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Cattails, I know about kildees, I was riding at a park, back in Missouri one day when a kildee hopped out into the trail, doing it's injured act. They can be very convincing, I was worried it was actually hurt. My horse was curious as well, he put his nose down to sniff at the flopping bird, which promptly pecked him on the end of the nose and took off. Poor horse had a bloody nose, and a bewildered look on his face.
This was the same horse I was riding along a lake, with a flock of Canadian geese swimming on the lake. Everybody was fine, until a pair of geese came hurling out of the water towards us. I glanced over, and noticed a nest of goslings in the grass. We had gotten between the parents and their nest of babies. Didn't have time to get out of there, before we were attacked by the angry geese. Again, my poor horse took the brunt of the attack, one went after his head, and the other was attacking from the rear. My normally quiet gentle horse, was bucking and kicking so hard, I couldn't stay on. So I was laying in the grass, watching my horse go over the hill, with the gander still glued to his rump. My horse went back to the trailer, with his empty saddle, and I walked back quite a bit slower. By the time I got back to the trailer, a dozen people had been dispatched to look for me. I ended up riding back out to round up all the searchers. Later my friends got together, and presented me with a T shirt that said, "Who goosed the Kid". (Kid is my horses name). Kid is 30 years old now, and he still doesn't like birds.

Cattails! LOVE the birds story! I too am a lover of birds! We don't have Kildees around here or Quail but my backyard birds keep me and mom sooo happy. We have a Fuscia plant right outside mom's back door so the Hummingbirds will come. And 2 feeders for the regulars. Along with the squirrels and chipmunks. Over the years we have had some build nests and have families-but never such a story as yours! I will share this with mom today! Thank you!!! :) Happy Friday ALL!!!!

Oh shit!!! Excuse the last two paragraphs. Poor editing on my part. Hugs, Cattails.

Jen: Eat elsewhere. Would your mom mind? Who cares if FP minds. I love my dad, but I can't sit at the table and eat with him. Too many food explosions and he has always eaten like a viking. I'm with you on the little bully shits. A touch of old sparkie would do them a world of good.

OK, a little nature time. We have a pair of Kildeer nesting in our driveway. Kildeer are birds and they look somewhat like Sand Pipers. They are actually shore birds, but like to nest inland a bit. Their nests are on open ground, usually in gravel or near gravel, so these two have nested alongside our gravel driveway. They are often called Kildees and when a predator comes near their nest, the parent(s) will make their high pitched call and move away from the nest pretending to be injured. They put their wings out and flop around so that the predator will follow them.

If you are familiar with Kildees or Sand Pipers, you know they are a not a big bird, but rather slight in build. Yet Kildees have large eggs for their size. I wondered why the eggs were so large. I also wondered how they were going to raise babies so out in the open. Well, it turns out that the egg is larger because Kildees take longer to hatch and they need more nutrition to develop because when they hatch they are fully feathered. As soon as their feathers dry, they are up and walking with their parents and feeding on ground seeds and insects.

I noticed our Kildee when I was walking down the driveway one day. As soon as I saw her flopping around, I knew their was a nest nearby. It took me a while to be able to see it as the eggs blend in so well. There was one egg. Later in the week there were 2 eggs, still later there were 3 and eventually 4. The goal of nature is that the eggs hatch as close as possible to the same time, so even though one egg may be two weeks older than another, they don't start to incubate until mom has laid all her eggs and takes up sitting on the nest full time. I just find nature to be so fascinating and we are so hoping that all will go well and we will get our first glimpse of baby kildees in the coming weeks.

So, last Monday we had a had major birdie fiasco. Warren had gone next door to my dad's house and there was a daddy quail with about 10 brand new babies, not but an inch high, in my dad's yard. ( Like the kildees, the quail babies are fully feathered when born and are soon up and looking for food.) This must have been their first time out and Warren scared them and they ran under the rail fencing and in the direction of the Kildee nest.

Poor daddy quail (DQ) was calling his babies and rounding them up and then mama Kildee started her antics which punched DQ's buttons and the fight was on. DQ puffed his chest out and charged mama Kildee, chasing her and dad kildee all over the place. DQ was kicking butt in every direction. The Kildees were screaming and flopping like mackerels in the driveway. DQ was relentless, the kildees were frantic to draw him away from their eggs and mom was frantic to get back on her nest. It was pitiful.

