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Linda: Hope you are doing ok. Cricket: I'll read up on your book. Jen: Where's the Titanic when you need her.

Well, I'm doing my usual routine; feed, clean, laundry, butt shine. We've had about 40 elk hanging around and our Canadian geese are here with all of their antics, so at least I have some entertainment.

My neighbor recently lost her mom after a long illness. Her mom was in her 90's when she passed. My friend is quite religious so I was surprised when she told me she planned to have "the cocktail" ingredients put aside because she didn't want to end up going on for years when her quality of life was replaced by illness and just the ongoing maintenance of a failing body. Taking care of others does give us something to think about in terms of our own futures.

Any thoughts? Hope you are all hanging in there.

I just got a new book in audio format that is great! It's called "Fire Starters Sessions" it's about connecting with your own desires. So far I'm loving it.

"Squirt Cattails"

Squirt guns anyone?

Hmmn the water obsession could be useful...Here it is: "I just never liked water harrumph"....yeah what have you got against soap old man?

Hey everyone, the weekend was quite uneventful, which means I had a good weekend. Nobody tried anything too bad, hoorah! Although, FIL did have an obsession with his wife's clothes. He kept trying to put on her pants, which would have been fine if he wasn't 6 foot 3 inches and 200+lbs and his wife a mere 5 foot 3 inches and 145 lbs. It was actually quite hilarious. Also he's developed an obsession with water. Mostly hot water. He turns it on and leaves it running for hours; or he soaks things which ought not to be soaked. Anyway, fun times without much mishap. I've gotta go so everyone have a great day today! And I hope everyone can laugh at extreme moments.

Linda: Hang in there. Turn the music up and keep potting.

shit spelled got wrong i meant NOT havin a good day here . oh man maybe i need a nap .
hug ur parents for me dear .

cattails- peach used to hang out with us few yrs ago i think its been that long ago or seems like it , dont know what happen to her . poof she s gone . she was a pleasure to hang out with .
got havin a good day here , had to keep myself busy and boy did i . transplant alot of house plants , turned on the radio and jammin along fa lalala . havin in law s issues . drivin me bonkers and now im worried ....
wont talk about it cuz im shakin it all out of my head and told god thank you for a pleasant day and givin me the strenght to make ur plants happy .
prayers for all the hard workin men out there who risk thier lives everyday to support themself and make a better livin for us all . in the name of jesus amen ....

I loved reading everyone's posts this morning! good to see you! you to Christina!
Linda, you are just simply adorable and I want you to know that your voice here is like a life rope being tossed out to sea for those who are drowning! ty ty ty so much for continuing to hang with us!

I talked with Bobbie a few days ago and she is hanging in there. She's really busy get the boat worked on and recovering from CG. Boat angel is still in the hospital with kidney dialysis.

I to am wondering about AnnT and her Mom. Also missing Rossella's posts. Several others have moved on to.

Cattails, why not just say in a nice voice "Sarah, I really need you to take care of my Dad and allow me to have the quiet time I really need to hear my own thoughts while you're here helping" sometimes lonely people just need to know it's not always about them and their needs. Maybe get her a book to read.. one that looks really interesting that came out recently is called "Wild" that Oprah W. has been recommending. I know you don't want to hurt her feelings but honesty now prevents bigger hurts later, and if it doesn't work out, well then at least you tried and you can feel good about yourself for doing it. XOXO I'm so glad you are here!

Missing you to Miz and hope you are doing okay.
Diane, I hope you got some sleep last night.
OMG, Cuz.... you are a Godsend!

This thread reminds me of the book they made into a Movie called "the help" only instead of the black women of the sixties dealing with racial indifference and suffering at the hands of others we are a group of women and men who swap stories and vent and hang on to each other while riding the tide of Caregiving. I think we should all collectively write a book based on the thread here. I'm sure it would be a best seller and we could all make money for respite...we could form a Union! OMG... don't get me started! LOL One day I might just do it! Or we could each pick one person and write about their experience and character, compile up the writings and walla a book!

Okay, I have lots of laundry, juicing, and studying to do today so I'm off. Everyone make your day as happy as you can, think it happy, imagine it, put a clothes pin on your nose if you must, just do it!

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricket Hugsღ

I don't like the orange vest story! One of my son's is doing that job today!!! Pray for us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RIP: You posted it on my wall. Who is Peach?

That would gross me out, I am such a freak about my toothbrush, I keep mine separate from everyone elses. Once I caught my mom cleaning the dishes in the bathtub with the toilet brush. Oh the things we deal with!

The longest nerve..........

I always try to learn new stuff!

Longest Nerve In The Body

Did you know that in the human body there is a nerve that connects the eyeball to the anus?

