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Jen we are worried when you can check in with us.

Jeez, Jen... I'm with Beck - spinning all kinds of scenarios in my head. I hope you're okay and feel better tomorrow. xxo
Report u have all of us worried sick....Wen ur feeling better...please update us on ur appt, bcuz, i, for one, will spin all kinds of stories in my head until i hear from u, directly. I pray that u r alright....from ur post, it doesnt sound good, Let us help u carry the load....we're good at that!.. Get some rest...much love..

Beautiful Linda.

Can't write today, just had the worst dr app ever! still sore, still upset...ten hours later... just want to was THAT bad....


remember , i am the helpless victim of an organic brain disease which is out of my control ,

even though i cannot always answer you , i can hear your voice and sometimes comprehend your words ,

for each day of my life is a long and deserate struggle . your kindess may be the most special and important event of my day .

for they are still very much alive within me.

as i would have gladly treated you if you had been in this bed .

for i was once a healthy , vibrant person full of life , love , and laughter with abilities and intelligence.

i am a frearful person , loving husband, wife , father , mother , grandmother , grandfather , aunt , uncle , or a dear friend who misses my family and home very much .

though it may seem bleak to you , i am always filled with hope for tommorrow .

for i am a person who longers in the mist that drift between time and enternity , your presence may do more for me that any other outreach of compassoon you could entend to me ,

and the gifts of love you give will be a blessing from which will fill both our lives with light forever ......

girls going wild WE ARE CAREGIVERS.

THANK YOU alll sooo much not even sure what i posted yesterday but out of spite he hired a girl lets just say from his pass to help watch his mom then txt me at night i love u and miss u.. IT is hard and I will never leave you girls just please pray for me seems like everytime im alone i loose it.. gotta stay strong for my baby girl 10 years old that doesnt even want to move back.. love you all and like i said thanks for encouragment right now i feel so alone i appreciate everyone of you,,,Hope you ALL HAVE A GREAT DAY

Cat-so glad you are feeling better. I bet the feelings you had will come and go... You are so open and pouring your heart out the way you did -well I just admire you. And I am sure it is good for you too. What a process this all is. My counselor once said to me that I am a witness to my mom's life. I was happy you mentioned that you are to your dad...I had forgotten he said it and it makes me feel good...I won't forget it again. I wish I could remember all the things my counselor has said to me! I only see him once a month but he helps me keep things in perspective. And so do all of you on this thread! Anyway Cat-you are wonderful and I wish you good things.
It is raining here today. It sounds beautiful. No TV or radio is still sleeping... I am past that dark hole of feeling the grip of a lonly winter ahead. Acceptance is wonderful isn't it? Mom has informed me she wants to go to daycare 2 days a week. Haha...we'll see but I am gonna push it a little. Yesterday she had a check up and flu shot at Dr. She didn't want to go straight home so we cruised to the old neighborhood, looked at the old house, the school and church, and park. Then out for icecream where my sister met up with us. She was exhausted last night and today. She won't get out of bed so I think daycare is out today. But the way it is blowing, I am not sure I could get her out without her being soaked anyway.
Tbailey-praying for you! Fight for yourself! Good for you.
Jen, have fun at the gynagrossacologist and my son calls it! That and the dentist are my least favorite things! Ugh!
Meanwhile, I have always loved horses but man, I don't know if I could care for them! Good luck and glad Omaha is in your care!
DtFlex-can you imagine the parties we would have at the caregiver retirement community?!!! They'd be making movies of us like girls gone wild! What a hoot!
Have a good Tuesday all! Mame

HI everyone: I want to tell you that I had a good day today. I went to be with my dad, as usual. He did ok at lunch, but that's not saying much. Just a little, but more than usual. I had a nice chat with his nurse, Julie today. She is always looking out for my dad. Really, our conversation was just in passing. I asked her about he weight. He has lost 3 more pounds this week. She looked so sad when she told me that, but I was able to accept it without the black hole swallowing me up.

I've just started to understand that I am just a child of God, doing the best I can. I am the faithful witness to my dad's passing. I can't change it, I can only be there and that is enough.

When I came home today, my husband was working and not at home. It was such a relive to me to just be alone and process my feelings. I just need space sometimes.

So I am feeling better and the black hole is not pulling me so hard. Before I went to see my dad today, I did some watering in the garden. It was so peaceful.

