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Reflexology is the manipulation of the hands and feet for the benefit of a corresponding body part or organ in a specific system of the human body.
In english- I work the hands and feet to make the rest of your body feel better.

Bobbie: Thank you for sharing what's going on with you. You are entitled to your grief and questions. Don't compare yourself to others. Your pain is as valid as anyone's. Keep talking and when you can, consider seeing a therapist who understands PTSD.

I'm glad the boat gets you up in the morning. Let us know how the repairs go today. Wow girl, working with fiberglass in hazmat gear will be an experience. Hope it goes well and the boat get her necessary fix.

Sending you lots of love, Cattails

Oh, my second final was in Reflexology.

I aced my first final! Yes, it was just to get my CPR certification, but I had never done it before and I passed my course with flying colors. I just had my second final on Thursday and I aced it too. I got 100/100 on my hands on and 94/100 on the written, which wasn't as good, but I still feel great about being in the nineties. Especially since each question was worth two points. I also pointed out on question to the teacher that should have been correct. He looked at the test, looked where I was showing him in the book, and stated, "My answer key is wrong?!" It turned out that most of the class got it wrong so those who answered it correctly, but got marked down might be getting the points back on that one. Anyway, I hope you all are doing well with your various struggles and endeavors. I wish you all well, but I have to go. Taking MIL and GGIL to get their hair and nails done so they can look pretty when we go out for GGIL birthday supper this evening. Love you all and to all good luck.

Bobbie I love it when you stop by and glad of the update on Ted say hello to him for me-we still get Amber Jane's here from time to time as you know because you read the posts-the caregiver support group I am involved with is going good and the leaders seem commited to it and give those who are now caregivers plenty of time to talk and let us former caregivers say what we want to-as if they could stop me. My gentleman friend and I am history-he tried to rule my life and tell me how to handle things that came up and I rebelled so he stoped calling me. You worry me because you work too hard-hope you get to have some fun.

Good Morning Crew,

Still in boat shed but went and got a doohickey to get my own Internet so here I am. Ya I know, BFD.

CUZ!!! We are talking about little D? I remember she stayed with us for about a week when I was a kid. She got to witness some crazy me getting yelled at bless her heart for being so so sweet.
Oh man, I can't even imagine what she is feeling. Glad she is a big believer and that it is bringing her solace. Please please tell her I said I am thinking of her with much love and sweet memories of her.

Deef! Ya wow what you are dealing with physically omg.

Austin! Diane! lildeb! cricket!

Cattails the nightmares and flashbacks are something I can't deal with yet. I am proud of myself if I make it through the day and night without screaming crying sobbing. As I write this the tears are running down my cheeks and I have nothing to cry about. Everyone else has it so much worse than me but I am just a hot mess simply trying to cope with the most simple things. Sometimes I am so sad that I just can't move but the boat makes me get up and do for it because it has to be done.
I am a caregiver to a boat. It's good that it keeps me active and focused on something other than grief and I still wonder what would have become of me had I stayed in the house surrounded by the bewildering past, as bittersweet as it was.

Jen! We are so sensitive as writers and as a producer I learned the cost of making pages of paper stand up and come to life. Writing from both viewpoints is tough but doable and it is never easy to kill off your babies whether they be characters or jokes or tasty speeches that you realize the story doesn't need in order to move forward.
Good luck and I love that you are aiming at a bigger company! You are a wonderful writer and this is the hard part. Letting people see your creation and standing while they say whatever it is they're going to say. It's hard not to take it personally but we have to fight to do so. I hope that your readers are secure in themselves. If you want me to do anything, just let me know through our little network here.
If they are saying that there are too many characters, are they all onstage at the same time? Hasn't anyone heard of one actor and many hats or is managing more than one character at a time too difficult for the local actors.....? Ever heard of wigs, glasses, stick on mustaches, dialects? The Audience will totally go with the 'suspension of disbelief' and buy one actor doing 5 roles...
Oh... excuse me that was the snarky producer speaking to that theater company haha

Meanwhile! Love that horse and I hope your anniversary was sweet with good memories.

Linda! Glad you are getting out more as well! Good for you and love to your sis and to Deb.

Selfish siblings! so good to see you as always and SSK! you too.

