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Mame -you are taking too much on a store bought cake would have been better or even telling Mom you will celebrate her birthday on another day-your hubby is not making things any easier-he sounds like my husband was-he knows he should be resting-if he keeps ending up in the ER insurance may have a problem with that as well as his co-workers-he has to know he is adding to your stree-you are rolling with the punches they just are comming to fast for anyone to deal with-you need to be easier on yorself-you are not required to stay with him in the hospital. My husband was in rehabs 16 times-at first I was there 13 hrs a day as time went on some days I did not go at all-you have to take care of yourself-I hope there is a support group where you live you need to be with people who get what you are doing and that only comes from other caregivers.

Just caught up reading posts...WOW-God Bless you all and glad you are all here!
A while back, I was considering putting mom in a NH cause my hubby had an alarming health issue that scared us all and I thought-there is no way I can care for 2 people! Anyway, that turned out to be not as bad as originally thought-thank God!!! It is not completely "healed" yet-but we are working on it! Well, last Thurs was my birthday...he wasn't feeling well and I was really trying not to be a big baby but we had someone to be with mom and were going to go out. We did go to dinner but came right back. I was happy just to get out for a bit. Anyway...the next morning he calls from work...sick-to the point that his coworkers had to take him to the ER! Different issue than the scare a while back-but scary as hell! So, I spent the weekend in the Hospital with him. He is ok now...we got home from Hospital yesterday...Thankfully my sister stayed with mom all weekend. I was exhausted-my sis told me to take a nap-2 hours with earplugs and eye mask!!! Thank you! is mom's bday! Making a cake and trying to be happy and not tired! Where is hubby? He went to work. Yes, you read that right. He went to work! He always overdoes and i know I will be caring for him someday too. It is just making me sad today. Damn expectaions again I guess! Birthday and Mother's Day-thinking it would be a fun weekend. I am exhausted and feel like I am wrung out! I have never been good at rolling with the punches, they always get the best of me. Sucks. And he is back to work...just like any other day...Whatever.

Cricket, I hope your dad is okay. I also wanted to tell you that your creative artistic work is just awesome. I do not see how you do that with the computer. Looks great and love the little heart with the sparkles.

PS...Diane, I'm glad their was someone on to help you through the hurtful family comments. Siblings are so judgemental and cruel at times and what your said to you was especially cold. Just cut them off in your thoughts or it will drive you crazy. I know it's hard but try to put your mind on thoughts that make you feel good and not on the painful stuff. A little exercise that helps me when painful memory's are coming up is to sit down with a paper and pen and write out the things in life that really make me happy. Once I see those things and focus on the feelings I get from them it really changes how I feel. For me what helps me is Puppy's Puppy's and more Puppies, I imagine that I am in a room full of Puppies and I lay down on the floor and they all play dog pile on me. It always makes me smile and even laugh. If that doesn't work as well as I would like, the next thing I do is go to youtube and type in Puppies playing and then watch the movies. It really does make me feel happy. Once you know what makes you happy this is very easy to do. Love to you! I have some great movie clips of puppies on my youtube page. My tag their is Cricket News Network, I think you can go watch the ones I have saved if you want to. Their are also lots of "feel good" videos there too. xoxo

Good News here, I brought Dad home from the Hospital tonight and he is happily asleep in his own bed with little punkin curled up next to him. He has been very lucky in that the affects of his stroke doesn't appear to be as bad as it could have been. His Dementia appears to be a little worse, his memory seems to be worse but he has no paralysis or speech problems. Now I just hope and pray he doesn't have anymore strokes. I have to admit that this stroke has caused me to be more alarmed and on edge worrying that it could happen again. He had to go on two more medications.. Pills pills pretty much all the Doctors do anymore. More toxins to weaken his immune system even more. Okay, I'm done griping now. Have a nice evening everyone.


I shared this with those that I have e-mail but want to share this with everyone on the site.

Woman of God


Dear Woman of God,Be still for a while and praise God for His favor, His grace and His
awesomeness. God is able to do the impossible and is always near. He loves us unconditionally.Dear God, This is my friend whom I love and this is my prayer for her. Help her live her life to the fullest. Please cause her to excel above her expectations. Help her to shine in the darkest places where it is impossible to love. Protect her at all times, lift her up when she needs You the most,and let her know when she walks with You, she will always be safe.Amen!
Share this and bless many!