Later, this afternoon, I had to laugh at a daddy Quail who took a dirt bath outside my kitchen window. OMG, he just fluffed up his feathers and kicked the dirt into them. Then a baby quail came up and climbed in the same hole. Daddy kicked dirt all over baby. Sometimes you couldn't even see the baby, he was snuggled up under his dad. I just love how they love each other.

Feeling better and sending you all my love and heartfelt good wishes. I am so blessed to have you as friends. Cat

Evening all, I finally got the time to sit down and catch up here..
Cat, I too am sending you prayers to get you out of that black hole. Remember it is the light that removes the darkness. Soak up all the light you can get and don't worry about the black will disappear. Take comfort in knowing that your Dad is being cared for and he is safe. You are a loving daughter and I'm sure he knows it. All you can do now is love and comfort him by spending time with him when you can. It sounds like the family that moved in for a few months might be just what you need. I'm sure they really appreciate your help too.
TBailey, I join in the cheer for you! Staying loyal to yourself is the best way to go. The experience will reveal to you how much your Husband really does love you. Every woman deserves to know and feel loved by her Husband and I hope this experience brings that to you fully.
Jen, mischievous cricket says go with a rainbow gummy worm and paint a smiley face on it. If that doesn't give the doctor a good laugh nothing will!
Nighty night all,
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricket Hugsღ

tbailey, do take care of yourself. But, you are doing the right thing. Cat, I know you have done the best you can for your Dad.
Baby Quail are sooo cute.
I think I managed to post a picture of Omaha on Facebook. He is doing so great. If the tea tree oil doesn't work on the sarcoid, will have to get a acid salve from the vet to burn it off. It isn't as bad as it sounds. Sarcoids grow so slow, its just that you can't ignore them. But right now it is the size of nickel.

Rubber fangs on the ol' hoo-hah is a great idea, but I'm not sure how they'd stay in place. Perhaps some glitter spray instead, Jen? Just a subtle party in the pants look. Or, perhaps Beck would loan you the weave...

Jen: Love the rubber fangs. Too flipping funny. Makes me think of that old movie, Alien. Instead of busting out of your chest, it's gonna be busting out of your vajaajaa. Oh, I love my women friends. Love Cat.

pahahahah cat...hmmm may have rubber fangs around here somewhere....

Cat, going try to send you some light n pull you out of the black-hold by saying a prayer for you n your family. You did what was I bet your dad knows within his heart that you have done all that you can do for him n you still do with your big heart. Sometimes you just have to take little steps until you feel comfortable about getting back into your own Mbr.
As for your quails taking over, look at it as if they r getting rid of all the little critter-bugs that may have eaten your gargen or they just luv to party in your garden. I do hope you r able dig out of the black hole for you r a very caring n sweet person n you can only do so much n you r a shinning star too ; )

Tbailey, I hope everything works for the best for You n u do deserve to be treated with respect n nothing less. Maybe he will open his eyes n if not then that is big lost for you r amazing person. Do what ya gotta do for YOU. Don;t forget us here for you r always welcome here n with tons of respect. ; )

Hey Jen: Instead of the smiley face, maybe you could get some of those fake teeth that chatter and put them you know where. Bwhahahahaha!! Brings a whole new meaning to the words, "Bite Me." Cat.

"I will be ok and I can handle what comes....."I must there is nothing else.

14 baby quail i wanna see them!

I am not an honesty perwson I stole three dollars out of the grocery wallet to buy a powerball ticket just now at 7 11. it will come out of my October 100. but it is still stealing...and I'd do it again...

Gotta go de=black head and shave, have a pap smear on Tuesday...lovely eh. ah joy. i think I will put a smiley face sticker on my you know what....

Safe sane weekend all....I think of you all and hope your struggles grow less by the day, when i am not grousing and complaining about my pathetic life....:)

Tbailey: Just saw your post. Good for you. Good for you. Good for you. You hang in there and do what is best for you. I appreciate your statement that you feel you love your husband, but are not sure that he loves you. I bet he does, but he needs to learn how to speak to you and how to hear you. I'm praying for you Tbailey. Praying and praying because you so deserve to be loved and respected. Taking care of an elder is hard work and anyone who doesn't do it is in no position to judge. And even then, things are not the same for everyone. You've done your best and you are a shinning star. Love you and I'm praying. Cat

Hi everyone: Here's a bright spot. Fourteen new baby quail arrived a couple of weeks ago. There are 4 adult quail with them. Our yard is teaming with quail. Makes me feel so sad for poor daddy quail who had so many to raise on his own. But these babies have that lovely community of adults to look after them and they are thriving. I didn't plant my veggi garden this year, but recently put some lettuce is for the cooler temps of fall. I'll see how it goes. I can always put a protective cover over them when it gets colder. Should give us some good greens for a while.

