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You can count on me to give you helpful hints as I discover them. Haha.
Hope y'all have a peaceful night. Linda, praying for God's mercy and Pa's comfort. What an angel daughter you are. Xoxo
Diane, how is Mom? Only smell the ocean air, salty breeze. Xo
Meanwhile, angelhair, Mary Beth, and all--love and hugs. Peace. Co
Love all you great caregivers and friends.

Jen, hugs and Peace. Anxiety is the pits. Can you take walks in the cold weather? At least sleep? Today I bought a book by a sleep doctor. Still have not resumed good sleep most nights after one year of no sleep. I am reading that sleep, health and weight management can be restored by figuring out the perfect individual formula. I'll tell you author and title later, with his website. Hope it works. love, c

Sorry for everyone's losses and lingering worries. Hope we all find peace.

Hmm heart test no results yet but if ever given the option of that test again PASS! I was on the table crying and they had to keep shouting my name they were afraid i was having a heart attack! It was really really bad....

Hammered with last of winter snow here, and have to drive out for fp tax appointment tomorrow...

Dear Lord, spread your cloak of comfort over all who are suffering. Thank You.
LindaHeart, you know we're here. I'm a text away. Cricket, I'm praying for Lucky, too. Your message about him tore me up. I suppose if we were laughing all the time we would be lunatics, and the tests and heartache keep us sober.
Diane, Mom's runs sound like food poisoning. Doctor told me there is no such thing as stomach flu. More vegies and rice; less meat and fruit. Chicken Soup? Keep recalling your trip to Myrtle Beach. Maybe a candle or diffuser with oceanic fragrance to make it last? Last weekend was the first real fun we had in months. I keep thinking about it and almost feel guilty. Haha:) love you, flex:)
Wonder how BJ is doing? And Rip, Miz, headbanger, Pirate, BonnieO, Angie... I think of them all, as I think of all current crew. If it is better for them to move on, then go with God, blessed friends. I keep all precious memories within.
Really missing the Captain. Many Healing prayers go out to Boat Angel. Give him the strength and will to rally. And please get Bobbie a new computer. Amen.
Cuz, hope your mil is feeling better and the worry is over. Hugs to you and thanks for all the great emails. Miss your nighttime comedy;)
I am going to make up for the last few days of studying and winery fun by having a good long visit with my Mom today. The rain and cold is over for a few days, so we'll do a walk, lots of music, fruit and candy. All those things she enjoys. Then I will shave my legs and go get a pedicure. Heehee.
Love all the Boat Angels and Crew. You know who you are:D Christina xo

Good Morning Crew,

Diane, I hope your Mom gets to feeling better and you hang in there!
Austin, I think Christina said it best "angels singing" now Winnie is at peace. heart is with you and Pa and praying for the Angels to be at your sides.
Bobbie and Boat Angel....hang in there!
My dog Lucky had a cornea replacement surgery yesterday and still has a chance to save his vision but he is in a lot of pain and has to be kept heavily medicated for the next two weeks and go through the acceptance process and healing. It's keeping me really busy and I haven't been getting much sleep either so I can relate to those not sleeping well.

Love and Hugs to everyone,

Linda, you and Pa are in my prayers.

The fickle finger of fate has struck again! After two lovely days at the beach I get two days of mom with the stomach virus. Poop soup......Nasty

good morning you all .
christina - love that angel , your angel is sitting in pa s room . everybody admire it .. i look at it mmm i see christina standing there :-) .
thank you for liting the candle . big hugs to you all ,
pa looks like a dead man . just only his heart and blood a racing , bodys pretty stiff , bro made it here and he said a joke to dad and dad smiled .
bro s talkin about going back home and gather up his lit family and come back . storms on its way here . suppose to have a bad storm coming . man when it rains it pours !
i sleep few hrs a night , cant sleep good , ah well .
i best get off here and start a load laundry , maybe sit and watch news on tv . hopefuly i ll fall sleep .
i will try to post again soon .
love you all and thank you for ur kind words and tons of prayers and the candle lit . xoxoox

I'm praying for you too, Linda, and for Bobbie and her boat Angel.
Austin, your a good friend to Winnie. hugs to everyone.

