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Hey everyone, I wanted to thank everyone for Connor's Happy Birthday wishes. He had a good day, but i am sure when he has his party it will be a better day, he is ready for all his gifts. We gave him a few gifts yesterday but his other gifts we are saving for his party. Then he got a batman costume and batman pjs from his papa today. Oh and he is selling the candy bars for his school (first time selling anything) he is quite the saleman! He sold 60 candy bars (his whole box) in just a couple of hours at the store. Now he is own he second box and his uncle chip told him he would buy a whole box from him. That will be his third box. A lady came into the store and connor asked her if she wanted to buy a candy bar and she said no. And his reply was, Why? Then he said, Thank You. I told him to say thank you even if they didn't buy a candy bar. He was so cute selling them. When someone would buy one he would say ok lets go find the next customer. Hehe.....

Bobbie- I hope the RA gets better, my mom had that mess for years and it was so painful for her and for us to see her hurting and to have to get shots in her knuckles, cause they had to go to the bone. Ouch.... I hope you and the boat have a good TG!
Mame- was your mom able to help with those pies?
Meanwhile- I hope you have a good TG!
Jen- I know the premade is alot easier. All this cooking can wear you down.
Diane and Book- when i start to feeling sick, my sinuses always start to drain down my throat and then the cold goes to my chest. I hate that cause then i cough for weeks so i take clariden d (sp?) and mucinex. Clariden to dry up my sinuses so it doesn't drain into my chest and the mucinex to loosen the shit in my chest and it does help. Neti pot helps too! It makes my head feel all clear. Book, has your mom got a little ceramic decorative looking tea pot (not a real tea pot) something with spout. If so you can wash that out and put in some lukewarm water with a pinch of salt and use that. I did that for a while until i could buy a neti pot. I hope you both feel better!
Linda - I think i might need a drink too tomorrow and definely one sunday after connor's party gonna be a too busy week. Whew.......
Cat- thinking of you. I know this is the first TG without your dad. You are in my prayers.
Deef- I hope tomorrow will be a easier day for you!
I know i have forgotten someone just know that i am thinking about all of you and i am so thankful for all of you and for your support you have given me. I am very blessed to have you all as my friends. Love and hugs to all of you! I hope everyone has a great thanksgiving. Stormy.

So glad I'm cooking and being busy for tomorrow. Staying busy keeps me from sitting around feeling sorry for myself. Deef, sorry about your Mom, is there anyway to get more liquids down here. Sometimes elderly patients get UTI's from just being too dehydrated. Getting them to drink more can be difficult, though.
Cat, Omaha is doing great. My sister rode him this afternoon to help me move some of the goats to another pasture. I rode an older more experienced horse, since we were dealing with the buck goat. Sis was riding him down to the mailbox last week, when the lady that runs the horse rescue was driving by. She stopped and couldn't believe how good Omaha looked. I had emailed her some pictures, but he looks even better in person.
Diane, Book, hope you get better soon. Take care everyone.

