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mame4mom, I hope "My Fair Lady," has an awesome time at the fair n a chance to take a break away from caregiving.

Bookworm, it sounds like u work in a cubical area where if u have to fart everyone will hear you so be careful searching on the net. I remember using Comet in my tub n it was hard as crap to get it all out for I use half a can trying to get up water stain from under the water mat in the tub. Not again for me, I just stick to bleach n a ventilator.

Cricket, I hope u get a bright n shiny smile from the dentist n dad behaves himself.
Austin, Congratulation for that is a lot of weight n I bet u feel great! Keep up the good hard work and before u know it your friends will notice. My hubby lost a lot of weight just by giving up sugary foods n drinks. He still has a day that he treats himself for if u don't u will want the bad things even more. I started notice his weight loss on his face after a few months or so.

Mame4mom n Austin, you both should be very proud of yourselves for making that first commitment to start to lose weight for whatever your own personal reason. Now y'all should go treat yourself out for a new outfit. : )

Been putting up fence all day. My pedometer is at 9267. So guess I got some exercise. Diane, sorry about the run around with medicaid. How frustrating that must be. Hopefully, on Monday, you can find out why your Mom was denied, and figure it out.
Bookworm, good luck with the budget. I forget where you live, but there is a deciduous hibiscus, that is almost as pretty as the tropical ones. They are very hardy, and come in shades of white, pink, and red. When I lived in Missouri, there was one that came up in the middle of the horse pasture. The horses munched on it, it didn't get watered, and still bloomed like crazy. Well, more fencing to do tomorrow. Hope everyone has a quiet weekend.

Hi Crew,

Feeling a bit disapppointed right now. I just received notice from DHHS that mom has been denied for medicaid. I keep feeling like I am hitting a wall everywhere I turn for help with mom. I need to stand back for a minute and regroup. Nothing I can do until Monday anyway.

Have a good night everyone. I'm proud of everyone that is losing weight or just taking better care of themselves. Cat, I hope you are enjoying the family and all the wedding celebrations.

Love ya,

Hey there all!

Austin! 17 lbs! That is great! Good for you!

Meanwhile-I can't believe your boss makes housecalls! This dentist-mom has been going to him for 30 years! He is soon to retire and I think is being a cheapskate and doesn't want to put the money into changes. He is nice enough and mom is loyal. I sure don't want to try getting her into his place again tho!
Feels like another humid day here today! Mom has her ususal "it's gonna rain" headache. She is a human barometer!
Thank you all for your encouragement with the weight loss!
Hope everyone has a moment of happiness today! Mame

SS, now that I'm not so tired as lastnight, that hibiscus sure don't look like an orchid. I think it was the color that threw me off. Why can't we have pretty hibiscus like that? All we have here is the red one. It's pretty too but I like yours better. Sigh...I was too tired to do the budget. I will need to do that now. Some of the bills are due next week and I need to do a little juggling. Later!!

Thanks Shirley, Just getting cleaning done at the dentist. As far as the diet and exercise go... let it go and start fresh tomorrow and don't try to do to much all at once or you will get overwhelmed. Small consistent changes pay off in the long run. Dad was actually pretty good today :) Chirp chirp!

I'm proud of you Austin. 17 pounds is great. You too Mame. You have really just started, and are doing so well.
I've been working long hours this week, so barely keeping up with reading posts. Eating too much junk food, no exercise. . Shame on me. Did manage to come home tonight and eat salad, with some chicken.
Mame, I can't believe your dentist doesn't have a handicap accessible office. I work for a dentist, not only is the office handicap accessible, but my boss will make house calls. A lot of his patients are quite elderly. Of course he has been in practice for 30 years. Too bad you don't live closer.
Cricket sorry your Dad is giving you trouble. Hope your dentist appointment didn't find anything that needs fixing.
Cat, how are you doing? You are always so concerned about everyone else. Your Dad still doing well at the nursing home? Hope all is well.

