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I'm having one of my very bad headaches - migraines and neck ache. Light is hurting my eyes. Reading is making me feel like throwing up and I still need to change parents' pampers, clean trache. So, I hope you all don't mind that I not comment on your comments before mine. I've basically copied and pasting below what I wrote in the YOU thread. Lousy painpill only worked for 30minutes - enough time to read Lisa's, Dysfunction and YOU thread and comment. I always save this thread for last headache is back and throbbing like crazy and I'm fighting my stomach to NOT get rid of the dinner that I forced myself to eat.

As you know, I’ve been having it for several months now and that it escalated last week. When it gets really bad, my whole body would tilt slowly. So, I always make it a habit to walk near walls and desks. I’ve had times when I felt myself tilting and can’t do anything about it until my body slams really hard against the car door or the desk or the wall. Sometimes, I can move my hand to block my fall. This – is what is normal for me. Starting last week, my vision now turns all black, and I fight against it. I've also mentioned the time when I was changing father’s pamper, again the vision of darkness – but this time I felt my body slowly tilting backward. I was able to grab the railing without seeing it. Then, I got my vision again. I don't think I told you that I’ve also been getting lots of really bad headaches.

Went to the clinic today. BP is 100/70 (usually I’m 110/70). I’ve gained 4 lbs since 3 months ago – now weigh exactly 100 lbs. My borderline cholesterol is now High cholesterol. I have blood in my urine. And doc – he didn’t like my “blackouts.” That’s what he called it. He checked back on my file on my previous visits and I heard him gasp. He wants me to get a head catscan. If that comes out negative, then he will next check my heart. (I have heart murmur and had a heart infection about 5 years ago.) He kept repeating he didn’t like my black outs. I asked him if maybe it’s from exhaustion for working full-time and caring for 2 bedridden parents. He said no – that would be his last resort answer.

Stormy, I had my complete blood test done in January. My thyroid is normal. So, for now, the doc is keeping whatever he thinks to himself. I'm such a coward. I did NOT ask him what was that gasp for. Sorry, I have reverted back to my old habit of hiding my head under the sand.

Exactly 1 year ago, I had high cholesterol. He prescribed Lipitor 40mg. I had asked him if he could start me out low and work my way up to high dosage. He absolutely refused because by cholesterol had dramatically spiked up in 3 months. I explained to him that my body can handle over-the-counter drugs that says take 2 - ony 1 can help me. 2 is too strong. He refused. So, I faithfully took that Lipitor for 1month with migraine headaches every day! I quit without telling him. Pissed him off on my quarterly check-ups in January (of this year.) ..... So, Today, I mentioned again about lowering the dosage. He agreed - I have Lipitor for 10mg!! Sometimes, doctors need to listen to their patients!!!

He was going to prescribe Cipro for the blood in my urine. Cipro is a vey bad medicine. When he prescribed it to me earlier, I researched it online. Cipro causes a permanent damage to your muscle. It actually causes your muscle/tendons to detach from your bone! So, I am soooo glad that my body rejected it on day 3. So, I told him today of my reactionto it. So, he prescribed another medicine which sounds just as bad. I won't take it yet until I Google it. Can't today with my really bad headache....Have to go now. The light on this laptop is really hurting my eyes. I'm squinting as I'm typing. Later!!!

I just noticed that Deef posted on another thread about Jen. This is what she wrote. I think she posted there by accident.

"Hey everyone! Just got off the phone with Jen. She is fine, just a bit down. I told her you all were worried about her. We talked for an hour or so, and I told her I would call her again soon.
Okay, I'm exhausted and heading to bed. Will catch up tomorrow!"

Hope its okay with you that I copied and pasted, Deef. I sort of figured you meant it to be on this thread but you got way too tired!

So...why did I get "boat time"? I'm so confused.

Wow. I just realized that we are closing in on Twenty Five Thousand Posts.
Thanks you guys for being here for each other and being here for me.

Good Evening Crew,
Judy! Congrats on 'Boat Time' woohoo!
Stormy, glad Conner is better.
Linda!! so good to see from you and I know I know I know. You are suffering and the only thing that will work is time and distraction from the past. You know that I know.

It's so hard to get interested in life after this and I guess if it were not for the fact that now I am a caregiver to a boat (what was I thinking?) I would be in a dark house, surrounded by the past and the hurts and sadness.
Crew: my past was kind of sad, just is, not trying to drag my cross and screw up the rug... But is was best that I bailed out and made my own way somewhere else.

