This discussion has been closed for comment. Start a New Discussion. thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

My kids are so great! They all got their chores done with no fuss. My eldest is finally wrapping up her project for her foods class. She's 14 years old and wants to be a chef when she gets older like her Daddy. She had to cook 17 different items with each having over five ingredients. She doesn't have to, but to go along with the things she cooks she is putting together a recipe book of all the different things she has made, pictures included to give to her teacher with the assignment. She has done pretty well. She is getting really good at following a recipe. I think my favorite thing that she has made were the enchiladas. I think she made them better than I do! I wrote down the tweaks she did to my recipe so I could do it next time.

christina28, KSL is one of the T.V. stations here.

Poor Linda. On top of losing her Pa I see there is terrible weather in IN. I hope she and Kimmie are safe.

Of Course, cattails. Hugs and Fun, xo

Christina: I know you meant that in the kindest way.

I have been asked to let you know Linda's Pa passed at 3:20 pm today, March 2, 2012. God rest has soul, precious one, and all our Love to our wonderful LindaHeart.

First things first, as priority is always to our crew and their immediate emotional needs.
Welcome again cattails, and notlikemom--ditto.
Cattails, I see you have brought a man on board, in the guise of a lovable monster. Welcome, Igore! How 's the ole limp and hump today? We have a Boat Angel, and a wonderful Cuz, so I suppose into every Boat a little monster must fall. We'll handle it. We can always use a man around here for heavy lifting and logic. Haha. Kidding. No more logical, reasonable, forgiving and tolerant women will you find anywhere. So, just relax, enjoy yourself and check your ego at the ramp. WhooHoo! Hope you're a good bartender, because we like margaritas on a regular basis. Also, watch out, cause we get in the mood for turkey balls and gator tails, and we are not a respecter of persons. All are equal, none are judged.
We hope you will read more and get the drift of our wonderful family here. We are so much more than grossness, but we are all about venting.
Candles lit for Linda's Pa right now, much love to our LindaHeart, and all crew.
Going to see Mother now. Today doctor brought in an oxygen machine to check her levels while she sleeps. Does anyone have info on this?
Did anyone figure out the coded message? Well, maybe later. Blessings:)
Love you guys,
Christina xo

LindaHeart, been praying non-stop for your family. Angels surround you.
Love you, Christina xo

My mom used the dog brush on her hair.

I took mom to the doctor today and it looks like she may have c-diff. We won't know for sure until we get the culture back. She is doing a wee bit better, but still very weak from the constant runs. I need to go disinfect her room while she is sitting in the recliner. Take care of yourselves dear friends. Love ya, Diane

Linda, Praying for Pa's peaceful passage and comfort for you and your family. Loving thoughs going your way. Love, Diane

Linda - This is so hard. We think the hard part is taking care of them through all their issues but the really hard part is letting them go. You and pa are in my thoughts and prayers. Pray for peaceful journey for him. Love and hugs ~ Kuli

Linda-Much love and many hugs being sent your way!! Kimmy

hi you all . pa may not make it thru the day , he is now very limp , not stiff anymore , its like the mucles are not workin anymore . limp like a rag doll . oh my daddy :( .
gurgling more and nothing i can do .
love you all xoxo

Igore, I find snot tissues EVERYWHERE! I totally understand:) The only consolation is that after the last few days I have had with mom and the stomach virus, I'd take the snotty tissues. Welcome to the thread!

Igore, Yuck!!!!!!!!! (((((((((((((Hugs!)))))))))))) I'm happy to say that I have not experienced this yet!

This is my 1st entry on Grossed out. Anyone else have the person your are caring for stuff their chairs with tissues? Mom is constantly blowing her nose and stuff the this down the cushions of her chair. Ever so often I will clean it out and its like between her snot tissues and junk mail I expect to find Jimmy Hoffa down there.

Asparagus Lollipop oh that did me in...yeesha! Bleah!

angelhair, meant to ask you: what is the KSL? Does it have to do with the LDS?
OK, well, I have to TAS, then GTC, and BBL. OH, and GTM with my neighbor. Hope to SMM if I have time. I am ALO today. If you can figure out what I said correctly, I will send you a box of See's candy. FIRST one with answer wins. I do not get discounts at See's candy. ILIOCBANAM. Love you, Christina xo

Morning and Welcome cattails! WhooHoo! Asparagus is one of my favorite vegies, too. I like to grill the large stalks wrapped in prosciutto or toss with evoo s&p and broil. Time to cut up Dad's food and put on a bib, or plastic bubble:)
Diane, sorry you are suffering. Fight it with all your might, chances are some fabulous star spangled night, something's gotta give! Lyrics not wasted on diarrhea. Right ? Love you and drink lots of water so you don't get dehydrated. xo
Angelhair, glad you had a nice birthday! You deserve it:) how are all the munchkins?
meanwhile, Hope Omaha is all healed up now. We saw our Marine friend last night, home for 2 weeks, thought of you...
Cricket, same with Lucky. I hope the pain has subsided. xo
Linda keeping vigil. All my love and blessings to your family. xo
Austin, praying your trip is safe and pleasant. Wear your garlic necklace:) xo
Jen, are you snowed in? Stay cozy and warm. Love you and your precious heart.
Was giving up coffee but need a little bit or I start to dose off in middle of day. Thinking of you. Have an interesting day whatever you do. Learn a new recipe, a new fact, a new way to think or do. Never miss an opportunity to grow, love, forgive. When all else fails, laugh hysterically. Soon, it will come to you what you must do. Love you, Christina xo

Dtflex, I'm glad that you and your mother are on the mend. I hope your week looks up. Everyone have a great day.

