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Meanwhile, I think it's wonderful that you had a great holiday! Mom was oblivious to it, but sure has enjoyed her turkey dinners from the leftovers!

oh mercy sakes . book plz dont leave , i have said that myself before but i came crawling back , made too many friends here and there is few that i am attached to and concerned about others .
deef - youre so good to jen and i thank you for reaching out to her and meow away on the phone , gods gift to jen and u . you guys are blessing .
jen- remmy im a shitofranic lol . i love you girl , i always think of you and wonder about you . i still wonder about the plant ur mom butcherd and u took it to ur room to see if it ll come back again , so did it come back purtty again ? that broke my heart when ur mom did that . and worst of all breakin my heart that u had to deal with ur brother A COP . man if it was me i would have reported him for incents rape , he doesnt not desvere to be a COP . imagin what he s doing to girls out on street , a fkin dirty cop !!! any molesters need to be shot in the between the eyes ! youre a strong lady and keep a going . damn jen u re stronger than i am ... big hugs to u dear , xoxo
cat - when someone reads about another persons expericanes they just start typing away and tell others about thier experiance tooo , i understand book and she has every rights to say whatever she wants to say , if it had happen to me by god i be pourin out my heart too !
i hate it when someone comes along and fuck t hings up and screw with thier emotions and make ones feelings hurts .
friday i was blown away by my bil and his new girlfriend but i will not get into it . cuz its just stupid dramas .
what jen and book has expericanced is not no fkin drama ! they were abused ! they need to pour thier heart out .
RIP ! yes amen !!!!
bobbie - im ready !!
deef - keep jen close to ur heart ....

Heres an old one but its a start OK??????????????

A business man got on an elevator.
When he entered, there was a blonde
already inside who greeted him with a bright, "T-G-I-F." He smiled at her and
replied, "S-H-I-T."

She looked puzzled and repeated, "T-G-I-F," more slowly.
He answered again, "S-H-I-T."

The blond was trying to keep it friendly, so she smiled her biggest smile and said as sweetly as possible, "T-G-I-F."

The man smiled back at her and once again said, "S-H-I-T."

The exasperated blonde finally decided to explain. "T-G-I-F means 'Thank Goodness It's Friday.' Get it, duuhhhhhh?"

The man answered, "S-H-I-T' means 'Sorry, Honey It's Thursday!!!"

we need em cuz

Good night to all of you beautiful caregivers. I hope to have some jokes for ya monday night. See ya all then.

I think meanwhile has it, people want to help but you can't make a person change even if it is in their very best interest. they are frustrated and scared for me i think. and I accept that, do not make yourselves crazy over me I have lived through the worst of it all. I just am sort of stuck and choosing to be stuck at this point but it does mean a lot to me some many people care. I am not sure I could even GET on that helicopter. maybe I would. then blame myself for leaving my mom to deal. pathetic eh. I am OK, not perfect, but not suicidal either. Been doing a lot of journaling. (posting here) I hope no one leaves too, take a break, but come back...

Our T-day was going to McDonalds for breakfast, then to K-Mart and then back home to cut wood all day while the wife got caught up on her ironing. Whoo Whoo!
and I thought I had it bad.

Jen your a saint. I agree,. everyone wants to help. But, there is so little anyone can do, it makes people frustrated. I hope nobody leaves, everyone brings something special to the group. I feel a little guilty saying I had a miraculous Thanksgiving. My mother didn't complain once!

Jen, No fighting here! Just want Book to not leave. We want you to vent here to your friends. Don't ever apologize for sharing. A lot of us have had very sheltered lives compared to many of you. I know reading these gut wrenching posts have opened my eyes up to a very different world from what I know and I don't think making mean comments to people is helping anyone here.
I'm not trying to make trouble for anyone, just want everyone to feel safe when discussing their problems.

Thanks cuz. I think I truly am number 7? what not to do eh? I don't want anyone to disappear I am not sure what all happened...

Jen Like I said to book as a non caregiver you have gave me so much inspiration thru reading what you have gone through that I can pass information to people like my wife's cousin whose parents are both starting to show signs of alzhimers and dementia and have no clue on what is going to happen later on down the road. I have learned so much from you gals who deal with it 24/7. I thank everyone for letting me be a part of this support group. Hugs to you also.

Hey deef was good talking to you today. Gives me a chance to see there are people out there who see the insanity in my life, understand it or think I am a total morn to not move out on my own but it is enough that you all see and hear and care. please don't anyone disappear becasue of me. i understand if you need to pull back to feel safe. maybe my stuff was too off topic to be posted really bobbie thread was about gross stuff and care giving. this is like intensive abuse work here.

We drove past a sign that said literally "boat angle". about donating boats for charity. I thought of bobbie.

Thank you all for your advice and support it is important to me to have outside perspective whether it is stuff I will do or can do or not. it is good to read it. To know other people look at my situation and think This is unlivable.
It didn't bother me what anyone said, only that it seemed to make a rift between others. I hate to be the cause of that. please everyone take little time and think about it. it may feel different in a while...?

i think cat got that right, my mom really has sided with the abusers and is unable to turn it off. I would not be surprised if she was abused herself but that is her life and she shares NOTHING. She never has. I can see as there being a whole history to her there and she is determined to take care of Daddde no matter what.

