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First of all, men are not like dogs. Men are PIGS. And that comes from an old friend of mine, a man who was on my board of directors some years ago. He was even a republican.

Kuli: Glad to hear you have a dog and are getting back into the swing of life. I've never had a chance to meet you or read previous posts. But now is now, and that's a good place to be in.

My best girl was Kate, a Shetland Sheepdog. I got her on March 1, 1995. That was a Friday evening. By Monday she was sick with Parvo and in emergency. I was blessed to have her for almost 11 years. She was my soul mate.

Meanwhile: I'm glad to hear from you. I think it's perfectly healthy for you to be with someone you can talk to about all aspects of your life. You share what you have experienced together. He's a good friend and if it moves on to more than that, so be it.

Diane: This is out there I know. I thought of this a while ago, but didn't mention it because it seemed too far fetched. Is there any chance that your brother would buy the place with you? I don't know if the loan you are looking at has restrictions, such as first time buyers only, etc. Maybe your bro could use his credit (if it's good) and be on the loan with you.

The other thought is that you get to rent, with an option to buy, at such time as your mom's LTC policy expires. A price is set now for the house at current market value) your payments go toward current taxes and anything left over goes to a down payment. If property values do not increase, say they fall, you will get the house at the pre-arranged price or at the future market value, whichever is "less".
That seems fair to me after all the years you have taken care of your mom. If your mom is of sound mind, maybe you two should see an attorney and talk about how this can be done. It is her house and she can sell it to you at current market value. A lease option might just work. The thing is, you would have to be mindful of when her LTC policy expires and make efforts to finance a loan or sell the place probably 6 months prior to the policy expiration. It will give you some time to pay down your debt. Get clear on what financial position you need to be in to get financing. Hopefully property values will go up and you will automatically have more equity....meaning your loan will be less than the value of the home.

Something to think about and discuss with your mom. I think you and your mom might be in the drivers seat on this one. Just my thoughts. Cattails

Kuli, glad to hear you have a new dog. Bobbi, I have decided, men are dogs. My husband was dead 2 months before they started sniffing around, and wanting attention. I was pretty dense about it a first, so they have been getting more direct. Like, "can I call, would you like to go out some time". Sheesh. Actually, the only one I enjoy spending time with is Indio. He is the one that helped me take care of Sam the last 6 months. He was my rock then, and he is still there for me when I need him. When I'm down, he talks me into going to a silly movie, or just watching old sitcoms on TV. We have gotten to eating lunch together most days. I can talk about Sam to him. I don't know if it is healthy or not, but don't care.

Just checking in per Bobbie's request. Told therapist yesterday that I feel I'm back at least 85% at work but not so much at home. Black hole really got a hold on me after dad passed and I had to put my dog to sleep. But adopted a puppy mill rescue cavalier king charles spaniel (same breed as my previous dog) and have found paradise again. He needs me as much as I need him. Still miss dad and my sweet Charlie but continue to move towards the future instead of staying stuck in the past so all is good. Bobbie, I don't know what I would have done without this blog. Thank you so much for starting this and continuing to be our captain. I read all the time but don't post much. It brings back too many memories still so I stay quiet but enjoy the posts. All of you caregivers are awesome and need to pat yourselves on the back for loving someone so much that you make them your priority. Trust me, once they are gone, you will treasure the memories you have. Hugs~ Kuli

I didn't get prequalified for the house loan. Debt to income ration is too high. Bummed and not sure what to try next. Any suggestions my wise friends?

haha I'm not complaining, cattails. Advice is advice. I have not done any research on the problem yet, so I believe you. The location is a corner of my front yard where the troublesome retaining wall is. There is only one exit near the surface--and that is across my front lawn. If he would be so kind to dig deeper, he could go under the street and come up on the bridle trail. This would be my goal for him. Sans the .45:D Thank you, cattails. xo

OK Christina: Here's a possible solution to gophers. Can't guarantee, but give it a try. Take a can, like a small tuna can, cleaned and dried. Get some moth balls. Dig down into the gopher hole area and put the moth balls there, covered by the tuna can. Rumor has it that the smell drives the gophers away. I know it has worked in some cases, but can't guarantee results. Hey, the advise is free so you get what you pay for. Best wishes on gopher success. Cattails

Jen: Rest and retype. Love ya, cattails.

Too tired and annoyed to retype TWO posts.
Thank you cattatils and bobbie and Clorox wipes!

site not letting me in here??

sskape2! A Toto basket (not insinuating you're anything like the Wicked Witch of the West - that'd be me)! I just saw a wicker basket for taking a dog on a bike ride - online at Walmart. Pricey though, but pretty cute.

