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Good Evening Crew,
I am back.
Welcome to the new folks and thanks for stopping by and venting. Vent and Live!

The boat angel is still in the hospital, they started giving him morphine, he was allergic to that and now they have him on something else. He is very swollen from the treatments and doesn't have any idea when he will be able to get out of there.
Thanks everyone for your prayers and angels and thanks for your support of yours truly as well. This has been insane.

I finally got the new computer as the other one was totally shot out. Moving on. wish we could replace our broken selves as easily.

Linda, love you and I join the others in sending you condolences and saying that you are an amazing daughter and your Pa is happy with your mom and J. Free at Last.

Christina! thanks for being such a cool social director!

more later you guys... have computer boat stuff I need to be handling.
love you all more than you'll ever know.

Aww, Linda :( Stay outta Pa's room for awhile and try to focus on resting as much as you can.. I wish I were there to help you take care of yourself or at least give you a massage! I can just imagine how sore your ribs must be.. and I think seeing a doctor is the right thing for you to do. Don't worry yourself about getting through the day for Pa's services, if you feel like breaking down just do it and to heck with what anyone else do whatever you feel like doing. Love you Linda.. Shitofranic girl!

Ruth, Your story about the peaches sure put a smile on my face this morning!
:-):-) :-) ...though I don't envy your experience at all!

sleepless in indiana ..
woke up to coughing and coughin and wondering if i have whoppin cough ? it is horrible ?? can u see me coughin my head off at the funeral ? oh lord i best get my hindend to dr , gonna try to get in today . i feel like shitofranic .

you all thank you for your kind words and the hugs and thinking about you . it sure is heart touchin to know i have so many good crews here and am giving you all a big cyber hugs !!! i love you all .......
bro s family arrived yesterday praying and hoping there be snow . it did spit out some fluried while waiting for them to arrive and it stop when they were getting closer , i woke up a big ago and saw snow out there , thinking and hopin they ll wake up and see it and feel like its cmas again . i shall call them here soon . they all load up and went to the hotel . i wanted them to stay here but they felt i need to be along , maybe my coughing scared em al away . oh mercy sakes .

ruth - u had me grinning , and grinning , that sounded like me and my pa . it was nightmare in poopy farm ... it was the day of family reunion and trying to make pa look at his best and we wounded up smelling like a hog farm . oh those were the days ...

it was very hard for me to go in dad s bdrm , i had my sis go pick out his clothes then sis in law wanted to see some things i took her in pa s room tried so hard not to look at his bed . she ask me if i wanted her to help me clear out his stuff i told her no i dont even want to be in here , we zoomed outta there .
yes i do need to go see my dr . maybe theres some magic wand dr will have to make me a healthy lady again .
ohh i miss my daddy :( i miss him so terrible . waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
the veiwing is 11 to 1 , service starts at 1 . it sounds awful to have it quick and simple . that is what dad would have wanted . its suppose be 60 degree weds . dad has giving us a warm day and he has givin fla gangs snow they were hoping to see . think maybe he ll let me win the lottery ? heehee .
im smelling cat liter and i have 2 laundry basket piled up high and some of it is dad s clothes , what am i supoose to do with it ? sobbing ......
love you all xoxoxo

Ruth 57, never give peaches to Rose again!
(this is just a joke)

I had a similar situation this evening, but it's not my last day by any means. On the brighter side, from a humor standpoint,I thought I'd share this: My dad had a TIA on July 1 last year. He was hospitalized and gradually doing better. On July 3rd (Sunday) I was with him at the hospital as I had been everyday. He was much better and very chipper. He said he'd never had so many women with their hands on his penis. Of course he needed to use a hand urinal while he was there and he peed a lot. He was so upbeat and like himself that I could have taken him home right then, but it was a holiday weekend and they were keeping him for another day. The next morning I went in to see him and he had suffered a major stroke. Much rehab followed and now he lives with us. He's 89 and can do nothing for himself. Still I will always remember his quick wit and sense of humor.