Where's Jen? worried and have been thinking about her all day.
Deef!! I dunno, just like saying DEEF!!

Where in the world is Austin? Gurl, what are you up to and I hope you check in and let us know that you're ok too!

lildeb! The TP issue will only get worse (sorry to say) This is a progressive disease and I learned with my mom that I just had to go to the bathroom with her each and every time and at the end of the day it saved me time, energy and sanity. It's not fun because everything revolves around food going in and coming out.

Mom and I made it work and I used to write that she was 'clean and shiny on the hiney'. Used to climb in the shower with her and get her all clean and then wrap her up in a huge towel and sit her down and do her hair all nice.
I used to write that I always looked as if I had been pulled through a hedge but mom always was looking good.

Vermont Country Store was were I got her elastic waistband pants so she could still wear her jeans but she couldn't do up a button or a zipper anymore.

Everybody's Dementia is different and it is soul killing but it is a progressive disease so if someone learns something like the proper place to put the used TP, don't expect that to last. Just know that it's the disease and for some reason the poop issue is really interesting to them.

I told this story a long time ago:
We were in LA and I was making dinner and mom walked into the kitchen only wearing a blouse and was holding her Depends with a load of brownies on display.
She had a look on her face that said: Eh? Whaddya think? Eh? So I said, Nice work mom! Those are some good looking brownies and let's put them in the hopper.

You stop what you're doing and go and handle it. That was about when I realized I had to go with her every time. They just stop doing those little things one after another and you have to do those things for them, whether it's wiping the butt or blowing the nose or feeding. It just is.

With the benefit of time gone by I can see it and remember it more clearly without the trauma that came with it.
There are many things that we as caregivers do and did and one of those things for me was to tell my mom many times a day that she was the bravest person I knew. Her particular Dementia caused her to come to lucidity every now and again and you could see how horrified she was at her predicament. I would tell her over and over that she was safe and sound and not to worry because if she forgot I would remember.

When you guys see me write about placement etc I want you to know that I NEVER threatened my mom and worked so hard to not cause her any more stress even though my BP was 157 over 120 at the time and I knew that I was dying with the crush of caring. (Now back to my normal of 110 over 70.)
I know that there's caregivers out there with way worse numbers than those.

Lori!! Welcome to the home of Vent and Live! Keep writing!

Bookworm hope you are feeling better and not being told terrible things by your dad. I know you know better than what he is saying but still awful to hear. I know about that stuff too... Ow Ow.

OK, I had just written out the rest of the names and then hit the wrong combo of buttons and erased 3/4 of what I had done. I am too wiped out to write it again but will try tomorrow.

Cuz! where are you? Hope you are doing ok!

love you guys way more than you'll ever know.


Lil'deb- Thank you, Connor is feeling better. He went to school today so hopefully he is on the mend.
I am another story..... Although, today was not too bad. And yesterday was a good day. So tomorrow is probably going to suck.... Plus wednesday i go for the ultrasound on my neck i guess to see if my thyroid gland is enlarged or if anything else is going on. Lord, i am nervous about that. I just hope everything looks ok. Thank you for asking about me and Connor. Hugs
Well, i went shopping today for my new food groups that i am suppose to eat i guess for the rest of my life. Or maybe until my guts (intestines) decide they want to work again. Constipation from hell, with this hypothyroidism. Oh, there have been times when i thought i was stopped up. But compared to the last 2 weeks, lets just say I have been miserable....... I think that is what has been causing my depression too. So i am going to start taking something everyday for that problem!

Well, i am going to leave ya'll on a grossed out note: Dad has spit paper towels and paper towels that he uses to wipe his trach when he coughs. Lord, if i had stock in viva paper towels i would be a rich woman just from dad using them. Anyway, I carry my little chihuahua puppy Lily,to dad's everyday. And of course ya'll know dad misses the trash can i have by his chair and guess who decides she is going to play with the spit paper towels and tear them up into shreds. So here i go running around the house trying to catch this dog and get the paper towel away from her. I always have to bride her with food of some sort to get the paper towel away from her. Anyway i thought i would gross ya'll out for the night. This is the grossed out thread ya know...... Hehe..... Love and hugs to all. Stormy