Hi , I'm sitting here eating bacon and toast sandwiches reading posts, and I must look pretty gross myself! The one (and only) benefit of being single.
Hey Christina, glad your son stopped by with firends. I can see the boats going out to Nanutcket from my(mom's) house. I hope your son's friend likes his summer job.
I got a bike basket to carry my dog around in, but it isn't sturdy enough. These little doggies want to go everywhere with us. Otherwise they lay on the guilt trip. I should have gotten a cat!
I'm having a glass of wine , so should probably sign off. Hope everyone has a good night!

My Dad tries to "help" and washes the dishes, gads how he did not die from disease before he moved in with me I'll never know, it drives us crazy the way he tries to take care of his breakfast and tries to help...we just rewash everything before we use it, wash down the counters with Clorox wipes all the time and I try to get to it first and he is finally starting to stop "helping", but makes comments about how nothing is good enough for me. Watching him eat drives us nuts too, he'll have a hard time chewing something and just pull it out of his mouth and put it back on his plate and by the end of the meal the dogs are happy with eating all the stuff from off the floor and my dad is covered with butter, ketchup, sauce, gravy or whatever. Why do we get so gross when we were not gross to start with?

Hi Everyone. Meanwhile, my cat is good for nothing except shedding. She is an indoor cat, skittish, a pretend Nimrod. No, the .45 is a better idea.
When you talk about driving and the keys, I remember the time I finally had to INSIST to my Mother's last late husband that I would drive. Those moments when we absolutely must TAKE CHARGE with elders is certainly a turning point. On a deep level we must know what we are getting into before we make that decision, because there is no turning back once we do.
My husband's cataract surgery was postponed after 4 days of prep so he can see more of a specialist, referred by the first specialist. gee. I just want him to see.
Sue, I am so sorry you had a bad renter. Invasion and disrespect is creepy. Hope you have fun with your boys:) My son was over on Monday with a couple of friends. One is a chef who is moving this week to Nantucket Island to work at a resort. Sounds divine! I thought of you:) xo
Diane: Good to hear from you that you are doing well:) Hugs and Kisses
cattails: i adore how you get to the point. heehee xo
Cricket: Hello? xo
LindaHeart: Ditto:) xo
Cuz: have a long lazy fishing experience:) xo
Deefer, Austin: hugs and hope you both are well. xoxo Jen, Ditto xoxo
Real newbies who I don't know yet: welcome, keep reading, keep posting, ask questions and make us laugh. Do you know how to get rid of gophers?
Captain, you are a Boatful, we know it, and love you to pieces! YeeHaw!
Back to work.
Love, Christina xo

Just back from Mom's last cataract surgery. The last 2 weeks have been 6 days spent in the city. This morning she had a check up at the doctors office, We were almost late, because she was convinced we were supposed to go back to the surgery center. Once I convinced her we were supposed to go to the office, she somehow thought the office had moved. Then she wanted to drive home, but no way was I handing over the car keys. We might have ended up in Florida. Anyway, missed you guys, I'm trying to catch up on posts. Glad you weathered the storm. Bobbi. Hope your home loan goes through, Diane. Glad to hear everyone else is hanging in. Christina, I wish you luck on getting rid of your gopher. You need to send your cat out there. Got to go. Dad's here.

good morning, I'm trying to get the house ready for my sons visit. The last renter left a mess , and took off the day before rent was due. I had gotten a sleep sofa and just tried the matress. Most uncomfortable thing in the world! I might check out an air matress, I hate this last minute craziness. hope all are doing ok today!

Morning all, Bobbie I love the guy stories! good times, NOT!
I've got lots to do so I'm outta here for now. Everyone have a great day.

Good Morning Crew,
It is beautiful now on the river. Water like glass and a slight breeze to cool us.

Oh... here's the My Cousin Vinny Train... that was a shortie. Southbound passenger train.

Ya, it's delicate male egos for sure. Kind of pathetic but since I have always been in male dominated professions I have been dealing with this insanity all of my life.
The dark comedy ensues when one of them makes a move on me (ya, it still happens and I am always amazed) and when I decline man oh man, Hell hath no fury like a man scorned. Yawn.
So a few of these dock rats have come calling.... here's one for ya:

The night of the storm, about 11pm right before Beryl made landfall, it's raining farm animals and blowing stupid, the 'Cajun' that has a boat about 3 docks away shows up in a yellow slicker carrying a BOX OF WINE.

If you saw 'The Green Mile' and remember the character who had the mouse and what he sounded like, well, that's the Cajun. This Cajun is actually good looking, just too young and nuts for me. Been there and quit that.
Anyway, Cajun dude comes knocking on my boat and I shoot the bull with him for a bit. He's been coming around for a few weeks now and every time when he tries to sidle up on me I just tell him that he's only on my boat because he's been drinking and so wasted that I look good to him. That makes him laugh and we talk about boats for a few minutes and then he goes away.
If only all of them were that easy to get gone.