Hi Y'all,

Happy Mother's Day! I know the wish is almost too late since the day is nearly over, but meant sincerely. Truly felt the need to go to church today to find comfort in God's word. I've been home since Friday and I've been through the wringer with the sibs. The parting words to me last night was to say "You have been f'ing up for 50 years". I have to thank Ladeeda for being on FB at 2am and listening, calming me down and getting me to think straight. I knew an AC caregiver would be there for me.

I'm running in 5 directions at once trying to get everything done before bedtime. Take care all and thank you for the encouragment.

Love ya,

Yes I am doing a lot of crocheting -right now using scraps of yarn to make crazy lap robes and soon will start back with the shawls we are going to make some again for a different NH/Rehab so I will be getting loads of yarn when I go to PA-this time I am going with my daughter she is driving so can take lots of stuff-which I can not do when taking busses. I am going to sit outside and read before going to bed-it is so nice out.

¯`°º·¤.¸¯`°º·¤.¸¯`°º·¤.¸ (¯`v´¯) ¸.¤·º°´¯¸.¤·º°´¯¸.¤·º°

.¤·º°´¯¸.¤·º°´¯¸.¤·º° Happy Mother’s Day¯`°º·¤.¸¯`°º·¤.¸

I'm waiting by the phone to hear from Dad's doctor, hopefully I will be bringing him home today. I got his room all freshened up for him. He is doing pretty good as far as I can tell but I will know more once I have him home and see how well he does. Angie, I love gardening too. Everyone enjoy Mother's Day. Love to you all.
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricket Hugsღ

Happy Mom's Day everyone!!! Just vacuumed Mom's and now going to clean the bathroom. Maybe...... just maybe...... one or two of my sibs will show up today. Figured I better clean up a bit so they can't complain about my housekeeping skills! Merry is here and has already showered, dressed and fed Mom. I'll curl her hair in a bit. Merry's daughter and kids are cooking her brunch and will be over with it soon. Good kids all around.
Angie, I was out a lot yesterday and yes, it was gorgeous !!!!! Sat on the swing, knitting until dark, again. Daughter and sil cooking me a steak dinner tonight. best present ever!!
Diane, hope you are feeling better!
Cricket, Hope you can bring your dad home today.
Baily, Drop Mil off and enjoy your time for a change!
Hey there Meanwhile!
Austin, how are you? Doing any knitting lately?
Okay, off to clean Mom's toilet! Yuck!!!

Cricket, sorry to hear about your Dad's stroke. Hope all goes well.
Fixing Mother's day dinner for my Mom. Will pick flowers from the garden for her. She does this "Oh you don't have to go to any trouble for me" routine, but if I didn't, she would pout.

Loved that joke... Too funny.... Cricket(by the way love the name) glad to hear that your dad is doing better and that he will be home. Bailey I hear ya.... You vent all you want..... Mother's Day, will be just another day! However I will make it special for mom. She had a decent day today.. Managed to get caught up on her lovely laundry... ( stinky stinky )..... worked in the yard... AHHHHHHHH my therapy...... mom was outside for most of the day too... just sitting... waiting for her BF the mail lady Shirley... ( i get there before she does and i leave the flyers for her to get, makes her good to get the mail still) answered the same questions over and over.. But thats ok.... we talked alot about dad today, and she was telling me stories about when they were young, it was really nice. Just taking one minute at a time. Deef absolutely beautiful out today here, hope you were outside too. So wishes everyone a Happy Mother's Day... because we are mother's in every way caring for our loved ones.... Hugs to all..... Angie :)

thanks tbaileyღ

Yes I loved that joke. I had to txt it to my cousin her husband will enjoy that they got him a knew computer & now he is on it all the time.
Cricket Hope your dad gets better to come home those hospital stays can wear you out. In my case thats when all of the family run up there.