It's called the Anal Optic Nerve, and it is responsible for giving people a shitty outlook on life.

If you don't believe it, pull a hair from your ass and see if it doesn't bring a tear to your eyes.

My public service is done for the day!

Keep is too short to take too seriously...

A redneck

A redneck was walking home late at night and sees a woman in the shadows.

"Twenty dollars", she whispers.

Bubba had never been with a hooker before, but decides what the heck, it's only twenty bucks,
so they hide in the bushes.

They're in there for only a minute when all of a sudden a light flashes on them. It's a police officer.

What's going on here, people?", asks the officer.

"I'm making love to my wife!", Bubba answers sounding annoyed.

"Oh, I'm sorry", says the cop, "I didn't know."

Bubba says, "Well, neither did I, till ya shined that light in her face."

I think it was Annt that suggested putting a cherry bomb in FP's under ware and give him a really big fart to go out on. I'd travel for the 4th of July to see that!!!!

Thanks Rip. Too funny. We should get one of those t-shirts for old Fart Pants.

Linda: Did Marcella's mom pass on? How about Annie in Ireland? Thanks for the message about care givers. I just need a break and would prefer Sara spend her time with my dad and not me. Big Hugs, Cattails.

did this post earlier?

Per Peach:
The OBMAJ thing came from a woman named Amber Jane who was really chastising us here on the thread a while back & Bobbie was trying to tell her what was going on & she told her, "Oh, Bite Me Amber Jane" so that's how the OBMAJ got it's start! If you're having a difficult day, it's a good way to tell somebody off instead of, well, you get the idea, just tell 'em know what it is & they don't! LOL You can explain it to 'em if you're so inclined, too!

*** The Rip added to The OBMAJ *(We were all super close then) comment came on a very difficult day when one of our beloved friends, Miz, was on deathwatch in the hospital with her mom.
Arrogant Amber Jane came on with the usual crap of "OH my, simply get another toothbrush & cherish every little upset you deal with"
theory without bothering to read even the first few comments & see what the thread is about.

Bobbie's immediate SnapBack "Oh just BITE ME Amber Jane" had us laughing for days despite our many difficult lives.
There are some things you just don't mess with here on Grossed. Why we are strong, even some of us routine silent ones.Chriistina would consider us ... what? Lurkers?

I doubt AJ enjoyed or recognized her brief 15 seconds of fame ... but her tone & timing simply stank.
Peach has designed a logo for shirts, etc.
I've made key tags which we should market.

End result ... there are times in every care ;givers life
The Rip computer is crashing, Damn it

cheers - be well & hope a new computer is in my future or I'm sunk

jsomebody - that guy was backin up the big machinery , says he didnt see him . other guy was so piss off he jumped inside the machinery and grab that driver out and beated his fkin ass , the cops got there and had to seperate those 2 guys . . yep better get invesgation in .

cattails u must have ben reading the part about the chiggers ugh lol . why do they hop on up to where ya never think they could get in ugh . i ll never know lol . have to put nail polish on to suffer em as they make me suffer . whoa .
well lookin like the wind has died down . about time ! hubby said it almost blew him off the road this morning goin to work . glad he didnt blow away , the jeep doesnt weigh very much .
as for the bath lady phhhht i just walk away andleave and let her do her job , as long as i see pa smilin and i knew hes in good hands i leave them alone , i understand it is better that way , sometime i get so bored and i ll stand there yack yack . norma s a realy quite one and so gental to pa . i leave her alone , she s so slow and takes her sweet time . she likes to be alone , i could tell . looks like she s had a hard life , found out she did and is still havin hard life , raisn her grandkids alone . lynnette shes hyper and happy go lady , gets the job done and we rattle our mouth , i always hope she come cuz i have fun with her , dad rather norma lol . attention all to him and injores me , awwwwwwww he likes that , id see in his eyes GO AWAY LINDA SHES MINE ! LOL Thats funny ,
yes dont be a shadow . they know where everything is once after u tell em and theyre on thier own , sometimes they will say what are you doing ! im here to do this and ure doing it ! i know i know bad habits im sorry , zoom i run out .
as long as the aids doesnt growl and looks mean , thats when i would have pblm with it , but norma and lynne i just love em both , sad to see them leave . lynne was here the day dad was dying , told her to let him be , she help me changed his sheets and fix him up to where he d look comfertable . she was in tears , said he was a very kind man shes ever met .
oh blubber i am ....
anyways rossella i meowed at her on facebook . she said sooo busy with work will poste one day ...
you all behave urself tnite lol . love ya all xoxo

HOW do you run over a guy in an orange vest who is trying to get out of the way! ?That better be some investigation!?
Another week started, hope it bring peace for us all, somehow in some little way sometime...