Damn!!! Looks like a UTI for sure! Just got done with cipro 3weeks ago. And wouldn't you know the office id closed until Monday!!! Looks like a visit to the ER this weekend for sure. Giving her extra macrodantin in the meantime.
What a time I had getting her to bed. Took my BP and is was 156/94 and my pulse was 125, 5 minutes after getting her tucked in. And I took my heart and BP meds today.
Pumpkin pie is finishing up in the oven and I have to make the cornbread stuffing yet, but Merry is coming at 10 tomorrow, (her family is having their TG dinner on Friday). So I may just do that tomorrow. I need to get the roaster out and get the innards out of the turkey tonight. I'll get it in the oven for 7 tomorrow morning.
Tonight I need to get all the ribbon and twine on my finished ornaments, and block another scarf and shawl.
Austin, my first craft show is this Saturday. Go figure there is no daycare on Friday and Merry can't work. Trying to see if Faith will come for the afternoon so I can get all my gear ready and in the car for a quick getaway on Saturday morning.
Stormy, happy B'day to Connor!
Hey there Yogi and Joinco. I can't eat with Mom either. Of course I am usually feeding her!
Linda, hope your neck feels better! And yes, alcohol will be a good thing tomorrow!!!
Cuz, Thanks! I would love to be on the boat someday!
Mame, It must be so nice to have your son home. I like the holidays too and so does my husband, but he doesn't like to help decorate, so I do what I can. I used to do a whole lot more, but no time right now.
Book, Dinner on the porch sounds wonderful! We are supposed to have fairly warm weather here and may sit on the porch after dinner, to get some air.
Jen, premade sounds good right about now, but I would miss my family traditional stuffing, etc.
Bobbie, love the jokes, even though I don't feel too much like laughing at the moment. Of course no sibs have called or asked what we are doing with Mom tomorrow. Fine with me! No goody bags this year for X-mas, just lumps of coal!!! Hope I can find some.
Diane, Nothing like a bad cold-flu when you have asthma. Very scary when the breathing gets rough. Do you have a cool mist humidifier? It helps me a LOT when I have a cold. Keeps the gunk moving. Also, I always have those mucous relief caplets on hand. You can get the generic at Walmart, or even the dollar store and they work just fine. And, don't feel jealous about Mom going to your brother's for the day. Just the 2 of you enjoy the good meal and the peace and quiet. Maybe even go out for a ride and get lost so your not at home when Mom gets brought back. They'll handle her just fine.
Meanwhile, Judy, Cat, and everyone else I have missed, hope you all have a peaceful, happy and safe holiday!

Hi Diane: I'm right here, checking in and passing on my best wishes to everyone for a "good as it can be TG." Diane, let your mom go to your brother's for Thanksgiving and enjoy some quite time with your BF and the great food you have made. Put your feet up and watch a movie. Your mom will enjoy the leftovers on Friday at your home and you can set a pretty table and make it special for her then. No excuse for your brother and his crappy behavior, but let it go and embrace some time alone. I hope you get to feeling better soon.

Meanwhile. I hear you and hope tomorrow is a good day for you, Indio and the family. I hope Omaha is staying healthy.

Book: Enjoy the BBQ.

Mame: Hope you have fun with your son and a great holiday. You've been listening to Christmas music since November 1st? It's great that you and your mom can enjoy this time together.

Bobbie: I can smell the Turkey coming from the boat.

Jen: Wish it could be better for you. At least the pre-made meal will be a lot less work and hassle. Hope you enjoy the food.

Cricket: What are you serving tomorrow?

Judy: Where the heck are you. Are you practicing your Grinch routine for Christmas?

Stormy: Have a good Thanksgiving and a fun birthday party.

Austin: What are your plans?

Deef: If I recall, it's just your family? Hope it's a good day for you.

Linda: Hoping you have a good day tomorrow.

We are going out to eat tomorrow. I was actually excited about cooking and had bought a turkey, etc., but our son wants to go out to eat. He's been preparing non-stop for a special Thanksgiving at the nursing home, cooking turkeys, etc., so he would just prefer to go out. No problem. I will cook my turkey later in the week and freeze leftovers. I love turkey noodle soup.

I've been thinking that I have a lot to be grateful for and that's what it's all about anyway, so eating out or in doesn't really matter.

By the way, my Granddaughter, Amanda, called the other day. She is so excited. She has gotten an internship with an accounting firm. The company was her first choice and she was so hoping they would take her on. She starts working there on Dec 17th and continues through tax season. Best of all, they are going to pay her $15.00 an hour. Amanda is carrying 20 units in college and works a good 30 hours per week at a restaurant. She now works in the bar section and makes really good tips, so she was a little worried about a decrease in income during the internship. Well, her husband (getting use to saying that) had a good job as a communications person for the state or city transportation department, but he applied for a Director of Communications position with a bank and got the job. Just started this week. His salary doubled and they have great benefits. Perfect timing as it will make up the difference in their income. Amanda's boss at the restaurant told her he'd keep her job open for her and she could come back when the internship ended. I am so happy for both of them. That girl is such a bright light in our lives. Just love her to pieces.

