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Mame – nope, never heard of Vagus Nerve. Mom shakes but they diagnosed her as: Lydigo-Bodig/Alzheimer/Parkinson. The expert neurologist in dementia diagnosed her as this. But her shaking is not like the typical Parkinson. For us, it’s like her whole body jerks – like a mini seizure, but I don’t recall if she stiffens when it happens. I will observe next time to see if her body tightens. Come to think of it, mom tends to have these mini seizures when she’s sick. She was getting it more often, then I took her to the ER just 2 wks ago. She has bronchitis. Now that she’s finished the antibiotics, I don’t see the whole bed jerking from her mini seizure-jerks. Hmmm – let me research it after I get off work….. enjoy your son’s visit!

Hi All. Just catching up on posts here. Busy place!

Mom is better from the bronchitis but had a few episodes last week where she was going to the bathroom and had what I think is a seizure. The Dr says it is not. They say it is her Vagus Nerve and for some reason, when she (has been sick or is sick) and she goes to the bathroom-that nerve is stimulated and she has this response-she stiffens up, shakes, stares at the ceiling and is out of it. I always start to pray outloud-thinking she is dying or something and the prayers seem to calm her. Have any of you had this experience with the person you care for? The first time she had one that I experienced was 10 years ago. Of course we went right to the hospital... It was like they didn't believe me...then when it happened in the hospital one time-they said it was this Vagus Nerve. I don't even bring her to the hosp anymore when she has this episode...I just get her into bed and take her vitals... If anything was out of wack I would take her. But she is fine and hasn't had anymore since that day last week. Luckily hubby was home and could get her from the toilet to the bed. She never remembers having them. My chiropractor said maybe she has a disc out of wack and the nerve is being pressed or something...all the conditions have to be right and it is almost always happened when or after she has been I don't know. Anyway-she is still recovering from all this and still hasn't gone back to daycare. They called today asking about how she is. That was sweet. I told them maybe next week. I hate this time of year-she is always sick. I am almost afraid to take her back to daycare for fear of her picking up something else to make her sick. We'll see.
My son will be home Tuesday night for the Holiday. It will be good to spend some time with him. Our other son will be around Thursday for the day-so that will be nice. I like having everyone home...
Lots to do...hi to everyone. Talk to ya later. Mame

Deefer had to smile about getting Mom and the trash out of the house. Cuz -love your jokes-usually I take them to the senior center and give everyone a good laugh.

Deef, most of my research showed that most sinus infections are caused by virus. Antibiotics does not fight against virus. It does fight it if the infection is caused by ... fungus and one other stuff. If a sinus infection goes untreated, it can spread and poison the rest of the body. A person here on island had an untreated sinus infection - it ate up most of his face. I understand that he had no bones (no cheek bone, and nose cartilage). By the time it was caught, it damaged those bones that he now has a sunken face and no nose.

Antibiotics don't really work on me now. I'm not sure why. I have gone for years to dental cleaning without antibiotics for my heart murmur. Then finally, I got a conscientious dentist who actually contacted my doctor (with my permission) about my murmur. They postponed my dental cleaning for another hour so that I can take the 4 gigantic antibiotic pills. I took it. 2 months later, I had very bad dizzy spells, slamming against the wall, etc...and was diagnosed with a heart infection of a scale of 1-7, 7 being the worst, my heart was a 6. Bed rest for 1 1/2 months (didn't listen, washed clothes, cooked meals), and daily bag of IV antibiotics. My previous doctor determined that antibiotics by pills don't work well on me. Hence the IV. I was a very sickly child/teen and adult. I guess I had too much antiobiotics that it doesn't work very well on me anymore.

And that is why I avoid antibiotics as much as possible. I need to Not have my body become too resistant to it that when a BIG health crisis occurs - I'm in deep creek cuz antibiotics will no longer work on my body.

A lot of UTI's being mentioned on this site lately. Wonder if it's the weather? It's in competition with the flu.

