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I checked Amazon. I think those cups are liquid. I'll keep checking. Thanks! And, Lizzie Borden, glad you got a hoot out of it, Cricket, ... my good friend tells me to leave the axe at home every time I head to my mother's house. Jsomebody... does FP listen to Hawaiian music?

Deef: What you are going through with your mom is beyond belief. I was just wondering, does your mom ever speak and have moments when she can hold a conversation? I am so sorry for you, but I am so sorry for your mom too. It's so sad to hear about people who are losing their minds to AZ and various kinds of dementia, but it's equally sad to hear about people who are stuck in bodies that are so afflicted by PD, Lou Gehrig, MS and others. I'm really so saddened for you and your mom.

When does your mom's LTC policy end? I know you have your worries, but I really believe your home is protected. You can't continue to do all of this on your own. I know you worry about it, but it may be time to start thinking about what you are going to do when it comes down to you being without the support of LTC. Your mom still has some financial assets, CD's or cash. It may be time to start talking to your sibs about how long the resources will last and what the plan will be when they end. Sometimes a heads up and a reality check in advance can be helpful.

I really hope the decrease in that one drug will help your mom and you have more peace. God bless you for all you do. Cattails.

Can't imagine deef, don't want to have to live it...upstairs five minute he puts on the Goddamn Hawaiian instrumentals from hell.

Judy, look on Amazon. good prices for 1.5oz cups.

Hahaha! Loved the Lizzie comment Judy...we know you're kidding! It made me laugh.

I was joking about Lizzie, btw. I hope no one was offended!

Deefer.....Benecalorie powder? When I read your comment, I got pretty hopeful that it'd be something my brother could use. (Now, why hasn't a dr ever told him about this? He's had to be in a rehab for 3 weeks to gain weight in order to have surgery a few yrs ago). He's a quadriplegic, and super thin. I looked Benecalorie up after reading your comment and can only find it in liquid form. One review says its oil based and hard to mix. Did you find the powder? If you did - I'd love to know where. Sounds like you've had an exhausting week. Thanks for the nod. I don't know if I could do what you do though, without turning into a vile person. Seriously. I'm mad now and I'm not even remotely as involved as most of you. Can you imagine if I had 24/7 care of my parents? I'd be angry at the world.....I think Lizzie Borden must have been a caretaker who had no place to vent. :)

Almost forgot! Talked to Pirate through e-mail last week. For all you oldies, she is doing well. She lost her Mom last year as we know, and still misses her very much. She is in the process of fixing up her mom's home, where she now lives and still has the boyfriend. Her puppy is still the joy of her life!

Okay! New day and Merry is here with Mom until 7. Last week was upside down for all of us. Between the holiday, Mom's and my cold and 2 doctor appointments plus 4 hours in the ER on Monday, made for a nasty week. Usually Merry gets to put Mom to bed 3 nights a week, but with the schedule changes, I had to get Mom to bed by myself 6 nights in a row! With her UTI, this was no easy thing! Also, she moaned all night long and parts of the day for the past week. it was torture! She sounded like a cow in labor. I kid you not!!!! No matter what position I put her in, she would clamp her mouth shut tight and puff out her cheeks trying to get air. Then she would moan. No pain, just wanted to hear her own voice I guess.
Her cold is sounding better and mine is still there. She is eating better now that the UTI is under control. Between that and her cold, she is down about 8 pounds and now weighs 102. her neurologist told me to order Benecalorie powder that is full of calories and can be added to her food for a boost, unlike Ensure which is hard to get her to drink a full can. so I'm going to order some today.
Her Pd med, sinamet, is causing the constant gyrations her body is getting. I thought she needed more for the "tremors" that are a big part of PD, but apparently, what she is doing is different from tremors and is a side affect of sinamet. With the recent weight loss, she is getting too much, so we are cutting back on her sinamet to see if she calms down some. Of course another major side affect of it is hallucinations, and she has some whoppers!!! They used to scare her, but now she no longer has a clue to what is real and what's not. So the battle goes on here.
Diane, I hope you can find a solution to your house problems!
Cricket, I also am doing that survey and received my first check. as for psychometer, mine is always SMOKING!!!!
Candie, Stress can make even the best of us feel mean and nasty. Comes with the territory. Keep talking to us and you will see that all of us have our bad moments.
Tbailey, How's it going?
Judy, Count your blessings girl! Keep reading and remember what we say. You could be one of us down the road, and this is the place to vent and get support.
Jen, got to love that daycare!!!
Nolansk, I hate to tell you this, but it sounds like your mom is in the beginning stages of dementia. She may sound and act sane to you, but I would suggest you get her to her doctor and see if she has a problem. It's very hard to wrap your head around the whole dementia thing at first, but the sooner you get a diagnosis, the better it will be for you and your situation. If mom says she needs to go, don't expect her to make the decision to go on her own. Get her to the bathroom pronto or you will have the mess to clean up. You need to know that you will have to step up and step in when she doesn't respond to a situation properly. It's not because she doesn't want to, she can't! her brain can no longer function normally. For your own sake and sanity make sure you get her tested. Believe me, I went through the denial stage with my mom over 5 years ago and finally had to come to the realization that she could no longer take care of herself. I hope this will help you out in some way.

