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Hello Crew: OK this is chapter 2, hope it won't be trilogy. So from what I told you about my mom, I think she is a bit narcissistic. I'm going to keep it more simple and not into so much detail. Bottom line is we moved my parents here. The first 2 years were good because I was always doing for them (her). Then I joined weight watcher and started walking with a friend up the street. Well, my mom was not happy. Too much of my time was not devoted to her. I still cleaned her house, the one we built for her, gave her her pills and injections daily, fixed her hair, took her and dad to all appointments, cooked their meals. Bear in mind, by this time she had been diagnosed with cancer and I did everything with her and for her through the surgery and recovery. The cancer was very slow growing and she denied ever having it so I don't think she ever really accepted it or considered it life threatening. Because of her age and the slow growing nature, it wasn't much of a threat, but the surgery was major, removing part of her bowel and her appendix. She bounced right back afterwards, but she was a nasty person in the process.

By the third year she was here, she started taking too much pain meds. On a normal day, my mom took 8 Vicodin a day, she had done this for years and it was probably due to nerve pain, but she claimed that the pills were not enough so her doc prescribed Oxycontin for break through pain. Only one or two per day. My mom had got to the point where she just told my dad to get her a pain pill and he did. She used to be really good at monitoring her pain meds, but that stopped and she just kept asking for them and he kept giving them to her. The oxycontin really affected her personality. She became hateful and her focus was on me and my selfish walking and going to weight watchers. It didn't matter what I did for her, she was on a major rant. I told her once, "Mom, walking every morning is the only thing I do for myself and I have worked all my life. Why is that a problem for you." She just could not support my need to lose weight and get healthier.

Long story short, she fell, broke her hip, had surgery and rehab, the repair to her hip failed and had to be redone, she decided that she did not want to live anymore and asked to be taken off of everything but her pain meds and she died on her 81st birthday.

She was pissed off at me that entire year. And that's what she left me with. I know I did everything I could for her, but she was such a control freak that she thought the only way she could have her way was to be hateful enough to someone so they would give into her. My giving in could not make her well. Her fear of losing her mind, in my opinion due to the pain meds, just made her more defensive. I remember all of us being at the hospital for her 2nd surgery and my dad told my bother (not in my presence) Maureen does everything for mom, but no matter what she does it isn't good enough. This is exactly what my childhood was like. I thought I had grown in so many ways, not to mention that I trusted I had the grace of maturity to deal with my mom when we moved them up here, but that woman reduced me to the child I always was. There was no love, no connection, no understanding, no empathy. She had her way of seeing things and trying to dominate and it left me feeling like a failure.

I still don't know who that woman was. I try to see her from so many angles and possibilities, but I can't connect to the core of her. She kept that her secret and I feel like I never knew the person behind the mask. When I think about her, I think about her in that way. I miss the person I could never find.

It's a loss for me and always has been. I guess this will be a trilogy. I'll talk about my dad next time.

Diane and KimBo, too. Hugs. Xo

LindaHeart:) and everyone tonight: hope you all had nice Saturday. It was raining mucho here. Group hug with a nice bonfire in the middle. Makes me want to roast marshmallows! Make s'mores! (Don't tell Cricket, she'll make me a green drink and spoil my fun) hugs to Austin, cattails, LindaHeart, Marybeth, angelhair, sheilablake, meanwhile2, Igore, Cuz, Jen, Cricket, Kuli, SS, Deefer, longtimers, newbies, and a very loved Captain, Bobbie. pleasant Dreams, beautiful dreamers.

went to the bathroom and stared at my toothbrush thinking has mom done anything to it ? it spooked me ! decided to hide them lol !! lmao . obmaj !! SHAME ON YOU SHAME ON YOU ~~~ hahaha .. ah there i feel better ,
austin - geeze 13 yrs in nursing home . oh my lord !!! i so sorry for winnie , i cant even imagin ! i hope i dont have to spend too much time at the nursing home . never liked begin in one , creeps me out . rather be at home in my recliner and live like the way pa lived . i admire his life style and be comfertable , :-) aww i miss my pa ...

jsomebody - your grandpa sounds like he s going down hill . when he does itll come fast . its like a blink of an eye and i thought ugh is that it ? wow . now im feeling so lost , all alone . i sleep a bunch too , maybe im going downhill now , geeze . i just wanna live like the golden girls . house right on the beach and ohh ahh margaritta plz ... bobbie s boat at the end of my lane floating and waiting for me to hop on and go for a ride !!! woo hoo .....
ingor-- got any more jokes ? cuz ~ how about you . any more jokes coming ?