Stormy, I can't wait to see how the cake comes out. Your son must be very excited!

Book, sounds like you have things under control. But if all your efforts don't make you get better, do get an antibiotic,please!!! It is a sinus [infection] and if not cured, can lead to very serious problems. Not trying to scare you, but research what can happen if a sinus infection goes unchecked. Sure hope you feel better soon!
Stormy, my daughter uses a special paper at work that they can photocopy images onto and then lay it on top of the cake. People bring in all kinds of pictures for them to put on cakes. Hope your topper comes in on rime!
Got to get the trash out and get Mom up and out the door to daycare. Then we are off to the discount meat market for ground pork so I can make French pork stuffing for Thanksgiving. Hoping to get back home and have time to paint before I have to pick up Mom. Also need to call her doctor about possible UTI. Hope I don't need to take her to the ER!

Headache didn't go away with acetominophen. Came home, and took a very hot shower. I put my face up so that the water hit my face. Oh my!! I felt my stuffed face clearing, my jaw stopped clenching and relaxed, and slowly the rest of my body untightened. Came out, I can breathe! While dressing, every time my eyes blinked, there was this wet sound noise coming out from from right eye. I just finished Googling for about 1 1/2 hrs on neti pot, sinus infections, and home remedies. Got a lot of info. One of it actually mentioned what I did in the shower except, they recommended that I should also blow my nose hard while under the water. Will do that tomorrow.

I also read about the hot compress - which I knew about. So, I got the face cloth, soaked it in very hot water, laid down, and put it on my face. Wow! I could feel it draining down! I did this again about an hour later - which cleared more of my face.

Then, I tried the other suggestion of using 8 oz water, 2 TBS Apple cider vinegar and 1 TBS honey. Hesitated since I have acid reflux. Well, I warmed up the water, drank it all - don't feel anything happening. BUT, I will make it again tomorrow morning, if I have time, before rushing to work.

Before I go to bed tonight, more very hot compress. I feels sooooo good!
I found most of this info at the earthclinic site for Cures for sinus infection. I basically copied the whole site and pasted it on my New File under Cure Sinus Infection. Since this seems to be a repeated occasion, I will keep a copy of this info for future reference.

Tomorrow, I will call the health food store if they have neti pot. Have to go now. Need to change pampers, etc.. Night!!! Thanks Stormy and Deef on info.

I don't want anymore antibiotics. Lousy headache all day, right side stuffed and hurting. I like that nasal spray option better than the ...neti pot? I will also use a lot of hot compression tonight on it (don't know if that will work.) later...@ work.

Hey Ladies and gents, have we got any gents on here?
Judy- I will post pics of the cake and the party, i hope you are doing well these days.
Deef- thanks for the fondant idea, me and sis have been putting our heads together about this cake and i am sure you have heard about this. A cake image topper. Well, we have ordered one for connor's cake, i just hope that it comes in, in time for his party. We just found it on the net this weekend. They look really cool and neat looking and connor liked the picture that he picked out on the computer. I am planning on just buying a cake from the grocery store cause me and sis cakes always come out a little uneven on the top. You can still send me the info on the fondant just in case this image cake topper doesn't get here in time but i sure hope it does. I will be stressing like a wild woman!!!! Thanks
Book- I know about those sinus infections they are from hell!!!! I had one, one time and i cried for days until i got the meds in my system. It felt like someone was taking a hammer to my head. You need to get some meds for that. I hope you feel better soon.
Cuz- that was a good one!!!
Cat- I hope you are doing ok, i know that you have had a rough patch of it for the last little while. Take care.
Diane- I am sorry but when you said that part about your mom thinking your cough drop was fuel from the plane i just busted out laughing. I know its not funny, but that must have been one strong cough drop. I do hope that you feel better soon. Oh and i know what you mean about the elders acting fine with company, my dad does the same thing too. Especially around the doctors. I told my brother one time that we should just not clean dad up,meaning (shaving, combing the hair, cleaning the neck, new clothes) cause he goes in to see the drs and he looks like he just stepped out of the bandbox, no wonder they always say he is doing fine........... He don't look sick and he sure doesn't act like it around the drs. ugh............

