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Ok I'm new here but I walk in and my 82 year old mother is spraying furniture polish inside the oven. Yes, because she decided it needed cleaning. She is legally blind in one eye, and is not very good with the other. She is not supposed to ever handle harsh chemicals, but she don't care. She actually thought she was using the easy off oven cleaner. Hello whacky mom, this is exactly why you are not allowed to handle such products. She keeps asking me to go buy insecticide for the roses and hibiscus, right, I'll run right out and do that. The roses and hibiscus have no bugs and are healthy and blooming. (?) She is mentally 5 years old sometimes and says the most over the top things totally inappropriate. She waffles on all subjects to suit her listener and is a hipocrit. (sp) ? She is attacking me verbally like it is my fault she has limitations. Argh. It is crazy making. I have really felt better after reading parts of this thread, just knowing I am not the only one. Thanks for being here.

So Polyethlen Glycol is the same as miralax its just name the only caution I through out is make sure the person is intake is a gal of water a day or better just because it uses the bodies water supply to help and could potentionally dehydrate them and yes Victoria is.correct it tends to make them more regular ....good luck god bless

LLol poop ya it can be a hand full haha.... Anyways lauras continues to decline but the doc gave a little care package as he called it and in it was haldol mental healths wonder drug to help cognitive thinking and amazing it worked I gave her one and 10 min layer she was back talking normal and about current things I don't know how long it will have that effect but it was a great dinner with lots of conversation the family thinks.I.fixed her I had to explain it was temp but it was a wonderful hr and a half she's sleeping now. Well hope you all have.a great day on Monday talk to you soon till then good luck and god bless...

lildeb, that's why my mother's doc suggested Miralax. It's safe and doesn't need a prescription. One full measured cap full until the impaction passed then 1/2 dose daily as a preventive to keep her regular. I do have to take days off with it because it does tend to make her too regular depending on what she's eating. As we get older all muscles lose their "umph" though. This just makes it possible so that she doesn't end up playing archeologist with her butt and I can help her avoid the discomfort of impaction.

Dflex, sorry your not able to get some rest n I wander if you feel like the way you have your profile picture with the hair-pulling. Can u lock your doors n put on some ear-plugs to get a little rest or will that cause you not to be able to hear in case of ER situation?
Victoria, my mil was constipated agin for sh tells me she has to dig her poo out when she gets that way. I try to prevent that by giving her a prescription from the dr called, Polyethlen Glycol every morning. However, not sure its a good idea for prolong use n I will ask her dr. That why I stopped giving for she has been off/on it for about a month. Of course, the mil told me she was going just fine but when I found out she had to dig it out, oh boy that means constipation n don't argue for she will grab it right out of the toliet to show you as she tries to squashes the little rabbit pellets. Ah!!! This is not the first time the mil has done this poo thing. I may have to keep a better record for the dr about the poo.
SSK, if my hubby knew their was a sailboat race n you r right their to view, he would be traveling to your place. I prefer my feet on the ground or at least a boat with a motor. I hope the new hospice works out.

This is the grossed out and need to vent section so I feel it's appropriate to say that I'm just so tired of poop. Yeah, that's all I had. Just so tired of it, but at least she's not constipated and/or impacted. First time I experienced an impaction - didn't even know that was possible, so that was a learning experience for me - it scared the crap out of me. Vegetable laxatives, metamucil, suppositories, etc. - Anything I could find that I knew wouldn't hurt her - Nothing seem to work. Finally I took her to the doctor demanding they get it out, lol. He said she was fine and that I only needed Miralax. Who'da thunk it? God Bless Miralax.

Hi Y'all,

Just stopping in to say I'm doing ok. Trying to fight the overall sadness of the black hole that's ever lurking. I've been real tired this weekend and mom just won't let me get any rest. So I guess its SSDD here.

Have a good night dear friends.

Love ya,

Cricket, your little signs that you do are just so sweet of you to try to help put a smile on someones face.
Mame, I am glad you were able to get out n listen to the great Kenny Logging for he is right up in my alley of the 70's music. I like his music n his looks. I am so jealous.... Glad u had a great time.
Tim, I think it is always hard on us when it comes to someone we know or related that we love. You n Lauria are in my prayers.
All those that I missed on here, I hope y'all have a nice night n a good night sleep.