Your welcome Cattailsღ, now lets have some fun and get back to the game, here's the next movie quote and this one is from an old movie so I'm pretty sure most people saw it before caregiving, lol

The quote is; “In this world you must be oh-so-smart or oh-so-pleasant. Well for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant and you may quote me.”

I'll bbl to check for answers... have fun with this :)

Cricket: Thank you for monitoring me and setting me straight. You are correct, the answer is Babe.

Jen, I agree Linda did get some really good ones. I was really lucky to when I had Charlie to care for because he was a real sweetheart also.

Linda, I loved reading your posts and the way you write really cracks me up! You are a blessing for all of us.

Cattails, Lighten up and know that people are going to make mistakes from time to time. Anyhow I think the quote you mentioned is from the really cute movie BABE. Yes?

Deef, You are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you managed to get a decent nights sleep last night. xoxo

Diane, Why not just have your Mother legally sign the house Deed over to you and you just take over on the payments? It would solve your housing situation and also enable your Mother to qualify for aid.

Oh remember the Caregiver Support Study I mentioned about a couple months back, the one for caregivers to participate in and get paid $75 each for up to 3 surveys? I did participate and so far received the first check for $75 and was asked to take the second survey for another check and I did so yesterday. The support program is run by Orcasinc dot com in case anyone wants to see if you can still join it. It's a program designed to do just what it's name implies, give support to caregivers. It covers most mental, physical, and emotional issues that come up and provides many solutions. I'm really glad I enrolled and was selected to participate.

I hope everyone can find a little time for themselves today to relax. Love you ALL.
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricket Hugsღ

Cattails, I'm not sure, but the quote sounds like something from National Lampoon Christmas Vacation?

Jen: I just see a line of us with our elders and their depends in tow. A line that stretches for miles to the door of that bank. Excuse me, are you the elder care experts. Let me introduce you to Fart Pants. He's all yours, assholes. hee hee

Linda you got the good ones.....
Deef get ALL the rest you can. It is about all we can do just now.

Saw a sign on a business by the bank..."We're The Elder Care Experts." If I weren't so angry, I could make a living with that tag line......Ah such is life.
Had Chinese food for the first time in um...yeah, it has been over three years that my mom and had Chinese food together...ALONE...
New neighbors be moving in soon...guy is kinda ...creepy....pushy sort of oldish guy with a cane. I know the type, says he'll be "comin' over for coffee in the mornins" do that. I won't be opening the door....
For creepy ole bastards? I gave at the OFFICE!!!!!!

Deef: I am guessing that Sinament is a drug. I'm so sorry for all you have to deal with. I was walking with my neighbor this morning and talking about my dad. She's a good friend and always tries to help with encouragement. I told her about all you have to go through and how I feel almost insignificant in comparison. I don't really mean that I feel insignificant. My problems are enough for me, but what you go through is so much more. When does your mom's LTC policy end. Isn't it this year some time. You can't do this alone. I don't know how you do it with Merry helping. Cattails.

