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Hi everyone,

Thanks for the nice comments Deef, Lildeb, Bobbie and Bookworm. I'm to busy to say much right now but wanted to stop in to at least say hello. xoxo

At the end of the day
The fact that we have the courage
to still be standing
Is reason enough
to celebrate

What a night!!!!! Mom threw a 2-hour temper tandrum last night. As I was getting her to her feet her legs went from under her. Luckily I was still holding on to her so I was able to gently lower her to the floor. I got the hoyer lift and got her to bed. I was trying to remove the sling from under her and of course the heavy strap scraped her arm and she got another skin tear. All while she is fighting me I got it cleaned up, put antibiotic ointment and a bandage on it. Mom raised holy hell that she needed EMS and to go to the hsopital. Once I knew she was safe in bed I just let her have her tandrum until she fell asleep. I am exhausted this morning since the exursion of getting her off the floor caused me to cough even more, my chest feels raw. I feel like I'll never get over this cold as long as I have to care for mom. I may have to go ahead and see a doc in the box to get over this crap.
I know others are sick or waiting on test results. I hope everyone will get better soon. I'm going to try get a nap while the caregiver is hear today. Have as good a day possible.

Jen, I found the perfect place to send FP. It is out in the middle of the desert, miles from nowhere (about 30 miles to Mexico), and it is called "Breaking Wind Ranch".

I AM Number 7 !

Thank you Book!

Book that is fantasic.

Hi All! I just received this in our office email. I think it applies to us as caregivers. I also included a copy to the YOU thread. I sent it to my personal email so that I can print it at home and post it in the livingroom.

STRESS....everybody has it.

A young lady confidently walked around the room while leading and explaining stress management to an audience with a raised glass of water. Everyone knew she was going to ask the ultimate question, 'half empty or half full?'...
She fooled them all ..... "How heavy is this glass of water?" she inquired with a smile. Answers called out ranged from 8 oz. to 20 oz.

She replied , "The absolute weight doesn't matter. It depends on how long I hold it. If I hold it for a minute, that's not a problem. If I hold it for an hour, I'll have an ache in my right arm. If I hold it for a day, you'll have to call an ambulance. In each case it's the same weight, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes." She continued, "and that's the way it is with stress.

If we carry our burdens all the time, sooner or later, as the burden becomes increasingly heavy, we won't be able to carry on."

"As with the glass of water, you have to put it down for a while and rest before holding it again. When we're refreshed, we can carry on with the burden - holding stress longer and better each time practiced

So, as early in the evening as you can, put all your burdens down.

Don't carry them through the evening and into the night... Pick them up tomorrow.

1 * Accept the fact that some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're the statue!

2 * Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them.

3 * Always read stuff that will make you look good if you die in the middle of it.

4 * Drive carefully... It's not only cars that can be recalled by their Maker..

5 * If you can't be kind, at least have the decency to be vague

6 * If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it.

7 * It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.

8 * Never buy a car you can't push.

9 * Never put both feet in your mouth at the same time, because then you won't have a leg to stand on.

10 * Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance.

11 * Since it's the early worm that gets eaten by the bird, sleep late.

12 * The second mouse gets the cheese.

13 * When everything's coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.

14 * Birthdays are good for you. The more you have, the longer you live.

16 * Some mistakes are too much fun to make only once.

17 * We could learn a lot from crayons. Some are sharp, some are pretty and some are dull. Some have weird names and all are different colors, but they all have to live in the same box.

18 * A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.

19 * Have an awesome day and know that someone has thought about you today.


20 *Save the earth..... It's the only planet with chocolate!*

Glad you're back, Cat. Hard for me to say that I hope it was a good trip, like any trip to a funeral can be good? But, you know what I mean.
Black ice. I remember it. No fun. Stay inside, Jen, preferably away from the source of the BS.
Woke up to Spike, the bearded dragon, dead in his tank. New heater bulb. I hope we didn't overheat him. Now, I'm riddled with guilt. Acted like a nutcase, crying, running warm water over the lizard, hoping he'd perk up. No perking the dead. Thought he was brumating, which is like a hibernation. Crap. The kid is going to be really upset when he gets home from school. Doesn't seem like that long ago, his dog died.
Headed to Mom's. Ugh.
Hope everyone has a decent day. Mine better start looking up!

