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Cricket thanks for giving us an update on Kimmy.

Good evening all,
I heard from Kimmy this morning through email and she's been sick and has been reading to keep up but hasn't felt up to posting. She said she would be posting here soon. I just wanted to share the update.

Circle of Friends, Circle of Love! How refreshing it is to be a part of this thread!

Linda-heart so sorry for what is going on.. stay close to Pa and cuddle him and let him know you are there with him and you love him. My heart goes out to you both.

Angelhair, love the quote.

Yesterday it felt as if life was coming at me like a big truck, like it was being served up faster than I could keep up. I've been feeling like this the last few days but then again I've been running my rear-end off doing this or that and I feel it's time to re-prioritize once again.

Dad was doing his subtle passive aggressive tactics with me again and caught me off guard but then I got wise to him and got out the ipod and shut him down so things are starting to balance out again.

Time for me to slow down and get re-grounded. I hope everyone is doing well and hanging in there. Lets all pat ourselves on the back for getting up another day to caregiving and for continuing to strive to be good people.
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricket Hugsღ

just thought to add a little quote

In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a
shame, two is a law firm and three or more is a congress.*

- John Adams*

LindaHeart, your body is being readjusted and the pain will go away. Can you sleep with a small neck roll wedged at the base of your skull? This will keep you in alignment as you sleep. I am so glad you are getting some helpful attention:)
Keep going to the sessions. Lalalala !! Love you xoxo
All you beautiful caregivers: take care and big hugs.

good evening .
my mind is blank .
nurse came saw dad , says his breathin is shallow , breathing stops for about 5 secs . breakin my heart .
went to phyiscal therapy yesterday and today , made my neck hurt even worst , came home few hrs ago i went straight to bed ., not sure if thats a good idea to go back there , my neck doesnt like this shit .
austin- it is a shame when her children doesnt comes around , youre a big sweetheart to spend time with her . morphine patch sounds like a good one . i just hope she doesnt have those pains anymore .
love you all circle of crews . :-)

Am a keeping my hopes up, but trying to be realistic too...we shall see....

bobbie, I am sorry to hear of your boat angles head pains, that sounds so terrible. I hope at least he can rest....Sometimes that is all there is....

Oh Yay, Jenster!!! You are amazing and strong. I love it when I see us overcoming the crappola and rising above everything that tries so hard to destroy us!
I want your autograph NOW. heehee I'm good for proof reading if you need assistance:D Free, of course.

Didn't eat dinner last night so I splurged on crepes for breakfast, with raspberries and sour cream. 1 egg, 1/3 cup milk, 1/3 cup bisquick. Simple, cook over low heat in a good frying pan with a little butter. Fill and roll up. One was burnt. Yum:)

Thought/Wisdom/Whatever, for the Day: When in doubt, do NOTHING. Wait. Let the world turn by itself. Listen. Listen some more. Love yourself. Notice that you are a body, mind, essence that is unique. You are You. That is special beyond your perception of it. Dwell on that for a longer time than you dwell on the shit.

Winding down my Anthropology class, and wow, I have learned so much: new perspectives and new interests. Love you all. Hugs and Kisses. Which reminds me: where are you, Rosella Bella, beautiful Italian Queen of Earth, Wind, Fire and Snow? Notice how the adjective list grows as you get to know someone? heehee

Christina xoxo

Jen! this is huge news! Love that you have sent the play and in the business we would say you are 'in play' haha.
you have creative content out there to get produced and that is velly velly big deal. man oh man I am so excited for you!

that was supposed to be: Cricket! I am going to email you.....

Good Morning Crew,
thanks SS for that kind statement about the circle of friends. Ya, I know that I would be down for the count without you guys.

Well, his headaches are from his brain swelling from the cancer. He got a heavy chemo yesterday and I thought that he would be in for a few days but I went to pick him up and put him back on the boat. He's finally asleep below in his cabin.

I am going to email you right this minute.

more later you guys.... love you all.

Mary Beth, welcome!
Dtflex, margaritas are my FAVORITE drink in the world!!
Cricket- LOVE the Shit Truck! Thanks for sharing.
Christina - you're too funny!! Always keep me laughing!
Bobbie - look at the amazing circle of friends you've created for us. I can't thank you enough....

