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Judym - yes you did use the "p" word...I read it lastnight. I backtracked and sure enough, it's gone.

How about my husband (his cancer had spread to his brain), told the doctor that I was pregnant. I was 52 at the time.

Oops, Diane I don't have your email addy like I thought. Just email me and I will send you the inf.

Diane, I would love for you to join our group. I need to clarify what it is exactly.. It is a Book Club to support weight loss. It's not a diet or exercise book but it deals with the subconscious and how to get to the root cause of weight issues and thus by doing that people are helped. I will send you the inf. in an email so you can join us if you want to. We will talk about diet and exercise based on what people want to talk about and I can help with the food information but regardless of what each person decides to do to lose weight is up to them personally, we are more about support and acceptance for whatever a person is doing to lose weight. Diane, I am so glad to see you venting about the sibs! You keep venting all you need to because we've got your back!! And what you said is the absolute truth!

Momofthreeboys, I love chocolate too! That story about your Mom and Chocolate is precious.

I want to hear more embarrassing stories.. lol They really help to relieve the stress.

Love you guys and gals,

thank-you for that i needed a good laugh its been a long mom loves to eat chocolate candy and by the time she is done its everywhere and yes she likes to share the melted candy that in her hand.gross

We care for the uncensored yet we are being sensored online!

Logically I've accepted the sibs are useless. I have to look at the irony of things. My sister and brother were going ape shit after I tried to commit suicide because they felt I was "unfit" to care for mom. Funny, where are they now???? They have gall to tell me I'm the weak one. They are the wimps because they can't even stand to see the decline far less live with it daily and grieve daily. I get frustrated and depressed but at least I'm still taking care of my mom. What do they do???????

Punkin, you win the gross story for today!!!! I'm about to gag at the thought. Welcome to the "real caregivers of aging care". We tell it like it is, no sugar coating.

Bobbie, it's good to hear you sounding better. Be careful working in that heat and drink lots of water. I'm happy to hear the Boat Angel is doing better too.

Judy, Cricket and Cat, maybe I should join you all on the diet program. I need to lose a lot more weight, but without exercising I'm pretty much stalled. Yes, stress makes me eat too. Oddly enough, the extreme stress in the last year has actually burned off some weight. It would be nicer to burn calories riding my bike or hiking in the woods.

Let me give y'all one of my little vents. I gave my brother a form from Medcaid to fill out since he used to give mom $300 a month up until this last month. Would you believe he is refusing to complete it? He is made that I even mentioned it on the application. Doesn't her think they will question a monthly deposit of $300??? I had to supply a current bank statement. I just hear "DELAY"!!!!! WHy is he being such an ahole?

Have a good day my dear friends!

Love ya,

Bobbie.... jim and the twins? OMG. I've never heard that one before. While I'm on this junk subject... I posted something last night about my oldest hanging onto his crotch when he was 3, and my mother telling him to let go of his "penis" because it was firmly attached. Today, the word "penis" is missing from that post. I don't think I omitted the word... do content fairies delete things like that?

I got an AARP invitation to join, in the mail on my 50th bday last month. My oldest son almost wet his pants laughing at me when I opened the envelope. I guess my face said it all. But, now that you mention the discounted movie admission, Cricket, I'm going to try that out.

Bobbie, Once my sil and I went to see a movie and the guy at the ticket counter says "two seniors, that will be.." and my sil looked all offended but I lit up like a christmas tree! Just the thought of getting in for less thrilled me, so you're not alone. xoxo

Lightedpumken, Welcome to the thread. I love your name. :) and omg, that face towel story!! I don't even want to try to imagine that one.

Bookworm, I feel so bad for you. It is tough. What about telling the plumber your situation with the diapers and let them try to accommodate the situation if take a break or make it possible for you to do what needs to be done. Also, tell them you are really stressing about the cost because money is tight. Use your situation to compel them to help if possible. It never hurts to try.
I am wondering if anyone who is getting no help from siblings, if they ever just packed up a suitcase and took the parent to the siblings and dropped them in their lap and left? I know it sounds cold but we aren't just fighting for our parents life here, we are fighting for our right to have a life too. If my brother didn't live on the opposite coast I would most definitely do that to get a break now and then. I would think that if they are faced with the possibility of being in your shoes permanently they might rethink helping out now and then when asked. Just my rant for the day, oops my junk. LOL

YES welcome to the club lighted pumken you have joined vent away...UGH....
Thoughts n prayers bookworm Sooooo stressful for me when anyone calls to say there coming over let alone a plumber working here all day that right there would send mil over crazy train.good luck... after the plumber is there for awhile maybe he will only charge you 500/ HE might feel sorry for you ..

can completely understand. Gee but why this have to happen to me. I have face towel I use to dry my face in the morning after a facial, well I was happy after my face wash till I smelt this odor on the towel I said WHHeck! and sadly to say for me there was brown on it shall I say anymore! Now this is REAL Gross! So I might as well join your club....