Well, I hope everyone enjoys tomorrow as much as possible. Wishing you all some happiness and sending tons of love to each of you.

If I overlooked anyone, please know you are in my heart.


onions plz , get them onions out and see if its true or not . snoops thinks they know it all ugh . this came from old wifes tales , grannys always right . oh hell wiskey sounds even better now ! go for it !!!

bonfire ummm maybe ... going to mil tmr . prob smother myself with beer . will see if i hurt the next day .

you all have a happy thanksgiving and sending you all bunches of huggies and more huggies . xoxo

Diane, are you game on trying something new? I thought it was gross and worried how it would affect my acid reflux. So far, all it does is make me bloated. Of course, I over did it and drank like 16oz of it in one day, and then againt the next day - my acid reflux spoke up and gave me an upper left chest pain. So, I backed off some on drinking it.

Try this and see if it will help with you: 8 oz water + 2 TBS Apple cider vinegar (we always buy organic with all those stuff floating inside) + 1 TBS Honey (we always have this in supply since honey is "good for you"). Best if the water is warm. Mix it well and drink it.

I made one 16oz mix and sipped it the whole day. I felt my sinus draining Inside, and once or twice - out from the nose. But, I could feel my stuffed head clearing.

Did you know - one time - I thought I had the flu (coughing, sneezing, stuffy nose) for over a month. I tried DayQuil, NyQuil, Vicks Vaporub, Robitissum, etc... I finally gave up and went to the clinic. My doc was an internist. He heard me out, all that I did to try to get rid of the flu and how my ribs now hurt so bad from coughing all the time.

Do you know what he said? "You don't have the flu. You're having allergy problem." Sure enough, after that, if the Cough medicines for the flu don't work, I then take Sudafed or Benadryl - and I get better! So, try the water/apple cider vinegar/honey BEFORE going to the clinic. Doesn't hurt, right? Unless you're diabetic? I hope you get better soon! HUGS!!!

Mame – I agree with you about the Traditional sponge bathing is not enough. When father first had the Catholic Social Service come in once a week to bathe mom, he fought hard for them to do it HIS way. It’s really a messy way of cleaning mom while bedridden. Their way: they drown the darn face cloth with body wash, put on her body, pour more body wash, etc.. They overdo it with the body wash and then they use another face cloth, dip it in the clean container, and use that to wipe off mom’s very soapy body, and they’re done. You take your finger and slide it against her skin – and it’s Very Soapy! At first we didn’t say anything, then mom started getting really really bad rashes all over her upper torso and under her arm areas. Finally father put his foot down. He insisted that they use this small bowl and POUR the water on mom to rinse out the body wash. It worked. So, mom still gets “sponge bathed” but they now pour water over her. The bed gets wet. And if they’re experienced enough, all the water stays on the hospital bed and NOT get to the floor. Since then, we have drastically cut down on mom’s body rashes.

I have no problems with holidays because I don’t cook at all for it. Family cooks and brings it over here and we set it up on the front porch area. The only negative thing on this is that everyone stays on the porch, and no one comes in to see mom or father. So, we can have all these BBQ and family of next door have not seen parents in years.

Jen, I wish my stomach could not be so picky about the water.
Hope you all have a good time!

Hi Y'all,
I hope everyone has a happy and safe Thanksgiving. Jen, the pre=made meal does sound a lot easier. I have been cooking a few things today since the oven can only hold so much. So tomorrow I will just need to warm the sweet potatoes, dressing and green bean casserole. I wanted to make it a special day for mom, but it looks like she wants to go spend the day with my brother and his family. Of course I'm not allowed to be there. If I was the bitch they all claim I am, mom would not be going to spend Thanksgiving with them. They don't deserve to have her for the holiday when they are assholes and don't visit or call her.
You would think this antibiotic would have done something for me by now, but all I do is cough, blow my nose and have a major headache all the time. Today my asthma seems to be getting worse instead of better. I really can't afford another $100 to go to the clinic again.
Happy Birthday Connor! Mame, enjoy your son while he is home, Bobbie glad to know you and the Boat Angel will be sharing Thanksgiving together. Shirley, I know tomorrow will be a bittersweet day for you, but try enjoy the day. Linda, are you having a bonfire tomorrow? Jen, what can I say having to deal with FP and your brother. Cat, where are you? Book, I hope you are feeling better now that you have found something to help. Austin, I'm sure you will be with family tomorrow. Well, my poor brain has hit the memory wall. I know I forgot some of you right now, but know I am very thankful for each and every one of you!