Mom had total hip replacement surgery Tues and is doing great. Finally, some good news. Dad in the NH. They called me to say he's losing weight. Anyone want to comment on that? I said, good, he was too fat before anyway! Taking him out for ice cream tomorrow if the aids can help me get him in the car. I think he'll like that...:)

Have a good day, everyone.

Good morning friends!! I usually find time early in the morning to read everyones posts, before the day gets out of hand around here. I truly appreciate the support of each other .. I know you understand the frustration
and the highs and lows. Take care ...looking forward to hearing more about you!

Good Morning everyone. see Linda copied and pasted the truck..that's all you have to do, go Linda go!

So far so good this morning, no shit truck getting off on this exit! Jen it's good to hear from you....check your hugs.

Bobbieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! No email yet so I asked Christina to send you mine so you will have it. Please email me cause I want to come see you.

Oh Lord, dad let the dogs out, gotta go, bbl ================my feets running ===================================================================================================================

Ahh Austin, Prayers for Winnie! Ask the doctor (not the nurse) about the drip or there are patches that supposedly work really well for pain. The hospice doctor used the patches at the end for my MIL cause she was hurting so bad. :( Angels to you dear Austin. Pray for an Angel to sit with you and Winnie, it's never hurts to ask.

Just sent my play to a local theater group for a review.......

Meanwhile2, WOW, that is crazy! My horse was attacked by a large dog while I was riding her when I was a teenager and that was scary enough! I can't even imagine what it must have been like for poor Omaha being attacked by a mountain lion! She should be very skittish for a while. Lots of luck.

Gosh, Austin. What a great friend you are and you are Blessed a hundred times for your faithfulness. Praying God's Grace insulates her from the pain. What can be said? It is amazing to watch the process, the behaviors of the family, the slow motion of Winnie getting ready to transition. Some day we will all know what it's all about, but for now, we remain faithful. Big Hugs, Dearest Austin. Much Love. xo

Hi guys I have been reading today but kind of empty-my friend Winnie is still hanging in there but is in so much pain when they move her position it is heartbreaking they are going n increase her morphine but giving it in liguid-I am not sure how much it does for her I asked the nurse if they would put her on a morphine drip she said no-I promised her daughter I would go in and sit with her for a while each day mostly to give her daughter who works and goes to school some comfort-I have no idea where her other 4 children are or the grandkids. She must have a string heart-her blood sugar was over 400 today.

Pass the tequila, salt and lime.....Lets all get shit faced (and I'm not talking about a turd popping into your face as you're pulling their drawers down!)

Gah who is driving that shittruck and when do they take the exit ramp!!!

More tests, Dr said won't know till you know and not likely, at my age and statistics but better to find out. I hardly care. I almost got up and walked out of the building cause I am wasting peoples time. I just don't care...

Sometimes, Like now, I just wish I could get drunk...

| SHIT Truck ||l “”|””\__,_

heehee i love it !!!!! we best come on down there and shine them floors for ya :-) .bet we clean better than proffesionals who cleans carpets , cuz we are shitofranic ! we roll in em woo hoo . heehee
welcome to the boat mary ! . i love this site .
pa s in lala land , sleepin , ate few bites and not wantin any more . brings sadness toward me on a sunny day . sucks !
bobbie - he says i dont feel like im dying just sounds so good ! a friend of ours chemo didnt do any good but made him sick and shakin all the time . now he is done with chemo and says cancer is popppin up eles where . he said screw those chemo ! so he s doing the radiation , he looks better and gain weigh and his hair grew again , not shakin anymore . so maybe the radation is doing its job better than chemo . i just hope the lord heals ur boat angel and let u guys go for a good floating away to jamaica or where eles . big hugsss . xoxo
ok i best get my hindend a going , soon i ll have to go do physical therapy , phttt ,
rather have christina come and give me a good back rub .
jenny lou how are you today ? what did that stress test say ? meow at us real soon cuz we are worried about ya .
kuli - i hope u perk up real soon and i am sorry to hear ur dog is on his way out . he gets to go to heaven and feel much better . so many cats to chase after . thats heaven ! ...
you all have a good day and keep those chin up and have a tequila ! woot woot . yep christina ill have a shot and umm lime salt too , burp xoxox

