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Dear Diane,

I must say that after reading your posts this morning I can see how much personal growth you've experienced over the last few months and I want you to know that you are such an encouragement to me. Honestly, you really inspire me by knowing all that you have gone through, continue to cope with, and seek the help and follow through that you need. I can't say enough to you to tell you how much you affect me at a soul level. Everything that you have learned has given you the tools to help so many others here. I have to say that since I've been here I've seen you at your rock bottom lowest and I was so worried and yes even stressed over you because I wanted so much to help you and never knew if what I was saying was enough. At one point I almost left the forum because the sadness was overwhelming me, I am so glad that I didn't do that now. It's our struggles in life that make or break us and sometimes like in your situation it can break us but through it all we find the strength to pick ourselves up and continue to be refined as human beings. To do what you have done in my opinion is the greatest thing any of us can do with our lives. You have given me more by your example than I could have ever given you in words or worry. Thank you.

Much love,
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricket Hugsღ

Bookworm, I just read your profile and can relate so well. I don't know how long you have been reading this threat, but two months ago I attempted suicide. I think that overdose of pills burned some of my brain cells since my memory isn't quite what it was. Anyway, I am very happy to know you have started going to a support group. I strongly encourage you to seek treatment from a psychiatrist and counselor who understands about being a caregiver. I stress this because if that counselor has never walked the caregiver path they will start equating your situation to that of a new mother and this is two different situations.
What has helped me with mom's medications is a week dispenser with four doses for each day. When she was still taking her meds by herself, I found she was getting confused as to the day of the week. So I took pieces of bias binding and velcro and put strips over the rest of the weekdays and only left the current day available for her to open. I know this won't work for everyone, but it did help in my situation.

Karen, my heart goes out to you and please stay with us here and vent all you want. Stop researching suicide on the computer (i did this too) and spend 5 minutes everyday (eben if it is sitting on the commode) and do some deep breathing. If funds will allow you, try eat healthier foods. I know time and money sometimes dictate otherwise. Don't let your parents rob you of your life. I am still struggling day by day, but please please seek help. When I say this group is a lifesaver I mean it!!!!

I'm going to run away from home for a few hours and get away from mom. I hope each of you will have as good a day possible.

Love ya,

I went shopping today at the $1.99 store. I saw some reading glasses. Parent likes to read but complains that he can't read cuz he can't see. Can't take him to dental (would rather suffer the toothaches than go dentist), nor the eye clinic all because he refuses to leave the bed. Won't go on the wheelchair, etc..Anyway, I bought him 3 different ranges of reading glasses. I gave it to him and we narrowed it down to +2.00. He was so happy and appreciative. I felt glad that I was able to make him happy for a while. I prefer happy (very infrequent) vs the very bitter angry man.

We had one of our famous yelling matches this morning. I'm learning from this website about meds. Because he's becoming forgetful, I notice he would take his herbals more than the daily dosage. So,I gathered all his herbals and put it on the table away from him. He threw a fit. He was so angry looking, I was so scared, my heart started beating so fast ..I was actually terrified. Gee, whiz, he's bedridden, I'm not. But, it didn't matter. I reverted back to childhood. Anyway, I yelled back at him so that he can hear me, that from now on I will control his herbals. I will log in what he took for B,L and D. He was royally pissed off! He accused me several times of trying to kill him by taking away his meds. No matter what I said, he just kept saying it, "I know you're trying to kill me! See, you took my medicine! You're just like the hospital! They took away my medicine." Sigh...Like I said, when you get the good happy patient, enjoy it while you can...

It is not unchristian to lose your temper Jesus got angery at time when it was needed. I love it when someone picks on one of us we all go to bat for each other. My big brother could fight with each other but let someone else pick on one of us and there was hell to pay for that person.