Cuz my friends at the Senior Center love your jokes even those in their 90's

The ones of you that are Mothers taking care of Mothers (Or whoever) is why I say decent. I'm Hoping for the best My Son is 23 & lives 2 hours away & has serious gf. He never left there when he went to college. Which has worked out great because he has great job Wonderful gf, Now tommrow he came up with a way to get me out of house and invited my husband & 2 daughters ages 10 & 20 to come 1 hour away to her parents house to meet the in-laws. I honestly say I feel like we already know them & they love my son & he loves them SO, Then he tells his dad to get rid of My MIL to one of his siblings since it's moms day so I can come have a break all day. Well My husband called his sister That said well I guess you could bring her by I'm having cookout for husband & son bday. (Her son leaving to new york Friday for Internship) This is same sister in law that when we were talking about her mom crying in NH wanting to go back home (DR. SAID H*LL NO) or to our house (DR. AGREED) she was like Well WE TAKE CARE OF OUR OWN...WE Don't need a nursing home I can help you. I say first 2 weeks she came helped me set up MIL space & made alot of trips to get stuff from her house. Helped me clean Came to help on certain bath nights & to do her hair. Also said she would just give us $ and then take care of any bills and so on. Called every day. Talked to her mom. Well MIL had surgery March & even before that help was fading but since then she has took a spring break trip with a friend to florida she needed a break and volunteered to watch her daughters 3 kids all under 5 so, her daughter could go on business trip & get a break. Hasnt called my phone once only txts once n while about 1 time a week and says mom Im coming over there to get you up & wash your hair & do your hair & MIL instanly tells her no she don't feel like doing that. So she never has even came to see her. Then I have tommrow WE WILL SEE....

Cuz, you crack me up!

Diane, take care of yourself and please for God's sake put your Mom in a nursing home. She won't like it but at least that way you can focus on your needs and be in a better state to oversee her care. My heart is with you.

Dad did have a full blown stroke, not the mini kind associated with AD. He is recovering from it and I plan to bring him home from the Hospital tonight unless his doctor gives me a legitimate reason for him to stay. As it is right now he doesn't even have an IV and they've only added one medication that I know of. Thanks everyone for your well wishes.
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricket Hugsღ

Diane, hope you get all the help you need. Mostly you need help with your Mom. You really should try to put yourself first for a change .If that means your Mom going to the nursing home, don't feel guilty about that. You have done more than your share already.


A lady is helping her husband installing his computer. Then having completed that successfully, she said that he now should have a password that he would easily remember, so that he would be able to use his computer when it asked him his password.
Being a bit of a He man, he winks at his wife and says "penis",
As he enters the password and presses the mouse button, his wife bursts into a hysterical fit of laughter.......

The computer responded: "Too Short" entry refused.

Life is short...forgive quickly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably...and never regret anything that made you smile.

Diane as you know I am just a reader of the thread but you gals and Ted have become part of my internet family. Please don't give up cause there are alot of us pulling hard for ya.

Diane, what you did got you the help you needed. Nothing to be ashamed about! We've all been over the edge and knowing we are not alone does help. Glad you are back home and taking some time to sit on the porch and just relax. It's very helpful for all of us to know that these things do happen and we need to share in the hopes we can help all the others that go through what we do every day.
I'm very fortunate to have a good and close relationship with both my daughter and her husband. Having them living in the apartment above us helps tremendously. My husband can be a pain in the royal a$$, but has come to terms with our life, such as it is. Just wish he would get a JOB!!!! 3 of my sibs will give me $$ if I ask, and I do now without shame. I figure they owe me and Mom for leaving us hanging and I'll take all the guilt $$ I can get.
Angie, I know how tough you have it too. at least I have Merry thanks to Mom's LTC policy, but sadly that is running out by October, so if Mom is still with us, I may be on my own unless the sibs cough up!
My girlfriend stopped by this evening and we sat on the new swing for an hour and just talked. it was nice as we don't see each other very much. I've not seen many of my friends lately. Find myself in a rut with no ambition. My back is better, so it's time to start curtains and windows next week. My house is a mess do to lack of attention over the last 4 years. You all know how that is. too tired to care!!!
Diane, Angie, we are all thinking good thoughts for you tonight and hope better times are coming for you both. Diane, enjoy your 2 days with BF and Angie, put your feet up and sip your martini, slowly!!!
For all you newbies, some of us have been around on the thread for a long time and every once and a while we go missing for various reasons, but we all come back to support each other when things get crazy. Everyone keep posting and venting and..... Love Deef

Am so sorry to hear of your pain D. hang in there, We are all rooting for YOU! Do what ever you need to do to be OK.