Hi Christina: Hugs to you. I don't care if the damn things weighs 40 pounds. It's the best read ever!!! I want to see OBMAJ. Honestly, this thread touches my heart to the core and the posts are REAL and heartfelt and funny and healing. I WANT THE BOOK.

By the way, Cattails is for my beautiful pond. The home of the Red Wing black birds and many others critters. Meow doesn't bother me, but not a good sound to the birdies.

By the way, I called the agency last Tuesday to get rid of the Amazon care giver, but then I felt like shit. I should at least have the courtesy to explain what I need to her and not take the CS was out. So I called back and said never mind; I'll give it a couple more weeks and see if we can get in the same groove. She's a good soul and good with my dad. Just can't stand the shadow stuff. My husband said, If I hovered around you like that, you'd slap me upside the head. Yes, I would if I thought it would do any good. But it won't. He's a hoverer. (sp)

Love you all and Linda, watch out for the chiggers. OUCH

Hi Everyone,
Missy cattails, meow. When I read your post about getting a copy of the thread, I snorted water out my nose. Do you know how big "War and Peace" is? Well, GO is bigger, and much more exciting. Even when I am not here or posting, or even not reading, not a day goes by that I do not think of most of the people here. You all are in my prayers and make me smile. I am concerned about Rosella?! Has anyone heard from her lately? Now she is "La Regina della Scarparsa"--the queen of disappearance. heehee
I have no idea what is going on here these days: I am submerged in our new business, reading and doing a report on a big rock in California. BUT, I love you all and join Cricket in that Group Hug.
It's nice and hot today, so I'm going now to take Mother outside for a walk in her wheelchair, sing some songs, and do her nails. Hang in there, LindaHeart, Diane, cattails, Cricket, meanwhile, Deefer, Jen, rip, angelhair, Kimbo, Captain, Cuz, Igore, and all you beautiful caregivers and supporters of. Love you! Christina xo

.......*♥............… ...✫
¸....✫....Group Hug! *✫♥*
´¸.•✫ .............
/ \................Chirp Chirp!

Hi everybody,

Linda you have a good nap and a sweet dream of Pa. I've been giving my Dad more hugs and encouragement lately however, I thank you for the important reminder. XOXO

Diane, I hope you get some needed sleep tonight. I'm so excited for you going to get to go to that seminar. You must share with us what you learn! I am going on a 4 day (Respite) Seminar myself on the 27th of this month and can't wait! I am looking forward to all the healthy activities and training I will receive, and the quiet times.

I can't comment on everyone's posts because I need to get back to my studies right now but please know that I'm reading all of your posts and have a heart full of love you you and yours.


Hi Jen: As summer intensifies, leave FP outside in the sun. Nothing like a good sun stroke for the deserving.

Well, Damn. I lost my place on the old posts. Bobbie, why don't you see if you can get a copy of the thread from AC. We could get it printed and make copies. I hate losing my place. Makes it so hard. I was just loving Rosella, Annie from Ireland, Annt, Angie and others.

Hi Everyone:

I've been reading past posts. You guys are amazing and Linda, you are a sainted angel. Boy, when I put my head up my ass, I sure do it right.

I see where some no longer post because they are moving on with their lives, etc. and like Bobbie says, that's good for them. Thanks to everyone who stays because you are life savers.

Dad had the mother load bm, my washer and dryer go all the time. Linda, my dad likes his breakfast too and I cook for him every morning.

Miss my Christina and Cricket. Wish Bobbie would post more often too. Love to all of you. Cattails.

jsomebody - we re ok over here , just that damn wind keeps a blwoing . was told its going to get colder too , a guy ,my son in law works with , got killed this morning while they were workin on the roads , bridges , he was only 28 yrs old and left a baby boy behind .... the big shot guy that runs the meachinery ran over that guy and killed him , he even had on orange vest , he ran tried to get out ofthe way , too late smashhhhhhh . pissed my son in law off , he and that guy were both foremens . so theres gonna be alot of investagation going on .... prayers plz for that guys family and his lit boy .
today just sucks , windy outside and i dont want to be out in it .
was lookin at my dad s picture this mornin , i have it on my ref , he givin me a purtty smile . broke my herat this morning . i wanted to give him a hug but its only a picture . i wanted to talk to my daddy but the picture doesnt talk back but givin me the smile . oh my miss my daddy . its hittin me pretty bad today . i feel sick , stomach feeels hollow empty .
think i ll go take a nap . love you all and have a good day , hug ur mom n dad for me . xoxo

Hope everyone was safe during the storms in the Mid-West..just one more thing eh?

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