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Cat, I ran the shipping and receiving department for an 1830's outdoor living history museum. It's called Old Sturbridge Village and is in central Mass. There were 3 gift shops and I worked in the warehouse in the biggest one that was outside of the village.Everything that came into the village came through my back door and I would log it in and send it to any given point in the village. I was responsible for receiving and pricing all shop merchandise and transferring of products to the other gift shops. I also managed all the shipping which included customer purchases, internet sales, phone orders, brochures to travel centers, Kid's Club news letters and wholesale orders of tin, iron, and redware pottery that were all handmade at the village. I also made all the gift baskets during the holidays. It was a very fast paced, multitasking job, that I dearly loved and hated to leave. The best part was being able to roam through the village whenever!

Y'all pay attention to Deef. It's a life none of us imagined living ... yet somehow we might survive. I doubt most parents would never imagine putting their children in the endless caregiving situation.
So far I think the thread is in tact despite those who have teetered on the edge.
There are many fine people on board here.

First of all, Book, I'm with you and Cat and everyone else on the take care of yourself shit! I always get the "Your a good daughter and there is a place waiting for you in heaven." To which I reply, "Oh no! I want to go to hell first and have some fun!" You can imagine how that goes over!!!.
Rena, Last night I replied to your feeling that we had so much more to deal with than you. Not true!!! You are a care giver and you are trapped in a situation the same as us. You are lucky your mom is still with it, but it doesn't make your life any better. It's still stressful and draining in any form. Keep writing and let us know how you are. I've been a part of this thread for almost 3 years, and it helped me when I really needed it.
Stormy, you had 1 good day and one not so good. It will take time for your body to adjust to the new meds. Keep track of how you are feeling and let your doctor know. I'm sure they can adjust your meds if needed. Hope tomorrow is another good day.
Only1, Classic signs of dementia! My mom always took care of things. Kept everything like new, cleaned, fixed, and polished. When the dementia started, she got destructive as hell!!! Broke things, took things apart, threw out jewelry, tore up books, twisted buttons off her clothes, etc. They start to do things backwards. You try to dress them and they undress! You tell them no, and they hear yes! They get stuck in gear and can't stop themselves. Mom is always trying to stand up to go do something. She doesn't know what or where, but is always trying to get to something. You definitely have to watch her at all times. If you have a gas stove, remove the knobs. Unplug things that she can reach the outlets to, check her laundry to make sure there are no incontinence products mixed in. Believe me, you do not want to find a pad in the laundry after it has been washed! Gel beads everywhere! Mom started to pick at her night time diapers, stuff everywhere in the morning. Now we put her cotton undies over the diaper and put her arms over the sheet and tie that down to the bedrail so she can't get at her diaper. Sad to say, but you will save yourself much trouble and heartache if you keep an eye on her and maybe momproof your house as best you can. Good luck and keep writing and asking questions. I have been caring for Mom for 5 years now and have seen it all as have many of the other posters on this sight. So don't be afraid to jump in as often as you like.
K9, the same goes for you! Keep us posted and come back for advice, frienship and sometimes even a good laugh!
Meanwhile, good luck to you and your step dad!
Diane, If your mom is like mine, 20 two year old's would be easier!!! Had a nasty day myself, yesterday!
Good news is we have been accepted for the state health insurance and will have no monthly premium to pay! We have to call tomorrow and enroll and will be all set starting the first of November. Finally! Something goes right!
Oh yeah! I almost forgot. There was an earthquake of 4.6, two hours from here at 7:12 tonight, in southern Maine. I was out in the dark in the yard, covering plants and didn't feel a thing, but the kids felt the house shimmying and dishes were rattling up on the second floor where they live. they came running out to see if I felt anything, but I hadn't. It was on the news about 20 minutes later!
Hope you all have a good and restful night!

Hey everyone! I wrote 2 long posts last night and 1 short one. None went through, so I gave up. Going to see if this posts before I waste my time typing!

