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Cattails, thanks for the kind words. My mom and I used to be best friends and did everything together. I guess that is why the mean words hurt so bad. I miss my pre-dementia mom. My mom was such a dynamic woman. Now all I see is a demanding old woman that doesn't care about anyone but herself.

I know we all have our own struggles to deal with each day and those that would give anything to be able to have their parent(s) back no matter the sacrifice involved. We miss then when they are here physically or passed on.

I hope everyone can have a good day and can find a moment for themselves. Take care everyone,

I want to add one more thing. I've done a lot of reading and it seems to me that many of our parents never took on the care of their ailing elders. Some may have, but most didn't. Our grandparents grew old and passed away. There wasn't the medical intervention and prescription drugs to keep them going. I think we really are the sandwich generation. We have children, grandchildren and parents and we seem to get it from every angle; adult children struggling in this economy, grand kids needing help with college, parents living under our roofs in need of 24/7 care. My parents never had to deal with all of this. My heart goes out to all of us who do our best to keep all the "need balls" in the air, maintain a marriage and a sense of sanity.

Dear Dtrfex: I think one of the hardest things about care giving is feeling alone and unappreciated. There's nothing worse than having the person you are sacrificing so much for spew hateful words at you. There is something so special between a mother and a daughter, whether it's reality or just desire, we want our mom's to love us, be our special support and comfort. I'm sorry your mom can't give that to you anymore. I hope she was able to in the past and that you have that to remember and cherish. I'm truly sorry your mom has dementia and says such heartless things to you. It can be a knife in the heart that is already grieving and stressed. Lots of love and best wishes to you.

I'm sitting here crying since mom has been in her mean and hateful mood this evening. I just can't seem to distance myself from the verbal attacks. It just makes you feel so bad when she says things like she should have aborted me and I'm a disappointment and all the other wonderful comments. I know it's the dementia but it still hurts when I know I've given her everything I have mentally, physically and financially.

Omg! And I thought what my MIL does was gross! I've actually lost 50 lbs because of being so grossed out and exhausted. I take care of my MIL 24/7. 88yrs old with vascular dementia. At least I know I'm not alone! Thanks all : )

LindyLea - God bless your patient heart.

A Moment For You

You are a treasure beyond measure!
You're more lustrous than a deepsea pearl,
more exquisite than the rarest emerald
and more radiant than the richest ruby.
The truth?
You shine more than silver, gold, or platinum,
and sparkle brighter than any diamond.
Because you're on-of-a-kind wonderful.
And that is priceless!

Lindy, don't feel bad, I call mom Baby Huey after a full day of lifting and pulling. Thankfully mom doesn't get poop under her nails, but thats because I wipe her butt. She probably has snott on her hands since she is forever blowing or wiping her runny nose. Mom is 169lbs and often acts like a toddler going through the terrible twos.

Those of you that have been keeping up with me and mom, this is the same old same old. At least mom is over the stomach virus and complications. Cleaning up diarhea is one nasty job.

B/f had a test yesterday and we found out one of his heart valves is leaking pretty badly. The cardiologist and surgeon are going to pow wow and decide if he needs surgery right away or whether it can wait another 6 months. Scares the crap out of me considering he nearly died in November.

Otherwise life is the same. Lots of work with student travel for the Spring. My brother has been helping me out a lot with staying with mom in the afternoons so I can work later. I'm very greatful for the help and maybe he will have a better understanding of what my life is like.

Have a good night everyone. I don't post often, but I do read everyone's post. remember to take care of yourselves.

Love ya,

My mom-in-law has been an experience for me as well. I learned real quick that the tooth brushes and towels my husband and I use go in our 1/2 bath and the door is locked (It takes a little piece of wire to unlock so we keep it above on the door trim) she has Dementia :(
I have to soak and scrap the poop out of her finger nails almost daily. I call her my 126lb 3 yr old

Bobbi, you are a blessing to your Boat Angel. Linda, I don't know what to say, but hang in there. Really, that goes for everyone.

Cricket, hannalee, ucantcare, Jen, lilliput, people I don't know weighing in on the toothbrush thx to all...

Anyhoo, it looks like a lot to me and it means a lot. thanks.