Hi Crew,
Thanks for your concern. Mom finally had a night without the runs and she got some rest. I got sick yesterday and spent my day in bed or the bathroom. I think I'm finally on the mend this morning, just very weak.

Linda, continued prayers for you and pa. Cricket, your poor doggie. Jen, you are having snow and we are supposed to hit 80 today.

Christina and Cuz, thanks for the continued support. Any news from Bobbie and the Boat Angel?

Have a good day my dear friends.

Love ya,

I'm just responding to the Grossed Out thread for the first time. No doubt someone has mentioned this before, but I'll give it a go. My dad has always eaten meal like a viking, use your imagination. Growing up, we would all sit at the table and be grossed out because he would talk with him mouth full and we could always see what he was eating. Yuck. If any of us kids had the bad manners to put an elbow on the table, we would get a quick slap upside the head, but he would never miss a beat on his mouthful of food. My parents have been in my care for the past 6 1/2 years. While my mom was living, I would just take their dinner over to their house, across the driveway, and be able to eat in peace at my place. Since my mom passed away, (2008) my dad has come to our house every night for dinner. I will no longer cook asparagus. It doesn't matter that he has a knife, the spears go in whole and stick out of his mouth until he sucks them in after a prolonged episode of chewing bit by bit. I can't look at asparagus the same way anymore. Now that he has had a stroke, he has more difficulty eating. We can't eat at the table with him, it's just more than we can bear. I feel bad about that until I hear him sneeze. The whole table is covered with food. We would need face guards to eat with him and a plastic cover for our plates. It's just so gross. Here's what's going to be really gross about me getting old. I sometimes think about this. I will have a flipping mustache and chin hairs when anyone comes to see me. Going to have to invest in an electric shaver.

Oh boy, angelhair. Too much fun. Haha! Good for you, and Happy Birthday!! You're 32, WhooHoo!! And you played a Steinway. Wow. I have a Yamaha baby grand and it needs tuning.Thanks for the remind. I have not been playing or singing much since Christmas. Hubby just bought lots of ammo for his SNS and 38, and a couple of rifles that I know nothing about. He was thorough in explaining how the rapid fire 9 shot pistol worked. Yikes TMI. Peaceful warrior here, living vicariously through Our Blessed military. Oorah! Have a good evening
And pleasant dreams. Zzzzzzzzzz..........

Linda hugs to you and your dad. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Diane sorry to hear about the poops. It never ends does it.
Update on the MIL. No breaks but they found out that L5-S1 in her spine has a birth defeat that no one new about and the fall sort of kinked it out of place. They are doing therepy in the hospital to try to tone down the muscle pain in her lower back. They have her up and walking but between the back and celulitis in her left ankle she is having a rough time of it. 94 yrs old with a good mind yet but she doesn't want the therepy cause it hurts. I don't blame her for wanting to just lie there but ya got to start moving sometime and I say the sooner the better. Jokes have been kind of slow this week but they will pickup and I will get them to ya as fas as I get them. Thanx for the support. Hugs to ya all.

Old Man, a Mustang and Interstate 55

A Missouri senior citizen drove his brand new Mustang convertible out of the dealership. Taking off down the road, he pushed it to 80 mph, enjoying the wind blowing through what little hair he had left. "Amazing," he thought as he flew down I-55, pushing the pedal even more.
Looking in his rear view mirror, he saw a Missouri State Trooper, red and blue lights flashing and siren blaring. He floored it to 100 mph, then 110, then 120.
Suddenly he thought, "What am I doing? I'm too old for this!" and pulled over to await the trooper's arrival.
Pulling in behind him, the trooper got out of his vehicle and walked up to the Mustang. He looked at his watch, then said, "Sir, my shift ends in 30 minutes. Today is Friday. If you can give me a new reason for speeding--a reason I've never before heard -- I'll let you go."
The old gentleman then said, "Three years ago, my wife ran off with a Missouri State Trooper. I thought you were bringing her back."
"Have a good day, Sir," replied the trooper.

Oh, I forgot. Guess what I got to do today! I got to play a $92,000 piano. A Steinway grand piano. The tones were heavenly and soooo smooth.

Yesterday was my 32 birthday. I have to say I was a bit spoiled. We actually celebrated it on Sunday with my husband making me dinner. He made fresh tuna steaks over fetuccini noodles drizzled in a shrimp alfredo sauce; a long side were glazed carrots. It was delicious. I sent off for my CWP. I got a new blunt-nose feather weight smith & wesson from my husband; and my fishing license. I also got a new crock pot from my mother-in-law. A book from a friend; and lots of chocolate which I've been pawning off on everyone else in the family. I love chocolate way too much to keep it readily accessible! lol.
Mark and I also went out for lunch and target practice on my birthday. It has been great fun. I hope you are all having a great day and I wish you all the best.

Yesterday was so much fun! We woke up early and drove into Salt Lake City to surprise Great-Grandma where she serves her mission. She was secretly nominated for the KSL High Five by a friend of hers; and the news station wanted as much family there as possible. She was so surprised when she came off the elevator to find us all there. She was selected because of all the service she has done and is still doing. She'll be 97 years in May and come this November it will be 18 years that she has been on her mission. She just keeps renewing every six months. Isn't that funny? We are all very proud of her.

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