OK, I have to go for now even though there are more I wanted to write to personally. It's Saturday and the yard's air compressor is running and I have to grind on my foredeck with my new angled air grinder. This is the first time I'm going to use an air tool other than a brad nailer so by the time my learning curve has exhausted itself, the guy who is using the air compressor with probably be finished with what he is doing and turn it off.
I won't lie to you this is a full on pain in the ass and since I am dealing with fiberglass I have to suit up with full respirator etc etc and it's hot and itchy. When I fix this forward hatch though it will be fixed and not leak like it has been since I bought this boat. It looks like the former owners did what I call 'panic fixes' where they did what they did with what they had on hand because weather was coming or whatever. Being under a boat shed is a luxury that this boat probably has never experienced and now, with the support of the experts at this yard, I have the opportunity to fix some things correctly and because of that those things will hopefully stay fixed.
I am sore and the air around my hair hurts but onward we go. It's a boat.

Christine! Whaddya doing?

As for Ted, we talk just about every day. He's going through Hell and dealing with it as best as he can. We both are fierce advocates for caregivers with two distinct points of view that both serve the caregiver so good for those that follow us should come of that.

Love you guys way more than you'll ever know.

BEST JOKE OF 2012 (so far)]

George Bush, Queen Elizabeth, and Vladimir Putin all die and go to
hell. While there, they spy a red phone and ask what the phone is
for. The devil tells them it is for calling back to Earth.
Putin asks to call Russia and talks for 5 minutes. When he is
finished the devil informs him that the cost is a million dollars,
so Putin writes him a check.

Next, Queen Elizabeth calls England and talks for 30 minutes. When
she is finished the devil informs her that the cost is 6 million
dollars, so she writes him a check.

Finally George Bush gets his turn and talks for 4 hours. When he is
finished the devil informs him that the cost is $2.00.

When Putin hears this he goes ballistic and asks the devil why Bush
got to call the USA so cheaply. The devil smiles and replies, " Since
Obama took over , the country has gone to hell, so it's a local call."

Hi everyone. I went to the airport this afternoon to pickup my sister. She looked like she had been run over by a Mack truck. She is black and blue in places that should not be black and blue. From her forehead all the way to her ankles. She does have a broken left arm, chipped teeth, and something wrong with her pinky finger that the drs. in Alaska didn't want to work on. She has to see an orthopidic surgeon to find out what is going to happen. She is a strong believer and has a great testimony about what happened. Thank you for all of your prayers because the healing process is going to take a while both physically and mentally like meanwhile had stated. Thank you again cause you are a great group of supporters. Hugs to all

Cuz, I'm so very sorry for your loss and the pain and suffering your sister and her kids are enduring. Yes, something you read about but never happens to you. How sad....I wish her a speedy recovery. Hang in there.

Love to all of you readers and caregivers.


Once again, when I think I am alone in a situation, I just need to read this site for a while.

I can't look at Mom when she eats either. The woman who patrolled the dinner table as the manners police when we were growing up is doing everything she corrected us for doing. I try not to look. Her mind doesn't tell her to move closer to her plate, to use a knife to cut something, to keep her hands out of fruit with dressing. And she has about a 75% success rate in actually getting a bite into her mouth instead of her lap.

And, of course, she insists on wearing her "Sunday Best" every day - clothes that are Dry Clean Only, if you can imagine. That falls into the category of "Battles Not Worth Fighting".

I forgot to put haveing eye surgery in my sentence.

Cat we had a pt. who was going to have eye and was to put drops into eye before comming to the hospital and he picked up crazy glue and put that into his eye-the er doc was able to fix the problem and then called the crazy glue company and they said that happens a lot and the doc asked them it they could change the bottle of crazy glue so it did not have the same color top as eye drops are and they said no they were not going to change anything and that people should keep eye drops in the medician closet and crazy glue in the garage but that was years ago and I thought they may have change things by now-so it is easy to make that mistake because older people tend to keep both in the kitchen.

Hey Deef glad you are hanging in there...same here. A day with no rain and I mowed after two weeks...So got something done. No plans for the weekend like there would be..oh it Father's Day right..yes mom will make that an ordeal...Do we h a v e to?.....

Have a good weekend everyone...

Deef: It's good to hear from you. I was getting a little concerned. I wish I could stay with your mom for a couple of days and send you to a nice little cottage on a lake or something. Just some place where you could sleep.

Meanwhile: Sending you hugs and wishing you comfort. Omaha is a very special horse. He's wise and kind. He knows you can be trusted. Animals can give us such amazing complements. They are always right.

Diane: I think of you all the time and am so impressed by the ground you have covered over the past weeks. You talk more about your mom in a way that makes sense. By that I mean you speak of her and the problems she has in a way that explains the stress you endure taking care of her. Glad your brother has gotten a grip on his behavior and I hope it lasts for a while. Keep moving forward, Diane, toward a better life for you.

Jen: You have so much more to say. Keep writing about what's in your heart.