Good Evening Crew,
I'm on the boat after a day of errands that included getting a pneumatic dual action 6" sander. And it's heavy so I guess the next thing I'll be crying about is how I hurt from sanding decks. woohoo

The boat angel is still in the hospital but just texted saying to give the kitty a hug and that he hopes to see us soon. That is good if he is getting out... I hope...

I see that there's a few new folks and welcome to you all.

Kind of out of energy and have to go back on top of the boat and tape off for rain. I have seams open.
Talked to the yard boss about putting the boat in the covered wet paint slip. Kind of disgusting in there but would be dry spot while I paint boat. Next week is supposed to be good weather so maybe I can finish the pilothouse roof. I already ache haha.

Thanks for the hugs you guys. Flex, Kuli, ssk, ksobie, selfish sib, austin, guys go to that wall I am telling you thanks so much and I didn't name everybody. My wall is beautiful because of you all. It really helps and I'm sorry that I haven't been more supportive of everyone in the last few months. I have read each and every word that's been written but just like some of you all I can't bring myself to write that much. I am a hot mess.

My Cousin Vinny Train going by. Have the doors open and the Cat's got the owl ears on.

Love you Linda and I hope you are coping with the grief of losing your beloved Pa.
You are so dear to all of us and I can't wait to see you again on the boat!

OK off to the open seams.
love you guys way more than you'll ever know.


I am glad it was a nice day to bury your pa and please take time to rest and enjoy life.

Haha Jen! I just read everyone's posts but I'm to tired to write much..I'll be back in the morning.."catch you on the flip side" nighty night everyone, sweet dreams of Margarita's and the crews all aboard!
Chirp Chirp!

Hey Linda, give your self time, don't feel rushed, when it is time you know it, and it will slowly be the past but always apart of you.

Bobbi sorry to hear your friend is suffering so much. I hope it stops soon too....

Christina, hanging in there... know what you mean about heart pain and stress...Those can cause heart attacks, just a boon to find one has not had one nor is prone to them...Still this life will kill me eventually one way or another.

Had my aunt call my mom not a mo' too soon God she's neen pissy for three days and it seems to be AT me...I made dinner, you know to help out, one less thing for her to do...It was 11 minutes late, she was pissed the whole time...You know her need for control and perfection will be the death of her, but NOT me. Let her do it all, it is her choice. She quit her job she has ALL DAY LONG now, so do it your self mother!

Least she got to vent when my aunt called...

I am going back to bed. Too upset to eat, don't want to be near mom while she is this pissy...I walked to 7 11 picking up aluminum cans and flashing traffic I am sure...I'M wearing underwear! Kiss my fat ass!

Lotto tickets to dream and murder mysteries to escape...Spring is here, hope it is everywhere...Jen

hi there you all .
purrty day yesterday and windy but warm . buried pa . bro was suppose to get the flag but he passed it down to me . says im the one deserve it , aww touched my heart . my mind was in twight zone , i was good , i didnt fall apart there . pa had me hold my chin up and be strong .
i was pretty much in daze . took some cough surup and feelin a nice buzz going and dozin off while the preacher was preachin , shook my head and told myself wake up !!! whoa .
my house is a wreck . told myself today s the day but its raining and black clouds loomin over my head , im thinkin mmm bed ?? am glad yesterday was a good day to bury pa . today would have been horrible , rain , dark clouds would make me fall apart ,
i am still sleeping on the couch . hopin to hear pa crying , needing something . oh lord .
i love you all and thank you so much for ur kind words and thinking of me and bunch of hugs , love you guys . i will be around now and then .
bobbie - i am happy to hear u got a new puter and it shall last u a good long while . gotta keep in touch . many hugs to u bobbie and ur boat angel , xoxox
christina - meow .... margaritta time ? keep up with the good grades . love u tons xoxo
i gotta get my ass in 1 st gear mmm maybe 2nd ? be my luck i ll crawl in bed . my head is still spinin . xoxoxo

