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We have started Home Hospice. They will give us 5 days of respite per month. Which is very nice. I'm hoping that it will go well. Especially with how much father in law has gone down hill. I guess his alzhiemers is affecting mostly the frontal Lobe of the brain; which, if I understand correctly, causes faster deterioration. His Doctor has introduced another medication. It is a drop that we put in his mouth. It has been a good thing. He gets so mean. It keeps him stable and more mellow. I hate using chemical restraints, which is what this type of medication is, but I don't know that we have any other option. He has kicked his wife in the stomach twice and slapped her once all because he didn't want to take his pills. One day I caught Him trying to take Great-Grandma's walker up the stairs and I caught Him half way up. He started losing his balance so I rushed up,pushed on his rear, and told him to grab the rail. I said that this walker stays down stairs and He needs to let me take it. I tell him how it's grandma's walker and without it she will fall. I told him all sorts of things that were just not getting through. Finally I say "Give me the walker please". He looks at me in anger and shoves the walker at me, pulling the brake chord out of the handle which I had to have my husband fix later. He raises his hand slightly and I said his full name and announced to him in a very stern voice "Don't even think of hitting me. I can hit a lot harder than you can." Not that I would ever actually hit him, but geez we were sitting there on the stairs fighting over a walker while he's tottering back and forth; and there was no way I was goin to try to drag a six foot three, two year old up the stairs. He was very shocked, but he lowered his hand. I think the reason I was so quick to temper is because I was at the tail end of my four, 16hr days with him and earlier that day He also almost pulled Great-Grandma down the stairs because he wouldn't give her her walker. He said it was his and he was taking it. Jerked on it while she was hanging on to it. If I hadn't walked in and grabbed hold of her she would have tumbled down those stairs. I told him to give her the damn walker and if I saw him trying to take it from her again he would be dealing with me and not a 97 year old woman. I'm ashamed to say I did get kind of loud at that point, but I believe it was more the scare than anything else that made me yell at him. He went in his room and sulked for about twenty minutes. I went down to make supper and it was while I was finishing that I saw him trying to take it upstairs. After I got everything settle and I had everyone in bed. I worked out on the elyptical for a whole hour thinking what a terrible person I was for yelling at him. Enough to say that I am thrilled about the hospice because the stress of dealing with his mood swings has been eating at me like crazy. Maybe now we can get a real break. Is that terrible? Is it terrible to need a break away from Him?

Kuli and Igore,
You're not kidding. My daughter is going to be 14 at the end of the month and it never fails to amaze me that she has gotten taller than both of her grandmothers and one of her aunts. Sometimes she seems so immature and then there will be some defining moment in which she surprises me.


I definitely see your point. Why is it that that things that agravate us about kids, parents, spouses, and so on, are the very things that when they are no longer there that we miss the most?

My son will be 14 in July. Until he was 11 he wanted me to scratch his back at bedtime. I was glad he outgrew it but I miss that part of his life now. Nothing stays the same. He is just 1/2" of being 6' now.

Igore - The beginning of your mom's call reminded me of something my dad did that used to drive me crazy. I would be up at 5am to get to work early and he would hear me in the kitchen. And then he would say - " Linda? Is that you?" It took every ounce of control to not once answer, who the "F" do you think it is at 5am? I wish I could hear him say it one more time. But it's those kind of memories that let me smile from time to time. Hope everyone is having as good a day as possible. Hugs, Kuli

Hi everybody. I went on vacation, remember me, obsessing and laughing and crying about it? I'm still alive. I'm not dead in a ditch. Forgive me for not letting you know sooner. Have you heard of that TV show, "When Vacations Attack"? Say no more. Anyway, I'm processing. I'll tell the truth, after all the noise I made, I was really afraid of disappointing you girls! I wanted you to enjoy the buildup, and I didn't want the delivery to be a big let down! So I'm processing, haven't read everyone's notes yet. I missed you. More soon. Love, Hannalee

Love the man boobs part, others too. Igore, you are too much. We all miss you on the thread. Maybe some don't realize that you are now working the day shift and can't screw around (participating in GO) as much as when you were working the night shift. Also, when you get home (from day shift) you have non stop requests on your time. When do you go back nights? Miss you little monster. Hugs, Cattails.

Who would have thought my best laugh of the day would be checking in on AC's Gross out? Thanks again cuz.

One of the "joy's" of having my mother live with me is that when I am out running errands (or trying to just chill) you never know when my cell phone will ring with Mom calling for just about anything.

The other evening it went like this.

"Hi, Mom"
"How'd you know it was me?"
"Caller ID Mom"
"Oh, I forgot. Well anyway can you pick me up some hair mousse at Walmart?"
"I reckon"
"OK. Anything else?"
"Thats all I can think of right now."