Lori, Omg! Your sure have your hands full. Welcome to the club. or as someone calls, the crazy train. ' )
Stormy, I hope your son is okay n the pain in his ear has eased off. Keep us posted. It also seems that your thyroids are taking a toll on your feelings n wandering is their anything u can take to help ease the thryoids? I hope both you n your son feel much better soon.
JudyM, I must had missed that twighlight one n don't care to watch it either. You would wander how such a big flying thing like that be able to into such a small space as the ear canal? shocking to me but they have been here for centuries n some.
Deef, I like your suggestion to Diane n I am going to try n remember that myself for future purposes.
Book, you r sooooooooooooooo right on about the bug has to be killed or sedated or something for it may go further in the ear or break off n that is what they had to do to my brother. I felt so sorry for him for it did take a while. The way u describing it in details just makes me squirm! Gee thanks, now I will have to remember to cover my ears tonight. You can watch all those shows all by yourself, thank you very much,. ; ) wow, from a freaking mosquito too!
JudymW, I very doubt that this is the gross out thread for the others r probable just sparing us. It just one that u have gotten to read so far. lol.
I hope everyone is able to get some peaceful rest tonight n have a beautiful day tomorrow. I am going to try.

Judy, you got BOAT time!!!!!

I'm feeling a little frazzled after having a text conversation with my nephew. I made the mistake of asking if he could get the family together for Thanksgiving since my mom said she is afraid she will die before the family is mended. If we are all mature adults, I fail to see why we can't gather for mom's sake and behave civilly for a few hours. Of course it all comes back that the family divide is all my fault. Needless to say that has thoroughly pissed me off.
I have to direct mom to the bathroom, how to sit on the toilet and wipe her. Tonight her gross thing occured when she was sitting in her recliner crying for no apparent reason. She sat there letting snot run down her face. Mind you the box of kleenex is right next to her. I don't know where she zoned out to, but I cleaned her up and got her to bed. It always makes me feel so bad when she gets into these crying spells for no reason. She can't seem to tell me what is bothering her, but she must be very sad or frightened to sit there crying like that.

Deef, have you spoken with Jen lately? I know you have her phone number. We are worried since we haven't heard from her.

Have a good night all. I'll go back to watching Romney and Obama duke it out on the debate. Have a good night all.

Love ya,

Bobbie, that's exactly the Twilight Zone episode I was talking about - when the earwig laid eggs. Freaked me out as a kid. The other one that I remember is the one where William Shatner is on a plane and there's some kind of monster guy on the wing, tearing it up. I'll look on Netflix. I haven't seen those in years. The animal planet channel has/had a show called "the monster inside me" and it was all about people with parasites. Soooo gross.

Oh, Cat, tapeworms are disgusting. Can you believe people actually ingest tapeworm eggs on purpose to lose weight? I'd love to be skinny, but the thought of a tapeworm in my gut would be enough to make me want to drink bleach or go insane.

Lildeb, the TP issue would make me crazy. I hope mnl gets better with flushing it. Cheesecake sounds delicious to me. If you don't already have a recipe you like there's a great recipe for NY cheesecake that I love. If you google "frugal gourmet cheesecake" you'll find it.

I had a pretty good day. Managed to piss off my mother. Doesn't take much, really, to get her all butt hurt. I actually googled her sisters' obituaries to see how long they lived, trying to gage how long I have to deal with her. My karma is going to be so bad.

Bob, I hope u r doing great n enjoying life to the fullest.
Deef, I like to know if u don't mind, of what type of insurance your mom has for they paid a lot for the wheel chair. The $ amount you have is quite a bit but u have sibs thats going to help n that sounds great. Plus, it all about comfort for her n if she is comfortable then you get more rest sometimes. At least the headrest part cuts back on her flipping so far back n probable keeps the chair from flipping backward n less worry for you too.
Cat, sound like your yard sale turned out pretty good n plus you will have room for your cars. You can hear the enjoyment n sense of happiness just by listening to you talking about spending time with your son n his girlfriend before they move to a warmer state. I am so happy for you that u r starting to enjoy life again. Just don't leave us any time too soon on here for we enjoy your posting.

