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Bobbie,I am sorry to hear of your boat pals diagnoses...If there isn't anything to do, do everything and make every day worth having for both of you and for his family...

Have a Happy Valentines Day everyone....or decent or not too chokey, you know whatever....

Thanks Crew for the support. It is certainly appreciated.

I have tried talking alternatives with him but he is not very receptive. I know that the disease has a huge grip on him and he feels so bad he has a hard time understanding that there might be something out there other than conventional Western medicine that may work.

He is supposed to tell his family this week and maybe with the rest of them onboard we can get him thinking about another way to go. I know that I am not in the best shape to be caregiving because my heart is broken in so many pieces due to the last few years but I am doing my best.

He's awake now.. had a tough day yesterday. Both of us emotional and crying and him with insane pain from the headaches.
He just asked after all of you here because I have told him little stories about you all over the past few months. He thinks that you all are heros and said to tell you all hello.

Maxine! you are an angel to sit with your friend Winnie. she knows.

Cricket! thanks for the additional info and we will do our best.

Hannalee! have a great time on the road with the dogs! I know about mental illness and dementia caregiving because that is what I faced with my mom. Really screwed me up and that's no joke. You cope the best way you can and that is all you can do. Mental health 'professionals' don't get it when we try to speak up for ourselves in the case of mentally ill mothers. We are the villains and our mothers are the saints.
The already difficult mother/daughter dance is made even more so many times when we try and get help.

As far as the drugs are concerned, I used Namenda on mom and it really helped her in the first few years. Later on I added Aricept and that helped too. No kidding and it's worth it to go though the time and trouble because the nasty behavior subsided a LOT.

Rossella! stay warm and I hope that one day we can hang out on the boat! I still need you to polish the bronze and brass! I will make you good coffee!

Linda! love you and thanks for the texts and love. kiss Pa for me.

Everybody!! check in and let us all know how you all are. We do worry you know!

Time for me to make the Macrobiotic morning drink.....

love you guys more than you'll ever know.

My friend Winnie is still holding on but it will not be long her daughter will have them start a morphine drip soon -she seems to have pain her legs are losing circ-ulation and that will be painful but she wants to be there when they start the drip because then it will not be long I am not sure she knows I am there when I hold her hand but she might,

Rossella, be careful in the snow. Glad for you it's almost over for the time. We are getting some snow, I hope we'll get enough that I can wash the dogs and they won't get real muddy again before we leave. I have to sleep with them... I guess I better get over not having dirt in the bed.

Rossella, I really relate to what you said about your mother not being the mother you knew any more and you're just taking care of a body, and "it has to be done." That feeling has to be universal at times, unless someone is lucky enough to be taking care of someone who is still mentally intact, and kind and grateful. That must be a small minority. I certainly have those feelings. But I realized that I myself made a big mistake imagining that the person I'm taking care of is another person, not my mother--that she ate my mother. Doing that, I'm risking hurting her on the rare occasion when she is present enough to talk with me. What I'm trying to do now is act as though it's always her, but she's trapped inside a witch! The reason I've been able to do that is now and then her real personality pokes through. And sometimes, I think she understands enough to feel really bad. I don't want her to feel that way no matter what I have to do, so, appropos of dementia, I've been thinking about that acronym, "ARE" (because it's all new to me, we didn't see this coming, because she was so competent until all these last hospitalizations). That is, don't Argue, Reason, or Explain, something I'm sure you are 100 percent familiar with. She is getting so bad I just feel so much pity for her. I hope she doesn't know. My job is now acting, acting like I understand whatever it is she's trying to tell me lately. And there's nothing wrong. Welcome to the world of caring for a dementia patient.

She had this paranoia thing about 8 years ago. That time I think it was clearly her bipolar disease. We've seen her rocket back and forth for decades. If only someone had helped us. Even when we begged as a family for someone to take our part with her, it didn't work. I remember a family therapist telling my sister: you don't like it when she talks. When she doesn't talk, you don't like it. She just didn't understand, which is malpractice for someone in that field as far as I'm concerned. And I don't mean by that that I buy the whole mental health circus, how we interpret what people do and when we call it mental illness. However, in my mother's case, we saw such distinct, alternating personality changes, and her weight would bounce up and down by about 40 or 50 pounds probably every year or two. She'd have gotten thin, and that's when she'd have a giddy, grandiose episode of weeks or months where she was going to do everything she'd always wanted to do, and everything was going to be different. She finally understood EVERYTHING. Then she would descend, regain that weight, never talk, never want to go out. Etc.

