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Book!!! You are not a hypochondriac!!! You haven't had an easy life and all the things you have lived with have definitely taken their toll on you. ai have had pain all my life too and learned to live with it because I had to. When I was young, in the 50's and 60's, you didn't go to the doctor unless you were really sick. So when I had heartburn so bad, I took Tums. When my legs hurt so bad it was "growing pains". Finally, about 20 years ago, I was diagnosed with Autoimmune Disease. Even though I never got very sick with flus or colds, I always had heartburn and pain somewhere. In addition to that, I had very heavy periods and was always anemic therefore tired all the time. I learned to push myself through it all because I had no choice.
I had my appendix out when I was 39 and all my symptoms escalated after that. My appendix almost ruptured due to an infection from a stone that had passed into it. That infection brought out the autoimmune symptoms even more. the following year I was putting a new liner in our pool and got into cold water up yo my waist. When I got out, My skin was covered in huge red welts from the waist down, and my legs swelled up a lot. Called the doctor and he asked if I had trouble breathing and I said no, so he told me to take an antihistamine and elevate my legs. If I had trouble breathing, I was to head straight to the ER. After that happened, a visit to my doctor confirmed that I had Autoimmune Disease and that was the cause of lifetime acid reflux, body pain, and now Raynaud's and urticaria. I also had a problem with anemia for so long and finally had a blood test the showed my body was not absorbing iron, so I had to take iron pills for 15 years. At one point, my blood crit was 18 and a normal level is 39+. Doctor thought I had internal bleeding until he ordered the special blood test.
I believe you truly do have a medical problem, just haven't found the right doctor to diagnose what is wrong. Hang in there and listen to your instincts. If you feel something is really wrong, get to the doctor right away. Don't ever fell like you are bothering us with your health issues. Talking to someone about them will ease your fears.
Meanwhile good news on the CT scan!
Bobbie. If I had the means, I'd be climbing onto that boat by the end of the week!
Okay, getting late! Have to get Mom up and out to daycare. Yay!!! Wish I could drop my husband off too!!!!

Happy Halloween! Bobbie etc-when we do this boat thing-can I be cruise director? I love holidays and planning parties-well, when I don't have to do bathroom duty every 5 minutes! (I did have to use gloves at first and do when it is really bad or I am gagging and mom is laughing at me. I hate to deny her a good laugh but...)
Deef-glad you survived the storm! It was like nothing here... All hype. But, if it had been bad, we would have been ready! No water to be found in the grocery stores on Sunday! The stores get the last laugh...

Meanwhile, glad stepdad's cat scan is clear. What a relief.

Lildeb- Hubby going to see Michael Myers on Halloween-Scary!

Book-you have been through so much in your life! The stress of your childhood and now caregiving stress-it WILL make you sick! No hypochondria here! I wish I could help you out and give you a long break! Hugs!

Thank you for all the nice comments about the dress. It felt good on and I felt good in it! The jewlrey was so much fun to pick out! While mom was at daycare I went to the mall and found 3 different sets at 3 different stores and had to have my sister meet me to help me decide! I had the dress with me and hung the hanger over my head and put the necklace on to see how it would look! It was so much fun. Thanks for the compliments!

Mom seems to be doing ok with the bronchitis at times but is slowing up and usually once she does that it is downhill from there. She also didnt' sleep well last night and talked all night long to no one there... Not unusual when she is sick and on meds. I had really hoped we caught it early enough to keep her from getting this way. We will see what the day brings.

We watched "The Secret Life of Bees" last night. She loved it! And so did I. It was long enough ago that I read the book that I could enjoy the movie without constantly comparing. Great cast and very well done!

Well, I hope you can all have a decent day. Happy Halloween! Mame

Hi All, I’m trying my best not to talk about my health. I’ve been having flashbacks of when I was a teen. Every time we went to different doctors about my headaches, etc…the doctors always said that I was trying to get parent’s attention. The last time I went as a teen, was when the doc told mom that I was a hypochondriac. I didn’t know that word but looked it up when I got home. After that, I refused to go to the clinic. I remember once having a full-blown flu, lying in bed, not wanting to get up but just sleep and sleep. I vaguely heard the parents trying to wake me up to go to the clinic because I was also burning with fever. I refused. Since then, up till now, I avoid going to the clinic….I just feel like when I tell you all my problems, I feel such a hypochondriac.