Hi everyone:

Wrote a long post and then lost it. Grrrrr. We got home a couple of hours ago, so now it is past midnight and I'm going to bed. I'll post tomorrow and bring you up to date. Love, Cat

Snow almost gone, but roads gonna be bad. black ice, the kind you don't see.
Same old BS here.

Book, T-mobile asked me when I can swing by n they will see what they can do for they think it some fax machine. It has that sound of a fax so hopefully, when I go make a drip to the drug store for the whole family I can swing by their with the mnl at T-mobile.
Deef, I cannot stand the waiting either yet now I try to just put in my head no-news is good-news. : ) I feel fine except tired n that is normal for me.
I had a decent normal cognitive conversation with the mnl yesterday afternoon around 4ish. She started off that, "she didn't know what she do without me that she said she be dead a long time ago if it weren't for me." I told her that, "You would do what you have to n you do have your son." She said, "it not the same" I understood what she was saying. Then I mention that tomorrow is Wednesday n she will be with her friends at St. Luke Church. She told me, "I understand why you have me going so you can get a break." I like to fell right out of my chair. Wow! who is this person, where has she been for the past year. Then she went on n said that, "She didn't mind going n if I wanted her to go another day that she would for she understood that I am young n need to get out." I was almost in tears. It was the best 20 minute conversation we had in yrs if any! Yes, it give us both time to see other people n it gives me time to get other things done too.

So, that all being said, the next morning I am trying to get her ready to St, Luke n low n behold, Dr. Jekyll Alzheimer's kicked in n she said, "I don't why you r making me go to this place." I thought we were doing fine." I try to explain n it was getting no where so I just said nothing. She complain the whole time n started her every AM Wednesday thing, "I don't know if I feel up to going for I am getting old." Here we go again. So, she went on n on n finally I couldn't hold it n I know I was trying real hard to remember that it is not her, it is the disease. Yet, she kept on n she said, " I guess I will tell them my daughter-n-law dumped me off." I said, "yes! You can tell them. n that I do it every Wednesday!" Then she said, "I don't see the problem why I cannot go with you." I finally said, "Because I am still young n have a life beside sitting at home under your butt 24/7 7days a wk, 365 days! So, I had to warn the person at the church that I am just dumping her off. That person just said, try not let it bother you n she will be fine n to enjoy myself. They understand at the church for they deal with other people with Alzheimer's too. They r such great n kind people at that church. Anyway, I guess, I should had known better but that was a great 20mint conversation even though it left out n in the wind.

Lildeb – the cell phone problem you have is the new way for those callers to reach you. At the moment, that 1800 number that you call to report – can’t do anything about it because of some kind of reason I forgot. (They had at HLN news.) So, what the govt is doing is having a Contest nationwide if any citizen can come up with a plan to handle this problem. The winner will get $50,000.00! So, I guess you’re one of those affected by those automated callers. Worse case scenario, can you call T-mobile for any temporary recommendation?

Diane - my father is beginning to see people who aren’t there. He says that they’re trying to make him go crazy. He sees them,and then when he takes off his glasses, they’re gone. So far, he hasn’t been talking back to them. By the way, you’re not whining – you’re Venting!

Deef – I like your story. I was visioning your mom trying to damage the tray. You’re right, sooner or later, she will succeed. That is one very sophisticated wheelchair! Well, except it didn’t have brakes for downhill strolling.