Austin, the same thing happened to me when I first started to lose weight. It might just be the people you're around are to caught up in themselves to take notice but anyway you deserve a Congrats! for that 17 pounds even if it is a bit delayed :) But more importantly you improved your health and did it for yourself. Yay for you!

Mame I am so glad you get support with caregiving at WW -I am so hurt I have lost 17 lbs. and nobody has noticed -years ago my late husband said it is because I wear my clothes loose people do not notice-just because my clothes are not bulging -but I know I have lost the weight-and I am proud of you losing that is the hardest the first few pounds.

Hi Crew, it's nice to see some posts! Bookworm, if I had a drain in my bathroom floor I would clean it that way too! Good Idea. Mame, you are doing good with the WW, be gentle with yourself you deserve it. You're Mother sounds like a real sweetheart.

I'm off to the dentist today for a cleaning... ugh. Dad is behaving...Yay, happy dance!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricket Hugsღ

Hi All!
My son is back safe and sound at college. Been busy trying to get him motivated to do laundry and pack. He did it all the last day! We will see what he forgot! haha
Mom is doing well. The humidity is down a bit so she has actually come out of the air conditioning! Got her out to the dentist to have her dentures fixed-since she had that tooth extracted. Soooo hard cause they have no handicap accessible entry. She is doing so well she could actually get up the 3 steps but she isn't always that good! They make no apologies either. Time to find a new dentist. She is not good at change so I am not sure how that will work out.

I am looking forward to our State Fair that is coming up soon. My helpful brother is taking some days off work so I can go and spend some days there! I am so into the Fair that they call me "My Fair Lady"! So this is much appreciated! He thinks about mom and me...calls frequently... I have to just think of him and my sister and how great they are and not think of the others who never call or visit. Mom and I were talking about their lack of help and she called them "little snips". She said we have to pray that they will step up and help out and made up a really cute prayer. It was really adorable... She seems to be more understanding than I am and doesnt' take it personally. I do! That is probably why I am miserable and resentful! I have to borrow mom's rose colored glasses for a while!
Weight Watchers is going sloooooowwwww...but I have, and continue to lose a tiny bit at a time. Gotta exercise more... Story of my life. I feel better tho-eating better foods and exercising the little bit that I am. Gives me a bit of incentive! Funny thing-I have found 4 ladies who are caregiving or were at WW! We have been chatting it up-just like here at AC! I knew the meetings were for me!
Well, I guess I have babbled enough! Hope everyone is doing ok! Mame

Thanks, bookworm. I think it is an Hibiscus. My daughter took the pic. :)
Wishing you sweet dreams.....

SelfishSibs, that is a very pretty flower...orchid? I saw it and thought it was a soothing photo. Good morning to you! (but soon to be Good night here.) This is my last post for the night....

Good morning all! No news to report but then I haven't seen Mom or Dad yet today.
Wishing you all a good, squeaky clean day!


Hi Cricket. I've been busy for the past few days surfing the net. Today is my day off of surfing. I won't be on too long on this site, either. I need to figure out my budget, and pay some bills. So what's up on your end?

Thanks, Victoria, for the vinegar information. I really do appreciate it. And any other tips, too!

I'm not much of a housekeeper. My dad is a perfectionist. So, mom would do most of the house chores in order to make it perfect (to pass inspection.) Before dad comes home, we're all told to stay outside. So us 8 kids never got real training on cooking, washing clothes and cleaning.

Now, that you have the background information, just recently sis, her kids and I were talking. Niece asked me what I use to scrub the bathroom floor. I said, "You see that small stiff broom with thick brush (it's about 1 inch square wide)? I wet the bathroom floor with water, sprinkle it with Comet, let it soak up, then I take the broom and scrub the floor with it. No bending over and end up with a backache. Get the tupperware bowl and pour water on the floor to wash it down the drain."