My heart goes out to ya Diane... I know I can so relate... Burnout is not a pretty place for sure and coming back here just in the past few days for me has been a huge help already, i get here when i can. Sunday of this week, i myself smashed 2 coffee pots and threw the electric frying pan out of burnout and frustration, and no mom was not present, she was upstairs in her lil world thankfully, it was at that point i realized i needed to just take some time to do the absolute basics of the week and thats all i have done, the bare bare basics. The trigger for me was a sis that has not been to see mom in a year decides to pop in for a visit, and i know that the visit was more of the investigation as i call it .... lol lol lol..... to report back to the others..... just triggered that rage.... anywho.... i say screw them alll.... i do a fabulious job taking care of mom and all that entails, and have all the legal paperwork in place already,,,,,, so now i will take care of me too. Oh not to mention that my 22 yr daughter is in not such a good place with drugs at this time, and has been for some time now... so i hand it all over to the great wizrd in sky, have a nice martini and wait for the next show that mom decides to put on for me, or discover the items that she has placed all over the house that i have been looking for . Ok here is a quick one, went into dad s room for something a couple of weeks ago, saw a few trash bags in there, thought they were some of his clothes for goodwill, well well no it was not, she was hoarding the trash, i was like and this is here why, of course her response is i didnt put it there.... anyhow... i have blabbed enough for now as i usually do.... hope everyone had a good day, off to make the dinner grilled cheese frozen french fries.... so love and hugs to all ... angie

Hey Lildeb,

Most people don't realize that Florida cowboys where the original American Cowboy, long before out west.

Just sharing some trivia.

Love ya,

Hi Crew,
I've been MIA for awhile. I'm sharing this info with you on a public forum to help all caregivers. Last Saturday after having another nasty argument with my brother (lives in town) and sister who was visiting from Seattle, I took an overdose of xanax and tried to slash my wrist. Thankfully my knives were dull and my skin was thick I didn't do much damage that way. I don't remember anything from Saturday through to late Sunday when I was committed to a behavioral clinic aka psych hospital. My diagnosis, major depression and caregiver burnout due to lack of respite. I just got out today and will be spending two days with my boyfriend before coming home to care for mom. I am sitting on the front porch with mom right now and enjoying the beautiful afternoon. I was going to say, I'm not sure what the good Lord has in store for me, but he must have plans since I'm still here and feeling so much better. I know now, more than ever, that if it weren't for me mom would be in a nursing home. My sister finally has had a small taste of being a caregiver and has said straight out, she could not do this job. As for my brother, he would certainly try if I weren't here, but I know my sil would throw mom in a NH asap. In fact, they took mom to a nursing while I was at the hospital and she was completely pissed off with them. They got her in the car and then told her where they were going. Please don't think I am criticizing those that have had to make that choice. Mom and I had a discussion long ago that if she became bedridden or a danger to herself she would need a NH. So many of you have husbands/wives and children at home that I do not have. I've also been blessed with a very supportive boyfriend. So again, please don't think I am criticizing if you have had to go the NH route.

The crew will be a very important part of my recovery. I see more new names and I need to get to know y'all. My bf doesn't have internet so I might not be on for a day or two, but I'll be back to share in the mishaps, comedies and heart break of caregiving. Please take a few minutes to take care of you today.

Love ya,

Cricket, I hope your dad is okay and they find out what is causing his b/p to rise.
sskape2, sorry for your loss and sorry you are not able to go to the funeral. Thankly we have this board to keep us from going crazy.

Tbailey, Laura ingals yep all the way and you can your sister and you had a great time with the horses and that is a lot of acres. My dad had 9 lots not sure how many my brother has but he buys n sales babies at the Ocala breeder Sales OBS. He alos still rides and so does my other brother. I really miss the country lifestyle, Home-sweet-Home.

Deef I can picture you in that swing & I keep telling my self I'm going to get my yard cleaned up & planted I have let it go Kinda busy Caregiving the MIL but, Would be great to get my daughter involved & be our time. Then I'll be in my hammock till it falls.Also Cant wait to hear Merry's stories Gotta have them...
Angie I love the way you look at things. I'm alot like that When my MIL does stuff & has me at my wits in I'll walk into the room that she is sitting in & she will look up & say Lord mercy where did you come from I thought you were so n so (always someone in family but always different people) boys & girls.. Then just start Laughing Well It's Tracy Where in world have you been & I just laugh everytime...(Sometimes I had just been in there 5 minutes before)
Cricket Glad to here your dad feeling better weird thing is mil went to bed early yesterday Has slept all day B/P little high on top when therepy came & took it but he said she was to out of it so he left. I woke her for supper she stayed awake up in chair for 30 minutes & has been in bed since. Just weird last night I thought well she is pretty normal sleeper still compared to some storys on here.
Well night Gals and guys...