christina ! i love that coldwater story !!!! made me laugh oh my gosh !! eewww., heehee ,
alrighty you guys , love you bunch , be meowing at ya all later . xoxo

Sorry Jsomebody: My dad is failing too. Eats very little now. I'm grateful he's not in pain and I just pray he goes peacefully. He's content and happy living with us, but we are so tired. Still he gives me a smile and I give him lots of kisses. Tough times.

Jsome I so hope you do not have much more to deal with-it is very hard when there is no hope of getting better-it was hard for me to see Winnie wanting the end to come-she was in the nursing home for over 13 years.

Grandpa is starting to sound like he is losing the ability to pick his feet up...maybe this is coming to and end soon, we are not set up for bed ridden care. Please let this end quickly...I can't take any MORE! GOD, don't let him linger ($$$) in a nursing home!

Yep! I have a little crib sheet by my chair to help me keep track in a logical way...but if I type from the heart on my nook or even my phone...I just make the connection from my heart and i know it will sort glad lucky is healing..heart still with linda and bobbie too....have good night friends

Oh boy, a double post. Cattails, I see that you are a force to be reckoned with!
Good to see happy crew on the Boat! Hi All!
Welcome, Barb! We are at Home Depot a lot, and if I need a cart, I use the sanitary wipes on the handle and the seat. A few germs are supposed to be ok for us, strengthen the immune system, but not dried 'urination'--right, Igore? I will have to watch my mouth around here now. My name rhymes with "piss and vinegar", and being full of one or the other calls for a catheter or olive oil. WhooHoo!
Diane, hang in there! How's work going? Did you get more hours? Hope bro is still helping. Prayers and Hugs to you, bf, and Mom.
Kimbo! Kim! Kimmie!! Good to see you and wish I could see Hannah dance tomorrow! Happy St. Pat's day and hope her feet move like a leprechaun!
(This is where Cricket would insert image of leprechaun and shamrocks:)
Ok, I don't have any dog stories, but I am a good Mother to my cat, if you call feeding, water and cleaning a litter box mothering. And I let her outside to hunt lizards and watch the birds and bunnies. As soon as my hub goes upstairs to sleep, she joins me on the sofa to watch a movie. We bond. It's all about her. What else is new?
LindaHeart, big Hugs:) You sound great. You have such a supportive, wonderful family. That's the way it should be. Love you bunches, gf. xoxo
Everyone, have a good Friday evening and a restful or exciting weekend, what ever you need. Don't forget to wear Green tomorrow. I got a cute long sleeved tee shirt at Target for 8 bucks. I'll find you and give you a good pinch if you're not wearing green. Going to email AnnieGirl in Ireland and wish her a happy Holiday:)
Love you guys. Behave, cattails. I C U!! haha! Love, Christina xoxo

Barb: Welcome to Grossed Out. Your trip to the local home improvement store make me laughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! OMG, "I didn't want to stop shopping."

Are you planning to stay in Florida with your dad and MIL or are you going back to Atlanta when things are better for your dad? Stay in touch. Hugs, Cattails

Barb: Welcome to Grossed Out. Your trip to the local home improvement store make me laughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! OMG, "I didn't want to stop shopping."

Are you planning to stay in Florida with your dad and MIL or are you going back to Atlanta when things are better for your dad? Stay in touch. Hugs, Cattails

ah yes, grossness! When I got here MIL was making Dad serve her at the recliner in her "room", which was the living room. It's bigger and a big TV and the recliner that she sleeps/pees/and watches TV from! She does have a potty chair that she does use (more often now) At any rate I got her to come to the table to eat...some days I wish I had not, I put serving utensils in all community dishes, but she doesn't like using them. Says she uses the sanitary gels they now have and that should be enough . Soap and water???? Not only do I wonder where her fingers have been but she wears rings on each finger....minimum of 8 rings that seldom get clean. YUCK!!! How about going to the local home improvement store,,,they have the motorized wheelchairs....I caught her peeing in it. When I asked why she did that instead of going to the restroom her response was hat she didn't want to stop shopping!!! But through all the grossness, I do care and am trying to re-teach her common courtesy.

