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Jen: Three city blocks. Contact someone in the middle east. You might get good money for his fumy ass.

Hasten the decay from within...God I like the sound of that! pahahaahehehhee

probably lead to some sort of massive explosion that'd wipe out three city blocks.

He is 91, and going string Judy....He has outlived every friend relative and what not of his age.... AND neither of his parents nor his grandparents lived past 60!!!!

My usual gag line is he has a book in his room three steps a day to live to be 120. (This is a real book)

If they are 1. Never wash your hands. (Or anything else for that matter)

2. Moan and bitch and complain about everything.

3. Play the same four records over and over again.....

He has got it made.

Judy: If anyone can lead an interesting parade, it's you. Still get a laugh about Fang at the dentist, telling family secrets out loud in the waiting room.

I sometimes wonder about Karma. Were we all ax murderers in a previous life? Judy, maybe that's why Lizzie Borden sticks in your mind.

Jen, gag me with a forklift. I can't imagine. What the heck does he eat to produce such fumes? Maybe you could just put a cork up his ass and hasten the decay from within.

Bobbie, the boat sounds amazing. Sending love to you and the boat angel.

Deef: Hang in there. The cold is coming.

Diane: Whatever you can do for your mental and physical health is the thing to do. You are more important than anything else. You know, I am now thinking more of the future and the possible need to move away from this place I love. Ten acres, 2 houses is a lot to take care of as the years move on. I'm not as pressured as you are at this time, but I'm just saying that simplifying your life is freedom in many ways, even if it has it's sad side.

Book, Diane's mom could qualify for medicaid, but then Diane would lose the home. Hope you feel better.

Boarding the dogs tomorrow in the am. Driving to Seattle in the afternoon and staying the night. Catching the flight Friday am to Ca to be with family and will get back Wednesday. Please don't take this the wrong way, but it saddens me to pay for flights, board the dogs ($350.00), leave my peaceful life, etc, etc all for a sad and tragic event. Would have loved to do all of this for a happy time away.

Can't control what life brings our way. Just have to be grateful for those we love and the opportunity to be by their sides.

Love and white light, Cat

Stormy, it is so good to hear some good news for a change. I am glad u r feeling much better but please don't over do it. It already sounds like u just done a 3days of work already in one day. ; ) I'll be fine I just got to go to Atlanta at Piedmont Hospital where I had my transplant 10 yrs ago. ; ) They r going to do a biopsy on the tx kidney n send it off to Emory Hospital to see what is causing my creatine increasing for the past two- three or four months. It not sky high but it has been climbing. It should be a half or one day thing n then we should be able to leave. I just know that after the procedure I am have to lay down for 4 hrs. I guess to make sure the bleeding has stopped once they take a sample. As long as I don't get stuck there then I am doing fine n I feel fine anyway. Just some tiredness n that can be anything.
Deef, I thought the same thing about those electoral votes. It seems like our votes don't even matter. That was a huge amount $ they used for their campaigns. I could find useful places n people to put that money to good use n that is from both sides of the runners. i hope u get your craft equipment in top shape n squeaky oil ready so that u can use it.
Book, I think we all would like to die in r sleep but hey, you cannot go anywhere anytime soon for we our all now just getting to know you n we like you very much. You cannot go anywhere anytime soon. Just take your DayQuil n eat a little at a time to get your strength back up. Before u know it, you will be back on your feet.

I hope everyone can get a restful night sleep. I think, I am actually getting a wee nervous for i snack when I get worried. Just hoping everything runs smoothly during my kidney biopsy. Trying to keep myself altogether. I will take the mnl to her Niece at 10pm tonight so we don't have to worry about her around 4iswh in the morning when we have to get up n be out on the road by 5am. Did I mention nothing to eat nor drink after midnight so that means no coffee-no Caffeine. Ah!!! i will more than likely be doing the driving up their for hubby stays up too late. He has to do the driving on the way back. ; ) Of course, I would rather like to drive but they said no driving. As for those in the blizzard snow-Ohio n New York I hope yall are safe n don;t freeze your butts off. y'all can keep all that cold snow.
; )

Judy, I am still laughing at:
I'd rather have an enema on national TV than shop with them again. No lie. I've had enough.