Bookworm please don't go. you did not come on too strong. I have lie no outside view here and the passion other s express helps me see the insanity of my life, if I can take the advice I do if I can't I am still grateful to have it.

Jen here please don't lets all get in a fight and disappear I am sorry i brought the crap up. I don't want anyone here to be hurt by it all. This stuff really is poison.

Thanks for your comments Yogi and Cuz.

Book, you've always been kind to me. You, I have felt, have talked from the heart and experience making me feel welcome and a genuine concern for my predicament. I don't want to see you go. I have only been on this site for a little over a month. Although I no longer care for my mom, nor do I have the possibility of ever seeing her again because of my bro, you have helped me to look at me as being someone of importance. For many years I have let my family make me believe I was never good enough or my life wasn't as important as theirs. I stood up to my bro and got abused again along with my mom by us not being able to see/talk to one another. I ask that you don't leave. Maybe consider a break, but do not leave. There is a little "click" on here but it's people tha have been posting for along time and know one another well. I just started posting and am no longer a current caregiver. I weigh my options. This site would have helped me had I known about it for the time I took care of my mom but I had no access to a computer. Still, there are a lot of excellent ideas, opinions, advice and warm and caring hearts. People do care about you Book, and you are NOT selfish.

Hey bookworm. I am just a reader of GO and as you already know I am a cousin of bobbie our captain. Please stay with us because of you advise we all learn what goes on in the minds of caregivers. It is something a normal person or non caregiver has no clue of what goes on. We see people,hear them talk and through comments like yours try to help people that are struggling in their own ways with no one to help them. Don't give up on us please. We need your help. Hugs and luv to you.


Book, don't leave! I'm so sorry you feel it necessary to leave us because of one person's inability to really see what we are trying to achieve here. You are not the offensive one and always try to help others.
Cat, I think it's time you realize that you can't always be the focus of this thread. I feel you should apologize to both Book and Jen for your inappropriate comments. Since day one I have felt that you like to be front and center and have caused dissension among long time posters to turn the focus on you. It's time to change your tone and try to help, not destroy what we are trying to accomplish here.

Hello, ladies (and a few gentlemen). Long time no comment. Spent Thanksgiving with DH, FIL, crazy useless SIL, and assorted in-laws of SIL's daughter (very nice, kind people). Yesterday, grand-nephew's 1st birthday party, at his grandparents' house, where baby's great grandfather (my FIL) proceeded to soil his pants, yet again. But DH says FIL "doesn't want" to wear Depends, so apparently that settles it. Happy holidays, all!

In my defense, I do not always talk about me for the sake of talking about me. I bring up my background all the time so that you may be able to understand. When I first started posting here, I thought you all were such professional handlers of stress. When I see new posters, I bring up my background so that THEY know that I have been there, and that I know how difficult caregiving is.

If you all look at my comments to you, I have rarely gave vague impersonal comments. I always do my best to put my place in yours so that my comment is a personal one.

When I had my very first therapist, he was cut and dry – this and this and this. I had to ask several times for examples of this and this and this. The monthly caregiving I attend last Saturday, was also a guest speaker therapist on handling stress management. Every single point she made, she gave examples of HER caregiving experiences. We didn’t even have to ask for examples. I found myself nodding through-out her talk. I wrote notes, and also her examples so that I can recall later on, “Oh yeah, I remember that..” I thought she was a very excellent therapist (unfortunately, she is not covered under my insurance.) Not once, as she applied her experiences to each point did I think, “She is always thinking of herself.” I was thinking that she UNDERSTOOD us and KNEW what we were going through.

As I write this, I’m getting heart palpitation. It's too stressful for me to post here.

I have that I will no longer be posting on this site anymore. I have been searching online for another caregiving group.

And I say this from my heart, that you all were growing in my heart. I literally stopped emailing to my siblings in June when I found this site. (I know because I checked the last time I emailed to them.) It's because you all became my adoptive family. Some of you, also were able to worm your way into my heart. So, I can honestly say, that I will really, really miss you all.

Jen - I will always worry about you and will be thinking of you. Remember, Jen, Baby Steps!!! Sincerely ,book

