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One of my most embarrassing.... my dad had short shorts on (humbling enough), but he obviously didn't put on any underwear. He sat in the hospital lobby, for all to see,facing the main entrance, with his junk hanging out until I noticed. I still cringe when I think of it.

Joking. Not. Maybe.

Cricket, the next time your dad wants his pecker checked, pop it with a flyswatter.

Hello Everybody,

Mine would be when mom tried to poop in the wastebasket at someone else's house.

Diane, I had a similar experience with trying to get some help about 2 years before I started posting on this site. You just shake your head because it is so crazy making.
like the letter idea.

Bookworm! I do remember and am happy that you are still here. You are coping and that is everything. Still doesn't mean that it's ok, I know. You're an angel.

Cricket! say hi to christina and tell her we miss her. Hope all is well with her many projects.

Welcome Victoria! Yup, this is the place where you realize that you're not the only one who just wants to make it through a day without being, um GROSSED OUT! haha. We all still love them or couldn't have made it this far......

Cuz! love you and love to my little cousin too.

Everybody, love you all, back to the deck work. (It's coming along....)


I got one! Mom went in to have a mole removed. It wasn't her usual Dr-he had actually died and this guy took over his practice. He examined her mole and then told her to get on the table and he would do the procedure. Now-this man was VERY short. Mom says, "are you going to be able to reach?" I almost burst out laughing (cause I was thinking the same thing!) He was cool about it and said that he could. OK, maybe not that embarassing-but it was funny!

Hi everyone and welcome Victoria,

Victoria I can't imagine anything being any more embarrassing than some of the other stuff that's been posted here at times but you feel free to write and vent or just read, do whatever helps you get through the days and night.

To everyone reading...Speaking of embarassing moments... what has been your most embarrasing ones?

Mine for sure has been when Dad asks his female doctors to examine his penis because it itches......this wouldn't be so bad if it was just his primary doc but it's all of them. Now I know why he insisted that all his umpteen doctors be female and why half of them assign one of their assistants to see him when he has an appointment! I can't tell you how embarrassed I am every time I have to take him in just knowing he is going to pull this stunt.

TG for this site and all of you or I would totally lose it!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricket Hugsღ

Good Monday morning all! Today is the 17th day of 90 degree or above temps here in CNY! Humidity is killing me! We do have air conditioners but they run constantly and I can't imagine what the electric bill will be this month! Must be global warming right? My Rose of Sharon bushes are blooming and are a sight to behold! We have been using the water from the dehumidifier to keep them watered! The grass is burnt brown! Anyway-
Mom is hold up in the AC and I hope it isn't too hot to take her out to Day Care tomorrow! Not a sole visited or called this weekend. Which means that I didn't get my Saturday off-I wondered how long it would last. I had asked-no told-my siblings that I need one day off a week. It usually is only several hours-not like it is a big deal... but they signed up for a while and now I will have to start begging again! Makes me so mad that they cannot figure this out. There are 6 of them-once every six weeks-spend a few hours with your mother! One brother asked me how much day care was for a day and then gave me that much money. Is that his way of saying that he will pay for someone to care for mom on his Saturday? Guess I will have to send him a bill!? UGH! OK, a few weeks ago I was at a point where I was just accepting this and going with the flow...being angry doesn't do me any good. I need to get back to that place again cause the anger is welling up inside me!!!! I am sure it is just cause I didn't get out this weekend. And the heat. UGH.
OK, that is my rant for today! Thanks for letting me get that off my chest!
Welcome Victoria! Keep coming back here-we feel better knowing someone out here understands! Bookworm-that is such a great idea your boss had! Sneak away-I love it! If the boss ever offers the hotel again take it and bring the kids to the pool with you! Then take them home and go back and nap!
Diane-glad you had a bfast with the bf. Sorry mom is being a pain now. I frequently find that when I have gotten some time away-mom is worse when I get back. Sometimes I feel it isn't worth the schedule change-or different caregiver (b/c it screws mom up so much) but we do need our time away...You are doing so great-keep at it girl! Tim-enjoy the bike and glad you got some decent sleep! Hello to the rest of you! Have a good week. Mame

Oh Victoria this is an amazing place with some very wise and great people to vent to... Laugh with and support I hope you find what I have and that is new friends which in my life is hard to find welcome

Dtflex...I can relate Laura is in her 40 s but due to everything medications wise I. Have a 2 yr old on my hands I did get some sleep thanks to her amazing family who not only went out and bought me a really nice bike to enjoy for the time I can but took her for the day so i had a good break I had an amazing ride around town and yes had a great 4 hrs sleep Ty god well here comes Monday good luck eveyone and god bless ....your all in my thoughts and prayers

Judym, yours was funny too. I can see myself doing that. My sis was planning to build her house on the front lot. But I was soooo glad when that failed (due to it being now a commercial zone - she can't build a residence.) I was wondering where I would spend my "vacation" week if she did! Whew!