Hi everyone. Today was horrible as I drag my mnl to a "care-giver conference." For someone to be anti-social, she sure don't mind complaining to strangers. As soon as we got their I had to sign in and started to pick up some and the mnl starts to complain that she can't stand long to someone. The lady was trying to redirect her to the room where the meeting would be held but I had to intervene and excuse her for she would had just wander off. Then so I hurry her in the room and she starts to complain to another lady that she just don't like to sat down long that she likes to be moving around. I could had scream because she is so full of shit! She can sat all day watching tv and she will tell her dr that she just cant just sat around all day and watch tv. Oh please! Anyway, I explain to the lady next to me that this was my mnl and I introduce my mnl to her as well. The lady understood about AD and was very kind. I finally got the mnl to draw a few pictures but that lasted about ever bit of 5mint! So, I decided to text the hubby if he could pick her up at lunch and take her with him to his work, that way I could go to at least two of three sessions. He did and I finally got to go back inside and was able to listen and take notes. I also finally got to meet one of the ladies that I has spoken on phone a few weeks back and she is suppose to set appointment to do an assessment at our house for respite care and other resources that may be avaialbe to help both the mnl and I. Needless to say, the hubby wasn't to happy when he came back home because of his mom but hey, I am with her 24/7. Maybe now he will see that I need a day break once in awhile. while I was out taking notes for about 2hrs I felt good and I got to talk to real live 'PEOPLE.' ; ) It is amazing how just seeing other people how great it can make you feel.

Good to be back here for me too, Angie! yes they sure can make us laugh with the things they say and do at times. Mom plays with her "Posey" vest that we used to tie her to the rocker with. She puts her head through the arm holes and tries to tie it under her neck. even better is when her teeth are hanging down and she looks like she belongs in the "Doggie Denture" commercials. Talk about a real hoot!!! Merry has pictures of her on her cell phone when she is pulling her antics. My real mom would be mortified if she knew what she was doing now. At least your mom can still do lots for herself. That's a blessing for you while it lasts.
Linda!!!!!! Glad you had good weather today. Hope you can find a job and get back into the real world. I'm with you on care giving, but you never know what life will bring.
Cricket, That will teach your dad to stop thinking with his pecker!!! Men, they never give up on that count!!! Hope he is feeling better tonight and maybe the whole problem is just a UTI. That's easy to fix.
Cattails, have a good trip.
Tbailey, my helper. Merry has 15 years experience working in alz. facilities. She has many, many stories. Some funny and some to horrible to repeat.
well, got my new swing this afternoon and we had it together in 1 1/2 hours, get this, with no swearing, arguing or hair pulling!!! In 40+ years, I've learned to never put things together with my husband for those reasons, but somehow today everything just went right along. It was cold, 53, and windy, but after Mom went to bed, I sat outside and knitted until it got to dark to see. it's great to have my swing again!!! Coffee in the yard tomorrow if it's nice out.
Once again, a sink full of dishes awaits! Have a peaceful night everyone. I'll catch you all tomorrow. Deef

Your welcome, I try to give the laughs back whenever i can. The other day when i was cutting the grass in the backyard with the handmower because i had to get a spark plug for the gas and mom was sitting in the yard nice and quietly with the dog periodically picking up stray leaves one by one,he he... as i was taking a break she says to me " omg did you see all the people staring out their windows looking at you wondering what you were doing", now a few months ago i would have argued the point with her that there was no one, but now i just agree with her and say : omg did see that one over there in the funny outfit etc or something to that effect. anywho.... just made her dinner, gave her meds, reminded her to shower, now back to couch... feeling better today... think i just a bit of caregiver burnout... so taking care of me, while taking care of mom... love the trash bag story.... awesome.... i am glad to be back on here, i will try to be on when i can.... cattails have a wonderful trip...... hugs and smiles to all.....

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