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Christina, if your right shoulder is messed up don't shoot a shotgun! Shoot a 22 Riffle or something that doesn't have any kick to it. I grew up in the foothills of San Diego and used to go out target practicing several evenings a week. It's fun, you should enjoy it. A Ma ma ma chi chi chi gun gun gun! Stay away from that Rambette!

aww dang Diane :( you need a break! or at least a good nights sleep.

Mexican Jews

Two old Jewish men, Sid and Al, are sitting in a Mexican restaurant in Los Angeles one day. Sid asks Al, "Do you know of any people of our faith born and raised in Mexico?"

Al replies, "I don't know, let's ask our waiter."

When the waiter arrives, Al asks, "Are there any Mexican Jews?"

The waiter says, "I don't know, Senor, I ask the cooks." He returns from the kitchen a few minutes later and says, "No, Senor, the cook say no Mexican Jews."

Al isn't satisfied and asks, "Are you absolutely sure?"

The waiter, realizing he is dealing with 'Gringos,' replies, "I check once again, Senor."

While the waiter is away, Sid says, "I find it hard to believe that there are no Jews in Mexico. Our people are scattered everywhere."

The waiter returns and says, "Senor, the head cook say there is no Mexican Jews."

Al asks, "Are you certain? I just can't believe there are no Mexican Jews."

The exasperated waiter says, "Senor, I ask EVERYONE. All we have is Orange Jews, Grape Jews, Prune Jews and Tomato Jews!"

I'm sitting here feeling tired and pissed off. I was getting mom seated at the dinner table and she got distracted from sitting to hearing about the freakin racoon in the back yard. I told mom to forget the racoon and get herself seated. Well that started the f'ing water works and she cried through dinner and is still crying. I am just f'ing tired of having to be Miss Congeniality all the time. I'm walking on f'inf eggcrates all the time with her. I know this may seem trivial but right now it is annoying the crap out of me. Oh, she had progressed from shitting through my meals to crapping herself in the middle of the night. Lovely wake-up call.

Okay, I'm through venting for now.

Love to you all,

I found out we are going shooting this weekend. I have always wanted to learn how to shoot a shotgun ( and a machine gun, but later on the Rambette story), HOWEVER, I am afraid of damaging my already messed up right shoulder. Last year I spent weeks having therapy. What should I do?
Going to class now, but BBL. Hope you all have a nice evening, although it is night for most of you except those of us on the left coast. {{{JEN}}}!! In the beautiful Pacific NorthWest!! How did you do today? Love you, christina xo

Meanwhile2, I'm glad you are hanging out with us here and really enjoy your comments. It's good that Omaha is healing up and wanting to get out of the barn! If you can't hit the broad side of a barn at least you can shoot behind something to scare it off if you need to. It still might come in handy.

Everyone else is taking care of a person, and I'm looking after 2 geriatic horses, and now one injured horse. I feel a little guilty. The horses are so much easier. Omaha is quite the fighter. I had been putting him in a paddock by himself so he could have all night to eat. It has a 8 foot fence, with barb wire around the top. The cat managed to bite him through the fence. Omaha must have gone over to sniff, didn't know any better. If the cat had gotten in the paddock, poor Omaha wouldn't have stood a chance. We have had such a drought here, that the wildlife isn't doing so well. A small boy was attacked by a mountian lion couple of weeks ago.. His father drove it off with a small pocked knife. Little boy had to get his head stitched up. They haven't found that cat yet either. All the animals are getting locked in the big barn at night now. Except my 2 spoiled dogs that sleep in the living room. Omaha wanted out of his stall so bad this morning I let him out to the pasture for a couple of hours. He trotted around with Cory and grazed some. Bless his heart, his nose is quite swollen, and sore, but he still begs to get his ears scratched, and lets me treat his face.
Indio brought out a BIG gun, and showed me how to shoot it incase I need it. (now my shoulder hurts) and, I can't hit the broad side of the barn, so the cat is probably safe. Indio did follow the tracks up the side of the hill, until we lost them in the rocks.
Bobbi, has boat angel tried some vodka, and 7-up? It worked for my husband better than pain pills. Didn't make him as dopey as the pills either. I know it sounds bad, but it really did help. Even when he was so sick he couldn't keep down ensure, he could keep down the vodka and 7-up. He just sipped it. I suppose that wouldn't mix well with other medications. This was when Sam had quit everything else.
Kuli, I'm sorry to hear about your dog. I used to be able to handle anything, and the least little thing now is so much more upsetting. We get stretched a little thin I think. Hang in there. We are all pulling for you.
Thanks everyone for the concern about my horse. You are all so kind.