Well, now I know we will see other things like that again... Need to read a lot about Alz, etc. She has kind of chosen so far not to be evaluated. Not because she's unrealistic, I think, I think she just doesn't see the point. We will just do everything we can exactly as we would if we knew for sure. Except for drugs, which sound like they are not much help, anyway.

I'm trying to get ready for my trip but I'm so tired. I can only do a little every day. I'm dragging myself out of bed every day, use the snooze alarm a lot more than ever, and before I know it, we have some appointment and then it's 8 pm again. I have to think of something my mother will eat. I just wish I could get everything ready one day and then rest. I'm afraid of being too tired to actually leave. I do take some naps but I can't recover. I'm having lots of back and neck pain all of a sudden. Dammit! Still, I believe I'll recover once on the road.... if I have lots of coffee.

Bobbie, I wish you the best of luck to help your boat angel. Some of those alternative approaches do seem to help, I've heard. In Phoenix we have Dr. Andrew Weil's clinic, and he's definitely at the top of the list of blended conventional/alternative therapies.

Thank you all so much for being there, it's great to just say these things even if no one can actually DO anything about it. Love, Hannalee

Thanks for the Birthday wishes everyone.

Bobbie, Sorry for the bad news. For information about other options.. Check out The "Gerson Miracle" and the film that Dana Reeves did called "the new medicine" there are alternative treatments that actually have a better success rate than traditional medicine. You can get both films on Netflix. Also, Chris Karr's film and book on how she beat her Cancer is awesome, Chris has been a guest on Oprah and is currently on TV in a new Health Show, she documented her own cancer journey and the alternative approach she took back to good health. She had stage IV Liver and Lung Cancer that was inoperable and untreatable according to the doctors. There is a Video at her site. She is very credible and has a ton of professionals endorsing her work. Good luck and if I can help you find any information let me know. Hugs and prayers to both you and your Boat Angel. xoxox Cricket

oh bobbie i so sorry . so very sorry .
i have read somwhere where a lady had cancer she she drank those green stuff fluid and she is still livin to this day . where did i see that at ? anybody knows ??? maybe bobbie can fix him up ?
prayers for you bobbie and ur sweet angel , love tons xoxo

Happy Birthday Cricket!

Happy Anniversary to the Grossed Out Thread!
these past 2 years have almost killed me.
Just found out that his cancer is progressing, treatments not working. this is not a very happy boat right now.
love you guys more than you'll ever know.

hello u all . dad refuse to eat today , only choc milk s all he wants ,
i went to the dr today and yep my back is in a mess . cant spell em out cuz im not sure how to spell it . so just plaine old woman i have just beacme and will have to do therapy this weds to get me back in shape . im crying about that cuz im afraid its gonne tear me up more . but anyways thats why we have painpills for . i didnt take any painpills befoere going cuz i realy wanted to say ow when he touches my back . well ow ow ow . then after wards im like oh gawd i dont feel good , i just hurt all over , came home and pop em painpills and now im ready to go walk my dogs , lalalala . they help lift me up and keep a going so thats a good .
love you all and meow at ya all later .
cricket lalala its ur birthday lalala . wooohooo margaritta tnite for ya :-) . christina will cook up some gator tails yummie yum .

Good morning to every Crew Member, old and new, caregivers still or beyond.
It is the second Anniversary of Grossed Out, thousands of posts and many situations have been recorded here. The support and camaraderie I have experienced for over a year has truly helped me to process the past hurts I had in my family, and I am forever grateful. It is good to encourage others, as it makes us stronger and more empathetic. It takes our minds off our own problems for awhile, and we find that we are never alone; there is a voice of understanding, and an ear that listens and responds.
I want to wish my precious friend, Cricket, a very Happy Birthday today, February 13! Whoo Hoo!! You Go Girl!! Love you very much:) Sing to you later.
To the Captain and all who have supported this thread with Love, Concern, Advice, Silliness, and yes, lots of Grossness: Congratulations to US, Congratulations to US, Congratulations Wonderful CAREGIVERS.....
Congratulations TOOOOOOO UUUUUUUSSSSS!! Whoo Hoo!!
Love you all. Make it a Great Day!
Back to studying the order of Primates now. and guess what? You are related to one!! Maybe you ARE ONE!! So Cute!
Hugs and Endless Love,
Christina xoxo

