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uhhmmm Bobbie321.... I caught my mother using deodarant for her hemorriods! there. Just thought I would add to the gross out factor. ;0)

Meanwhile: That's awesome. Cat

Evening Crew, Lildeb, that dentist story was a nightmare! He was a quack!! Sorry you had to go through that. I am going to ask my dental hygienist about that Millennium laser treatment Meanwhile2 mentioned. It sounds amazing.
Cat, I hope you are doing okay. I'm sure the next few days are going to be busy for you. xoxo
It's almost midnight here so I'm not saying much, I just wanted to touch basis with everyone. Nighty night.
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricket Hugsღ

LilDeb, If you can find a dentist with a laser, it is the newest, best treatment for gum disease. It has to be a Millennium laser. There are other lasers, but Millennium makes one that is just for killing the bacteria that causes plaque. It can actually stimulate new bone growth. I had it done, and 9 mm pocket went to a 4mm pocket. And, I'm with Cat, on what to do with your MIL. good luck.

Lildeb: Tell you hubby to get his head out of his ass and take care of MIL while you go to dentist. If he has to take a vacation day off, so be it or hire someone to stay with her while you are gone. I can't imagine you taking her with you to the dentist. The visuals are endless. I can see her attempting to answer the office phones, impersonating a hygienist, going room to room looking for you. Lord have mercy. Just slap him upside the head. Love you, Cat

I need to make an appointment to my dentist n not talking about the old. I have few bottom teeth that have the roots-receeding from the gums. The dentist now I go to has been doing a great job. However, he had to refer me to a specialist dentist to see if there was something he could do about my receeding one yet that dentist said, he could not n I forgot what the reason was for its been a few years. So, I my normal dentist will clean them n put I guess some temporary filling on my front teeth to help them. Plus, I use a certain toothpaste n mouthwash. Yet, I have to take 1,000mg of antibiotics one hr before I can even get them clean n how in world am I suppose to go with the mnl in order to get it done? Hubby said, let her sit in waiting room. Are u freaking kidding me!!! She is not going to sit still enough before she starts looking for me. I don't won't her beside me while at a dentist anyway. I can just visualize mnl start asking things over n over while they have this sharp cleaning tool in my mouth, I don't think so.
I hope everyone had an okay day n a brighter one tomorrow. ; )

Ohh Cat..thanks so much for sharing your journey. Please know how much it helps us to know that there are similarities and differences and everyones support truly does help. My thoughts and prayers are with you an your family. Blessings....Mary Beth

Cat-many hugs to you! How great that you have such special memories. Such love between you two. I will say special prayers for you! Love ya! Mame

My condolences on the loss of your beloved father. You are a wonderful daughter.

Lildeb, I work for a dentist that looks at pulling a tooth like he is losing a patient. He is very good at extractions, but he would much rather save a tooth. He even went back to school to learn how to use a laser for gum surgery.

cat I am sorry for your loss, I know he is with your mom and Houchy too my thoughts are with you....

Does that include dumb dentists too? I was young n my mom told me that I was going to lose all my teeth because of diabetes type one. Of course, she did not have much education herself n of course I listen to her for she was my mom. so, when my top teeth started getting bad n painful, I had went to this supposely specialize dentist. Well, he told me that he would have to take all my top teeth out at once for they were bad. So, I fell for it around my age of 30's n felt so bad afterward for here I was with false top teeth at such a young age. Well, I had to go back because a couple of my bottom teeth were in pain n he mention that he would have to take them all out at once too. I asked him, "can you not save some of my bottom teeth for it was only a couple that were hurting?" His reply was, " I don't save teeth, I just pull them." OMG! What a dumbass I was for going to see him!!!! I left n started to ask around for another dentist n found one n he has saved at least 7 of my bottom teeth n he said he probable could had saved some of my top too. What a dumbass I was for letting that other dentist pull all my top teeth for I thought he knew what he was doing. Well, I guess he did but he could had at least mention about seeing another dentist about saving some of them. Ah!!! Too late now but I have learned to get a second opinion.