Thanks Cat for clearing that up for me for I was getting a bit worried for I try to be respectful n open-minded to other people's feelings as I would want them to do the same for me. Caregiving is not an easy job n it can get very challenging as well as it can have it good moments too.
Right now, hubby n I yet more I than the hubby are trying to figure out the insurance renewal from his work n if I should try for Medicare D or see if Medicare Advantage insurances would even accept me due to my pre-condition illnesses. I already have part A n B. On top of all that, if I do get approved through Medicare D or Medicare Advantage, will it mess up the plan that my husband has on his insurance for me? For we all know Medicare don't hardly pay sqat when it comes to medicine n I take a butt load twice a day. Yet, glad their is medicine so that I can enjoy life n do what I am suppose to do on this Earth.
Renarad I agree with Cat that if u can u tell us more about your situation so that we understand more clearly. Does she have dementia?

Lucky me! I have a defiant 2 year old in an 85 year old body. BREATHE........PATIENCE.........NOW

StepDad goes for his CT scan tomorrow. I'm scared. Know his health is bad, he has COPD, and diabetes. I just don't want to deal with cancer again.

Hi K9, welcome! I found this site just this May/June when I was trying to find how to improve on caregiving difficult bedridden, abusive father. I was at the end of my ropes and thought maybe if I learned the RIGHT way to caregive, I wouldn't be struggling. I had reached the end of my rope and had become seriously suicidal - had the Plan and even When to do it. I was scared stiff because a part of me wanted to die and was winning against the part of me that wanted to live. (always struggled with this, close my eyes when driving on a sharp curve, then open it last minute to avoid crashing. ) I'm happy to say that this site is Definitely a Saver because I know that it's NOT ME that's wrong, and I can vent, vent and vent!!!

Please come back and share your story with us. Vent to us, too! Have to go. Time to do CG duties, breakfast parents and rush to work. Later!!

K 9 Your are not alone-somehow I stumbled onto AC over 4 yrs. ago and it was a God send to me and a relief to konw other did get it-my friends did not-I sure felt alone until I got to know people on here-even though my husband died over 3 yrs. ago I stuck around to help others and joined a caregivers support group at our senior center as did 3 other caregivers and I think we do help those going through caregiving -we know how it feels-please post more about your caregiving the nicest people on earth are here-ready to give you encouragement as Jam says we will leave the light on for you.

OMG! I'm not alone! I was online looking to see if there were any activities my 84 yo dad could do. And I stumbled upon this site. After reading many posts, I have tears and not sure why, except I'm not alone dealing with an aging parent and trying not to get grossed out at times!! Wow, I'm not!

Book- I know you didn't mean me. I know i do the jumping around too with topics. Love ya. I will chat later on today or tonight. hugs.
Cat- thanks for just being you and for being here. Love ya and hugs.
Kinda having a rough morning so far not feeling as good as yesterday morning. Just dragging and feeling zapped again with no energy. Ya'll have a good day. Stormy

0nly 1 welcome and to any other newbies here welcome there are a lot on here now so sometimes someone gets overlooked. I have met the greatest people here. Still have not heard from my brother if he does call I am not going into a long discussion I am just going to say it is time for him to step up and help with Mom my sister and her husband has been dealing with her for 23 years and her sons hardly ever visit or call her.

Lildeb – you didn’t say anything out of line.

Stormy, Cat - - When I mention about being told to take care of myself so that I can better care for my parents – that was a while back. I don’t even remember which thread it was. I still jump around this site so it could be anywhere. I just wanted to alert you all that that was one of my Pet Peeves. It drives me crazy because father says that to me all the time!..... Oh, you thought I meant you(Stormy) because I started out with your name! Soooo sorry!! If you notice, I tend to jump around with topics. I just write free-flowing here – whatever pops in my head. But I do recall someone saying that to me on AC..because I wrinkled my nose when I read it… ;) In No Way Did You Imply That!!!