Bobbie: I use to have a recurrent dream. It was scary and left me feeling a bit freaked and displaced. One day I sat down and wrote a poem about it. I had never written a poem before, but found it didn't have to rhyme or any of that. Each line was about the "feeling" of the dream. Actually easier to write than prose. Just the feeling of the dream, line by line. I never had the dream again and I came to understand that I was dreaming about loss. All the things I couldn't go back to; all the familiar that was no longer a part of my life. You can't go back either. Try to write about the feeling; that stuff in the pit of your gut when you have the dreams. Don't judge it, just write it, a line at a time. Not a paragraph of explanation. Just lines of the feel. That's poetry, just the essence.

Cricket: Chrip, Chrip. Sending you bug hugs.

Betty: Have a good visit with your dad. Hope you get a few days this summer to just enjoy being Betty.

Mame: Thanks for the post and the invitation to come visit and see fireflies. I hope I can take you up on that sometime soon. Would love to meet you.

Tim: I'm keeping you and your "client" in my prayers.

Linda: Watch out for the chiggers. OMG, it makes my blood run cold to think for those invisible creatures and the havoc they cause.

Cuz: Sending love to you and your sis. What can I say except I'm so sorry.

I know I missed a few, but sending love to all of you. HEY, if you don't mind I'm going to send you a little nature note from time to time. It's what keeps me going.

Hugs to everyone, Cattails

Sorry been a bit down today. The news about Cuz's brother-in-law hit me hard. And my anniversary would have been last week. My heart goes out to your sister. Thanks for the jokes. I needed some cheering up. Deef, hope you get some sleep tonight.
Omaha, the rescue horse, came in from the pasture with a big piece of cactus stuck on his nose. Came right up to me, to show me he needed help. Most horses are like little kids, they don't want you to touch something sore, they know it will hurt. But, he stood there, waited, while I went back to the house for some heavy leather gloves, then let me pull all the spines out, without even a rope on him. He is a special horse.

Grandpa, What Is Couple Sex?

An 8-year-old girl went to her
grandfather, who was working
in the yard and asked him,

"Grampa, what is couple sex?"

The grandfather was surprised
that she would ask such a question,
but decided that if she's old enough
to ask the question, then she's old
enough to get a straight answer.
Steeling himself to leave nothing out,
he proceeded to tell her all about
human reproduction and the joys
and responsibilities of intercourse.
When he finished explaining, the
little girl was looking at him with
her mouth hanging open, eyes wide
in amazement.
Seeing the look on her face, the
grandfather asked her, "Why did
you ask this question, honey?"

The little girl replied, "Grandma
says that dinner will be ready in
just a couple secs."