Needless to say, my sis and 2 nieces just stared at me. I guess that's NOT the way to clean the bathroom floor??? Well, it works for me and no backaches, too... :-)

Sssh...I'm at work - taking a peek in here!..later, Cricket..this keyboard is NOT quiet. Just me & my 2 bosses in an office the size of my livingroom!! No privacy at all...

It's awful quiet in here. Is everyone okay?

Bookworm, I add one cup of vinegar at the beginning of the wash. No vinegar smell is present when wash is done. Also, when buying from Amazon, it's free shipping over $25. Don't buy 3rd party and be forced to pay shipping, so many sellers to choose from it's not necessary. There's currently an offer for 34'x36' pads $9.26 per pad. Buy 4 and it's $37.04 and free shipping because it's over $25. I currently have a prime membership with Amazon so I get free shipping regardless of order size.

Cuz: You have a unique way of bringing the fantasy into the reality. Thank you for your jokes. They give us laughter. Cattails

A man and a woman who had never met before but were both married to other people found themselves assigned to the same sleeping compartment on a trans-continental train.

Though initially embarrassed and uneasy over sharing a room, they were both very tired and fell asleep quickly, he in the upper bunk and she in the lower.

At 1 a.m., the man leaned down and gently woke the woman saying, "Ma'am, I'm sorry to bother you, but would you be willing to reach into the closet and get me a second blanket? I'm awfully cold."

"I have a better idea," she replied. "Just for tonight, let's pretend that we're married."

"Wow! that's a great idea!" he exclaimed.

"Good," she replied. "Get your own @#$%^& blanket."

After a moment of silence, he farted.

A very touching story ...

The Woman Marine Pilot

The teacher gave her fifth grade class an assignment:
Get their parents to tell them a story with a moral at the end of it.

The next day, the kids came back and, one by one, began to tell their stories.
There were all the regular types of stuff: spilled milk and pennies saved.
But then the teacher realized, much to her dismay, that she had missed Janie. Janie, do you have a story to share?' ''Yes ma'am. My daddy told me a story about my Mommy.
She was a Marine pilot in Desert Storm, and her plane got hit.
She had to bail out over enemy territory, and all
she had was a flask of whiskey, a pistol, and a survival knife.
She drank the whiskey on the way down so the bottle wouldn't
break, and then her parachute landed her right in the middle of 20 Iraqi troops.
She shot 15 of them with the pistol, until she ran out of bullets,
killed four more with the knife, till the blade broke,
and then she killed the last Iraqi with her bare hands.

''Good Heavens,' said the horrified teacher.
'What did your Daddy tell you was the moral to this horrible story?

"Stay away from Mommy when she's

been drinking."

Evening Crew, After reading all the vinegar posts I'm going to have to go out and get some distilled white vinegar. I used to use it for some cleaning jobs but never thought to use it in the laundry.

I freak out when I open our electric bill and it's $400 plus every month. But that's the cost of living in Florida and running the air 24/7 because it's so darn hot all the time. We had an awesome thunderstorm here today. I even saw lightning hit the road about 25 ft. from my house. It scared the crap out of Dad and one of my dogs. It doesn't even phase me anymore though, I'm used to them.
I hope you all are well and surviving yet another day in the trenches. xoxo
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricket Hugsღ

Mame, I would not want want to be visited by anyone who is Not Flesh and Blood. I grew up with too much ghost stories - true and made-up ones. I have no desire for that ability. But, it sounds like it runs in your family. If you grew up with it being "normal" or "desired ability", then for you it's something desirable. My sis takes in stride.

Cat, I know I need to do that but when I get scared, it's so hard to think. My only thought is to run and hide.

If anything was a cure all it is vinegar. can't imagine life with out it...