Yup, it gets to that....

Diane I wish your sibs would just knock it off. Idjits.

Book! take care of yourself kiddo! Been there with the tingly lips after a Halls drop.

Jen! keep grousing, venting, griping, bitching and airing out everything! I am always so happy to hear from you and I know that you are dealing with the UnDealable.
ugh. Love you Jen.

Deef!! I have a space heater on but I can't even wrap my brain around snow. Snow on this boat would be more slippery than catsh!! on linoleum. Break my ass.

OK, there's a row of blowboats (sailboats) docked in the water in the next yard. A guy had climbed almost all the way up his mast and 150 yards out a powerboat went by at about 30 kts. The huge wake reached his boat and she began to roll back and forth and that guy had the ride of his life. He made it but we all thought he was going to get dunked for sure.

Austin! thanks as always for the love gf. And don't break your back with the woodstove! Personally I love a woodstove and I always enjoyed putting the wood up and the whole ritual of lighting a fire, etc. Some boats have woodstoves but not this one. Space heaters and wooly socks.

linda! I have the sox you gave me! good ones because they have that tread. Thank you again for those! Let us know how you're doing. Love to you and Helen and Debbie.

Cricket! Tell us about your trip! Christine sent me that great book and I know you guys had a good time. Hope you made it home safe and sound and we all would love to hear from you too!

Cuz!! How's the weather up there? Freezing any appendages off yet?

The Boat Angel says hi to everyone.

love you guys.

Book.... reserve that niece to babysit Monday! Great idea. I hope she can.

Diane... Your house idea sounds like a great plan. No kidding. I hope it works for you. The siblings need to help out. Keep us posted.

Ugh. Jen/Grouse.... FP sounds delightful. NOT. I guess my day seemed pretty shitty (no pun) until I read about yours. I'd much rather be grand master of the crazy parade than deal with FP. I feel for you. How old is FP? I actually looked into how old my aunts were when they died so I'd have an idea of how long I'd have to endure mother-dearest for. She's 86. Her sisters lived to be 90 and 93. O..M...G....

But, in all seriousness, any possibility of medicaid and NH?

Judy - that was funny! Atleast you're getting some kind of workout exercise running after the parents. Just loved that comment from the mother of 4! FYI, my boss told me that Monday is a holiday. Really? He said yes. So, it's our off. (Really??? All these years Veteran's Day was never ever our office holiday). But, I was not about to Correct him on this. ;-) .... Unfortunately, I had to tell oldest sis that it's her holiday, too...I will stuck at home..wonder if I can pay niece to come in the morning to babysit?

Diane, do whatever is best for YOU! You have done your best for your mother. Obviously, your siblings know more than you. Therefore, go and look for a new home and you can still visit your mother. any of your siblings willing to step up and DO something for your mother? I don't think so! They look at that $7000/month and NOBODY will want the hassle of trying to handle that. Instead, you're free - and they will love to just complain about you on and on and on.....So, go look for a place and figure out a plan with how you can Trick Your Siblings into taking over your mom. Once they get hooked, RUN!!! Sigh..I will hope really hard for you. Book

In really foul mood here so...I don't know, Mom has taken Fart Pants to get new dentures I went for the first app. she took him alone today. Thank God. Three hours in a car with him was unbearable. EVEN MOM rolled her window down as he farted and shit his pants again and again, naming streets, car models, reading off signs , trying to "help" with traffic, yes, go ahead pull out now ma theres a semi coming...on his side. he is back to staring at me and I am back to eating in three seconds flat and leaving. At least I can open the doors and windows now they are out.....

Now I just have to listen to Monty HOWLING LIKE HE HAS BEEN STABBED EVERY FOUR MINUTES FOR THREE HOURS!!!! Till Mom gets home. With take out, great, just what I like greasy fast food thats been sitting on shit pants lap for half an hour, oh sign me up....

i thought we weren't doing that anymore as shit pants refuses to chew and swallow properly we are slowly going to an all food prossess-or-ed diet so DADDDDEEEE won't feel bad. God I hope he dies soon!

