so much warmer when felted and so are mittens.
I taught painting for 12 years and never lost a student. Some were not as talented as others and some weren't talented at all! But I always made sure they left with a finished project that they were happy with.
Judy, watercolor was difficult for me because I like intricate detail and although that can be done with watercolors, it is an entirely different method than oils or acrylics.
I will admit that learning to knit and crochet as a child does give one an advantage, but it can be learned by adults and with practice it gets much easier.
I have some pictures of both my knitting and painting that I need to load on my laptop. I will do this and then put them on Facebook so that you can check them out.
Time for dinner. Mom is hanging in there and eating right now. Guess this morning is totally lost on her, but burned into my brain!!!

Austin, I just did a google image search for "wheat weaving"... Some of its incredible, more like wheat sculptures. My mother may still remember how to crochet. Maybe I'll get a few things and sit down with her and see if she can show me. She'll probably appreciate the time.These past few weeks, she's seemed lonely and not nearly as bitchy as she usually is. Its different. Its odd. I like it though! I don't know who she is right now but I like this woman better! I'll let you know when I do it and how it goes, otherwise, I'll get a kid kit. Good idea, thanks!

OK Austin. I'm taking the elk out of the bottle. :)

Send me birds but no elk please-we have coyoties and some dumb people still let their cats outside it drives me crazy.

Ok you two you did not learn because the person teaching you is unept-I think that is a real word- if they teach you correctly you will learn-get a kit for kids in the craft store one on knitting and one on crocheting-you do not need to be an expert on day one-I have been crocheting since forever and just learned new stitches-my craft group is great those women are so good but are willing to teach others-you will learn if you do not it is because that person does not know how to teach-I will get off my soapbox now

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