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Tbailey-I agree with Bobbie too! It just may be the time for you to let him walk a mile in your shoes! Go be with your children! That should be most important now. Will be praying for you!
Bern-sorry about your night issues. My mom wakes up many mornings like that. Sometimes I just don't even want to help her out of bed-I just want to tune it out. But at least it isn't in the middle of the night. I feel for ya! It is soooo hard when they don't even know what they want. Or what hurts. Just this morning mom woke up-calling out like she was dying-and told me her head ached. Then it was her back, and when I said maybe you slept funny she says-yea, it hurts right here-and pointed to her arm! After hearing it day in and day out it is hard to be sympathetic. I just roll my eyes... I will say a prayer for you too! Hope you get some rest. Bern and SS-mom was also addicted to Darvoset and I was so happy when they took it off the market-cause nothing else has been the same and she had to quit!
My 19 year old, home for summer from college, informed me that he hates my mother. He says she should quit bugging me and get off her fat arse and take herself to the bathroom-or out of bed. He says-"she can do it"! Which I think physically she can right now but she could fall and mentally I think that is her fear. He says she can't walk cause she wouldn't for so long and is deconditioned-which is true-and because she smoked for 40 years. That she "did this to herself" and it shouldn't be my problem. Wow. He nailed it! But, I told him that it was my and his dad's choice to take her in and care for her. He thinks it is rediculous. It sure made me feel awful to know how he feels. He used to be so compassionate about her. Now-he won't even go into her rooms and say hello unless I ask him to. He hates it if he and I are interrupted in conversation by her-for "some stupid thing". He also informed me that he hates my family for not helping more. I don't know how to make this up to him. I am sad he feels this way.
My first visit to Weight Watchers was fun. I am still under that magic number I really didn't want to get to-even if it is only a fraction of a pound away! I don't know what I was thinking-going before a holiday! I shoulda waited till next week! Oh well. Lots of reading to do and figuring... I really think I have to learn to eat some "power foods" I really don't like. But it does sound like they are good for you and stick with you... ugh. What have I done?!!!! My hubby also let his true feelings show-that it won't work for me. I have tried so many things. I WANT it to work. Maybe I can get up the energy-just to proove him wrong!!! But I really need to do this for my own health and well being-and so my son isn't saying those things about me someday! God help me!
Daycare went really well for mom Tuesday. She was happy when I picked her up and she raved about the nice people who care for her and the food! I was shocked she remembered what was for lunch-but I checked and she did! They had a group of highschool band kids come in and play American music to celebrate the 4th. She didn't remember that... Oh well. I am sure it was lovely entertainment!
Well, I have gone on long enough right?! HA! Keep cool everyone! Cat-keep an eye on those vultures! Damn them! Poor little quails. Thanks for the workout advice Cricket. Sounding good Diane! Hang in there Jen-FP can't last forever! Oh-that was terrible...evil Mame.... ;)

amen to what bobbie said .
if anybody starts feeding shit in my head and make it sound like im a crazy one . well let them wear ur shoes for the rest of thier lives !
its rough when it isnt ur real mom . if it was my real mom then i would dealt with it . i dealt with my dad and it was worth it , thinkin that i would have to care for my mil sends chills up my back . nana not happening . i cant do it cuz she pushes my button from the time she wakes up .
love you all and i feel your pain , sending angels around you all .

You are not crazy. You are not bi-polar. You are trying to do the job of three people and take care of a DEMENTED woman. Please go stay with your 21 year old and let your husband figure out how to deal with HIS mother. Sleep on the floor if you have to. It's worth it.
When he comes to the conclusion that it is her and not you perhaps healing can start.
In the meantime get out of the house and tell him to deal with his mother and tell him that he is not going to make you crazy because he can't accept the truth.

Here is a prayer: God helps those who help themselves.

Get out and go be with your 21 year old and your 9 year old.

And people wonder why I am so hard core about not dealing with Dementia and Alzheimers in the home and especially with children. Puleeze.

keep venting, pack a little bag, make a plan and when he gets home leave. Save yourself because you have put up with the stupidity for long enough. Watch how easily he will figure out that she needs to be placed or a professional caregiver has to move in.

keep checking back please because I hope you know that we all care deeply about you.