Linda "crews ankles" I love it! I don't think you offended Kimmy teasing about the spider... I sent her a typed one and she named it, haha Oh lord, get some rest before the weekend or make sure you have some liquid encouragement and can make it out to the barn. LOL

Kuli! There you are :) Sorry your depressed and the news about your dog.. our dogs are like our kids. I'm glad you are able to see someone and get some help. We are here to help you to...... dang it where's my rope! I will lasso that black cloud from you!
̿’ ̿’\̵͇̿̿\з=(•̪●)=ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿
didn't find my rope but found my guns and I'm looking to have a shootout!

thanks for posting you two,
XOXO Cricket

Yes, Cricket, I truly have been in the black hole. But am seeing a psych to try and help. Too much too soon. On top of dad dying in October, I found out in January that my dog is also dying. He was my life line so many times while caring for dad and that news has pushed me over the edge. I read the posts regularly but just don't even know what to write anymore. Will write when I can again. Thanks for all who keep me in their thoughts ~ Kuli

christina - i didnt see how u could offened anyone . none at all nanana zipo none . i guess we all get in the mood not to post for a while then bam theyre back !
ill try to at least post every night . kimmy yep i sure miss her ! maybe i offened her about her wolf spiders ? annt too . mmm where is she ? deefer ? waaaaaaaaaaaaa .
selfishsbiblings - big hugs to u dear . we all gotta hang on to eachother . crews angels .
austin ure our maxine :-) .
ok gotta get off here , meow at ya all later gators woof woof xoxoox

hi there you all ! , sorry for not meowin here lately . just havent felt like gettin on here . i sorry ...
jen - sure hope u pass the stress test with flying colors . hubby has that all the time and fails those test . u shall pass em ..
meanwhile - oh my godness , poor horsey ! does the horses go in th ebarn at night time and stay cover till morning ? u need a mean big ass dog that watches out for the horsey . would u like my bandit ? bet he ll run under ur bed lol .
cricket , love you girl and love those signs u put out , spinkle dust of love , i sure felt that love . :-) ....
christina - dont be depressed , ill come and feed u margaritta !
flex - i know about wanting to go shit when food is on the plate and lookin yummie to chow and ohhhh i gotta go poop hurry hurry grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr . been there and done that manytimes ! escscaly when we go out to eat he pulls that on me all the time . gawd i do not miss that part ! that sucks ..

pa is on the roller coaster . sunday afternoon he perked up and was like all fine daddy , alert and all . monday he was alert too then startin sleeping . today he looks like he s on his way out . scares me cuz i never know what he s up to . dying or getting better ? i know he s dying slowly ,
my daughter is comin over this evening and i am going to my old hometown and lookinside the house i grew up in , havent step a foot in there over 32 yrs , my brother owns that house says its empty now , i tol dhim i would love to look inside , tld me to come on over . plus i ll get to see his home that he s livin in now . just moved in a house down the road from our old home . he s been renting that old house for 32 yrs . many people comes and goes . prob cuz its haunted and nobody stays there very long lol , yep it is haunted , an old woman lives there and refuses to go to the other side , she never bothered me . guess she likes me and i knew she was around cuz i can feel it and often told her hi . she didnt like my brother and always made his hair stand . lol . anyways i hope i do see her today :-) ....

gloomy day out , rained realy good this morning and think its comin back here in a bit . gonna get cooler too .
my bil and mil will be coming friday and stay a whole weekend . great .... wish me luck ,
i best get off here and zoom around catch up on my housework .
bobbie - love u !! xoxoxo

Morning. Cricket, I think those of us who are thinking of others and trying to uplift are simply supposed to do that right now. I feel badly that others are not here anymore. Maybe they just want to be left alone. If I did go somewhere that offended anyone, I apologize.
Maybe we try too hard, Cricket.
Jen, will be thinking of you all day.
Bobbie, I remember from way back that green bean broth is supposed to have a detox effect in cancer patients. Might have told you already? I will try to find the source. Maybe Lionus Pauling?
well, I'm depressed now. Don't try to cheer me up, Cricket. Have a good day, who ever is reading. I really mean it. I care about you people. christina

That poor horsey I hope Omaha is doing ok, and healing fast!

