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Linda, the chiggars r the same the thing I think as those pesty biting red-bugs.. you can keep those thangs. I hope your granson don't get those little bugers. keep him inside.

Cattail, all the more reason you should take a 'whole week off,' instead of a two little days off. I make a personal drive to sis house n of course, make a call in advance that you r bringing daddy to her place for Father's Day. Then, drop him off like a sack of tators for awhile or let her handle him while you stay with her and let her get the opportunity to enjoy the crap-litteraly. ; ) I know dad shouldn't be treated like a sack of tator but you need a break to keep you from going crazy.
Well, it getting dark n rumbling so maybe just maybe we will get a drop or two of rain for the grass.

Lildeb: My sis lives 2 states away. If she was local I do think she would help, but the distance is a problem. She hasn't been up to visit since my dad had his stroke last July. Just the way it is. Thanks for your "big shit-ass hug". You had me laughing and I needed that. Cattails

Linda: You make me grin too. Actually, you make me LMAO with your" I pullin weeds and wham private area just become a motel area." I remember you talking about those chiggers before. My heart sure goes out to you. Hugs, Cattails

cattails- you had me grinin , sounds like me all over again takin care of pa and his toliet , i grinned so big when u said he needed to scoot back a lit more . yep pa did the same thing ! sit on his jewels . pa dont u know ure sittin on it , uhh no why ,?
oh my those were the days !!!
i miss my daddy ...
you all i sure hope u have a lazy sunday today .
im dealing with chichers , how ya spell that ,? i believe its alot worst than ticks , them chic lit thing gets up in my private area and digs into my skin , damn bastards ! pullin weeds and wham private area just become a motel area .

am going to have my grandson over in about an hr , we prob will stay inside , too hot outside and the grass is turnin brown .
take care you guys !! xoxo

Cattail, I have had my depression moments for Iam not all positive all the time but I do try each day. By the hubby gets home from work, the positivity crap is gone and the bitc_ seems to sneak out. "We R only Human."
As for your sis, I would call that sister of yours n drop dear daddy over their for a couple of days n take hubby or just yourself on a mini-break. Maybe that will open her eyes n then maybe she be more to help out or maybe not. I say go for it n take a break to breathe n enjoy the fresh air.
As for grass, I am soooooooooooooo jealous. We have had some type of bugs that killed r grass last year and the hot sun. Hubby, been taking pieace of grass from the side and trying to get it to plant so far it is working but some rain would be nice. Btw, what the world r u feeding your dad to have the sh*ts all the time? lol. sorry, but the true story was a bit funny n yet sad for you. I really would consder that sister n fairly-world n bring her up to the real-world with her dad.

Cuz, i hope that is not a bad tick of course there is no good tick, that was dumb. anyway, I hope you don't get sick from it. Another thing in the woods which r aweful is those freaking 'red bugs!' You be itching for ever even after a shower n then your putting on clear finger nail polish to kill them. Now, they have something for it on the shelves. I'm sorry you didn't catch any fish. Did you have your mouth right while fishing? Did you remember to spit on the worm? lol Maybe, next time you will catch the one that got away.

I had a ok night zzzzzzzzzzzzz for I only got up 3 times to tinkle. So far I have been lucky with the mnl when it comes to being independent to the bathroom by herself. I will count my blessing for I do not see how y'all doing it. I guess, it something that has to be done or no one else is going to do deal with it. How in the world R we so lucky to be the chosen ones I do not know. I think it just makes us that more stronger n caring than others.

Happy Sunday All, or for some of us lets just pretend it's happy, LOL

Cuz, I hope the tick bite turns out to be nothing at all. Next time you go on a fishing trip go to Louisiana, they have the best fishing of any place I've been. We lived down in the Bayou South of New Orleans for a year and my Husband would never come home without less than 20 big Redfish.

Cattails, I hope you have a better day today! You poor thing.

Angelhair, It's great to hear from you and that your studies are progressing. And more family moving in with you? Girl, I don't know how you do it. You and your Husband must just have big old hearts!