Well i know i am going to be foolish by the time sunday night gets here, i already told sis i might have to pull a drunk. Between having this birthday party and thanksgiving and having to cook for my house and dads. Lord, be with me........... My stress level is going to be out the roof!!!! Well, i need to get to bed 5:30 comes early in the morning. Ya'll have a good monday if there is such a thing. Love and hugs stormy.

Forgot to tell you I had a baby possum on the front porch tonight! Looking for cat food. It was too cute!!!



A man calls home to his wife and says, "Honey, I've been invited to fly to Canada with my boss and several of his friends to go fishing, for the long weekend. This is a good opportunity for me to get that promotion I've been wanting, so could you please pack enough clothes for a three-day weekend. And also, would you get out my rod and tackle box from the attic? We're leaving at 4:30 pm from the office and I'll swing by the house to pick-up my things. Oh! And please pack my new navy blue silk pajamas."

The wife thinks this sounds a bit odd, but, being the good wife, she does exactly what her husband asked.

Following the long weekend he returns home a little tired, but, otherwise, looking good. The wife welcomes him home and asks if he caught many fish?

He says, "Yes! Lots of walleyes, some bass, and a few pike." "But", he said, "why didn't you pack my new blue silk pajamas, like I asked you to do?"

You'll love the answer.

The wife replies,"I did, they're in your tackle box".
Never, Never, Never Ever TRY to Outsmart a WOMAN !!!

Wow!!! Lose track for a few days and find everyone is falling apart!!
So sorry to hear everyone is so sick. Diane, I sure hate a cols combined with asthma. Coughing and throwing up seem to go hand in hand, oh yeah, peeing my pants every time I cough too! Thought I was getting a cold myself, earlier in the week, so I started taking zinc pills and felt better. Hoping to stay this way too.
Mom had a bad day at daycare on Friday. She was leaning severely to the right all day and when she got home. I think her UTI from last month never went completely away. The last 3 nights she has been waking up due to holding her breath and waking me up when she has a "mouth" fart. I swear she will tear the skin on her cheeks some day from puffing them up so much when she doesn't open her mouth to breath. This is another sign of a UTI. The paid caregivers all came last week with colds and I thought sure Mom would catch one from them, but so far that hasn't happened. Now I have to call the doctor tomorrow and see if they will call in another script for UTI without seeing her or needing a specimen. I don't want to have to deal with that through the holiday, as the office will be closed on Wednesday afternoon until next Monday!
I have been up to my elbows in paint every second I get. I now have 4 dozen ornaments done and will start stenciling holiday signs tomorrow. I have plenty of things knitted and have to make a couple stands to display my felted purses and shawls. Oh yeah, and cook for Thanksgiving too!
Diane, did you ever get meds for your mom's UTU? It definitely sounds like she has one for sure! If she gets much worse, get her to the ER so they can get a urine with a catheter. If it is a raging UTI, and it is not treated, it could kill her, so please try to get her doctor to make sure. Every time my Mom gets that crazy, they tell me her urine is contaminated so they couldn't get a result. That's when I get her to the ER and it's always a UTI. Hope you can get yourself some much needed rest and can get your mom straightened out.
Book, sinus is tough to deal with. Have you ever tried saline nasal spray? I use it all the time when I have a cold or stuffy nose. You can use it as much as you need and it does provide immediate relief for me. Glad you are going to therapy.
Stormy, that cake sounds like a tough one to do. Have you ever worked with fondant? You could roll it out and push it onto a real Lego to form the shape, then place them on the cake. My daughter is a baker and decorates kid's cakes all the time. I will ask her if she has ever done a Lego cake.
Lildeb, glad to hear your biopsy was fine.
Judy, no black ice here yet, but damn cols at night!
Linda!!! Ready for turkey day?
Meanwhile and Mame, good to see you both posting.
Jen, what can I say? Hate the thought that you have to sit at the same table with your brother! Wish you could be here with us. No perverts allowed! Had a great sunset 2 nights ago and got lots of pictures. When I get them downloaded on my computer, I'll send you some.
Bobbie!!!! Where are you? Hope you aren't overworking yourself on that boat!
Okay, time to pack it in. Been painting all evening and suspect Mom will keep me up tonight.