Codger, this was born as a "grossed out" thread and it developed in one thousand directions, but every now and then we tell each other our gross stories, in order to know that we are not alone in dealing with this. One of our friends; Headbanger, several months ago wrote an incredibly funny list of poops (all kinds of poops) with all the comments relevant to them. If you are interested, I can copy and paste for you.
Cricket what you wrote about us caregivers was really beautiful. When I am in my worst moments I say to myself more or less the same things; sometimes though, I just have a feeling of rebellion. Because my mother is no more my mother and sometimes, forgive me if I am cruel, it seems to me I am taking care of a body only. But not of my mother. And I really can't see the beauty of that, but I go on thinking that "it must be done" and that's it.
Hannah, the persecution complex is typical of dementia/Alz. My mother watches TV and she thinks that people on TV are angry at her and want her to leave. While we drive in the car she looks around and says: "that lady is eyeing us. What have we done?" and so on. I think that they feel their life is no more under their control so they get more and more scared!
Angel congrats for all that stock!!!! I would stock pasta and tomatoes! I eat it almost every day.
Snow is going to end... Good for us!

Hanna, no not at all. I'm glad your mom doesn't have a penis also, hehe okay i'm getting giddy... nighty night.

And she doesn't know how to masterbate. Actually true. Or she says so.

Cricket, I hope you don't think I have a problem with your ejaculating story. It's another one of those priceless gems. However, I'm glad now my mom doesn't have a penis.

Amen to that Sheila! Welcome to the newbie's who have joined us.. like OldCodger.

Okay I admit that I can't remember who it was that said that their husband had done that in the basement (ejaculated on her clean panties in the laundry basket) but I will never forget the story because (sorry) but it made me laugh so hard that I almost fell out of my chair! And that was only part of that story!!

I am so appreciative when someone shares their horrid stories like that, I mean because they have gotten to the point where they can look back and actually share them even if they still cringe a little while doing so.. it makes the rest of us know we are not alone and I admire their guts! Lets face it we all know how embarrassing some of the behaviors our loved ones can be. Like poor Kimmy experienced when she and her Husband were relaxing in front of the TV when out of nowhere her Dad speaks up while standing bottomless in the doorway of the room. LOL Stories like that are priceless! They keep me going. Laughter is good medicine and that's my two cents! So please make me laugh, share more of your horror stories. I know you all have them! I have a few of my own I could repeat as well but first I need to know others want to share.
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricket Hugsღ

Welcome to the newbies. Kelly Bean, nice to see you after such a long time away. I know what you mean about comments from family members not being true, but they still knock the wind out of you. I've been having nightmares for the last week with a lot of these false accusations running through my head. These nightmares just had me wake up this morning in a foul mood that I can't seem to throw off. I thought I had put these emotions to rest, yet my subconcious is bringing them up again.
Kelly, on the financial side, I'm not sure transfering the condo to your name will help with medicaid. There is a three or five year penalty period for transfering property. You might want to check into this further.

My exercise so far today has been grocery shopping and eating. Just ate too many cookies. Another side effect of the nightmares since I am an emotional eater.

Rossella, I hope you are staying warm in your "snow white" countryside. I hope the donkeys are nice and warm in a barn too.

Bobbie, I hope you and the boat angel will get to cruise the caribbean. So many beautiful islands and great people. Just be safe! My brother job is in the process of ending. Maybe you should take him as your captain so you can enjoy the trip.

Well my dear friends, I still ned to do a few things so I had best get my arse off this computer. I hope you are all have sunny days. It is beautiful here in SC, but very chilly for us. I'll be thinking of you all.

Love ya,

angelhair, MAJOR workout! I'm guessing you live far from stores??? Or, you are preparing for a national disaster? I hope, in the latter case, that doesn't happen!!! When I do something like that, I like to think that I am "scaring away" whatever it is I'm preparing for! :-) Like...we bought a 2nd snowblower this year, one that I'm not "afraid" to, guess what??? We haven't even had enough snow to use it! See, it worked! If you don't end up needing all that food, you can always have a very large party for friends, family, and neighbors! :-)

Angelhair, why do you have to lug all that food into your home?