Test later today, no idea, but have done one before so I know what to expect anyhow. bus up and walking over. know where it is.

Thank you all for the support and kind words....

Okay for those of you who haven't been commenting lately I am taking a quick survey.. If you haven't been posting because you are really in the black hole and can't find a word to say because you don't have the energy just post and say....
AYE it's a start and we need to know you are there.... come on now :)

Kim, come on Kimmy lets hear a peep from you. How is Dad and the apartment coming along or have you moved out there and locked yourself in? How is your little pet spidey "Hank" keeping you entertained? Are you and Hank sitting on the front porch singing "you and me against the world"? Wha? okay I'm being silly but lets hear from you!

Linda, You are really on my mind and everyone else is thinking about you as well. How are you? How is Pa? I am worried about you. Please take care of yourself, I know you are so upset and concerned about Pa that you probably aren't giving much thought to yourself right now so I'm just reminding you :) Prayers for you dear Linda-heart. Post if you can and if you can't we understand and just want you to know we love you and are here for you.

Bobbie my heart goes out to you and I pray that Angels surround you and hold you up. I checked out your boat diary and it looks great. Are you going to start blogging about your experiences? I hope so! I would love to read that. I feel sorry for your boat angel having those awful headaches. The headaches are most likely the detox affect from the cancer cells getting killed and the body isn't eliminating the dead cells fast enough.. I'm not pretending to be a doctor but I do have some thoughts that you might find helpful for him. To help his body to remove all the "die off" fluids would help, as much as possible. I know that's probably an issue to because he is most likely nauseous as well. If he can't get much down why not go for the green juice recipe I posted over at the recipe thread? It actually tastes good and doesn't taste like grass, it has apples in it and I find it really easy to drink and believe me going over to green juicing was something I never thought I would be able to do. If you use that recipe add a couple of broccoli stems (mild juice barely noticeable) because they are from the Cruciferous (cancer fighting) vegetables. This will help to flush out the toxins with the least amount of fluids and will give him a mega shot of healing energy. Chemical headaches are the worse and usually detoxing is the only way to help eliminate them. If you do this and he refuses to drink or can't then you drink it because it's really good for your health to. I drink these a big glass 16 oz at least and within 30 minutes any tired feelings are gone! It took me about 3 days before I noticed this but once it kicked in OH JOY, I haven't missed a single day of juicing since.

Good Morning Crew,

the boat angel is lying up here next to me as I write to you guys. He is having one of the pounding headaches. I mixed up some fresh ginger and sesame oil and put it on his forehead but so far no relief. It's worked in the past but not today. If anyone has any headache ideas.... He has just started getting these with the last round of chemo.

I have been playing with the bigboatdiary dot blogspot dot com and am going to try and take my mind off of the developments here by writing there as well as here for a bit. Maybe some of you guys might give it a look and let me know what you think.

Nothing but a big pic of the boat as of yet but hopefully I will be motivated to write write write....

Meanwhile! how awful with the mountain lion. Omaha had to have put up a huge fight to still be standing. Bless his heart and yours too. Angels to all that suffer. Horses, Cats, Dogs, the Demented the Sick and US.

Cricket! that's hilarious with Old Dude luring you young chicks back to see him on the hopper. Shoulda baked Old Dude an ExLax cake......

Christina! that book sounds good... am going to look for it.

All the folks that Flex mentioned... ya! where are you? check in and let us know you're ok.

Off to make something that he might be able to drink or eat...

Love you guys way more than you'll ever know.

Wow. Did they capture the mountain lion? Quick healing for Omaha:) xo
How are you doing, meanwhile? Hugs to you. Night night.