Hey there! Still alive here. Had a busy weekend cooking for my SIL's 70th birthday on Sunday. As always, getting everything done so I can leave for a few hours is more trouble than it's worth!!! I've not been sleeping well for the past week. I have restless leg syndrome and it has been nasty lately. Even the requip doesn't help. Then I got up on Monday morning with a stomach bug and have been doing the nasty all week. I was barely able to get Mom out the door for daycare on Monday. When I got home, I just fell into bed until I had to pick her up in the afternoon. Today id the first day I feel more normal. Also have internet issues and could not read posts for a few days.
Bobbie, I have autoimmune disease and get tested for RA regularly. I do have major acid reflux, since I was a teenager and I also have Raynauds and urticaria. Both of these presented after a major infection in my appendix when I was 39. I first started getting wheals or hives on my skin when I went into cold water at the beach, or in the winter. I would even get hives on my hands in the freezer section of the grocery store. Cold causes severe joint pain and the skin lesions and also makes it difficult for me to breath. The Raynauds is simply my capillaries and small surface blood vessels to close off making my skin turn blue and causing some pain. I also get the hives from it too. If I get too cold, like fall into cold water, I can go into anaphylactic shock. I take 360 mgs of heart medication every day to keep this under control. It also causes me to have a resting pulse of 115 to 120 and without the meds, it races up to 170 + just climbing stairs. as Bobbie said, all it takes is some kind of trauma in your life, whether physical or mental, to bring on a major health issue.
Cricket, How was Snow White? Evil Deef here! Get dad a blowup doll and make him clean it after he has his way with her!!!
Angel, You sound so busy, but very happy!
Tim, Good luck to you and your friend!
Linda, I remember your "chigger" stories from last year! Yuck!!! I don't think we have those here in central Mass.
Meanwhile and Mame, I don't know how you can stand that heat!!! Yes, I'm allergic to the cold, but I'm still a winter girl! I have always hated the heat, even as a kid! Try to stay cool!
Betty, safe trip and enjoy your visit with Dad!
Lildeb, wow, close call for you. I know what you mean about f'ing up! I do dumb stuff all the time while trying to rush or do too many things at once! I hate it.
Cuz, Sorry to hear about your sis and her husband. Merry, Mom's aid grew up in Alaska. She is Aleut. Talks about how beautiful it is, but also the isolation when there is an emergency. Hope she can get home soon and find a way to deal with her loss.
Cattails, Mom is a great one for shitting on my shoes or bare feet. And peeing, well she does that on everything, including my hands! It's no fun, that's for sure!! I hate it most when she does it in the shower and on the shower stool. No pun intended!
Susan, Mom lost some weight with her latest cold and UTI. She is very difficult to feed, as she no longer gets it when you tell her to open her mouth to put food in. Plus she is always moving, so the nutrition gets burned up quickly.
Diane, I'm so proud of you! Getting everything straightened out with the lawyer, your doctor, etc. is an accomplishment YOU should be proud of too. Good to see your brother has calmed down for now. I'm with you on the lack of sleep! What I would give for just 1 morning of sleeping in! What a luxury!
I spent the last 2 days trying to find out why Mom's LTC reimbursement checks are so far behind. There is no money to pay Merry and no money for bills. They now owe Mom over $3000 that we could really use! They say that they never got the payroll sheets from the last 2 weeks in April. I sent them in their envelope just like I always do. I know they are floating around there in someone's office, but they will never admit that! So i have to send them another set and wait for them to be processed. In the meantime, my sister(POA) was supposed to get $$ from Mom's IRA to help with the bills. etc. That was 3 weeks ago and when I called her today, she hadn't done it yet!!!! So, I told her she would have to get $$ and put it into Mom's checking so I could pay Merry today. She was going to trans fer it from her savings into Mom's account. Savings??? What's that? This is the same sister that was complaining that her boyfriend just got a new job and they won't be able to go anywhere or do anything all summer because he will be working weekends too. Geez, I wonder what that feels like to not be able to go anywhere and have a savings account besides!!!!! get a clue people!!!!!
Jen, as always, love your way with words! Wish I lived closer! I would come and visit and put FP to shame. I don't mince words with the likes of him!!! Keep writing and get it out of your system.
Shit! It's much later than I thought! Got dishes to do and cats to feed, then bed to sleep for a change, I hope! night everyone!!!

Hi Tim and everyone..

Jen I was just kidding with you :)

Cuz, it is so very true! Thanks for sharing that. I'm glad to hear your sister is getting support...I pray for angels to go to her. You are way more than just a reader here to us.. you are a strong support beam! Thank you for all that you do.

Everyone have a great day!


Good morning everyone just thought I would
say hi and have a great day....

beautiful CUZ ! it is so true , i am begin to feel that way myself .

cuz- i am so sorry to hear about ur sister and am glad she is going to get better but deeply sad to hear about her husband , oh my heart aches . i am so terribley sorry , many hugs to u and ur families . xoxox

you all have a safe night . xoxo

A nice reflection on aging. Of course the writer is neglecting some of the less fun parts, and we know moe about them than we ever wanted!

Some very true words to ponder….I hope you enjoy.

As I've aged, I've become kinder to myself, and less critical of myself. I've become my own friend.

I have seen too many dear friends leave this world, too soon; before they understood the great freedom that comes with aging.

Whose business is it, if I choose to read, or play, on the computer, until 4 AM, or sleep until noon? I will dance with myself to those wonderful tunes of the 50, 60 &70's, and if I, at the same time, wish to weep over a lost love, I will.

I will walk the beach, in a swim suit that is stretched over a bulging body, and will dive into the waves, with abandon, if I choose to, despite the pitying glances from the jet set.
They, too, will get old.

I know I am sometimes forgetful. But there again, some of life is just as well forgotten. And, I eventually remember the important things.

Sure, over the years, my heart has been broken. How can your heart not break, when you lose a loved one, or when a child suffers, or even when somebody's beloved pet gets hit by a car? But, broken hearts are what give us strength, and understanding, and compassion. A heart never broken, is pristine, and sterile, and will never know the joy of being imperfect.

I am so blessed to have lived long enough to have my hair turning gray, and to have my youthful laughs be forever etched into deep grooves on my face. So many have never laughed, and so many have died before their hair could turn silver.

As you get older, it is easier to be positive. You care less about what other people think. I don't question myself anymore. I've even earned the right to be wrong.

So, to answer your question, I like being old. It has set me free. I like the person I have become. I am not going to live forever, but while I am still here, I will not waste time lamenting what could have been, or worrying about what will be. And I shall eat dessert every single day (if I feel like it).


Rules is rules

The Secret Service issued new rules of conduct for agents.

