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Thanks...I buy mine bulk in Amazon. It's about 3 for $25.00 but you add the shipping and it goes up to about $43.00 for a 29 x 35" pads. I used to buy mine at another company for years. Then they started selling a lesser quality of the same pads. Their new pads have No tight nettings beneath the plastic. So the plastic snags easily and tears. I was quite angry because the brand new pad had a torn within a week. I used to get it for $10.00 each + shipping. So far, the one in Amazon is the Original pads that have the tight nettings. Except these from Amazon turns black so fast! I had Googled the problem and was recommended to use vinegar (but no one gave measurements) and hydrogen peroxide (soak the pad, sprinkle hydro and then leave it out under the sun.)

Thanks, I will give it a try with the regular vinegar. We don't even use our dryer - even in rainy season. Just from only using the washer, our power bill is like $500-$625.00/month. Can you imagine how much it would be with the dryer?

Bookworm, I don't know what brand of bed-pads you're using.The bed-pads I have for my mom are made by Invacare. The area agency on aging sent me four of them. I'm trying to get my sister to foot the bill for four more. The instructions for the Invacare bed-pads call for detergent and bleach, but stress that I NOT use fabric softener. Not being able to use fabric softener was a bit frustrating for me, because up until then I had relied on the softener to at least minimize the smell if not get rid of it in her clothing. Anyway, I was down at the laundromat a while back and I was whining about my moms laundry and how I couldn't get the smell out. The employee on duty recommended a product that they keep in stock, but the price is horrendous. A lady who's son owns the local diner here said something about vinegar. I went home and looked it up on the internet. What I read was 1/3 cup plain vinegar per load. For whatever reason, apple cider vinegar just doesn't seem to work. I tend to be quite liberal and use one full cup of vinegar per load though. It just amazes me how well it works. Her bed-pads have held up to several washing's since. I'm washing those four bedpads approximately every couple of days or so. They haven't failed to protect her sheets yet. My mom just smells so nice these days lol. The house smells a thousand times better also.
If you can get hold of our area agency on aging, ask them about Invacare bedpads. They do hold up against detergent, bleach and vinegar that I inflict on them. My mom hasn't soaked through a single pad inspite of me overdosing her wash.
Yeah, I know, I talk a LOT, but just know that using at least 1/3 cup plain vinegar is what is recommended. I use one cup per load though. It works and her bedpads/clothes come out smelling so clean is awesome.

Cricket, I always thought that books by Jordan sounds very interesting but when I see how much books I have to read in his series - I just get turned off. I have never heard of Brandon.

Lildeb, thanks for the encouragement on the other thread ..I think it was How to keep from going crazy..." I was eating dinner while reading the thread and didn't want to stop eating to type back to you! :-) Sorry but I had a headache, was starving, came home at 7pm from leaving work late...I was just sooo hungry.

Victoria, I tried putting apple cider vinegar in but I don't think I'm doing it right. Do you use plain vinegar? And how much do you put in the wash? I can't use bleach because it would damage their waterproof bed pads plastic linings.

Cricket, you make me laugh. Breaking them of new habits... Is that even possible? As for peanut butter, I've thrown out a few containers of good peanut butter. I refuse to allow anyone near what it is I don't recognize after my mom has been in it. Oh, and bleach is my best friend. Bleach and vinegar for washing my mother's clothes is the very thing that makes her clothes not only clean but they smell clean too. Vinegar rocks with bleach, yeah man!

I saw one comet too. Wished Yankees to win The World Series...

kellybean, u hit the hammer right on the nail. I wouldn't let the little stuff bother me too for it is just not worth the use of losing any of my energy. Hey, maybe she was treating her cat with a natural substitute like butter for hair balls. lol.

Mizunderstood, I have learned to put the mnl goodies in a special plastic bowl that has mom on top or it n that is only for her n her fingers. She even has her own peanut butter jar too.
Btw, I just got through cleaning poo off the sink handles n a few bits on toliet paper. so, I just unrolled a few sheets or two flushed, bleach my bathroom n mop my floor with good ole pine oil just to be on the safe side. ; )

Bob, what is the deal with the poo with people with AD? My mil is able to go on her own n sort of wipe n if I say anything to help she goes off that, "she is not gone that far just yet." Arguing with her n showing her mishaps of brown spots don't help the conversation so I just go with the flow n clean. She loves to twist balls of tissue or toliet paper to n if it drops where it may it stays. For she don't recognize it dropped i guess. Well, I did find a few under her bed n I had her crawl her butt under their to fetch those for I gave her a little basket for that new habit to break. lets hope it works : )

Hi everyone, I'm enjoying the day here. Just had lunch with my Husband.