Bookworm, if I gave u a chuckle or help in some way then I guess I done my job. Thanks. OMG! your power bill n I was freaking out for we hit $200. The 7pm dinner would be a snack for me good grief! I bet u were starving. Eat girl, eat. ; )
Diane, I hope your headache goes away for I think u need to let your brain have some rest. I know easier said than done.
Call me lucky right now for I don't have to worry yet about the bed getting urine on it but I do get the suprise of poo on toliet paper n little finger-poo marks on toliet handle n bathroom sink. I do use bleach, pinesol all over place, bleach wipes and Lysol. Everyone keep up the good ole fashion cleaning squeaky clean. ; ) I got to go take my meds n get mil to take hers n my dog to take his to prevent seizures.

Hi Lildeb: I love your marbles. Doesn't matter how many you are playing with at any particular time. Your heart always comes through. Cat

Cricket, try not to look at the diabetic meds as a burden lifted off of u yet how about you r taking better care of yourself n that was a med to get u back on track. Like u said, it is hard to focus on ourself when we r taking care of others. My A1C went from a 6.5 to a 7.3 and I am having fits for letting myself get in that shape n now I need to get my ass back in gear! Good for you taking better care of yourself n you are feeling better too. I hope you don;t have to go back on the meds but if u do, please do not look at it as a burden for your body just may need it to as well as you do your part to stay healthy. I hope that made sense. My marlbes don't always work in my head. ; )

Hi Crew, Bookworm, Jordan's Series are more for diehard fantasy lovers. Each one of his books are about a thousand pages long. The series is long but it encompasses and entire world with social, political, diverse people with differing cultures, religious and magical secs with prophecy thrown in, it covers just about everything imaginable. Jordan has a huge following with fan websites and events. etc. Brandon Sanderson is writing the last 3 books that end the series by compiling Jordan's notes along with his publisher since Jordan died from a rare blood disease. Long story yes but if you like the plot in the beginning and the characters its an awesome world to get lost in. I listen to the books on audio and love the entertaining quality.

Last time Dad was in the hospital I just asked his room nurse if she could get me one or two of those hospital bed pads made out of cloth and she gave me 3 of them. lol it never hurts to ask. Also, the hospital laundry services sell the used ones if they get a tiny little hole on the back side and I bought a pack of 10 of them like that and they were almost like new and got them for about $3 each on ebay. Anything to save on the costs helps.

Diane, I'll be there for tonight's vent live webcast with Bobbie, see you there. :)
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricket Hugsღ

I'm doing a quick peek before doing "daughterly duties." So a quick question to you both, WHEN do you add the vinegar? In the beginning with the wash with the clothe soap? Or like my dad used to do - on the final rinse? Ewww..if it's on the final rinse. Wouldn't that make the clothes really smell like vinegar? I've been putting the vinegar in the beginning of the wash. If you put it in the laundry ball...I can't find that here on island. I will have to go online and order it. Sorry, gotta be's getting impatient...

Victoria and Bookworm, I use about 1 cup of white vinegar when I wash mom's clothing, bedding and towels and it works great for the smell. Plus white vinegar is CHEAP!!! Unfortunately with mom's sensitive skin I stay away from the bleach. I use the dryer sheets instead of fabric softener and mom's bed chucks stay absorbant and smell good.

I just got in from work and mom is half awake. I did hear back from the neirologist and he agrees I should discontinue the Namenda since mom isn't responding in a positive manner. It made it easier in the sense she slept alot, but it just sets her up for other problems such as blood clots & pneumonia.

Just a reminder to all of you, tonight at 9pm EDT and 6pm PDT go to Spreecastdotcom and join us for the Mickie Murphy broadcast. You can either go on camera or simply chat. Our captain is the host.

I read about some new supplements that are good for weightloss. I might try some when I get paid this week. One is green coffee bean extract and the other is fucoxanthin. I heard about both on Dr. Oz. If nothing else, the green coffee bean extract is a great antioxident.

I've had a headache since last night and it's wearing on me. At least mom slept through the night, so I am thankful for that. After several days of rain we finally have some sunshine. The garden needed the rain so I'm not complaining...or at least not too loudly.

I hope you all have a good day and even when you don't hear from me I am reading everyone's posts and thinking of you often.

Love ya,

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