I went out to try to break it up but DQ was ready to kick my butt too. About that time the home health nurse who needs to do a blood draw on my dad showed up and then the care giver drove in right behind her. For some reason, home health likes to stop short of our house and sit in the driveway making computer notes or something for like 10 minutes every time she comes.. So our care giver is stuck in the driveway waiting for her to move up. This is adding to the chaos of flopping kildees and ass kicking DQ. I go tap on HH's car window. I’m like, could you move your car up to the house and park, I’ve got a flippin crisis here. HH is all wide eyed, "You have a crisis?". "Yes. I reply, a bit of an altercation." "OMG" she says, "An altercation." "Yes", I reply, "A non-domestic altercation between birds. Please move your car up to the house."

So I get HH and the CG into the house and get them going about their tasks. Meanwhile, (not our meanwhile) the outside ruckus continues. HH likes birds and starts to talk turkey. She is so relieved there is not a free for all going on in our house so she is telling us about the baby turkeys she raised and how sweet they are. She sees us now as kindred souls, which we are, but I am so distracted by the poor kildee cries I have to excuse myself and go back out.

DQ vs Kildee has been going on for probably an hour now and what I realize is that a couple of ravens have flown in and landed in trees and over head I see a bald eagle circling. I want to tell mama Kildee, "If you would just shut the f*** up these predators would leave. I'm thinking, OMG, this place is going to hell in a hand basket. We'll be lucky if the baby quail don't get picked off and the Kildee eggs taken.

Warren and I were so stressed. Finally, about two hours later, things calmed down. DQ got his babies where he wanted them and brought them across the driveway to our yard where they foraged for another couple of hours. Mama Kildee was back on her nest and the ravens and eagle left.

I went to bed early that night. As of today, things are still calm. DQ and babies fine. Mama and dad Kildee at peace and nesting.

I love all my blessings here. Hope you enjoyed hearing a bit about my surroundings. A little break from the usual care giver routine. Love, Cattails

It went on like that for several hours. All the kildee squaks and screams seemed to bring in the ravens, plus an eagle started flying over head. I just thought, “Geez, this place is going to hell in a hand basket. We’ll be lucky if anything is left; baby quail or kildee eggs.”

Around 3:30pm things started to quiet down. Mama Kildee back on her nest and DQ plus babies in our yard going all over the place looking for things to eat. You can’t even see the babies in the backyard grass, they are that small. Had to keep the dogs in and finally Warren took them out on the drain field and back property.

Ugh! Jsomebody.... eeeuw! I'll never, ever forget eating with my grandmother when I was a kid. I don't know what the hell she did on night, but she blew chewed up pasta and drool into the serving bowl, like dripping off the sides of the bowl, and I still remember how repulsed I was. Still am. This is the same grandmother who decorated our only bathroom with explosions I've referred to as being similar to popping shit balloons. My parents are still okay at meal time, gross-wise. My mother likes to talk with food tucked into her cheek like a squirrel, sending bit of food flying when she talks, but no chewed food explosions. That'd put me over the edge. The flying bits of food whie she talks is quite enough. I feel for ya!

I'm with you D...

I almost threw up at the table tonight...She no longer tells him to stop shoveling the food in and take a drink to stop coughing, he exploded at table and food flew all over, I just wanted to get up and leave. I had to breathe slowly to keep from puking....

Bullying front and center over Karen, the lady bus monitor being tormented by little shit teen agers in New York. She doesn't want them arrested. I know people who want them electrocuted....You know, just a little bit.....

Hi everybody,
I aced another final! So excited. I got 100/100 on my hands on in CORE and 96/100 on the written. Doing well. Excited to start variations; and I'm loving accupressure, very cool. Did o.k. on Anatomy quiz, 90/100, I do awesome at the skeletal structure and bones, but I seem to struggle when it comes to telling what kind of tissue's and cells does what function. Oh well, I'll just have to study extra hard. Love you all and good luck with all of your daily to do's.
GGIL fell on the tracks last Monday. Don't know if I mentioned that. She had a bad skin tear on her hand and a cut that required 6 stitches above her left eye brow. Amazingly the cut has completely healed. We took the stiches out for her on three days ago and you can't even tell she had anything there at all. Her hand also looks great. She only has a small bandage on it now.