I woke up this morning at 2:00am choking. I slept on my back on the wedge pillow with a pillow on top of the wedge. I woke up choking – couldn’t breathe in or out. My body finally coughed so hard – my throat felt raw. I kept coughing and coughing so hard. Each cough felt like it was opening the airways. This is the first time I’ve had this happen. Acid Reflux? Sleep apnea? If I sleep on my side, I 99% wake up with neck pain which then leads to major headaches. I’m a side sleeper but not worth it if I wake up with excruciating neck pain. I also wear a neck brace at night but it doesn’t work well. I wake up with head in an unusual angle – hence the neck pain.

The pain on my right chest/back/arm is now a vague pain. The pain sharpens with coughs/sneezes. I’m so tired of the pain – pain on chest, shoulder, arm, neck pain, headache, sinus headache (face/nose hurts)….Lately, I’ve been fighting the depression being brought by the pain. I’m tired of popping pills to temporarily rid the pain. My thoughts keep going to suicide – so tired of the pain. Pain, father, mother, pain, etc…all neverending. Gosh, I’m tearing up. Definitely depression. … Suicide thoughts only. No desire to action on it.

I will be fine. I feel such a hypochondriac.

Good Evening Crew,

Mame! I could see that dress and you look great! Love the necklace too!
DEEF!!! What you gonna do about that 25000 post Boat Time? heehee
Linda! wassup? (linda has already come to the boat Twice!!)
Hope everyone who has been in the storm is ok. I hate it for all who have lost their homes and for all whose lives are so impacted. Awful.

Hi Josie and Welcome to the Grossed Out Thread. It's great that your mom is still able to sit on the pot by herself. Enjoy that! The last year or so of my mom's life I had to take her and stand by her so she wouldn't fall and wouldn't get poop everywhere. No such thing as leaving her to call me when finished. She couldn't speak properly and most of the time didn't know what she was doing in the bathroom anyway. Would try and pull her pants up and sit on the cover to the toilet. If I didn't catch her she would pull her pants up, pee and then get upset that she was all wet. That only happened twice and after that I just hung out and told her jokes or made her laugh by acting like a goofball. (Easy for me)

We have to laugh about it and we talk about it because so many people think it's just terrible that we goof on it and think we are being disrespectful to our moms and dads but like Deef, who has been wiping butt for over 4 years, we either laugh and call it like we see it or go nuts.

Most people who think that we are out of line are either not 24/7/365 caregivers or their parent hasn't reached that stage where the rudder doesn't answer the helm. The disease is progressive so it's not an if it's a when.

I never used gloves on my mom, just got in there and got her shiny on the hiney and after the first few times of getting 'dookie'!! on your hands you get over it.

Right after my mom died holding my hands I took the sheet down to the deep sink and washed it out by hand. It was the last very personal thing I did for her.

Keep posting Josie! If it gets crazy Vent and Live!

Deef, thanks for the shea butter ass shiners idea, think I'll get some for me......

The Boat Angel seems to be getting stronger and I am so afraid to believe that he may be ok for awhile. One day at a time, like just about everything else we all do.

Meanwhile! so glad that your StepDad got a clear CT scan. So scary waiting for tests.
Stormy... hope your issues are getting better and how is Connor?
Bookworm! how are you feeling?
Still worried about Austin. Wish she would post. Anyone heard anything?

Cuz!! we got the winds from the cold front coming out of the West today. The boat was really rocking.

Thanks again you guys for being so supportive during my journey. Love you all and get my kicks handing out 'likes'!

He is snoring away but I need some cinnamon toast. Haha.


I keep following the storm on the news, so scary. Still nice weather out this way. Got some great news about StepDad today. The CT scan was clear. Such a relief. Really a miracle. Thanks everyone, for the prayers and support.

