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What's in the Box ?

A little old lady went to Safeway to buy cat food. She

picked up four cans andtook them to the check out counter.

The girl at the cash register said, "I'm sorry, but Jim says we cannot sell you cat food without proof that you have a cat. A lot of old people
buy cat food to eat, and the management wants proof that you are buying the cat food for the cat."
The little old lady went home, picked up her cat and brought it back to the store. They sold her the cat food. The next day,she tried tobuy two cans of dog food. Again the cashier said "I'm sorry, but we cannot sell you dog food without proof that you have a dog.A lot ofold people buy dog food to eat, but Jim wants proof that
you are buying the dod food for your dog
So she went home and brought in her dog. She then was able to buy
the dog food
The next day she brought a box with a hole in the lid. The little old lady asked the cashier to stick her finger in the hole. The cashier said, "No, you might have a snake in there."
The little old lady assured her that there was nothing in the box that would harm her. So the cashier put her finger into the box and quickly pulled it out. She said to the little old lady, "That smells like shit."

The little old lady said, "It is. I want to buy three rolls of toilet paper."

~~~~Don't mess with old people.~~~~

mame i wish u lived by me a friend dropped off like 10 ready to eat salads comes w everything u need even the fork purple onions and about 5 pre chopped 2 canelope a zuchinni and about 5 pounds of sweet potatos and a case of water the curch delivers them to people when walmart has to clear the shelp & the friend that gave them to us gets them for delivering what a great idea instead of throwing it expiration earliest was jul. 23 on something...
yeah dont think my husband will be agreeing to let that many kids back over he even got me & his mom flowers my favorite daiseys and mine were the pretty dyed ones like teal blue there sooo pretty.. i love fresh flowers in house..
so sad about the shooting so sad.. pure crazyiness....

Yea Jen-it is all over the news...hard to get away from it. I have just played music all day instead of having the TV voices keeping me company. So sad. The boy-I mean, man, they have in custody for doing this is exactly my oldest sons age...can't imagine it-or being his parents...Sad for sooooo many. Prayers to all.

God those poor people in Colorado. My thoughts are with them!

Awwh! It's the way it goes as they age. Changing adult diapers become something I did not even thinK about or get bothered by any more - lot's of hand cleaning and santizing with running noses too, LOL!

If you are able to have live-in caregivers like I eventually did, it provides for someone to shadow them and re-direct them when they start to do something off, and clean-up after them.

Makes life much, much easier - only other option we found for our grandparents without putting them in commercial care facilities was putting them in Private Bed and Breakfast Style Residential Care homes run by some Nurses when things got bad with their dementia, until they passed on. All the best!

Good morning all! Feeling a little down as it is really boring here this week-and more noticable after having my cousin here last week! Trying not to comfort myself with food!!! Mom is good-just lost a filling so it is time for a dentist run. Maybe he will just pull those last 4 teeth! Only in the 70's here today but the humidity still seems high and I am sweating!!!! Was hoping the humidity would go down with the temp...oh well.
Tbailey-you are brave having all the kids with you and mil! Glad it was a good time-but understandable if you have second thoughts next time!
Cricket-everyone processes things in their own time and way and that is ok...glad you are feeling ok about it and I am sure Blackie is up there having a good romp right now! Great that your memories will keep you smiling. And glad to see your flair back! :)
Bobbie the Caulk Queen! I can't even imagine! Stay cool!
Cat, you don't have to feel bad about saying you had a great day! I am sooo happy for you that you felt that freedom and can picture you and hubby on your tractors/mowers! You deserve this time!!!! Enjoy!
Trying to get something accomplished so I can feel good about myself...their's that value in positive progress again! Was really good yesterday on WW. Carrots and fresh brocolli as snacks-loved it! Still had enough points for a cookie after dinner! When the cookies are gone-I will buy no more! (Yea right!HA)
Happy Friday! Hope everyone gets a moment to themselves this weekend!

Cricket: Glad you are back. Thanks for sharing about your 8 lb. wonder. I can just see Blackie going everywhere with you and his upset at being left home with your daughter. By the way, love your hummingbird picture.

Hey, I haven't seen that crazy woman picture for a while. Diane how are things going?

Christina: How did/is your design job going? Did you ever get control of your gophers?

tbailey: Glad to hear from you. I don't know how you manage to take care of all the kids and your MIL too. You are a trooper for sure.

I hate to say this, but I had a wonderful day yesterday. It was the best day I've had in ages. I walked 2 1/2 miles with my neighbor, got home picked up dog poop and got on the riding mower. My husband was on his too and we mowed. A 5 hour job for one person and I was so happy that I could help get that job done. It was a beautiful day and it made my heart sing to be outside enjoying the simple pleasures of life.