Poor Omaha! I hope he makes a speedy recovery. Poor sweet baby...give him lots of hugs and kisses from his "aunty" in SC

Your not going to believe this, but Omaha, was attacked by a mountain lion. It bit him on the face, punctured the sinus cavity, and crushed the bones in his nose. Despite his injuries, he is one lucky horse. The vet spent a couple of hours cleaning his face up. Yesterday was really worried, but today, he is doing better. Eating, and drinking, breathing better. Not out of the woods yet, but good chance for a full recovery. Poor thing, the punture wounds in his face make a whistling sound when he breathes.

Hey Y'all,

I've been in the upstate doing a familiarization tour. I get home at 9pm and guess what mom wanted as soon as I started eating dinner. When she has to "go" she needs to go immediately. She has dementia so I dont think she does it intentionally.

Jen, good luck tomorrow with the stress test. Don't lose hope. Whatever the outcome of the test, it can be treated and managed,

Christina & Cricket, you ladies are the cheer leaders with your positive thoughts and advice, prayers and philosophy. Thank you.

Miz, Kimmie, Kuli, Barb, Ann, etc, where are you?

Bobbie, it was good to get your text today. I agree, you are the "boat angel". You were a life saving angels for all of us.

Sorry guys, I have to go. My friend is calling me with her family crisis. Have a good night dear ones.

Love ya,

Gross, Cricket! I still think with timing, Diane will be able to have her dinner in peace. I know about IBS and lots of other initials. It is painful and unpredictably predictable. Diane, does your Mom have IBS?
We give Mother Metamucil in the morning and the next day alternate with Senna tablets. Seems to work very well to regulate her, especially if given at the same time each day. However, she is is depends now most of the time, as she cannot communicate when she has to go, but I think the caregivers are very good about taking her at the same time before she makes a mess. Some are not that lucky:(
{{{{{JEN}}}}} How are you feeling today? Good luck tomorrow with your stress test. Please take it easy. We love you mucho, Punkin.
Rosella Bella, hope you got some rest. I am reading Glenn Meade's newest book, "The Second Messiah", and it takes place in Israel and Italy. So good: archaeologists, murder and new DS scroll that blows the Bible out of the water! Right up my alley. Not the murder part. Yikes. In between studying primate evolution I'm reading that. Enjoying keeping my NY resolution about reading, and I didn't even realize it! Whoo Hoo! Except I am not doing very well on the losing 30 pounds resolution. Give me another apple, please, and hold the tequila, but give me some cheese with my whine.
Hey, you just call out my name, and you know wherever I am, I'll come running... to see you again. Winter spring Summer or Fa--all, All you have to do is CA--ALL, and I'll BE THERE, ( yes I will) You've got a Friend. Later Gators, Hugs xo

You certainly deserve it, angelhair, just for being you! Not any other reason!
We all do, and I hope everyone believes it. Even if someone does not have a husband or boyfriend to rub your back, you can soak your feet in Epsom salts, or soak in the tub with essence of lavender, line the tub with candles and put Adelle on. Heaven:) three little letters: S P A.

aww Angelhair, that's awesome!

Diane, I will be serious this time... it might not hurt to give Mother a little something to eat then put her on the toilet. The digestive system turns on when we start chewing and for some people once it's turned on they need to get there in a hurry, it sounds like she might be this type. Poor thing. She might be where you got your IBS from. BTW, should I ask how you are doing with this?

Okay once a long time ago I was visiting a friend and she says to me "I need to go over to the old guys house down the street to give him this article" then asked me if I wanted to go so I said okay sure. We get to his door and she rings the doorbell and says "Frank? It's Wilma, are you there?" We hear "Come on in, I'm in the back" we looked at each other and figured we had each other so it was safe enough, so we go inside. He shouts from the back of the house "Come on back" so we walk through the living room and Wilma says where are you? He says "keep on coming this way I'm back here" we go down this long dark hall and we hear him say "keep coming, you're almost here" so we veer off and into a bedroom where we can hear his voice coming from. We look around and can't see him anywhere then he pokes his head around the corner of his bathroom and I am with the most devious grin on his face and says "I just couldn't get off the pot cause I feel a big one coming"!!! Wilma and I turned and looked at each other and we didn't say one word, we spun around on our heels and ran out of the house laughing so hard that when we reached the front yard we both fell down on the lawn holding our sides from laughing so hard! That man was a crazy old hoot if ever there was one! He got us both but good and he knew it! LOL

I have to have the best husband ever. I was sick the other day, but I was planning to give my hubby a back rub because of the long hours he worked, but he surprised me and said "No, you aren't feeling well, it's your turn for a back rub." I was so tickled. It's those little things that make you really appreciate each other.

