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I'm hopeless with yarn.Tried as a kid. I'd give it another attempt now though - its been years. It looks so gratifying to be able to create something beautiful and useful.
Wish you could bottle that peace up too, Cat. I've had coyotes howling here most of the morning, which is a little odd. They usually stop when its light out, but I hear them here and there this morning. It almost feels like a bad omen. A little creepy and foreboding.
Lisa.. good to see you here...and on the other threads too. xxoo

Hey Austin, my daughter Beth tried to teach me to crochet. I'm hopeless. She refuses to even try anymore. But wow, she makes beautiful afghans. And they are so thick and warm. She's made one each for gma and papa this Christmas. They will be so pleased.

Deef: Sorry your morning got off to such a scary start. I feel for you and your mom. Such a terrible disease. Bless you for taking such good care of her.

We've had rain, but it wasn't the super storm that the media had been talking up. At least not here. We had some really strong winds last night. They just howled so the dogs piled onto the bed with us.

Today all is peaceful. Looked out the kitchen window and saw 12 big bull elk grazing in the pasture, ducks on the pond, and so many birds at the feeders. Very soothing. Wish I could bottle it up and send some to each of you.

Judy I do crochet my Mom thought I was too stupid and did say it for her to teach my anything. I belong to two craft groups but the Knitwits disbanded except for me but I do go to the center just in case someone wants to join me. Wheat weaving started with people make things out of the last wheat crop of the year these items were suppose to bring gook luck to the family. My sister uses blackbeard which she get from either North or South Dekota -she and her hubby visited them when they flew to the west coast in their puddle jumper. She makes a variety of things and has classes at the Kutztown German Festival in the summer-she is very talented but doing shows is very hard. I did one craft show at our Senior Center and said never again.

Oh, man, Deef! What a rough way to start the day. Poor you. Poor Mom. I bet you're still running on adrenaline. Hope your day gets easier!

Deef- I know that scared the S#%& out of you. I am glad however that your mom is doing better and resting now. Take care and good luck with the appt. Today must be drs appt day. My dad has one today and so does connor. Drs got to get there christmas money before HO HO gets here, I guess. Love and Hugs Stormy

Scary wake up with Mom. Got up to check on her and she was holding her mouth closed tight as usual. I rolled her onto her side as I do every morning and left her room to get myself dressed. Checked on her at 8:30 when her pillbox alarm rang an she was sleeping peacefully. Got the coffee going and checked the thread real quick, then looked in on Mom again.
She was breathing through her nose and making mucous like noises. Her chest was heaving and I couldn't get her to open her mouth. I sat her up and tried to get her to respond, but nothing was working. My help was do any minute, so I grabbed a cold wet facecloth and started to mop up her face and neck to get her to respond. The CNA arrived and we got her to open her mouth by putting my fingers in. It took her a few moments to calm down, and she was wiped out totally by the episode. She has a DNR, so I decided to wait on calling an ambulance. Once you do, they have to treat the patient. Luckily she snapped out of it and we were able to lie her back down on her side so she could rest. There was no way she could have gotten up at that point. She is sleeping peacefully and will probably wake up like nothing ever happened. Scared the crap out of me though!!! Oh the joys!!!!
I have my 6 month doctor visit this afternoon. Not looking forward to that! I'll check in later. Need to destress.

Deef, I've always wanted to take a watercolor class. Its so intimidating though. Watercolors look so difficult. I'm a clay person, and I should get back to it. I just saw a welding art class advertised the other day though. I'd love to see what that's all about.
Austin, what is wheat weaving? Got to google that. I can't imagine being talented enough to show my things. Are you artistic too? So many people on this site do creative things. I'm always trying to get a better look at a cake, that looks more like a work of art, that Jeanne has as her avatar.
On to the morning. Mother awaits. She was having a pity party yesterday. I hope that's blown over. Stripping the last of the wallpaper today and washing the walls down. Have to deal with Mom first. Trying to keep a smile on my face!
Hope everyone has a good Tuesday!