So I end up at Walmart looking for mousse, which I found. I head toward the register that looks the fastest (which I almost always guess wrong) and wait in line with my one can of mousse.

Cashier scans and looks at me and proclaims "Why do you need this fer yew ain't got no hare?"

Now in the cashier’s defense, I don’t have a lot of hair. She was trying to joke with me pleasantly but what I said next was almost knee-jerk response. I was smiling when I said it though.

"I don't have a vagina either but I have been known to pick up feminine hygene products for my wife and/or daughters, know what I mean?"

She was kinda red faced but we laughed a bit.

"You take care now." I told her "Tomorrow I might be back to get a training bra for my man-boobs!"

ss: What's going on with you? If you couldn't pull the plug on the lease, it's ok. Sometimes when the rubber meets the road it's harder than we anticipated to make the change. Check in with us. Hugs, Cattails.

Cattails ~ I see from your profile that your retirement hasn't turned out quite like you planned either. I hope there's a special treat for us caretakers in heaven, 'cause we're sure getting cheated now.

Cuz ~ Those are really cute. I love that we can count on you to keep us laughing.

Children Writing About the Ocean- OMG these are so funny!

Some of these give you something to think about!

1) - Octopus live in the ocean, they have 8
(Freddy age 6)

2) - Oysters' balls are called pearls.
(Jerry, age 6)

3) - If you are surrounded by ocean, you are an island. If
you don't have ocean all round you, you are incontinent.
(Mike, age 7)

4) - Sharks are ugly and mean, and have big teeth, just like
Emily Richardson. She's not my friend any more.
(Kylie, age 6)

5) - A dolphin breaths through an asshole on the top of
its head.
(Billy, age 8)

6) - My uncle goes out in his boat with 2 other men and a
woman and pots and comes back with crabs.
(Millie, age 6)

7) - When ships had sails, they used to use the trade
winds to cross the ocean. Sometimes when
the wind didn't blow the sailors would whistle
to make the wind come. My brother said
they would have been better off eating beans.
(William, age 7)

8) - Mermaids live in the ocean. I like mermaids. They are
beautiful and I like their shiny tails,
but how on earth do mermaids get pregnant?
Like, really?
(Helen, age 6)

9) - I'm not going to write about the ocean. My baby brother
is always crying, my Dad keeps yelling at
my Mom, and my big sister has just got pregnant,
so I can't think what to write.
(Amy, age 6)

10) - Some fish are dangerous. Jellyfish can sting.
Electric eels can give you a shock. They have to
live in caves under the sea where I think they
have to plug themselves in to chargers.
(Christopher, age 7)

11) - When you go swimming in the ocean, it is very cold,
and it makes my willy small.
(Kevin, age 6)

12) - Divers have to be safe when they go under the water.
Divers can't go down alone, so they have to go
down on each other.
(Becky, age 8)

13) - On vacation my Mom went water skiing. She fell off
when she was going very fast. She says she won't
do it again because water fired right up her big
fat ass.
(Julie, age 7)

14) - The ocean is made up of water and fish. Why the fish
don't drown I don't know.
(Bobby age 6)

15) - My dad was a sailor on the ocean. He knows all about
the ocean. What he doesn't know is why he quit
being a sailor and married my mom.
(James, age 7)

Lildeb: You are such a love. I don't know if folks here understand all your medical issues. Would you mind sharing them. For someone who has so much personal medical issues to deal with, you sure keep a positive and loving attitude. How you manage to take on Jo mama in law too is amazing.

Shella: I am so profoundly sorry for the heartbreak you have been through and the loss of your husband as a companion, friend and lover. How sad to have this strike you both at such young ages. In your late 50's and looking toward the future and then this happens. God bless you both and I will keep you in my prayers. Please stay in touch. Hugs, Cattails

Angelhair, Im with he hubby on that was too funny.. Hopefully, one day you will be able to lol as well and the mortifidecation will be all gone. You poor thing, you have to admit they do keep us care-givers on our toes.

My sister is coming down for a few days and she has decided to move to California with her daughter and her family and give life a new try in a new atmosphere. I let her know that her family is here if she changes her mind.
Now, for me I am PMS and can only have one Tylenol every 4-6 hrs because of my post transplant, ug!!! And they hardly do anything. Of course, I could take my Vicodin, but that stuff don't help with the cramps and bloating and I feel so drained today yet restless.

Angelhair ~ Who was it that commented about your "face time" with fil? More like "head time". You just can't use dignity and ALZ/dementia in the same sentence.

Cattails ~ Thanks for the nice comments. My husband Alan is 69. He had a humongous benign brain tumor removed back in 2000. It left him with what they call frontal lobe syndrome--all the functions of the front lobe were compromised: judgment, initiative, inhibition (or lack thereof), emotion, problem solving. He was independent, but probably couldn't have lived alone. It was kinda like the very earliest symptoms of dementia. The arteries and vessels in his brain were slowly atrophying, which I'm sure caused the strokes.

