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Glad your ok there Jen. Thats got to be pretty scary. Hugs to ya

I had chest pains and shortness of breath and felt week and dizzy....went to the emergency room for four hours. all tests clear...Mom had to take me and drive me back. And she is really pissed off about it. God why couldn't I have just died.
Dr says probably depression and anxiety and stress. No, really...

The Teacher & The Three Little Pigs

Kids are funny....
This is a true story, proving how fascinating the mind of a six year old is. They think so logically.

A teacher was reading the story of the Three Little Pigs to her class.
She came to the part of the story where first pig was trying to gather the building materials for his home.
She read. 'And so the pig went up to the man with the wheelbarrow full of straw and said: 'Pardon me sir, but may I have some of that straw to build my house?'
The teacher paused then asked the class: 'And what do you think the man said?'
One little boy raised his hand and said very matter-of-factly ... 'I think the man would have said - 'I'll be a son of a bitch!! A talking pig!'
The teacher had to leave the room.

Here's one for ya!
Picture an old couple...

Bert always wanted a pair of authentic cowboy boots, so, seeing some on sale, he bought them and wore them home.

Walking proudly, he sauntered into the kitchen and said to his wife, "Notice anything different about me?"

Margaret looked him over. "Nope."

Frustrated, Bert stormed off into the bathroom, undressed and walked back into the kitchen completely naked except for the boots.

Again he asked Margaret, a little louder this time, "Notice anything different NOW?"

Margaret looked up and said in her best deadpan, "Bert, what's different? It's hanging down today, it was hanging down yesterday, it'll be hanging down again tomorrow."


"Nope. Not a clue", she replied.


Without missing a beat Margaret replied, "Shoulda bought a hat, Bert. Shoulda bought a hat."

Hi Crew, I just want to let everyone know that I created a group for caregivers at Facebook. It is called CAREGIVER's CONNECT. It is a closed group meaning that you can find it if you do a search, see who is in the group, but you cannot read what is posted unless you are in the group. I did this because it is a way for us to see links to webcasts such as the one Bobbie might be doing tonight, we can also post pictures, share emails, etc. If you want to be added to the group request friendship to me at Sherry Emery..(the silver hair lady in the black and white shirt). For those who are already my FB friends here, I added you to the group so you should see it in your groups list on your home page. I hope this makes it easier to share information with each other.
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricket Hugsღ

Cattail, love your story n Baby just wanted to say, Hi to the mean o bunny. ; ) I was neat how you told it as if Baby came toward your finger as you cuddle him up close like a protective mother. Okay, that is way I picture it as I read your story n yes, I agree with Cricket that you could write children's books and they would sell.

Cricket, I just went to fb n invited you or at least I think that was you? Mine is the one with a rainbow. I enjoy taking pictures of Mother nature n especially the clouds. ; )
Shirley, u keep the toothbrush close to you at all times n I will try to keep all my dishes clean n especially the silver-ware.
Cricket, glad you got a break n enjoyed yourself outdoor for a change. I bet you feel better too. Being this friend of yours was a paramedic should had made you feel a little bit more at ease. If your dad was okay then I would go again for you deserve a break even if its only a few hrs. It does feel good. I get mine tomorrow.