Diane, thanks for saying it's okay to lose our temper and vent. Unfortunately, as A christian (please note, not the born-again christian, just a christian who believes in God), I really must behave as a christian. So, when I lost my temper and told off Caring4, my conscience kicked in, and I felt sooooo bad. Uhm...not feeling bad about telling Caring4 off. But bad that I lost my temper. This is a good site for venting. It also reminds us that we're not alone with our daily struggles with life (bills, jobs, etc) and with the caregiving aspects. But what I really appreciate, is that I learn things that validates me/feelings and the advice given to help others to Cope.

Hi Diane, I couldn't help but giggle when your brother text you that it was a "day from hell and he couldn't do it anymore." It's funny isn't it, that when family visits, they don't know that parent is on good behavior. Spend the whole day with them, and they see their true personality come out.

When dad was in the hospital for 2 weeks, my siblings and their kids and spouses took turns being with him. He was rude and mean to them in front of everyone. Before, when they came to visit the house, he treated them as visitors. At the hospital, all gloves were off. Most of my siblings/nieces had to walk out or end up yelling at him.

The one I treasure the most, was my sister's husband's words: "You can Never Pay Me to do this again!!" ;)

Never mind, Cricket. DUH!! I'm losing brain cells at a dangerous rate.

Wow!!! Take a day off and all hell breaks loose!!!
Caring, Sorry you got slammed for your opinion, but I guess you could tell by all the responses to your comment that you might try to understand others' point of view on the subject.
I was raised by loving parents and treated with respect by both, unlike many of the care givers I have come to know on this sight. I can't even begin to imagine caring for someone who treated me like sh!t my entire life. It has nothing to do with being "Christian". It's called being a good person, period!!! I have many bad days with mom and neither God or anyone else can make me feel differently. many of us have dire $$ problems and are in fear of losing our homes. Our parents had no $$ to help us care for them, and we had to leave our jobs long ago. We have no help from family or friends and we can't remember the last time we actually had one night off, never mind a week or two.
I don't know what your particular situation is, or if you have any of theses issues. I'm impressed that you feel so strongly about your parents and are able to keep smiling through it all. Are you on meds to help you cope? Do you have help? How about $$ problems?
All I can say is, if you can have so much compassion for your parents and the elderly, maybe you should work on your compassion towards care givers just like you. Forget the "Christian" part and concentrate on being a good person and learn to tolerate the way others cope with being a care giver. It's always good to vent about things that make us crazy. It's a good defense mechanism to help us cope with the daily grind.

Diane: I'm so happy for you. You're awesome.

Cricket: What does the ST on STFU stand for?

Some people who "care for life" in general don't seem to care much about the specific human being who is enduring a particular life. But people who are comfortable with themselves and their own choices have no need to shame others.

Hi Y'all,

My dear friend you are REAL!!!! I think our most recent AJ is in denial of what her life really is like. You guys have been my LIFESAVER!!!! No apologies needed from anyone who feels they were wrong in losing their temper. VENT AWAY!!!!

Its 109 degrees here today. I lived in Florida the first 35 years of my life and we never got this hot. SC is baking today!

My brother took mom to the podiatrist today and it evidently pushed him over the edge. I was at work and got a text saying it was the day from hell and he couldn't do this any longer. The Evil Flex is snickering while the logical Flex is saying Oh Shit! There is no point getting angry or frustrated with my brother. It is what it is. All I can hope is that maybe he will have a better understanding of the situation.

Cat, thanks for your comment. I think my meds are finally reaching a theraputic level and I feel more able to cope with the family and the caregiving crap. I am sleeping more sound when I do get to sleep and I've been more more patient with mom. I'm still struggling with concentration, but that is improving daily too. I still worry about my situation, but I don't feel as threatened as I did. I know I have a lot of people in my corner (outside of family) that support me. And I have to be very greatful for my boyfriend. He has stood by me through all this crap and helps me every day.

I am sure by Sunday I will be about ready to lose my mind from dealing with mom all weekend, but right now life is ok. Thank you all for being here for me and each other.