Bookworm, you're name is fitting indeed! I am hooked on "The Wheel of Time Series" by Robert Jordan and now Brandon Sanderson as well. It's an epic fantasy series that makes Lord of the Rings look shallow by comparison. The final 14th book in the series will be release in Jan '13 and I can't wait. I tend to love fantasy because of the adventure side of them, theirs lots of action.

Mame, send an email to all the family members and say....we if I can't get anyone to come help take care of Mom for only a few hours so I can get a break will you all at least chip in $50 a month to help pay for someone else to come do it so I can get a break? Come on you guys I'm not the only child our Mom had" it's worth a shot anyway. If that doesn't work then call them up and complain to them about how it's just to hard and you will have to bring Mom over to live with them. lol
Meanwhile2, dang it, I missed it last night. House cleaning and laundry when will it ever end. ugh. I hear ya!
Cuz, thanks for the funny posts!

Love you all,

Stayed up late last night and watched the meteor showers. Hadn't done that in years, it was awesome. Need to get up and clean house today, and catch up on laundry. Hope you get your dryer fixed, Diane. Care giving always seems to mean lots of laundry. Hope everyone has a quiet, peaceful Sunday.

Book: No evil spirits here. Oh wait, there is that one who likes to tell me a big bowl of ice cream will make me feel better. Book, when you get spooked, try to see yourself surrounded by a white light of protection. You can call it God or whatever fits for you.

Mame: I don't have those gifts either and that's fine with me. Yep, saw Black Swan, a disturbing decent into mental illness. Probably changed the minds of some moms that wanted to put their little girls in ballet.

I'm so sorry you are not getting help to sit with your mom. I can't remember, Mame; did you ever check with your local Area on Aging. I was able to get some help with in home care from them for my dad.

Have a good Sunday everyone.


Cat and Book-several of my fam members have also had visits or know when someone has died...I don't really have the gift and wish I did! When mom says she "saw her mother last night" when she gets up in the morning...I know it was not a dream! It is kinda amazing!
Hubby and I watched The Black Swan yesterday. Glad mom was napping! What a disturbing movie! Anyone seen it? What did you think???
No one signed up again to come sit with mom for a few hours so I could get out with hubby this weekend...Back to begging I guess.
Youngest goes off to college on Wed for soph year and football! May have to hire someone for his Saturday games since the family is "dropping the ball" haha.
Been watching neighbors dogs while they are away-so I have been out walking with them a lot. Hope it shows on the scale at WW this week!
Hang in there everyone! Mame

But in all seriousness, if you ever tell me that your place is haunted, there is absolutely NO WAY that I would ever go there willingly. Nope! What if your spirits decide that they like me better? Then they will attach themselves to me and follow me home. Then my safe haven will now be haunted. Sooo Not Worth It!!! Sorry, Cat. You will need to look in the phone book for the real ghostbusters. Or contact Lisa since she's so fascinated with them.

Cat, I believe my family has a bit of psychic in us. Oldest sis talks to them. Second Oldest sis gets "visited" by recently deceased relatives even though she has lived in the states for 34 years, she will call and ask who died. My brothers have wild tales of their experiences but I tend to NOT be there when they tell it. Fave sis ...sigh...I think she has the ones that like to "play" with her and the fam. No matter where she moves, it happens. Youngest sis..had the violent one. It used to scratch her body out of nowhere. I think hers was piggybacked from something she bought in a rummage sale or flea market.

But, Cat, if you ever need someone to go through your house to see if you have..uhm...spirits or not..and if you do have, if they're friendly or scary...feel free to contact me. I would be Happy to travel to your place - at your cost! :) Just understand, I'm no exorcist. If you see me running, you better run too!! Remember, I'm a scaredy cat. Don't question it, just run...

