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Good morning everyone,
I hope you are having a good Sunday so far. Mom woke up having an anxiety attack. She swore she was dying and I needed to call for help immediately. After checking her BP, pulse, and sugar she still wouldn't believe me that she was okay. Luckily she took half an ativan and eventually fell back to sleep. I wish mom could tolerate Seroquel but it knocks her out completely, all day even when she only takes it at night. We changed her to Paxil from Lexapro, but that doesn't seem to be helping with the anxiety attacks either. When we increase the Paxil mom gets loopier. It looks like she has been admitted to hospice from what the nurse said yesterday. I think that was part of what set mom off this morning.
Deef, I am so glad you had a good time at the craft show. I'd love to see your cats. Can you post a pick on FB? Linda my shitofrantic friend, I wish I could join you for a bonfire. I love sitting around a fire and relaxing. Jen, we didn't win this last big lotto, but keep trying. Tahiti is still calling :) Shirley, I don't know who is more industrious, you or Deef. I'd love to tile my backsplash in the kitchen. Between the lack of money and mom not giving me a minute to myself, it remains on my wish list. Heck, I'm still trying to get the floors vacuumed and moped. Cuz, thanks for the great jokes. How is your sister recovering from her bad accident? Stormy, I am so glad Connor's birthday cake and party were a success. Bobbie, I hope you and the Boat Angel are well. Mame, Judy, Rip a shout out to you all. Even if I haven't mentioned you by name, you are close in thought and I wish a wonderful day for us all. I have to head to the grocery.

Love ya,

'Tis the season, blond edition

The blond goes to the post office to buy stamps for
her Christmas cards. She says to the clerk, "May I have
50 stamps?"
"What denomination?" asks the clerk.
"God help us," says the woman. "Has it come to this?
Give me six Catholic, 12 Presbyterian, ten Lutheran
and 22 Baptists."

'Tis the season
An old man in Phoenix calls his son in New York.
"I hate to ruin your day," he says, "but I have to tell you
that your mother and I are devorcing. Forty-five years of
misery is enough."
"Pop, what are you talking about?" yells the son.
"We can't stand the sight of each other any longer,"
the old man says. "We're sick and tired of each other, and
I'm sick of talking about this, so you can call your sister in
Chicago and tell her." And he hangs up.
Frantic, the son calls his sister, who explodes on the
phone, "Like heck they're getting a divorce!" she shouts.
"I'll take care of this."
She calls Phoenix immediately and screams at her
father, "You are Not getting divorced! Don't do a single
thing until I get there. I'm calling my brother back right
now and we'll both be there tomorrow. Until then don't
do a thing, DO YOU HEAR ME?" And she hangs up.
The old man turns to his wife. "Okay," he says.. "They're
coming home for Christmas and they're paying their own way."

When things go bad

Three weeks after the wedding day, Sally called
her minister. "Reverend," she wailed, "John and I have
had a TERRIBLE fight!"
"Calm down, my child," said the minister. "It's not half
as bad as you think. Every marriage has to have its first fight."
"I know, I know!" said Sally. "But what do I do with the body?"

Sorry!! fell asleep in my chair twice and now I have a stiff neck. Just took my meds and going to bed. Talk to everyone tomorrow!!

Thanks for the jokes Cuz.

Sounds like fun, no matter how you spell it, Linda. Been putting up new tile in the bathroom shower, back is sore. Gotta go stretch it out. Deef your cat story was a hoot. I have cats too.

binfire lol lol lol , and good ole mr hearter lol lol , i mean bonfire and mr heater ... oh crao miss shitofrancie s back again woop

think everybodys laying low . been outside spliting wood and even got binfire gong till the wind started pickin up ah crap we fired up the good ole mr hearter and sat out in the barn enjoying the warmth and neighbor came by and chit chat for few hrs then here comes my daughter she too joined up for a chit chat . good friday i thank the lord above for a wonderful day xoxo

Everybody busy?

Had a good day at the craft show and made some$$. Going to look for a X-mas tree to cut down tomorrow. Stayed up working until 2 this morning and got back up at 6AM. so I'm fading fast tonight. Picked up subs for supper and shared a Philly steak and cheese with Mom. She loved it and had quite a bit. Of course I had to chop it into small pieces and it took me over a half hour to feed her, but she really enjoyed the change. Her meds will be chiming shortly and I plan on getting her ready for bed right away. I'm exhausted and don't think I'll be up too late tonight.
Stormy, so glad Connor enjoyed his B'day. Wow, a ladies man already! Cute. Hope you all had fun at the parade.
Jen, did you get the picture of the kitties? Sent it on my phone directly from the fair. They came out so cute!
Okay, pills are ringing! Back later if I can keep my eyes open.