Love ya,

Usually they don't come back, just drive bys. 4L was serious and of the Honor thy Father and Thy mother type. I wrote in my journal about it, " yes honor they mother and they father no matter what they do to you." Very original, but then I am not a Christian. Resent the assumption I am. SO I can't come on the "we're all Christian argument..." You guys will have to deal if she returns.
Know what you mean but not wanting to spread the anger bobbie and can really understand why bookworm feels the hurt. Been there live that. Caring for parents or loved ones who DID NOT care for you is another issue entirely well almost entirely. You guys may end up with an impasse or a circular argument there. You can turn the other cheek if it helps, just assume we all have our "crosses to bare" and are doing "the best we can with what we have been given" and so forth.
"No more than we can handle"?
Ah the suicides and mental hospitals do not exist....

Anyhow adult day health here, a few hours of release from his very being, and it is a God Send for mom and me.....Just the change in the negativity and stress levels IN the house is palpable for a few hours....

Ultimately, if you don't approve of the people ON the Blog you should maybe find one you do approve of. Lots here at Aging Care. We are the Grossed Thread and we like it that way. Check the dates, we were here before you got here, we'll be here when you've moved on...Our blog is for venting and encouraging each other in situations that need all the encouragement and venting we can get! If you "glory in the poop" (actual line from past attacker) and feel lucky to be able to help your loved one, honored to do it, good for you. We don't ALL feel that way and some of us just not ALL the time. Please consider your "Non-judgmental judgements" have hurt some people here and the response you get is the response you get."

I lost my temper too and I'm not apologizing for it... when confronted with a self righteous Christian I become righteously angry. But that doesn't mean I can't rise above it and show love to the Christian, I can. However I will not tolerate self-righteous comments.

Bobbie I'm glad you and the boat weathered the storm! We would all be devastated if anything happened to you!

Mame, I love your spirit for life!

I have lots to do so need to get off the computer and get busy. Love you all.
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricket Hugsღ

Cricket - I love the STFU truck. All we really need to answer caring's post with is - !!!!!!!OBMAJ!!!!!!!
Love you all, Kuli

I'm sorry all. Certain things trigger my terrible temper. All these years while I stayed home to help care for mom, my dad would tell Everyone that I'm a bad daughter. I've had people come up to me and Tell me that I need to do more. My brother had people come up to him and said the same thing about me! All my dad's siblings had the nerve to tell me that I needed to do more. Why just me?! My parents had 7 other children but I seem to be the one that Everyone lectured. So, when Caring4Life said that, I just lost my temper. I'm so sorry for losing it. I rarely lose my temper unless pushed too far. I'm being so "unchristian-like." Please God, forgive us for our temper and harsh words. It's either that, or we hurt the ones were caring for ...or we hurt ourself...

and that star that caring got was from me...... I wanted her to feel a little love and you guys know me well enough to know that I am serious. Hand out the love.
already blessed, thanks. Got an amazing group of friends.

Love you guys.

Ladee: On the money.
bookworm: you could teach us all.
Austin!! you know I love you girl.
Judy! They come and go, the righteous ones and what we know they will learn.
Everybody! Happy Friday.
Jen! I empower you to go into FartPant's room when he is not there and take the music out that is driving you insane. When the finger pointing starts blame the neighbors.


Caring4Life - you know nothing of the real world. Honor? Where was the honor when I was sexually abused parent? I still have memory of nighttime in bed and seeing parent standing by the door. I remember the fear and prayed so hard not to move and to pretend to be asleep. I was 4 years old! In elementary age, I prayed to God constantly on Why He Made me be born! I have 7 sisters and brothers. We grew up with only verbal, physical and sexual abuse, no love, no encouragement - just fear. Of all 8 kids, I stayed home to help the parents. I have put up these past 23 years of BS from parent. I am here taking care of Both Bedridden Parents. And I Have The Right to Speak up of the abuse I and my siblings endured in their hands. Get real!! Do they show appreciation? Hell NO! I get punched. I'm told it's easy to kill me by kicking my throat while I'm changing his pants. He constantly tells me that I'm a bad daughter. Hello?! I'm the only one here for them! Bad Daughter, MY FOOT!!