cuz49341, What makes it even scary is that these are suppose to be the next generation to lead, work and run r country.
Bobbie, I am so sorry that he is in the ICU and on dialysis. I hope he find peace soon and I hope you are doing okay. Try to get some rest and I know that is easier said than done.
Everyone else, I hope y'all r doing fine today and its suppose to be very nice here in GA. I just got up early this morning and snuck across the street to try and get at least one room clean a bit before the trash man runs and before the mnl wakes up. I had a couple of times took the mnl with me to her ole house to go through her stuff and we brought a lot of stuff back. However, while over their she was wanting to hang on to everything and I mean everything. Stuff that would never fit her again and lingerie, oh please. I can't even imagin the 80 yr old mnl wearing this stuff anymore and they look pretty ruff.So, that is why I had to sneak out and get some of it done. Needless to say, I found bottles of medicine that was two yrs old that she had hidding and several pills in drawers and in shoes. I knew she wasn;t taking some and picking only certain ones out. I m glad she is with us now. Well, I got 4 garbages done but still their is all kind of stuff in just one of the bedrooms. Plastic lids that use to go to sandwich meat containers, pot lids, and holes in shoes and etc. I am keeping her good stuff and I will bring it over to our house later. Now, I got to see if I can talk her into getting out of the house to get dogfood and catfood. I try by treating her out to one of her places she likes to eat. ; ) hey, u gotta do what ya gotta do. Something I learned through caretaking. Hope you all have a blessed day. ; )

Hey, Mary Beth we all have been resentful and show it in many ways. Best to ride your bike and let the wind blow through your hair. You could have a good scream, then laugh, and enjoy your moment of freedom and your ability to enjoy it!
Bobbie, I am with you regarding Boat Angel. If his will to be with you on the Boat is greater than the other, so shall it be. Love a strong will and I pray he gets that enjoyment.
Omg. Can't write anymore. Must go finish studying and do my best.
Love all you beautiful --and handsome -- caregivers. Hugs, Christina xo

Hey Christine! Thanks for looking for has been a roller coaster and I do read the threads, but when I am in a funk, I dont want to be negative...
I have become more and more resentful and Im trying to manage it. You guys know, it can be so hard sometimes.. Bobbie all the best to you....and continued healing for Linda..Cricket your sense of humor is awesome....I think we are very similar and honestly if we didnt laugh, we'd lose our minds!!
I have to share with you guys..I have 6 brothers, and only one of them has offered support...We live in rural Ohio and my BEST, oldest brother( who lives in San Francisco) often sends me packages, occaisionally a box of Godiva truffles, books for my Dad, and generous gift for my birthday with instructions to PLEASE do something for myself...well I bought a PINK Susan Komen cruiser bicycle and it is FAB..It just arrived yesterday and my hubby put it all together and I took 2 rides in the balmy 60 degress ( in March!) This vehicle to escape holds so many possibilities and will be good for my heart in more ways than one...I am looking forward to spring and the renewal the season promises.
Wishing each of you a wonderful day.....Mary Beth

Good Morning Crew,
I have tried to do my thing of adding what used to be stars... clicking on the 'Like this' and it won't let me!
Least of my issues.
Thanks you guys, Christina and Jen and Cricket and Maryb and Cuz and everyone and I am just dazed and crazed.

Linda! I hope you are coping with the ordeal of everything. You are so sweet and beautiful and you know that you are truly loved by all of us on this site, much less just this thread.

The Boat Angel is still in the hospital only now he is in ICU on dialysis. The treatments are killing him. It's all so sad as well all know. He's in tremendous pain and so all I can wish is that he gets better or is relieved of the pain and suffering. One way or the other I hope he finds peace. He says he still wants to be on this boat and go where I go but he is in agony.

I love you guys and can't concentrate on much. more later.

Natural born citizens

I don't know whether to laugh or cry...

You, who worry about Democrats versus Republicans -- relax, here is

our real problem.

In a Purdue University classroom, they were discussing the

qualifications to be President of the United States .. It was pretty

simple. The candidate must be a natural born citizen of at least 35

years of age.

However, one girl in the class immediately started in on how unfair

was the requirement to be a natural born citizen. In short, her

opinion was that this requirement prevented many capable individuals

from becoming president.

The class was taking it in and letting her rant, and not many jaws hit

the floor when she wrapped up her argument by stating, "What makes a

natural born citizen any more qualified to lead this country than one

born by C-section?"