A couple of days ago I was exhausted, had an itchy back, and used my toothbrush to scratch it ! Glad no one was watching...

Just checking in, I changed hospices, and the social worker suggested Agingcare was a good website for support groups. Mom is still hanging in there, I still have renters craziness, brother issues. But for today I am feeling pretty good, prob because the rent got paid and I can now pay my bills.
I live on Cape Cod and there is a big sailboat race going on, so it's fun to watch.
A group from Florida said it is just as warm and humid here as there.
Hi Bobbie, Ted , Rip I was saw your posts.
Hang in there everyone! lov ya...ssk :)

Tim, my heart goes out to you. Hang in there buddy. xoxo Cricket

Yay Mame!! It's amazing how rejuvenated a little outing has on us! Here's a little flair for you, girlfriend.

.......*♥............… ...✫
¸....✫....GO MAME GO! *✫♥*
´¸.•✫ .............
/ \................

Mame: Rock on sister!! I'm so happy you had such a fantastic evening. I may not be able to see it, but I can feel the flair in your signature. Hugs, Cattails

Hi All! Got some much needed rain here last couple days. Temp has come down but humidity still high! Mom is doing well. My bro (who is always there for me) got home from his FL vacations and immediately called me to see what he could do :). So I took off last night to a fest where Kenny Loggins was the headliner! Any of you a fan? Man, he is still singing great and having fun on stage at 64! He played all his oldies and man-it was the most fun I have had in soooooo long! It was a terrific night for an outdoor concert. I have to say-this was definitely a bucket list item! I have loved Kenny's music for sooo long! Will prob pay for it today cause mom is exhausted and whiny from the change of pace but I don't even care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I had some flair for my signature like cricket does-it would be there today! OK, sorry to be so excited but I think you all understand! This should keep me goin for a while! Took tons of pictures and was very close to stage! Soooooo cool!!!!! Love to all! Mame

Bobbie so good to hear from you -I had a great time in Maine but too hot for me-I was surprised how hot it gets there in the summer. Have a blast with Ted-hope he gets a chance to write a little note-I am so sorry his sibs are still giving him a hard time they should be so grateful for the care he gave their Mom.

Praying for you Tim and of course our dear Laura too. I'm not completely filled in on your meeting Laura. I didn't realize that you met her due to her cancer. I knew you referred to her as your client, but I didn't get the connection to your nursing profession. How long have you and Laura been together? Are her children from a previous marriage? Will her family be taking them in? Sorry to ask so many questions. It's just my nature. I always treasure every personal story that is shared. Makes me feel part of a greater humanity.

Sending you and Laura peace and comfort. Love, Cattails

WWow well she is turning fast my best guess off experience is maybe another week I'm so glad she isn't suffering though and that its not being drawn out I have got hospice coming to do the assesment tomorrow who h mind you is also my testing day for my skills test to be an RNA awhile god sure is a funny guy oh well ill make it but its been a good move to here I have gotten time for me to relax a little thanks to the family but its still hard as bell I can't even walk into my house without balling its tough jya know i chose this as a proffesion not realizing my first client was gonna be Laura and go hospice in the same run hahaha funny stuff any way Ty guys god bless and good luck

Just heard ~


Ted, I'm so glad you are with Bobbie. You have been on my mind lately so I was hoping we would hear something about you soon. I'm sorry your sibs are still being assholes. Mine are too, but I'm trying to ignore them. I'll check in again later.

Gracious me, my mom isn't to this point yet. Oh what i have to look forward to! I must confess these posts brought laughter even as disgusting as I know these habits are.

Jen, I'm glad you're still alive! Are you still wrestling with the kidneys? TG fartpants is going off for the day! yay, happy dance!!

EGL, I copy much of the artwork here and there when I see something I like then I add or change it up a little to suit me. Anything that helps to make us smile is a good thing, :) BTW, welcome to the thread. What kind of doctor are you?

I'm cleaning house today (oh, joy!) I will be peeking in here when I need a sit down break..

Chirp Chirp!

Still alive cricket...Sunny day promising to be a beeet too warm but nothing like the high 90's of before. FP goes to Adult day Health today thank God...Run a couple

Jen, How are you feeling now? I am concerned about you.

Tim, you and Laura and the family have my heartfelt prayers. We continue to be here for you.