Yes my sister works hard all year on her wheat weaving and the winter months when there are no shows she is at the indooe Farmers Market in Allentown-she usually does well at the shows because she has a large price range-Her husband helps with the cooking and cleaning since he is retired and helps set up and tear down at the shows.

Austin, Your sister must work really hard all year to get enough stock for 6 weeks! Hope she does really well. I took a class on Ukrainian eggs and had lots of fun learning the method. Very tedious, but my daughter and I had so much fun doing it. We also took watercolor classes together for a while. She was just a young teenager when we did that, and we had fun doing that together too.
Diane, Yay for hospice!!! Any amount of help in the form of supplies, drugs, and an extra body are definitely worth it!
Lildeb, I never know what day it is when I get up. I set the alarm on my phone on daycare days, so I won't forget to get Mom up and out the door! Glad you had some time for yourself, even if you don't remember! Must be the "shellshock" of actually getting away!!
Stormy, Hope your dad is okay.
Lucy, don't you just love the crazy things you find!
Meanwhile thanks for asking about my hip. The more I moved, the better it got. Once I get going, I'm usually good.
Hello Sweetm. welcome aboard!
Jen, Can you feed Monty his favorite treat to shut him up? Bet the house smells better after airing it out!
It was nice here today too! In the high 50's and sunny. Sat on the front porch with my coffee and latest knitting project this morning, and again this afternoon for a bit.
Judy, it was nice today, even though not as warm as you! I'm not a big fan of heat, so I'll take my New England weather any day.
Guess Bobbie is working away on that boat!
Linda!!! How's your weather?
Cat, got enough rain yet?
Mame, you hanging in there? Drop us a line when you have time.
OKay, 4 cats looking for food and I need to get to bed!
Night everyone!!!

Ya, ya, ya, Cat! I know, thanks though :) It'd just be nice for Diane to get some help, and some rest. She's got a busy week in work and lots on her plate at home. Makes my life look like a cake walk. A salad walk would be much better for me though!

Don't mean to speak for Daine, but her mom is not leaving her home. Hospice will be coming into the home to help. Diane, I am so happy for you. Love you, Cat

Lildeb, I'm glad you got a sand souvenir too. I just may have to move mine off the windowsill though till it doesn't stab me to look at it.
Deef - enjoy that weather! We had high 70's, low 80's again. It just seems so weird to see xmas lights and reindeer in people's yards when its this warm.
Stormy, how's dad with the blood in his trache? Hoped you update.
Jen..what were you thinking with the door cracked? I think I'd go berzerk. Now, you definitely need that chinese food. I've been addicted to the hottest Thai curries I can get lately. And Sriracha - I've been putting that on just about everything I eat. Chinese does sound good though...
Diane - great news on hospice. Hope you get some rest this week.
Austin - its good to see you back. I go crazy when my computer is down.
Margarete - my mother is pretty dang negative too. I've distanced myself from her emotionally though, so the things she says, although they're barbed, don't hurt as much. Easy to say, right? Sometimes I wonder about all of that. She needs ME, but she verbally kicks me in the teeth or annoys the crap out of me. Sheesh. Makes no sense.
Meanwhile, headphones for Jen is an awesome idea! And a dart gun :)
Lucy - I love lilacs... and cats. The bowl of potato chips for kitty made me laugh.
I know I'm missing someone.
Mom gave me guilt today about her "awful" life. Apparently, I don't do enough for her. So, on that note, I applied for 3 full time jobs this afternoon. Keep your fingers crossed.

Yes there things that once seen cannot be unseen...especially bathroom things. The toothbrush scenario is pretty funny, since it didn't happen to me! On the humorous side, mom is intent on giving her kitty something extra...we tried small cans of wet food and that was disastrous, kitty treats don't work either. She has an automatic dry food feeder but mom still feels bad if she doesn't get a "treat". thre have been numerous times I've found a small dish on the floor with cereal, potato chips and strawberry jelly in it for the cat. I appreciate the line of thinking that got her there, just the result is a bit skewed! I just toss it out and wait for it to happen again.