Mame, sorry you r having trouble getting your mom to go at least once a wk. Have u tried getting her up to have enough time so that she is not feeling like being rushed for that is what I do with my mnl n it works most of time at least for now. However, you probable have already tried everything. You mention about your b/p has it gone down? You do okay at the dr visit n pass? As for you being alone for everyone is gone to school n such, I rather be alone with mnl myself sometimes for hubby can be just as stubborn as his mom! They say that, "the apple don't fall far from the tree." I hope this give you a little chuckle to brighten your day.
Diane, I am glad to hear the 'caregiver support group' went okay. Please let me know when you figure out about the, "plan yet to unfold." I really don't understand why anyone with dementia has to go through all these stages before it is their time to go.
Cattail & Linda, I am just trying to play catch-up n was wandering if you two are okay? I look back at my post for Linda n it was real short n kind of sounded like I had no sympathy but that is not the case. I know it is very hard to lose a close relative n you r in my thoughts n prayers for strenght.
Cattail, I know you are going through a tough time at the moment with your dad n I hope you r holding up. Make sure to take time out for yourself. I am sorry.
Cricket, I always liked Ralph Waldo Emerson famoue quotes too.
Sscape, have you consider having a yard sale for that would be extra bucks in the pocket. $ Of course, you have to have the time to have one.
Tbailey, I have notice when I miss a couple of days from this post that I have tons to catch up. It will be awhile before I get to the top of the most recent post. I could just go to the top but then I have no clue what everyone is talking about. duh!
Well, it took me 4 freaking hours that should had only taken 1.5 or the max of 2 hrs to keyboard some inventory for someone. The mnl would keep coming in the room n I would have to get her to sat n watch tv in living room. Of course, she cant see me right under her ass so she has to keep coming in the other room. I have to keep telling her I need to get this done. I have already tried letting her just sit in the room but she will start to plumder through stuff n that will distract me n forget the tv deal for then I will want to watch it. It has to be quiet for me to make sure I get those # keyed in correct. At least I got it done today. shew! When I came out of the room, I asked her was she going to fix herself a sandwich for lunch. she just started her whispering-cussing crap so I walk off n sat dwon n fixed myself lunch n I ate it. I guess after she got done pouting she finally came in to make her sandwich. I know she does the whispering cussing on purpose for me for she don't do it around her son, only when I walk by her or especially if Im alone with her. Sometimes, I just leave the room n wait about 5mintues n I can see her peeking around hall looking for me wandering where I went. Eventually, she will quick that mess. it just drives me up the wall sometimes. Ah! Learn as we go.
It was too late this time for she used another dirty silver-ware butter knife from the sink. I had one butter knife, 2 bowl n 2 spoon left in sink from breakfast around lunch. Well, we had got her some red plastic knives so she could spot a clean one to use in the Mayo jar. However, she just picks what ever is close to her n using it. The same way she just chuck the bread, lunch meat except the mayo in anywhere in frig. I label everything so it would be easy for her to find, however, if she don't put it back then she won't be able to find it! I know, I am asking too much here. I guess i will have to make myself to do dishes right as soon as she is done to keep her from grabbing the dirty ones. Well, I have been venting enough n need to go check my sugar n take my pm shot. I hope everyone can get a peaceful rest tonight. zzzzz

Tracy, I will be praying for you. WHat did your doctor say about you coming off the antidepressant? Did you ween yourself off the meds. If you didn't, you certainly can be putting you body through a physical withdrawl. Take a deep breath and deal with the present. Once the husband is thru being an ass, try talk things out. One step at a time dear lady! Love & Hugs, Diane

Tbailey, you've got a lot going on. You'll be in my thoughts. I hope things get better FAST. Let us know.

Bobbie, tomorrow night at 8 is fine with me. Send me the link and I will pass it on through emails.. Mame, I don't have your email but you can email me at..

cricketinafryingpan at comcast dot net to give me your email Addy and then I can send you the link as well.

TBailey, Of course we all remember you! I'm sorry for what you are going through. You have my prayers and I am here for you to listen when you need to talk.You can email me at my Addy above too.
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricket Hugsღ

Tbailey-praying and praying for you and this situation! Wish I could do more for you! Stay strong and keep us posted if you can. Hugs! Mame

Hello All Please Keep Me in your thoughts and prayers this is my post i sometimes post on others but Have come to love you girls and For the ones that dont rembember me I have taken care of my mom cancer soon she will b gone 5 years best lady there was past at 59 before that helped at age 11 thru 13 helping my grandma to take care of grandpa and her brother sweetest guys i loved them then also poor grandma my moms mom and then last year MIL moved in and my husband and his 1 sister said they would help well as much of you know our life changed that day and my husband answer to a lot is take a pill so ive been on anti depppresents and it all and decided early summer after getting alot from AC and others on here I have gotten off now my husband beeing the ass he is wont stop he says i have bi polar dr. said i didnt i thought maybe i did well My Husband started on me for about a week saying only reason he was even there HIS MOM and our daughter his mom being he never has helped with one bit even when she falls i have to lift her his back hurts anyway.... He started yest. Sister n law stopped by my older girl called her brother he came and got me and my youngest and sil dropped mil off with hubby last night and said well u can put her in NH because with her AD she needs that and he told her he has done hired help....I have to get back my daughter has to go to school.... I havent even worked no money i just know i probaly dont make since .... just pray for meeee.. My saying was Dear lord please give me patience because if you give me strenth gonna need bail money ..
ALLL I know is i really need someone And you all are All i have im a nice person i dont like getting family and friends involved been married 25 years and only 41..

