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Sorry for your loss cuz. I agree, no more pain, loved ones waiting on the other side.

Hey there Cuz,
Sorry for your sadness. Love to you and Joyce and Family.

Cuz - so sorry for your loss. Thinking of you.


Hello everyone. Some sad news tonight. The neighbor I talked about last night
passed away. She went very quick and peaceful, that was the main thing. She was a very devoted Christian so we know that she is up in glory land with no more pain.
Hugs to all.

Hi Jen!
Oh Cuz, so so sorry about all of your losses.
I know your big heart hurts.
So sad when good friends have to go.


Hi bobbie I think you will have to e-mail me the address where ya go that it sounds hilarious. On a sour note my neighbor who has been fighting pancreatic cancer all summer with both chemo and radiation has decided she has had enough and they have called in hospice. She is tired and just worn out from all the treatments. She is 71 or 72 I'm not sure. I have been cutting her grass all summer and now have been keeping her driveway clear so she could make her treatment plans. This is going to be a tough one for both me and the wife. Also found out that we lost a cousin on my mom's side to breast cancer she was only 57. Ant type of loss is a tough one but this is hitting closer to home. Hugs everyone.

Dude, spray or no spray, I am gonna say this, FROM PAST OLFACTORY EXPERIENCE:

"What is that smell?"
"I don't SMELL anything?"
"God I smell it, it smells like shit!"
I mean where is it?"
"Did the cat, dog, llama, gerbils,toddler,yak, wildebeest, prairie dog shit somewhere?"
"I don't see anything..."
"I don't either but I sure smell it, God it is everywhere!"




Been there, scraped that!


haha Jen
You will probably be just fine and finally able to not have a bunch of crazy in your life so you will be able to mellow out with the situation and if someone gets out of line you will snap them back with an appropriately dead-on comment.

How is everyone and what they had to put up with in the snow?

Well, I ordered some Liquid A** for the kid here. It came today.
The kid's mom is thinking about putting a few drops in his dad's Jeep.
LiqA stench goes away in about 10 minutes or so.
I want to be there with camera.
Will have to use tripod will be laughing too hard to hold cam.

This is a review for Liquid A** on that big Sales Site.
Pretty funny and written by 'Kay'...

This stuff litterally smells like a**. Bad A**. Horrible A**. You need to go to the doctor A**. Tried it out last night on my boyfriend. Here is a summary of my night:
5pm: Boyfriend on laptop in livingroom. He had been there for hours, so I decided it was time for him to get up.
5:05pm: Sprayed Liquid A** three times on a sweater in the other room, then nonchalantly dropped it in the livingroom, about ten feet away from the boyfriend,
5:06pm: Boyfriend asks if I forgot to turn the bathroom fan on.
5:08pm: Boyfriend comments on how stinky the cats poop is.
5:15pm: Boyfriend, with his shirt covering his nose, scoops all three cat boxes in hopes of eliminating the wretched stench.
5:45pm: Boyfriend goes on a mad hunt, insisting that the cats must have crapped somewhere in the house. By this time, the smell has engulfed the appartment (a small two bedroom.) He picks up every piece of laundry on the floor, throws the bathroom mats in the washing machine and finds a face mask and gloves to put on. (I am a nurse and keep some supplies at home.)
6:25pm: Boyfriend becomes convinced the cats must have stepped in poo and tracked it all over the house. After smelling all four of the cats, he decides the cats must have cleaned themselves by now, At this point, after seeing all of the good this spray had done, I sprayed it thrice more; once in each bedroom and once in the livingroom.
6:30pm: Boyfriend sweeps and mops all of the tiled floors, sprinkles baking soda over the carpet and vacuums the entire place. Durring this time, I make sure my bottle is hidden really well. I can't afford to get caught on this one.
7:30pm: Boyfriend becomes convinced there must be spoiled food somewhere. He takes out the trash and loads the dishwasher.
11pm: While finishing up the laundry, Boyfriend discovered the sweater. He decides the cat must have wiped his paws on it and says we need to make an appointment with the vet because the smell is concerning.

I will be using this spray about once a month for the rest of my life. Thank you, Liquid A**. Thank you.


Glad storm passed, hope everyone can dig out. Hmn Personality Disorder to Dementia. That'll probably be me if I live so long. I'll be a pain in the a** and not remember why...Jen

North Texas just got cold, rain, and wind thank goodness. Not too much snow here. We just get horrible ice. Not this time though. Feel bad for all my friends that DO get to travel and didn't get to get out for their flights. 3 ft. of snow! yikes, glad we don't have to deal with that. Sorry for all the people without power and the deaths. This was a bad one. Sorry meanwhile that mom is having such a hard time. That's tough.

My daughter just outside of DC had three feet of snow on her deck and no one was going anywhere.
Maybe it's time to build a tunnel on the White House lawn so the President can make it to the helicopter.

Wow, two feet of snow, hope everyone is alright. We just have some wind out here in western TX. Slight chance of snow on Teusday.

Thanks SS. It went better than I thought. Mom was in her depressed mode, which is better than her angry mode. There is no happy with her, ever. So sad.

18 inches (of snow!) LOL Fun using my new snow thrower! I'm so whacked.

Good Sunday Morning all,

DEEF!! Been thinking of you and Cuz and everyone in this blizzard.

I had to trickle water on the dock last night and it's not quite 32 degrees here yet so will let it go for another hour.
At least it's sunny.

Clear and COLD for this part of the country.
Actually had snow flurries yesterday, so if we got that I know that the storm walloped North of here.

Ya, Personality Disorders that have morphed into Dementia.
Can't beat that for crazy making.