Well, now I know what gets this Boat "Going". Bring on the Poo Chronicles. I know Rip has a copy. Captain, maybe you have the shit rules stowed with the ship rules. Copy paste, squish squish.
Cricket, I did not know your Dad did shit like that. Just call an outside service and don't try to clean it up yourself. Oh boy, let the shit games begin.
So, Diane, what kind of crappy evening did you have?
Hi marybschall, and welcome to a great but sometimes smelly Boat.
I think it's time for turkey balls and gator tails. Tequila, straight up. Forget the wimpy margarita mix.
Jen, how goes it? Captain, great comment attitude from Boat Angel!!! Yes!! No wonder you sound SO energized! Everyone--and you know who you are-- make it a great day. To Poo or not to Poo is not the question. To poo and not lock the dogs in the house to not poo is the solution. Cricket, wish I could be there with you right now... NOT! Just Kidding. Love love love you ALL! Christina xo

Thanks Bobbie, I might take you up on that. I need a day away from Dad, it's time.
Marybschall, Welcome to the Boat! You've definitely come to the right place....ITS A MADHOUSE! J/K but we do get pretty crazy at times :)

Your encouragement and award presentation are the awesome!
It feels so good to be part of this community....I love love your sense
of humor I swear I was already on the road toward seafood diet..(eww)
This site and forum has given me so much....wishing you all a GREAT day
I do feel welcome~ and I thank you :O)
Mary Beth

Oh man Cricket. Ya you need to come here....

Mary! welcome to the Grossed Out thread where we always welcome new innovations.
we would like to award you with the Newcomer Award for best idea involving:
See Food Abatement.

Yup, we have all been there, but I have to tell you, it never occurred to me to install a giant potted plant. Genius.


Now for my rant..... Dad locked one of the dogs in his room this morning, it took a dump on the carpet, Dad walks in it and does his lovely shuffle walk around the room, out into the kitchen, through the livingroom, this is what I wake up to! I am currently locked in my room having a cup of coffee and feeling like I don't give a shit about my house because it's a toilet now, once again....arrrgh! What a way to wake up! The only thing that makes me feel like not crying is thinking that I could be wiping Dad's Ass... thanks for letting me rant. Now it's time to adjust my attitude so I don't let this ruin my whole day..


| SHIT Truck ||l “”|””\__,_

well I just spit toast all over my laptop from reading Flex's post. She hammered me with:
Oh, she has progressed from shitting through my meals to crapping herself in the middle of the night. Lovely wake-up call.

Still laughing. And picking wet toast out of nooks and crannies.
I texted her to tell her how funny the post was and spit on my phone.

Cricket and Linda! thanks for doing a crew call. Nice job!
Ya, I know too how hard it is to write when totally down and you guys have seen me take time off and I have seen you. It's like we need to be a little stronger even to lean on each other. All of you guys are amazing and wonderful even the ones we don't hear from for awhile.

Kuli I am so sorry to hear about your dog. Awful. So much loss everywhere we turn. Angels to you and yours sweet Kuli.

Cricket, thanks for the ideas. I will get the stuff for that in the next few days. I took him to the hospital earlier today where he will go another few rounds with chemo and stay in for about 4 or 5 days. Thanks everyone for all of your kind words and ideas.
He said last night, I don't feel like I'm dying and I said let's roll with that then.

Meanwhile! glad Omaha is doing better. Those horses are some lucky so and sos to have you in their lives. You're something special meanwhile.

Jen! What's the news with the stress test? Love you Jen.

Christina! If your shoulder hurts do not fire shotgun! If you wanna shoot, use the pistolas.... like a .32 or something like that. Shotgun will hurt you long time.

Linda! love you too and ya, Pa will go up and down for a bit. Give him a kiss for me.

Cuz, I don't where you get them. Man. I Love it.

More later. Love you guys.

Oh my!! You fellow caregivers are making me laugh/cry with the deepest understanding!! I honestly thought I was the only one grossed out...I have assumed that I am just a bit OCD and you make me feel GREAT to know I am not alone...gotta pass along that I bought a too big live flowering plant to put smack in the middle ot the table so I dont see the carnage of my Dad eating as if a starved animal....and I have been brought to tears more than once when he whips out that nasty hankie and HONKS all over the food I have just finished lovingly preparing for our family. My new motto is that we blow our nose in the bathroom with the door shut :O)

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