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sskape here: here's how I'm doing:: backed out of my driveway and hit someone's truck.had to report it to insurance. Then two days later rammed into an old couple who were stopped at a red light. They asked me for $200.00 to fix without reporting to ins co. followed me to an atm , and I gave em $200.00. Life was easier when taking care of my Mom. I guess I'm like Jen the other day... depressed, stressed, anxious

Tea tree oil, like vinegar is very strong. Yes, I would be careful using either. Very diluted. We are using tea tree oil on the Omaha right now. He has a sarcoid tumor (caused by a virus). It is literally dissolving the tumor, and blistering his skin. Sarcoid tumors in horses are nasty things that grow very slowly, but if left untreated can be fatal (they can spread internally). But, bought the tea tree oil from puritans pride, online. It was not expensive. I think $16 for 6 oz (which goes a long way).

After years of using gloves when cleaning mom, last year, my hands are beginning to react to the latex powdered gloves (and even with non-powder and vinyl gloves). When I wear the gloves, I can feel my knuckles stinging. When I take off the gloves, the skin is reddish and a bit swollen. Very itchy. I thought I had fungus (didn't think it was allergic reaction to the gloves). I used vinegar with (??? forgot) and itt made it worse. Went to the doctor, and he said that I have "contact dermatitis".

I think my father has fungus on his left back. It's angry red, very slippery. He insists on putting vinegar on it - he mixes his apple cider vinegar with lotion. I have to apply this lotion-vinegar mix on it. And it just makes it worse. His skin became super red and started to become swollen and then peeling. I told him that he is "Pickling" his skin with the vinegar. You know, pickled pickles, pickled asparagus, etc...He was pickling his skin. We got into several major arguments over this. But I finally put my foot down and refused after several area of his skin was opening up and bleeding. I once came home and the gov't caregivers were here to sponge bath him and mom. They didn't find anything wrong about using vinegar in lotion. Here, the local favorite is to eat "raw" meat without cooking it - they "cook" it in vinegar/lemon. I still say it's raw because a cooked meat is one that is cooked over the stove/grill and NOT by vinegar! So, when they told me that vinegar is good for the skin, I mentioned several of the local foods that are raw but "cooked" with vinegar/lemon. You should have seen their eyes widen. After that, they refuse to use the lotion on him (he complained to me about it all the time.)

I was going to buy tree oil but they are sooooo expensive.

The best solution is go to the doctor. They will prescribe this little cream that packs a huge punch against the fungus! Mom's 1st prescription was this tiny tube (didn't last long with her back filled with fungus) cost $30.00! Then, the 2nd time, they prescribed a bigger tube (different cream) and it was only $10.00. This worked just fine. I just put a thin layer twice a day (morning/night) and it goes away within a couple of days.
.....It's prescription only... Nystatin and Triamcinolone Acetonide Cream USP.
Doc gave us a 300 refill!

Shirley, I read about using diluted vinegar to wash areas affected by fungus, but I was afraid it may burn or sting mom. Her skin is just raw in some areas and I didn't want to cause more discomfort. Has anyone else tried this before? How much vinegar and water do you use? I also saw online a recommendation to use tea tree oil to encourage healing.

Onlyme, I was reading your profile and understand so well your fears about your own future. I worry about my own everyday. I saw sskape's comment too that she us also facing an uncertain future. I worry about my physical and mental health as the result of being a caregiver, financially I am going down the tubes since I'm now working part time, have no health insurance and my 401K matching benefits are gone. I've sold everything of any value to make ends meet and when mom lets me sleep I am still awake worrying about how to pay the bills and keep all the utilities from being disconnected. As I type this post I can feel the anger towards my sibling just rising within me. I resent that they don't help to support our mom and I resent their accusations that I'm "sponging" off mom. We have sacrificed our present and our future lives to care for our loved ones while the sibs and other famliy members are f'ing clueless.

Diane and Cricket: Love you guys too.

Judy: Get your ass on FB.


sscape: Where are you and how are you doing? I want to know.