Diane, It's good to see you hanging in there too!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricket Hugsღ

Hey everybody, I am still here. I just don't have time to come on very often. I opened my e-mail and found that I had over 300 e-mails. Which is a lot for me. Life seems to be getting back to normal since the passing of FIL. Had to run MIL to the hospital for extreme abdominal pains two nights ago. It was either her chrones flaring up or her diverticulitous. Anyway, didn't get home until 5:30am. She is feeling much better now and even went to work today. The family is good. Husband is still cooking and enjoying it. He got a raise, which always helps. He is such a sweet heart. He brings me these delicious salads that he puts together at work for me to take for lunch the next day. Usuall he includes a note that says he loves me, good luck, or just to have a great day. Reminds me of when we were first married 15 years ago. Anyway, I am enjoying school. I find that I really enjoy my chosen proffession; and I am doing well with it. The kids are enjoying summer. My oldest went to youth conference for the first time. She had a lot of fun. My second oldest was sick last night. I think she didn't get enough fluids, but she is better now. My third oldest is great, although he still loves to torment his sisters, not to mention annoy the hell out of his Nana. My youngest is getting so big. I just noticed yesterday that she could rinse the dishes without the stool. When we first moved here she couldn't even reach the faucet. Can I just say wow? My brother in law and his cousin who were sharing a house have been having financial difficulty so they are going to come stay with us for a while. GGIL is doing well. She turned 97 in May, but we never got to celebrate her birthday because of FIL passing on her birthday. I'm going have to talk to MIL about that and see what we can arrange. GGIL is still working three days a week, and loving it, but she does seem like she gets a lot more tired. She extended to work for two more years. We tried to convince her to cut down to two days a week, but she would have none of it. You know? I just realized that my acronym for Great-Grandmother-In-Law(GGIL) sounds like GIGGLE. Funny. Well, I had better get back to the grind, I have a quiz in Anatomy tomorrow to study for and I've got a bunch of moving things around to do. Bye

Cat, I'm so sorry the last few days have been rougher than usual with your dad. The constant cleaning, washing and just trying to get them to cooperate is exhausting. I know what you mean about just getting out the back door for a few minutes. I can't even get to water my outdoor plants without mom hollering for me. It is frustrating to say the least. I hope your week will get better.

Cuz, good to have you back.

I hope everyone will have a good Sunday!

Love ya,

Cuz: If the doc can't do anything until you have a super headache, throw a bullseye at the bite or develop a rash. WTF does he have the tick for? Were you fishing from the bank? I hate ticks. They are disgusting little beasts.

Well it's been kind of quiet on the GO thread. Maybe we need a good old poop story. Lord, I know they zone in and out, but why do they have to be zoned out when it's time to use the toilet? Yesterday, we hit the mother load twice and I was able to get him to the toilet in time because EVERY FRICKIN MINUTE OF THE DAY I am either in his room or watching him on the monitor. I know the signs and I am on it like white on rice. So yesterday I ask him if he is done. He says yes, so I get him all cleaned up and have new depends on him and his jammie bottoms on and before I can pull them up he just pees all over everything. Back to the drawing board. Next time we get to the bathroom, I get him seated and he's too close to the front of the toilet to tuck his penis down under the seat. I ask him to scoot back and he just looks at me and leans back. I said, in my kindest voice, "Dad I have to stand you up so you can sit further back on the toilet seat and tuck yourself in. Well, that pissed him off, no pun intended. He just waived me away. So, one more time and I'm hoping he gets it, "Dad if you don't scoot back you are going to pee on your pants. He's not having anything to do with me or my suggestions. So he pees all over the floor and his feet, socks and everything else. Got to clean up the mess, wash his feet, dry them, put on clean socks, yada yada.

It's been a trying week. The care giver didn't come on Monday as her child was sick. She came on Wednesday and then on Friday she didn't show up. So I called the agency an hour later and asked what had happened. I guess she had just called them to say she had another job. Perfect. So Monday I will get another caregiver and start over.

This morning I get my dad up, clean him up and get him to breakfast. In view of the magnificent BM's he had yesterday, I think to myself I shouldn't have to worry this morning. After breakfast he falls asleep in his recliner and I run out the door to...................................wait for it..................I'm so excited to get this opportunity......................seriously I's actually a peaceful job and I can do it and watch my sweet geese family too..............I grab the bucket, put in the plastic bag, grab the scooper and start on dog poop patrol. Free at last, Free at last, Thank God Almighty I'm free at last.

So I do my routine because my husband is mowing outside the yard and he needs to move into the yard next. Damn grass is growing like crazy and we have some dry weather so operation clean sweep is in progress.

