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I am having fun thinking that notice said "went to a winos wedding" for just sec...

Meanwhile: what is a javalina? Never heard of it. We get coyotes in the summer when they come out of the hills for ''cats & water." scary. Usually come in 3s or 5s. One almost got my indoor cat last summer while she was pretending to be Nimrod.

Had a great time this afternoon. Saw a large buck mule deer, a javelina, and a coyote. Omaha is feeling better and better, he kicked up his heels and took off at a gallop this morning. His broken nose is already not so sore.
Cricket, hope your dog is better. Pets just get to be part of the family.
Diane, glad you got the trip to the beach. Well deserved.
Angel your horses sound lovely. Perhaps you can own another horse someday. When life gets a little slower?
Rosella, good to hear from you, don't work to hard, whew.
Boy I'm tired, got to go soak in a hot bath. Love to everyone.

Hi Crew,

I got back from Myrtle Beach this afternoon. Both mom and my brother seemed to have survived just fine without me for two days. I have another crazy week ahead of me, so I hope everything continues on a good note around here. The beach was wonderful to listen to the waves and walk along and pick shells. It was good for both me and b/f. We needed some quality time together. He is nervous about his upcoming test to determine if he will now need a valve replacement.

Have a good night dear friends and I will catch up on everything tomorrow.

Love ya,

Thanks for checking in, Rossella! Yes, work blessings. Grab it while you can.
Bobbie still cyber-down. Sends Love to All. Have a good night! Get some sleep, Austin!! Zzzzzzz...snore...zzzzzz. Love, Christina xo

Rossella -good to hear from you-glad you have work.

My sister went to a wedding at a winery-it was fabulous.

I am in a spiral of work... Hope you all are alright... When I have a lot of work I try to work because you never know if you will have it tomorrow.

Hey gang. 3:30 in California and we have been to 3 venues for a wedding at a winery. Cricket, I am so sorry for Lucky. Don't worry. He will be OK. Hugs. xo
No word from Bobbie yet, so guess the puter is still down. Ok, let's dance while we're waiting.
Angelhair, your parents are healthy--praise God. Sometimes I think all the tests are worthless, unless you feel like something is wrong. Bless them for their
We are having way too much fun today. Going to have an early dinner in old town Temecula, then home. The boys are being very bad, and my perfect daughter is wonderful. I am so-so but accomodating, as usual. haha. Love you guys and more later. Hope all is well:) love, Christina xo

Oh my gosh!! Cricket!! What a nightmare! Your poor dogger....I hope he is not in pain ( 'Lucky' bug is lucky to have you 2 for 'parents')...that sounds like an awfully long hubby is the same way....He is my biggest fan and supports us all. He sends me funny little texts during the day and does everything humanly possible to help me...
I am glad the whole birthday deal is over....we will have other days to celebrate in years to come. My father makes a passive-aggressive drama and Im just glad to have a new day today...
It is a long long long story..but Dad is now facing a second lawsuit regarding his accident of Nov 2010....I will need to drive him back to his former hometown to appear in court (again) It is a 7+ hour drive each hotel/expenses.
(Last year I made 12 trips up there!!)
Good to hear eveyone check in... The horse riding and trails sound lovely.....horses are such beautiful animals. thanks for the long distance hugs..I sure have had a couple of teary days..prolly tomorrow will be a sunny day!!
wishing you all peace and love!! Mary Beth

Yesterday was the calm before the storm..
What an ordeal we had last night. My Dog Lucky had his left eye blow out (rupture) around midnight. Fluid and blood was coming out of his eye and he was in so much pain. We got him to the animal er just north of us.. they called an ophthalmologist and we had to take him 30 miles south a 3AM for possible emergency surgery. Poor dogs eye was so full of blood the eye vet couldn't even examine him properly to see if this surgery would even be the right thing to do so he did what he could and gave us 5 different meds to keep him from getting it infected and out of pain and tranquilized. We take him back in on Tuesday and possible surgery either that day or Wednesday. If he's already lost his sight in that eye we will have to for go the corrective surgery and try to get the eye to seal up on it's own, if it doesn't then we will have to have the eye removed. One of the drops has to be put in his eye 6-12 times a day, the other drop twice a day and the other three pills 3-4 times a day! We (my husband and I) are so relieved that we were able to put some extra money away the last few months so we can actually take care of his needs. My husband has been working two full time jobs to get the extra money and poof now it's going. He is taking it really well though, he says "it is what it is" I am so grateful that my Husband has such a good attitude and is so resilient. My heart just breaks for my "Lucky Bug"

Hugs to everyone and Christina happy wedding site hunting today!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricket Hugsღ

i'd get a new toothbrush & hide it

Oh my Gosh! I just talked to my mother and can I just say, WHAT?!?!?!