Margarete welcome aboard-the greatest people in the world are here-you will get lots of support and as Jam I think we leave the light on for you.

Diane that is good your mom got a place in Hospice maybe it will take a lot of stress of you and give you a chance to focus on you for bit!

Chinese food pahahahaaaa. I cleaned out the fridge and washed everything down cause she "smelled something" so it's clean any how. Smelled something...really!

Linda love the smell of an open fire...

Yes, I did it again I took an shower and left door cracked stupid fing me and then there be old pervert pants looking up at the humid mirror ....Oh just kill him already please!

They have left FOR HOURS and I am airing the house end to end doors windows everything wide open, it's about fifty and very windy my kind of weather.

another week another what ever...
do my minimal Christmas shopping tomorrow put tree up today...

Pug will start hpowling for mom in a few and non stop NO MATTER WHAT I DO

JudyM, you reminded me when we went many moons ago to PC. Beach Florida. We took a couple of water bottles n dranked the water n let them dry out. Then we collected small shells n gather some white beach sand n filled about 3/4 so that you can shake it gentle side ways n laid it down on r mantle when we got back home. Made a great souvenir for us.
Deef, their is no such thing as too much sleep! However, sleeping in certain position is another thing. I use a pillow for my lower back area with my osteopenia. Glad u were able to walk your off.
Diane, that is great news your getting some help n support n supplies too. You mention u r still the primary caregiver, so does that mean your mom will be returning back home or you have to go back/forth to the hospice? I hope the help works out for the best.
Meanwhile, if u forgot some people that is fine for I forgot if I had a good time on my few hrs break. lol Gotta luv it.
Book, how r you doing?
Margarete, Sometimes you just have to go outside n scream if off! Have you tried any soothing music that would help you relax from the critical things your mom mentions so that u don't hear them as much. I am still that way with my mnl n I have been care-giving for its only been little over a year now. The moments n days are not always bad n I guess those r the ones we need to cherish n try to remember n I keep telling myself this that, "it is the disease n not them most of the time. "
ladee, I hope u r having a great day.
Those who I didn't mention n not because I don't care for I cannot even remember my 4hr respite break was that, I hope y'all have a great day too. ; )

I don't even remember what day I had off so it must of been okay n what makes it worse is I don't remember if I have already answer this question n that is getting pretty bad. I'll just have to go with the flow.
Austin, it sounded you needed the rest for you had a lot going on in your life. I hope you r feeling at peace n rested up.

Hey ya'll I talked to sis this morning she said that last night dad started coughing up blood from his trach. Every once in a while this happens. We do not know why and neither do the drs. Sis says that it is because he will not wear his humification mask for his trach. Who knows??? So i guess i am going to go over there and see what is happening with him. I will try to check back in later, maybe while i am over there.
Judy- Connor is the cutest thing when i mention "Madison's" name (his girlfriend). He is all smiles. Me and the hubby pick on him about it too. Young Love......
Love and hugs to all of you stormy

so helpful to hear others going through the same thing! very helpful to laugh because it is much better then going crazy! What choice do we have? but to laugh. I am new to this. EVERYthing is a shock right now. Mother 94 and even though I know she is elderly when she does or says critical things of me (and yes I am "the ONE" trying to help, it still hurts and bothers me! I wish I could shut it off. Reading the Bible and doing bible study's like battle field of the mind, is helpful for relaxing. Gets my mind to stop obsessing, and fills me with strength from God and Jesus. I am so glad I have God and Jesus's love, I would not be able to make it without them, especially in parents getting so elderly. God Bless EVERY one of you and I am so sorry you are having to go through what you are going through too! peace out. sweet margarete