Within 45 minutes I'm done. Back into the house and there is my dad, sitting up in his chair. Bad sign and of course he had pooped his pants. Well, I got him on the toilet and cleaned him up, but the shower was necessary to make up for the fact that he was sitting in it and it was all over his boys, etc. Of course he just had to pee all over the floor again. Lord have mercy.

This, thank God is not the everyday way of things, but a couple days of mega poops and floor pees can just bum you out.

Then my sister calls. It's not her fault, but it just aggravates me to talk to her. "Hi, I'm at the kids house, we're having a birthday party...oh let me tell you what my cat did yesterday, this will kill you , it was so funny. Oh and guess what Goldie did (dog) and blah blah blah. Oh, you know the Belmont stakes is on right now, go turn it on for dad" and on and on. Clueless and she can help but be because she has never spent even one hour taking care of him. Not one flipping minute.

I'm past being angry at sibs; long past. I just put on my fake laugh and get it over asap. Listen for a brief time and then make up some shit about why I have to go. I could explain it to her, I have in the past, but it makes no difference and I hate sounding like a broken record, especially to someone who can't do anything to help. And there is nothing she can say to make me feel better because she is basically a dumb shit.

Shit seems to be the word of the day and the close of the evening for me.


Hi ladies. I got back from the fishing trip alright with one exception, maybe two. I didn't catch any fish and I got bit by a tick on my neck. Have no idea how long he was there but he was buried in pretty deep. The doc has the live tick and is going to run some tests but he said he can't give me anything for it unless I break out with a super headache or a bullseye where the bite is or if I develope a rash anywhere on my body. He said it might take 2 or 3 days for this to happen. Needless to say I'm never going fishin there again. Hugs to everyone and I have a lot of posts to catchup on.

Lildeb: I am always amazed at your positive attitude. You are 10 years post transplant and have diabetes and so many other problems, non due to your actions, and yet you have a smile and a hug for everyone, even your mother-in-law who you have accepted into your home. You have a blessed personality. Glad your check up went well. Don't miss anymore appointments with the dermatologist. Hugs, Cattails.

Cricket, your sense of humor just cracks me up. As for the bro, at least he recognizing what you do n the work that it takes on a daily basis not to mention physical but yet emotional n financially. I guess better late than never is one way of looking at him. As for dad sounding like a sex maniac, why not buy him a papa's chastely belt. Sorry, I could not help myself, ; )

I got to take my night insulin n eat a snack before acid reflux kicks in so i can go to bed. I hope eveyone on board here has a restful night. zzzzzzzzzzzzz

Diane: Good to hear from you. You take good care of yourself and stay in touch.

Bobbie: I was sorry to hear about the RA diagnosis. There have to people in this world who don't have any problems because you got their share as well as your own. It just sucks!!!!! I wish you and Cricket did live closer together and could be movie buds.

I can appreciate that you might have some regrets over decisions you were pushed to make under duress. Thanks for sharing that with us. You've done so much to help others. I wish there was something we could do for you.

Love and Hugs, Cattails

Keep on doing a great job Flex and thanks.
I am doing the best I can, thanks for the hug Deef.
You guys are amazing and thanks.
Vent and Live... just trying to take my own advice.

Hey crew, Nothing new to report. Still trying to get adjusted to the new meds. Between them and the stress my stomach is thoroughly messed up. On the bright side, I'm getting closer to losing 40 Lbs. I set up mom's appointment with the doctor to send the report to the NH. Also have an appointment with an elder attorney to make sure everything we want to do will still allow mom to be eligible for Medicaid if she needs it in two years. My brother has calmed down for now, but I don't know when the next bomb will go off. I'm also arranging for an appraiser to view the house and tell me what is the fair market value. Through this all I've managed to sell all my jewelry to keep the BF insured thru COBRA. I'm very tired today since the meds kept me up until 4:15am and mom had me up at 5:30am. Really trying to fight the sleep so hopefuly tonight I will sleep out of sheer exhaustion. If mom doesn't start with another one of her dying episodes I will try get her to go to the park this afternoon. Maybe I'll pack up dinner and take it with us. She needs to get out the house and not just sleep and whine all day.

Bobbie, and everyone else, take good care of yourselves and I'll check-in soon again. Thank you for all the support, hugs and encouragement.

Love ya,

Bobbie, I simply adore you for sharing your insights with us! I wish we lived closer to each other! Today I am letting the Husband watch Dad and I'm going to get out for awhile and go see Snow White and the Huntsman!.....If we were closer we would definitely be movie buds!