Love ya,

Gah book I can't imagine not being able to drink water! Hi Linda. Hows things?
mom got the per made dinner may save us some trouble....
have a good day tomorrow all! Love Jen

I love all the jokes. It distracts me from thinking about how Sam died one year ago, tomorrow. But we didn't do anything for Thanksgiving last year. I'm having fun getting ready for tomorrow. The turkey is thawing in the fridge. Have the cornbread made for stuffing. Have to go make some pies. Then get the dogs a bath, so they will be more presentable for company. They are so much easier than an elderly parent. All it takes is a dog biscuit, and they hop right in the tub. Hope everyone has a happy Thanksgiving.
Thanks, Bobbi for asking about Indio. My sister calls him my project. He has diabetes, and doesn't take as good a care of himself as he should. I keep feeding him chicken, fish, fruits and veggies. So far he will try anything, except yogurt. He is busy building me a meat smoker for Christmas. Bless his heart.

Beminds me of oneobbie love your turkey storyreminds me of one holiday when my mil was really getting to me threw her out of the kitchen and started to sip wine while cooking the meal od/d on wine-but she did not get me upset the rest of the day.

Good Morning Crew,

Mame! glad you liked the 'list'!

Here's an old standard:

How To Cook A Turkey:

Step 1: Go buy a turkey

Step 2: Take a drink of whiskey

Step 3: Put turkey in the oven

Step 4: Take another 2 drinks of whiskey

Step 5: Set the degree at 375 ovens

Step 6: Take 3 more whiskeys of drink

Step 7: Turk the bastey

Step 8: Whiskey another bottle of get

Step 9: Ponder the meat thermometer

Step 10: Glass yourself a pour of whiskey

Step 11: Bake the whiskey for 4 hours

Step 12: Take the oven out of the turkey

Step 13: Floor the turkey up off of the pick

Step 14: Turk the carvey

Step 15: Get yourself another scottle of botch

Step 16: Tet the sable and pour yourself a glass of turkey

Step 17: Bless the dinner and pass out

Maybe the onion doesn't take away the bacteria but makes you tear up and your nose run and it somehow helps get you better faster?! Who really knows?!! So sorry so many are sick here! Feel better soon! That is why I really hate this time of year!!! Germs Germs Germs!

Bobbie-I am putting that list up on my facebook! Hysterical!

Stormy-HAPPY BIRTHDAY to CONNOR! How exciting-6! Enjoy!!!!

My 19 soon to be 20 year old got in from college last night. He was non stop talk all evening! My hubby and I just kept looking at eachother trying not to laugh! He's a good kid. Went right in Nana's room when he got home and said hello to her. Told her how college is going. She loved it and felt special. :)

Hubby is upset cause he had expectations of a day with his family on Thanksgiving... My family didn't pull through with caring for mom for the day as we had expected... I did get coverage for part of the day so we will make an appearance. I know he is already over his mad but I hate to let him down...

Some of you have been saying how you don't like the Holidays. I completely understand that. For me tho-I have this childish love for the Holidays. It is sooo deep within me. Even tho things here are insane and bring me down-there is some part of me that just bubbles up and loves all the Holiday stuff. I have had Christmas music on in the house since Nov 1. Mom and I have been watching Christmas movies on TV-every day! Those happy ending, sappy stories take me away from this life of monotony! The TV and Radio wouldn't have them on if there weren't others out there like me right?? There will be things that will bring me down in the next month-especially if mom gets sick-but for the most part-I love the Holidays! (Remind me of this when something brings me down and I am whining away next week!!! HAHA) I know Holidays are hard and lonly and for us-just another day of caregiving... I wish you all some moments of happiness. Hugs to all.