Hope everyone is doing Ok where ever and what ever they are up against.

Jen "The Professional Grouse"

Hi Crew,

So sorry for those of you in the northeast that you are having more stormy weather. It was overcast and breezy today so we only warmed up to the 50's. I slept late since mom had me at the ER lastnight after she fell. Luckily nothing broken but some bad skin tears and she is sore. I'm not sure if it's the weather, stress or tiredness that has me feeling blue today. My stupid family is still insisting I'm abusing my mother. They feel this fear and paranoia she is experiencing lately is my fault. They just can't seem to understand this is part of the dementia. At this point I would welcome an investigation from DSS so I could prove to these morons that mom is well cared for. As usual when I was at the hospital last night the doctor asked if I was a nurse since I seemed knowledgable and had bandaged her skin tears nicely. Why is it outsiders can see this yet the people that have known me all my life keep throwing out these accusations? The sibs are actually blaming me again for mom not being in a NH. THey were the ones that said they didn't have the funds to pay $7000 a month for a NH. I've been looking online at mobile/manufactured homes in the next town over. It is primarily rural area but still just a quick drive and I can be in the middle of everything. I think I can get approved for enough to buy that type of home. I know it won't be like my house now, but if I can get a place of my own I will move out and tell my brother and sister it's all their mess to sort out. Mom doesn't know me 95% of the time so it won't matter who is taking care of her, but it will make my brother and sister get off their asses. I'm tired of being their scape goat for everything.

I will try check in soon again, but right now I need to focus on this project. I hope everyone is feeling better and getting over the various ailments. Bobbie, the boat really sounds wonderful.

Take care and have a good night.

Love ya,

Oh, jeez, Deef, Austin....snow. We had 91 degrees today. I'd love some snow! Book, you don't get a break! Hi, Cat! Bobbie, the colors for the boat sound nice!

Grand master of the crazy parade checking in here. Took Mom AND Dad shopping again today. OMG. Dad wanders, confused, shuffling to his own drummer with the cart. Mom wanders off another direction, losing her cane everywhere (and then has to grab onto things when she realizes its gone and I have to go find it - she walks just fine till she misses it). As usual, the minute we got into the store, she started going into her "I'm dizzy and confused routine". I can predict it now, even the poor me look on her face. I lead the parade through the store. But, Dad gets sidetracked, blocks the aisle when he comes to a standstill for who knows what, then goes in another direction. I run after him and then lose Mom. A woman with a little boy in her cart looked at me after we passed each other a few times and said she thinks it'd be easier to shop with all 4 of her kids than my elderly parents. We had a good laugh, but then I lost BOTH parents and had to regroup, tell my dad to focus on my ass, and march ahead. My dad was throwing things into the cart at the checkout, not letting the bagger put things into bags. I had to grab and bag and try to get him to stop. The cashier thought it was funny. I'd rather have an enema on national TV than shop with them again. No lie. I've had enough.

Hi Deef, Austin...flu relapse. I'm at work by self...both boss will be off-island for the weekend. Whooppee!! NOT!!! Immune system is low. I just took 1 Halls cough drop this morning, and got tingling lips. Later!

Hi Deefer we are getting the same weather-have a few inches but very wet and heavy-i guess I will be staying home tomarrow-was suppose to go to a luncheon but will not go out unless there is serious melting happening-having a freat time on facebook connecting with family members. It is too bad you have to cook diferently for each of them-I do not miss cooking for others at all and having to have meals ready at a certain time-I try to eat at the senior center twice a week so I can associate withs instead of in front of the TV-hope this storm is gone soon-so many around here are still without power from Sandy.