just wrote a big post and lost it! Damn!!!
Anyway, been in the 60's here for a few days and now we are heading back to the cold weather after rain today.
I spent my day painting mitten ornaments. I decided to set up a work space in Mom's living room that we keep closed off. It's bright, roomy and I can close the doors on my mess when I'm done for the day. I f I try to do it in my apartment, I would have 4 cats trying to help! Tomorrow I have a bunch of scarves and shawls to block. Then I"ll do some more painting. My shows are creeping up fast! I have to bake and cook for Thanksgiving and get ready for the first show the Saturday after and one a week later. Going to be hectic around here!
Mom's tray for her new wheelchair showed up today and it seems to be a hit with her. I know we are loving it as we no longer have to use a gait belt to tie her shoulders back to the chair to keep her from bending towards the floor all the time. She was actually very comfortable with feeding herself and was able to keep things on the tray to amuse herself. The tray is huge and has a padded top. which she already tried poking a hole in with a pencil! It measures 24' across and is 23"deep with a cutout to go around her body. She pulled, pushed,shook, and pried at the darn thing trying to do whatever her mind was telling her, but could not budge or break it, today. Tomorrow will be another story! It's very heavy, but slides right over the arm rests and goes on and comes off easily. It's definitely going to make things a lot easier for us!
Yesterday was so nice when I got her from daycare, that I decided to take her for a walk before dark, which is now right after 4 PM around here. we went around the block and walked pass my brother's and cousins houses on the next street. Met up with a couple old neighbors and then headed for home. That chair is so heavy, my legs were done in from pushing her uphill and then trying not to lose it going back downhill. Damn thing needs brakes!
Diane, hope you feel better soon! Been a while since Mom went through that stage your mom is in, but I remember it well! At least now when Mom hallucinates,she doesn't get scared. Just reaches out for things that aren't there or talks to whoever or whatever she sees. Thank God for Seroquel at night. She sleeps like a baby through the night and wakes up refreshed the next morning. Without it she is up all night and crazy as a bedbug!
Lildeb, hope you get your biopsy results soon. I hate waiting for medical results!
Book, sounds like you had a scary clinic visit. You would think they would have security there when it's late. Hope you are feeling a bit better today.
Jen, I'm starting to get some cardinal photos at the feeders. I'll send you some soon!
Linda, Road trip! Sounds like fun. Can I come too?
Bobbie!!! Austin, Mame, Meanwhile, Cricket, Cat, eldestdaughter, and all you caregivers out there, let us know how you are doing. Once you sign on and talk to us, we want updates whenever you can give them. Remember, we are in the together!

cuz - love that story !! made me smile . ure the best !

flex - just keep the house ure in now . tel your mom here mom sign ur name . poof all done . that way you dont have to look and hunt and stress out . and its home ....

think my sis and i will be taking a road trip . i told her id like to wait till spring . think she wants to do that before spring lol . she said she ll support me the whole time . i dont have that kind of money for roadtrip . her oldest daughter lives out west , way out west , so it ll be fun trip ..

bobbie _ u want some more of the sox ? ill ship u out some :-) ..
austin ! i finaly fired up the woodstove last night , ohhh my it is the best heat ever !
now i cant wait to see my electri bill go down some . are you doing ok up there ? snow more ? it snowed for like couple hrs then it quit ,
jen- is it still snowing ? how are you ? hows ur leg , ankle . crap done forgot what ya broke , ankle i believe .. dont be shoveling no snow either . be safe and be areful xoox
cricket - i am so glad that u went out west and met our angel . i cant wait to see her myself . thanks for filling in on what you guys been doing , love that part where u said how christina walks in and greet the elders , ohh it sounds so beautiful and yes christina is an angel .... big hugs to u cricket , chirp chirp
nighty night ya all xoxo

Dtflex, I have never heard of an attorney to take two months off unless she is being with family or a very nice-nice vacation. sorry you r still feeling a bit under the weather n the cold season hasn't even kicked in good just yet. Maybe u should put off with the house part n just focus on YOU to get to feeling better. I would be nice if your mom would go ahead n sign over the house to you however, that would be just too easy for a caregiver. I hope your mom is able to get some rest so that u can focus on yourself n get some rest too. Hugs to you.

Hey Y'all,

I'm still coughing and spluttering. I actually thought I was getting over this cold on Sunday, then through the night it slammed me again and worse! Today has been busy for mom with the Home Health Nurse, PT and OT coming over. I had to run to th pharmacy and pick-up more meds for mom too. Last night she kept hallucinating that people were visitng her and talking nearby. That shot the night to hell since she called me 6 times through the night. Finally at 6am I just stayed in the room and dozed in her recliner.
I've been investigating about buying a home and it doesn't looked good. Pretty much what I can afford would be a manufactured home and the banks won't give loans for them. I looked into some foreclosures and they require too much work and I can't afford the repairs. I feel like I'm beating my head against the wall. I even tried calling the attorney to get an appointment and she is on leave until January. I was hoping maybe mom would sign over the house to me (which she can do legally) and then I could get a loan to get mom in a NH. I'm feeling very frustrated with the situation. I just feel like every avenue of help seems to be out of reach for me. I wish I could just walk away and leave all this crap to someone else. I'm tired of having the weight of the world on my shoulders.
Fall weather is settling in for the week. Today we have only been in the 50's and breezy. Looks like we will stay in the 50's the rest of the week too.