Had one guy... don't remember if I told you all about the 'fighter pilot/airline pilot guy' omg what a hot mess.
Started coming over to my boat Every Morning and man oh man who needs that? Right off the bat he wants to get into a big political discussion and frankly I don't give a sh!t. After caregiving and the rest of my life I just don't care. Sad but true. One of the main reasons I have a boat. Like Jen said, rather deal with the weather than other crap.

Anyhoo, this jerk would go on and on and on... ok, kind of like this post... but on and on and the topic was always politics or what a jock he is. I didn't point out the obvious which is he USED to be a jock but now he's 65 and jeeze move on willya? To attempt to maintain some sense of it all I would try and talk about navigating to the Bahamas and other islands because this guy really knew navigation and how to use radar, etc. I TRIED to get him to go on and on about that stuff but he just wanted to sit here and complain about Obama. Um, please shut up.
So he announces to me that 'I'll go to the Bahamas with you.', like he's doing me a huge favor. It never occurred to him for a moment that he would be the last person I would want on this boat 24/7. Fool never shuts the F up.
When I didn't fall down and kiss his feet he got bitchy. Things deteriorated over the next few days and he moved across the way to another marina. Worked out for me cause I popped my boat into his empty slip for the storm. HooRah.

The wind has finally turned back to coming out of the NE and hopefully we can stay dry for a few days while I get some caulking under control haha.

Love you guys way more than you'll ever know.

Just a quick hello to all my caregiver friends to let you know I am doing ok and keeping busy. Have a good day my dear friends

Cattails, just the fact that you recognize feelings and emotions in someone else makes me feel that you really haven't lost those feelings - haven't "shut" off - but rather you've learned how to compartmentalize for your own mental safety. You do access "that place", but from a safe room inside yourself that keeps you from getting lost. You're a good person...

Jen: I'm sorry for all the shit you put up with. Fart pants and sometimes your mom too. Are you still on crutches? Got the married a gay guy and had two kids. Appreciate that she is intelligent and overwhelmed. I think you got her intelligence. Also got she takes things out on you....not so intelligent, but you can say she is overwhelmed and cover for it.

Does she keep Fart Pants because there will be a financial payoff. I'm not saying anything negative about her, please believe me. I'd just like to know why she insists on making both of your lives miserable.

In the room now, gotta go... Does that mean your mom was in the room so you had to stop typing?

By the way, Jen, anyone who can write with the feeling and empathy that you do is a gift to any parent. Actually, you are a gift to the world. And I mean that with all my heart. When you write in the moment about something that happened, you write it like it happened to you and you are sharing all the internal details. That's what makes it so real. Because it is real. And you can feel it. You know it inside.

I use to be able to do that and I wish I could get it back. On the other hand, I know it comes from a very painful place. I'm to shut down now to access it, but when I read things you write it resonates with me in a very meaningful way. I don't really know how to explain it, but I feel I am seeing my self in you. I remember when I felt that way about so many things. Things that other people missed until I said or wrote about it.

Don't lose that part of yourself, because it really is a special gift. At the same time, do your best to keep a balance. Minimize the depression by writing. At least you have something to show for it and that can lighten the depression. I still wish you would let me help you get some things published. It would be good for you and good for those who read your words.

This should have been a personal post. Sorry to make it so public. If you don't mind, answer the questions I asked about your mom. I'm a nosy broad, but well meaning. Love you Jen, Cattails

My Mom is no "retired" after I broke my ankle the care of fp became truly too complex on crutches. She has been a social worker paralegal and latter sewing just too avoid any more emotional stress. She married a man who was gay, has two kids, me and my abusive brother the saint. She is intelligent, and over whelmed. And usually take everything out on me room now gotta go...

Hi Cuz: Don't forget your magnets. Cattails

About bobbie's roll call. Cuz is still here just no jokes tonight. Glad you weathered the storm bobbie. We only had 28 to 31 mph winds today but no rain. Going fishing friday for a week to the U.P and the weather forcast is calling for highs in the low 50's. I might take the snowmobile suit just in case. Hopefully I can load you gals up with jokes before I leave cause I won't be on the muter while up north cause they don't have internet where I be going. Hugs to everyone.

Jen: I doubt it's menopause. Little down the line for that, but not to say she isn't still suffering from hot flashes. Who knows for sure? My guess is it is stress from Fart Pants and just being tired. You never say much about your mom. Can you fill us in a little more. Maybe the oldies understand, but I'm a bit in the dark. I know she works, at least I think that's correct. I'm 63 and I'm so tired of not having my own space. I want to make it perfectly clear, I'm not talking about you taking up space. There is a world of difference between you and Fart Pants. There has to be someplace in your mom's heart that hates him as much as you do. Is it a financial reason that makes your mom hang in there?