She and my Dad just went in for physicals because they are getting ready to go on a mission for our church and it is required to get physicals. Anyway, they both turned out to be in perfect health. The thing that shocks me, and I have to admit I had a good talking to my mother about, was the fact that she had never had a mammogram and she is 62 years old! On top of that, she hadn't had a pap smear since right after my little sister was born. My sister is thirty years old! I made her promise to have a mammogram every year; and I told her I would call her every year on her birthday to remind her. I'm also going to make sure she gets her annual pap. Can you imagine goining thirty years without any care? She said "I didn't ever feel bad enough to go to the doctor." That kind of struck me as funny because it never occurred to her to do anything preventative. Of course, that's how it was when we were growing up. If you didn't feel sick or something wasn't broken or gushing blood then there was no need to go to the doctor. I had no idea that they still thought that way, but why wouldn't they? I'm so glad that they are both healthy. Of course, at 65 Dad still rides his bike ten miles a day.

I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like
a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.*

- Winston Churchill*

meanwhile2, horse back riding sounds wonderful. It's probably been about twelve years since I went horse back riding. my Dad called and said that he had to send my horse who was eighteen years old; the one I trained as a teenager and spent four hours a day come rain or shine working with; to the knackers. She had developed pneumonia really bad and the vet said she just was not getting better. He also sold her filly, and all of the saddles and gear. I say filly loosely because she was about fourteen years old. The mother was palomino, quarterhorse. She was gorgeous with her golden coat and she had darker circles on her back that looked like honey comb. The filly was half Tennessee Walker. She had her mothers coloring, except with a dark brown face and dark shading around the edges. she was gorgeous also; and she had the most beautiful gait. I wish I could ride again. Especially on those sunny days. Anyway, enough of memory lane. I hope you are all out enjoying the sun today; and if there is no sun, I hope you can curl up with some hot cider or chocolate and a good book.

Morning girls, and a lurking Cuz! Austin, we will miss you while you are on your trip. Praying for safety and enjoyment for you. I know what you mean about relearning techy stuff. I often end up in tears. Meanwhile, I have been on the bridle trail every day this past week--sans horse-- but see many and speak to them always. I think of you at those times, too. Another perspective on the trails: After the rains and topsoil is washed away, I long to dig for treasures and look down and around, wishing I had a fork or some simple tool, or if I am desperate I grab a rock with a fracture. Sigh.
LindaHeart, good to hear your happy encouraging lalas. Love you mucho and hugs to Pa.xo
How was Mary Beth's birthday? Thinking of you, dear one:)
It's Sunday and bet we hear from Selfish Sibs unless she is traveling. Hi SS and think of you always. Hugs and prayers for Peace and Blessings.
How's the computer, Captain? We are here and will keep things afloat for as long as necessary. We, who endure and hope. Xoxo
Missing KimBo, Diane, angelhair, Kuli, the Jenster ( in play) which projects freedom and autonomy--WhooHoo, babe. Xoxoxo
Cricket: love you, study well for your test. Zone out and zoom in. Xo
All the rest of you beautiful care givers, you are loved and appreciated.
Off to make egg sandwiches for the road, and I'll have a banana. Oo oo oo ee ee ee ah ah ah. Have a great day. Christina xo

It is a beautiful sunny day here. I'm going horse back riding with friends after lunch. The neighbors are loaning my sister one of their horses, since we only have one horse up for a long ride. I always try to remember all the things I'm thankful for, especially when I'm riding my horse.. Kind people, friends, a beautiful day. All my friends here. Well, have to get the goats milked, and the barn shoveled out before I can go. Take care everyone.

Linda in my dreams plus I like my puter-I just put 300 dollars into a new tower but my darn cable company keeps changing things so I have relearn stuff all the time-I may get an e-reader that does email so when I go to visit my sister I will be able to keep up with my friends here,

I'm still here reading posts. Just been getting in late, after taking care of Omaha. He does seem to be getting better. Sounds like everyone has had a tough week. Any word from Rossella? Hope everyone has a quiet peaceful Sunday.

Ha...I have a few stories.

Up until recently I would stay with Dad while his wife would go on trips. Poor Dad...he was such a character and a tall, strong and intelligent man. Everyone in the city knew that Dad was The Guy to go to with any troubles involving the community because he knew exactly who to call.

He is 87 now..most times does not recognize me or that he is in his home.

Anyway..I left my electric toothbrush on the sink in the bathroom. At night I would guide him there and make sure he cleaned up and brushed his teeth before bed. I would give him as much privacy as possible but I'd check on him every few minutes.

He had my toothbrush in his hand about to use it! So gently as I could, I took it from him and gave him his and put toothpaste on it for him. Gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek.

Then I would show him to his bedroom and get him ready for bed. That is another tale to tell. I have to say I have never ever seen my Dad's legs or feet before, and for him to be in his skivvies in front of me really brings it home the extent of his deterioration.