Love Cricketღ

Good Morning Bobbie and Ted! I am so glad you got together. Have fun, laugh, cry, get drunk, do nothing, breathe in some happiness. For a change, do whatever makes you happy. You deserve it! xoxoxo
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricket Hugsღ

Bobbie... I was getting irritated until I saw your laugh. Then, I busted out, myself. OMG. Such a shitstorm of comments this morning on many threads, without obviously reading through the comments to get the jist (sp?). My blood pressure was starting to rise... taking it way too seriously. And, then, you straightened me right out. I wish I was on that boat! Thanks for the reality check and hoot! I just love you guys.


Good Morning Crew,

lildeb, try Optigard ant bait. Weapons grade ant killer and a little dab will do ya. I had ants get on the boat when I was tied up in the shed and I got some of that stuff (just go to Amazon and type in Optigard) and put it on the boat and the ants went away and then I put it outside and the ants went away and then I put it on some ant trails by the building and the ants went away. These ants bit as well. They dead now.

Meanwhile, I forgot about that party. So glad you have those wonderful memories. I gave mom big birthday parties and she had a good time.

Tim, one minute at a time and remember to breathe. Love you brother.

Cattails, glad your dad is settling into his quality surroundings!

Ok, have to go for now. For those of you who remember Ted, he is here on the boat with me for a few days and we are having a blast. He's a good guy who took care of his mom to the end and suffered the idiocy of his siblings and is still suffering through them as the slow wheels of probate try to settle the estate. Ted did all the work, the sibs never helped or contributed and all through the process they were absolute jackasses. Nothing has changed; they are still jackasses and Ted is doing his best to piece together his life after his mom's death.

For for now, we are having coffee and shooting the bull and he says hi to everybody!

Love all you guys way more than you could ever know.

Menohardy's daughter just wrote on the thread "Can I Expect my 87 yr old mother-in-law to do chores..." She has sad news of her father.

Tbailey, thanks for that is all u can do sometimes for we r only human n one person. Glad to hear you r getting to spend some girl time with your neice now where is the buttery popcorn? " )

Cattail, I am so happy for both of you having a good day for we all know how hard that can be sometimes. I can just see both of yall smiling away as the nurses are cheering him in his 'four-wheeler.' You better be careful for he may be doing some wheelie's before u know it or rolling on some toes. : )

Meanwhile, if they both like it long n think it looks good than, you r not a bad person for they r happy n that is what matters. I love to see those pictures for it sounds like your husband had a grand ole time.

Victoria, play-doh can have some great fruity smells now days n the color is just so pretty. At least u were able to get it before she swollow it. Glad you both got a laugh out of it. I know now not to get the mil any.

Tim, Welcome to this site n I am sorry to hear that the cancer has came back. It is nice to have family support at this time. Keep us posted n Laurie n your family are in my prayer.

As for the parents in Fl, no news I guess is good news so I am going to leave it at that for today. We did get to manage to buy hubby some new work clothes being school is right around. I am glad that he will be going back to work but in a way their goes my naps during the daytime. I think I have been getting spoiled n now when he goes back, their is no way that will happen with me alone with the mil. Also, got some ant killer stuff for they r all out side! I have pear tree n that is part of why I got ants but these suckers r in the grass n between my logs where my four-o-clocks r growning. They r even in front yard buried in the pine straw from the pine tree. I was trying to dig up some dirt to plant a plant n tons of ants all over place n they bite those little suckers too. Well, we got lots of crackling n rumbling in the air but not a bit of rain...

Bless my step dad. He told my Mom he likes her hair long, so she has decided not to make me start cutting it once a month again. Sis and I are going to try and reinforce the long hair looks good on Mom (it doesn't). I'm such a bad daughter.
Tim, glad to hear you have the support of family. I can't imagine what to tell a 10 year old, but I would be honest. My husband threw his own going away party, with a keg of beer, pizza, and a roasted goat. He didn't even tell people what it was for. Just invited all his friends. He had a blast. The only good thing about terminal cancer is having time to say goodbye, and make your final arrangements the way you want. I'm not saying Laura would want a beer and pizza party, but maybe there is something she would like to do? When I think of that last party we had for my husband it still makes me smile. One of his best friends dressed up in a Santa suit and sang "El Ranch Grande" in very bad Spanish. I have pictures.

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