He had been a lineman for ComEd, and was fortunate enough to be able to take an early retirement offer in 1995, so we had a few good years to carry out "retirement stuff", like Caribbean vacations. But it's over now. Wahh. The age 69 used to seem so old, now it seems far to young for what dementia does to one.

Great to see Miz again. Hi to D and bobbie I ain't lookin at ANYTHING!!!!

hannalee are u back yet ? or ya still on the roadtrip with ur doggies ? gotta tell us all about ur trip . lalala
love u christina xoxo

Thanks everybody, I appreciate the comments. I am already laughing about it.

Bobbie, you're hilarious! Maybe you can move your boat to another slip to avoid the cigarette smoke. I am not adverse to hard work so when I finally make it up there we will see.. I'd rather help you than think of you trying to do it alone :)

Austin, there are way to many nice guys in this world for it to be a loss cause! Just get out there and be yourself and it will draw them to you like a magnet!

Have a good afternoon all!

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricket Hugsღ

Bobbie it is always great to hear from you-I have been down in the dumps lately but tring to get entergized by working outside -have not found a nice man to spend time with yet-maybe it is a lost cause.

Good Morning Crew,

It's so good to hear everyone's stories.
Glad Omaha is home, not so glad that Angelhair got FaceTime with FIL, cattails is free for a few days and is having a good time, Flex is out in the garden and so on and so forth.

Hope Christina is doing well on her tests, loved the article Sheila, hey Cricket there are 2 cabins in which to sleep other than mine but nice hotels/motels near, Linda you're amazing and everyone give yourselves a break on something today. There's got to be something that you can certainly do tomorrow.....

We took a lightning strike on Saturday when a big squall moved over the boat. I wasn't here but got a phone call and when I got back the intermediate breakers were flipped, only had 12V power and the Cat was a little jumpy.

The Yard just got the WiFi back up, I think I have most everything else online but there is an issue with the battery charger for the bow thruster that I still have to figure out. Whatever, I am sure learning the boat's systems. That's a good thing.

Wish I would have been in better shape over the winter when it was cooler but I just wasn't. This is actually hard physically and I can only do so much before I poop out. At least it's getting done a little at a time. Cricket, I would love some help working in this boat but it will be too hot and hard to do. You would hate it I bet.

There's a Cajun docked on the next dock and we are stern to stern and they smoke like chimneys and it keeps drifting into my boat. I thought the lightning has turned something into a crispy critter but it was just their smoke thank God.
Then last evening I though a homicide was going on with all the screaming and it just turned out that he was banging the girlfriend. The Cat and I heard the noises and I thought maybe someone was getting hurt under the bridge but naw, just the old fashioned 'I'm getting laid and want the world to know...' routine. By the racket I wouldn't be surprised if they had to put ice on it later...

love all you guys way more than you'll ever know. So glad you guys are such fun writers.


Poor Angelhair and after all these penis stories. Wash your face and mouth, have a drink and go to bed. Bless you. Diane, I'm itching to get back my garden. It's been hit and miss since last July when my dad had his stroke. Looking forward to a bumper crop of raspberries and strawberries. Got to get my lettuce, spinach, and so many others in the gound SOON. Meanwhile and Cricket, I send my love. Tomorrow we will stay home and try to get my husband's new computer up and running and all files transferred. Grrrrrr, that will be tense, but at least we can do it in peace. Love to you all, Cattails.

Cattails, so glad you enjoyed your day out. You too Diane, even if it was in your garden. I love working in the garden. Hope you didn't over do it. I know that is easy to do. Angelhair, sorry about your FIL and the uhhh, well trauma, hope it doesn't give you to many nightmares. Goodnight everyone.

Cattails, I am so happy for you!! I really hope you will do the respite on a regular basis even if only once a month. You sound so happy and like you and your Husband are having a marvelous time and you deserve it!

Angelhair, you poor thing! One good thing about it though is that the fil is oblivious to what happened, it would be worse if he realized it. It seems like whenever there is a frustration something like that happens. I know it's horrible for you now but some day you will look back and you will be able to laugh about it.

Diane, You might be sore tomorrow from the gardening but just think about how nice it will be to sit outside and enjoy it. Also, it's better to be sore from doing something rather than from doing nothing. What's in the garden besides weeds?

Well I'm off to bed, nighty night all.

Cattails, glad you got out to enjoy the day. You should hook up with Rip for some her great hikes with the dogs. I think she is just north of Seattle. Angelhair, have a drink and hopefully forget the up close and personal event. Thank god it wasn't Jen. FP would have enjoyed it the old perv. Have a good night to all the dear caregivers. I've been in the garden all day and I know I will pay for it in the morning.