Thanks for the input Josie. I've been toileting Mom for 4 years. Between Parkinsons and dementia, she no longer has the ability to do simple everyday things for herself. As for the grossness, it's a fact of life for the care givers of dementia sufferers. Sometimes joking about it and sharing our stories helps those who are having trouble coping, look at it from a different perspective. Most of us have already been through the grossest of gross and feel we can help others by discussing the things we have been through. And yes, we have all learned tricks to help us get through the day. By the way, Walmart Shea Butter wipes are the best! Make clean up easy and don't irritate the skin. They are not flushable and only cost around $4 for a huge package. Cleans better than moistened tissue and smell great!

Where possible it may help to find ways to reduce or prevent the things that gross you out. I ensure if my mum is going to do more than a number one I take the toilet paper out of the bathroom and tell her to call me when she's done. I then use gloves and give her a proper wipe followed by a wipe with moist toilet paper. This makes life a lot easier and pleasant for me especially when it comes to bathing her. It really does in the long run make my life a lot easier and less messy all round. So many things cant be help but we sometimes have to find ways to make it better for ourselves as carers.

Hey there everyone. Survived the storm here with no problems. A few houses without power, but back to school, etc, tomorrow. I'm so mixed up with the days! I keep thinking today is Sunday because of the storm and everyone being home!
Just chatted with Diane on Facebook for a while. It was nice to talk with her again.
Eseleedy, Gross is what we do here! Mom's PCA was helping her eat tonight, when I interrupted. we started talking and before we knew it, Mom had her hand full of food and the bowl ready to drop on the floor. If we had not noticed, she would have spread her food all over the table as if she was cleaning! I caught her trying to scrub the toaster oven with hamburger and mashed potatoes back when she was more with it. She forgot she was eating and thought the food was cleanser. It's been a while, but we don't have anything else on the table near her. If anyone is sitting near her to eat, she outs her hand in their food. Most of the time we feed her or she's impossible.
And, there is the sucking on her fingers! Really gross!!! She sucks them like she has something good to lick off, then she touches my arm or face with her wet fingers. YUCK!!! And she does try to eat everything she gets her hands on, including non food items.
Mame, Looks like you dodged the storm too!
Lildeb, It's warm here! Was sunny and in the 60's most of today, then some showers this evening.
Book, How is your chest/shoulder? Sure hope you are feeling better.
Sharyn, Mom accused me of moving her possessions to the first floor apartment where she had been living for 43 years! Of course she had spent the first half os her life on the second floor of the house! It's surely a roller coaster ride and I could tell you it just gets better, but everyone here would laugh me right off this thread. Things get more and more interesting and challenging as the dementia progresses, that's for sure! Hope you all have a great night!

Cat, I have never heard of mice living in car but they gotta live somewhere n unfortunately they picked your car. No snow here n I am glad for I don't like the cold weather. Just breezy here sometimes n weather drop a bit nothing really to complain about compare to the people in NJ n NY.. However, my sister in VA is getting snow.
Deef, I am glad to hear that you r out of that nasty path of weather n I hope u don't lose any power. I saw pictures showing cars floating on water n tons of beach sand erosion.
I think we should all go move up their with Meanwhile until winter is over, 78degrees. We did hit the 60's today but was in the low 40's this morning. It's 9pm n right now its 54degrees. I got to drag the mnl out tomorrow for her fasting lab n x-ray so wish me luck. Then at 3pm I got a follow up on the kidney. Get this, hubby has an appointment at 3pm with his dentist n his dentist name is, "Michael W.Myers." No shit, it really is his name. Everyone gets some rest tonight.