This is a group which would appreciate my last day with "Rose", my client with Dementia. She was having trouble having a bowel movement,so I gave her peaches while I made breakfast. In the afternoon my efforts were rewarded. Very, well rewarded. I managed to get the diarrhea filled Depends off of her without getting anything on her clothing or legs. My pride was short lived. I realized I'd be cleaning those spots on the carpet later. I asked her to step back into the shower for clean up, which is when I saw the toilet seat. Looked like an orange sponge had exploded all over it. Anyway - after the half shower, I was drying her and directed her back to the toilet seat for dressing when I noticed that toilet seat. Oh... no... and then she started pooping again. So, I had one hand on a small towel under her butt, and a large bath towel in my other hand reaching toward the toilet seat, to wipe the stuff off before she sat down. Problem was, I only have so much room between my right and left hands.... I smiled at her and said "If only I had that third hand right now". I managed to keep a hold on her and swipe most of the orange explosion from the toilet seat before safely guiding her to the security of that seat. I got her dressed in PJ's, and into her wheelchair, at which point this 96-year-old lady just shut down. She stopped responding to my questions, and looked like she was "checked out". I positioned her in front of her TV in her room, while I cleaned up the aftermath of the bathroom. It was my last day with her, and boy I went out with a BANG! I'll never forget having no gloves, a hand under her butt, and the amazing reach for the toilet seat with the other hand while basically doing the splits. A day in the life of a caregiver... I applaud you all!

This thing has a mind of it's repeated part of a sentence I wrote earlier! Either that or I am losing my mind! Let's hope it was the computer! I say it was the computer! Yeah that's it! LOL.....Love and hugs again! Kimmy

Hi everybody, The weather was bad here in Indianapolis but the twisters missed us! Devastated for all the people who lost loved ones in the storm. The little girl found alive in the field passed away! I think she was only two years old! Sad! Now it is snowIng! Unbelievable weather!

Cricket I hope Lucky is getting better every day! I know he has a terrific nurse! :) When our little Terrier, Sophie, had knee surgery a couple of years ago she had to wear the Elizabethan collar and I felt so bad for her! Kept bumping into everything! She came out good as new and I am sure with your excellent care Lucky will come through with flying colors!

Dad came out of his apartment yesterday again! This time went around to the back yard opened and locked gate and came in the house through the back door! He is like Houdini! So quiet! I am watching him constantly and still he manages to pull a fast one! LOL Don't know how he manages it! Still scared to sleep!

Lindaheart is on my mind! Wishing her peace and comfort! Love you Linda! XXOO

Back to the monitor screen! Hey Cricket.....maybe we can devise a contraption that could snap onto glasses! Call it......Snap on Screen!

Love all of you guys! XXOO Kimmy

I love you all! Back to the monitor screen!

Linda heavy on my mind! Wishing her peace and comfort!

Cind, you found one way here...talking to others who really know what your are going through both in losing the mom you once knew, and in seeing the bizarre side effects of meds meant to help, and they do help but the side effects are almost as annoying as the original complaint. Hang on in there and take care of yourself, these are very tough times to go through...

Thought I'd give this site a try.
Hello to all. Mom is in assisted living center and doing rather well EXCEPT her mood the last few days want from docile and easy-going to whining, shrieking, and crying at all the aides. She resisted assistance in the bathroom (has little to no control there any more), refuses to go eat until about 3 or 4 aides have been in to encourage her to come downstairs, and refuses to keep her teeth in her mouth (stores them in her bra). She's gone from stately and well-dressed to a gradual decline of nice clothes that she looks like hell in. She does almost NOTHING for herself anymore even though she is still able to do some things. Found out she'd been on antibiotic for UTI and it has a side-effect of personality change. She's been off that med for 3 days now and everyone comments about her change back from Hyde to Jekyll. How do you cope with dementia mood swings?

Linda, I hope you can be strong during this time of loss. It is always hard to lose a loved one. Remember that we are here to listen if you need an ear.