Thanks for listening to my whining. I hope you all can have as good a day possible.

Bob, thanks n it is huge for me since no one ever went to college n r family. Both my parents hardly made it to high school for it was too much for they had to work on the farm back then in their time. However, I do call it a Bull-Shit degree sometimes for u need a master to do social work. Yet, it has open my eye's to an open-mindset n the different levels of the micro,meso n macro level of life.

Anyone have n advice on what to do when u keep getting these calls on the cell phone n when u answer, it will have a ringing sound n no person? This is happen every freaking day. I know the home phone still get those sales call but not as much since I made that call where u report to not get those calls. However, I have forgotten the number n not sure if it would work on a cell phone. any help please tell me. I use T-mobile if that helps any.
Cuz, thanks for I needed that one.. lol

Cricket – I’m glad that you enjoyed your trip. I thought it was very nice of your husband to cover for you while you had a vacation. I think it shows how much he loves you to be able to handle a 16hr work, tend to your father and the plants! Well, I hope you pass that class you’re taking.

Deef – I think I got a relapse from the relapse. Yesterday, I went to do the MRI. When I got out, it was 630pm, dark, isolated (all the other doctors/labs were closed by then), scary, and I all kept thinking was: Please don’t let me feel any spirits! I really needed to go to the restroom. I had to go. Do you know how scary it is to be in a 2 or 3 story long building at night with 99% of the offices closed and you’re a female under 100 lbs – and need to go do to the darn bathroom! I didn’t dare look at myself in the mirror – just in case a stupid spirit decides to show itself in the mirror (too many horror movies – thanks to fave sis.) Anyway, when done, I rush as quietly as I could down the stairs (in case there’s someone else in the building who might decide to harm the lone female) and open the door. Oh my! It’s raining very, very hard and it’s very very dark. I look around real quickly for any moving cars or parked cars between me and my parked car about 2 lanes away. Put my eyeglass in my purse (now, blind as a bat) and quickly walk to my car. No way I’m running and then trip! So, got to the car safely and home. By the time I got home, I parked uphill (house is downhill and will soon be flooded from the rain.) and walk down the hill. I arrived home literally soaking wet. I woke up this morning, coughing, etc…. Relapse!

Bobbie – I’m glad to be of help. I get all kinds of email from AC. I just automatically delete all of it. I check to see who posted on my wall (but I don’t click on the email) via the subject line. Then, I know that someone gave me HUG. I tend to forget checking my posts. So, I figured Cricket would receive your HUG.

A man is driving down a deserted stretch of highway when he notices a sign out of the corner of his eye....It reads:


He thinks this is a figment of his imagination and drives on without a second thought....

Soon he sees another sign which reads:


Suddenly he begins to realize that these signs are for real and drives past a third sign saying:


His curiosity gets the best of him and he pulls into the drive. On the far side of the parking lot is a stone building with a small sign next to the door reading:


He climbs the steps and rings the bell. The door is answered by a nun in a long black habit who asks, 'What may we do for you my son? '

He answers, 'I saw your signs along the highway and was interested in possibly doing business....'

'Very well my son. Please follow me.' He is led through many winding passages and is soon quite disoriented. The nun stops at a closed door and tells the man, 'Please knock on this door.'

He does so and another nun in a long habit, holding a tin cup answers the door... This nun instructs, 'Please place $100 in the cup then go through the large wooden door at the end of the hallway.'

He puts $100 in the cup, eagerly trots down the hall and slips through the door pulling it shut behind him.

The door locks, and he finds himself back in the parking lot facing another sign:


Thanks so much for the great posts! So glad you and Christine got time to hang out together in addition to time with your family.
School sounds wonderful and I know that you'll be great.
I hope you keep us updated

btw, one the guys here calls me 'cricket crotch'.
Think it has to do with the squeaking when I walk. KIDDING.

lildeb!! a BS in Sociology? Huge. My respect to everyone who could do the work and get the degree. Absolutely.


Colleen!! Welcome to the home of Vent and Live!

Cuz! Any news on Phillip?

Book! thx for the tip to shoot Cricket a hug!

Love everyone and I wonder about Linda and Kuli. How you both doing?

Everybody check in and let us all know how you're doing.

have to go turn the water off. It just started running out the scupper.