I can completely understand. Gee but why this have to happen to me. I have face towel I use to dry my face in the morning after a facial, well I was happy after my face wash till I smelt this odor on the towel I said WHHeck! and sadly to say for me there was brown on it shall I say anymore! Now this is REAL Gross! So I might as well join your club....

I can completely understand. Gee but why this have to happen to me. I have face towel I use to dry my face in the morning after a facial, well I was happy after my face wash till I smelt this odor on the towel I said WHHeck! and sadly to say for me there was brown on it shall I say anymore! Now this is REAL Gross! So I might as well join your club....

I'm sorry all about my above post. I think I'm getting slightly depress. The plumber is coming tomorrow to knock the wall in the shower to fix the leak. It will take them all day to fix it. I've spent the past few days trying to figure out how to change parents' pampers while plumber is here and the water shut off. I had asked sil and nephew if either nephews be here to keep an eye on plumber while I tend parents. No Response. So, I text Sil several times to please not lock their house door so that I can use their restroom. Or atleast give me a key. No Response. So, changed mom's pampers tonight at 9pm. She has diarrhea. Yeah, perfect timing! This means she will have diarrhea tomorrow. I figured I won't be able to change their pampers the whole day. Unless plumbers take a one-hour lunch, I'm sure I can change both their pampers within that time limit. If not, all well, it would be dad's dignity that will suffer. Oh, the plumbers must pass through the livingroom to reach the restroom. So, I'm stressing over tomorrow. I am sooo not looking forward to it. Then it hit me that they only gave me an Estimate (which they emphasized to me) of $850.00. But according to 2 sources, it cost them over $1000. So, I'm now worrying about the cost. What if they're lousy plumbers and that $850 goes to was over $1000.00. Stressing which is triggering my depression. Sorry, guys!

Realistically, I don't think I would be going off-island next year. If I can't get family to help me to physically change their pampers, what makes me think they are willing to move in here for 2 weeks to feed, do laundry and change their pampers? It's just wishful thinking. But I want to believe that it is possible. Because if it's not, then truly, what is there to live for? To spend the rest of my life feeding and changing pampers while the rest of my 7 siblings live their own lives? I don't think so. We will see next year. When that time comes, I will need to make a decision. In the meantime, I'm saving up hoping to lure someone to watch for the 2 weeks next year. It may seem like 99.9% impossibility but..I need to hope ..even if it is 0.10%.

OK, lost my mind laughing at Judy's dad's 'junk'. Hey Judy I have had to clean the computer screen a few times. These caregivers are some funny so and sos.

Junk is such a great term for jim and the twins.

The old guys here at the yard all wear short shorts and I just don't get it. If one of them comes to my boat and swings a leg over to get on I look away. The last thing I want to see is some old gnarly junk. Wonder why they don't snag that stuff on a nail or something.

I think the word of the day over here will be 'junk'.

I have been asking for the senior citizen discount for over 10 years and have been getting it even though I have a few years to go before Medicare age. My theory is that anyone who is in their 20s has no clue about anyone in their mid forties to near death. Being a caregiver certainly altered my looks to be sure and 10% is 10% and I'll take it whenever I can get my paws on it.
Went out to lunch with the boat angel when he came over and asked for the senior discount and he was mortified since he is about 8 years younger. I don't care. When we first met and I thought he was flirting with me I told him exactly how old I was and that I wanted to continue to grow old in peace. He had other plans but I still plan on getting the discount haha.

lildeb, the situation you are describing is classic demented behavior whether anyone in authority recognizes it or not. Those folks are done demented.
My mom was the same way in telling me not to come and picking fights to keep me away. I didn't know ann better but now I know that it's just Dementia and that's how they act. My mom didn't drink but she had her own little game and didn't want anyone to interfere. The house was uninhabitable and when I came out without warning her I was able to get her into a healthier environment and then of course is when my health began to decline. It took a lot of work both with her and doing the construction work on her falling apart house. That house was a respirator only environment for over 6 months.
It's Alcohol Dementia (ya, such a thing) and people are living like that everywhere. Overwhelming and my heart goes out to you lildeb. Hopefully you can use her resources to care for them. Keep us posted and vent all you want precious lildeb.