Jen, it's been crapola here too. At least I don't have the nasty history you have with FP, but the person my mother has become is a complete pain in the ass! Tonights fixation was that there was a plane crash and I wasn't helping the children on board. WTF! Then I put a cough drop in my mouth. Mistake! She then went off because she thought the menthol smell was chemicals from the plane crash and they were going to harm her. She starts to yell and scream at me and i just feel like I've been sucked into the insanity. Hopefully she is going to sleep tonight. I've got a headache from coughing so freakin much so I'm going to try get to bed early. I've only taken 3 antibiotics so far but no improvement. Jen, you might try some ginger snap cookies and see if that would FP's pollution control. I have a really easy recipe. Let me see if this thing will let me cut and paste it here for you.

Grandma's Gingersnaps

1 cup shortening
1/4 cup butter or margarine
1/3 cup molasses
1 2/3 cups sugar
2 eggs
4 cups all-purpose flour
3 teaspoons baking soda
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground cloves
1 teaspoon ground ginger
Additional sugar

1. Heat oven at 350 degrees. Melt shortening and butter in 1-quart saucepan over low heat. Cool 15 minutes.
2. Mix shortening mixture, molasses, 1 2/3 cups sugar and the eggs in a large bowl until well blended. Stir in remaining ingredients except additional sugar.
3. Shape dough into 1-inch balls. Roll in sugar. Place about 2 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheet.
4. Bake 10 to 12 minutes or until set. Cool 1 to 2 minutes; remove from cookie sheet to wire rack.

For giant gingersnaps, shape dough by rounded measuring tablespoonfuls or using #24 ice-cream scoop into balls. Bake 12 to 15 minutes.

Melt 3 packages (6ounces each) white baking bar, broken up and 1 tablespoon shortening. Dip half of each cookie into melted mixture; sprinkle with chopped crystalized ginger. Place on waxed paper until coating is set.

Have a good night all!

THAT one bugs me forever D. Everyone I know that knows fart pants thinks he is JUST the sweetest lil old man! I want to strangle them.
Thank you for the support guys, just crapolla deal here for me, it has to end eventually. one way or t'other.

I am glad the funeral was nice, He had a lot of friends any how and they will miss him.

Ginger pills huh? Can they be baked in cookies?

Have a sane warm safe week everyone!

Opened the grape jelly Kathy! Excellent!

Why is it that the people we care for act completely crazy with us, but when anyone visits they are just fine and even humorous?

DT, I'm sorry you're feeling sick and down about the holidays. This will be my first one with no family. It won't be the same but I look at it as just another day. I'll take a nap and the day will go faster. Then I look forward to the tomorrow. I don't like the holidays either. Even if your mom doesn't care or remember, there maybe still apart of her that at least appreciates the attempt you are making.

I hope my fellow sickies are recuperating. I spent the night coughing as usual. I woke up to mom acting crazy as ever. I really am not up to caring for her right now. Even the doc at Minute Clinic said I need to get a break from caregiving.
On the bright side my brother did do something nice. He bought me a turkey and cranberry sauce to fix for Thanksgiving and a pumpkin pie. He does try. I'm really ready for the holidays just to come and go. I feel so empty and alone at this time of year. I know I need to make my own traditions, but it just reminds me of how much I've lost. I will try make it a nice Thanksgiving for mom even though she won't remember or care. Shit I'm crying now. Next I'll be coughing until I throw up.
Try have a good day everyone. Love ya

Hey Book: I'll pass (no pun intended) the ginger pill idea on to my sil. Love, Cat

Cat- I have a friend who had major heart surgery. The medication she has to take for her heart has a side effect – lots of gas. She has to drink a lot of water to help keep her blood thin. But, she lets out gas (at both ends) constantly. She told me that she takes ginger pills all the time – in order to keep the gas odorless. It works cuz one time she had to let loose when we were in the elevator. Didn’t smell it at all.