Cat - just this year, my boss offered to pay for a hotel room for me for 1 night and do a late check out. He said that he understood that I wouldn't spend the night, but I could laze the whole day at the hotel pool, etc... I turned it down. I would much rather spend my vacation with my 1 and 2 yr old niece and nephew. They were the ones that helped me cling to the reason for living (if you recall I had one of my deep depressions in early June and was suicidal.) You and the boss think alike! Anyway, I spent the whole day today playing with them. Their parents and my sis can't believe how the kids keep gravitating to me. The 2yr old girl kept climbing onto my lap and I would "twirl" us in a circle on the office chair, both of us yelling, "Whee!" Then we stop, stare at 1 yr old and say "Peek-a-boo!" who would giggle and kick. Turn in circle, and repeat. I did that also with 1 yr old nephew on chair. His mom warned me that he doesn't like it, that he will cry. Well, I ignored her, and we turned in circle, with me yelling "Wheeee!" and he was giggling and kicking like crazy. Mommy wasn't too happy about that! Tomorrow, we have plans for all to eat dinner at Dennys (my favorite place that serves my favorite breakfast: fried rice with mixed vegetables and small square ham and green onions and peas in it + scrambled eggs with mushrooms, onions, ham, jalepena peppers with melted cheese on top + 3 sliced pieces of portuguese sausage. YUM! A large plate for only $8.50!) Then shopping at Ross. Sis is still trying to figure out where lunch will be.

Dtflex, sorry about your mom not qualifying cuz you did an outstanding job of caring for her. That really reflects how great a caregiver you are! Don't know about the food flying out of her mouth, though...Sorry about your shoulder. That will hurt for several hours...Take care..

I think I have found home. Forgive me though if I'm just a little too embarrassed yet to share any of my mom's "stories". Let's just say, I feel a "connection" here and I laugh because I can relate. Thank you for making me laugh about this kind of thing for a change, because usually I find myself saying, "I've lost my appetite now." instead.

Cricket: Well said regarding Diane's situation. I'd like to use my trusty 2x4 on that bank and the PATH person. Diane, having your therapist write that woman is not a bad idea. In fact it's a flipping great idea.

Diane, I love you. Cat

Dflex, enjoy your breakfast out with the bf n I am sure the church will be their next week.
Bookworm, you r so funny n love your little vacation. I would had also thrown in some chips n drinks with the shorts. ; )

Mom is pushing every single one of my buttons today!!!!!! I had a nice breakfast with my b/f and then we spent the afternoon running errands. Came home and mom is in another world and being a first class pain in the ass. She has managed to wrench my shoulder so I'm in constant pain. She spits out have her dinner like a baby. Not a good evening right now. Thanks for letting me just vent

Bookworm! you are funny!! I love to sneak off by myself when I can too. Sometimes we just need to do something purely selfish and say the heck with everyone else. At this point it's all about doing what we can whenever we can to take care of ourselves so we can continue to care for our loved ones. Heck if we didn't do that we wouldn't belong to the human race.

Diane, Gawd!!!! Invite that lady back only this time leave the house a wreck, laundry piled to the sky, pill bottles scattered everywhere, Leave Mom in dirty clothes with a messy diaper, then open the door in your pj's and fall on her sobbing "I can't do this anymore or I'm going to end it all"! Man oh man, I hate
the way systems are structured....if you're lazy and don't give a shit they are right there for you but if you work hard, go the extra mile and try to hold it all together they don't do shit. Forgive me for the cussing but I had to get that off my chest! One last comment about it and I will shut up... Have your psychiatrist write that woman a letter!! Love you Diane... please go have breakfast with your bf every Sunday if you need to and don't feel guilty about it.

Tim, enjoy your extra sleep!

Same for everyone else who needs sleep, get it while you can.

FYI; the diet thing we are doing is a weight loss support/book group for anyone else interested, just email me if you want more info.
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricket Hugsღ

Toooooo funny thanks guys for the laughs ...need them after a long week I think I'm into double digits for sleep wahooo have a great day god bless ...Tim

Bookworm: You enjoy every minute of your vacation. I wish you could be away for a couple of nights in a nice hotel and sleep in. However, I am happy to hear you can have the days to yourself. Good for your boss for making the suggestion.
Have fun my friend.
Hugs, Cattails

Ha! Bookworm, I had to laugh when I read your "vacation" scenario....when I go visit my brother in the evening, right next door to my parents' house, I park my car a few houses down the street, out of their view from the window, and walk to my bro's so my parents don't see me parked there and expect me to come over. Sneaky, but worth it. I get giddy when I'm doing it, like a bad kid.