So cold here, the white stuff is sticking to the roads and making it slippery already. Wind was blowing the stuff around when I picked up Mom at daycare. Made it even colder. It's been so warm here, us hearty New Englanders bodies have not adjusted to the cold season yet.
Mom is sitting in front of a window and watching it snow. I figured it would hold her attention and calm her down a bit after her long day.
Need to figure out 2 dinners. One for her and one for my husband before he goes out to play cards tonight. Hallelujah!!! He'll be gone for a couple hours!!!
How is everyone else today? Jen, where are you? Book, Judy, meanwhile, Mame, Stormy, Sharyn, Christina, Cricket, how was the trip?

Good to see you Capt. Bobbie-get yourself some rest girlfriend.AC thank you for fixing the problem not getting posts-goodjob. Bobbie get some rest -you hear. I am getting wood in for the wood stove -it is starting to get windy and some poor people do not still have power from the last storm.

Boat time!

Bobbie!!! The boat sounds beautiful!!!! Hope I get to see it for real someday.
Need to get out and do a few errands before the white stuff starts. Later!!!

Good Morning Crew,

Good one Deef!

It will be nice to not hear something I have to run to the computer and fact check and then find out it's a lie. Hope he doesn't go away mad, just hope he goes away.

Chilly on the boat this morning but the painting is coming along well. She will be cream colored with forest green trim and the teak will be varnished to a fine reddish gloss.

I wish Rosella would come because we always talked about how she would polish all the bronze fittings. It's finally time. For those of you who have been on the thread for awhile you know how hard it was to finally get here AND we have a long way to go to get the entire boat painted, caulked and varnished. She's looking good though!
Will be ready for caregiver parties!

Hope you guys have as good a day as possible with all that you deal with.
Love you all more than you'll ever know,

Looks like the women of this country are tired of being told they have no voice!

My sister finds the smaller shows the most fun and not too expensive to pay for she also trades crafts and meets grate other crafters who become great friends.

Glad you had a good day, Deef. You sure deserve it. Good luck on the craft show. Hope you have fun and make some extra money.

Just taking a break from the election returns. It's 8:30 pm on the West Coast. Going back to hear more. Everyone get a good night's sleep.

Love, Cat

Hi Austin. I just do small local fairs now. The one on Saturday after Thanksgiving is at a church hall one town over from me and the weekend after is at the high school right here in town. It's run by the senior class to make $$. I don't make much but it gets me to paint and knit and I get out of the house with other people, for the day. I do the least complicated display that I can so that set up and breakdown are fast. My prices are more than fair for the detailed work that I do. I find that people who have very little $$ are by far my best customers and cherish what they buy. I will give them a break if they buy more and can't resist a hard luck story. Especially when it's a kid buying a gift for mom!. It's the ones who have lots of $$ that try to talk you down and really don't appreciate what you do. they will buy because it's the latest fad, then throw it in a garage sale next year! I've also gotten lots of great items for myself by trading with other vendors. mostly I go for the entertainment and interaction with other people.
I am going to start working on stenciling some holiday signs that are already to go. Once I get a new saw blade, I can cut the other pieces I need and work on them. I have plenty of shawls, neck wraps, hats and felted purses done, so I just have a few knitted pieces to finish and block. I also have glass and wood ornaments to paint. Guess I'll be burning the midnight oil the next few weeks! I always wait until last minute and it's when I do my best work!!
Mom finally had a good day today. Just her and the help with no distractions to confuse her. I actually met a friend for breakfast who surprised me by bringing along another of our former co-workers. I hadn't seen her since before her husband died over 4 years ago. She is 80 now and travels back and forth from family here in Mass., to daughter and son in New Jersey. They are still without power there and can't stay in their home until it is cleared for safety issues, etc. It was so great to see her! We actually sat and talked in the local Cracker Barrel restaurant for 3 hours! It was a nice break for me. Got to finish cleaning up the yard tomorrow and get the swing put in the cellar for the winter. Looking like we may get a few inches of wet snow from the storm, then warmer weather to melt it.
At least I wasn't dizzy when I got up today and I felt better by the afternoon.
Okay, I have 4 cats staring at me and begging for dinner. then It's off to bed!
Glad to see everyone is feeling better!