Bookworm: You are a flipping marvel in every possible way. I don't know how you manage with all you have to do with your parents. On top of that, you have a full time job. You read a ton of things. You are a freaking IT person, even if you don't realize it. You have more scary shit going on than any one I know, with your dolls in your room and your family seeing things on the supernatural level. Sorry, I'll eliminate the dolls since you have vetted them so carefully. Honey, all I can say is, "You have got it going on!!!!"

Bookworm, I love you, Cat!!!

Cricket, I read all types of books from Western, mystery, romance,novels, true crime stories, supernaturals, sci-fi, fantasy..Except for horrors. Favorites for Supernatural: Ilona Andrews, Michele Bardsley, Jes Battis, Patricia Briggs, Charlaine Harris, Chloe Neill and Lisa Shearin.

For Mystery: Madelyn Alt, Juliet Blackwell, Janet Evanovich (her 1st couple of books were great. now she’s going downhill), Victoria Laurie, Linda Palmer (soap opera mystery), and Robert B Parker

Romance/Novels: Stephanie bond, Lori Foster (hit or miss on her books). I’m not really into romance unless it’s humorous.

I've downloaded several Potential authors that I haven't read. I'm hoping to start on those when I'm done with my paperbacks. What I've been doing is downloading it onto my laptop. Transfer into Calibre to "fix it up and convert to Epub" then transfer it back into desktop in Epub form. Then transfer to my hard copy in both flashdrive and DVD. I'm afraid if I keep it on Calibre, my laptop crashes, I lose all those ebooks. And I have already experienced once when I tried to open my flashdrive but it was corrupted. So, I now store it on Both the flash and the DVD. My favorites - like those above - I go into my email for orders, attach it in Epub form and then email it to my personal email. Then, on my personal email, I dump it in my "Ebook" file. I tried doing the internet website to store my ebooks but it's so time consuming. And a bit difficult trying to categorize it (mystery, with authors, and series). So I gave up on the internet storage.

I understand about the FB. At the moment, I'm a bit paranoid about it.

If you have sex with a prostitute against her will, is it considered rape or shoplifting?
How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered?
Why do you have to "put your two cents in"... but it's only a "penny for your thoughts"? Who's that extra penny going to?
Once you're in heaven, do you get stuck wearing the clothes you were buried in for eternity?
Why does a round pizza come in a square box?
What disease did cured ham actually have?
How is it that we put men on the moon before we figured out it would be a good idea to put wheels on luggage?
Why is it that people say they "slept like a baby" when babies wake up every two hours?
If a deaf person has to go to court, is it still called a hearing?
Why are you IN a movie, but you're ON TV?
Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put money in binoculars to look at things on the ground?
Why do doctors leave the room while you change?
They're going to see you naked anyway.
Why is "bra"singular and "panties" plural?
Why do toasters always have a setting that burns the toast to a horrible crisp, which no decent human being would eat?
If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why is there a stupid song about him?
Can a hearse carrying a corpse drive in the carpool lane ?
If the professor on Gilligan's Island can make a radio out of a coconut, why can't he fix a hole in a boat?
Why does Goofy stand erect while Pluto remains on all fours?
They're both dogs!
If Wile E. Coyote had enough money to buy all that ACME crap, why didn't he just buy dinner?
If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from vegetables, what the hell is baby oil made from?
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?
Why do the Alphabet song and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star have the same tune?
(Why did you just try singing the two songs above?)

Why do they call it an asteroid when it's outside the hemisphere, but call it a hemorrhoid when it's in your Ass?
Did you ever notice that when you blow in a dog's face, he gets mad at you, but when you take him for a car ride, he sticks his head out the window?
Do you ever wonder why you gave me your e-mail address in the first place?

Coffee and Testicles

A guy goes to the post office to apply for a job.

The interviewer asks him, "Are you allergic to anything?"
He replies, "Yes, caffeine. I can't drink coffee."

"Ok, Have you ever been in the military service?"
"Yes," he says, "I was in Iraq for one tour."

The interviewer says, "That will give you 5 extra points toward employment." Then he asks, "Are you disabled in any way?"
The guy says, "Yes. A bomb exploded near me and I lost both my testicles."