Hi Y'all,

I'm still here trying to get through each day. I have been feeling like crap most of this week since I had to increase my meds and it made me sick with bad headaches and nausea. Today I actually felt better, so maybe my body is adjusting finally. Mom has been very spaced out and convinced she is dying multiple times a day. I called her neurologist today and he is out of town. I know these are anxiety attacks she is having but the ativan and lexapro just aren't doing the trick. My brother is worried mom is going to be too spaced out for the elder law attorney to allow her to change her POA and allow me to buy her home. Hopefully by this time next week I will know how I need to proceed to get mom in a NH. Cricket and everyone here, thank you for checking up on me.

God give me patience, and hurry. Mom is "dying" again!!!!

Have a good night everyone!

Love ya,

Meanwhile, It's sad how some people can be mean to someone just because someone else is a bit different from them. That is why bullying is so important for parents to educate their children as much as possible that it is wrong to bully others. On the hand, even though your friend was sick, it seem she was an amazing person n I am glad you were able to be her friend.

mame4mom, It is amazing how our love ones can be toward some of us caregivers n how they r toward someone else. I am glad all of you had a nice visit together. It is aweful how this illness can rob r love ones life yet, their still that part of them haning in their being strong. Moments like this don't come around a lot n I treasures them anytime I can get one from my own mnl.

Jsomebody, Hang in there.
Cricket, I hope u get to feeling good real soon n maybe its your body telling u to take a small break for yourself n get some rest.

I have notice late in afternoon sometimes, I will get all stiff legged when I try to get up from my chair n from my knees down I feel cold but rest of me is hot. I do stretch my calve muscle n it helps somewhat. Go figure.

I hope everyone has a nice night n a good night sleep.

Hi all, I'm feeling ill today so I'm doing as little as possible (you know how it is).

Shirley, I'm sorry for the loss of your friend Jeanie. She sounded like a really amazing person.

Mame, your experience with your Mother and Jane was truly a wonderful thing to have seen. I'm glad you got to see a little glimpse of who your Mother really is underneath all of the horrors of her own illness. Sometimes I think we see those little glimpses to remind us of how much the person really matters. It's a real blessing that eludes many. Hold on to that memory because it will help you get through all this. Oh and thank you for your kind words about my post on the other thread. I really couldn't not reply to another post over there this morning. I was just so compelled to reply again. All any of us can really hope to do is to help hold each other up no matter where we are, in or out of the trenches.

Diane, you are on my mind. I'm sure your moods have been up and down with the changes in your medications and with all that you have to deal with but no matter what please remember we are here for you, we understand. Good or Bad, whatever you are experiencing if you can please pop in here and give us a hello so we can help you if you need it.

Cattails, thank you for all the love and support you show here to many of us.

Love to all of you,
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricket Hugsღ

Looked at it, was so far from my life I couldn't be annoyed...It isn't like what I know. Maybe it is for someone, If they can do that they are lucky...Some people do have unlimited funds and willing assistance. I sort of imagine they are in the minority....

Mom at eye doctor, dealing with grandpa, repair guy here doing lighting issues. Strange mom even called them, must be a security issue....

On and on here...Peace all...

Meanwhile-I am so sorry about your friend. I will keep her family and you in my prayers! Hugs to you!
I brought mom to Day Care on Tuesday. Wasn't sure it was going to even happen when she woke up telling me she was "terribly sick". But after Tylenol and an ice pack on the head and an extra hour sleep she was fine! She did well, they told me. But she couldn't really remember anything to tell me about. Guess I will have to take their word for it! Or does it even matter? The Adult Day Center is connected to the Hospice House my cousin is at. I took mom over in her wheelchair to see our cousin Jane. Jane was sleeping so I showed mom around the place-it is beautiful! We went back to her room and I decided to wake her since I really don't know if we will get back there. Jane was happy to see us. Mom sat in her wheelchair and asked Jane "Are you feeling better?" Immediately she realized what she had said. She stood herslelf up from the wheelchair! Got closer to Jane and turned into my mom, and the nurse she was! She asked her if they were treating her well and if she needed anything etc! It was amazing to see the transformation from this current mom I have who is frail and has a whine in her voice all the time like she is weak and hurt-to this woman who is in control and wants to be heard and wants to help! I don't think I will ever forget that moment! Jane enjoyed our visit. She is weak and I wanted to believe she was just sleepy cause we woke her...but I know the truth. Next Tuesday we will go over again after Day Care. If Jane is still with us. Mom continues to wake every day telling me she has dreamt of Jane or her mother. She really has her on her mind-and can keep it there! Amazing.
Happy Thursday to you all. I believe I am out of my black hole and am moving forward with a new thought process. It has been a long time comng. I believe reading posts by all of you has helped me. I am happy I have found this site. Mame