Deef, I hope you are able to get some rest. I am going to hit the sack myself. Everyone have a good night.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Deefer, Good Grief you poor thing! You deserve a freaking gold medal on a daily basis for I have nothing compare to you and others on here.

Yesterday, we finally re-bought the mnl a purse for the other one I could not find anywhere. She had lost it for awhile now. Then today, the Dollar Store manager called r house n low-n-behold one of the workers had turned it. I gave the employee five bucks out of the 15.00 that the mnl had for being honest. She wasn't going to take it but I insisted n explain my mnl had AD. I am glad I had make an index card with my phone# n put it into her old purse. Well, at least now she has a back up purse.

Rough couple days with Mom! Cold is back. Neurologist this morning. Mom's gyrations a side affect of her sinamet. Took the night time dose away. More tomorrow. Exhausted and going to bed.

Hi Y'all,

TGIF!!!!! Busy week at work. Still need to go cook dinner but wanted to stop in and say hi. I know if I stay away too long you will put an APB out on me. Still trying to figure out the house buying dilemma.

Stay away from the poop and have a good weekend!

Love ya,

Ok Cricket and anybody else" Movie quote......"Christmas means carnage!"


Linda, so good to hear from you. You must have married a man a lot like your Pa. My husband was my best friend too. Glad to hear you had a good time last night.
Sunday is my Step Dad's 80th birthday. Planning a big surprise party for him. He is a sweet heart. Going into town after lunch to pick up some stuff for the party.

p.s. i wasnt done talkin , hubby wore that heart monitre to work and the sticky pad shit all over his chest started sliding off and fallin down , fk it he took it off and called the dr , tld him that he cant work with it cuz the factory is very hot and a sweaty job , steel plant , no way , maybe when he s on vacation he could wear it at home . he tried . oh my hubby ... xoxo

hello you all !
hope today brings u all happiness , here its gloomey and i manage to keep a smile on my face ....
had a wonderful time yesterday with my sis in law . there s a strip mall and it is includin , mex restrurant , goodwill , tavern , we went to all of em from noon till 10 pm lastnight , tavern was the last place we went , shoot some pool and took alot of breaks and the game went on and on , i didnt think we were ever going to win , but at last finaly sis in law won , played 3 more yup she beat me in everyone of it ! had coffee with speical liquid in it and had anuther one and another one , costin an arm n leg and no buzz ah hell give me a beer ! big glass of it and whoa nice buzz going . smiln and grinnin till 10 pm . best time i had .
lildeb ,, thank you for ur post about my pa and hubby , my husband has had stent full and just had an open heart couple yrs ago , he s had heart pblm since 2002 . doc is keepin his eye on my husband , he has a disease of the heart . atrie always pluggin up , dr told me he can be a health freak and still have the pblms . damned if u do damned if u dont ... run all u want u may have a heart attack , walk in ur own pace and becareful . hubby always feels like hes walkin on a timebomb , i just pray and pray that we get to grow old together ,
he is not a dog hes not a pig he is my best friend my best of everything . i love my man ...
of course when i see men and yep they re a damn slobby ass smellin dog who rolls in something dead . men comes in all diffrent kinds of shape and attidue and whatever you wanna call em is fine with me . most men that likes to be controling i call em dick head cuz they make sure that we women sees that he walks with a dick danglin around . fk em bastards .
christina , get ur shot gun out ! hell with mothball . ! . ur cat is alot like my cat , shedd and shedd and smiles when he sees me with a sweeper , hes a dickhead . lol .. ohhh i have some castor beans and they re the best purtty plant i ever saw . ! plant them an dthey grow and alotta people be knockin on ur door and say what kind of plant is that ? they re very highly posion , yup they do keep the moles out of my yard , they do work . ill mail ya some if u wanna some .
jen . fartpant is no where near a dog or a pig , he is just plaine ole sonofabitch . do u have hills ? love u jenny girl ...
bobbie , is there another huricane comin ? bro said gonna name it startin with a c . i said oh prob be a cindy one , he said oh gosh that sounds like a bitch one , beware !!!!
somebody said to bring the kitty over to her house , nananana that kitty is a boat kitty , kitty wont go anywhere without bobbie . theyre best buds ever . kitty is a pirate . :-) , shes a cutie ! love that kitty . hug her for me bobbie ....