You guys have a s good a day as you can and Jen! so glad you are healing well.
Love you all more than you'll ever know.

Mame, the hotel offer by boss is an open invitation. But I much rather like the boss' other gift to me for working 20 years next year. Next year, he will be giving me 4 weeks vacation (spread out or all at once or whatever). AND he is going to pay for my ticket anywhere I want to go! Since I've been to Korea, Hong Kong, Bali, London, Hawaii, Tokyo...I have decided that I'd much rather visit my siblings in the states. On my 1st trip to visit oldest sis in Colorado Springs (younger bro paid for the ticket $2000.00), we drove to Las Vegas. I think next year, I will go visit younger bro at Virginia the boss' expense! Maybe bro can take off and we go visit Washington DC or whatever!

If your brother is offering money for a caregiver on his behalf, take it! The hard part is will he be consistent with the payment? Then, finding a reliable caregiver to come on a weekend. As for the other siblings, that doesn't usually last long..unless they're a stayer like you.

Funny embarrassing stories!! I was reading it to sis and niece.

I'm sooo tired. We went to Ross this morning at 10am. We all put our stuff on the cart and I used my credit card to pay for it (sis reimburses me). I was wondering why the cashier kept asking for my driver's license, gives it back, then asks for it. Finally, she adjusted the total cost and apologized about it. Our total cost went from $284.00 to $256.00. I said, "No problem as long as it went lower!" After we left, my sister started laughing. I gave her a puzzled look. She said that I got the senior citizen discount! Hello? I am not 55 years old. She said that today is Tuesday and Tuesdays at Ross is citizen senior discount day. She kept laughing and said that from now on, she's taking me to Ross on Tuesdays for the discount.... 8-/

Haha! Doesn't it seem like they're fascinated with the damn thing from the minute they discover it as babies? One of my boys used to just hold onto his crotch all of the time when he was about 3. My mother used to look at him and say "You can let go of your now, young man, its firmly attached".

Lildeb. You vent all you want. This has to be huge on your mind and we are all hear to listen. I'm sorry this is happening to you and your family. I hope the meeting with brothers and rehab SW goes well. I think your dad would be safer in a nursing home. Bless him, he can't live on his own and he would not be an easy man for a family member to take care of. Might be a bit risky. Safer in NH.

Judy: Eat that meatloaf girl. I'm going on the diet journey with Cricket and Judy. Judy doesn't like religious stuff, but she does like her tarot card readings. So I told her to substitute "Spirit Guide" for the spiritual aspect. She said, "I need a spirit guide to follow me around and slap the ding dong out of my hand." LMAO. (no, unfortunately it's still there.)

Victoria, Welcome aboard.

Tim: Keep us posted. When do you think the transplant process will begin?

Jen: take care of the ankle.

Bobbie: You mom has the winner for the ladies category.

Cricket: Your dad is too funny. Got to love the fly swatter suggestion.

Hugs and love everyone. Cattails

Ok: Why is it with men that it's always dick jokes. So I take my dad to the dermatologist; a periodic check ups due to skin cancer. He has everything off but his undershorts. She checks his back and chest and has him stand up. She's checking his thighs when he whips down his shorts. Her face and his penis are almost touching. (He has a mole in the groin area he want her to check) She was trying to keep from laughing and I was just appalled.