Cattails and Mame, I'm glad you had fun with Evil Crickets take on the SIL situation. :) Laughter is good!

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricket Hugsღ

Hey you guys, thanks for the words of support.

Thanks Jen and Cricket and Deef and SS and meanwhile and mame and cattails and FLEX!! and and and ....

I am not having flashbacks about caring for my mom, I am having trauma about everything I had to do with the construction and coping with all of her business and local politicians who were so destructive and moronic, the estate sales and the sorting out of the hoard that went on for 7 freaking years.

Being in crisis mode for long periods will hurt you plenty.

I am dealing with the consequences of decisions made under duress and sometimes it is just too overwhelming to cope so I do little things like take myself here and there and do this and that.

The boat angel almost unhinged me, or I guess it would be correct to say that he did indeed unhinge me but I continue to be happy that he is somewhere else getting superior care even though I do miss my friend but not worth it all at the end of the day.
Newbies: please know that this was/is a 'new' relationship and that I at least had the presence of mind, finally, to not sign on to be a freaking caregiver again. (melanoma, lymphoma and now kidney failure from chemo). Noooooooooooo!

Big news for me: I have RA. I started seeing symptoms and feeling like crapola some months ago and went and had all the tests etc and here we go. I have known since around January but didn't mention.
Stress will show up in some form and even though Western medicine states 'we don't know the cause' I will state that when the body is stressed for prolonged periods of time it causes acidosis and that overly acid condition can cause all kinds of disease.

So, my dear friends, if you need even more proof of how this ridiculous situation that we find ourselves in or in my case found myself in, can kill you... mine is just another story to go with the countless others who are suffering from Caregiver Stress Syndrome, PTSD or fill in the blank.

So... that's why I will continue to advocate for the caregiver and my motto will continue to be:
Pop em in a home!
Ya, they're not going to get the care you would give and they don't want to go. So What? So they can live in a terrible state for another few years while you condemn yourself to paying for their 'care' for the rest of your now shortened life? Oh puleeze.

YOU are not going to get the care YOU are supposed to give yourself..... that's what's important here, not the rantings of Dementia and trying to please the parent when that train left the station a long time ago.

There's a time for living and a time for dying.

Choose Life.


Sorry to hear about your cousin, Mame.

Welcome Scorpianna! Hi all! Bad Cricket-you crack me up! Loved the clean up the poop after appetizers line!!! So true isn't it? And we still can go on to the main course with no problem cause we are so used to it! Remember the days when you couldn't eat for hours after a poop cleanup??!!! LOL
Loved the "Ask and Receive technique"! I am gonna try it when I am out-because I am always anxious even when someone is here with her... I really need to break away even for a couple hours!
My cousin has been moved to one of those Hospice houses. She does have cancer of the pancrease and liver. I never saw anyone so yellow! Poor thing, but she is doing ok and says she loves the house she is in-"it is so peaceful". I am praying she does not suffer. She was only diagnosed a few weeks ago and she does not have long. My mom knows that something is going on but can't remember what-but EVERY morning she wakes up saying that she dreamt of our cousin...or that "today is the day we bury Jane right?" It is definitely on her mind-she just can't keep track of what is actually happening. I find it interesting that she remembers-when she remembers so little! Guess it is leaving a big impression.
Back to you guys-as for the sexuality thing-If any of you have Netflix-you HAVE to watch a movie called Play the Game. It is a cute movie. Andy Griffith is in it as an old man at an old age home... After the movie is over-you must watch the credits! There is a take out at the end that is very funny. My mother LOVES this movie and we have watched it several times. Maybe she relates-I don't know. Let me know if you watch and what you think!
I got out yesterday and picked up some annuals for my garden. Mom sat on the deck and gave orders about what should go where and that this one isn't standing up properly! It was a hoot! Happy Friday! Mame

I love the evil Cricket!!!! She can be so bad and so so funny. Hey, Cricket, I thought of you the other day. In fact, I busted out laughing and then had to explain to my hubby, who then busted out laughing.

I received a letter from the respite place we have used for my dad. They have meetings once a month for family members of those who live there full time. I guess we are also on the mailing list. Now, I know this place. Everyone who lives there is really old. My dad blends right in at age 89.

Sorry for all the build up, but this month's topic is 'SEXUALITY". Evidently, boners are not just for the young. I wonder what the women are like. Remember in high school when you knew certain girls were just loose. Hard to picture an 80 plus year old hussy, but honestly, who knows what these old people can get up too.