Im in need of prayer please i havent been on in awhile...... Im going through ALOT My MIL has alzheimers and my husband just dont understand to the fact he has now got me thinking im crazy and my kids im just so close to being done ....IM so sad all i do is cry my 21 year old took my 9 year old home with her last night and my husband is saying its all me im bi polar im crazy

Thanks catails and ss. listening to illegal fire works here in Spokane...sun going down pretty cool here send it over to the East Coast!
Have a good rest of the week everyone...

Bern I can sooooo relate to the 3am torment. Mom had 50 nonsensical questions to ask and finally it boiled down to she wanted me to stay with her. I stayed for about an hour and she finally drifted off to sleep. I decided to pay a little more money to have an aide today and use it to catch up on some rest. Part of me feels guilty that I'm not cleaning house, but the mess will be there after I get some rest.

Igore, I hope you are recovering. I noticed you hadn't posted for awhile but I just figured it was your job schedule keeping you away.

I love the Evil Cat siggestion for Jen and least it gave me a chuckle. I wish I had your cool weather Cat. We are finally cooling down to the upper 90's instead of the 109 weather we had last week. My garden is wilting from the heat despite my (and b/f) constant watering.

I pray for all of us and our situations that we will find the right direction for us and our charges. Every person and situation is different and the path we each take is a new discovery. I have to remind myself everyday that I need to be kind to myself and that I'm doing the best that I can.

I hope our crew in the northeast are doing okay after the storms this week. I worry about those that may be without power and having such hot days.

Have a safe and happt Fourth of July!

Love ya,

Hi all,
Just wanted to say Happy 4th wherever you are! Not sure if the weather here on the east coast is going to spoil our fireworks, so may have to make my own! Hee hee!!!

Jen- my Dad used to do the same thing before he went into the NH. He would go into the bathroom, run the water, wet a towel and say he bathed. Well, he clearly did not. He used sit in his depends so long, it seeped through his pants and he never even knew it. We started to put towels over all the chairs and the couch. I finally said "Dad, I will not take you to church or anywhere until you bathe." So then, he would. We had a chair in the shower and one of the hose things to make it easier for both of them. Then, a week would by and he'd pull the same crap, literally! So I feel for ya.

Bobbie - how r u, thinking about you...

Mame - loved the fun facts,. Thanks! I want to be that pig.

Bern - my Mom ate pain pills like they were candy. She would call every doctor she had to get a refill. I finally had to call all the docs offices and tell them to STOP refilling them. She was addicted to Darvacet for years before that. Only got off of them because they took the drug off the market. When she was "coming down" from them, she was soooo nasty and mean. When she was on them, all she did was complain and moan and say this hurts or that hurts.....part of the addiction. It wasn't until she was off of them for a while that she was actually kind of human and functioning again. She still self medicates with Tylenol PM but whatever at this point....Anyway, Bern, why is your Mom taking pain pills? Can you take her off of them? Just wondering, honey. Hang in there!!

xo and happy 4th everyone!


quick vent.

it's 3:30am. why is my mother shouting the house down? she wants pain pills... no... wait... she wants me to rub her leg.... no wait... its a lido patch... now its... anything to eat. anything. that didn't work... still wailing. uhm... what else do you want mom?

come here!

ok. what is it?

my leg hurts!

Ok. I gave you pain pills just 10 minutes ago. give them time to work.

you're going to hell. the way you talk to me!

mom! go to sleep!! Please!!

i'm getting away from you first thing in the morning!!!


sheez. God help me. My family wonders why I never smile anymore.

Hi everyone:

Well it's cool in the Pacific Northwest. Crazy flippin weather. Today it started off kind of sunny and balmy outside. Now you have to understand that the temp was probably 60, but felt much warmer.....maybe 65 haha. A few hours later the rain just poured down in sheets. Then the rain stopped, the sun came out and the roof was steaming. The dogs went out and romped and played. Then the rain came down. This kind of went on all day.

The Kildees are still on their nest. Daddy Quail still brings his babies by their nest and them chases the parents around. Today I could hear the same old screams. Good Grief. I went out and broke it up. Mama Kildee back on her nest and Daddy Quail moved his babies. Geez, when are those eggs gonna hatch?????