Renarad - - You’re not sissy. each person handles situations differently based on their personality, background, etc. If a person grew up in a loving family, they will do their best for their loved one because of that background. If a person is wishy-washy most of their life, then they will find caregiving a bit more difficult than others do. If a person is a problem-solver, then they would find ways to deal with it – hire caregivers, NH, etc…

It would be best NOT to compare how you’re handling your situation with us. For example, I always feel uncomfortable when people praise me for caregiving my 2 bedridden parents. I don’t see myself as special or unusual or amazing but posters here do. You see, I grew up from a very dysfunctional family. So dysfunctional, my 2 younger sisters and I have NO childhood memories nor do we want to remember. We have learned to handle really bad stuff in our young lives. My father used to punc me on the head. He even tried to choke me but I got into a defensive stance to prevent him from getting his hands around my throat. I still stayed here because if I had left, he would have hurt mom. I just do what I need to do. I try to handle whatever life throws at me – one day at a time.

And when I can’t handle it any longer, I come here and vent, vent and vent! It really does help a lot! Plus, even though I was venting, the people here cheer me on, or even give me advice or a different point-of-view!

only: We are all tired and can relate to your post. Welcome to the Grossed Out Thread. Keep venting and live. Love, Cat



Stormy: YEAH!!! I'm so glad you are starting to feel better. You have been dealing with this illness for a long time and have somehow managed to keep going. That's amazing. It will be interesting to see how things improve for you; your energy and your stamina. So happy for you!!!!

Book: I hate when people say you have to take care of yourself so you can take care of your parent. I know people who say it, don't mean to offend anyone, but it's a bit like a slap in the face to me. We have to take care of ourselves because we are of value and we count. We have a life and hopes and dreams and that means something too. Not everything we do has to be for someone else, least of all taking care of ourselves.

I don't think I have ever heard anyone on this thread make that statement. Although it has been said many times on so many other threads. I think everyone here get's it and Stormy gets it too. She lives it just like the rest of us.

Book: You are well understood here and loved. Glad you share with us. Just know without a doubt that we all want you to be healthy for your sake only.

Deef: You must have been a rock solid body in your working days. What did you do? Glad you are walking and hope you can get back to it. I love it too. I so understand about the summers being hot and am glad I don't have that anymore. There is life ahead for us. Everyone hang on to that thought.

Thanks for being my sisters. Love, Cat

Book- I hope you don't think that i am wanting you to go to the dr so you can continue your parents caregiving. I want you to go for you and only you so that maybe you will feel better. And hopefully they can figure out what is going on with the dizzy spells. Those statements that your dad says would make me mad too. He is a piece of work, I must say and not in a good way either. And i think you are a wonderful daughter! Keep setting that internal clock of yours and get some sleep, ok. Hugs
Deef- We are very proud of our little boy, Connor and we try to make a point to tell him that as much as possible. Neither one of us heard that alot growing up and i think it makes a difference in a childs self esteem to hear that from their parents. Trying to learn from our parents mistakes i guess. I hope your headache get better soon.
Renarad- You are not a sissy. We all are facing challenges and some of us deal with them in different ways, it doesn't make one person stronger than the other one. We are just trying to get through this time in our lives and make the best of it. And i understand about the needing a good cry, but sometimes you feel like if you start crying you will never stop. At least that is how i feel sometimes. But it is better to go ahead and just have a good cry and alot of times i do feel better afterwards. You can only hold things in for so long before you explode. Hugs to you.