SS! Jen! Pargirl! assandache! Lesanne!, kellse!, Veronica!, Kuli!, Gladimhere!

How is it all going for everybody?


Thinking of you meanwhile! God bless you. Just did the same for my Mom back in December. It was a long day. Make sure you are wearing pockets to stuff those hands into! You could bring ear plugs, too!

Will have to spend a couple of hours listening to my mother whine, and complain today. It's her birthday. So made her a cake, and will take dinner up to her house. I will stay and eat with them. Have to take most of their meals to them anymore, but usually can drop the food off and run. Give me strength, when she starts in about how wonderful she was as a mother, it's hard not to choke her.

....but I wouldn't want to be in DC!!

Enjoy the day everyone. GOing to see Mom today to make sure she had enough nightgowns before the storm hits tomorrow. I don't think it will be too bad here. I think the weather people and newscasters have nothing else to talk about except Donald Trump so they are playing up this storm! Got a new snow thrower! Never had one! How weird am I that I can't wait to use it. Peace out.


Have caught myself trying to put the gallon Milk jug into the pantry with canned goods. At least I caught it before anyone else did. Geez..... :)

At least they won't harm your ear!!!!!!!!

not sure who needs more help now me or my mother. I just put my eye drops in my ear lol

Hi pargirl,
It's Cuz who's Beloved on this here thread because he keeps us all in his huge heart.
I am in the SouthEast working with boats. Mom's gone over 5 years now it's hard to believe but the people I met on this site and thread have been a big deal to me.

As far as Rules…. not really any rules I guess, we just all try to hang on and hang in however we can.

I know what you mean, almost dropped my teeth about David Bowie and now Glen Frey. Wasn't there another not that long ago?
I'm too lazy/exhausted to look it up.
I don't know how you do it Jen. At least you know, even if we all take a break from the thread and don't post for awhile, we're not going anywhere.
Keep writing it out. Vent Vent Vent it out.
I still want to come there and smack the sh!t outta fp for what he's done to you.
At least glue his sack to his thigh but I would have to use those yellow rubber gloves and tongs….

assandache! Good to see you and ya, the picking and sticking are truly vomitous.
My mom was always a perfect lady and Dementia made her do things that were incredible.
Vent and Live!
Hey there Selfish Siblings! yup, you are a funny one for sure. Love it!

Lesanne, hide the gun so your son doesn't jump it!
I am trying to make plans now so if I go demented I can have a shot at not becoming a total pain in the ass to anyone who is not being paid for me being a pain in the ass.

I have no kids so no worries there and as long as I can keep taking care of myself I will and when I can't anymore I hope I can find a decent companion that will come and live with me in a little house.
She can have her own room and hopefully I will be happy watching Breaking Bad or Sopranos or the entire Seinfeld collection on a ginormous tv with my old kitty on my lap and maybe she will be a middle aged college student that needs a free room in exchange for some housekeeping and helping me in and out of the shower.

Man, I don't want to be dirty and I don't want to have whiskers and nose hairs.
I wonder if there's such a thing as a mobile wax and mani pedi van that could show up and zip off the errant hairs and buff up the toes and digits.

Anyway, that's the plan hahahaha.

Cuz! Love to Mike and Joyce and Diane and Aunt Hank

Keep coming back you guys because it's so good to see you all here.


Nurse putting on a bandage for G arm he leans on all day long...she and mom help him put shirt back on...RN says..."I bet you used to dream about this...having women dress you..."

Ehe heh heh....Oh God, kill me now...

G gives this sly perverted expression and makes a gross chuffing noise...My mother, desperate to push this behind her, says..."He's always been very independent..." Right Ma. Aside from the fact he made Grandma take care of all the business and decisions in the house all his life and if he did not want to do something he pouted till Grandma had to give in and give up too.

Every damn celebrity on the planet over the age of 60 is dying this month and fp just keeps ooozing along! End already!

pargirl This is cuz I am the real cousin of our beloved founder of this site bobbie. I live just north of Grand Rapids, Michigan. I am not a caregiver but I try to post jokes to kind of give a light to the end of the dark tunnels that caregivers get themselves into. I haven't had any good jokes to pass along in a while but I faithfully read this site every night. Hugs to all caregivers both past and present.

Love you guys and all your stories. Seems like the holidays things slowed down a bit with posts. I think of this site every day in my prayers. How many of us out there that don't know about it and how it could help. ANyway, just wanted to tell you that I think about you all. I wish I knew where a lot of you were. Can we do that? Not addresses but towns? Don't know the rules here. Ok, that's all. Good to hear from all of you.

Lesanne - so happy to make you laugh!!


SelfishSibling, congrats, yours is worse! Laughing at your "shoot me" comment. I've told my kids that so often that my husband and I joke around that one day I'm going to forget my car keys and my trigger happy son is going to actually shoot me.

Not to feel alone Lesanne... My Mom's ear is dry and I try to keep applying neosporin.. Well she keeps sticking her finger in there and wipes the dry skin on her pant legs, while eating, watching tv, out anywhere etc.. I want to vomit..

Lesanne -- Eeeewww! I remember when my Dad was still independent, (so he thought!). I would say, "Dad, I will not take you to church until you take a bath." He wore Depends at this point and would stuff them with paper toweling and then replace the paper toweling! Eeewww! I told him that was not sanitary. He didn't want to "waste" the Depends! Get it? Waste?? LOL Anyway, he would take a towel and run it under the sink, put it in the hamper and say, "See - I took a bath!" Oh, Dad, I miss you but really....did we need to go through all that? I just hope my kids don't have to experience any of this down the road. Shoot me first.


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