Diane – wow – 3 infections at one time. Hope that antibiotic works. My current doc had prescribed penicillin. Didn’t work. Went to the gyne for something else and my gyne was surprised that I had penicillin. He prescribed antibiotic that I take for 3 days. Worked! Hope you get better, too!!

Well I finally went to the Minute Clinic and spent 3 hours to be diagnosed with bronchitis, a sinus infection and ear infection. I just picked up my antibiotic and cough medicine. I sure hope this works to get me better.

Take care of yourselves!

Hello to everyone:

Glad to be back home. I've been catching up on some yard work, cutting back lavender plants while weather permits. I'm a bit late getting things done in the yard so hoping for no rain today. It poured last night for a little while and the wind was blowing. Hoping I can get back outside today.

The memorial service for my nephew was really nice. Lots of people showed up and it was standing room only. Lots of 30 somethings. Dameron had a lot of friends. It was a very emotional day and also exhausting for Rick and Cyn. Everyone went to their home after the service. It was a step by step in getting each requirement of the day over and then, finally, it was done. It was a very long day and evening.

We were able to spend a lot of one on one time with Rick and Cyn in the remaining days we were there. Went to the coast one day and got them out of the house. Spent a lot of time sitting at the kitchen table playing a dominoes game we use to play all the time. Lots of conversation and lots of laughter at times. Also some tears. My sil is having a hard time with the what if's. Our hearts just break for them and we hated leaving them on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, I loved your Breaking Wind Ranch. That just cracked me up. Since it's so close to the Mexican border, maybe border patrol could enlist his services and let him work his magic in some of the underground tunnels used by illegals. They could play a few minutes of Hawaiian music as a warning before detonation.

Speaking of bad gas. My poor sister-in-law has problems with that now since she underwent surgery for colon cancer. If she knows she is going to fart, she will quickly move away from us so we are not exposed. My brother in law teases her about it all the time, as do the grand kids. Nothing to be done about it so good to be able to laugh. Rick was telling us about being in the meat department at the grocery store when Cyn had a gas passing episode. He said they quickly moved to another isle, but could still see the meat department. He said a lady walked into the meat department and her legs buckled as she walked into the invisible cloud. "Dropped her right there in the meat department." Of course he is exaggerating, but we all had a good laugh.

Lildeb: I hope you get your test results soon and that they are good. Please let us know as soon as you get them. I'm praying good news for you.

Diane: Can't imagine a two hour tantrum. You must be exhausted. Please hang in there and try to take good care of yourself. Sending you lots of love and white light.

Cricket: Thanks for sharing about your trip and your new school venture. Wow, lots of hours to study, but you will do well because your heart is in it and you have the most amazing positive attitude. I am really excited for you.

Bobbie: Drop us a note. Hope the boat angel is doing well.

Jen: My heart goes out to you. Someday he will be gone and we can only hope that it will be a big event that takes him in a matter of seconds. No lingering, just a sudden and quick departure.

Stormy: Conner is going to be six years old. Wow. I'm sure his party will be a big success. How are you feeling now? Hoping you are full of energy and life is easier to handle.

Judy, my friend, so sorry to hear about the bearded dragon. A friend of mine had one for a number of years and was meticulous in it's care, but the same thing happened to her. It's always sad to lose a pet. Hope you are feeling better.

Book: Thanks for the hug. I'm glad to know your tests came back with no serious issues. Maybe you could try a nettie pot for your sinus infection. Just be sure to use distilled water in it, not tap water. Lots of people find it helps a lot with sinus issues. Proud of you on the therapy route. I know it's a big step for you.