Send love to you Jen and encouraging the amazing gift you have for writing. Send us a letter. Love, Cattails

Just keep up the good work guys...! Even if things aren't supposed to be funny, I'm getting some grins here and there and that's a big improvement over the tears I wake up with!

Hey Jen the next time Fartpants gives you any grief tell him that when he dies God is going to hang him upside down in a bucket of snot! And if he doesn't listen then at least it will give you a good chuckle thinking about it.

Bobbie I'm so glad you, the cat and the Boat all made it through the storm! The offer stands always. It sounds like many of the guys docked near you are real assholes. They probably can't handle having a woman around their delicate male egos. Anyway, it's good to have you back!!

Linda, you sleep all you want for as long as you want. Sleep is good for healing.

Christina, I liked the garlic idea! Except you might end up with garlic growing. When I was a kid we did the hose and gun method, actually two hoses to force it out and one gun to do the job of removing the varmint! BOOM!!!

Diane, it's good to hear you had a marvelous time and that Brother of yours isn't that bad either.

Have a good afternoon/evening all.
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricket Hugsღ
Report has found no less than five things to complain about since we came in the door JUST NOW!!! God I think I will take the hurricane on bobbies boat anything up to a Cat 4 I think will be OK....
God we got the shopping done, and had money left even though she didn't go to the bank for June's money...jest stretching it out....She got her TV on...I mean what, Oh never mind. My cousin and I have mom s who are sisters and we both have noticed how angry and short and paranoid and bad humored our mothers have become in the last five or six tears. AND I am asking everyone polity..Is this menopause related, only my mom has the actual care giving duties. Neither do HRT. and are both 63 /60 age wise. I mean what? If it is I am gonna have my uterus taken out and get HRT by fifty!

Thanks cricket and yes I have sort of been ignoring my play thpugh he just emailsed and said he has passed it on to other readers in the we shall see.

I don't deserve to win the lottery all I do is grumble and pray some one dies...Not that being good has anything to do with it. Their are drug dealing rapists who have won the lottery...literally...

Hi deee ho to Deef and Rip and Bobbie, Cattails and Dflex, Christina, Linda,

Hope all our ships find peaceful harbor one day...

Oh, Bobbie--he isn't the same guy you kneed, is he? Maybe his reasoning got shoved somewhere, too. You can give him a heads up when the weather changes.
Be safe, and cat, too:) Love you THIIIIIIIIISSS MUCH!!! xoxo

Saturday... moved the boat on Saturday. funny how time morphs when you don't get any sleep. Right Caregivers?

Good Afternoon Crew,

Just now got internet.
Thanks guys for thinking of me and the Cat.
It is still blowing out there... about 30knts and the boat is doing the slow roll routine.
Sunday night was insane and the Cat upchucked her Friskies. I didn't know that cats got seasick but I guess it makes sense and there you go.

We have had so many free boat washes in the last few days it's amazing. Now we are getting a free boat dry.

Deef!! glad you are on the mend!

Linda! thanks so much for letting me know that I was being thought of! Huge for me!
Tell your husband that we are all rooting for him and the heart issues.

Christina! post what you sent me in the email. That was some funny sh!t!!
.45 and a steady hand for the gopher haha

New folks! welcome to the boat! "the Same Boat'
k71. Your mom has Dementia. Now it gets interesting because someone has to do something and she is behaving that way because, wait for it, she's Demented. Wish I had better news but this ain't rocket science as much as some want it to be. Google Dementia and drugs etc etc so you can see how to begin to deal. Keep coming back here as well because everyone here has been through the wringer on this stuff and knows the score.

Whoa... gusting to about 45. Boat just heeled a bit but lamps still upright.

Thanks Cricket for the invite!
good stuff Cattails

Austin! Maxine! wassup gurl

JEN! thanks for the hug.

We ought to do a crew call to see who's been reading and staying in the background. No harm in that at all, hey I've done it when I just couldn't write a word....

Funny thing about moving this boat is that on Friday when it was beautiful and sunny and calm (perfect boat moving weather) and I moved her and tied her, there were guys who were laughing at me, no kidding.
One called me a dumbass for moving the boat off the fixed dock and told me there was no way that this storm was going to come up this river. Told me he was taking his owner's yacht out on Monday for Memorial Day. Had the girl come and wash the boat! Needless to say he didn't go anywhere but man oh man, he's a big time 'Captain'. He actually said these words to me: There's not a cloud in the sky!
I don't have the benefit of his years of experience thank goodness.

ok, another squall moving in and I want to watch it...

love you guys way more than you'll ever know.

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