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Ucantcare2much tell me about it. I can tell when I don't get my workout in because I feel so tired and tend to drag a bit throughout my day. Speaking of exercise, My husband and I decided to use our tax return for food storage because if anything happened that we couldn't get to the store we would be up a creek without a paddle. Anyway, My husband and I hauled thirty-two 50lb bags of flour, six 25lb bags of pinto beans, six 25lb bags of rice, eight 25lb bags of sugar, and six 25lb bags of salt, a crate of yeast, two five gallon drums of honey, and a bunch of other miscellaneous items down to our basement and it only took one hour. Major workout!

Angelhair, you are so right...exercise is an excellent way to deal with stress. I try to walk 3 miles- 5 days/week, of course, at times "things" get in the way, and when I don't get to walk, I really notice it both mentally and physically! I am also a migraine sufferer, so It helps with that as well. Nothing like an hour of good ol' fresh air!..even the cold air here in MI. right now! :-)


Greetings and Salutations Fellow Caregivers,

I know, It's been a long time. *Hugs* to everyone. As Bobbi mentioned, yes I've put mom in a NH finally. Before Xmas she started getting violent and then told APS that I was abusing her. The report came back "unfounded", but it scared the bejeezus out of me. With her doctors, conservator and social workers help, I was able to place her in a top rated facility here in the city. Lots of staff and the other residents are taken care of. Mom keeps thinking she's coming home, of course, not too much we can do about that at this point.

A lot of people I know are now asking me whats wrong with me. They say i seem too quiet etc. I told them "you're getting to know the real me". The quiet Kelley that just sits back and chills out. They didn't think me ranting and raving all the time was normal did they? =D

Only dark spot to all this. My moms conservator has decided that she is going to file for medicaid under the family caregiver clause. This means that, if approved, she is going to have the condo transferred into my name to protect from having to sell it off for moms care. My brother found out(hes not eligible). He told me that I don't deserve it. I asked him, "giving up 3 1/2 years of my life mean nothing?". "No it doesn't, it's like your're stealing her money". I mean really?

This just shows how little people care to know or participate in the well-being of their family. I can understand when a child feels helpless in caring for their parent and feels someone else is better suited. Ok got that. But they overstep a line when they make comments like that. I'm still trying to overcome a lot of the mental issues i've gained from taking care of mom. I know in my head that what he said wasnt true. We all know this. But it still was a huge blow.

oldcodget2 - yep like meanwhile said it makes perfect sense . welcome ! theres plenty things here that makes sense . one time a person ask me if i was shitofranic . well hell yes i am in fact we all are . havin a elders that drives us insane well phhht of course !
i hear ya about them wanting to share the food lol . uhhh no thanks . and they grab ur hands too ! eeek . bless thier heart . alot oftime i give dad the baby wipes and tel him wipe ur hands pa . over the years of pokin his fingers to collect blood to ck sugar , well now all his fingers are so senstive and cries when i wash his hands very easy . poor guy .
anyways hang around and welcome ! xoxox

Old codger, it makes perfect sense.

I have to laugh at MYSELF - I entered this conversation without realizing there were over 21,000 entries and I had only read the first page!!! DUH!!! Sorry everyone. My post now makes NO sense whatsoever, ha ha ha!

MY MIL doesn't always wash her hands after 'going.' I have noticed this a LOT - even when she uses public restrooms - and these are the absolute WORST. YUK! Does make one a bit nervous when she tries to cook something to share with us. Thankfully, this isn't very often anymore. :0)

I hear the dumbest most hilarious story.
Driving along a Wisconsin highway, a woman called 911 to report a drunk driver. 'Somebody's really drunk driving down Granton Road,' she said, according to Fox News. The dispatcher, trying to find the incident's location, replied, 'Okay, are you behind them?' The woman cut her off: 'No, I am them.' It turned out, the Wisconsin lady, who had a blood alcohol level of 0.1 per cent, had called to alert the authorities that she was under the influence; she was ordered to pull over and later arrested by police.

Bobbie it is always nice when you check in-almost 2 years now you have been our captain-seems like a lifetime ago.

Ejaculating..... ...... ..... !

I guess I will be spared that..... Thanks, Cricket, for that image....

ahh screw it! Shitzofrantic!

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