Diane, Thanks n I am so sorry that your mom health has declined to where her conversation r imaginary stories n wish I was their to be able to give you a big hug for I can feel your pain. Yet, I can send u a ciber-hug n I know its not the same, however, it comes from a little person with a big heart n I hope it help ease yours pain while you are taking care of your mom. Have your tried using a mask to see if that will help ease the asthma when cutting the grass? At least it shouldn't have to be cut anymore as Fall come. It irritates my sinus real bad n ragweed is my enemy.
Today was a pretty good day. However, I do kind of get worry somedays where the mnl gets confused on things. Such as where to put 'used' #1 toliet paper! For some reason she has been taking the toliet paper an just placing it in areas like her dresser top, the counter top n bathroom sink n her pockets in her jacket. I made some signs thinking it will help her being she can still read fairly good. Sign like, "Toliet paper goes in the Toliet bowl please." I placed the signs in her room above the dresser, above toliet seat, by the toliet paper roll n by the kitchen trash can. Because it was starting to smell like pee.
I just happen to notice when I was directing her to throw her toliet paper in the toliet bowl from the kitchen that she had gone to the dog bowl. I am like wtf!
I will respond to her with a question like, "We don't use the bathroom in the dog's food bowl do we?" She will reply," No! who would do such a craxy thing like that!" Then she seems to remembers where the toliet bowl area is located as I direct her if she still needs help but usually she does not. This has happen more than once in a day. I do get a bit worry about her how to say it, mind slipping some more as AD takes it toll. I am hoping that this birthday she will be happy even though she saids, "she don't celebrate her birthdays." Yet, she told the people at the St. Luke church she does. Go figure? I am going to make her a cheese-cake for she likes it too. She will be 81 this month of the 27th. I have to admit she gets around pretty good too on most days. Well, enough of my flapping jaw. I got to take a break n go dispense medicine out to everyone in the house n including the dog. ; )

flex - wheres jen ?

flex !! yes just had bonfire this afternoon . made pork chops and all the peppers oinions taters all piled up , a lit burnt but good yummie !
shitofranic wooo hooo

Hi Linda! I'm feeling shitofranic too these days. Have you had any bonfires lately?

am happy to see ted ! so glad he posted and we all needed to hear what ted had to say , big hugs to u ted !!!
few weeks ago i was thinkin jenny girl jsomebody and i thought oh shit where is she , now i notice gangs here are worried about our jenny looo .
JEN - JSOMEBODY ! we love you !!
hope all is well ,
bobbie i am well well umm ok well .... lalalala ,
love you all . xoxoxo

We're really starting to get worried. Please just let us know that you're there.
Deef!! Have you heard from her?

So I wake up at 4:30 am and figure that I'll check in and see what's going on.
You guys sure don't disappoint!

Book! I'm with you on eating just anything anywhere....

Judy!! I just told that Twilight Zone earwig story the other day! omg. After chewing its way through the guy's head it had laid eggs in there. (in the Zone story)
arrrrrrg. They have all the Zones on Netflix. Still some of the best tv writing ever.

I committed insecticide earlier when I killed a roach. They fly here as well. Urp.
Flipflops are the best roach killers. The Cat is falling down on her job.

Cricket and Christina! Hope you guys are having a great time. Thought you might check in and give us an update.

What ER show is that? Sounds delightful. Not kidding. Like a train wreck... can't look away.
Ok, going to try and go back to sleep. hahaha


No, I didn't see that one. But did you see the one where the homeless man came in. And all the senior ER doctors gave it to the newbie intern? He picked up the man's pants, and saw hundreds of maggots on the man's legs! That doc just freaked out, too! It seemed that man had some kind of infection on his leg. The maggots had actually "cleaned up the infection."

Cat, I've heard stories about those too. People go to Mexico and buy food at the street stands. They come back to the US and kept losing weight. Tape Worms. Except one person was unfortunate because the tape worm traveled to the brain and was eating it. The person was becoming more and more sluggish until finally went to the hospital. The worm had eaten most of the brain. They showed the xray of the brain - it was all mushy - no lines showing. The person died. After I saw that show, I decided that I will never ever eat food sold on the street in a foreign country. You just don't know how hygienic phobic they are.

Well, I'm grossed out. How about those people that go to other countries and end up with parasites or tape worms or lord knows what all growing and moving around inside of them. Then one comes out of their nose when they sneeze or in their stools. It's amazing how long those tape worms can be. You'd be pulling on that sucker for a while before you got it out. Yuck. Makes wiping butts sound like a walk in the park.