The interviewer grimaces and then says, "Okay. You've got enough points for me to hire you right now. Our normal hours are from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. You can start tomorrow at 10:00 am, and plan on starting at 10:00 am every day."

The guy is puzzled and asks, "If the work hours are from 8:00 am to 4:00 PM, why don't you want me here until 10:00 am?" "This is a government job", the interviewer says. "For the first two hours, we just stand around drinking coffee and scratching our balls. No point in you coming in for that."

Hi Bookworm, I get a lot of ebooks also and love listening to my audible books on my ipod while cooking or cleaning. What kind of books do you like to read? Do you have a favorite Author? I don't go to Facebook to play games anymore and I do have my page setup so only my friends can see what is posted on it or post. I've never had a problem with my privacy being violated. I like how facebook allows us to setup private groups now also so we can have our own page to discuss whatever we want and no one else can see it except for the members in that group. It works for me. I never even pay attention to the ads. As far as I know only the people I want to see my information do and only what I allow to be visible is. It's getting late here so I will say goodnight to everyone and wish everyone a good nights sleep. xoxo Cricket

J, when it comes to computer problems with virus/malware, I am absolutely clueless. My laptop had something taking up more and more of my hard drive. I only accidentally found the problem because I had accidentally closed my flashdrive file. So, I clicked on START, MY COMPUTER and was about to click on the flash drive to open it - and saw that my hard drive disk only had 14gb free. The last time I had checked it (cuz I store a lot of Ebooks on my desktop so I keep an eye on the hard disk space) - my hard drive had 98gb! So, I tried troubleshooting on my own using Google. Found out that my Norton was taking up the space. I tried uninstalling but it still showed Norton still on laptop. So, I did the old fashion way, took laptop to the expert. Cost me $70.00 but they had to literally open my laptop, transfer all my files, and wipe the hard drive clean in order to rid the damaged Norton. The Norton was duplicating files over and over and it was taking up more and more space. The tech even downloaded a malware thingy to help me know if there's a malware attack...NOT that I would know what to do if THAT happens! I'll just take my laptop back and have Them Do It!

FYI, to all on FB users, whatever you do, Do Not Click on the Advertisements. Most hackers would do these fake ads so that when you click on it, the virus or bug or malware enters to your computer. A lot of complaints from FB users but...FB is not really being pro-active against these attacks. I'm not a FB user. Once I know that FB is actually respecting your wish for "privacy when private really IS private", then I will enrol. I will hold off until then.

Hi Crew,

Diane, it's good that you and the boyfriend got to get out and away for awhile. And I bet those critters loved that bread way more than your ass would have, lol I added Cattails to the Barbara B facebook page today, it just needs to be authorized by you. I also posted the link there to the "Live Vent" on Monday night with our Captain, Bobbie. I will be there for sure. Also if anyone wants to be facebook friend you can find me there as Sherry Emery, I am the silver haired lady with a black and white striped t-shirt in case you go to look me up and find 50 others with my name.

I've been staying busy with the weight loss support group and it's really helping me. I took off a pound last week and while it's not much at least the scale is going in the right direction :) I posted my assignment for this week so everyone could see what I wrote and all I will say about it is that dealing with stress eating can get pretty ugly. lol

Dad is behaving himself for the time being, it's nice to have a little breather! It's pouring outside right now and I hope it hurry's up and finishes so the guys will go to the car show and I will get a couple of hours of FREEDOM.. woohoo!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricket Hugsღ

Thanks all, and bookworm, I will check, man sometimes I think technology peaked with the toaster...this stuff makes me crazy! I am not even sure how to check! But I wrote down everything the tech guys did to check for viruses so they better be gone!

Hi Y'all,

Just checking in to see how everyone is doing. I spent my 6 hours away from mom at the laundromat since my dryer went out, then had lunch with my b/f, After that we went grocery shopping, came home and unpacked then headed to the park for an hour. It's been rainy and dismal looking today, so we seized that hour of dryness to go feed the ducks and turtles. I decided it was better to feed the critters with the stale bread than make bread pudding and have it sink to my ass.
Miz sent me a message saying she has made me the administrator of the Official Crew of the Barbara B Facebook page. So if any of you not so newbies want to join us on FB just let me know. We used to periodically all go online and chat at one time. We haven't done that in ages!