Dear Crew...

Diane is right and I have been doing off the boat errands all day and haven't had a chance to set up the show.

Could those that are interested tell me which day they would prefer? If we're going to throw a party might as well make sure those that want to come can!

Maybe we can do tomorrow night at 8?

All you need is your computer to watch and post to the webcast. If you want to come onscreen you just need your computer's camera. If you don't have a camera you can still watch and communicate by typing.

We had a bunch of fun last time and our program goals are just to Vent about anything. Caregiving or ?
For instance today I am pissed that my hair is thinning but what can ya do?
Just when I thought I couldn't get any goofier looking.
My boobs still stick out further than my roll so I am ahead there.

Thanks Diane for jumping in cause I have been gone all day.
OK, brought home a rotisserie chicken so I am going to be a Viking here....

love you guys way more than you know.

still alive thank you all for the kind comments and support! Arborist day and the land lord next door has beeennnnnn boy is he un happy...

Hi Crew,
It doesn't look like Bobbie has set up anything yet for today. You can register using facebook, twitter or your email account. Once you get on to the channel you can either go on camera and talk or without a camera in the chat area. I have a camera but for some reason when I use it I lose the sound, so I just chat. I'll keep you posted if I see anything about a time and try provide the link if AC will allow it. Talk with you later!

Mame, I was thinking the same thing - what is this webcast thing and can I come to? It'd be great to meet/see/really blab with people, but I won't even be home today until its all said and done. Can someone explain what the webcast is so that maybe if its at a time when I'll be home next time, I can do it too?
I'm keeping my fingers crossed, lighting an incense and sending some "out the door" energy your way, hoping that your mom goes to daycare.
Cat - I hope your dad smiles at you again today.
Jen - Is it time to keep Cleo inside now? I had a sweet, sweet ferret years ago that the neighbor dogs tore up. I heard the commotion when it was too late. I'd love to be able to go back and keep him safe.
Ladee - I'm waiting to hear that explosion from the east. A Thangplosion. I raise my coffee cup to your housework delegation plan - great idea,.
I've got to get the carpool boys to school this morning. Then, its on to Mom's. Hope everyone has a good day. xx

G'mornin... So, how does this webcast thing work? Is it just all of you guys chatting or what? Can I come? Do I need a camera on my laptop? There is one in the house, I would just have to figure it out. I am interested in knowing more.
SS-I am so happy I could give you a laugh on a bad day! When we listened to it the first time, we were crying we were laughing so hard! My mom even listened (years ago) and she was totally holding back the laugh...and then she says, "Oh, you kids"....We would have to stop and rewind it cause we couldn't hear we were laughing so hard. Enjoy it again and again!
Jen, I am really psyched that you talked to that old lady and gave her a blanket. Doing something like that and having it appreciated...priceless! You have a good heart!
Cat-so happy dad gave you a smile! I am sure it means the world to you to have him acknowledge you. I am sure he loves you too!
It is nice to have everyone posting again! Even tho things can be painful or tedius-we can all relate and I think need eachother! Thanks for being here!
Keep your fingers crossed that mom will go to daycare today! I think I am up to pushing it...she is a tough cookie when she doesn't want to go tho!
Have a good one. Mame

I went to see my dad today and he seemed more alert. I fed him lunch and he ate about 50 percent. About 50 percent on his breakfast too. He continues to lose weight. This is going to be a process. He smiled when I was there with him. I hugged him and told him I loved him. He's ok, but he's declining. God bless his heart and soul. Cat.

Hey Cricket!
I will put it together tomorrow morning... glad you will be there and maybe we can get a little party together.

Oh Jen,
we love you so much and I am glad you saw the pit bull people before they added to the misery.
You are going to get through this and pop out on the other side. It will get better and I don't know how but it will. We have to believe that it will get better because for us to believe otherwise is soul killing.
Love you Jen and you are one of the deserving folks I wish I had a magic wand for. Bing Bang Boom and all of the bs is gone. With new and more interesting bs in its place......

Yes, you get to have good in your life.
Is there any news about your work? the Play?


Jen, it's good to see you venting!