I just scroll down, any joke that has to have a primer that opens with "lets piss off everyone" usually does, so why bother. I had a friend ages ago, who used to read out racist, sexist, homophobic, anti Semitic etc. jokes out of a book at the end of every phone call, she would often say defensively..."This book makes fun of everyone, everybody is in here, this book gets everyone..." When I asked her if there were jokes about straight white men she couldn't find any. Mmm yes.

Cuz ~ You missed dissing blondes...

By the way, I'm getting my ass kicked on the dysfunctional family site. Austin was not happy with me. Understandable because my post to burned@caring was rude and direct. I don't know why I can't keep my mouth (fingers) shut sometimes.

Crickett: I totally get what you are saying. Kate, my first Sheltie, came to me at a time that God intended. I walked into the mall, something that I had little time for, and saw her in the pet store window. She was all by herself. My husband had a fit when I told him about her, but we bought her the next day. That was on a Friday, March 1st I think, 1995. She was so easy going and sweet. By the following Monday, she was deathly ill. Parvo. We took her to emergency and many dollars later she came home to us. Many complications from the Parvo plagued her life, but she had almost 11 years of the best life a dog could have as a result of my rare visit to the mall. It was just divinely intended. Same with Sky. As for my remaining two Shelties, anyone's guess. They are precious, but simple. They have each other and are happy to tell me their details. Not the same as Kate and Sky, but still good furry babies. My 4 legged, mentally challenged children.

@Cuz - The japanese camera gets my vote for topper of the evening.

We get two guys in here and whoohoo! we start to have fun! Cuz I loved the jokes tonight especially "lets piss everybody off" LMAO!! Igore that joke is hilarious!

Linda, I think there is some kind of legend related to finding pennies..Christina was it you that was telling me about that?

Cattails, Wow! I haven't had to deal with one of my dogs dying or having to put one down and even though my Pokemon (slang for slow poke) old dog Blackie even surprises the Vet with how old he is and how healthy he is..I know the day is coming and I pray that when it does he just goes in his sleep peacefully. When my husband and I got married shortly afterwards he had to put down his yellow lab. In 21 yrs of marriage to this man I've only seen him cry twice, when his Mother died and when he had to put his dog down.. Okay here's my weird thoughts on our dogs.. I believe that they come to us when we need them the most and sometimes I think they return to us in other dogs. LOL We have 4 children and when they all grew up and left home I replaced each kid with a dog..what was I thinking! It only gets've heard of empty nest syndrome? Well I wasn't content to just have more dogs I bread my two Boston Terriers and kept 2 more of them so I have a family of Boston's.. they are wild and crazy dogs but the best lap dogs also.. I helped Sadie Mae deliver her last litter and she had 5 females and 1 male and she literally shot the male out like a bullet and I reached up with my left hand and caught the little sucker and both Dad and I roared with laughter... really good memory. You should have seen me screening people to sell them to, LOL

I should be in bed!! Have fun everyone..XOXO
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricket Hugsღ

@cattails - Dogs give us the best examples of unconditional love. Sorry about your loss.

Gotta head out for a bit. It appears something is broken out there...time to fixy.

Ok...but I am counting on you to protect me Linda.

A Master Chief told us this joke when I first got out of boot camp. Funny the things one remembers.

Johnny’s teacher ask her students to think of a word with the suffice “–ate”. Little Suzy raise her hand. “Yes Suzy tell us your word and sentence.” Suzy says “Appreciate. We APPRECIATE you being our teacher. “Very Good Suzy” exclaims the teacher. “Anyone else?”

Little Johnny raises his hand. Teacher sighs “Go ahead Johnny.”

Johnny says,“Urinate. But if you had bigger tits, you’d be a ten!”