OMG what have u gotten yourself into Cricket! I think u will do great in the training to become a Health Coach. Sorry its going to take 1.5 yr to do it yet, if u want it bad enough u will find a way. I used binders when I took my bachelor's degree in Sociology. I also would make my own separation sheets in my binder with pictures n color that pertain to certain areas of the study lessons. For instance, I had to do a study on why r children r obese n steadily climbing. I would make sections for The types of food, portion plate sizes n how they have changed. It just made it more fun n you need that with all the freaking studying along with the vocabulary words u will have to learn. Better u than me. lol. I'll see ya on FB.

Stormy, that is awesome n amazing how she knew all this stuff about the family. Glad y'all had a good time out on the town.
Jsomebody, you can keep all that white flurry stuffs, br... to cold for me.

Dflex, I am so sorry you r feeling under the weather. Be careful about that fever n take care of yourself, you poor thing. You need someone with you to help take care of your germy-bugs u picked up. Sorry your mom is acting out of sort n hope they can find something for her so u can get to feeling better soon.
Book, that is very interesting that the germs still around for 30mints. I guess me trying to hold my breath so I don't breath in the germs won't work unless I can hold for at least 30mints. ; 0 I know If the tx clinic in Atlanta when germs are going around they have all the tx transplant clients wear that freaking mask that wraps around your ears. I also carry those little bottles of hand-sanitizers too.
Meanwhile, sorry to hear about your horse for you have had him a very long time n it like another family member that gets sick. I understand. I hope the antacids work for him.
Bob, us new caregivers need all you oldies for support, for y'all have already walked those shoes n some r still walking them. I know I wouldn't had made it to where I am at now with the mnl if this support was not here. Cricket not going to leave us for she knows how much we all need her too. Right Cricket? ; )

Cuz, sorry the hear about your dad having a stroke for he is in my prayers.
Coleen, I am not sure if it is any easier if you love one versus not r favorite for Alzheimer's is such a devastating disease n takes a toll on all. I would imagine it would be the other way around for you have such a close n loving bond with your husband. I am not in your shoes n hope I never will for it has to take a lot of love to do what you r doing to keep your family together. Humor does make a difference n I would take the whole 'clever' idea n get the big-head for that one for making hubby happy. As for the hocking his nose stuff in his hand, you can have all that one. ; )
Cricket, I am so happy that you enjoyed your time in California with your ciber buddy n her family. That is soooooooooooo cool. Awe, that was so sweet of them to kiss their grandma before going to school n you actually got to sleep in boy I bet u feel like a whole new woman n you should. Sound just like a fairy tale mini vacation n the hubby took care of dad with no complains n I saw where u mention 'this time' he water the plants so they wouldn't die. That was funny for it reminded me of my hubby. Funny but not funny how u mention that dad doesn't manipulate hubby like he does you for that's the way I feel about the freaking mnl! I am so glad for u really needed this Respite break n I bet you feel a better physical n spiritually.
As for us, I finally got to poo the other day so I feel a lot better. Today is the day we go see how the mnl did on her re- x-ray. This will be her 2nd x-ray to hopefully NOT see a spot. At least today is a holiday n hubby can go with us too for a change. I will also have to call my tx today today to see if I need an appt go back up their on just see my local kidney specialist. I rather just stay here but you gottat do what is needed yet their nothing wrong in wishful thinking.
I hope everyone has a blissful day, ; )

Snow yes. Usual, yes, reading classics and doing Philosophy studies on my own, have checked out Mein Kampf. I'll be scared to have it in the house. Bleh. gonna read some Man and Hobbes and Nietzsche etc.

He has rolled down the ramp on his own and realized it was a STU-pid idea.

More snow coming, just one more thing for me to bitch about.

Introducing SnotAway! The new wonder cleanser, makes everything shiny like new, and well if not clean at least no one would be willing to touch said snot cleaned items so maybe that is the height of hygienic. No touch. I know there is next to nothing I touch here now, and never my face! Puke o rama! deef gah. why do we live like this?