Bobbie, webcast tomorrow at 8 pm eastern sounds good, send me the link :)

I am great full for you guys I am glad you are there and I can vent and people really get it....

we just finished cutting down half of a tree that the wind blew over BOOM into the fence the neighbors shed, West side where the people moved out last week. Mom called D and he used grandpas chain saw he was off today convenient. The half that fell in the rental property mom says we are leaving there, Act of God law. That sounds so wrong. they are are trees...what ever she'll be mad enough when the arborist comes when ever we do that. one of the trees is rotten and it needs to come down i think. If she even starts to say we don't have the money for that I am gonna leave. How bout you get your job back ma, I am off crutches now you can go back to working full time driving to work in snow at 5 Am or maybe we could sell some of grandpas drugs on line and get some cash, yes we just don't know where the money is going to come from....He gets twelve dollar magazines, CD's and DVD's every other week for something fun... eat out three times a week gets socializing and exercise and we wear ripped underwear and if i have to be told one more time by D to get Net flicks..It's only 5 dollars a month or something...WE DON'T HAVE IT! OK WE DON'T HAVE IT!!!! What part of we don't have any money do you not get! Mom is going to replace several pairs of his sweats for Christmas, You know buy them herself, because some of his are looking old...The skirt am wearing now is patched to the point it is like an inner lining i just don't want to hear it..I know he worked for it, SO DO I NOW. nothing. why ever talk about it. rotten e mail nothing you can do..

the dog killers moved out, the new people. smoke pot, have scream fests and this is hard to explain but seemed to be LOOKING in our yard for Cleo my cat and came very quietly around the back of the garage and when they saw me seemed to change direction. They had their pit bull with them. I get the feeling they were gonna pull Cleo over the fence and sick their dog on her for fun. I am not gonna try and explain this. I had a very bad feeling about it and Cleo no longer goes out alone...
I am just losing it here...It is like we are trapped in some sort of rotten life limbo waiting for him to die so we can have a life again. Do I get any good in my life ever?! I am just sick of all this....

You guys are hilarious!

Jen! was thinking of you and so glad you posted! nice wth the lady at the bus stop.

Cricket! I love the PJ party and how about 8pm Eastern tomorrow night? I will mess with the cam tomorrow and see what we can come up with.

Cattails! Hope you come and bring the mooning party. I think we can get 4 screens up and it would be stupid funny to see 4 moons.......

OK, hope everybody has as decent a night as possible.


Cat, did you ever see the Ace Ventura movie where Ace bent over and grabbed his butt cheeks and moved them when he talked, like his ass was talking? I thought it'd add a nice touch to the mooning we're going to give your sister. I just practiced it a bit. I think I'm pretty good at it.

How's your dad?

So, no urgent care for Mom today. She wants to go tomorrow. Oh, joy. I can't wait. Groceries, rug washing, urgent care, trip planning and who knows what else. My dad hardly got out of bed today. Some days, he sleeps, no exaggeration here, about 20 hrs. He gets up for maybe 4 hrs during the day.

Jenn - you had a shitty day but it ended pretty sweetly. That woman is probably telling someone tonight about what you did for her.

I just ignored a phone call. I should probably go see if its Mom. Watch, she'll want to go to urgent care tonight and I'm sooo tired.

Jen, bless your kind soul.

I want to know about the web cast too.

Mame: Don't worry. If you get thrown off the thread you will be in good company as we will all be joining you. As you said, the F word be flying and a fine word it is too.

SS: Glad Mame sent you to see Monty and he gave you a good laugh. We all love you.

Here's the plan: Judy and I are going to go moon my sister. SS you can come too if it will make you feel better. Beck is coming too. We are going to put some shine on our butts and haunt her windows at night. Beck is going to put her weave on her ass and we will put her in the middle. Judy was considering some butt pumpkin painting. You know, black triangles for eyes, etc. Maybe we can spell out FUCK YOU on your cheeks too. Going to paint on the thongs to avoid chaffing. If we can get our cheeks to twitch in sync, should be pretty scary. OOHHH. Take that you goofy twit.

Sscape: I'm thinking about you and all you have to do to clear out your mom's place of all belongings. What a job. I had to do it all by myself too. I'm worried about what you will do next. Where you will go. So much is up in the air for you right now. Please stay in touch.

This is a really good thread. Love you guys, Cattails.

What time for the webcast?

Mame - oh luv u!
I just listened to the Monty Python on You Tube on the word Fuck, (I can type it because i had a really bad, fucking day). Hysterical! Thank you so much! I cried a lot today and that made me laugh....


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