The other day I saw a vulture fly low on the far side of my dad's place. It didn't come out the other side, so I figured it had landed and was probably looking for baby quail. So I went over there and here are 6 vultures on the ground. I chased them away and sure enough, Daddy Quail and his babies made a run for it. He started with 10 and he's down to 5. No wonder he's a wreck.

This has been a really wet year for us. The swallows are having a hard time because the lack of sun keeps the insects down and that is their food source. Not near the nests we usually have. We've had a bumper crop of dove. They are so sweet and we love to see them in our yard. Cougars in the area and they have taken out a couple of deer. Everyone has to eat.

I'm so sorry for all of you who are roasting in record temperatures. And the storms that have hit in eastern states and power outages. I hope you have been spared.

Here's an update from our little buddy Igore. He ended up in the hospital for the better part of a week with bleeding ulcers. Doing better now. He lives in WV and his plant was shut down due to power issues from storms. He had to replace shingles on his roof from the storm, but still has electricity at home. He has a way to go to be fully recovered, but doing his best to get through like everyone else.

Meanwhile: Sending you lots of love. Hope you get some more rain.

Diane: You hang in there. You are so much wiser. I hope you told your boss about the change in care that is coming your way with mom. You are a strong woman and I am so glad your b/f in a jewel. You deserve that and a crown too. Stay strong and keep your head going in the right direction.

Mame: Save some of those fire flies for me.

Cricket: Hope your week will be a good one. Sending you Hugs.

Bobbie: Sending you love. How did the fiberglass go and how is the boat doing, cat too? Oh, and how are you doing. Didn't mean to put you last.

Jen: Someday you are going to have to stand up and say, "Listen assholes, I live here too." At least use TSP on the ceiling and paint it again. Keeping with the 4th of July, put some cherry bombs under FP's bed and throw some fire crackers on his clothes. the ones he is wearing. Use the hose to put him out. Or maybe not.

Hugs, Cattails

Hope everyone gets to enjoy the Holiday tomorrow. Indio went with me to the cemetery to put a couple of flags on Sam's grave. Rained here today, which is a good thing. Maybe won't have any grass fires started with the fireworks tomorrow.

make yer self crazy there D. I wonder too, what did i do and have i not paid back for my mistakes yet? I pray better days come and more just falls on me. Maybe pray for bad stuff and see if good things start happening?

Thanks for the hug and comments all...

so so here, bobbie do spraying Febreez in the room before he walks in there count. I am not to the point where I can chase him with the bottle but I spray every room he has been in fr any length of time...

Today is WINDY and I have the doors and windows open....

have a Happy and safe Fourth everyone!

Hi Y'all,

Just taking a minute to post while dinner is simmering. Mom is still convinced she is somewhere other than home, but she seems in better spirits today. I am trying to ween her off the Ativan and see if that makes any difference in her behavior. From what I have been reading on the Parkinson's Foundation this could be the progression of the dementia associated with PD. I do know she certainly is suffering from some sort of anxiety disorder. So in the mean time I keep calling the doctors offices to see if they have had any cancellations.

I saw my psychiatrist today and he seems pleased with my response to the Prozac and Buspar. Afterward I went into work and had to tell my boss that with my brothers present ssues I will need to cut back on hours each day but could work on Saturday. So I will see on Thursday if I still have a job. I'm tired of always wondering from one day to the next if I will be able to support myself, mom and b/f. He applied for COBRA but Blue Cross Blue Shield dropped him because he is considered a high risk. I feel like saying "No Shit!" So he has to resort to applying for the health exchange at $441 a month. Sometimes I wonder what I did so terribly wrong for life to keep dumping crap on me. Then I get really pissed thinking of my dumb ass sister living high on the hog and I can't pay my electric bill. On the other hand, at least I am able to keep going and I am so much more fortunate than so many others in this world.

I have to say my b/f has been a real gem. He has become such a good "house husband" cooking and washing. He sent me a text today to asking "Who's Steve?" Mom keeps calling him by different names including my ex-husbands name. I'm not sure where mom came up with Steve, but we are trying to have fun with it.

Febreeze is a god send! We should all send Jen coupons so she can stock up. I can't stand to smell BO!