Meanwhile, so sorry about your horse! They live so long and become such a part of you. My friend used to take in rescues and was so sad when she lost one. Hope you have some more good times together for a while yet.
Hello Colleen! Gross story! My Mom used to take her snotty tissues and use them to clean! Likes to use her drool too!.
Wow Cricket! Sounds like you had a great visit! I'm exhausted just reading about all of your plans. When I get my life back, the only thing I want to do is sleep in . The only reason I want to have for getting up is I'm rested and ready to get on with my day. 5 years of getting up every day to take care of someone else with only a handful of days off has taken it's toll.
Stormy!!!! Very interesting story. Some psychics are so amazing, but I agree with Book about them being scary! I've never spoken to one for fear that the news would be very bad. I sure does sound like fun though!
Book, how are you feeling? Hope your cold/flu is getting better.
Bobbie! You sound very busy and very tired. Don't overdue it!
Jen!!!!! Any snow yet?
Okay, legs are jumping tonight! Spent the weekend cleaning up the yard and did my fridge tonight. Guess I'm overtired. Hope everyone else had a good weekend!

Not all psychics are fake. You just have to find the legit ones. You can also find the scary ones that can curse you...depending on what you're looking for. It is exciting isn't it? You do know that by attending to the psychics often enough, you will be opening yourself to the spirit realm? If that ever happens, just do your darn best to do what I do: See no evil, hear no evil, and do not speak to them at all! Pretend not to know. If they try to get your attention by moving stuff, make a show of shrugging it off as forgetfulness, etc..... My younger sis loves to go see the psychics here. Won't tell you what happens around her house - no matter how many times they move. She loves seeing the psychics and that's just price she's willing to pay. Me - I'm the scaredy cat! No thank you!!! I'm glad you had a great time! Later, book

Hi everyone, I hope all of you are doing alright. Well, sis and i got to go do something together for the first time in i don't know how long. Yesterday afternoon we went to this psychic medium. I know what ya'll must be thinking. But our cousin talked us into it cause she went a few weeks ago and had a positive experience from it. Her husband passed away last year he was only 34 and she was pregnant at the time, they had just found out that they were expecting their second child. Anyway so i guess she was looking for some kind of connection to her husband. Cause his death was very sudden. So sis, me and my cousin went to this convention and there were other people there too. The psychic comes up to me first and says i see the month of August (My birthday month) and she says i see a mother and she had a pain in her heart but it does not hurt anymore. She says that she says that she tried to stay. But that she couldn't. Now by this time i am about to lose it. Cause all of this she is saying is true. Mom had congestive heart failure and was having a attack the morning she died. She said that shes the letters Jules. That was my mama's daddy's name. And that she sees some pearls or beads like a charm braclet. I didn't know this at the time but sis told me that before we came to this get together that she was holding one of mom's braclets that has pearls and beads on it. She also said that she saw nursing. Me and sis nursing daddy. She said that she saw a son. (my little boy). We told her that we had been taking care of our dad and she said that she feels he is holding on for something. Then she said the number 75 maybe like a 75th birthday but dad will be 80 his birthday in march. And she said that when the time came that we should tell him that it is alright to go. She said that she sees that mom is talkative,or like gossiping about stuff. And that was mom loved to gossip or hear gossip. And she said that mom thinks this is the cooliest thing since swiss cheese. And mom would have loved to have gone to something like this with sis and me. She was always up for new stuff with her girls. All this time i am trying to hold back the tears. Then at the end, and here is the kicker, the psychic says who is carrot top? And i tell her my little boy has red hair!!!!!! I call him red, or carrot top sometimes!!!! Is that not wild ya'll. I still get chills thinking about it. I can't wait for her to come back to town. Her name is mary beth wrenn. Well i got to go bathe carrot top!!! talk to ya'll later!! hugs stormy

Part 3: Remember I told you that I enrolled in the Institute of Integrative Nutrition? Well the school is in NY but they have made it possible to have the curriculum on a server on the internet, also all the students that aren't physically there are given an ipod or ipad so all the lectures can be streamed live or recorded for them. Well the classes actually started several days before I returned home so I had some catching up to do. When I signed up for the classes I figured it would be about 10 hours a week of studying (boy was I wrong). In the welcome speech to our course Dr. Rosenthal addressed us and says.. "do you remember after you enrolled and how you told everyone you enrolled into Nutrition school? Well just so you know and can let everyone know that you might want to tell them it's more like medical school"!!! I thought to myself OH SHIT! what did I get myself into!!