Well, yesterday and today was the first day that i could tell that the meds were working for the hypothyroidism. I was helping connor get ready for sunday school and i noticed that i didn't feel like i was going to pass out from my sugar dropping. Yes, all this time i choked all these symptoms up to hypoglycemia (low sugar) and guess what i don't have that, i don't have any type of diabetes. I would be at dads and every 2 hours i was having to eat something cause i would get all the signs of low sugar. The last several weeks i was just carrying candy bars and mt dews over to his house so that when my "sugar dropped" i could eat something sweet and make it go back up. I would check my sugar level a little while later thinking that surely it would be up, but to no avail. It would still be low. I just did not understand it. I got so tired of eating all the time. Most of the time i just wanted to go for hours and not eat anything but i couldn't cause i would get all sweaty, shaky, feeling like i was going to pass out. And all this time it was coming from my lazy thyroid gland. And it was wreaking havoc with my sugar levels. I never knew that your thyroid gland affected so many aspects of your body. And i have had more energy today i almost felt like a human being instead of "The walking dead." I just hope it continues to get even better. Ya'll take care. Hugs stormy

Renarad: Can you tell us more about your situation. How old is your mom, how long she has been living with you. I'd like to get to know you better.

Love & Hugs, Cat

Lildeb: You have never said anything that could be offensive to anyone. There are two FB pages that Cricket set up. One is the Nutrition Corner for weight loss and the other is the Care Giver site. And guess what, you are on both of them. haha.

If anyone here is interested in being added to either site, let me know and I'll add you.

Renarad, my heart goes out to you. I hope you can find a way to get a break and have some time to yourself. I found a good private care respite place in my area and sometimes I would have my dad stay there for a weekend. We wouldn't even leave town. It was just so nice to stay home and be free to enjoy our time together.

Love you guys, Cat

Thanks Austin. I have notice since I have been on here for support that it has grown so fast. Amazing how many caregivers r out their n plus those who don't have access to internet. This site has helped me many, many times.. Thank you all for the support n advice n Thanks to Bobbie for starting the thread.

KELLYBEANS !!!! big hugs to u dear ! glad u drove by ! qoohoo !! xoxo

GO is Bobbie's thread that she started while taking care of her Mom and being there for all of us and now 24796 posts later it is still my favorite thread.

Hopefully, I haven't said anything to anyone out of line n if so, my apologies. I thought the FB place that was set-up was for nutrition ideas on how to eat healthier n weblinks to help us out. Yet, I also use my fb to communicate back/forth to family members that are long distance. What does GO stand for? Is it the Gross Out topic area? I got 4hr break n went right back to bedafter the mnl left with her Neice n slept n extra 2 more n it felt great! Had a pretty good day today with the mnl as well. I think it did both of us some good for that little break.
I do hope everyone had a peaceful n relaxing day. : )

HI Deefer, Stormy , Book and all my friends. I read and my heart cries for you. You all keep on keeping on. Maybe you are stronger than I am , or maybe you have a diffent attitude. You all make me fell like a sissy, you have so much on your plate. Sooo Mom fell on Thursday, I thought there was not too much to it, but since then she is sooo dramatic about the pain. I took her in today, she had xrays nothing is broken. Also she does not urinate. She's on ab's for that, they haven't helped much. I'm very tired of boosting her up, trying to reassure her over and over again about every little thing. She's so needy emotionally. My hubby is wonderful, but to a point. We are all so trapped! I really could use a good cry, but I can't.

God!!! One more stinking hour, Then blessed peace and quiet for a bit. My head is splitting!!!

Stormy, I don't take it to heart those words. You just have an idea of some of the things he says to me. Like I said, he knows how to push my button. These are the magical words:
1. That's why we have children - to take care of us in our old age.
2. You have to take care of yourself so that you can take care of your mother and me.
3. I'm right. You're wrong. You think you know things but you know nothing. So, Do What I Tell You!

Number 4 always hits home hard - when it hits. Sometimes it doesn't bother me, but when I'm not up to par with his verbal abuse, it can hit home.