All of you in the heat. I wish I could send you some of our weather. We've had too much rain, but you've had so little. Yesterday was in the 70's with sunshine and a slight breeze. Perfect for mowing. This morning it is raining again, but hopefully the sun will be back in a couple of hours.

Bobbie: Is your a/c still working?

Hugs to all, Cattails

Hey Cricket,
Glad to hear that today is better.
Blackie doing a number on your bed was very funny to me bacause I had a dog drop a deuce in my bed as well. Other than that he was a good dog. I left him in the house too long... but what a location choice. They know exactly what they're doing.

Jen, hope your ankle is healing!

OK, back to digging caulk for me. I am a caulk miner.

Love to everyone and hope everybody has as good a day as possible!


Good morning, Thanks to all for your kind words and prayers. I am doing much better. It was really important for me to allow myself to feel the pain of loss so I wouldn't just stuff it down. I am still sad but I know I did the right thing. My other dogs have all been clinging to me like crazy, I know they can feel my pain and they are comforting to me. Blackie was so old that he didn't play with the other dogs anymore and I kept them away from him to give him his own space, so all they did was go to his area and sniff sniff then tear up his bedding and steal his toys, then eat his food. lol They weren't bonded with him like they are with each other. They are the Boston Horde.

Cattails, Mame and anyone else who is interested in the support/book group for weight loss, I figured out a way for us to do it so it will work for everyone and it won't cost anything.. email me and I will tell you the details. cricketinafryingpan at comcast dot net.

Everyone have a great day! What's so great about it? I know, I is what it is, but in spite of it all, if we try we can still find something to think about that will make us smile. As for me I smile when I remember Blackie returning home after a quick getaway (the little escape artist) and go romping in the woods and he would be covered in brush and panting with his little tongue hanging out, his cute little button nose and his happy eyes peeking through his curly black hair. hah! it makes me laugh at how lucky he was to survive the woods with all of his little 8 pounds and how relieved I was to see him after searching for him and not finding him.. He loved his adventures but he always found his way back home to me. In the 19 years he lived he only ever did one thing bad. It was when I went on a trip without taking him. It was the first time I ever left him. I had my daughter at the house watching him for me, after being home one night without me he jumped up on my bed and took a dump at the foot of the bed! Then for the rest of the week my daughter said he sat and stared at the door just waiting for me to return and it was heartbreaking. He was always my little shadow and I loved it. Thanks for listening... Love you all too.
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricket Hugsღ

Cricket, I just saw your post about you having to let your baby Blackie go to heaven. I can feel your sadness as I wept reading your post. I am an animals lover as well and they r all like my own children. I know it had to be hard but you did what was best n he was not in any pain. You have my deepest sympathy as you let Blackie go but never from your heart n soul.

my heart goes out to you. Blackie had a good mom.

Sorry about your loss cricket I just scrolled back to read a little ...

Sorry to hear of your loss cricket and sending you peace and prayers.

Hmmn Full Contact Dinner......been there worn that.......

Hi guys ya Gtg is got to go sorry I do a lot on my phone so its habit to short or text stuff so i will work on that .,it has been a good day so far though so are there any suggestion with dealing with physical therapy exercises I looked breifly but nothing extensive .... I hope you all have a great day

good idea Linda I think Eat outside bookworm is right we get so use to being grossed out in our own situation Its funny to know it happens to others sorry for your bf deleesher Too funny...
Cricket Soooo Sorry to hear about blackie....Thinking about you... My SIL had to do the same Sun, morning. I hate that....
LILDEB I think yesterday might been my last day to be that brave
babysiting that many at least my BIL has 3 Son 12 & 2 girls 10 & 8 there mother only wants them when she has to more or less and I love em and my bil has done a great job They are so well behaved and clean and not wild and crazy acting but they crave my attention and thats the one thing I just dont have but I had my neice thats 11 then a 10 year old girl my 10 year olds friend that I watch during school after school & them girls played all day. Then me and my nephew got a good 2 hours alone time and I enjoyed every minute of it I bought him a baseball card off ebay and he showed me some fishing stuff he needed. He is a good kid & reminds me alot of the years when my 24 year old son was home. Then even if they are all good you have to feed them and clean up and MIL lord Its like she see's them hear then something triggers in her brain and she acts like she can walk with no help yelled at me 50 time telling me to see if they were hungary then there dad came and sat with her and she told him & kids by then kept asking me if I fed them YES..o I think it would go a little smoother without her
cattails my activiti and post r all screwed up and I logged on it was 6 days ago and got to reading I seen your nice post that means soooo much... You are my girl too. YOU have a large place in my heart from day one ...Thanks for being there for me all of you..... YOU all were talking then about Diane bday well wouldnt that be something If i win lottery Ill pay for caregivers or whatever your needs are and fly us to a sandy island....Dont hurt to dream ....