Well it turns out that I am spending around 30-40 hours a week! And while doing it I am handling Dad, The Business and home finances, the 4 dogs, the house and yard! Plus I had started several Facebook Groups to help support myself and others. The school I am enrolled in is awesome! I am training to become a Health Coach (how appropriate) where I am learning how to improve my own life to be happy and then help others to do the same. I will have to learn every diet in existence so I will know which one works with each person I work with. I will also be learning how to guide people in all the other areas of their life besides just food, but with exercise, relationships, and mental and emotional well being. My course is a year of this training and another 6 months of business training that will teach me how to start and run my business. So all this said..I think I have managed to reclaim my life while caregiving!

When I got home I not only had to catch up and stay caught up with school but there was lots of other catching up to do here with everything else. I wasn't posting here because I hadn't had the time to read and catch up with everyone's posts and felt guilty about writing before doing so, but when Bobbie (bless her heart) send me a hug I knew it was time to let go of that Idea and just write. So lucky for all of've had to read all these posts from me! haha Sorry it's been so many and so much information but if I'm going to do something I do it all the way. I realistically won't be able to keep up here like before but I will be over on facebook daily because part of my curriculum is to be active on the class forums there also so that works out well for me to connect with you there too. I still want to do a live Pajama Party Webinar for all of us caregivers and will keep you posted about it on Facebook as well. And hopefully everyone who isn't on Facebook can let the rest of you know where and how and when to be a part of it.

Thanks so much for listening and never doubt that I care about all you amazingly wonderful friends here!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricket Love & Hugsღ

My husband was working 16 hours a day and taking care of my Dad at the same about a superman! He even watered all my plants every other day to keep them from dying this time and the entire time I was away he didn't complain once! Every time I spoke with him on the phone all he would ask is are you having a good time? and then he would tell me he was glad and not to worry about anything but just enjoying myself. What a blessing! I really really needed that time away and he knew it and was so supportive. I know most of you know how hard I work daily to try to keep positive but before the trip there were days that I would have to go lock myself in the bathroom and just cry because of all the stress that goes with caregiving and while that is hard enough the last two years I have been working very hard in addition towards turning my own health around, and reclaim part of me, and have a life of my own outside of caregiving and I know you all know realistically how had that is. Well my Husband didn't have any trouble with Dad, but then again Dad doesn't try to manipulate him or act up like he does with me. Plus I did arrange for Dad's nurse to come to the house every morning to give him his meds and she even stayed a few minutes and read the Bible with him. She works on the side and so she did this the entire time for only $200 bucks! Yes, miracles do happen!!

Okay so on to tell you what has kept me so busy since I returned home..

yep, me again.. Part 2

The rest of my trip was just as wonderful. I stayed with my daughter Jessica and her family. One of my two grandsons moved in with his younger brother to give me his room while I was there and my daughter redecorated the bed and dresser with lace and lavender and they had even emptied out the dresser for me! Can you believe it!! I was able to sleep in until I naturally woke up each morning except the last two days the boys quietly came in and kissed me goodbye on their way out to go to school and I loved it! My daughter Jessica did Reiki massage on me which was so relaxing. We ate really healthy salads. We went to the Hay House convention in Pasadena and their was two thousand other people who like me were their to give themselves a moral boost. We were comforted by many different speakers and Authors of self help books. Wayne Dyer (a great storyteller) even had one of his daughters get up and sing a couple of songs. He has 8 children and 3 of them and his wife were there. There was lots of talks on how to be healthy and take care of oneself physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Some shared experiences of overcoming great hardships that were very inspiring. The people there were from all different ethnic and religious backgrounds and everyone was so loving and kind. We also did some workshops with well known healers that was amazing. Our hotel was only six blocks from the convention center and their were beautiful shops and restaurants all along the way and the weather was perfect so we walked to and from the convention each day and ate our meals at different places. It was really fun! I also got to spend time with my grandsons, we talked, we played, we took lots of pictures. I got to tell them bedtime stories and give both of them a massage. (for those of you who don't know one part of my profession is a trained and licensed M.T.) We went out to different restaurants and took the boys to a Halloween festival put on by one of the local churches that was really cute! I was so relaxed and stress free by the time it was time to return home. ( I didn't want to leave) and my oldest grandson Joseph (10) cried when I did, I tried to calm him down but it only worked for a few more seconds then he started crying again. I feel so blessed to be loved like that. Meanwhile, back at home..

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