Diane, I hope the hospice for your Mom helps out. It sounds like a good resource. Wish hospice had been available for my husband. That's what I get for living in the middle of nowhere. Austin, take care of yourself, it is good to hear from you. Deb, how was your day out? Hope you had a good time. Cuz, your sister has been through so much. Bless her, I didn't have to recover physically after my husband died, and it was still tough. Deef, hope your hip is feeling better. Book, are you over the flu? Jen I hope you get some headphones for Christmas. I know I've forgotten people, please forgive me. Everyone try and take care of yourself. (I know it's hard). Love Shirley

I almost forgot to tell y'all the most important news. Mom has been admitted to hospice. They came and did the evaluation yesterday and told me what they would supply and what they wouldn't. I'm still the primary caregiver, but I will have resources and support from hospice. They have a nurse on call 24 hours a day I can contact when I'm not sure what to do with mom. They will supply 2-packs of pull-ups a month, 2 packs of disposable underpads, any meds for her Parkinsons and dementia related symptoms. We will have a social worker assigned to us as well. I will keep you all posted as to how things with hospice turn out.

I'm turning in since I have another busy week ahead of me. I have to train a guy at work to take over my full-time job. Not fun but I've done it before. Have a restful night everyone and a great week.

Love ya,

Thank you Flex I sure missed you guys also-so glad to be back with all of you. I did not like the new normal of not having my computer.

Good to hear from you Austin. I was getting worried since we hadn't heard from you in awhile. We missed you!

Deefer glad the craft fair went well-you never know my sister is doing 6 weeks of Kriskindlemart in PA this year -they now start the week before Thanksgiving which is good because setting up the day before Thanksgiving was hard it runs Thur Fri Sat and Sun except for thanksgiving day-I will not be able to go out this year I was away so much for the Wedding and Mom being sick then the storm and her funeral I just need to be home for awhile and wanted to see how my new relationship was going along. I bet you meet a lot of great Artisins -I have become friends with a lot through my sister the man who does the Ukrain eggs is amazing-I boothsit for him at time-can not believe how parents let their kids touch his artwork.

Finally got a free minute! Got too much sleep last night! If that's possible! More like stayed in one position for too long and woke up with a hurting hip. Had trouble standing as it radiated to my low back and down my legs. Eventually it loosened up from walking and moving around the house. Waited for Merry to get Mom up and showered. Didn't trust myself to get her out of bed on my own.
Diane, I just got back from the grocery store and also the pharmacy where there is a good sale on pullups and Poise pads. Was down to the last pair of pullups this morning. Mom takea 30 mgs of paxil in the AM and it definitely worked for her depression and anxiety. However, ativan made her a crazy person, much like the episodes you describe your mom having. It may calm her down, but it might also be causing the hallucinations. Mom saw bugs everywhere when she had it in her system, even in her food! She wouldn't eat because she said the food was moving. Afer the ativan was out of her system, she stopped having major anxiety problems. I made sure they wrote on her hospital and rehab records to never ever give her that drug again. She scared the crap out of us for a solid week! I will post pictures of my kitties and ornaments on Facebook sometime today.
Linda, warm fire sounds great! It's warming up here and causing ground fog. Still kind of dark here with a bit of sun poking through occasionally.
Meanwhile, love a woman who can do things for herself! I still do, except if is too much for my torn shoulder and arthritic back. What OI really need to do is get back to an exercise routine and limber up. Losing 20lbs. wouldn't hurt either!
Cuz, glad to hear your sister is healing! Got me chuckling with those jokes!
Barb, sounds like a busy day for you! Wow, lucky you with 3 grand kids! I would love just one, but so far my daughter is adamant about not having any. They said maybe adoption someday and I told them I didn't care if they found me one under a park bench! I would definitely take it! I don't push them or talk to them about it, but I do throw in a comment every here or there just to get them laughing at me.
As for your mom, have you gotten her a wheelchair yet? She may find it easier to get around than a walker. Mom had a real hard time with a walker and the dementia just made it more difficult. She fell on it once and split her nose open and got a bad skin tear on the back of her hand. They aren't the safest thing for a person with dementia. Not trying to scare you, just a cautionary note. I found that Mom gets conditioned to new methods or ways of keeping her safe. We tried physical therapy to keep her legs string and to help her walk better, but she would forget what she was told right after doing it and would go back to turning to fast and crossing her feet when taking her first step. her regulation wheelchair is over 3 years old and she never quite got the hang of using the wheels to propel herself around. Then she started to go backwards and would tip it back. With her new high tech chair, we are able to recline it and she is unable to tip it back by pushing on the floor with her feet. You might want to get her a chair with a lap belt and use it when you take her to the doctor, etc. After a while, she will get used to it and you will be able to make use of it when you need to get things done and can't keep a close eye on her.
Bobbie!!!!! Resting today, or doing some heavy duty sanding again?
Stormy, Cat, Book, Judy, Mame, Austin, What's up?
Cricket, Crissy, Kuli, and other occasional poster, hope you are all well!
Need to get some much needed house work done. Been very lax in the area the last few weeks!
Jen, any Chinese food yet?