Good morning everyone, Igore that story is precious! We had a line of T-storms come through this morning with high wind gusts but no Tornado's. I am concerned for others though like Linda and Kimmy, if you gals are reading please let us know you are okay and anyone else in Tornado Alley please check in.

Quick story. A couple years ago after Mom had gotten out of the hospital, a home health nurse came to visit. He says to mom "Ma'am, are you doing ok? Any aches or pains? Is arthur (arthritis) about to get you? Mom replied "No, he is just like the rest of the men. He don't want me either." Her body may be frail but the wit is still intact.

Well, I drove home late last night during tornado warnings. I was just glad to get home. Thoughts and prayer go out to the ones affected. Life can turn on its edge in an instant and suddenly the things that seemed important aren't.

Hi Cricket: I wondered about the person with the injured dog. I so hope all goes well for your four legged friend. I have a close friend who is very involved in dog rescue. She had a similar situation with a rescue dog; detached retina, surgery, drops, little sleep. My prayers are with you and your baby.

Good evening all,

Linda, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Welcome to this thread Igore and Cattails. I'm still working around the clock to help save my dogs eye. He had retina replacement surgery on Tuesday last week and has to be kept on meds and several eye drops around the clock for two more weeks. Everything else is going good, Dad is doing fine and I'm keeping really busy. I hope everyone and their loved ones are safe and as well as can be tonight.

☻/ღ˚ •。* ♥ ˚ ˚✰˚ ˛★* 。 ღ˛° 。* °♥ ˚ • ★ *˚ .ღ 。
/▌*˛˚ღ •˚ ˚sprinkle of Love . ~♥~˚ ✰* ★
/ \ ˚. ★ *˛ ˚♥* ✰。˚ ˚ღ。* ˛˚ ♥ 。✰˚* ˚ ★ღ
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(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricket Hugsღ

Oh, you poor thing. I think someone needs to put their toothbrush, toothpaste and etc under lock/key. Sounds terrible that you would have to do that or hide them in your room but it be better than catching her using it in her hair.

Linda, I sent you a personal note. I hope you are finding comfort in all the love that has been coming your way. The poem that was sent earlier is so tender and true. What a wonderful daughter you have been. What father could ask for a greater gift.

All my thoughts and wishes for you and your family and loved ones Linda...

Im am so sorry, Linda.....I know that I try t block out that part of our parents and loved ones aging and life process. My heart just hurts for you. I hope you find some periods of peace as you travel thru the grief. Your Pa is in Gods loving arms and I pray you find comfort. You have been a great supportive friend to us and you are not alone. Your friends that are here...checking in with you, and praying for you in those quiet moments in our own lives. Take care, my deepest sympathies to you and your family. hugs Mary Beth

Oh Linda,
I am so sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you. I wish I could be there too.
He's at rest now. I hope you can take care of yourself now. You have been a wonderful loving daughter and that's the best you can do. Now love yourself.

Thinking of you,

Oh Linda I have read the news on Facebook. I am so sorry. Your post made me cry. I don't know what to say. You can be happy for one thing, your father was loved and taken care of in the best possible way and this is something that doesn't happen to everybody. You made his last years happy. I think he let go just because his body was so tired! If there is someone who has earned the right of seeing him in heaven when the time comes (in 100 years), you sure have this right. I say this to you because I know that the thought that you have in your mind now is that you want to see him again. In a while, if you wish, you can put in your father's room many pictures of him in the best moments of his life. This helps me - to watch my father's photos when he was happy and smiling.
I stop now before telling more nonsense. I am one of those daughters who loved her father, too, so I can understand how you feel. I know it's hard, hard, hard. But he wants you to go on and live your life. When I am tired and depressed, I have the impression my father still pushes me and says "go on". You are going to feel the same.
I miss you all and I hope in a few days I can start reading and writing on this thread again. Just too much work, now!