Deep breath. Exhale. That's all I'm saying on the subject. And here I was thinking Not to write anything tonight.

Ugh. Self righteous. Makes me want to heave. Caring4.... my day would be very blessed if you weren't in it. Sorry, but that's the way I feel.

So, yesterday morning mom wakes up and tells me she had a dream that Jane died. In her dream she went to the funeral and she talked to so many people-and named several! I sat beside her on the bed and just shook my head. She even knew they buried her in a different city! I said-"well mom, that was not a dream..." She just said "oh". Then she says to me. "I want breakfast. I am starving! Ya know, they don't feed you in this place" My eyebrows go up and I look at her and she leans her shoulder into my shoulder and is laughing!!! I swear-I never know when she is out of it-or kidding me!!!! Yes, I love her sense of humor and thank God for it!!!
Bobbie-I had a counselor who said something similar about being depressed but I like what your doc said better! And we know from the bible that even Jesus didn't want to be beaten and die on the cross and even asked God to take it away! He was venting right?! Cricket-love the truck!!!
Linda-I am with you-I won't be doing this again! One of my unmarried brothers made a joke about living with me and having me care for him when the time comes and I was like-NO WAY! Love ya-but! The toll the stress of caregiving has taken on me will have me in a NH at an early age. And NO-I will not let my kids take me into their home even if they (think they) want to!
JSomebody- My heart aches for you and I hope you can get away from that house and FP soooon!!!! You deserve better!
Austin-so happy the bush is blooming! I think it was you who asked-I am just west of Syracuse. I too love CNY! Hubby wants to move to FL someday...humidity-ick! Well, we have that here too but I think it is worse there. I will live in air conditioning I suspect!
Gonna be in the 80's here today. Better than the 90's or above! Keep cool everybody! Run in the sprinkler like you were a 6 year old again!!!! =) Mame

Real Chrisitians who post on this whole sight, well that would be US..... honest, compassionate, long suffering... understanding of each others situations....we don't shame each other, we don't presume to know all the answers, and we have a sense of humor..... sorry you live in a 'one size fits all' world, you are missing out on some great friendships, laughter, oppurtinites to give support and many times to be in prayer for others..... Real Chrisitians would not presume to think they know what is right for anyone else..... one more time, a Real Chrisitian has set us on fire.... but in the end, the Real Christians end up like Daniel in a den of Lions,,,,,, but the outcome is different, ya'll just dissappear... which is a good thing for the rest of us Heathens as we already have enough to deal with.... I'll pray for YOU Caring, that you have a more open mind to the suffering of others... and I am not talking about our elders....I'm talking about US...... Prayers for you......

Captain Bobbie you rock girlfriend -one one picks on me and my real friends that I have met over the last 4 years here when I was so down I could hardly get out of bed in the morning-it is 3 years this week he died and the bush I gave the church started blooming just at that time. I thank God for all of your great people. Maxine

The worst comments on this thread and this site have been posted by those who claim to be 'real' Christians.
Please don't say you're not judging because you are. We can't help it if you can't see it, but then again that's another annoying trait of a 'real' christian.
Some of the worst examples of mankind are those who are 'real' christians.

And af far as being 'chosen to do everything because we an handle it.... '
What a crock. If you take the time to read some of these backstories you will see that many are not handling it. It is too much and it is killing us.

Depressed and angry? When I went to a doctor to get help because I was depressed he said: What do you expect? Look at the situation you are in. Jesus Christ would be depressed.

That old cliche about god not ever giving someone more than they can handle is pure bullshit. If that were true there would be no suicide.

Let's agree to disagree and I will put it to you once: If you would like to join us you are welcome to but in no way will we put up with your hypocrisy.