Sharyn, yep, your mom is definitely going through it. Just keep an eye on her. If I recall from mom and dad – there was the losing stuff (and accusing people of taking it.) Then forgetting they were cooking. Not wanting to shower anymore (struggle to get them to do.) Sometimes dad took 1 to 2 weeks before he showered. And the only reason he would shower is when my nose decides to work, and I actually Smell his stinky urine-soaked/dried/soaked pants! Most times my sinus is so bad, I don’t smell things at all. And then seeing people. When I first started posting on AC, I didn’t know about the “seeing people who aren’t there” was part of the dementia. You see, our people tend to see our “ancient ancestors spirit”. Only just recently- like a month or 2 ago, it finally registered that it’s dementia. (But, when he was in the hospital, the spirits did talk to him. I completely FORGOT to clean mom’s stomach tube cuz that was dad’s job. The spirits told dad that I wasn’t do it. He was agitated and kept telling the siblings to tell me to clean it. When they finally did, OMG! I forgot! That just unnerved the siblings that the spirits have been tattle-telling on us all these times. Growing up, dad would accuse of doing things that He Shouldn’t Have Known!)

Diane, I remember whenever there was a typhoon, mom (BD) would bring in All her orchids. She had a lot of the different colors. When I read your comment about bringing the orchids in, I just smiled and you just reminded me of my mom before dementia.

Hi y'all,
I haven't had a chance to read the recent post but wanted to check-in. Full moon is reaking havoc with mom. She has been crying and screaming at us since yesterday. Hopefully she will stay calm now. She even had me call the pastor ro come visit her. All I know is she was pissed and wanted attention.

I hope everyone has come through Sandy okay. We have just had lots of wind and cold temps for us. Tonight we will be down to 39. I can see I'm going to have a bed full of cats All the orchids and plants are in the house and it looks like a jungle. I'm sure the exterminator will roll his eyes when he sees them all tomorrow.

Well, gotta run again. I have an appointment with the shrink this afternoon. I wonder what combo of pills he will prescribe this time. I already feel like a walking drugstore!

I'll check in later,

Love ya,

You all are hilarious with these stories!! We need humor to get thru it or you go nuts with taking it all to seriously. I guess I can see where things will be heading for my mom in the future, right now its all the things she loses, hides and forgets where she puts them. I let her search for them otherwise I would be running over her house all the time looking for files, keys, wallet, etc. and she always finds the missing items by the end of the day, only to start over again the next day!!

The only thing I am going to put on the grease board is my work schedule (which changes weekly), the days I am available to help mom with appt. or shopping, and the days my sis will help her. Very simple and it has a magnet so we can put it on her fridge.

Cat, you are right about my sister and this's not my problem. She called me last night telling me was confused and disappointed because he suggested they go away for a romantic weekend!! Apparently she accepted, he called her back a couple days later telling her she was moving too fast!! He also told her he was really surprised she went to the concert with him. She's a big girl and can figure it out herself, she just needs to take off her rose colored glasses!!
Thank you all for the support and I hope everyone is weathering the storm well, have a good day!!

Mame – that’s a very pretty dress! And your necklace actually looks like it was a set for the dress. Perfect! I can see why everyone commented. If anyone wants to see a closer or bigger view of Mame, just click on her picture.

Thank you for the (further) welcomes. I'm not gonna say it's NICE to be able to vent somewhere, but it does make it better to be able to say, "Hey, remember the white toilet seat? Not anymore! Think Jackson Pollack, with less red, and more earth tones." and not have to hear, "Boy, I don't know how you deal with that.", but rather, "I hear ya" Dark humor is how mom and I get through our days.
Mame, I feel oddly comforted to know I'm not the only one who has gone for a midnight snack, only to want to yell, "Who the f*&^ ate all the cookies but one?!?!?"

Bobbie-tried to change my profile pic so you can see the dress-but it is too tiny to see! I will try a different picture maybe. Mame

Good Morning Crew,

esleedy, welcome to the home of Vent and Live!

With Dementia you just keep everything out of reach, don't pass the serving platter, cook and prepare everything and put it on a plate in front of them without choice so they can't contaminate everyone else's dinner/lunch/breakfast. They can't help it, it makes sense to them and all we can do is limit their choices so they don't kill the rest of the family with dookie (love that and I think it might be the first time it has been used here! Thanks!), earwax, snot, drool, denture crud, bile, gristle, pre-chewed Raisinets, scabs and whatever else they can dig out of their bodies.
Yummm. Hope everybody enjoys whatever meal they're going to have next!