Hi Diane, I'm glad you're getting some break/time off. Enjoy your breakfast. It's Sunday midnight here. I have the whole week off from work but I didn't tell family. Years ago, when I took my 2 weeks vacation (1 week at a time), I would go back to work worse than when I left. My boss finally had a talk with me. He said that on my next vacation, do I have somewhere I can go where I don't have to go back home & "work". He said that if fam calls, he will say that I'm out on the road and they can reach me by my cellphone! So, that's what I've been doing these past years when I'm on leave. What a very thoughtful, understanding boss....

But, I still get up and dress for work. But, I have stashed in the car my shorts and sneakers. :)

So I hope you enjoy your free day with bf! You sound so much happier/lighter. Good for you!

Hi Y'all,

Just a quick good morning to you all. I'm being bad and skipping church but going to have breakfast with my b/f. I really feel like staying in bed, but too much to get done. I hope you all can enjoy your day!

Love ya,

Diane: I meant to tell you I was sorry you did your self in. Sucks to be so good at care giving and advocating for your mom. Dang!!!!! Hopefully, the PT will be helpful. One of these days you are going to be able to turn all that competent care on yourself. Hugs, Cat

Diane: Argggg. The bank thing would make me pull my hair out. In fact, I feel like doing that right now. (One of the reasons I love your picture.) Those dumb banks. How can they be so incompetent? This is a minor situation and they can't handle it. Can you imagine how they handle foreclosures?

I hope you have talked to the branch manager and gone over his head to the area manager. You know it's so weird, my dad came to the US from Wales and became a citizen. His medicaid application did not require his naturalization papers. I do have them, but they were not required.

I hope this gets resolved soon, Diane. Maybe the branch manager would like to take care of your mom until it does.

Sending you love and hopes for a quick resolution. Cattails

Mame: You should join Judy, Cricket and I on Crickets diet course. No cost, you can follow WW. It's just another tool that would help your mind and spirit. Email her if you have an interest. Hugs.


I did myself in!!!!! The nurse came by and evaluated mom and my caregiving abilities. Part of me is proud of myself and the other is kicking me. The nurse said I should be a role model for caregivers (if she only knew)! She said I am very knowledgable about mom's ailments, have already provided the needed care, have the appropriate equipment and have great communication with her doctors. Sooooooo, mom doesn't qualify for PATH. They are going to have home health provide PT for her. Cat, I am caught in a stupid catch 22 for one piece of documentation to file mom's medicaid application. I need her naturalization paper for when she became a US citizen. The paper is in her safe deposit box. I'm behind on paying the fee for the box so I cant get into it. The bank and I are going around in circles because I went to the bank to pay for the box and they say it can't be paid for at the branch. I call Customer Service and they say I have to pay for the box at the branch. It's this sort of stupidity that gets me so freakin frustrated. So the saga

Have a great weekend!

Mame: It's mrsribit. Type her name in the search site at the top of the page and you will find her. Cat

Mame: Yeah for you and your weight watchers commitment. Sorry to hear you are feeling trapped and board. Did you know that WW on line has a care givers support group. There is another AC person involved in that. I think the spelling of her AC name is msribit. She's a sweetheart. I'll double check the spelling and let you know for sure. I'm sure they all understand the boredom and eating. Might be a good connection for you.

Sorry to hear the fire flies are fading, but that's what makes seasonal events so special. They are a precious treat when they happen. Mama Kildee had four babies initially. She has managed to keep 3 of them. She talks to them all the time, chirping away; and they remind me of disobedient children, running around in the open and giving her grey hair. She was on our patio yesterday and all of a sudden the babies all ran up to her and snuggled in underneath her. So sweet and funny to see six extra pairs of legs sticking out from under her. Daddy Quail still has his remaining 3 babies. They can fly now. The geese have flown off and we haven't seen them for a week or so. Maybe they will stop by before the summer is over. If not, I think they will be back next year.

Jen: Thanks for the update on Deef. Sorry she was so swamped, but glad to know she's ok.

Tbailey: Yeah for your son. You have some wonderful children and your nieces and nephew are fortunate to have you in their lives. Keep painting and hang in there.

Cricket: I'll email you about the weight loss thing.