Linda hope your cold gets better soon! Candle lit here for you and Pa! XXOO

LindaHeart: Angel with candle playing violin. Kept on my piano, always reminds me of you. Hugs, girlfriend.

And cuz - prayers to your mil.

Austin - my prayers are with you. Linda - All I can say is just love him, love him, love him. That's all you can do at this point to make him more comfortable. I know how much it hurts. Will be thinking of you and saying prayers for strength for you and peace for your pa. Love and hugs ~ Kuli

Austin, blessings. Angels are singing.
Linda, lifting you up always. We Heart You.
When the going gets tough for care givers, it's just another day.
Let's join in a constant prayer for Pa and Linda. Thinking of all of you with heavy hearts and grieving souls. You are surrounded with love and prayer. Christina xo

Hi guys I got a call from Winnie.s daughter yesterday-Winnie died yesterday morning about 8 am-I did not to see her Fri because of the roads after our snow storm or the weekend because her family would have been there-was planning to go yesterday. She in finally at peace and no pain- The end was peaceful with much pain med.

Linda, I am praying for you and Pa.

sleepless in indiana . brother is in tenn resting his eyes for a bit or so .
pa is on his way out , am hoping bro can see pa before he passes .

mind has gone blank . damn it ...

kimmy ! am glad u are much better . i have a bad cold . lost my voice last night . coughin up mucuses and blowin bunch snott out , ewwwwwwww at least theyre comin out , that makes me happy but not hapy to havin to deal with it , brings me down .
i cancled the phyiscal therapy this week . prob wont go back . im all messed up and sure dont need to be messed up even worst . emotional , physicaly , heart breakin .
pa s pulse is like 120 to 104 . heart is working so fast and blood s racin thur the veins . makin me think his heart is going to blow up . nurse says that happens cuz he doesnt eat or drink enuff .
my mother in law is decling more . bil says she may be going to nursing home real soon . my hubby said oh noo shes not going to no damn nursing home . im thinkin oh ok so whos gonna take care of her ? i know i dont want to do it . gawd !!!
ill do it for my hubby tho but my mind and nerve cant handle it . oh lord .
jenny . how is ur heart ?
ill try to pop in to let u all know . if i dont i will text christina and she could tell u guys for me ok . bobbie s puter is still down . angle boat is back to hospital .
CUZ - i sure hope everything gets better at your way . big hugs to u dear .

love you all xoxo

Cuz, so sorry to hear about your mil. Hope she will be fine! Take care of your back!

Angehair Dad does have ALZ. Thanks for the advice! Papers might work even junk mail! He used to like to fix things so maybe we could bring in things he could tinker with. Blocks would be good! Drawing pad crayons.....that would even help his motor skills! XXOO

You think the toothbrush thing is bad.......I have been taking my moms clothes home from rehab to wash them. She had a new pair of pjs and when I opened the bag of clothes the smell made me gag, Someone had stuck her pjs in there with a big old smelly turd stuck inside the pants of the pjs, Of course I took them outside and tried to fling the poop out but it would not budge so I sprayed it really hard with the hose. This loosen it up and I flung it off, then left them in a bucket of water for two days in frozen weather...when I went to get them the crouch was in ice. Finally I stuck them on the porch after flinging off the ice. I then proceeded to throw them in the washing machine on small load alone with 1 and 1half cup of bleach and 2 cups of soap. They are perfect again but do I get any thanks for this ? HECK no.