They're Demented so all bets are off and they will do some of the most insane (demented) things.
Long time posters on this thread remember this one:
My mom and I were at a friend's house and mom dropped a duece in a wastebasket before I could react. YAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

One time mom came in holding a Depends full of turds and was just so proud that all I could say was, Good Job!

It takes 3 people to take care of 1 demented person.
One to wipe butt, one to lock up everything in the kitchen so poop doesn't get on it and one to feed Valium to the family caregiver.
OK, that was a joke but it really does take 3 to care for 1 when they need to be taken to the bathroom every 15 minutes. Otherwise we tear our bodies up and our minds are already shot out or we wouldn't be stuck in this situation.... Most of the time we don't know that we are trying to accomplish the impossible.

My time as a caregiver is over and I won't do it again but stay here because of the friends I made on this thread and to provide support to new caregivers in the trenches. I did it for over 5 years and was totally alone and isolated and it really hurt me so I am so gratified when I see new caregivers posting and we are communicating with them maybe months or weeks into their family caregiving.

Some of us have even visited each other! A very big deal indeed! (to us anyway)

Still waiting to hear from Cricket and Christina!

Anyway, know that family caregiving is an almost impossible situation and that this disease is progressive and at some point all you will do is put food in and handle food coming out. Put that on top of bathing, dressing, medicating, driving to doctor's appointments, entertaining, distracting, protecting other family members from and you have a pretty full day.

I took mom to every bathroom visit because at the end of the day it was just easier to take her, clean her and get her back in her chair and comfortable than it was to think that she could do it alone and then have to clean up the mess. It was way better for her health and well being and for my health and well being.
Since they can't remember when they ate, my mom would think that I wasn't feeding her and she couldn't tell the difference from being full and her stomach digesting to having to go to the bathroom. Many bathroom visits were just to go in and sit and nothing happened because she didn't know what was up.
I told her every day that she was the bravest person I knew. I can't imagine what she must have been experiencing in her head but I knew it had to be scary.
I always told her that she was safe and sound and that I had ner back.

One of the tricks I learned here was to put a big centerpiece in the middle of the table so the gross factor isn't up in your face and at the same time your mom or dad isn't isolated from the rest of the family during dinner. If your situation allows that. I know some elders would just shred the centerpiece and try to eat it.

With mom I used TV trays and a big washable rug. Got her in her 'dinner chair', put the tv tray there (in front of tv) and served her her meals. I sat close to her but she was out of my eyeline so I didn't see the carnage. Of course, as the disease progressed, I had to feed her bit by bit. It was what it was and I loved her so much but man oh man what a toll it takes on us.
Anyone who has ever been nailed in the head with a chicken leg knows what I'm talking about.

Vent and Live, and when it's funny roll with it!

Hope to hear more about your situation. The caregivers here are amazing people and you will really benefit from writing back and forth with them/us/everyone. I know that I still do and am proud to call these women and Ted and Cuz! friends.

Cuz! I thought of you bug time yesterday when I read the weather report for the Great Lakes. So... you don't want to take the boat out? Did you see that video of that guy taking a little express boat out of the Snake River in NJ? Trying to head into open ocean. Smooth move ExLax.

Another sad one was that the tall ship Bounty sunk yesterday morning off NC. The Captain is still missing, I think one or two other crew members are dead. That was a pretty boat.

Freezing my stuff off this morning here on my boat. Time for the space heaters to come out.

OK, those in the track of Stormy Sandy check in! We're worried about you! I talk to Ted just about every day and he is safe and sound. The storm didn't even get close this time.