Hugs to all, Cattails

Diane: Good to hear from you. I hope the PATH program is helpful and the medication change does some good. You just keep moving forward and dealing with things as they come up. Glad b/f is watering the garden. Last year I had so little time to enjoy mine and this year I didn't even plant a veggie garden. Just didn't want to try to take care of it and everything else. I just told my self that it was ok and next year would be better.

Next year will be better for you too. You have been through so many years of stress and loss, but you have turned the corner and even though you are still running in the hamster cage, your not standing still anymore. You are moving forward and in a few months or less you will start to get a lot of relief. A year from now you will look back and be amazed at all you have accomplished.

Have you learned anything on the Medicaid application?

I am praying for you, your mom and b/f. Take care and stay in touch.

Love and hugs, Cattails

Deef is doing Ok just really swamped...

well hit send because I hear something there she is holding on to anything she can and trying to get to toilet lord she is like so stubborn pride I DONT KNOW!!! what it is but lord its took me like a week to paint a hallway outside her door.. Yes Im going to have all my rooms painted when all said & done.
MAME good job you can do it & will feel better & what are you going to do with all that energy you will have hey thats what the commercials say ...
Cat Im sooooo Happy you & Hubby got to spend that quality time together mowing picking up poop I swear same thing I help my hubby with. Our 10 year old has been doing the big areas on the mowing she loves it just not ready to let her do it all over yet... My flowers all went to heck i give up roses and daiseys I have maybe picked some for vases 4 x this year....
cuz love it !!!!!!!! Love your jokes Im still telling the one about the little boy at funerals saying your next & I never remb. Jokes .....
HOPE YOU ALL HAVE GREAT WEEKEND ... My 21 year old daughter coming over today & my son 24 went on business trip to lake tahoe all there corporate guys and since he just got promo. he got to go Then while he was there they did a drawing and he won trip for his gf and him to go to hawaii... IM SO proud of him though he has worked his way up since college and followed his goals and deserves it. soooo much...
Diane I hope that prograam works out with your mom it will help to have anyone to come. Take advantage of it. I live in Indiana and medicare pays for like so may nurse or therapy sessions just on my mil weakness then when they are done they will quit 4 while then come back. I just want something to work out for you soon u long over due help for you........

Diane you are right they do make you feel special. If they were any younger & mean I couldnt do it. I just wish I could pack a big lunch next time & take them all down the road to our american legion fishing & to eat lunch I know my nephew would appreciate that. Call Hubby to come watch momma....The little girl i babysit after school has never left her & my daughter have been playing babries since the others left. They will come out to eat 10 x a day & the room they play in is next to my MIL so thats a big help they can watcch her. My MIL will yell for pain pills food pepsi about everytime you walk by she can think of something then when she has to use bathroom she wont ask

Hi Y'all,

Cuz, that joke is a hoot!

Sorry I've been MIA for a few days. Started off the week feeking overwhelmed with lifes crap and spent the rest of the week trying to figure out how to try manage it. I took mom to two doctor appointments too. A home health nurse is supposed to come and evaluate mom today for what they call the PATH program. From what I understand Medicare covers the cost of a nurse to come and check on mom a couple times a week and a physical therapist too. It helps to monitor her situation better and then transition to hospice if appropriate. The neurologist also put mom on Namenda to see if it would help with her memory, confusion and behaviors.

Cricket, I read about Blackie and I felt so terribly sad. My pets are my family and I can imagine your sadness. In the last five years I have lost too many pets due to age. I used to joke I had the geriatric house since not only did I have my mother, but my cats were 15-21 years old and my dog Snuggles was 15 years old.

Mame, keep up the good work on WW. It is a healthy balanced diet. I've been sucessful over the years at losing weight, but always manage to gain it back when I hit stressful times in my life. Since my b/f had his heart attack last November I have lost 30 pounds just cutting back on the fat and sodium we eat. It may sound like a lot of weight, but I need to lose about a 100 more!

Cat, I'm so happy for you! I know how much I would enjoy just being able to puttter around in my garden too. My garden used to be my therapy but these days I can't even get outside for a few minutes without mom yelling for me. If it weren't for my b/f everything would be fried to a crisp outside.

Jen, I'm glad you can get around without the crutches!

Anyone heard from Deef? Bobbie, be careful with the heat! How's the Boat Angel? Tracy, I know you are probably worn out from all the kids, but having them around gives you the sense of vitality! I think today is Kuli's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LINDA!

Okay, I'm getting to the point my brain is going blank again. I know I've missed mentioning so many of you, but know you are always close in thought and in my heart.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!

Love ya,

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