It rundown, old n because the parents just like to drink them selves pretty much to death. they let the dogs just go anywhere n the whole trailer is just a freaking nightmare n lets not forget the tree is still just barely on roof n the water pump hasn't worked in years. all of us children tried for years to help with the pump n they told us they didn't need any help that they were okay with buying bottle water n rain-showers. WTF!! Yep, that would be my emabarssing thing to hear that my dad n Stepma take showers when it rained. Of course we r talking about Fl n it hasn't rain for a long time except that once of Hurricane Debby. What ever happen to them both for we all have no idea. We always had family gathering but never at their place for at least 10 yrs that the boys could remember. We always had it at someone else's house. My brothers r the ones who got forbidden to be on the property for calling a SW out to check on them n for calling pound people becuse they had vicious dogs. Or at least we were told by our SM they were forbidding on the property. The SW talked to the SM n they said we were all over reacting n they were fine so that was end of that deal. The dogs were all vaccines so only two went to pound for getting out. That was about 2 months ago when all that happen for we heard that one of r uncles had seen them at a store n they looked pretty rough. Which would be one of his brothers of my dad. No one not even his own brothers could offer any help. They had enough money to buy a freaking new trailer n a new pump with a new dirt road to their place but no!!! I just don't understand n I have 4 yr bachelor degree n some with social work n it makes no freaking sense.
I'm sorry everyone but Im still venting... n upset with them for letting themselves get so bad. That one account she has is 3 times more than we have all together!!! We don't live that way... Alcohol !!! I have never understood it n it killed my mom at age 56 along with smoking n taking meds. I hate alcohol n even the freaking smell of it...!! I live to take a machine gun n blast every liquor store I can see. but that won't bring her back nor help my dad. Ah!!!!
I know my lab work is going to be shitty for all this crap for the last month. I eat when I m upset n that is a no, no for me.
Basically, we supposely hurt r dad's feeling according to her. So my younger brother in his 30yr old, her baby son, would go by once a wk to the fence which u cannot see trailer through the forest! They own 3acres n 9 lots combines as one. He would take either his mom to the store or buy what they wanted which was usually, Jim Beam, beer, cigs n maybe bread luncheon meat, dogfood n paper towels. That would be it! I took pictures for I could not beleive my eyes. their is no bed, a holly couch that falling apart. I don't see how they could live like this. empty cigs packs tons of them throwed on floor n a beer cans. I almost puked when I enter the place. I had to step back outside for a moment before entering. They had power for the refrig but no running water nor gas either. Hoarders lived better than this mess. I have seen homeless people at least go take a shower once a wk where I volunteer. The SM has an account with money in it that is over 70G's so it makes no sense. My dad n her both have an account together about 6G's. n he gets a 500 SSI check yet only has Medicare A. For some reason he wanted no part of her family inhearitance after her parents passed so that is why she has a high account in her name plus C.D's. I just don't understand how they let themselves go so bad. I guess that is why they didnt won't us to see or we would had flipped sooner.

right now, the youngest bro, 30's has the dogs all locked in a pen n taking care of them n I have no idea why he don't take them to the pound? I know he is a animal lover but these dogs r NOT lovable. and I love animals too for I have a few that I became a sucker too. I think he is listening too much to SM his real mom n she aint all their herself. She seems to have giving up along with her smart mouth.

My dad is trying but he has AD n it shows as if he is worse than the mnl that I take care of now. he forgot he was sitting in a wheel chair! But then he talks with common sense. It seems he cannot hold his bm or urine long enough to get to the potty for his muscle r still not all build up just yet. Neither parents have ever seen a dr in over 30 plus years either up until now when they were in hospital. so their is no family physician n not sure if their is one on board at therehab. When us kids would try to get them to go they just make an excuses n get all mad.
I think the boys want him in a NH where he can be taking care of but the prices r high n medicaid had not been approved yet. or maybe an assiting living but dad will need someone with him with his AD. . The brothers have an appointment with the Rehab SW. Let;s hope she can help direct them in a right path. I am sorry everyone but I had to vent, vent n vent. However, I still don't understand what if anything was going through their mind.

OH MY GOSH... My mouth is hanging open... seriously? About the husband and the dress and the panties? I'm speechless. It took me a stunned minute, but my face hurts from laughing now. If my neighbor could see in my window, he'd think I've lost my mind, sitting in a dark room, here in the glow of my laptop, throwing my head back laughing. I'm so glad I found you all.

Hah, Lildeb it sounds like you're in for a really good time!

Omg, Judy! Enjoy that meatloaf and we will all pray over you next week.. j/k LMAO! Oh, pigging out at night before bed will make you have crazy dreams too. It happens to me all the time, that's what got me into this overweight mess.

I'm going to bed soon but I had to take a peek in here to see what other embarrassing stories are being posted first...Can they get any worse? Who was it who said that they walked into the basement to find their husband wearing her dress and trying to put her panty hose on? Oh and then going to pick up the laundry basket and seeing that he ejaculated on her panties... I loved that story! When it gets bad we just have to laugh.

Nighty night all,

Jeez, Deb, I just blew chunks of meatloaf on my lap top at your "fancy free" description. Fancy free Dad-junk - UGH...quite a visual for me. And, dang Cricket is putting me on some weird diet with religious undertones soon (if you smell something burning next week, that'd most probably be me- I'm not good with religion although I try ). So I'm cramming meatloaf like God isn't ever going to let me have any more (and I just made it for my boys', so its available and warm). And its not even the best meatloaf I've ever made. And, what good are 100 calorie packs if you eat 4 of them in one sitting? (And follow that up with a Weight Watchers latte bar? - omg they're so good). I'm so out of control. It gets worse if I haven't slept well. Anyone else notice that? Tired = pigout?