Bless this.

Ms. JudymW, I was not trying to make anyone upset and I apologize to you and anyone else if they felt that way. But yes, I do all of the above. I change diapers and clean poo off of whatever it gets on and so forth. I have been doing it for a very long time. Everything that I am doing is most of the things my parents did for me when I was growing up. Now the time has come when we change places. I'm not judging anyone. I just know that real Christians don't talk down or say bad things about their parents to anyone. I know that caring for someone can be hard and frastrating. But the more we down the situation even though we feel that we are releaseing things to others. When other hurray us, it really can make things a lot worst. And we start to feel depressed and stressed out and angry for whats going on in our life. Why am I the one who has to do everything. Why don’t I have any help. We are the ones that have been chosen to do everything, because we can handle it. I hope that you and your family and every caregiver on this site have a blessed day.

Caring this is not the site for you-you have no clue what we do or have done on a daily basies-you have no compassion and I feel sorry for your charges if you are a caregiver hands on-on this site we help each other and are supportive to each other hhow dare you judge us you do not have the right to say shame on us-you have not walked a mile in our shoes-thank God you are not a friend of mine-this thread has been going on for over two years and we do not need self rightous people like you judgeing us-our jobs are so hard and we do not need the likes of you critizing us-you are not the first idiot to tell us how to live and you won't be the last but I hoe we have seen the last of you-shame on you for judging us-unless you have read from the first posting up until now you do not have the right to make such stupid commets-do us a favor and never come bck here -we do not need the likes of you.

Hi Judy, Enjoy it while you can because it probably won't be up long.

I've had a rough week and just logged in tonight to read posts to catch up here on the thread and saw that ruthless judgmental comment and the first picture that came to my mind was one of those overly self righteous fanatic type persons and I knew it was time for a truck. It makes me wonder how caring can a person be in reality when they are so quick to judge and blame others when they don't even have a clue. If that person would have taken the time to read the posts here she would have seen that this thread is one where people can vent without judgment. Blah blah blah..... it's not the first time nor the last that a thoughtless person drops by to drop a judgmental bomb on us.

Diane, Hang in there because it looks like things are going to turn around in your favor.... try to avoid the brother and other sibs if you can and just get it done with you and your Moms interests as the priority. The sibs aren't putting your Mother first in their lives like you have and continue to do, so don't stress about them if you don't have to.

Angelhair, I meant to congratulate you on your grades for MT and somehow Lildeb is what I typed.

I love this quote and want to share it with you all..

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a
fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will
live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
- Albert Einstein

Hang in there everyone!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricket Hugsღ

judy ! u go girl !!!
jen you said it all ! right on the good ones ad the bad ones , easy ones , hard one , damn it all . im not no martha stewert ither ,
caring4life - good for you that youre enjoying the caregivin 4 life . after pa died i tld myself i will not be a caregiver anymore , its too heart breakin for me . break my back too . tear up all my muscles
yes sure i ask for it cuz i love my pa and he raised me well . of course ill get fussy wuzzy and i tell u its not no running in the fields of sunflowers either .

i had to grin and giggle when i saw this SHAME ON YOU SHAME ON YOU woooo hooo lalalalaaaaaaaaaaaa.
love ya !! xoxo

Diane: You sound so good. The advise you gave to Sue, the ordering dinner tonight. You sound like a completely different person from 6 months ago. I will say a prayer of thanks for your progress tonight. You are a precious person, Diane. I wish you so much love and happiness.

Cricket: You are an artist at heart. We so appreciate your gift.

Love to all,


OMG. Cricket.... I just laughed so hard that I cried. No kidding. My two oldest boys had to see what was so funny and they thought it was a riot too. I'm still laughing. Thank you. Whew. I needed that. xxoo

Caring4Life, Here is a picture designed just for someone special like you..


| STFU TRUCK l “”|””\__,_

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