Comin' with you and Conner's visit to the parade sounds fun.

Hmn grandpa moved in and that's how the fight started..officer...

Hey everyone, I just wanted to check in to see how everyone is doing. I am carrying connor to see our annual christmas parade today. So I have got to start getting him ready for that and get our chairs in the car. We are going to try to get there a little early so we can maybe beat the crowd of traffic. But i hope all of you have a great day. Oh i finally got up both xmas trees and they are decorated. Now I just got to get all the other little stuff out. Nic nacks, etc. And i will be through with the decorating....
Deef- Connor's party went really well, he had about 10 or more kids at the party. His little girlfriend showed up and he was on top of the world about that!!! The cake was a big hit. It turned out great! I fixed treats boxes out of chinese rice boxes that you get from the restaurant. I bought 25 of them for $4.00. Everybody thought it was a cute idea. Well gotta go. Hugs and love to all. Stormy.

Crap!! It already is tomorrow!!!

Amen Rip!!
Been sewing, drilling and gluing for hours Have to get to bed so I can stay awake at the craft fair tomorrow. See you after that! Night everyone

My wife was standing nude, looking in the bedroom mirror.
She was not happy with what she saw and said to me,
"I feel horrible; I look old, fat and ugly. I really need you to pay me a compliment.'
I replied, "Your eyesight's darn near perfect."
And then the fight started........

After retiring, I went to the Social Security office to apply for Social Security.
The woman behind the counter asked me for my driver's License to verify my age.
I looked in my pockets and realized I had left my wallet at home. I told the woman that I was very sorry, but I would have to go home and come back later.
The woman said, 'Unbutton your shirt'.
So I opened my shirt revealing my curly silver hair.
She said, 'That silver hair on your chest is proof enough for me' and she processed my Social Security application.
When I got home, I excitedly told my wife about my experience at the Social Security office. She said, 'You should have dropped your pants. You might have gotten disability too.'
And then the fight started...

Saturday morning I got up early, quietly dressed, made my lunch, and slipped quietly into the garage. I hooked up the boat up to the van and proceeded to back out into a torrential downpour. The wind was blowing 50mph, so I pulled back into the garage, turned on the radio, and discovered that the weather would be bad all day.
I went back into the house, quietly undressed, and slipped back into bed. I cuddled up to my wife's back; now with a different anticipation, and whispered, "The weather out there is terrible."
My loving wife of 5 years replied, "And, can you believe my stupid husband is out fishing in that?"
And that's how the fight started...

My wife sat down next to me as I was flipping channels.
She asked, "What's on TV?"
I said, "Dust."
And then the fight started...

stormy no offense not even sure what it is in regard too?

Right on rip!

Hawwiana muzac from hell just came on thats ot out of here.

Hi Y'all,
Just a quick hello before the evening is over. I have another early morning at work tomorrow. I need to be at the office by 6am to get two buses loaded and on their way to Myrtle Beach for a Christmas Show. I think every weekend in December we have multi bus trips leaving so I'll have a few more early mornings. So far mom has been pretty good tonight. I made her homemade chocolate pudding, so maybe thats the trick :) I need to go get her ready for bed. Have as good a night possible and I'll check-in tomorrow.
Sweet dreams!

Love ya,

RIP - what u just said it is sooo true , give harper and furbabies all a hug for me . miss you dearly xoxo

I keep trying not to comment ...
but here goes.
SO many dear friends came into my life soon after I boarded 'the BOAT" way back when the bot was simply an advertisment online. Yep ~

l was feeling trapped living in the unfortunate circumstances of long time Care Giving. My introduction to "The Thread" occurred after an episode of daily stuff. Y'all know the "stuff". Not intentional, humiliating but none the less ... unavoidable, embarrassing & time consuming.

It was another sunny, summer afternoon which kept me indoors, alone, smelling awful & longing for some friends who might understand the panic & trapped feelings.
The entry which lead me to the thread was:
My life is controlled by my father's digestive system!

Bingo! Grossed out ~ took a while but my cautious comment was welcomed.
Yes!!! Finally! A somewhat social life!
You know who you are & how I honor you!

My darling father was more than a hero. He was bright, funny, understanding & very - VERY kind, yet living in a body that was slowly betraying him. After 92 years it was enough. I miss him - yes. Caregiving ... well ....