Mom seems to be doing better daily. I am hoping to bathe her today and shave her chinny chin chin and wash and curl her hair-get her all pretty. She has a pain in her ribs that I think is from when she had her "episode" and hubby had to pick her up and get her over on the bed. The Dr said-bruised or broken-they can't do anything for her. Her breathing is fine. Anyway, she hasn't wanted to take a shower. Sponge bathing just isn't enough... I hope she will get in the shower today. I know it will make her feel better. The daycare called wondering how she is. It just takes her soooo long to get over bronchitis... I am scared to send her back for fear she will get sick again. We'll see.

Well, I am going to make some pies today. Mom says she wants to help. I will figure out some way to help her help me! Wish me luck!


Yeah, I guess it was too good to be true...but I did read that about the onion on the web. Never tried it. Do you know how gross onion gets when it sits and rot? I put some away and forgot it was there. Very gross and black and messy.

Damn, and I was just getting ready to cut some onions :(

Personally, I always thought that if they could cross a turkey with a spider, we could get a turkey with 8 drumsticks.

ok, I'll quit.
For now.


For example:

Ten Things That Sound Dirty At Thanksgiving, but Aren't...

10. "Just reach in and grab the giblets."

9. "Whew...that's one terrific spread!"

8. "I am in the mood for a little dark meat!"

7. "Tying the legs together will keep the inside moist."

6. "Talk about a HUGE breast!"

5. "And he forces his way into the end zone!"

4. "She's 5000 pounds fully inflated and it takes 15 men to hold her down."

3. "It's cool whip time!"

2. "If I don't unbutton my pants, I am going to burst!"

1. "It must be broken 'cause when I push on the tip, nothing squirts out."

Ahhh... nothing like ending on a turkey baster reference...


Good Morning Crew!

Deef!! Boat time!
Cuz!! Funny! How is cousin Philip?

Linda!! So sorry you are so sore. Ow. Ow.
I do get a big smile when I see your posts and I hope that you feel better soon.
Love you sis.

I had to give up beer so my joints wouldn't hurt so. One of the things that makes RA worse. Waaa, but I am getting along ok without it. Actually any alcohol makes me hurt like no tomorrow so I gave it all up.
Turns out in boat world that can make you somewhat of a pariah but the boat angel and I just don't drink and there you go.

Happy that this year I am going to make a turkey on the boat. I bought one of those counter top roaster ovens yesterday and a 2 foot christmas tree and some little doodads to hang on it.
Brought it all back and the boat angel unpacked it all, decorated the little tree and now we are ready to go.
I still have to buy a little turkey and a few other things and other than putting a garbage bag over the tree at night so the Cat doesn't mess with it, all is ok.

It's a beautiful day here and the painter guy is on the front of the pilothouse stripping the varnish off of the teak. We keep going and one day...... It will be finished!

I need to find someone who plays with stained glass because I want to put little sconces on the wall of the boat with LED lights on a dimmer. Would be so cool.
Glad that I am getting into my new normal and the sadness is getting less and less. Two and a half years after mom died and it's taken me this long.

Couldn't have done it without you guys. Please know how important you all are to me. Thank you thank you. Again, thank you.

Yogibear! Sorry that this will be the first holiday without your family. It takes awhile to establish new traditions and like I said, get into your 'new normal'. I know that there will be a few caregivers who will be on the thread and on FB during the holidays so feel free to hang out here and I will be one to check in and holler at everyone so we don't slip into the holiday funk.

Hey!! How about we take a page out of Cuz's book and we give each other jokes during the holiday season?
If we Google a joke about this or that whenever we feel depressed we might accomplish a few things....
Behaviorial modification: feel bad? look up a joke to post. Before you know it maybe you find something that makes you roar.
Make someone else who feels bad laugh. Always a good thing. It's like putting laughs in the bank for yourself in the future.
Happy endorphines.
Yogi! look that up on snopes. I think that it is a fact that when you're laughing you're releasing good chemicals into your system and that is a good coping skill.
That and Xanax....