Lildeb: You are such a loving person. Don't know how you do it. You need to get on the nurtrition corner with us. Sherry set it us and I think you would like it.

Meanwhile2: Bless you. It's just not easy at any stage.

Bobbie: What's up. Looking for that broadcast from the BOAT!!!!

Love you all, Cat.

Catching up on news. My mother has been demanding a lot of attention last couple of days. Because she was sick and puny with the UTI last week, she laid around until she got so stiff and sore she can hardly move. But, still, most of the rest of you are dealing with so much more. I shouldn't complain, but I am anyway. Hope everyone has a nice weekend. Jen, sure hope you are feeling better. Oh, about fungus infections. One of my horses gets fungus infections, he is 30 years old, and just not got a great immune system any more. I put rose fungicide on him, boy does that clear it up. Not approved for people, unfortunately. But, I do know fungus infections don't like acidic things, I have heard of people using dilute vinegar to clear up fungus.

Cricket, so, dear daddy is strutting his new stuff in a Hugh Hefner robe, that is too funny. Hey, let him strut as long as he keeps his robe closed. lol...thanks.
Diane, good to know about the cornstarch n yeast growth.

I didn't get that little nap for I tried to lay down when hubby came in from work yet, I couldn't fall sleep. Here I was so tired n yet could not take a nap. I guess I can have these baggy saggy bluish eye bags. So, I went ahead n cook some catfish nuggets, corn-bread and fries for supper. I even had the mnl help peel the potatos n butter the corn-bread n of course I had her washed her hand very well with warm soapy water. ; ) Supper turned out great n hubby got to take the nap. At least someone got a nap out of the deal n he probable needed more than I beings he deals with about over 100 half grown-up teenage students five days a week. I found my positivity.

Bookworm, I would pay in advace for those classes for, "Shortcut Tips on Caregiving Stubborn Elderlies."
Onlyme, lurk away for we all do it time-to-time.
everyone have a great weekend.

Thank you everyone for your support and hugs, cuz and cricket and D and ss and Jody bookworm Linda mame, austin and bobbie...People who have no clue about care giving stress have no clue and I ENVY them....
only no worries, lurk away at times it is comforting to know others know your misery and understand...what a depressing thought but it would be worse to feel no one understood anything one is going through.

tree fix gonna cost $750.00 I don't care and will ignore her if she even mentions the money worry....

Sane weekend all, or in some cases, less crazy?....

Hi all, I am guilty of lurking and not posting much, but I relate to you all and reading your stories really helps with the depression, not much new here, just taking it day by day, you dont know it but you guys are my friends, thanks for that.

Thanks Cricket, I think it is an awesome idea so that we can at least view other caregivers pictures n such on fb n privately.
Jen, glad you were okay n it is aweful when u feel bad n you got to hear smack just because you feel bad. Stress can litterly make u sick so try to find a way to get some rest.
Bookworm, Gerd is no playing matter for I have that n eating ate night is a no,no. but sometimes it is hard to not eat late at night when your stressed out or like when my b/s drops. I need to get back on an insuling pump but I am waiting on a tubeless yet smaller pump to come out. ginger is suppose to be good for Gerd-acid reflux n their they have now otc you may be able to take. I take prescription due to taking prenisone for yrs cause of Lupus.
I'm going to try n practice what I mention n maybe get a 30minuet shut eye rest. Wish me some luck for I feel like half alive today. Maybe it's the weather.

Hi Crew,

The rash mom gets is actually a type of yeast infection that just thrives in the folds of skin under her boobs, saggy belly, underarms, butt and thighs. Usually I can control it pretty well with the Zeazorb powder which has 1% Micanozole. When she doesn't have a rash I use Balmex to keep her dry. Bookworm, if you use powder on your mom, don't use one with corn starch. This just gives the yeast something to feed on. And yes Cricket, like with your MIL I'm washing and drying her good then reapplying the cream at least twice a day. I tried to keep turning her but she complains that it hurts her back too much.

What can I say, there is never a dull moment. Judy and Bookworm, join us on FB. You just need to sign in with an email address and a password. You don't need to put all the other stuff if you don't want to. We would love to have you with the crew on FB.