Liinda: Always good to hear from you. I hope things are going better for you and that each day includes some happiness for you.

Sending love and white light to all of you. Cat

Well, atleast you guys are one of those numbers. Most of those – I have to work on…especially # 2 and 4. Even the car I bought cannot be pushed! (#8).

Stormy, had the results come in – Normal except some kind of sinus infection on my upper frontal something. Doc didn’t even treat me for that sinus infection! I bet that sinus is the one that’s giving me headaches! Anyway, I asked for a referral for…Therapy. Sigh…I Will Not Take Pills! I will be doing some calling on Monday and figure out how to ask the boss for 1 ½- 2-hr leave for each therapy. I hope I can afford these visits after the insurance runs out. Even before he told me the results, I asked him if I can get a referral for therapy. He finally agreed that it’s Stress…(which I kept trying to tell him but if you all recall – he said that would be Last Resort.)

Yes, Lildeb, your brother was “buying” babies? Or did your computer do an “auto correct” and typed it wrong? He’s trying to adopt?

Hi Jen…so sad, your life…I guess we all have our own burdens – unique to each of us. Yesterday, I was typing a comment about wanting to sleep forever and ever….decided that it’s not nice and makes me sound suicidal. I’m not but…there’s nothing wrong with wishing for death. I read your comments and feel sad about it. I can’t remember what my relative(s) did to us girls while young. We blocked it in our memory – up to now. We don’t even want to remember it…makes life easier to live if you don’t remember what terrible things were done to you as a child. Just keep venting and venting.

Hi Cricket, Meanwhile, Judy and Linda! =)

Jen you are so much more than your family realizes. More than the 7 on the list. I liked #20. Hope everyone gets to feeling better. Deb, hope you get good news on your lab tests.

Pahaha Meanwhile. Hmmn might give off the impression of nuclear testing i n the desert....could be serious....

Mom picked up DVDs at the library for fart pants and she put in Blue Hawaii for him after dinner.....SO guess what he put on his stereo AFTER the movie ended?....

Heres a pathetic snippet of my life. after being sick three days and having to say home and mom mad she had to run errands alone. We went and did the regular shopping different day. I had my period messy heavy messy painful never mind. had to use bathrooms at Wal mart And Safeway. got blood on my skirt. I asked her if there was blood on my skirt she said yes but only a little I got up said she said it was NO big deal and we finished shopping, me bleeding in pain menstrual blood on my clothes...nothin. Why should it matter. I am no one any any way.

yes Kill me now...

I really just can't take much more here.

Oh and the fuel pump died, so now mom is reeling from a unexpected $750.00 bill eh. She went ahead and bought the Safeway pre made thanksgiving dinner. me, I am glad. one less week of her being frazzled worried flustered trying to make everything perfect....may have a second thought though now I bet. She just told me she invited my sexually abusive ex brother the cop to dinner as his wife is going out of town with kids. so yet another year of at the table with the perverts. God it is like I am living a Greek tragedy. when i was a teenager I spent every holiday for seven years in my room listening to holiday dinners just to get away from them. Now I am NOT afraid of them any more. Just annoyed I have to deal with the a holes. Been sick and tried literally all week. see if it goes away. I don't know. got a mess of books at library today so happy to have them.

bobbie how is your boat angel? tings going good on the East Coast? Gaze at a sun rise for me...Thank you. Jen

hi to everyone.

Lildeb....your bro was buying babies? Huh? Did I read that wrong? I'm so confused (doesn't take much). Waiting to hear about your results. Collard greens and corn bread... I wish we lived closer!
Stormy, good luck on that cake... a lego ninja cake? Oh, boy. Where do you start on that one? I'm sitting here trying to picture it, so I google image searched "lego ninja cake"... wow! Can you take a picture of your cake and use it as an avatar so we can see how it came out?
Meanwhile... I laughed out loud at FP's new place.. Breaking Wind Ranch! I think there's real place named Poopoo in Hawaii too. Seeing that FP likes Hawaiian music, that'd be a good place for him too. Anywhere away from Jen is a good place (Hi, Jen!).
Book, I'm number 1 on that list. I'm mostly the statue.
Burned - I hope things look up for you.
Mame - I like your comment and I'm no where near the level of caregiving most of you do.
Diane - I can't even imagine how hard that tantrum was to endure. Sending you some love. I read your comment with my mouth hanging open.
Hello's to Austin and Cricket!