JoinCO!! Sorry it's getting bad with your MIL and you are having a hard time. It is what it is and all you can do is try to deal as best you can. Keep posting and welcome to the home of Vent and Live!

Stormy! Tell Connor Happy Birthday from everyone here on the Grossed Thread!

Book! glad you had a good night's sleep. Makes a world of difference and I hope you continue to improve.

Flex/Diane! whew... you must be exhausted from being exhausted. Hope you get better soon.

Austin! love you gurl... When you coming to the boat?

Judy! good to see from you as always. Funny girl.

Meanwhile! How are you and how is Indio?

Cattails! Everybody!! Cricket!

Jen! Hope you get your Christmas wish.....
back before my mom was really bad with the Dementia, everybody thought that she was the sweetest lady in the world as well. She didn't do me bad like FP did you but she sure did some stuff that I am still dealing with (but getting better thank God). The rest of the world has no idea what we, as caregivers to hard personalities, cope with and wake up in the middle of the night with.
One day you will be here on the boat and we will have a cocktail with an umbrella in it even though my joints will hurt the next day!
Love you Jen.

I know I missed everybody so check in and let us all know how you all are doing!

OK, off to scrape, rub, wax, buff.. and after I get out of the shower I think I'll work on the boat.....

Love you guys more than you'll ever know....


well hell !

If you go to snopes you will find that the mention of the onion catching the bacteria is false. I thought how wonderful it sounded but thought it was too good to be true. And according to them, it is.

howdy folks , seein that everybodys got sniffles or just plaine sick . saw it on facebook . worth a try . get a big fat onion and cut both ends off and lay it in ur room or better yet bathroom too . it sorbs up the baterica and u ll feel better in a day or two , when the onion looks black gooy yuk lookin , throw em away .
great for who has pnuonmia or whatever .
theres a story to it too . find it amazing . so if i get sick i ll tr y it thats for sure .

my neck hurts so bad and my lower back threatens to snap on me . about 3 pm i took a soma nana i still hurt so i took another one at 4 and went to bed . here itis almost 4 am now , i still hurt , am going to go have a mamogram today at 10 , done had pap smear and blood work last week , i am just so sick and tired of begin a pain in the neck and a pain in the back . what kind of life is that ...
yesterday my daughter called MOM !! lets go arrowhunting ! so i thought maybe it will help me ease some pains , so i went phhht made it worst , daughter did find a nice looking arrow head , size of her palm ! i found me bunch of little rocks , heehee , oh this is pretty i pick em up and throw em inthe bag . next thing i know i have a walmart bags full of little rocks . necks a throbbin bad so i told her im done and bam she finds her a arrow head ! shes all smiles ,.

no i amnot ready for thanksgiving . would rather just go to golden corral and chow . lucky for me we are going to mils house , so no cookin for me , my bil and his gf loves to cook . horrayyy .
last year i was so stressed out and my back went into muscles spasam, and i couldnt breath right , fk it !!
i think of my pa everyday . his picture is on my ref , good morning pa . i love you pa ! he is with me everyday in my heart .
you all dont forget the onion ! and have a happy thanksgiving dear . xoxox

Well, today is my baby's 6th Birthday (Nov. 20th) I still can't believe he is 6. He has grown up so fast. Me and hubby are carrying him out to eat after school tomorrow to celebrate. And then we are having his party this weekend. Been trying not to get upset, but its not working. Why do they have to grown up so fast?? Well, I guess i better go to bed, I've got a busy day tomorrow. I hope ya'll have a good Tuesday. Love and hugs stormy

It was Saturday morning in Akron as Tom, an avid hunter, woke up raring to go bag the first deer of the season. He walks down to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee, and to his surprise he finds his wife, Susie, sitting there, fully dressed in camouflage.
Tom asks her, "What are you up to?"
Susie smiles, "I'm going hunting with you!"