i think im takin up all the space . i shall get back to work ! oh goodwill , man it was a new store and everything in there is awesome ! shop till i drop , 47 dollars plz . oh ok and came home told my hubby i just saved him over 400 bucks , he smiled .
whats for dinner ???? xoxo

Bus is Here...and mom won't admit it but them are some of our favorite words.....Ah yes, the reprieve, just a few hours not to be reminded of the bitter, smelly, perverted, stubborn disgusting old bastard who has taken up permanent residence in her home.
I see another old man with white socks and brown pants and shoes in there, wonder what he's like, better, worse...Someone else just relieved to have him not IN THE HOUSE for a few hours a week after half a decade of something they'd convinced themselves was the right thing, the loving thing, the "good child" thing to do....
Beh, all this and allergies too. Thank God for Aging Care. I can't imagine not having a place to vent where others GET IT!

Friendly, happy Hi's and Goodbye's.... you know why they can do it.
A: They get paid, B: Their charges ain't family, C: They get to go home at the end of the day/shift and that person isn't there...(I hope for their sakes)...

Have a good sane weekend if.....

OMG. I just read the past few crap comments .... I can't do that. I know I can't. And, nolansk, I feel for your son. My grandmother lived with us when I was a kid, and she disgusted me and I absolutely loathed her. She wasn't a nice person and I found the bathroom nightmares just too much to bear.I just wanted her and her stench to go away or die. My mother worked, we had one bathroom, and I cleaned up when Mom wasn't home - had no choice, couldn't use the bathroom if the toilet looks like a shit balloon burst all over it. I remember crying and cleaning it up after stepping and sliding in it. I hope your son is more compassionate than I was. I was angry. If there's an afterlife, you guys are in the fast lane there. There have been a few comments that I've read these past few weeks that make me say "Oh, my god" out loud. These were a few of them. You women are amazing.

Nolansk: Welcome to the crew. What a mess. I meant that figuratively, but I guess it applies on a daily basis too. I'm truly sorry you lost your husband and have had your own medical issues too. Yes, someone (guess who) should be paying you, not the other way around. This is the place to vent. Welcome aboard!!!!!

I know you understand. But my Mom today, she just stood there in our front yard - she was talking to me, and she said I've got to go, and I said, well, get going in the house, but she kept talking, and then said (this is like a 5 minute span of time) I'm not gong to get there. She refuses to wear a diaper, so she's dripping shit thru the house, and the dog is right behind her lapping it up while I'm trying to stop the dog and keep her from staining the carpet AGAIN.

We have two bathrooms, one in the Master BR and another in the hall. I've tried to get her to use her own bathroom, but she insists on using the one that my son and I use, so we have to put up with her problem and shitty underwear hanging over the tub. My son hates it and tells her so.

I think I'd like to steal all her underwear and replace them with diapers. Maybe then it will get my point across.

And we pay my Mom and Dad rent every month to take care of them. I'm beginning to think it's a little backwards. Don't people get paid to do this stuff?

Hi nolansk: I can see the fine line between a grossometer and a psychometer. My dad would like to be his own butt wiper, but then I would have to redo the job and clean his hands and fingernails too. That will rate on both charts. Probably a 10 for sure. Then there are those times that he can't quite seem to give a push, like he just doesn't seem to know that he is oozing shit and all that is needed to end this ongoing nightmare is a little concentration on his part. I'm making fun here, but really it is sad. It's like he has lost touch with his most basic functions.
Truthfully, I didn't expect that.

Well, if you go back a few pages, you can read about Deef and her mom's shit fits. Lord have mercy. I count my blessings.

OK, Good Evening cattails. My psychometer broke too. And I know I have not even come close to really seeing the gross stuff yet, but I'm getting close to buying that bottle of vaporub. We had a poopie problem again today, and I made her clean it up, and will continue to as long as she can actually manage it. I figure if she is going to sneak eat something that causes the problem, she can deal with the mess that comes out the other end. I think we need a GROSSOMETER here too, lol.

Be Well - Sue

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