The thing is, the quail have taken over my empty veggie beds. They love their dirt baths and there are the little indentations everywhere. They have plenty of beds to dust bath in, but they are insisting on including the one I planted with lettuces. I'm wondering if that is a no no. You know, could the lettuces be contaminated in some way by the birds. I'll have to research that. Crazy birds. Wouldn't trade them for the world. They are so sweet and happy here.

We haven't had rain here in 6 weeks or more. A record for our area, but the air temps are perfect. Fall is in the air, but more like an Indian Summer. So good for the soul. I'm sorry for those of you who continue to swelter. I talked to my 91 year old aunt yesterday. She lives in Long Beach, Ca. on the coast. It's just blistering to her, poor dear. Where we use to live in Ca, it is unbearable. August was the hottest it has been in 81 years. I'm grateful to be where I am.

Been reading all the posts on skin problems. I think a very diluted application of vinegar could be good for the skin, but I think it's also important to follow with a rinse. I would never leave it on the skin. Book had a good point about the lotion and vinegar mix. Leaving it on the skin is not the best idea.

Tree tea oil is very strong and I wouldn't use it. We tried it diluted for a skin ailment one of our dogs had per vets instructions, but it's just to hard to regulate. Meanwhile, not saying it's not ok for Omaha considering what is at stake for our boy. You'll watch it closely and be on top of everything. That poor horse. Thank God he landed in your loving arms.

My dad is the same. He's still losing weight. He's unhappy there and it's just a sad situation all around. I pray for this to be over. It just rips my heart to shreds. I find myself wishing I could bring him home. My husband would wish otherwise. I completely understand his feelings, but I just can't get on the good side of anything. Just feeling sad and worthless. I feel so sorry for my dad and I feel like I have let him down. On the other hand, I am surprised in a way that my dad has no concept of how hard it is to care for him 24/7. Maybe that is just what happens when your world is so small. Of course, that small world is the only world he has and that's why it makes me feel so sad.

I'm grateful that I am not taking care of him night and day, every day, but I'm sorry I can't give him the 24/7 comfort he felt here.

One of the things we looked forward too was reclaiming our master bedroom and getting our bed put up again. We've been sleeping in the guest room for the past 11 months and the bed is not comfortable. Would you believe that it has been 2 months since my dad went to the NH and I have not had it in me to reclaim the MBR?

I have finally called the carpet cleaners. They will be here next Thursday. We have hauled all the stuff we stored upstairs (from our room) and piled in in the dining room. Once the carpets get cleaned, we will start to get back to living in our home.

During the past months, I sorted through all of my parents belongings next door. That was such a slow process for me. Very depressing and my heart goes out to sscape and Bobbie. It's so hard to get rid of things that were dear to those you loved. It's like throwing their lives away. I boxed up stuff for sibs. It took me well over 8 months to do this.

We have now rented my parents house out to a family (couple with a 5 year old) from Texas, who is here for a short stay. Maybe 3 to 6 months max. He has a job locally as a welder on a project. When it ends, they will leave. Nice family and right now only one vehicle, so I offer to take her shopping, etc. Would love to pack a picnic lunch and take mom and son down to the local beach with their little dog. The boy is a sweetheart with his Texas drawl. Very nice little guy. He'd love to get out. My husband plans to take him on the tractor for a last mowing on the outskirts.

We moved part of our living room furniture over to my dad's place so it would be furnished. Feel like I'm living in a ghost house. I don't really care about that, but I am so much in the black hole these days. My heart is just so sad.

I am blessed in many ways. When I mention renting my dad's house, I think of sscape who does not know where she will be going. I think of Diane who has the weight of the world on her shoulders and I think of Jen who needs a safe place. I wish I could give all of you what you need. A safe place to be and the knowledge that you are loved. I wish I could give that to me too.

I know this will get better for all of us. I want you to all know that I think of each of you everyday and I am praying for a lightness in your step and a happy thought in your hearts.

Sending you love and the whitest of light. Cattails.