Have a good afternoon!

Hugh Hefner robe...hahaha

I remember all to well the bedsores my MIL had. I would have to wash them 3 times a day then put cream, then powder. wash and repeat and try to get her to lay on her sides, one side then the other for at least an hour each. That in itself is a job. I think that changing products or scripts is a good idea since so many of them have different chemicals in them that can cause irritation.

You have my heart and prayers Diane, Jen, Mame, liddeb, bookworm, hell all of you, everyone. Dad's latest thing is walking (shuffling) around the house in his Hugh Hefner robe trying to look sexy.. Oh Joy! I am so turned on I could cry, LOL
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricket Hugsღ

Mom has never had trouble with rashes until this summer with all the heat. I just used Balmex and thankfully it cleared it right up. Sounds like you guys are dealing with some heavy duty rashes! So sorry!
Flex, I know you said that your bro stayed with your mom-but where the hell was he when she fell and was lying on the floor? Did he try and get her up? Good God! You poor thing-can't get a break! Probably surprised your mom when you walked out to the porch! Good for you. So sorry this is so hard!!!!

I am doing a bit better today...just had to get ahold of myself-in the summer I have hope people will pop in to see me or mom...but in the winter-there is very little social interaction...I was just dreading what is to come... My sister told me it is like I am grieving the loss of summertime. I think she is right.
Mom told my bro that she loves daycare and goes 2 days a week! I am thinking I just might have to make that happen! I wasn't sure if I could get her to go more than once a week-this might be my chance!
My mother was only married once. I don't know who she thinks she is married to now, but she keeps talking about her "other" husband! "You know, the mean one" (Yes, that would be my dad) It cracks me up when she says it! There are days I would love to get in her brain and know what is in there!!!
Have a decent day all! Mame

I meant that my father does NOT believe in UNCOVERING mom. She has to always be covered.

Diane, the rashes are heat rashes. Mom used to get that a lot. Actually, I can see one starting under her armpits. She doesn't move, and we can't air her out (father doesn't believe in NOT covering her.) So, whenever I change her pampers (at least 2 times a day), I would wash the affected area the same time. I make sure to wipe it down really well. For now, I've been putting moisturizer lotion only because it's angry red and seems to be "cracking" on the folded skin area. When done, I make sure I put the mini pillows under her arms to lift it away from her body. But, she also has rashes on the pamper edge on her back. This I wash. I keep forgetting that at night before she sleeps, I need to put a clean wash rag (facecloth) between her skin and the pamper. Ideally, it would be best to avoid sweating but...can't do that with the blanket covering her. One side of her back has this funny smell. I think it's fungus. She has rashes that just won't go away but it's not angry red yet. But the odor is there. So, twice a day, I apply her prescription cream for the fungus. I've learned a lot of times, it's hit or miss when it comes to figuring out Which Rashes she has - heat? fungus? sweat?

I don't know why you all think I'm a wonder-caregiver for taking care of 2 bedridden parents. After Diane's description of HER and her mom, I think I have it easy!!! My dad fell on the floor twice. He almost double my weight. There was no way I could even lift him off the floor. I had to drag the sofa for him to pull himself up. All I can say is... what you guys do for your mobile (walking) parents is much much harder than a bedridden parent. Well, I will take that back when dad can no longer move, then I will throw in the towel and yell for brother that it is HIS turn to take over father!

You guys really need to take care of yourself. You're all breaking into pieces - inside and outside. I sometimes wish they have classes for Shortcut Tips on Caregiving Stubborn Elderlies.

Jen, this happened to me too about two years ago. Except I was home with two kids. Thought I was having a heart attack. Called 911, they took me to the ER. I actually stayed overnight. So many tests. Same results. Anxiety and stress. (And I think I was eating cheese and crackers too fast and it got stuck in throat, how funny is that?!!!) Was glad to know that my heart was ok, but also told me I was a whacko and had better figure out how to handle all this. Well, I didn't really figure anything out, but it was scary nonetheless. Take a deep breathe darlin'. We are here with you.....