Meanwhile: I'm sorry for Jeanie's passing. How wonderful that she was so loved by her husband and had you and others like you for friends. Life sure isn't fair, but to have love in your life is a gift. Sending you love and a big wrap around you and hold you close hug. Cattails

Got a letter today from the husband of a girl I grew up with. My friend Jeanie died. I'm not that shocked. She was always frail. Born deaf, she could read lips so well, that most people didn't realize she was deaf. At 18 she developed Hodgkins lymphoma. She had the speech impediments of a deaf person, and most people thought she was slow. But, she went to public school, even if she was couple years behind. I remember how sick she got with the chemo, and radiation.Some of the kids were not kind to her. She was insightful, brave, loving, beautiful, and I was blessed to be her friend. She was only 57 when she died. Her husband adored her, and took care of her until the end. His letter was sad, between the lines I can read how lonely he is without her. Jeanie is at peace now, I pray for her husband to find some comfort.

Crickets comment was really nice-and informitive about the article. Maybe she should write for this site! You put it much more realistically Cricket!!! And I agree that there were good points-those 5 sentences that I thought were worthy of printing... It was just too unrealistic the way it was written-thanks Crickett for putting it into a better perspective.

ss- and austin-just read the article-This article reminds me of a family member who wants to show off like they "know everything" and tell you how to "do" everything when they have no idea what your daily life is like. Or they act like you haven't been doing it for the last 8 years and you need their advice! Maybe it was not written for the vets here-but if it was written for someone new to caregiving-there is better advice out there! If we cut out all the crap their might be 5 sentences that were worthy of being printed! Agreed-a pollyanna answer! lalala and rose colored glasses! Get real!!!

Good for you and the other person posting comments about the Pollyanna answer-you did good

OMG -- guys and gals on the Grossed Out thread, if you want a good laugh today, you HAVE to read the most ridiculous article on this site I've ever read. "Finding and Maintaining your Personal Space" Another writer with NO real life care giving experience.....I won't spoil it. It's short, just read it and my comment of course!

Luv u all,


long island ice tea is good good ! kick ur hindend over the boat so ya shall be careful . wear a life jacket ! lol .
jsomebody - i packed too ! :-)
see u all tmr ! xoxo

Oh well hells...Bobbie already has the imaginary boat trip planned. I guess this means I'll have to follow behind, and with two boats we can damn sure fit EVERYONE! I'm reading about the fartin' granny and the dog farting and growling at it's butt. Haven't laffed that hard in a while!

Save me some of those patches, Cat

Thanks ladee n Lovbob, wow, I misunderstood all of it earlier. Hey does good intention count? I am glad that the boat gives you some therapy. It was kind of strange to me to hear u say that about land as I am about water. lol about the Walmart n moving for it sure don't seem to be sometimes. For instance, we all went their the other day to buy some dirt n we waited in line for about 15 -20 minuets waiting on a manager to clear someone at the check-out. Get this, the manager never apologize for any inconvience n my 80yr old mnl walks faster than she did toward the register! At least the cashier apologize n I told her it wasn't her fault but the manager could use some cross training for customer people skills.

Oh...guess I should mention the Vacation thread is on the Caregiver Support forum. :)

Everyone is invited! I love how you peeps are having fun with this :-)

Just lettin' y'all know I started a Vacation Thread...what is everyone's dream vacation, and what mode of transportation to get there kind of thing. I've answered myself twice already...teehee

By the way, it's been eons since I had a Long Island Ice Tea. Lisa, send me the recipe. Cattails

Better idea, bring Doug.

Once I went to get moms Meds and depends. My arms were full and the depends fell on the floor. A gentlemen who looked every inch of 90 years old bent over and picked them up. He looked at me and said, "does this mean we're going steady now"? Cracked me up, so I leaned over and gave him a big ol kiss on the cheek. Everyone around was clapping. So I'd have to look him up and bring him along. Heeheehee

Great! Then I would definitely step up and bring the long island teas. :)))))

Lisa: Absofu**inglutely. Would love to have you with us. Hugs, Cattails

Caregiver cruise. How amazing that would be. Can I come?

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