Geez Louise!!!! What the F@ck ladies??!!!
Jen, it was good talking to you as always and I'm very proud of you for holding your own on Thanksgiving. I have no experience in what you have been through, so I won't offer an opinion on the subject or how you live your life. From what I have learned about you in the past 3 or more years, I know you are a very strong, smart, and caring person and I am so glad to call you friend!
I know how much you love X-mas and hope you can start decorating right away! as for the leftovers, you snooze, you lose!!!!
As for all the opinions thrown your way, take what you will from them and move on as best you can. You have lots of supporters here and if, I mean IF, you are ready to make a change, we will be here for you. If you are not ready , we'll still be here for you. It's always easy to tell someone else how to live their life when we are not in their shoes, but remember it is your life and you need to do what is best for you. Love you Jen!
Bobbie!!!! I want to be the first one off that Chinook!!!
Diane, What can I say! I know, easy for me to say, but forget about the sibs!!! None of mine showed up or even called to ask about Mom all weekend. Oops! I lied! My sister showed up on her lunch hour on Friday, but she was looking for leftovers. Mentioned twice that she didn't get any from where she had dinner. Well, she didn't get any from me either!!!
Sorry you aren't getting any sleep. Do you have any seroquel left? Give mom 2 before bedtime, just make sure she is in bed before or right after. Guaranteed she will knock off for the night! I know she can't take them during the day, neither can my Mom. Make her too groggy, but sure help her sleep at night, and she gets up well rested the next morning. Please!!!! Try them at night so you can get some relief. At this point they can't hurt!
Stormy, Hope Connor had a great B'day party!
Meanwhile, Mame, Judy, Lildeb, hope you all had a good holiday!
Cat, Nothing like a casino buffet!
Book, I don't think your opinion was too strong. You were talking from the heart and from past experience. It's obvious that your feelings about Jen's situation are very real.
Hey Ladee!
Well, turkey day was quiet here for a change. Merry's family did dinner on Friday, so she sat with Mom while we had dinner upstairs with my daughter, sil, and 2 cousins. They have dinner with us every year, because they don't like the rest of my family either! we had way too much food for 6 people, especially since none of us eat like we used too!
I had my first craft show on Saturday and overdid it for the last 2 weeks and wore myself out. Keep forgetting I'm not 25 anymore! I didn't make a lot of $$, but had a nice time talking to people and actually talked to 4 different people that I hadn't seen in years. That was nice! I was in bed early last night and got up not feeling well this morning. After Merry got here I went back to bed for a couple hours and felt much better. I have one more show this Saturday, but will not wear myself out this week. Got too much to do after for the holiday.
Okay, need to get the trash together for the morning pick-up. Hope everyone has a quiet night, and come back tomorrow to get back to the business of supporting each other!

Hey, everyone- Well, Connor's party went well, he had a good time and he got alot of nice toys, but i am tired. I am sorry there is conflict on the thread, I hope everything will get resolved between everyone. Hugs and prayers for everyone! Love, Stormy

Bobbie: I want a room there too and sign me up with Dr. Phil.

Jen, you have an army behind you! We may not all agree about something, but we are all fiercly protective of anyone that is part of the crew. Book, if you need to take a break from the subject, I understand, but please don't give up the GO thread. Before you know it we will be back to our gross poop stories. Bobbie, can the boat make it to Tahiti where Jen and I plan to escape to?
It's ssdd here. Mom is her usual negative self. I'm my usual tired self after being awakened 5 times through the night. I woke up congested again. It's one step forward and two steps back. I managed to purchase a new range yesterday but it won't be delivered until December 4th. So in the mean time it is microwave, toaster oven or bbq to cook. Tonight is bean soup in the crock pot.
Have a good night all and I hope this week will be better for us all. Love ya!

Once more, our captain takes control of steering the boat! By the way, I want a room there too. Love to all, Kuli

Meanwhile, back on the boat.......

I love all you guys.

We are all active caregivers or are recovering from caregiving. Knowing Jen's circumstances makes us upset because we love her so we say what's on our hearts.

Jen, we get passionate and just love you and want what will make you better.

Personally, I found it interesting to hear everyone's point of view and thought everyone had great points.

What I would like to see is a classic rescue:

Chinook helicopter with 5 guys dressed in night raid stuff dropping down on ropes.

2 black Escalades pull up and 4 more guys get out, 2 from each car.

Everybody hits the house and Jen is amazed and grabs the dog.

3 of the guys are caregivers and they take over and tuck mom and fp into bed.

The caregivers stay and do all the work and one of them is a genie with a lamp.

By the time mom and fp wake up, Jen and the dog are across the country in a resort hotel with Deef in the next suite and Bob and the boat docked at the hotel marina.

Everybody from here that wants to be there has a room. We have a convention.

Dr Phil is there; we have him for the week and he's going to fix everything.

Remember to breathe.


Book has the right to say anything she wants to say. So do I, Ladee, and so do you. Too bad it has to be and Jen's expense. Hope you both feel better now. You and Book need to get off your high horse and understand that the world does not revolve around the two of you. I am so sick of this shit.

Jen: What I said, I meant with my heart in my throat. That's all I can offer you. You have choices and decisions to make. They are your decisions, based on your life, your needs and your courage,

I wish you well and all the best. You deserve it and don't let this crap between Book, LADEE and I distract you. You are the one who counts. What you are willing to hear makes all the difference. I'm not going to say anymore. Hopefully, you understood my point. Take it or leave it. Cat

I didn't know we were arguing... hmmmmm... so exchanging ideas seperate from you and Cat is arguing... interesting...

We can argue about this all night, but I'm going to bed. Its not worth my time.

I think perhaps, that Book has the right to post whatever is going on with her also, and how she feels about things... and that trying to control a post is like damning up the ocean.

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