They have dementia and their minds go back in time. I know it seems strange to us, but maybe it's not as strange as we think.

That's my thought for this evening. Sweet dreams. I loved your letter to SIL, especially the hotel part.

Love Cattails.

BettyB, Evil Cricket says you should call up that lovely SIL of yours and tell her that Dad is taking her to lunch for Fathers Day but due to his health conditions she will have to meet him at the restaurant, then take "Dad" to the restaurant, get him seated and pin this note to his shirt for her...

"Dear Darling SIL since you love Dad so much that you just had to have lunch with him for Father's Day I thought you should have him all to yourself.... oh p.s.. his teeth will need to be removed and cleaned immediately after eating or he will pick the food out and give it to you as a gift (isn't he the most thoughtful man, what a sweetheart!). oh p.s.s...his depends are in the bag along with some butt wipes because I know you wouldn't want Dad to have poop on his rear end when you change his underwear after the appetizers, oh and you might not want to let him have dairy because it gives him dysentery and I didn't bring him extra clothes. Oh.. and sorry but Dad doesn't have any money anymore because I am now having him pay me to take care of him since I had to quit my job to do so, so you will have to pay for lunch. Oh and before I forget... will you be a dear and get Dad his dinner, then his shower, night time meds, check his underwear etc. before putting him to bed since your brother and I won't be home for a few hours because we are checking into a Hotel so we can have sex without being interrupted (we think we deserve it since it's been two years, *wink wink*). Oh and really just one more thing.. Have a wonderful time with just you and Dad, you really deserve it. Happy Happy Fathers Day....don't forget to make a memory!
Love your loving SIL"

Cricket's here :) It's been a long and trying day for me but I managed to get here even if it is midnight, lol.
Cattails, I am all in for anything that helps us to keep our emotions flowing instead of keeping us stuck in the horror of it all. Thanks for sharing that post. :)
Diane, I know it's been a tough week for you but the week is coming to an end, let it go and just breathe. Something I recently read was.... if we are feeling sad it's because we are focused on the past. If we are feeling anxious it's because we are focused on the future. If we are feeling a sense of calmness it's because we are focused on the present moment. It really helps me when I remember to only engage my thoughts, feelings, and energies on what to do today, to focus on what is currently in front of me and not the past nor the future. It takes a huge load off. You had a huge week and it's okay to be tired. xoxo.
I really feel for you guys who have to deal with the selfish sibs regularly. I to have a selfish sib. but he knows he's selfish and admits it. Last time I spoke with him on the phone he told me "Sis, you're doing more than I ever would. If it gets to be to much and you need to put Pop in a home it's okay by me". He openly admits to being selfish and while that's not good at least he is honest about it and tells me he appreciates what I am doing for our Father.
Speaking of my Father.... I am convinced that he has reverted back to his teenage years. I took him to his Primary Doc this week and I got copies of all the test reports from his recent Hospital stay. One of the reports was on testing for his Dementia and it was reported that he has Moderate Dementia. At one point they had to give him a sedative to knock him out because he was "acting inappropriately to the nurses". He is becoming more and more delusional in that he thinks every time any woman is around him... be it one of his Doctors, the HHA who comes to help him shower or even the girl who I have come to help me keep up with the house, he thinks they are all coming to make themselves available to have sex with him..and then when he gets rejected he gets mad at them and bitches and complains about it to me...WHATEVER! Where's Lorraine Bobbit when she is needed? Oh hell where's my gun! Okay calm down, I was just kidding about the gun.

Hello everyone: JaneB posted this on another thread. It is in regards to PTSD and critiqued to another person's circumstances, but so easy to modify. Cricket will love thing because it is positive. Bobbie, sit down with your sweet pirate kitty and give this a few moments. Here's what Jane said and what has been helpful to her: Can't hurt to give it a try.