Love you guys way more than you'll ever know,

Good morning all! All is fine here in Central NY! I feel like we were/are on the outskirts of the big storm-terrible flooding and wind on the (east) coast and then blizzard conditions south... We had wind-but not that bad-no tree limbs down or power outages here! Mom and hubby and I watched a movie and went to bed at the usual time... It did rain but we didn't get overwhelmed with it. So, I feel lucky and am still glad we were prepared with water and food and oxygen tanks...just in case even tho we didn't need it. Schools are open and the political adds have ramped back up...ugh... It is a grey day here and we just had a quick downpour. I guess that will be what today will be bigy! Thanks for your well-wishes! Hope everyone else is ok!
Cat-you should write books about all your life adventures. I can just see those dogs in my mind-getting those mice...and the disgust on your dog's face when someone makes noise!
We have had problems with mice and chipmonks making nests in the shed in the off season know, in the winter they make nests in the rider mower and in the summer they nest in the snowblower... Sometimes, when hubby gets the machines out to get ready for the season-they scurry out and sometimes they are slow and get blown out! I stay away from the backyard on those days... Poor babies.
Welcome eseleedy! I frequently fix plates out in the kitchen and bring them in all ready to eat...that way mom won't touch all the food on the serving dish. I have to cut everything up for her anyway so for me it is easier. When we do serve family style-I just keep it well out of her reach... Mom, when she was getting up and around on her own, used to get into the cookies all the time...whenever there was one cookie left-we knew the "cookie monster" had struck-cause she would NEVER take the last cookie!!!!
Bobbie-usually I can let it go but some times it just gets to me. Usually when I am tired or stressed...haha. Caring for her IS like having a 3 year old again! So frustrating knowing she won't grow up! Oh well, just taking one day at a time... Thanks...
Cuz-we were laughing watching the news last night cause people were parked in Oswego on Lake Ontario watching the waves during the storm. We (humans)have such a facination for the extreme! And those people were positively rewarded by making it on the news-as well as seeing the big waves! (I just wanted to hunker down in my house and be safe...expecting the worst and not wanting to be out in it! No anxiety here haha!)
Well Stormy are now famous! Down in the record books for many things! How are you doing and how is Conner feeling? Hope all is well.
Well, happy Tuesday everyone...hope it can be a good one for ya! Mame

Thanks for the welcome, bookworm.

Well, trust me, he never had any problems eating or drinking the last of anything before the dementia took hold.
As for the "special recipe" stuff...he only took one bite of the applesauce/noodle concoction before leaving the mess for someone else, and the lemon juice/cereal was pretty much the same. However, in the days BD (before dementia, that's how I'm dating things now), you could've gone out to the barn, grabbed the horse's salt lick, put it on the table in front of him, and he'd ask for the salt shaker before tasting it.
I know what you mean about being tired and hungry. One night, I had a mental image of whacking him in the forehead with a gravy-covered wooden spoon. I started laughing, and had to leave the table.

Hi eseleedy, Welcome! Don’t feel bad about changing the topic. This is an open-for-all forum.

My dad used to do that with the food on the table. He would use his fork to poke every single meat and then choose the very top one! Sometimes, when he’s poking the food, and I’m tired and hungry, I ended up Yelling at him that I startled him. I yelled, “STOP! DO NOT TOUCH IT!” And his fork ends up frozen halfway, then, he quickly darts it into the food! Ugh! It got to the point that I had to beat him to the food and put away MY portion.

As for the stuff he adds to his food, my dad puts Catsup on everything. Everything. Before his stroke, he would also put apple cider vinegar on his food. I think the reason your father puts all that stuff is that his Taste Buds are no longer working as well as before. If you look at all the stuff he puts on his food – they all have like sweetness or sourness or strong flavor. (We just had dinner. I thought the gravy was Very Salty. My father did NOT. )

The way your dad eats everything except the last one. I’m guilty of doing that. When growing up, my dad was the only breadwinner, mom was a housewife with 8 kids. When she cooked, we all had to make sure that everyone ate. When we all have our first servings, then we can go for seconds. I don’t even know why I don’t like cleaning off my plate. Usually, when I eat that last bite, I feel my stomache heaving. So, it might be psychological for me. I’m not sure with your dad.