Cricket: I love your animals and your attitude. I have dogs too. Just two Shelties right now. We had our beloved Sky that passed the end of last September. She was a border collie/ cattle dog mix. The smartest, wierdest and scariest dog I have ever had. She was a rescue needing surgery on both back legs. We were dog-less then, having just lost our most precious Kate, 11 years old Sheltie, to cancer. Kate was my soul mate. She went to work with me, was always by my side, she could read my mind and sooth my heart. She was all kindness, right on intuition, affection, and love. Then we adopted Sky, who so desperately needed a home and had lots of surgery ahead of her. She was intuitive, devoted and snarling. It's so funny how I could see the tenderness of me in Kate and also the take no prisoner attitude of me in Sky. We lost Sky just a couple of weeks before my dad came home from rehad. It was a vascular cancer that was not curable and the options were awful. Sky lived everyday with gusto and happiness. She was a fierce and happy girl who scared many, but she was just larger than life. I feel blessed to have had her in my life. She loved my dad and part of her daily ritual was to go next door and spend time with him. We'd go over to check on him and when it was time to leave I would say, "Ok Sky, let's go home" and she would just lay down on the floor, by his feet and tell me no, I'm staying with Grandpa. My dad would get such a laugh out of that so I would leave her and come back later.

One of the hardest things I had to tell my dad after his stroke and after rehab was that Sky had passed away. When we brought my dad home from rehab, there was no question that he would have to live with us. I counted on Sky to help me with my dad, just sitting my his chair and bugging him to pet her would have been such a comfort to him. She always brought a smile to his face and he just adored her.

I still have not had time to grieve losing her. Don't have a minute to think about how I feel or what I miss. I miss so many things, but I sure miss that damn dog.

Hugs Cricket.

go for it igore ! we wont shoot you , honest , right ladies ??

Ok Crew, I am checking in. So now I sit here and think, how do I explain my life? It's not as bad as so many I have read, but still I feel like I have been a prisoner for going on 7 years now. If you read my profile you will see that we moved my parents to Washington state, from California when we retired. We had lived our lives in Ca too, but bought 10 acres in Wa and moved here when we retired. In Ca, my parents lived about 2 1/2 hours from us. Safe distance. I am the oldest of four children. My sibs are all in Ca and consequently of little help.

My mom had a physical handicap, resulting from a breach birth in 1927. It reduced the use of her arms and while she was a determined and successful mom, as she grew older she had more difficulty and reduced use of her arms and hands. She had no dexterity in her hands, fingers. I remember her diapering my brother. She would put the safety pin through her hair to bring some natural oil to it to hasten its travel through the cotton diapers of the day, and then fasten it with her teeth. She did this with 4 kids and no complaints. My dad would do the bathing and he would braid my sister's hair and mine. For a woman who others thought should not marry, due to her handicap, she was determined to have her life. She married, had four kids, learned to drive and even got on a bowling league.

My mom was the youngest of four girls and she was my Grandmother's favorite. They were the absolute best of friends and did everything together. My GM encouraged her and dressed her in very pretty clothes. My mom was a pretty woman, she was a flirt and had this kind of care free, smart ass attitude of the era. Check the movies of that time, all the dames were wise crackers. The thing I never understood about my mom was how she could have received so much love from her mom and not be able to pass much of that on to me. I think she was so use to being the center of attention that when she married and had a child it was a happiness for her, but also she had to share the love that was usually all hers with the new little one. It was no longer all about her.

Fast forward 56 years, my mom's health was failing, she had CHF, was on oxygen and more. My dad had suffered a stroke in 2002 and lost part of his vision. They lived at snow level and every year was more difficult. My dad couldn't drive and the country road they lived on was treacherous. They just had more and more issues.

Being the oldest, I retired first, fortunately at a relatively young age (55). On the other had, if I had worked to 65, this chapter of my life might not have happened. My parents needed help so, in a family discussion and after my parents came up for a visit, it was decided that they would move here. Of course, this was first and foremost, my parent's decision. It's what they wanted to do and with my sibs all working and not being available for emergencies, and there were some, everyone was happy.

OK, I've got to get my dad to bed and this is hard to write, so I will continue it in my next post.

Hugs, Cattails

@cuz - I know another version of that joke with the word 'urinate'. But I'd better not tell it because we have a lot of nice women in here and I don't want to get shot.

Let's just piss everybody off !!!

I've just come out of the shop with a meat and potato pie, large chips, mushy peas & a jumbo sausage. A poor homeless man sat there and said 'I've not eaten for two days.' I told him 'I wish I had your will power.'

I took my Biology exam last Friday.
I was asked to name two things commonly found in cells.
Apparently "Blacks" and "Mexicans" were not the correct answers.

A fat girl served me in McDonald's at lunch time. She said 'sorry about the wait.' I said don't worry fatty, you're bound to lose it eventually.