Cuz, sorry about mil. Amazing she is still getting around. I hope she is OK. As long as nothing is broken. My mom was still bouncing when she fell last year. Now, she can't walk, so no falling. It is a shame. Looking forward to some laughs. The other night I woke up my husband from snorting over something you sent me. Snort, snort. hugs:) ps no (dumb) blond jokes

Very interesting. The javalina is a 'peccary', more related to the hippo than the pig. Isn't that weird? Thanks for explaining, Meanwhile2. I am amazed that a wild animal could be domesticated so quickly. I have enough trouble learning primates, so will leave further investigation. Thank you.
Kimbo! She's BAAAACK! Glad you are feeling better. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and you were missed. Maybe you read Bobbie has a down computer and trying to get a new one. Sends love to all. Great to see you Kimmie. xo Angelhair: the quotes are thought-provoking. I love the sarcasm in American quotes from playwrights, satirists, and political pundits from the early 20th century. And there is no one like earlier Ben Franklin, or Will Wright and Samuel Clemens. etc.
Sending love to LindaHeart and Pa. The biggest hug and all our Love. xoxo

Cuz, sorry to hear about the MIL. I shouldn't be complaining about taking care of an injured horse. It is really so much easier. Tuck him in the barn at night, and don't have to check on him again until morning.

Hi everyone. Just want to let you know that the wife's 94 year old mother fell at her assisted living home today. I was at the drs with my ma around 3pm this afternoon when we got the call that they were taking the mil to the hospital. After I got my ma back home we drove to the hospital and got there around 4:30pm and never left till around 10:00pm. They don't believe she broke anything but they kept her overnight for observation. They took e-rays and a ct scan but we didn't wait around for the results. When I find out tommorro I will let ya know what the outcome is. She had a lot of pain in her lower back and they think it is just a bad bruise but ya never know at that age. Hugs to everyone and I will have some jokes for ya later.

Thanks Kimmy. Omaha seems to be getting better. He can't graze yet. When he tries to bite off grass, he stops, like it just hurts too much. But he is eating all the hay and grain. He kicked up his heels and galloped back to the barn yesterday. That made me feel good to watch. Cleaning the wounds is messy. The holes into the nasal cavity are still draining snot and blood. It drains down where his nose is broken, so he doesn't want it scrubbed. Using udder balm to keep it softened up enough to clean. Of course he got a big shot of penicillin again today. Och. Horse penicillin looks like elmers glue. You have to use a giant needle, and it takes 12 cc. per shot.

Ksobhie, your father reminds me of my father-in-law. Does your father have ALZ? If so you might try the Sunday paper. My father-in-law can't read anymore and he can't follow anything on T.V. so he doesn't like to watch it, and for him to help with anything anymore is a devistation because I have to be right there working his hands since he just can't understand that basic a concept anymore. I was at my witts end one day trying to keep him out of things and get things done when the thought occured to me to let him "read" the paper. We don't usually get the paper so I snagged our neighbors and gave it to him. It kept him busy for hours. He couldn't read it, but he loves to flip through it and fold it and even tear it into peices. He was thoroughly enjoying it. Now our neighbors are kind enough to drop their old papers off every couple of weeks and he loves it. Sometimes it's quite the mess to clean up, but it doesn't matter because he's doing something that makes him happy. It makes him feel as if he is doing something worth-while. We've also found that children's blocks are quite the entertainment for him. He's also developed an interest in drawing. He only scribbles, but it does keep him out of trouble for a little while; but every one is different. Don't be afraid to go outside the box for ideas. Remember when you were a child and the simplest things were the best? It's a good thing to think about for ALZ.

Oh....see I wanted to say something else and on this little screen can't scroll down and see what I wrote!

Meanwhile wanted to wish your horse a speedy recovery! That is scary! XXOO Love Kimmy....Say goodnight Kimmy! Goodnight loved ones!