I love my Dad so much, and it is so sad what is happening to him. But I know I am blessed. Oddly enough, I feel we are closer now than than we've ever been. :)

marybeth , i would just go turn it on for him . maybe he doesnt understand how to operate those ? dad forgot how to turn his on so i do all the changing and turnin em on for him , i even tape a penny onthe start button so he ll know thats the button but that penny looks like a penny , not a start button . so hatever . i do it all . he even forgot how to make coffee . sad . minds a slippin ,
like i forgot to take a nappy poo . lalalala
big hugs to you alll woo woo
austin ur puters acting up . time to hollar at ur son . maybe he ll get ya a new one for mothers day ohh ummmm .
bye bye u all . prob will be back again if i dont take a nappy poo . xoxox

Christina -thanks for the update on our Captain-I hate it when my puter acts up and does not work.

thank you Linda! def group hugs going around today!
I put a really nice radio in his room..but he has never once listened to it.
He insisted on a new "Tracphone" and it was a huge deal trying to get service here in rural O hi O ..had to have them Fedex a new phone and spent literally hours on the phone with them. My Dad has not even turned the phone ON since I jumped thru his hoops to get the phone/service he wanted.
I think his hearing is so compromised from years of logging ...he has never been a fan of medical care~but perhaps it's time to insist.
Thanks to Cricket and Bobbie, Jen and Christine, Linda and DIane too
Austin and the friend with horses..Meanwhile? hugs to you all...Your support means the world to me....this group is a Godsend and I feel blessed to have met are in my prayers, friends!! XO Mary Beth

thanks you guys . i sure can use a big hug , i know marybeth needs one badly and happy birthday to u dear .
wheres rossella ? busy chasing her dorthy around ? maybe they both went out man hunting lalala .
jenny lou - what did the dr say ? been wondering and wondering .... hope all is well . if not then ur mom will nurse u back to health . if not i will ! i will pull u and drag u to the car we go bye bye and zoom float on bobbie s boat . :-)
cricket - thank you for ur kind words . kuli too . dad is awful quite and stares off space . makes me so very sad . i just hate it so much . cracks my heart and i smile when i go in and greet him , he waved and smiled back then his eyes wanders off like he see s someone standing there . just kills me .
christina - my neck still aches , im still doing the excerise tho , maybe i need ur famouse tequila and lime and a splash of salt plz . best of all i need ur spirital prayers . dad needs em too . love u tons xoxo
my son came over to visit , was good to see 3 grandkids , they bought a puppy 6 weeks old rotwiller , oh boy like they need another dog . oh well at least they re not livin with me .
my neck is brining me down damn it , i just hate to whine i feel like an old woman whine whine ,
marybeth can u get a cd player and stick it over the corner with ur dad and play them good ole pasty cline , that might perk him up some when he s down inthe dump . dad loves organ and piano and pasty cline , always playing some kind of his music and it helps him relax and enjoy it , try it u be suprise how they react , he doesnt feel so alone ... just a thought ....
guess i shall go lay down for a nappy poo . love ya all . xoxo

Aww, Mary Beth. this is for you....

.......*♥............… ...✫
¸....✫........Group Hug*✫♥*
´¸.•✫ .............
/ \................

and LindaHeart...too close to see her:) Hope your neck is getting better. Hugs to Pa, hope he is comfortable.
Well, taking a break from reading and thought I would stop by on a Saturday to see wazzup, and I see not much. Going to move my body and take a walk. Bye.

Thanks Christina and all my new friends here...having a really REALLY rough day. Dads passive/aggressive is getting the best of my sunny attitude. His daily routine is to sit in the corner, usually not turning the light on unless I do it for him. He stares at all of us and grimaces. Nothing makes him happy and his level of paranoia is unsettling. We have been scattering like roaches in daylight. I was raised by my Mom and Step Dad and they were so kind and so generous.
Now they are in heaven and after a horrible car accident , my father is here, living with us because he can no longer live alone. We kept in touch over the years, but by far my father was not 'part of my life' Now I am 51 years old and cannot make a move in my own house...
I sometimes am at a father will cling to me...needing 'hugs' then returning to his corner lair to scowl some more. I have been in tears several times today~~ trying to keep my smile pasted on. Man it is so hard sometimes..
thank you for letting me vent. I know you means alot to me
xo MB

Happy Birthday Mary Beth!♫ ♬ ♪ ♩ ♪Happy Birthday to you!♫ ♬ ♪ ♩ ♪
go have a piece of cake while you're out and congratulate yourself for hanging in there!

Morning Everyone,
Happy Birthday to MaryBeth!! Hope you have a good one!
A Captain I know has a rummy computer today. Flags up in case you didn't see them, Crew. She's working on it and will be back shortly...
Hope KimBo is feeling better and hope to see you post soon. Cricket, Austin, Jen, Kuli, Rossella, SS, meanwhile, angelhair, Diane--I think that is current crew: love you all and have a great weekend. I'm studying and off to look at wedding sites for my daughter tomorrow. Love and Blessings to you all. Christina xo

Hello Cricket!! We have so much in common with the 'shufflin' and the passive aggressive tactics..It wears a person down if you let it...
My Birthday today !! I needed to go for routine mammo this AM and Dad sat in the corner scowling. Refused to turn the light on...told my hubby to just let him stew in the dark then. Sometimes I just need to get O-U-T ( im sure you do too)
Nice to check in this morning...sorry to hear of other friends struggling
wishing all the best as we find our way through these challenges.....have a great day.....Mary Beth

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