Deb, did your Dad's trailer become unliveable because of your bro's or is it just condemned because its just run down and weathered with age? Poor guy. I hope the rehab SW isn't useless.

Judym, lol, Im sorry but I couldn't help myself, your dad in short-shorts with his junk all out fancy free. I imagine that image will stay with you for a very very long time. I know that had to be embarrsing.

Bobbie, you r just too hilarious, fly-swatter. That should take care of the itching too Cricket. lol . sorry but wow you all are having some embarssing whammies.
Mame, I would let them know how much it would cost for the month for like a 3-4 hrs break for two days a wk. in order to have respite care n see if they will pay. They should help out for the respite break but we know how that works out sometimes. Hey, all they can say is 'no' n then u can tell them where to go.
Dflex, glad u were able to get the bank thing squared away n the medicaid has been filed. I know you have to be relieve a little bit.
Jsomebody, when my husband or I get accused we just blame it on 'Casper did it!" ; ) It at least keeps us from getting upset now n then one of us n usually me will go help her find what ever 'Casper' took n all is well again.

Scoop on parents again. Just found out that the other relative brother just backed out too. I didn't tell ya that the first one did but now # 2. Cannot blame them anyway. I told my mid age brother that if push come to shove that dad may have to stay temp with them. But, they need to put some sliding locks from house to block the pool. Plus they both exercise race horses n back n forth in Kentucky n such so dad is going to need someone with him 24/7. That is going to cost $$$. They do have a NH connected to the rehab yet it going cost over 200.00 buck per-day. the Medicare I guess is only paying for 20 days in rehab area n it paid hardly nothing. His hospital bill is 20G;s n not sure how much Medicare will pay that either. His Medicaid that we apply for a bout 2 or 3 wks is not approved n not sure how long it will take. I told them to talk to the Social Worker at the rehab n of course they have a meeting already set-up. For some reason I heard dad had a depend on yesterday n I thought he was walking with a walker or cane to the bathroom. so, I wander what happen their unless their is a shift that just put one on him to have less work do or maybe just for overnight? I also had looked up the Area Agency on Aging for their local area n gave that to them while I was down their so I reminded them to call that number n maybe they can help with suggestion until Dad's medicaid gets approved.
They have money but it mostly in the SM account n I think most of that will probable have to go toward her bill for she was in the hospital a wk longer about 3wks n now at the rehab n no insurance at all on her. The boys-my brothers, r suppose to get together with the rehab SW n hopefully she can suggest n refer them some help. Hopefully it won't be all about the $$$ n a little about the client our dad for now. One parent at a time. I feel like if my dad gets out of that place he will want to return to the property n he is not able to take care of himself much alone the place is not liveable. I don't think they told dad yet about the trailer being inhabitat or condemn for they were going to have him think it was his idea to stay with his brother. However, that plan has failed. When they do or if they do I can hear the Irish coming out of dad along with the dementia. Whoo hoo! I think I see fire works********

Omg! Those story's are priceless.. both of those make mine look like nothing. LOL Mame, that's a funny story too! I think these doctors are pretty much used to what the elders dish out to them... well most of the time anyway. Bobbie I like the flyswatter idea!
Diane, you've heard it said lots of times but I'm going to repeat it.... soak in a tub with some Epsom salt, it really works because it's magnesium and that works like a charm on sore muscles. I hope that shoulder starts healing soon.
Jen, I'm glad you're doing better too.
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricket Hugsღ

Doing OK D, no crutches and was able to walk Monty last night...Thank God. Was really just one more thing...Like fart pants yelling at mom over the choking incident AGAIN yes it is all our fault we secretly put pepper on everything just to make you cough even your Cheerios. Stupid bastard when will he die!?

Have had one cool day here and I will take it. heating up again this week...Barf What ever....

poopin in waste basket...all time classic Bobbie...

Judy, that was a frequent sight when I lived in

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!! I finally got the bank to let me pay for mom' safe deposit box! I got her POA filed with the county and I got mom's medicaid application filed! Yippee!!!! Still have an injured wing (shoulder hurting still) but it was a day of accomplishment.

Mame, I take my hate off to you if you actualy get any help from your sibs. Bookworm, enjoy your vacation. Victoria, welcome aboard! Nothing is too embarrasssing for this thread! Tim, I'm glad you got some sleep and some freedom on your bike. Cricket & Cat, you are both such sweethearts. Jen, how's the ankle? Tracy, I hope your doing ok. Bobbie, ya gotta love this f'd up system we have to work with.

Ok, my brain has gone blank and I know I've left out have the crew. I hope you all have as good a day possible.

Love ya,

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