Cat, thanks for the support to trust my instincts. I guess it will be a trial and error sort of thing to figure out what works or not for mom.

Let me go get dinner on the table. Have a fun and safe Fourth of July!

Love ya,

Good morning all,

Diane, I don't have any advise about your Mother but I am thinking, Is it possible for you to get the help to come in at night? What's going on is disrupting your sleep and that sends up a red flag for you're own well being. If that isn't possible what about keeping her up and awake during the day by waking her up etc. Maybe the meds she is on needs to be changed or adjusted..something is definitely going on and it needs to be taken care of before you collapse. Think of your well being as much as you think of your Moms and you will get it all worked out. You have my prayers.

Bobby.... hehe I'm with you!

Mame, the social interaction at WW will be great for you! A great way to get exercise in if you haven't been doing any for awhile is to use a mini trampoline. A heavy person can start out just doing a little walking...steping side to side while watching tv... it's easy and no impact and as you get into shape you can pick up the pace.. this is good for people like me who live in really hot and humid climates. I do that and swimming. Exercise is the most effective way to balance the stress hormones and we all need that. Thanks for sharing the cute facts!

Jen get out the fire hose and have a good time with fartpants!! Geez.. I wish you lived closer to me girl I would get you out of there for a few. Where are you located? I am thinking one of those shower handicap chairs a rope, a gag, goggles and a fire hose! Afterwards tell him it's either he washes to get rid of the smell or he will get it done my way, LOL

Think of the boat..Think of the boat.. Think of the boat...
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricket Hugsღ

Screw that. My mom tried that and I misted her with Febreeze.
Febreeze or shower. Can't do stench.


J-When my mom was caring for her 350 pound brother with alzheimers, he told my brother that he plays a trick on mom. When she tells him to take a shower-he goes in, wets his head with water from his hand, unbuttons his shirt and throws the towel over his shoulders so she will think he showered! He stunk so bad!!! And at my dad's funeral, cousins had the audacity to come to us kids and tell us Uncle was smelly! I just looked at them and said, "tell us about it!" Your FP story made me remember those days! Dead buffalo's ass about says it!
Glad some of you enjoyed the "facts". Came in an email and I had to share!

Fireflies are in full form these hot nights! Who needs fireworks when we have them to watch!
Mother said to me last night when I reminded her that today is Daycare Day" that she would go unless "something else comes up". HA! She is eating now and I am almost afraid to tell her we have to go soon! Keep your fingers crossed for me that she doesn't give me a hard time! Today I go to my first Weight Watchers!
Stay cool! Mame

Try to I don't know, let him know his behavior is not helping her, I mean his being stubborn and stupid and he responds by thinking taking two minute showers and saying he doesn't need to use the Depends anymore is somehow gonna help here....
Yes, we need poop on the floor again and you smelling like a dead buffalo's ass.......
These are days I wish I could get drunk....

Mame, loved the fun facts. Good luck with the weight watchers. I should find a group. Gained weight while my husband was sick, and can't seem to get it off. I have no will power. Been trying to swim and do some walking though, (which really helps my back).

Funny amazing facts-Enjoy!

If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee. (Hardly seems worth it.)

If you farted consistently for 6 years and 9 months, enough gas is produced to create the energy of an atomic bomb. (Now that's more like it!)

The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps out of the body to squirt blood 30 feet. (WOW!)

A pig's orgasm lasts 30 minutes. (O.M.G.!!!)

A cockroach will live nine days without its head before it starves to death. (Creepy.) (I'm still not over the pig.)

Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour. (Don't try this at home; maybe at work.)

The male praying mantis cannot copulate while its head is attached to its body. The female initiates sex by ripping the male's head off. (Honey, I'm home . What the...?)

The flea can jump 350 times its body length. It's like a human jumping the length of a football field. (30 minutes. Lucky pig! Can you imagine?)

The catfish has over 27,000 taste buds. (What could be so tasty on the bottom of a pond?)

Some lions mate over 50 times a day. (I still can't believe that pig ...quality over quantity.)

Butterflies aste with their feet. (Something I always wanted to know.)

The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue. (Hmmmmmm.......)

Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people. (If you're ambidextrous, do you split the difference?)

Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump. (Okay, so that would be a good thing.)

A cat's urine glows under a black light. (I wonder how much the government paid to figure that out.)

An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain. (I know some people like that.)

Starfish have no brains. (I know some people like that, too.)

Polar bears are left-handed. (If they switch, they'll live a lot longer.)

Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure. (What about that pig? Do the dolphins know about the pig?)


Diane: This sucks and you have my heartfelt sympathy. How do you feel, in your gut, about the geriatric psychiatrist? Did he/she give you reasons for not switching to Paxil and continuing Ativan? Has this doc, in many other situations, taken action that has proved helpful. I don't know when these changes went into effect and maybe they haven't been given enough time to produce results. My thought is that you need to trust your gut. Nobody knows your mom like you do. Don't let anyone take that knowledge away from you. If the changes in meds do not produce improvement in the allotted time, then take steps to get a second opinion. It could make a difference in both of your lives.

I trust your judgement, Diane. Be strong and continue to be your own advocate and your mom's. You are a wise person. Trust your gut. Send you lots of love.

Lildeb: Your parents have lived their lives as they have chosen. The end result is they probably can't take care of themselves anymore. I don't know how they ended up in the hospital. Maybe I missed the explanation. Did they call or was their an intervention that found them in medical trouble? I hope someone is feeding the dogs in their absence. My heart goes out to you. Please talk to the social worker at the hospital and insist that they be mentally evaluated. I will be watching for your updates. You take care of yourself. Sending you lots of love.

Mame: I'm going to hold you to that promise of letting me visit and see fireflies. You have fun at the reunion.

Sending love to everyone. Cattails

Good luck lildeb!

It's truly been a Monday! I woke up with a mega headache and mom is exasperating me to no end!!!! I am so incredibly frustrated as to how to help my mother. The neurologist reduced her Sinimet and the geriatric psychiatrist won't change to Paxil but has upped her dose of Lexapro to 15 mg and still taking Ativan .5mg. Mom doesn't want to do anything for herself. She constantly complains she is weak, her heart is beating funny and she isn't breathing right. She has been checked out by the doctors repeatedly for heart issues and none can be found. I think it is anxiety attacks, but can't seem to find a solution. Mom insists she isn't at home and that she is all over the world from Florida to England. She asks every 5 minutes can we go home. Neither the neurologist or the pschiatrist have appointments until August or September. Does anyone else have experience with a similar situation? I'm about ready to take her off most of the meds and see if she improves. Mom is up more at night and is sleeping more in the day. I just don't know what I am to do.

I hope you all are having a better day.

Love ya,

We R all 'HUMAN BEINGS no matter what r situation may be that day or the next. It does amaze me how other family members or people think they know it all or 'how it should be.' Until you walked in THAT PARTICULAR PERSON'S SHOES, you have no clue for everyone situation is different. May be similar but not completly the same.
For those of u that don't know I will be leaving tomorrow to visit my dad n stepma in hospital in Fl. both dehydrated n such n both hard-headed as well with their drinking problem. Not sure where to go from their with them but I do know, "One step at a time." My brothers n I will do the best we can n hopefully this time the social services will help or someone.

Happy Monday all... Another beautiful day at the lake. I was so tired last night my head was spinning! Today I have energy and want to clean and get things done. At the same time, I want to run as far away from here as I can! Freedom-ahhhhh wouldn't it be nice?
With our cousin dying of cancer and my bro just being diagnosed diabetic-and Friday my sister's hubby had a heart attack-luckily caught early and he had an immediate heart cath and stent put in-and is home and fine...along with mom and all her breathing problems-I have decided to join Weight Watchers. Anyone have any advice? I need camaraderie so I think going to meetings will be good for me. I will do it on the day mom goes to day care. I am afraid in the health state I am in and moving toward-I will need more care than I want-so I better do this now right? They say it is never too I am going to try. It will give me something else to think about too. Now, to stay positive and stick with it!!!! God help me!
I hope your struggles are few today! Mame

Mame, hope you have a great time at the reunion. Don't have blue jays here, have Mexican jays, they are bigger noisier, and steal the pecans out of my trees. Still, I enjoy watching them. Don't freeze to death in that lake.
I agree with Mary. This group helps me out still.