Eeeeeeeuuuuuwww! Did you see the one where the guy had some gross larva under the skin on his arm? Something like botfly? Like a giant maggot. I think it was from a mosquito bite. Sick. Well, this is the gross out thread, right?

Oh, the worm that was in her head? When she was hiking, the mosquito had landed on her head and buried it's larvae just under her skin. The larvae must have hatched, and the baby mosquito was the one popping up and down on her head. How gross can that be! From a mosquito!!! Yuck!

I saw in the real ER show on TV about the .. I can't remember the name of the bug. It comes out at nights. The guy was sleeping in the car when it crawled in. Another lady (in another episode) also came in. They thought she was like "handicap" because she kept screaming that her ear hurts and the whirling helicopter sound was so loud. They couldn't understand her because she was not making sense. But, the doc looked in her ears and he just about freaked out. He can't stand cockroaches. Guess what was inside? I'm not sure which one (man or woman) but the doc had to try several things to get it out. He explained that you can't just stick the instrument in and pull it out. Because if it struggles, it might go more in or it might cut some part of the bug off and that is not recommended! So, I think he used alcohol or some kind of stuff to knock out the bug and then pull it out. It's the flapping of the wings that made the person think of helicopter blades inside. Ever since I saw that show, I have this fear of the cockroaches going inside mine!

I liked the one where the lady went hiking. She came back to the states, and something was in her head. She went to the ER and kept insisting that there's a worm in her head. The ER doc checks her head. He sees a broken skin but no worm. He leaves her and goes to the next patient. The nurse comes rushing in and telling him that she saw it! He goes back to check. Nothing. Then the worm pops up and he just about freaks out.....I just love watching that show!!!

Bugs in the ear! Lildeb - did you ever see that Twilight Zone when the guy had the earwig crawl into his ear? I saw it when I was a kid and had to sleep with the sheet tucked over my ear for months afterwards.

Deef, that is one expensive wheel-chair. Maybe it can do back-flips n wheelies on it on n that is why it cost so much $. jk. At least it does sound more protected for her n maybe if you had a broom handle across the front if it would keep her from falling forward? You could wrap the broom handle with bubble wrap for comfort n tape it to the chair. Okay, thats sounds like Jerry Rig but it sounded nice. I had no idea wheel chairs were so expensive. too bad they don't come with a key lock to keep them from unlocking the wheel or braking it. Maybe someone else will have some suggestions? Did her insurance help pay for this chair? Just checking out ahead of time in case I need one down the road for the mnl.
Diane, I have no idea why some of the physicians work only a half-day on a Friday. Sorry you will have to re-try all over again Monday. As for the nasty bugs, we use Bengal. They tend to go where warmth is located n everywhere u mention is a nice little home for them. They multiply like crazy. The spray is a bit expensive but it works great around here. However, u may need another typr of bug-man to come out n then use the spray to help keep them out.
They will eat up the plastic coating on the wires in your t.v., what ever appliance they r living. My mom had them too. It took a once a month bug-man for a yr to get her bug problem down. Now, if u know any tricks to keep rats from getting in the attac please feel free. However, I am not going to crawl up in the attic. Hubby been putting traps up their n one got caught n squeal n etc n I had to leave the room for it was the sound. I wish it had just killed it right on the spot but it didn't. I slept on the couch that night. They r not eating or getting into our food in the house so I don't understand why they r in our attic?
Judy, I had a friend whom got stung by a scorpion in his house n he had to go to the emergency room. It made him very ill n he was a young looking fella too. Be careful of those things n they can get in your shoe n hide. I hate those fyling cock-roaches n I have seen them come from our pine trees. I think its the little roaches that multiply like rabbits. ; )
Cattail, I hope your garage sale turns out good n I hope it is a nice day for it too.
Book, my brother had one crawl into his ear n I had to take him to the ER for he half did something to it trying get it out n he was in misery. He could hear it wigglying in his ear. OMG! It was funny at first but, after awhile you could tell it was bothering him real bad so off we went. My mom was passed out n she couldn't drive anyway. They had to pour something in his ear n then they were able to get that sucker out. You wander how that huge thing could get in a ear? sometimes now, I will cover my head or at least with my hair cover my ears from the fear of that happen to me. I hope this don't freak you out more but I don't like those flying suckers either nor spiders. If any lizards come in this house they will be gone by the cats however, I like the little green lizards.
I hope everyone was able to have a nice weekend. Ours was okay which is better than a bad weekend. Peace out. ; )