Flex I am so sorry for what you are going through-maybe you need another cream for her fungus -if a med is going to work it usually makes a difference in two days or so-she may just need a new script.

Cricket, my brother came over to visit so I asked if I could leave him with mom so I could go for a walk. I didn't walk far since my hip hurt bad, so I wasn't gone but a few minutes. I open the door and mom is on the floor. I go get the lift from her room and she refuses to let me use it to pick her up. I had to go out on the porch or I was going to lose it. Anyway after about 10 minutes I came in and she let me get the sling under her and hoist her up and into the recliner. She is sitting there quietly for now. I've also been wondering if she has a uti because of this strange behavior. Maybe another TIA?? The home health nurse will be here tomorrow so I will ask her about the possible uti. She is still battling a rash under her boobs, underarms, crease of her legs and under her tummy. Despite using Diflucan and antifungal powder it just wont go away. Tonight I will clean her up and use a new Nyastatin cream. Never a dull moment. I pray that she will let me sleep tonight since I'm dragging my ass.

Mame, Jen and Bookworm, I understand the depression all too well. You would think with as much meds as the doc has me on I should be happy and bubbly. Hang in there ladies!

Have a good night everyone!

No Diane, you are just tired and need to care for yourself too. I feel sad for your Mom also. It sounds like maybe she might have a UTI? Or maybe she is just having a bad day too. I wish we were neighbors and I could help give you a break but wishin aint gettin! It's so frustrating when we don't know if something is wrong or they are being a big baby.. I call Dad my Dennis the Menace and he laughs. But I know it's not that easy for you :( You need a time out,(silence to think and pray for peace) even if only for 30 minutes, go out into your garden, it would do you a world of good. Could you ask the bf if he would take over for 30 minutes to give you that?

I AM READY TO SCREAM!!!!! My mother has been very difficult all night and all day. She had me up every two hours because she wanted water. She can't pick up her sippy cup which is right next to her bed. I go t to work and come home at 2pm. The occupational therapist is here and mom is bright and talking good. Not 5 minutes after she leaves, mom needs to go to the bathroom and she needs to be lifted to her feet, moving extremely slow in baby steps. After the bathroom she demands to be put in her bed so she can rest. This is not her usual routine. So I put her in bed. She stays there for about and hour then starts crying for no apparent reason. I get her to her recliner in the living room and she keeps crying. Then she starts trying to blow her nose and she is acting like she can't do it and wants me to wipe her nose for her. She is able to do this for herself so I tell her she needs to do it herself. Well, that didn't go well. I don't know what is going on, but something is not right. You have to repeat everything you say to her because she can't understand. She is hallucinating swearing she sees a woman and children in our back yard. I get ready to get her up from the table and she starts with maybe I'll go to the recliner, maybe I won't. She is just acting weird. I just told her when she is ready to move to call me. Im in the living room and she is at the dinner table. I am tired and had asthma all day and I'm really not in the mood for this. Am I just being to damn sensitive?

Jen, I ditto what Linda said... you hang on because you matter to us!

Mame, don't beat yourself up over the WW thing. There are so many factors that are out of our control that you are not to blame. Just let it go and love yourself!

I've got to run for now.. Love you all and you are all in my prayers.
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,/ *_) . -♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-
,,,,, _,—-,_/,,/ , RAWR Means .
,,,,/,,,,,,,,,,,,,,/ , I Love You .
_/…(…|.(…|) , In Dinosaur .