Stormy, did you take a picture of that cake? I'm so glad it came out well. Little boys and their "girlfriends" are so cute. My son loved a girl named Ashley. I used to tease him and ask where "Trashley" was, and he'd get indignant. Ha!
Cuz - good news on your sister. I remember that story. Whew. Glad Diane asked. Loved the joke about social security and disability, btw. Laughed out loud.
Linda, bonfire night sounds great. I love those kind of nights.
Meanwhile, I don't know how you do tile. I've just been stripping wallpaper this week and my arm and hand are falling asleep all the time. Makes me feel old. I'd be hobbling around, broken, if I was doing tile!
Diane, I want to go to Tahiti with you and Jen if I'm allowed. I'd like a one way ticket.
Deef, how's the weather? Feeling a bit homesick since that trip in October. I pick up that jar of seaglass and look at it every morning when I make my coffee. So out of place in the desert - my basket of shells and my jar of seaglass on the window sill. One day...
Okay. Missed people, as usual. Sorry, I should take notes. Advil kicking in - back to the wallpaper.

Deefer, only 4hrs sleep! I don't see how u do it for their is no way my body would even function with that little hours of sleep.
It is so nice to hear some of y'all having a 'good day' for we all know how hard it is to accomplish or get the honors for having one. I am going to try n have one myself along with the hubby n mnl while getting out of the house today. Cross your fingers. ; ) I hope everyone else will be able to have a little bit of a good day as well.

How can u tell if it is a 'time release pill?"
Here is a list of her meds.
Amlodipine, Caltrate, Lipitor, Losartan, and Miralax-powder beside her multivitamin and baby aspirin.

Good Morning everyone. I'm looking forward to a busy day. Mom slept fairly well last night but she is having a rough morning. Usually she can walk around the house with only a helping hand, but today, even with a walker she barely could make it from her bedroom to the living room. I will try to do her excercises with her today. We need to see if we can get her strength built up.
Today is my youngest grandchild's birthday. Lilia is 8 today. I can't believe how fast they grow. I have 3 grandchildren in total. My son has 2 boys and my daughter has 1 girl. I baked the cake this morning, I'll ice and decorate it this afternoon.
I still need to run out and buy a gift, so my husband will sit with Mom. It will be nice to get out of the house for a little while.
Hope everyone has a good day.


Diane My sister (whose name is Diane also) is doing great. She has regained about 80% of the movement in her left arm and hand and the doctors think that it is where it will be. The accident was June 11 so with all the therepy etc she has just learned to live with what she has. She is back to work. Her faith has really helped with the loss of her husband. They were only married 5 years. Thanx for asking about her. Hugs your way.

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