Stormy, one just have to learn to take it and let it slide off. But that's not always easy. Lastnight, I was in such a good mood. What a way to end it. That's why I logged back in and vented. I really hate going to sleep in anger or in hurt feelings. I think venting helped, cuz I got all comfy in bed, got up to suction twice before I finally fell asleep. HeHeHe! The next thing I knew, I woke up at 430am to suction mom. Well, He got what he accused me of! I woke up at 4-ish. If he had just kept his mouth shut, I would have gotten up earlier, but his words had made me decide just before I fell asleep to tell my internal alarm to NOT pay attention to mom and that I wanted to Sleep. I basically told it that I want to sleep without being alert to mom. She's on her side so that the phlegm can fall with the gravity. See, she's still alive. I found out that if I tell my internal alarm to sleep well, I really do sleep through until 4am. I don't wake up before then. But if I don't say anything to my internal alarm, I'm sleeping but also keeping alert to mom - so I get up at 2, 3, 4 am in the morning.

Gotta go. Father is complaining that I'm here on the laptop and not changing their pampers this morning. It's only 640am but .. it is time to go. Raining hard outside too. Can't go driving fast to work.

Hello, Everyone..
So many new names since I last posted. Cant believe some years and 24,700 messages later it's still going strong. Just as the caregivers are. I feel like my mind set sail some time ago and left me here lol
Was just checking in on everyone, letting those that remember me that im still lurking about :) Each and every one of you take care and hugs all around

Book- love you sweetie. I am sorry but it makes me so mad that your dad talks to you like this. He needs to be damn glad that he's got you to take care of his ass. He does not deserve you to be his caregiver. You have given up your life to look after his needs and your mom's needs and he talks to you like this. If i were you i sure would not make things easy for him. I am sorry if i offend you book or anyone else on here but she is my friend and i don't like to see her treated like this. Love you book. ((((hugs)))) stormyyy

What the hell!!!! Just realized I forgot to make a payment on Mom's credit card and now the bank's computer service is down! My husband keeps yapping in my ear, and my sister called from Virginia last night and my BIL wants me to set up help for his mom! She is 95 and has no family here, but many church friends. They all think she has dementia, but it's her hearing that is bad, and that makes her act like she is clueless. If you write things down for her, she is just fine. I called one of the girls that helps me with mom and she is going to go and talk to Blanche and set up a couple days to take her shopping and to her appointments. She told her son last night, that she isn't driving anymore, which was a complete surprise to him. So now I have to get together with Blanche and explain that he wants her to have help come in a few times a week for a few hours. She old school New England Yankee and likes to be in charge of EVERYTHING! She thinks if someone is coming in to help, that she can call them at any time when she needs something, and dismiss them before their time is up. Very hard to explain the situation to her, but I guess I'm in charge! BIL doesn't want to add to my stress, but he is so generous with $$ when I need help, that of course I will do this for him.
Good news is my husband will be back to playing cards 2 nights a week!!!! Yay!!! John called last night and I was doing a very loud happy dance! These guys have been playing cards for over 43 years and I always looked forward to my nights of peace. One of them had heart valve replacement surgery in June and relapsed a few times since, but now he needs to get out of the house, so card night is on again.Hallelujah!!!!!
Stormy, You must be so proud of Connor! Bet he's thrilled too!
Meanwhile, Bet that horse ride was relaxing!
Book, It's awful hard to take care of ourselves when we are so busy and tired! I have well meaning people tell me the same things and I hate it too! I'm also tired of hearing that there is a place in heaven waiting for me! To those people I say that I want to go to hell first and have some fun! I sure get some mixed reactions to that!
Cat, I have done Pilates for years and I love to walk.My core was very strong and solid, but my lack of exercise this past 2 years is showing! When I was working, it was not uncommon for me to lift and or move more than 1000lb almost every day. I had muscles on my muscles! Now I need to get back into my Pilates every day before I lose any more muscle. They get a workout lifting and moving Mom all the time, but I need to do some major stretching. Started walking in the spring, but the summer was so unbearably hot here, that I gave up.
Okay, many errands to run and then pick up Mom at 3. Hope everyone has a good day!

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