Good morning all. I am watching the Blue Jays taking peanuts off my deck railing. They call to me every morning and I put a bunch out for them. Sunny and hot/humid here. Skaneateles lake is not even 70 degrees yet, but I may jump in today when we go out to see hubby's family. Wonderful weekend for me with 2 brothers helping out with mom so I can go to this family reunion weekend for a bit. One of the cousins asked me what was new-and I am so entrenched in caring for mom-I couldn't think of a thing! We got talking about my boys-and the conversation went from there. So nice! Mom says she is happy I am getting out. :) She gets tired out from the boys being here so I got to water my plants and fill the bird feeders this morning-without interruption! I think I actually feel happy!
I hope you all have a moment today to enjoy! Mame

Oh my! I love the term 'drive by' that is perfect! Mean people suck....
This group has helped me immeasurably.I cannot thank you enough fot all the insights ,advice and support.Nice sunny day here every morning has the potential for a fresh start....have a great day friends!

Oh wow! Now you all know why I was mortified when my mother in law's live in caregiver saw no problem with letting her hold a newborn infant. Not only does she have Alzheimers but her hand hygiene after the bathroom is poor. Then saw no problem she was going to watch the infant 3 times a week in my mother in laws home while she was supposed to be caring for my mother in law.

Glad the three Lindas are here, hello to all.
Will book appointment to get in K pool.
Will come blueberry picking when it cools off D!
Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
really hope d's brother remembers his feelings, and hassles next time he goes to dis D about mom care!

Rip, I agree it is so nice to see all three Linda's here! I wish I were in Washington with you in the cool weather. I nearly cooked my ass picking blueberries today. It was a 100 degrees by the time I got home.

Cricket, what you wrote moved me to tears. I can't tell each and every one of you how important your love and encouragement was and is to my recovering. I wouldn't have made it through without you guys. And Ladee, you saved my life that Sunday after I was released from the hospital. It was truly a blessing that I found you online that night and you talked with me until I calmed down. Every one of you has played a role in helping me come to where I am today. I do apologize that I made your burden heavier, but thank you for standing beside me.

Between this heat and being tired from lack of sleep Im dragging my hind end today. At least I don't have to cook tonight. While the bf and I were out we ate at an all you can eat bbq and I brought a dinner home for mom. I decided to accept I'm a real person and stop being super human.

Stay cool and hydrated everyone!

Love ya,

Whoa! My 3 favorite Lindas within a day! That little Care4 has no idea what a simple little arrogant comment can do. Give her one day in the life of ... Raise your hand if you'd like to offer her your charge for a day. Maybe a week if they're combative or perverted?
Is term Amber Jane in Wikipedia yet?

Hi all. Cool & drizzly here in the Pacific Northwet. Been thinking of everyone in the horrible heat. Wish everyone could hang with us for the weekend. Deefer, the ferris wheel is going on the Seattle waterfront. Think our cops are saving us a parking space there?

Sending you very cool thoughts

Rip&Pets sans Sir

hi u all . hoping u all stay cool today .
a friend of mine just lost his mom , she was 90 yrs old . a month ago her heart wasnt right so they put a pacemaker in her , bam she got better and went to rehab a very very nice place , wow ..... someone notice she had a bad bedsores , took her to hospital yesterday morning and removed 2 inches of stahp infection off her bedsores , got that taken care of then she was struggling to breath , died thismoring at 1134 am , heart breakin .. she was one hellva lady raised 10 boys and very strong and a very blessing smart sharp minded lady .. blew me away to hear she just no longer fighting .. god rest her soull ...

as the matter of fact !!! bobbie ure right . a real christin does not judge people , they just smile and say lalala .... oh wait a min , im shitofranci ! wooo !
bobbie - think i deleted ur new number by aacident , havent heard from you ., waaaaaaaaa ....

laddee - glad u posted here and stand by us . i guess carforever is one happy lady and never loses her cool . but yet she doesnt understand the anger , fussy , hey what are u taking to make u happy go lady !!! ???? do tell cuz i could use some of it ! i guess i ll just say lalala a.......
love you all and u all stay cool , try to .... xoxox

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