Hope you all have great day and Diane happy belated birthday.......

cricket - big hugs to you dear and am so sorry , i know how u feel cuz i wentthru the same thing with our dog name jake . love you girl ...

deleesher- yikes !! i be outside eating lol .

have a good day you all . xoxo

That's so funny!! Of course, not for your bf...I would be torn between grossing out and laughing. Thanks for the laugh!!!

Sometimes I have to leave the room when my boyfriends mother is eating and talking to him so I don't laugh. As she talks, the food is machine gunning out of her mouth and my boyfriend is jerking around trying to dodge it. Telling her not to talk with her mouth full...shes saying she can't help it & more food shoots out at him. Of course, she wants to look at him while she talks so no matter where he moves, she hits her target.

Cricket, so sorry about Blackie.

Hey Cricket-so sorry you had to put Blackie down-I feel for you! My cat died in my arms and there was something beautiful about it-being there and comforting him...along with the sadness of course. How are your other dogs handling it? When a cat of ours got hit/killed by a car-our dog was depressed cause the cat was just "gone". It took a couple weeks for the dog to get back to himself. When the other old cat died-it was here at home and literally just before the cat died-the dog got up on the couch and they touched noses. The cat let out a yowl and I held him and he died. The dog smelled him-and then the dog was fine. It was such a different experience from the other cat who he never got to see again... Just wondering what your experience is with the other dogs... God love ya! It is sooo hard. We take such a risk loving something! But it is worth it.

Glad you got a good nap Lildeb! And thanks for the snack idea. I realized tonight that my downfall is-soda with lunch, chips with a sandwich, cookies and BEER! (not together) I think I can give most of that up-but I may have to find an adult beverage with less "points"!
Cat-what a wonderful time you must have sitting watching the elk! I know how excited I get over the 3 deer that come here, and the bunny...but elk! And so many-and babies! I can't imagine! The fireflies seem to be fading away here...but they were beautiful while they lasted!
Tim-saying prayers for you and Laura! "Gtg" means "got to go" right? Chemo and stem cell is something I know nothing about! Hope it all goes well.
Cricket-hang in there...can't wait to see the flair around your signature again!
Love to all! Mame

Hey guys: About the elk. Yes they are huge and you should see them move. They are so strong. We love them and yes, Lildeb, people do hunt them and eat them. At least for now, it is illegal to hunt them when I live. The powers that be want to keep the elk in our area and away from the farmers who live across the highway and north of us. The elk just love broccoli and cauliflower.

I've been here for 8 years and never had a problem with them, except they do cause some damage to trees every once in a while. Love to rub their big antlers on trunks and branches; ripping off bark and sometimes killing the trees. That's the cost of having the good fortune to have them close. I can't tell you how many trees we have planted and lost.

On our road, we are protective of our elk. We don't want them hunted or frightened. Really, they are like big cows and people take their pictures, etc. If you use the least bit of common sense, you do not have a problem at all.

In another couple of months, the moms and babies will appear. We will have 40 to 50 in a herd. It is such a thrill to us. We sit on our patio and watch them hang out.

We are only 5 minutes from town, but psychologically our environment is a million miles away.

Hugs, Cattails

Tim: Thanks for the explanation and additional info. Keeping you and Laura in my prayers. Stay in touch and know we are thinking of you both and sending white light.


Cricket: So sorry you had to part with your dear friend, Blackie. I so understand how you feel. If a person is not one who has a special connection with their pets, there is no way you can even begin to explain to them how close to the bone such a loss can be. There is no reason you should feel guilty about letting Blackie go. As you said, he told you it was time and he trusted you to do what was best for him.

My sorrow for you is that you lost such a special friend. It is so heart wrenching, but it is the price we pay for loving them. I think it is worth the pain. They give so much to us and are so grateful that we love them in return.

Blessings to you Cricket and your dear Blackie. You gave him such a good life ad held him in your arms at the end. He's running free now and waiting to see you walk over the hill. Someday you will and he'll be there to greet you.

Sending you love, hugs and comfort, Cattails.