Considering this is the 25,009th post, I'm probably off-topic, but I'm new (first time post, and I feel like I'm butting into a conversation).
My mom and I care for my 72 year old father with vascular dementia. I get so grossed out that I refuse to sit at the table with him to eat a meal. I've seen him take a fork directly from his mouth and poke every piece of meat on the serving plate. And that was just how rude he was BEFORE the dementia got bad.

More recently, I've seen him...
a) get into a package of uncooked noodles (sitting on the kitchen table, because mom was going to use them for supper), dump half of them on the table, and the rest into a bowl, cover them with applesauce, and take a bite.
b) make a bowl of cereal, and then add lemon juice, I assume because it was a colorful bottle in the fridge.
c) take cinnamon-raisin bread, slather it with mayo and mustard, add roast beef, and omnomnom.
On the dookie front, I'm absolutely positive that he violated several fundamental laws of physics with the toilet. Plus, sharting in bed, and then wiping his tukus with the sheets...that's where I had to leave, and quickly.

I have a question for everyone: Anyone else have the "last one" phenomenon? F'rinstance, if there's a package of cinnamon rolls, he'll gobble every one EXCEPT the last one...which he'll eat half of. That bit will sit there until it turns green and crawls away. (although there was the one time he got up in the middle of the night and ate the CENTER out of every cinnamon roll in the pan...) The grossout part of it is when he took two bites of a banana and set it on the counter to turn brown...grow legs, and crawl away...

Uh, on the storm topic, here in NE's actually warmer tonight than it has been for the last few days.

Bobbie: Thanks for the laugh about your mom and her movie critiques. I'm still laughing.

Hey, went outside a few months ago and could hear the heat pump making a terrible racket. Called Air Flow and they came out. I was holding my breath that the motor hadn't burned out or something. Turned out to be a big rat, only now it was in two pieces. No damage, but her did service the heat pump, etc.

Damn rodents are costing us a fortune. We put traps in the garage and that hurts my heart, but we have to do it. I won't put poison out because I don't want a hawk, eagle, or coyote to get a poisoned mouse.

I see the coyotes in the field across from us. They hunt and will stand real still and do a big pounce. They eat lots of mice. Saw a hawk fly off with one the other day. I waved goodbye. Glad to see them go to a good cause.

My dog Sky was a mouse hunting fool. She would walk with me on the road and stop dead in her tracks. She demanded absolute silence and would give me a quick glare if I said anything. Then she would pounce. One crunch and she would throw the poor mouse or vole to the side and walk on. Not even as much as a back ward glance. The look on her face said, "My job there is done. Let's move on."

I use to have a neighbor up the road who owned a Russian Wolfhound. She had to keep him on a leash as they are strong headed and amazing runners. I use to walk with her and, of course, Sky was always with me. When Sky would go into her stance, Lupin (the wolfhound) did not understand that silence was demanded. He would run up to Sky and stick his head in the grasses, like "What are you looking at?" Of course, from Sky's perspective, that ruined everything.

Lupin was a temperamental sort and not always respectful of Sky. Well one day we (the 4 of us) were walking and Sky took the stance. She pounced before Lupin could give her away. Then she did the usual one crunch and flung the vole into the road way. Well, it almost landed on me and Holly and we were screaming and jumping around; but Lupin, well it was like a light went on in his brain. He jumped on that vole and started throwing it everywhere; like it was the most amazing thing he had ever experienced. I could hear Sky saying, "Watch and learn, Grasshopper."

From that day on, Lupin had the utmost respect for Sky. He kept the silence. He watched Sky and learned. No more interruptions when she took the stance. Instead he would freeze in place, not moving a muscle. He would listen and pretty soon he was listening all up and down the road. He eventually caught a few voles all on his own. Unfortunately, he would want to carry his vole/mouse with him the duration of the walk. Still he was proud and so was Holly. Sky considered it bad form. Of course, I agreed. Life changing stuff, eh.

Stormy/Sandy: You really know how to kick ass.

Mame: Take care and let us know how the storm progresses.

Cuz: Always a pleasure to hear from you.