Deef: Take care of yourself. You are like a one man army.

Stormy: I am so happy you are feeling better. Over the flu and getting back your normal energy. Awesome!!

Leaving Friday to be with Rick and Cyn. Coming home the following Wednesday.

FYI: For those who have had an experience with mice getting into their cars, we are trying out a new strategy. Get a small mesh bag, saturate a couple of cotton balls with peppermint oil, but the cotton balls in the mesh bag and attach under the hood of your car. Mice don't like the smell and they will stay away.

We went to buy the peppermint oil and got the last bottle. The sales person said, "Yeah, we sell it very fast this time of year. People use it to deter mice getting into their car." Well, I was I had known this some years ago. Hope it works. Our garage smells like peppermint.

Hugs, Cat

Mu sister does wheat weaving and makes some inexpensive things and charges for the work entailed her prices are fair and she does better than most crafters and does so many shows that she has lots of friends in other crafters-I went to Maine with her and to West Virginia this year. The big one is Kriskindlemart in Bethleham PA starts now the week before Thanksgiving and goes for 6 weeks she also is at a farmers market during the year and gives classes at Kutztown during the summer. There is a lady that does such small beading it is amazing-my thing is to crochet items to donate but am getting a little tired of the shawls-hope we make our limit soon so I can get back to laprobes.

Austin, I used to feel like that. I would go to the arts & craft fair yearly. I couldn't understand why an album would cost that much (where I can get it much cheaper, but plain, for less than $10.00 at a store.) Until my older sis complained how people would complain that she charges so much. She told me how silk is expensive, to buy the supplies, etc... Older sis does beautiful albums - done specifically with personal touches for the recipient. I asked if people pay her when they request for her to do it. She said no - too embarrass to ask for money since they just assume she is happy to do it for free. I used to sew clothes. Family liked it but I charged for services rendered. But, when I was making costume jewelry with beads - that is Time Consuming! After doing 2 necklaces and 1 bracelet, I gave up. I have No Patience for that! But, I did learn to appreciate that such tiny stuff (bracelet) is not worth $5.00! Oh, I made a 2-strand bracelet with different size beadings and bright color beads. Same with the necklace. I did a 2-strand beaded necklace (nothing big since I'm a small person). I've learned to appreciate the time and efforts people put into their arts/craft now. But, I still wouldn't want to spend $40.00 on an album.

Deefer where do you do your craft shows-I sister does them also many in PA have to tell you this story my sister was at one where they have a cafateria where the artisnss eat in the morning after setting up for the day before the show opens and also some attendees go there for breakfast-one day a lady said to her son remember if you do not stay in school this is how you will end up-my sister was pissed she has a masters degree and most of her friends are also college educated-she is an artisin so she could be home more when her kids were small and I know how hard it is-I help her and that work is hard especially setting up and tearing down then some jerk will ask it I buy two will I get a discount. I did one craft show for our senior center and said never agan.

Hi Stormy and all, I'm doing fine today compared to yesterday. I only now have a throaty sound voice. Of course, I've been taking DayQuil - one at breakfast and one at lunch. But I took it yesterday, and I was still miserable. Today, I feel soooo much better! I guess that flu shot worked in that it made the flu not take too long. But, man, that shot hurts! I had decided not to take it next year. But after this, I'm rethinking of doing it again next year....

Deef - bummer that mom was not admitted to hospital. Respiratory guy told us that if she is admitted, he will recommend and replace mom's trache! He, too, noticed that it needed changing. Too bad....

Judy, only 1 time I heard the sound of my pulse. I just had my 1st surgery and on the 1st night home. I woke up like 3am with a very slow and loud "whoooom" sound. My gut instinct was: Do Not Move! I didn't dare move any part of my body. I knew instinctively that my heart was beating too slow and any movement would make it stop. So, I laid there listening to the slow but loud "whooooom". After a while, I decided if I was going to die, I would rather have it in my sleep. So, I went to sleep. I was a bit disappointed when I woke up the next morning...

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