Mame, I am glad someone was with you to finally help a wee bit n help clean the house. Plus, your cousin even admit that it was the 'least she could do," n that must had been great to hear those words for a change. For nobody has any clue that is NOT a caregiver what we all do n give up while taking care of someone. Sorry she had to leave n I know what u mean when u get a chance to go to your own doctor without your shadow. It felt great n you got to see people even though you were going for your appt. I love the part where you told her you rather like to have 4, lol ; )
This place has grown so much with so many people that it is hard to keep up with everyone since I have been on here. Just shows this website is one big family tree.
I hope everyone had a great day. Hubby took his mom to the respite church for her to meet her friends for activities. I got to nap for about 1.5 hrs n it felt FREAKING GREAT! It was awesome.... Even my two younging, Vera n Blu my cats slept on other side of the bed. There was no room for the hubby. ; ) He was busy anyway processing what stuff he was taught in Atlanta before school starts in Aug. Everyone have a great day.

Jsomebody, well that is a start for recovery without the crutches n as for heat, it is bad here too. I am ready for fall.

Cattail, omg, that elk is freaking huge n there are more! I know this is going to sound dumb but do people eat elk? I am so happy to hear your dad was alright n he ate his burger n fries. I don't blame him, I would have had been quiet too while stuffing my face n enjoying every smidgen bite. It sounds great how the place worked with you in order for y'all to spend some alone time n just talk. It seem he did understood what you were talking about as for health, wedding, etc just reading your post. I think most of all u needed to hear from him that he was NOT upset with you for he knows that you can only do so much n he would only want his daughter-you to be in good health as well. I hope this conversation with your dad gives you a sense of peace of mind. You know that he is getting the best care n he knows that he has a sweet-n-loving daughter n lets not forget, all the nurses that r giving him all the attention too. ; )

Mame4mom, you were talking about snacking, I use to take grapes n put some in a ziplock bag n freeze those suckers n mmm good n great for a summer treat. Btw, I am pating away... ; )

Tbailey, Be very thankful that they r not bad to babysit. Try to get some rest in between babysitting n with Mil if that is even possible. I surely don't have the paitents anymore to babysit for I have trouble sometimes with just my mil.

Sorry guys no she hasn't had it yet there is about 4 weeks of test and procedures to get to the transplant we had to come here because she has so many apointments and things some of them require us to be 15 min away from the hospital due to high risk of things happening she did a pulmonary test measuring her lungs and cardiovascular systems capabilities which went well .... Tomorrow she has a lumbar puncture to make sure the.chemo hasn't compromised her spinal fluids ...if it has then we have to find a donor for stem cells but so far Laura is doing well she is.healthy enough to stay on track for the transplant which will happen in the first week of August but the hospital and care team change our schedule daily I could really do with out that I hate being bounced around but I know its necessary I just miss being home ... Oh sorry her name is Laura

Hi everyone, I did have to take Blackie in and have the Vet put him down. I spent the whole afternoon with him feeding him his favorite food and his last treat and tried to get him to go for a little walk out in the front yard but he couldn't do it. The Vet was so compassionate, he gave me a blanket to wrap him in and I held him in my arms while he was given the pain tranquilizer to make him feel no pain and go into a deep sleep and then when I was ready he gave him the final shot that stopped his heart. It was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do but it was the right decision. My little dog of almost 20 years just melted in my arms and went peacefully last night. It gave me comfort knowing that I could be there with him making him feel safe and comforted through to the end. Yesterday and today I've cried a lot because he is gone and I miss him terribly but I don't feel any guilt because he made it clear to me he was ready to go and I am at peace with it. Thank you Cattails for thinking about us, it means so much to me. I read everyone's posts and have some replies and thoughts to share but I will do so in a day or two when I've had a chance to process my feelings of sadness.

Love to all of you,

Cricket: Thinking about you and your sweet little Blackie dog.

Deef: Thinking about you and wondering why so long with no contact. Hope you haven't had an accident or something. Could you pop in and let us know you are ok?

Tim: A little lost with your note. Did your girlfriend undergo the transplant procedure and has she been relocated to after care in a transplant building? Is this week one after transplant? Not sure what Gtg for now in appts all day means.
Clarify when you get a moment. We are keeping you and your girlfriend (did I miss her name) in our prayers.

Sending love to everyone. Cattails

Well so far a good week the sedation is wearing off thank god Ty all for the.good ideas I did.get a.door alarm what a saver now I don't stay up by the.door waiting but now we are living in a transplant building in Seattle with people that are going through the same .so for options ya we have run out of them this ....but there is lots of progress in this option and treatment so lots of hope ...kinda sad though we have made friends with people in the bldg which has been a blessing but also sad not everyone has the luck we have but Gtg for now in appts all day good luck and god bless all

Glad he understood cat, hope he is safe and happy there, He may make new friends even...
running a lot of errands today...before it gets too hot!

Good day everyone...

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