Hey Hercules! Isn't it amazing how poo so often is the topic of discussion here? Reminds me of headbanger. sniff sniff :(
I like the direct approach, with issues like this, or most any issue. ( Cricket--that is the bitch rep I was talking about. How my German heritage directness translates to bitch is also beyond me. It's not like I was hitler. Yawoll.
Diane, wish I could do this for you, but glad I don't have to. She does not have advanced dementia, right? You can have a conversation with her? She is exhibiting passive aggressive behavior. Don't some dogs also do this with the crappola thing? and how do the Dog Whisperers deal with it? I don't know and don't want to know because I am a definite cat person and have no patience with it. I can clean a litter box, and I think it is very thoughtful of cats to use them. Amazing, actually, when they could just go anywhere at anytime in the house.
Ok, this is what I would do. It might sound a bit mean but it is not as mean as passive aggressive shit. Stand in front of her chair before dinner--not the dining chair, but her wheel chair or where she sits all day. Get in her face and say, "Mom, you need to go to the bathroom BEFORE we sit down for dinner". It is a slight shift in the shit pattern and should really not make that big a difference. It is a simple ploy. Additionally, I would tell her, "we are not going to the table until you have done your shit in the bathroom". Then, I would ask her if she understands and agrees that it is a disturbance to the dinner hour, and please put the focus on enjoying dinner and not the outcome. Outgo. Whatever.
Hope this does not offend anyone. I think some of them want to comply, but they get confused and need to be reminded. I hope it is that simple. Let us know, but not at dinnertime. Love you, Diane!!!!!!! Hugs, xoxo

Bobbie it has the A Cricketinafryingpan... sorry if I put "the" by mistake. please try again :)... I think you are the real boat Angel :) but either way there is definitely Angels on the boat.

Christina, Anyone who would think you are a "bitch" is out of their friggin' mind. Damn people! The story of "nana kitty" is precious.

Diane, I have a suggestion.. try to picture this.. put Momma in one of those ol' timey long underwear, the kind with the flap on the back, then get a porta-potty on wheels.. then when you go to get her up tell her it's time for her "air bath", drop the flap sit her on the porta-potty and wheel her to the kitchen table for her meal.. then you go get a clothes pin and put it on your nose and sit down for a nice meal. Of course you'd have to have "fudge" for dessert when she was done. Hah, OMG, sorry but when things get bad I turn into a Jokester.

Jen, don't give up on your dreams!

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Whoo Hoo, SS! Bring it to a Boil! Yea, I kind of overdid it yesterday, but the heart thing is also an issue here. btw: Cricket's name looks like "crickeTINA", I remember when she first posted; her name looked like mine and also has an "FP" in it. I was worried. Wha haha. But, she has turned out to be OK, right? She does all those cute pictures of spiders and cavemen. Too cute for words:) heehee
I scream out for ALL of you hurting, Lord Have MERCY! PLEASE! What has become tedious and long-suffering is effecting everyone's health. What can we do when we cannot physically detach and are not naturally selfish? Ha! it is irony, too sad to fathom. We must do for ourselves what we do for others: care well.
Austin, I had a cat before this one, who was my "nana kitty". She stayed by me when I would have 18 hour bouts of vomiting because of intestinal blockage. Her name was Mittens and she died very young of mast cells in 2005. She would sit at the foot of bed of whoever was sick and never leave unless that person got up. She did this from the first night we had her in 1996. I still cry over her. Like right now.
Well, I am thinking of you all and praying for healing, mercy, peace, healthy hearts, happy hearts, relieved hearts. We need a miracle.
Have a good day, I send you all big hugs of love and comfort. Christina xo

I had forgotten about the festive holiday Boils....
Way to go SS

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