Linda-Love you! Sending 1000 hugs! If you need anything at all please let me know! Just e-mail and I will give you my #. Bless your sweet heart! XXOO Kimmie

That was a beautiful poem, Cuz. Thank you for the perfect stories and poems you share with us. You are special:)
Hearing from Linda, a Blessing. We continue to lift her and family in support.
Diane, I am dense: what does c-diff mean? Am I blocking it out for a reason? Hope doc finds the answer and You stay healthy. Love ya, flex babe.
Captain, LindaHeart, Jen, KimBo, Kuli, Cricket, Austin, Selfish Siblings, SsK, meanwhile, angelhair, Cuz; newbies: cattails, Igore, traveling Hanalee, ZoeyZulu, drive bys, long timers, All: we are unified by our caring and communication. We appreciate your story, your time, your joy and share your sadness, loss and grief. Blessings, dear friends. Pleasant Dreams, xo

LindaHeart, you will always love your Pa, and he will always love you. He will never be completely gone. As hard as my dear Sam tried to hang on, when he finally let go, he looked so peaceful, he didn't look sick anymore, and he wasn't hurting. I had heard people say that, but didn't really believe it. Not until I saw it with my own eyes. But, there is nothing wrong with having a good cry. Take care, Love Shirley

May the Lord grant you peace and calm during this time. I lost my Dad when I was 21. No two peoples experiences are ever the same so I won't say I know how you feel. But I do know when you lose a parent the world is a bit colder. May you find peace in the days ahead.


Linda may the angels hang over you household tonight. So sorry for your loss. Here is a little poem that I found and have posted before.

My Daughter, My Heart, My Love
You bring me such joy
in so many ways,
like a warm, radiant sun
That brightens my days
Your beauty, your confidence
your spirit so strong, all shine from within
like a wonderful song.
Your talent, your grace
the gifts that you share,
with faith and with wisdom,
show the way that you care.
Your plans and your dreams
for what's yet to be...
your ideas for the future,
and the hopes shared with me
So I'll love yo forever
because right from the start
you filled me with love
and put a smile on my heart.
You're my beautiful Daughter---
a promise come true
God gave me a miricle
when He gave me you.

author unknown

Hugs to you Linda

kuli - aww ure griefing along with me as i was when u were losing your pa . i have been thinking of you all so much . and will keep you all in my thoughts during the toughest time comin up . i just hope i keep my shit together while im at funeral and gravesites .
i fliped when the guys came to take dad s bobdy away , i bawled told my husband i want dad to be stuffed and leave him in his bed so i can keep on seeing him everyday waaaaaaaaaaaaa. hubby said oh linda ur dad s gone to a better place that is just a body a shell . i said i took care ofthat body for 4 yrs waaaaaaaaaaa that body is mine waaaaaaaaaaa . i had to go in my room and shut the door i couldnt watch dad begin carried away from our home . sobbin on my bed .man its tough ,
hubby and my bro helped the guys carried dad out to the hearch how ya spell that ? ah well this shitofranic dont care lol , i stayed in my room for a while .
i havent been in pa s room since then . im afraid to go in there and realy lose it . i dont want to see empty bed :( , i want to see my dad wavin at me and tell me im hungry ! WHERES MY BFAST ? IS IT READY ? ohhh i love my daddy ,,,,,,,,,
i want to thank you all for ur prayers and ur hugs and ur thoughts . i keep tellin myself u need to get on GO and let ur crews know cuz youre my family too . i know you all are concerned .
christina - i love you so mucho and thank you so much to let al the crews know and i am so glad that we text eachother and youre there for me . i still look at the angle and i feel that u were there the whole time with me in dad s room . i told the bath lady i said thats christina shes my angel . :-)
i love you all and will not be comin back till after all this blows over . ill be busy with families . tnite things are calm and i wanted to share this with you guys , heavy thoughts in my mind ohhh my angel crews ive got to let em al know that i am thinking of you guys ,
i am still coughing an coughin . gaggin , throwing up every now and then . its bad !!! gotta go . im coughin now cant stop . need to go outside and get my shitofranic together , xoxoxo

Linda ~ Can't stop thinking about you and feeling your pain. It's still so fresh with me, I think I'm feeling your pain too. Please know that my thoughts are with you and I hope you find peace easier than I have. Hugs ~ Kuli

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