It's not uncommon that people's brains can't grasp when the danger is over -- because part of you believes that it's its JOB to keep you safe. And that's true...what it doesn't realize is that the danger is no longer living down the hall.
There is a beautiful, simple and hugely effective technique called, Ask and Receive, created by a woman named Sandi Radomski. If you are interested, just say these words to yourself. They are five statements.
1. There is a part of my Being that already knows my mother no longer lives in my house, and I no longer have to be afraid of that.
2. That part of my Being is willing to inform the rest of me right now.
3. It is doing so now, with grace and ease.
4. My body, mind and spirit are receiving this information right now.
5. Information transfer complete.
Then you could do some of the of the following statements, as step one, and repeat the other steps as written above.
There is a part of my being that already knows it's safe to let go of the fear of her being in my home.
There is a part of my being that already knows I deserve to let go of the way I feel when I think of Mom being here.
There is a part of my being that already knows I did the best I could.
There is a part of my being that already knows how to claim myself back for myself and my husband and children.
After each statement, go through each of the four others, before going on to the next statement. You may notice lots of things: waves of relief, tears and then no more tears, pretty quickly, lots of yawning, maybe even some burping, or just more and more relaxed. Or all of the above. If I knew how to post a link here I would, but you can google Sandi and this technique for more information. It's extraordinary in its gentle healing, in my experience.

Love to all of you, Cattails

Hang in there Diane, you're doing great. Thanks for the rainbow, Jenny. Everyone on this site is amazing, really. Hugs Bobbie. Wish I knew of something that would help. I like herbal tea, helps me sleep sometimes. Hope everyone gets a good nights sleep.

Raining and sun going down and I went out and looked for it and there it is, looks like something off a Tee Shirt from the Eighties, puffy clouds and blue sky and a huge rainbow, Very nice. Sending it along to everyone...

Hey Scorpianna, found this site over 2 years ago when I was looking for answers and people like me who are caring for someone. It's a great place to vent, share funny stories and make great friends who truly understand what caregivers go through every day.
Hope to get to know you better soon! Deef

I just discovered this site this afternoon while surfing for some support..I have struck gold here....I have been laughing my a-- off reading your comments.I can soooo relate to it all...and knowing there are others dealing with the same things I am gives me such relief..God Bless Us All..

Christina: Where the heck are you. Do you have any gopher head mounted on your wall yet. Hope you are getting sunshine. We had a few short days of it, then the rain and cold came back. Sounds like we won;t get good weather until after the 4th of July. Bummer. Still we have clean air and beautiful surroundings. In just a couple of days....June 9th.....we will have lived here for 8 years. I remember the weather was beautiful when we drove up with our car, moving van, dog and granddaughter in tow. It was beautiful everyday. Seems the weather pattern has changed for the worst. Maybe it will get better in time.

Good luck on the gophers. Give us an update. Cattails

Good to hear from you Diane. Sounds like you are coping as best as you can. You are lucky to have your bf to help you out. Sorry you had to go to all those appointments, but they are necessary to keep you moving in the right direction. Keeping my fingers crossed that you will get through this wit a happy ending.
Betty, my sibs are the same way. The oldest of my brothers lives on the next street and rarely stops by to see Mom. Granted, he practically works 24/7 this time of the year. He's a working VP of a major paving company and is out on the road day and night to check on jobs. But he drives right by here 4 times a day and doesn't even pop in. My youngest sister is POA and lives 15 minutes away, but works here in town and passes by this street many times a day and doesn't stop unless I call her to sign papers. My youngest brother is 45 minutes away and in the middle of a divorce where decisions have to be made for his 5 and 11 year old children. Most likely he will have the house and kids. He has been Mr. Mom for years and is also a musician, so a very hectic life, but he calls often and comes with the kids when he has a free moment. My oldest sister is in Virginia and is a teacher. She will be spending 2 weeks here at the end of July like she has for the past 4 years. She see and does more for Mom than the rest combined!
I used to let them get to me, but now I just talk to them when necessary. It's a lot less stressful for me. I don't even call them when Mom is sick and I have to take her to the ER. They find out whenever they decide to show up. If they are too busy to pick up the phone to check on Mom, then I'm too busy to call them.
I sure hope you have a great trip to visit your dad! It will be so nice for you to get away. It's been over a year since I have had a night off from Mom. Merry is going to go home to Alaska while my sister is here to help. she was born and raised on the Aleutian Islands and hasn't been back for some years now.
Mom is much livelier with the cutback on her PD med, but she is now like an octopus with 8 arms!!! Really hard to control here when trying to get her washed and dressed. Even more so when getting her ready for bed at night! She feels better, but she sure is wild and crazy!!!! Just checked her on the computer camera and she is out cold. That means a good night for me, that is if my restless legs go easy on me.
Where's Cricket?
How about Linda, Sskape and SS? Hope everyone is okay!

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