They can no longer get drunk, procure hookers or go to strip bars.
The rules say that from now on, if agents feel compelled to engagein such behavior, they can run for public office like everyone else.

cattails,Timsherwood, austin, dtflex,sskape,JudymW,cricket, Jsomebody and everyone else I might have missed Thanks for the thoughts and prayers. My sisters 3 kids were flown up to Alaska by my sisters boss at no cost to them. They will stay until she can fly home which might be this weekend if she can handle the 16 hour flight back to Michigan. She is mighty sore and messed up by both the seatbelt and the airbags. She will need her teeth fixed and she had a broken arm. Thanx again for the support for being just a reader of this site and not a care giver. Hugs to all of you.

I'm mostly just lurking and reading posts. Hope that doesn't make me a creepy stalker. Cuz, so sorry. Cricket and Cattails, thanks for being so positive, love reading your posts. Love everyone's posts.

Betty, I hope you have a great time with your own dad in the country n at least the fil is stocked up so he can stuff his face n dig in his falsey for seconds. ; )

cuz, I am so sorry to hear of your loss and the tragedy your sister is gong through that really is just too much! I wish peace to you both and hope for her to heal her injuries and wounds.

"Jen...okay okay we get it, lol Having to spend anymore time rewriting this experience is enough to put anyone over the edge anyway."

what did I do now?....

Wow, a lot has happened in here since yesterday..

Cuz, Sorry for your loss.. I really feel for your sister too, what a tragedy. Prayers for you both. xoxo

Tim, we are here for you too.

Jen...okay okay we get it, lol Having to spend anymore time rewriting this experience is enough to put anyone over the edge anyway.

Lildeb, I'm sure glad everything turned out okay with your insulin mistake. Don't beat yourself up over it anymore, it was an honest mistake. I try to look at mistakes as reminders for us so we don't repeat them and even then there are times... Bottom line, you're just human and shit happens. xoxo

Betty, be safe and good luck on your trip!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Hugs from Cricketღ

Lildeb: Bless your heart. Good thing you caught the mistake and were able to take care of the problem. That's really scary. I agree that we all need to be mindful of what we are doing. It's so easy to make a mistake when we are rushing or distracted. My MIL had eye drops for glaucoma and she kept them in the kitchen. One morning she grabbed the crazy glue that she had set beside her eye drops and actually started to put it in her eyes. She was so fortunate to have escaped that situation with no damage.

Take care everyone. We are all an accident waiting to happen. Hugs, Cattails

Hi all. Just finished a cook-a-thon -- 2 weeks' worth of meals for FIL to pick out of his dentures -- before heading off to the other side of the country to visit my dad for Father's Day and the following 2 weeks. Wishing you all peace, strength and hope! Love, Betty

Well, I was almost done writing n my whole stuff just disappear before I hit enter. Man!! Try again.
The Caregiver conference was really great n educational.
The PAR from the mnl dr finally called back after hubby made another called n told them its been over a wk n we needed that form completed. It cost $25.00 for the form n she won't need a physical. Hubby wanted to know being we may need another place for overnight in case of ER that will we have to pay that amount per form per place? She told us to get them all together at once n their be only one fee for those forms. To me it still seem unfair charging for we already paid for a form stating she was diagnosed with AD. At least they called us back finally,.
Now the bad new, my stupid ass late last night took the wrong insulin before bedtime. Yep, I took 6units of rapid insulin instead of 6 units of slow lantus insulin. Let just say for those who r not familiar with diabetes n insulin type that I am very sensitive to rapid insulin. I had to call a dr to find out what to do for my stupid ass mistake for getting in a hurry to watch rest of the movie. Long story shot, hubby n I stayed up until 2am treating low bloodsugars (b/s). So, I am pretty exausted today. I am so glad that the mnl didn't wake up while my timer was going off every 30 minuets to remind me to check my b/s n treat it with glucose tabs, sandwich, juice n more glucose tabs. I guess, you can say I am using up my 9lives n I thank my guardian angels watching over me and my hubby. Just because my stupid ass got in a hurry n not paying attention to my own health. I would had been no good for the mnl if I was up in hospital in a coma or worse.
PLEASE EVERYONE take it into consideration when Cricket mention, "Lets stay in the now and do the best we can and let our lights shine."

The movie was very good called, "How do you know," with Reese Witherspoons, Owen Wilson, n Jack Nicholson on Netflix. However it was not worth one of my 9 lives. For those who get in a hurry, please slow down n breathe n take care of yourself n don't do something stupid as I done. Stupid, stupid, stupid.... Leason learned. I need a nap for I am wiped out. ; )

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