Lil deb- Let us know when you hear something from the results. Have you called the dr yet to see if they have gotten the results? Sometimes or most of the time you have to call these drs. I hope you are doing alright. You take care!!! Love and hugs stormy

I'm number 2, and 5.
Book- thanks for the post, it was cute!! Things to think about huh? I am sorry i am behind on posts, but have you had your MRI yet? If so, have you heard any results? I am sorry you are still sick. I know it sucks. I stayed sick alot last year with chest colds. I would get one every month like clockwork. I have read online that people say if you put vicks vapor rub on your chest upper back and the soles of your feet that it will get rid of the cold or at least help it alot. People swear by this. I just know that if you get to feeling bad enough, you will try about anything. Or i will. Just make sure you wash all that stuff off before you go outside the next day. I hope you feel better soon!!!
Diane- I am so sorry that you are still sick too and that you are having a time with your mom. It just makes it that much harder to have to care for them when you feel like hell yourself. I hope your mom will behave for you to get some rest and i hope you feel better soon too.

Well, i have been kinda busy cause i am trying to plan connor's 6th birthday party its going to be the sunday after thanksgiving. And i just got hold of the girl that i was going to get to make his cake and she says that she can't make it that weekend. So it looks like it is up to me and sis. We have made his other cakes in the past and i guess we do alright. I just hope this one turns out. He is wanting a lego ninja birthday cake. So i have been looking at cakes online trying to get a idea about how to decorate it. Well, i will talk with ya'll later. Love and hugs stormy

im number 10 and 11 .

Hi all n hope everyone is doing well. My older brother had came from Fl to KY to buy a few babies n on his way back home he decide to stop by here. He was very tired so had him stay over-night along with my rib roast which turns out great from the crock-pot, the meat just fell off the bone. Cook some collard greens, corn-bread n some fresh carrots. Yum,yum. The mnl didn't have to chew too much to eat the roast either. I made pancakes n pork chop ham for breakfast n the brother ate it up plus some. He will be staying another night which I am so happy for I know I wasn't going to be able to make it down their for a visit for awhile. Not sure if he will be leaving tomorrow so we will play by here. I told him that, I was not going to let him leave. He is the one I stay with in Fl when I visit my dad n family. I had left only for about 20 mintues to the store yesterday to pick up odds/ends n had message from Atlanta on my house phone to call them back for my result. So, I try to call n got no-one so, left a message. Of course, they r not going to call today for I stayed home all day. My brother said that if it was bad then they would had gotten a hold of me one way or another. We will continue to look at no news is good news. I hope everyone has a great weekend. ; )

Jen – when I first read the STRESS post, I had to reread #7. Finally understood. That’s a sad comment. My family will not see it as that way. More like – better you than me!

Diane – I still have the flu. I think I keep getting relapses because I’m NOT RESTING! Like all caregivers, how can we truly rest and give our body a chance to heal if we keep wearing it down every day? I’m coughing a lot. I feel so bad for you. Your mom is going to get worse. Maybe at that time, you will Finally be approved for help? No venting is a Trivial Matter! Your caregiving is somewhat still in the beginning. So, your venting will be based on your mom’s current stage. Just as my mom’s is on the later stages (should be in hospice service) and father is in the Very Beginning stage. Vent, vent and vent. Get all those bad stuff out of you. HUGS!!!

Mame – let me think about your post. The first time I read it…I disagreed. Maybe if I read it enough, I will finally see that point of view. What popped in my head …. is that we are a glutton for punishment….(the half empty glass view.)

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