Thanks Diane 5 days ago caring been a LONG 5 days I just left couldnt take it no more Yes I ween myself off anti depressents and feeling great. Took my 10 yr old baby from the crazy house and taking one breath at a time . Guess what HUBBY already begging sister to place mom in nursing home. There was more problems than MIL I think now MIL was just another way to control. Crazy thing is in last 5 days I have thought so many times why did I leave I know I Love him but I dont think he loves me and my 24 year old son wants me to just stay away for while and get healthy I weighed in friday at 105. I am sad trying to stay strong for 10 year old staying at best friend cousin from childhood and her 16 yr. old that ive bragged about on here b4 with the 4.0 gpa feel comfortable. my 21 year old daddys girl has gave me some shit but she just turned 21 & her roomate hasnt paid rent and needs to move back home and mad im not there. but has gotten better in last couple days . All I know is I took care of my MIL would be 1 year Oct. well ladys Im not now but you are my friends and i still need you please pray things get better soon.
Thanks FRIENDS...

Lildeb: Cricket can set you up with that. Just ask her and it will be done. Love you.

Beings the skin is raw looking it will be very sensitive to anything. I wouldn't use vinegar on it for it may burn the area. I had a fungus on my back n was told to use Selsun Blu shampoo n leave it on for 5minuets then rinse. I would just ask the doctor what is best that will not sting or burn the skin to help heal. Good luck.
Cat, where is the nutrition place located?

Good Morning Mateys,

Austin, you are so encouraging! I guess we all have our fears of the I was reading everyone's comments this morning I was thinking... I know what we can all do...Jen, you write the play on Caregiving and the rest of us can be the actors! God knows we own the parts! It could be a Dramedy. That sounds like more fun than working at Mickey D's or Walmart, plus it could actually be therapeutic.for the PTSS, LOL Besides if I were a Walmart greeter I would probably get fired for talking to much to people, and housecleaning...oh lord's to tough on worn out backs! okay I'm rambling..
Meanwhile2, that poor horse Omaha! Is there anything that horse has not been though? One thing for sure is that the angels must have sent him directly to you!
Jen and Sskape and everyone else coping with depression, worrying about the future, worrying about the present or the past here's an affirmation that if you tell it to your subconscious mind it will start to believe you... "Everything will be okay, I will figure it out" and you know what? we all will figure it out. Saying that even if you don't believe it at first helps to let go of the fears.

Last week I spoke with a Social Worker to get information available about help in my community and she told me that their is a program to help someone who is taking care of their elderly parents instead of putting them in a nursing home... the name of the program is called "Diversion Program" and it isn't in all States but many and it's set up through DCF (department of children and family's). The program is an assistance program so ones income has to be low enough to qualify. Diane this might be a solution for you since you have had to reduce your working time. Anyway, time for me to go check the chat on FB, Love you all!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricket Hugsღ

There is a life after caregiving-I had not thought about because I was sure I would be the first to die -he had no stress I had it all. I volunteer at the senior center and belong to a craft group that makes items to donate and am involved in my church and go to a book club and what I am most proud of being a part of a caregivers support group to help those who are on the journey now -they are so fragile and upset and down and we former caregivers are a little help-you will find a life after caregiving-the younger ones will get jobs and the others will find outlets and then there is always the house to clean etc.

It sounds like we need a retirement community for former caregivers, a caregivers commune. Jen you are a beautiful person! You are a kind, honest, giving and intellegent woman. We all have to have faith that God, however you percieve him, will help us survive in the furture. We just need to think about today!

Here's wishing you all a happy and peaceful Sunday!

Love ya,

Thank you meanwhile...what a kind thing to say.
am here killing time on line looking at people of walmart. am not on it yet..but I don't own a hot pink mini skirt and a tiger print thong, or is it the other way around..Looking up previews of Downton Abbey, any other fans?...

I am just so worried about all of us when the caregiving is done. It is all I have known now for years, can't imagine anyone paying this old woman to perform a job when there are young people available. Oh well I guess I won't be the only poverty stricken old person in the world.

Jen, you are a wonderful person, as well as an awesome writer.

Vinegar as miracle drug might be a bit much I guess, certainly does wonders for everything else but yeah on damaged skin my guess is no...

weather turning to Fall here and glad of it. heat was just one more thing...

Nothing new on tree situation.

Know what Diane means about what the hell am I going to do after this. I have no money no job mom has eaten through HER savings to look after him. he will leave her money, I hope to God it is enough for her to live on. I can't work up enough concern about me, just be indigent and die off like the rest of the losers and disenfranchised I guess... That's Depression....

Have cousins with new babies and law degrees literally, and here I am...

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