Nothing new and exciting otherwise. I hope you all have a good weekend. Tracy, enjoy your time with you son.

Luv ya,

Hello All Just been reading keeping busy. Last week before my lil girl goes back to school & my 2 neices age 12 & 18 have been here all week My sister there mom lives with my dad since her divorce & they love staying here when there not visiting there dad & I love having them.. The big ole Popcorn festival going on we took MIL to parade she didnt want to go Thursday & my husband said mom your going because we all are & she said no just leave me here. half hour later he took wheelchair in there she got up & as getting in car was like where we going Hubby said to go eat some good food she didnt say a word. She loves to eat.. Everybody having garage sales I kinda would like to do that part of it but then again I really dont need anything thats for sure..I use to Love to go..
Jen That sucks!!! bookworm thanks for info yep its all over internet guess the virus is bad and spreading ...not good..
Cricket I would love to see you on the web. might try to find that Monday. or the barbara b facebook page. Anything to have something to do besides taking care of MIL & family and Cleaning Im sooo sick of clean ing......ugh
Just hope everyone has GREAT WEEKEND!!! My son gf just txt said there coming to get me in morning & my son is going to tell my hubby that he needs to find sitter for MIL ...YEAH IM going to Indianapolis to see my son & gf Tommrow morning...

J, they had it on HLN news lastnight about a comuter virus going around. FBI put a warning about it. I forgot to text my family to not even click on it. It's called a Reveton Virus that locks you out of your computer. Once you're locked out, you cannot do it yourself. You will need to seek professionals to unlock you. They also warned that even though they succeed in unlocking you, the Malware will still be in your computer in the background - storing all your passwords and pin numbers. So, are you able to verify with whoever your IT person to see if the malware is still there? This is very important - especially if you do online banking and shopping.

Get better Jen..xoxo

Feeling ill here, not sure what stress sun bug...The fact mircrosoft just called said our three firewalls were worthless and I spent an hour on phone and $200.00 of moms money to fix it!!!!!

Juts wiped out here...Good weekend all...

Hi Cat, the Barbara B is a Facebook page created by one of this threads caregivers awhile back. It is a private group and I can invite you to it if you are a facebook user? There isn't much activity on it but it's a good place to connect with some of the caregivers who no longer visit this thread very often. It's also a place where we can post links to other websites without getting them deleted. The group is private so only those that are part of the group can see what is posted. I believe the name "Barbara B" is the name of Bobbie's boat named after her Mother.

"Good times"...... Cricket, you crack me up. hahahaha

What is the Barbara B?


Hi Crew,

How's everyone doing today?

Austin, there is going to be another webcast for vent live Monday night at 9:00 PM eastern time. I will be there for sure. I will email the link to those I have emails for and also post the link over on the Facebook page for the Barbara B.

Yesterday was an interesting day for me. I went into check on Dad and he was sitting in his chair butt naked rubbing himself! "good times" Ugh.

Today begins my first day off of Diabetes Meds. I am on a trial period to see how I do without them. I am very hopeful and feel like a burden has been lifted. It's a really good feeling just to know that my hard work of not neglecting myself is starting to pay off physically. I know everyone here knows what I mean when I say it's really hard to focus on yourself when consumed with the care of another with Dementia and other health issues. Well that's what is going on with me.
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricket Hugsღ

Bobbie, You recieved one dream n maybe that is all at this time u may be able to handle? Maybe somewhere down the road you will have another one for we don't know. I wouldn't put myself down about the screwing up for you tried with love n compassion we all know that being a caregiver that it takes a lot dedication n commitment. sometimes all you can do is take 'One Step at a Time."
As for me, I know i got to get my bloodsugars back on track n quit worrying so much about my dad in Florida but that is easier said than done while taking care of the mil. My A1C went from 6.5 up to 7.3! I know kidneys don't grow on trees.

Vic, I really don't see how it would be 'legal' for someone with 'dementia' to be able to sign for something n that the signature is acceptable? That makes no freaking sense to me. I would try not to let that so called helper get on your nerve n enjoy having time to yourself while you can.
Everyone else on here i hope y'all r doing alright.

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