Diane, when your mom is talking, just answer with Uh huh, Oh yeah, really? or anything that will satisfy her that you are listening. My Mom uses all the wrong words now, so it's impossible to understand her most of the time. Just hearing a voice answer her calms her down. She doesn't really listen to what is being said. Save yourself the heartache of trying to hold a conversation and humor her with the sound of your voice, it will calm her down if you stay calm. It's not easy, but necessary for your own sanity.
Lori,Poop stories abound here! Don't be shy, join in!!! In fact I got Mom out of bed for her shower this morning, and the fragrance warned me that something was afoul!!! Yep! I was right! What was in her diaper was so huge, I was afraid to put it down the toilet! And she went twice more like that in the afternoon. Must have hurt to sit down.
Stormy, Hope Connor is better tomorrow! Poor baby! Hang in there with your synthroid. Sounds like your body is trying to adjust.
Cat, Sounds like you had a great time with your son. Is he your only child? I know you spoke of a grand daughter and her wedding.
Got to go through my fridge before bed,. Tomorrow is trash day and everything is done, including what I raked up in the yard this afternoon. Now I just have to clean out the fridge. My least favorite job!!!
Hope you all had a good day today!

Lori... its not funny,but it is! Who has "planet bowel" at their parents' house? Someone here on AC has a dad who is very into daily bowel reports and now I can't remember who it is, but I've laughed out loud at the comments.

Stormy - do you have CVS Minute clinics near you? Some CVS stores have a nurse practitioner in a clinic, and they take most insurance and just charge the usual dr visit copay. I've had sick kids on weekends and the clinics have been awesome. Strep throat, ear infections, things that can really wait till Monday but it just sucks to have a kid in pain - those minute clinics are great for that. Just a thought.

Hi everyone I haven't been to dads in a few days cause my little boy has been sick. This morning he wakes up at 4 in the morning saying that his ear hurt. I was finally able to get some tylenol and ear drops in him. Then he fell back off to sleep. He acts like he feels better but i am carrying him to the dr tomorrow. Just keeping the tylenol in him to be on the safe side. I also have been MIA this weekend because of this hypothyroidism. For the last two days i have been so depressed, i just mainly cried all day yesterday. Then i wake up this morning and life seems normal again. No mood swings today. No crying. I just don't know what tomorrow will be like. Maybe another day like today i hope. I feel like i am on a rollercoaster ride. One minute i am up and the next i am down. I hope everyone has had a good weekend. I haven't caught up on the posts, I will try to do that later on tonight. Here's hoping all of you have a good monday. Love and hugs stormy

My mother sincerely believes that everyone is intently interested in the details of her bowel movements--her descriptions are graphic and ongoing. Recently she called 911 and got herself carted off to the ER because she was constipated.

TED!!!!! So glad to hear from you and that, at least for now, you're doing well. Of all the black holes, the one I sank into AFTER dad died was the hardest to get out of. And, like you, I still can't take it for granted that I'm ok. Time - hopefully - heals all wounds. You stay strong too! Love ya, Kuli

I finished mowing the front lawn and still need to go out and sweep everything up. I had to take a break since the grass got my asthma going. Now I'm sitting here listening to my mother's crazy imaginary stories. I find this to be very difficult because she is talking all sorts of crap and wants to have a conversation, but it makes no sense. How do you have a conversation with someone like that? I feel like I'm being sucked into her vortex of insanity. I miss my mom the way she used to be. I can feel the tears welling up when I type about missing her.
Lildeb I'm glad that you are feeling better. Cat, it sounds like you have a fun and productive day with your garage sale. Our community is having there's next Saturday. I'll let you know if mine was a success or not. If my mother won't agree to sit with mom from 6am-9am when the sitter arrives, I may be SOL. Bobbie, how are you and the boat angel doing?
Maybe I'll get mom to sit on the front porch while I sweep up the walkway, driveway and sidewalk. Then I have to get dinner in the oven. I miss my house husband while he is working at the fair :(
Have a god afternoon all!

Love ya,

Crap! I lost all my notes I just written, man!!! I will try later for we need to get out n feed the ducks n breathe some fresh air before it gets too cold for the mnl.

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