Cat, sorry about your dad n his health but I am glad to hear that he is not scared n ready to go when his time comes. I know it has to be very hard on you n saying a prayer to give you strength during these times.

rlamborn, Omg!!!! I am scared to almost death of spiders too. I don't know if it is their creepy so many legs on eye balls that roll around but I would had a wreck if one was on me. Can't stand those flying big ass cock roaches either. Spiders r my worst. I know they have a purpose on life but I cannot stand them. I hope the bite wound heals quickly n if that car was not cleaned by someone else, I would had not gotten in it either. I feel u big-time for I can related to be terrified of spiders n just talking about those things give me chills. I would had flipped the mom off too n probable would had grabbed her wine n dranked it and I don't drink. Good for you.

Cat, I am glad you were with your Dad and he was at peace. xoxo

Cat, you and your family are in our prayers tonight. He is at peace now with his wife and his dog.

Cat, the days and months ahead will be hard sometimes. Try to remind yourself, of the happy times. You are a wonderful daughter. I'm sure your Dad would want you to be happy and at peace. Love, Shirley

Hello everyone: I want to let you know that my sweet dad passed away this evening at 5:05 PM. Last Friday I was with him and he would laugh at something I said and eat a little lunch for me. I told him, "Dad you are getting skinny" and he just smiled. I asked him if he was looking forward to being with mom and he said, "Yes." I asked him if he was looking forward to seeing his dog, Houchy, and he just smiled. I asked him if he was afraid and he laughed and said, "No." We spent about 4 hours together and it was really a nice visit.

On Saturday, things had changed quite a bit. He was able to eat a few bites for me, but could not respond verbally to anything I asked him. He just did not seem to have the power to form a word. I knew then that we had turned another corner. After a bit he seemed to shiver. I put more blankets on him, but then called the nurse. She give him some morphine and we got him into bed.

On Sunday, he was completely non-responsive and seemingly in an unconscious state. He had not urinated during the previous night. He was also running a fever. I spent the day and most of the evening by his side then went home to get some sleep. I had called his doctor that day also, so his morphine schedule would be clearly followed. My dad was very peaceful and comfortable when I left him and I expected to get a call during the night saying he had passed. I knew he realized that I was with him and loved him, but I just had to go home.

This morning I was back bright and early and I will be forever grateful that he passed in my presence. I held his hand when he took his last breath and then had a moment of prayer, giving his soul into God's loving arms and thanking him for letting me be with my Dad at the moment of his passing.

I would have been ok if my dad had passed last night, knowing that he was comfortable and peaceful; and that I can not stay up for 36 hours straight. It was yesterday that I truly was sorry that I didn't have siblings close by who could hold the bedside vigil.

I'm not saying that it was God's will that I be by my dad's side when he passed. I tend to think that God gives nature it's right to exist, after all he created it. So for those who could not be present at the time of a loved ones passing, please know that you were there in spirit and thought and love.

I am just so grateful that I was able to share that moment with my dad. It was healing for me.

Thank you, all my very dear friends, for your support and heartfelt wishes to me and my dad over the past many months. You are my soul mates and my heart mates.

Love, Cattails

"Skinny and Sweet"

You ladies could do a new version of Nine to Five I'll bring the rat poison.

Jen: Here's a thought. Let's go in as a group. Sherry, practice that kick to the head. I'll bring some clamps and a mask. Oh, yeah, my 2x4 too. Austin, bring some lubricant. If we feel sorry for them, we'll use it. We'll make sure they are all sitting on roller chairs. Haha, we will have them bouncing off the walls. Need some extra hands to get them in the stirrups. Meanwhile, with all of your horse experience, I'm sure you can help there.

Now I am completely untrained as a physician, but I know I can locate a vagina before assaulting surrounding areas with intrusive instruments. In the case of a male gyn, I'm sure I can locate an asshole too. This isn't flippin brain surgery.

What in the world is wrong with these docs who are so insensitive. Love to give them a taste of their own medicine.