Love ya,

O.k. I know a lot of you might be totally grossed out, but I just couldn't keep this to myself.
I was getting my father in law ready for bed and he was giving me a majorly hard time about dressing, taking his pills, everything was a battle tonight. Anyway, after losing the battle of explaining how and why to perform the task of undressing, I was bent over pulling his brief off when he says, "Oh!" and decides that it would be a good time to pull his shirt off; which would have been commendable except for the fact that my head was at groin level. He swings his arms out to pull his shirt off, proceeds to get stuck inside his own shirt and manages to smack me in the back of the head and pushes my head right into his groin! I look up in surprise and shock to find him stuck in his shirt! He couldn't wait to figure out the whole shirt thing until after I had his clean pad and his bed clothes on? My husband thought it was the funniest thing he had ever heard. I, on the other hand, am still a bit mortified! Father in law? He is blissfully unaware that anything happened at all. How I would love to be able to forget as swiftly and easily.

Ok you weekend no posters. This is day 2 of dad in respite care. I got up at 6am with no grumbles or stress. Had my coffee, got the dogs out for a good romp and then me and hubby were off to Seattle. It's so cool to leave the car in Bainbridge and do a walk on for the ferry to Seattle. No parking hassles or paying the extra cost for taking a car on the ferry or the parking fees in Seattle. We just hoofed it, up the hills and over the dales. Pahahahaha. Had a great time, probably walked 5 miles, so good exercise. Yes, it rained, but we didn't care. Had our umbrellas. The wind was the worse, but we were going to REI anyway and picked up some waterproof windbreakers. (My husband wants to join a hiking group here, so we need the wind/rain gear.) Went outside, put on the rain gear and continued down to Pikes Market. I love that place. Found our awesome balsamic vinegar, shopped around and eventually caught the ferry back to Bainbridge. Got home around 5pm. Great day. So good to be out, breath the air, climb the hills and ford the streams. Yeah!!!

Hi Crew: Day one of dad is respite care. We were going to go to Seattle today, but decided to go tomorrow. Yesterday, Fed Ex came to the house with a big package. Turned out to be a massage table that my husband had ordered. I am very relaxed and going to hit the sack in just a few. Off to Seattle tomorrow. It's been a lovely relaxing day. No video monitor, no BM's, no meals, etc. I have to say that my dad was a sport about going to respite care. No complaints or sad faces to make me feel guilty. It so wonderful to be free. Looking forward to a good night's sleep. Love you all, Cattails.

Meanwhile: How long were you and Sam married? Regarding the back issue, I'm like you. I do everything I can to avoid that happening again. You are a good person, Meanwhile. Cattails.

Thanks Cattails. My sister and I moved from Missouri, to West Texas 18 years ago. I didn't figure our Mom would care. She was always distant, and very self centered. But, she made my step father move her next door to us a few years after. Fortunately there is 20 acres between their house and ours. That helps a little bit. Actually, she has mellowed and tried to make amends the last few years. It is hard to accept, but I try. Step dad was always a sweet heart, but is getting cranky and unreasonable lately. He will be 80 in June, and his health is bad. He has had diabetes for 50 years.
Sorry about your back. I had a pinched nerve for awhile, it's tough. The physical therapy was such a help. I still make sure I keep up with my exercises, don't want that pain again. A bad back is one of my mothers problems. Physical therapy helps her so much, but she refuses to do it anymore. She claims it is too hard, but she can do anything she wants to do. I think she wants something to complain about. She is one of those people that likes to have surgery. Is always trying to talk the doctor into some sort of surgery. He finally wised up, and even when she goes to another doctor, he gives that Doc the heads up. Thank goodness.
No my life hasn't always been easy, but I try to take time for myself, and have fun whenever I can. That is what made me fall in love with Sam, he had such a great sense of humor. We would horse around and laugh at just about anything.
Hope you get some time off from your Dad, and get to do something fun. Thanks again for caring.

Meanwhile: So happy to hear about Omaha. We do love our animals and I am so happy to hear he is home and on the mend. I so hope the meds you have help him through the ongoing recovery process.

Where are your parents? Are they close by. I am so sad for you, losing your husband and now having to deal with parents. It's funny, in a weird way, that after all you've been through your mom would not be more concerned about your well being. Maybe she is, so don't mean to make judgments, but geez. Clearly, your life has not been a bed or roses.

About a couple of years after my parents got here, I screwed up my back. I had never had a back problem in my life and this was terrible. I couldn't sit, couldn't lay down. I had to stand by the sink half way bent over to get any relief. It would take me 20 minutes to get out of bed and then I would be frozen with pain. I went to physical therapy and it took a few months before I could get back to normal. All during this time, my mom expected me to do the usual for them. They just don't get it!!!! Maybe they just see our youth, in comparison to their age, and wish they could be us. It's a mystery to me.

Love to you Meanwhile and your precious Omaha. Cattails.

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