Love you all, Cattails

Yup it is all your fault Stormy. Heck that even fits. By the way this is Bobbie's real cuz Harv. We are up in Michigan and just now starting to feel the path of the winds you have created. Sustained winds are around 24 mph right now but no rain yet but its coming. Hugs your way.

Bobbie, Yep this is my day alright cause my real name is Sandy. Hurricane Sandy. My siblings keep saying well you are going down in the history books and you are wrecking havoc everywhere. I never thought i would be this popular. Hehe. I do pray that all of the folks in the path of Sandy will be safe. Love and Hugs Stormy Sandy.

we are just now starting to get the wind. The news said that the waves out on Lake Michigan are at or going to be at least 20 t0 30 footers. Winds are at around 24 mph right now and thats steady. Some gusts will be around 50. Don't think I'll take the boat out right away. Joyce's ma (94) fell yesturday but only bruised her right boob and arm. She has the upper broncheil cough also but she is doing alright.

Hey cuz has the water gone back to normal yet

It's a demented control and power thing as in: I still have control and I still have power.
Just think of the 3 year old who says: You won't tell ME what to do. Same type of crap without the cute.
My mom did the same thing and it's crazy making. You just let it go and say yup.
Yup yup yup, yup yup.
Whatever movie I brought in she knew all about it and had seen it before and would sit there with a smug look.
One day she was on about one film or another that had just been released to DVD and I said, you know you are so full of sh!!.
She laughed for 10 minutes.

Try not to let it get to you Mame. It just is and gee let's have some ice cream.
You're doing great. Wish I could see a pic of you in that dress. Bet you lit up the whole place.


Dear Crew,

Deef!! 25000th post! That has got to be some special Hurricane Sandy Boat Time!

Hope Angie is ok and has anyone heard from Austin? Maxine!! Where are you gurl?

Linda! You and your husband really know how to rock an roll. I love it!

Can't believe this storm. It's all over where I was in NJ. Those poor people everywhere. Ow Ow.

Had a noise insulated generator when I lived in the mountains. Remote start. One day I went to start it and zip. Same as you guys. Mice. Took the cover off and the south end of a large mouse was hanging out of the flywheel. Never found the north end.

Stormy! This is your day! Hope Conner is feeling better and everyone in your house is ok.

Rip! where are you?

A little chilly on the boat but nothing compared to everyone suffering with caregiving or storms or caregiving AND storms... and idiot siblings and crazy elders.

Hope everyone has a good night and here's to another Twenty-Five Thousand Posts on the Grossed Out Thread.

Love you guys way more than you'll ever know,

All is well herein CNY tonight, so far! Not expecting much where I am. Just some wind. Kind of a disappointment-this storm-but that is really for the best. The hype was just so much that I was sure we would have more wind and damage. Feel sorry for New Jersey etc! I will let you know, if I can, how the rest of the night goes...Going to bed now.
Venting...watched a movie for the first time-Mirror Mirror-and mom was like, "we have seen this one" Well we haven't... Putting her to bed I asked if she liked the movie and she says, " I liked it last time and I liked it this time"... Why does this make me so mad? It is sooo stupid of me to get mad at that... But it interests me that she wants to be so adament about seeing it before when we have not. Wierd... Me and her! HAHA Anyway... good night everyone. Talk to you tomorrow! Mame

Almost forgot! Think of Angie tonight. She lives near the south coast of Mass.

Looks like we will miss the worst of the storm here. Still have a wind advisory until tomorrow morning and a flood watch, but not hing like the coast. Have lots of branches down and most of these were left over from last years storm. Every time we have high winds, more of the dead branches from last year get shifted around and eventually fall.
Had a good day with Mom. She was sleepy due to the dreary weather, but refused a nap. She took her pills well and behaved better than usual at meal times. Had a visit from my youngest sister when she got out of work early. More of the me, me, me, talk. Jamaica in February, blah, blah, blah!!! I stopped listening after a while. Lost 2 lbs, yeah, I gained 4! Big deal!!! Didn't even ask what we are doing for Thanksgiving, for fear I would offer Mom up so I could enjoy the day.
Hope everyone is safe and has power tonight! Watching "Castle"!

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