Love you, Cat

Guys Just Can't Win

Today’s Truth – Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy.

His wife was screaming at him: "Leave! Get out of this house!" she ordered.

As he was walking out the door she yelled, "I hope you die a slow and painful death!"

So he turned around and replied, "So now you want me to stay?"

Jen if they ask you to go in say no but you will ask your lawyer if he will go in to talk to them-it will scare the---- out of them for sure. Or you can tell them you have a kick ass lady from NY who will be glad to come in to talk to them.

Was worried D, I know you are in a hole too...

MM spiders coming in here colder it gets but I CAN'T close the windows I just can't...

Thank you all for your support and listening to me complain.

Did mail my letter, I imagine I will get a call back, but they better not expect me to come back in to discuss things...

I'm here Jen. I'm guilty of lurking again. Just been very stressed trying to keep the utilities on. The house phone had been disconnected, but I still have my cell phone. I took mom to a free show Spirit of America. It was very well presented and we all enjoyed it. The Colonial Life Arena has a lot to learn about accommodating disabled people. I fed mom and now she is in bed because she is exhausted from the outing. I'm pretty tired too since I had to stand for the first half of the show and dragging mom in and out of the car.
It sounds like everyone has their own trials a tribulations to deal with right now. Jen, definitely file a complaint and consider sueing that incompetent ass that thinks he is a doctor. Cat, my prayers are with you and your dad on this journey. Mame, lildeb, deefer, tbailey, bobbie, cuz, austin and anyone I managed to leave out, I hope you are having as good a day possible. I'm looking forward to some cooler weather tomorrow. I plan to open the house and air it out. I also need to wage another war on the roaches that will not die! Have a good evening and I'll check in tomorrow.

Love ya,


oops caps lock

any one heard fro Diane?....

Now, that's what I'm talking about!!!!!! I love the evil Cricket. I can just see that doc going backwards at warp speed and hitting the wall. I bet that foot to the head taught him more than any lectures he attended. Cat

Good Morning Crew, Welcome to the thread Renee (riamborn)! I'm so glad to hear your maintenance people cleaned out your Mothers car! And TG you weren't bit by a recluse! Hang in there with your Mom, she sounds like a handful.

I had a bad experience at the obgyn once years ago but it turned out to be worse for him than for me. I was pregnant with my second daughter and was looking for the right doctor so I went in and the doctor had me on the table to do a pelvic exam. He was sitting in one of those stool like chairs with wheels on them and when he examined me he was so damn rough that I instinctively (evil cricket existed back then too) kicked him in the head so hard that he and the stool flew backwards and hit the wall so hard that the stool flipped over and he landed on his ass. I got up and told him to get out! I got dressed and left. Then I went to the next doctor on my list and he was Doc Perfect so he delivered my daughter and later my two grandsons. Jen I'm sorry you were abused by that doctor. I wouldn't think anything at all about it if you were to sue them. I totally understand your wanting to get drunk! You were traumatized! I wish there was something more I could say or do to help you. If you need to talk more about it feel free to email me. I too am a sexual abuse survivor (from my early teens). cricketinafryingpan at comcast dot net.

I already wrote a lot so I won't say much more other than get well from those headaches and sinus infections and watch out of the centipedes, spiders, and any other critters! Love you all.
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricket Hugsღ

Cat that is so great that you and you dad can spend time together-I dad only tolerated us when we were little he was an alcoholic and mom was as mean as a junk yard dog life was not a whole lot of fun growing up-my dad died at 50 he was in Japan right after the bombs were droped the GI's did not get meals they had to go out and raid farms for food to eat so they were all exposed to radiation-most of his army buddies died young.

I'm fine, Cat. Thanks for asking. My mother would survive the plague; she lived through the depression. I work in a psych facility, so everyone had a great laugh at my extreme irrational fear of spiders...until they saw the spider infestation in that car. The maintenance crew gave me a "play-by-play" of the types of spiders that were along for the ride. Just what I wanted to hear. haha

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