Yep, these are the same kinds of 18-year-olds that are now voting in

our elections! They breed, and they walk among US...

Lord -- we need more help than we thought we did!

Haha correcting a typo I hit submit. I was not finished. Long winded girl that I am.
KimBo! Annt! meanwhile2! Angelhair! cattails! Mary Beth! Current Crew! Check in and let us know your latest, how you are coping, ideas, whatevah!
Thinking of a lot more friends who are not here anymore, but you are loved and remembered. Maybe the next cruise... Margaritaville on the Boat? Oh yea!! Xoxo

That's right, Jen, glad your heart is good. I am hoping same is true for mine. We simply have heart-ache and prolonged stress. Big Hugs.
LindaHeart laid her Pa to rest today. Much Love, dear Friend. Hope all crew have paid their respects to our precious GF.xo
Captain is back, her silence is worrying me, however. Boat Angel on my heart and in my prayers. Tough times. xo
Igore, hope things are leveling out for you. Do you have a stressful job? Hope Mom is doing well and your wife is a happy camper. Whoohoo!
Cricket was so perky this morning, I could not follow her. Haha! Love you! Chirp!
Been studying and feeling anxious about my final. Mañana. Then, one sib in my family who could not do the job that Jen referred to is landing. Oh Joy. Will have to hide the beer and my laptop, set a up a smoking station somewhere in the lower 40. No offense:) I am an ex-smoker and a vocalist, so I cannot handle it.
Austin and Selfish Sibs: are you back? Thinking of you on the road. xo
Diane, you and Mom over the delibs? Everything is temporary:) TG xo

Tired here too, just counting days. He is getting weaker and not in a drug induced sort of way...if it leads to immobility that is it for home care here. If I can't life a 70 pound bag of traction sand I can't lift him of the toilet and God I do not wish too! Mom has already taking to wiping his ass to some degree..and yes the stress is taken out on me...beh....count down....tests back no heart condition, glad to know, what next...Stay sane everyone...A lot of people could NOT do what we do....

Tired yet hangin in there.

Good Morning! It is a beautiful 70 degrees outside with a gentle breeze here in South Florida and I'm loving it! Bobbie..whoopee your back online! Mary Beth enjoy that long walk :) I have more things to do than the time to do them today, as usual but I keep reminding myself to remove the word "need" from my thoughts and replace it with the word "choose" to eliminate the feeling of being on a treadmill and to remind myself that I am not a slave to this life but rather I choose what I will do, I am in control of my choices. With that thought in mind everyone make it a great day today! Love you all...Cricketღ

Good Morning Friends!! My heart is with Linda too..As I was praying this morning I was struck by Jesus promise of peace beyond our understanding.As I tried to wrap my heart and head around that promise I kept thinking of Linda and of her Pa.....Bobby I watered the darned plant and killed my best idea!! (See Food Abatement ) Glad your computer woes are kidding to have the 'fix' wand. Hope your loved one is having a better day today. Cricket! so good to see you this morning too...( not that everyone checked in today..but I did!!) Hope your Lucky is healing too...
I have been working alot lately , which is a double edged scheme. I get out of the house....Dad is forced to be more independent,( He is perfectly capable but much prefers to have me do everything FOR him.)
The weather here is FAB today...supposed to be sunny and mid 60's..I got alot of houseowrk done before 8AM and I am taking a L-O-N-G walk outside.Take good care friends....Mary Beth

Good morning crew,
Just wanted to stop in and say hello and let you know I'm thinking of you all with your struggles. Mom is getting better each day until the crisis. I'm off to work to try make a living.
Love ya,

Was thinking of you today and wondering how your friend was doing. I hope he is not in any pain or discomfort. Peace to you both!

Oh Linda, I wasn't sure your dad had died. But remember this and it is so true, you will see him again. I will send you a poem I wrote for my friend but it aplies to everyone. Will send it by email. You will have to stay busy for a while like never before. Don't let you thoughts go to when he was so sick, but to a time when he was happy and how he loved you. That is what I try to do. But sometimes that even is too much too. You will have to find your own grouund in dealing with his death. He is happy like he has never been before because he is with the Lord. Love ya!

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