Tom, though he had many reservations about this, reluctantly decides to take her along.Two hours later they arrive at a hunting area passed Cedar Point Forest. Tom sets his lovely and beautiful wife safely up in a tree stand and tells her, "If you see a deer, take careful aim on it and I'll come running back as soon as I hear the shot."
Tom walks away with a smile on his face knowing that Susie couldn't bag an elephant - much less a deer.
Not 10 minutes pass when he is startled as he hears an array of gunshots.

Quickly, Tom starts running back. As Tom gets closer to her stand, he hears Susie screaming, get the hell away from my deer!" followed by shots. Confused and frightened, Tom races faster towards his screaming wife.
And again he hears her yell, "Get the hell away from my deer!" followed by another volley of gunfire!
Now within sight of where he had left his wife, Tom is surprised to see a game warden with his hands high in the air.

The game warden, obviously distraught, yelled, "Okay, lady! You can have your deer, just let me get my saddle off it!"

Hey stormy. You asked if there were any gents on here? The last time I looked I had different parts down there than you do soooooooooo I think I is a gent ya think?

Hey deefer12 looks like ya made boat time with the 25000 post. Congrats to ya and hope someday ya can make it to bobbie's boat. Hugs to ya.

An Italian MaMa

Mrs. Ravioli c omes to visit her son Anthony for dinner. He lives with a female room mate, Maria.

During the course of the meal, his mother couldn't help but notice how pretty Anthony's room mate is.

Over the course of the evening, while watching the two interact, she started to wonder if there was more between Anthony and his roommate than met the eye.

Reading his mom 's thoughts, Anthony volunteered, "I know what you must be thinking, but I assure you, Maria and I are just ro om mates.''

About a week later, Maria came to Anthony saying, "Ever since your mother came to dinner, I've been unable to find the silver sugar bowl.
You don't suppose she took it, do you?"

"Well, I doubt it, but I'll email her, just to be sure."
So he sat down and wrote an email:

Dear MaMa,

I'm not saying that you "did" take the sugar bowl from my house ; I'm not saying that you "did not" take it.
But the fact remains that it has been missing ever since you were here for dinner.

Your Loving Son

Several days later, Anthony received a response email from his MaMa which read:
Dear son,

I'm not saying that you "do" sleep with Maria, and I'm not saying that you "do not" sleep with her.
But the fact remains that if she was sleeping in her OWN bed, she would have found the sugar bowl by now.

Your Loving MaMa

Moral: Never Bulla Shita you MaMa

I feel bad that I can't even eat in the same room w/my MIL anymore. I feel really queasy, so I can't do it. She invites us to eat at her home (AL), and we just can't. I actually did, when she first moved there (almost 2 years ago), but after they had NORO virus (the horrible puking virus people get on cruise ships?!), I was so grossed out, I couldn't eat there again. I just don't know that I can do this...watching her get older and the dementia -- it's killing me. :(

By the way, whatever I did last night worked! I actually slept well. I did not wake up through the night trying to find a position to breathe better. I woke up - no stuffy face...but still have the headache. I made 2 bottles of water/applecider vinegar/honey and took it to work with me. I will be sipping that through out the day. Tonight, several hot packs on my face. This morning, when I put on my Cherry flavored Blistek - I actually tasted the flavor! Boy, I'm missing out on how good food must taste... If I thought that seafood was delicious, can you imagine how it must really taste if I have my taste buds back to normal?!

Jen - always best to avoid antibiotics. Prevention is the key (not that I follow my advice.) I've had UTI three times in the past year. I have a problem drinking water...can't stand it. Stomach starts heaving when I drink it. That's why I'm trying to eat yogurt daily. I bought probiotics but...I'm too scared to try it. If the parent is wearing pampers, change the pampers/diapers as often as you can. And cranberry juice helps too (too acidic for me.) So, antibiotics to rid the UTI and then concentrate with Prevention.

Deef would it be possible for your mom to be on the cipro full time or is that just not an option. hat about cranberry pills?

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