I walked past a black kid sitting at a bus stop as I went into the bank.
When I came out, he looked at me and said 'Any Change?' I said 'Nope, you're still black'

Snow in the forecast! The TV weather gal said she was expecting 8 inches tonight.
I thought to myself, fat chance with a face like that!

An Irish boy stands crying at the side of the road. A man asks What is wrong??
The boy says Me ma is dead. Oh bejaysus the man says Do you want me to call Father O'Riley for you? The boy replies No tanks mister, sex is the last ting on my mind at the moment.

Years ago it was suggested that an apple a day kept the doctor away. But since all the doctors are now Muslim, I've found that a bacon sandwich works best!

Japanese scientists have now created a camera with such an immense shutter speed that it is now possible to take a photograph of a woman with her mouth closed.

I hate all this terrorist business. I used to love the days when you could look at an unattended bag on a train or bus and think to yourself, "I'm going to take that".

Man in a hot air balloon is lost over Ireland . He looks down and sees a farmer in the fields and shouts to him Where am I? The Irish farmer looks back up and shouts back. Youre in that feckin basket.

hi there you all . :) sorry i havent been here lately .
my in laws are comin tmr and stayin whole weekend . ill be busy again .

i am ok . starting to get out more , went out today with my daughter and my sis in law and her daughter , my daughter drove while my sis in law and i sat in the back seat , reeking with margaritta :) . off to salvation army and to good will and lordy got some good deals . found 2 pennies today on the sidewalk . made me happy that i earn 2 pennies for getting out . think pa threw that down for me to pick em up , :-)
still havent clean out pa s bathroom and his bdrm . think tmr i shall start with bathroom . then slowly go into pa s room . :( ..
kimmy - u need to sleep and is there anyway u can lock ur dad in his apt and that he cant get out at night ? wandering off , blows ur mind ! alarm system or something ? honey u need to sleep . love you kimmy ..

love those jokes !! keep em coming ...

i am tired and worn out . christina - horray ure on spring break , thought it was funny ur hubby thinks ure in class lalala .

cricket - u wore me out when u went on and on about what u done today . whew . i used to have the trampoline small round ones . always bounce myself off of it lol . i need to get back doing my therapy , im not going back there , i ll do it at home . and i havent been doing it . gotta kick my hindend ..
love you all and i shall keep in touch when i can . xoxo .


The teacher asked the class to use the word 'fascinate' in a sentence.
Molly put up her hand and said, 'My family went to my granddad's farm, and we all saw his pet sheep. It was fascinating.'
The teacher said, 'That was good, but I wanted you to use the word 'fascinate, not fascinating'.
Sally raised her hand. She said, 'My family went to see RockCity and I was 'fascinated.'
The teacher said, 'Well, that was good Sally, but I wanted you to use the word 'fascinate.'
Little Johnny raised his hand. The teacher hesitated because she had been burned by Little Johnny before. She finally decided there was no way he could damage the word 'fascinate', so she called on him.
Johnny said, 'My aunt Gina has a sweater with ten buttons, but her tits are so big she can only fasten eight.'
The teacher sat
down and cried.

"Caregivers" post were here a while back, some post both, just sport of a falling out and Caregiver one started up. Post on one, the other or both, works, where ever you feel comfortable. No worries

Isn't it funny how one of us says something and another one of us thinks someone else said it! I do that myself all the time. I write something and then I think...hmm now who was it that said that, LOL MaryBeth, my hair started to turn silver when I turned 21 so I guess we are twins and my Dad thinks he should be the center of my world to :) Christina YaY ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ you got your computer fixed! Kimbo! there you are!! So good to see you post. Try hanging bells on the door to your Dad's apartment so when he opens the door it will make a jingle.. that's the Ma and Pa Kettle way to solve the problem. Diane, thanks for checking in, sorry your having a hard time sleeping. Almost everyone here is in bed....soon YaY ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ Yippee! Two more hours and it's time for Luckys next round so I'm staying up til then. Linda.....I hope you're feeling a little better?

No You and Cricket are twins!!! She has silver hair and a PA Dad. I have dirty blond hair and a Mother who is not causing problems anymore, poor thing.
More later. Just got home, laptop is fixed and need to fix dinner. Good to see KimBo and Diane and hope cattails and Igore check in tonight, along with our late night comic, Cuz! BBL! WhooHoo for green drinks! Christina xo

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