Hi everybody! Sorry I haven't posted lately! Been sick, transitioning Dad to the apartment and Hannah's non-stop activities! Dad of course pushing boundaries, but he seems to like the apartment! He doesn't want to eat much and that is worrisome! He eats a bite here and there! I have tried all kinds of different foods, but he still just wants a bite or two! Had a doc appointment for him scheduled this week, but the office called and canceled because doc will be out of town. Rescheduled it when available in a couple of weeks! Guess new doc decided he wanted a vacation. Got a baby monitor with a camera so I can watch him even when not with him. Kind of creepy to watch somebody on screen but I have to do it! It is like a paranormal type experience! When we are out with him, he doesn't want to interact much! Never did really these entire 11 years he has been here! He will watch sports on his TV, but that is about it! Maybe a giant puzzle! I just don't know! When it gets warmer we can take him for walks in his wheelchair. Now he just mainly wants to sleep! Enough about me......

Cricket, read about your little dog and hope he gets well soon! Thinking about your Lucky! Oh and your Dad with the dog in his room and then shuffling the mess all over! That is something Dad did when he was in the house! I take one of the cats out to the apartment to visit with him and Luke the big dog goes out too, still working up the nerves to take little ones out cause they are all over the place! Give Lucky a kiss for me! Poor little guy!

Rossella glad to hear your work is picking up and snow has melted! What a time you have had with all the snow! The pictures were beautiful!

Linda I know this is a very sad scary time for you! Think about you and Pa everyday! I am going to raise the baby spiders and send them back to you later when they are a little bigger! Names are Matthew, Martin and Melissa. Melissa wears a little pink bow in her hair! LOL Hope your neck gets better soon! Think if you keep doing the exercises it will get less painful over time! I hate it when my neck and shoulder flares up! Makes the whole body feel bad! Take care of yourself!

Christina, you have so much going on right now with the wedding, school, and your Mom! I looked up the javelin! Look like a wild boar! Strange looking creatures! We get coyotes here and can hear them howl at night! Kind of soothing at times to hear them! Cats don't go out but when the little dogs go out they have to be on a leash even though we have a fence! Next thing I know Dad will probably have one in the apartment as a pet! I have to be a stearn land lady! LOL

Jen! Good going on the play! That is wonderful! You had me laughing when you read "wino's wedding" I do that all the time and have to rewind my eyes and read it over! Hope your heart is doing fine!

Diane, happy you got to get away and clear your mind! Amazing how at times just a little break can renew body and soul! Especially the beach!

Bobbie have been thinking about you and the boat angel! Hard thing to witness a loved one go through so much pain! Went through it with my Mom and wished I would wake up and it had just been a bad dream! Many comforting hugs being sent to both of you! Life is one big roller coaster ride for sure! You are one strong lady!

Kuli, Hope you are feeling better! I still go to see a doc after my Mom passed! It helped me deal! I felt like I was living in a surreal world and was disconnected! Anxiety and panic attacks all the time after she passed! I still see my doc to help deal with Dad! It is good to see somebody to sort through all the feelings! Wish I could just pluck you out of that darkness! You are not alone! XXOO

Carolyn, Lilli (anonymous), you still there? Hugs to you!

Have seen many new folks! Welcome and hello! You will like it here! Everyone is wonderful! I will be posting more now!

Hope I didn't leave anything out, I have been writing this for the past three hours while looking at the baby monitor and going out and checking physically on Dad! Feel like I have to constantly watch the screen! The screen beckons .......must watch.....the screen! Love you all! Kimmy

Hey every body, I have a new quote

"A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the
support of Paul."

- George Bernard Shaw

Javalina's look like small hairy pigs. There are quite a few around here. They aren't really related to pigs though. The feral hogs and the javalina's do not interbreed. They have long tusks, and can be dangerous if cornered. A nurse at the hospital rescued an orphaned one, and kept it as a pet for years. It slept with her. She got the dentist I work for to cut the tusks. He has pictures of it in his dental chair, with a bib on. It is really funny.

Ha! Whatever works. The wineries are not so pretty at this time of year, but in middle of May should be green. Cricket is studying after a long night with the puppy. I am studying, too, but need breaks or I go nutty. Still waiting on an answer from meanwhile on "javalina". Sounds like a feminista spear thrower to me. I'm sure it's an animal, but i want to hear it from the equestrienne's mouth, so to speak.

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