Some of you recall entertaining phone conversations with him. He & I were the lucky ones - he avoided AD, PD, forms of dementia & the other horrifying age related conditions. His vision, etc. made our rooing together necessary.
We enjoyed the thread banter together. Often he'd comment on what was said & felt close to so many of you. Loved humor ~
those were the days when comments would wake you up & make you laugh! Sir used to call them "No sappy Sh*t days".
It was the real STUFF that Bobbie started talking about.

He & I were /are private people. Akways behind the scene with our art. I can't imagine an audience, like Bobbie. I admire her for standing up! Performing!
EEK! I have all those 'nekked' dreams.
***need to share - last summer there was an elderly nudist in our wilderness, a nearby public forest with 13+ miles of Mt Biking, horse riding, hiking trails ... This guy must have been in his 80's tripping down the the trails with a towel to cover himself. He wasn't weird - just enjoying nature his way! Thought of Cricket.
Where was I? Who cares? Delight of public forum

I'm quiet, shy - behind the scenes. Sometimes trying to steady those on that emotional roller coaster. Lord knows I found more than trauma on the city streets working crisis shift. Trauma stuff. People are cruel - death can really stink - the sadness & stench lingers for years, as does human abuse - much which have been touch here on Grossed.
I couldn't deal with the helplessness of the system so I moved on.

Enough blather.
I liked this thread for it's straight forward sincerity = a chance to vent, share & find friends who understood the daily, sometimes moronic tedium of isolated care giving. Those of you dealing with the dreaded mental confusion ~ collapse of parents ... & can find time to share ... Wow!
I respect & admire you so much ... wish we could show the world what your daily life is like. Find real $upport.
FP excluded. He's a whole other chapter.

Please be thoughtful & kind here? I don't think this thread was intended to be a flowersm fluff & butterflies. Enough of those elsewhere.
Watch the unsolicited advice. People remain quiet for a reason.

Nobody planned this & we're fortunate to have a few people who comprehend the crap.
Until I visit agaim - be well my friends!
Do the very best you can despite your circumstances & don't expect a whole lot of yourself. You're human. Even after you are able to sleep for a couple hours ...uninterrupted.

Cheers ~
Rip&Pets sans Sir

Went the pill crushing route for a while, but remember you can't crush time release pills or they get the full dose right away and this can cause a lot of trouble with certain meds. The calcium would be okay to crush though, but might be very chalky. Mom's namenda, aricept and sinamet er could not be crushed. Either way, she won't open her mouth without some kind of fight! Reminds me, forgot my heart pills this morning! Geesh! Got a memory like Mom.

Lildeb: I use to crush all my dad's pills and put them in yogurt, just a couple of tablespoons, so he could swallow them without all the problems. He couldn't have water, due to his stroke. Maybe you could try that with the calcium.

Thanks Bob n Deef for I am trying to stay ahead of this care-giving n just jotting down stuff as i will need this advice down the road for the mnl. I had no idea that they can forget how to even walk n swallowing too for that would freak me out. I know I do remind the mnl to use her throat muscle when she takes her meds to prevent them getting stuck in her throat. I swear I think she going to give herself whiplash sometimes when she flips that head way back as if she was taking a BC powder. I found a smaller multivitamin for her but her calcium pills are pretty big.
Cuz, love the Ho, ho n Twinkie joke.

Christina28 -I am new here. I could really use some good friends here. If you come back I will not ignore you-promise! Blessings to you and your Mom

Thanks Cat. I'll try it during the day sometime and one drain at a time! Not sure how ols some of the pipes are in the cellar. House was built in 1883.

Deef, I was going to also mention not to do all drains at one time, but since it is a no no for you anyway, I won't worry about you filling every pipe in your house with bleach, based on my recommendation. If anyone tries this, just do one drain at a time. Great for showers that get clogged with hair and soap scum, bathroom & kitchen sinks, etc. Not good for your septic tank, so no bleach if you are on a septic system.

Cat, thanks for the bleach remedy, but my husband hates the smell and I have asthma, so breathing in the fumes all night might not be a good thing for me. I bet it works really well though. I love to clean the bathroom with it when I can open windows. Still have to do it when he's out for a few hours!
Stormy, How'd Connor's cake come out? Hope he had a good day!

Jen- I am so sorry if i offended you. That was not my intentions by any means. My heart goes out to you for all that you have gone through. All i was saying was that i don't know how you can stay with fp and the ones that have done you so wrong. That is all i was saying. But what do i know because i am not in your shoes, i have not been through what you have been through. I probably have no right in saying anything. If i was in your situation i don't know what i would do. But i just wanted to let you know that my statement was not meant to be hurtful or unfeeling. I consider you a strong woman just to be able to still keep up the fight of having to deal with such a tragic childhood. Please forgive me. Love and hugs to you. Stormy

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