Hello All! I am steeling my resolve as I am going to spend time with my mother. I was lucky enough to get an email from a good friend who referenced a study that says many caregivers attribute behavior that they observe in their parents as "old age" when it is really the start of Alzheimers. I am probably "preaching to the choir" but it is a good idea to mention all of these behaviors when you take your parent to the doctor as it may be the start of something more serious. My mom has been good lately on the phone with me and has not been harassing me. I will certainly report on my return home. PRAY FOR ME : )

hi there crews ...
chest pains is also a sign of menopause too . i get em alot .
damn it all !!!! women deals with bunch shit everyday .
bodys screamin for bobbies boat . or an island somewhere .

jsomebody - big hugs to u dear . i would appreciate that i have a daughter here helpin me out and she would been my best friend . i shame ur mother for not appreciatin havin u with her . damn her ! honey dear i think of you tons . wish theres some place that u can go and disappeared for few days and maybe ur mom will wake up and relaize ure missin . shame on her shame on her !!! damn it all !!! i love you jen xoxox

Hello again-just to update-and thanks for asking Lildeb-My BP did go down with the help of a little pill...The Dr wants to cut the cycle of this panic attack...I am to take my BP every day and see him in two weeks and if it is still up I will go on BP medication. It is down from where it was so I think I am good.
Mom must have sensed that I was upset she wasn't going to daycare and she was very with it Tuesday and was practically getting herself ready! When she got there the nurses etc were all over her asking her where she has been and that they were afraid something had happened and they missed her. She had a great day and remembered a lot of it surprisingly. So, yes, she did go! I came back to the house and cleaned every inch of her rooms! They were so in need of a good cleaning. She hates how loud the vaccume cleaner is and she has to watch everything I do-and questions everything I move...It was just so much easier and less stressful with her not here! She was happy everything was dusted and cleaned...but had to ask about the pictures on her mirror-which I must have not put back correctly... Sometimes she can be so observant and her memory so good...and other times she doesn't know who I am! It is sooo wierd to experience! Anyway...I hope she will go next week but glad I had this week to accomplish something.
Unfortunately, the WW thing isn't working out. I haven't weighed in in weeks...and I am not doing much so it isn't worth it anyway! I should have know I wouldn't complete is just so hard when you can't get out..I have every excuse for my weight and not doing anything about it. Oh well, I just can't have that pressure on me as may well have been part of the panic attack last Tuesday too. I just have to choose my battles.
Anyway-I am babbling. Thanks for being here for me! Keep on keepin on! Mame

Jen, I am so sorry for what you are going through! I also completely understand! Last week, when I had my panic attack and my BP went up and I couldn't get it to come back down, I was lying in bed that night-and my chest hurt and my left arm and I kept thinking maybe I will just die...and I wasn't about to do anything about it. Two nights of that and I was still here.. Almost a disappointment to wake up. God this is sooo hard! I saw my counselor last night and he was on the edge of his chair as I told him. He was so sweet and reminded me of how strong I really am. Reminded me of all I got through with my childhood and first marriage... He said it is ok to be down and want out-but not good to stay that way. So, I am trying to pick myself up with telling myself I am strong and can get through this. I guess it helps...I will let you know. You have been through sooo much too-and I feel for you! Please try and be strong again-keep going... I wish your mom was more sympathetic-but maybe this is just how she gets through things...Like Judy-I wish I could give you a real hug too! We are here for you Jen-Vent and Live! Mame

Hey, Jen, we seem to be having the same problem! I posted those words also on the Caregiver ..How are YOU...yesterday and today. I figured my chest pains were GERD (acid reflux) which stress and eating late at night activates it. Oh, my chest pain would be on the left on one day, then on the right side the next day. I'm only starting to get dizzy spells starting yesterday. Tiredness is from living DAILY with the STRESS..... I guess we both need a 2week vacation away from home and just sleep, eat and relax. Not going to happen.... From past experiences, my dizziness will continue for several weeks and get worse and worse. I will be walking, then suddenly dizziness hits, and I slam into the wall, or the door jamb, or the desk. If I'm sitting down, I find myself tilting sideways. Whoopee!! NOT!! Sigh..I've had to several times, pull over on the side of the road until the dizziness goes away. In all the years, docs can't figure out the cause of dizziness..... Kimbee on another thread said: STRESS. I think she's right. I hope you get better sooner than I do (cuz mine will last for several more weeks)!!

Depression, anxiety and stress, oh my. Not good, Jen. I'm glad you're not having a heart attack, but what you've got going on doesn't sound too good either, and on top of it, you get crap about the ride there and back. I wish I could give you a real hug.

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