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Go Giants.

Hey SSibs, I don't care who's playing, since it's not the Steelers or Saints. So I'll say, Go, Ribs and Chicken Wing Dings! That 's my gameplan for Sunday, and hoping our library is empty and quiet! WhooHoo!! Enjoy, everyone. I hope your Patriot's win. I think hubby is betting on them. xo

Morning. I've been up for a while and trying to figure out the new format. Moving forward. Prayers for Boat Angel ongoing. There is a plan and a purpose for all, and that which is bigger than we are, we hold positive loving thoughts.
Speaking of, if it is 'not too windy today', someone's visiting my Mother, who has not looked or behaved well the past week. Lots of hugs and kisses, attention, and we do our best.
I appreciate everyone here and think of all as friends who have been gathered supernaturally as a Heavenly gift. There is safety and accumulated Blessings in numbers. The more the hairier, and all that jazz.
I am rewarding myself with a movie today, my neighbor going with. Kids coming by tonight to show us her ring and video of the proposal. It's beautiful today, hope you all make it a great day whatever you're doing: on a boat or with a goat, in a car or in a bar, with a dog or in the fog, with red hair or with a bear, if you're a Cricket, slow down so you don't get a ticket. Wha ha ha! Love you all, Christina xo

Selfish Sibs is alive. Planning the spend down to medicaid. Dad doesn't know he's been "signed in" to NH. I dread that day. Taking mom out for a lunch today for a treat.
Have a good weekend everyone.

GO PATS!!! (that should get some of you posting!!)

Bobbie great hearing from you-it has been almost 2 years can you believe it. I see they took away the stars-I miss them but the other threads did not have them except for one-one of our group. Kellybean-a voice from the past-she was n when I found this while still a caregiver about 4 years ago. The boat angel is lucky to have you to take care of him. You are on my mind every day-you are one special person.

Man, I used to actually proofread these posts before I hit the submit button. Looks like I have to get back in that habit too!
hope everybody's day is not too hard...


Good Morning Crew,
just got back from taking the boat angel to the hosp for 2 or 3 more rounds of chemo. drove back to the boat crying. man oh man. Prayers and positive vibes please. It's not looking that great.
Now I have a few days to work on the boat so I will handle some more deck repairs etc etc.

Cricket gets a B, Christina sits for her mid term, wow you women are some smart ones. Oroud to know you!
Cricket I am going to look up your Green juice. I have been juicing for the angel and myself and I can feel the difference and the difference in my skin is remarkable. Love the juice. Have tow Omegas, one is the centrifigal and the other is the grinding type for wheatgrass, etc. The Centrifgal looks like R2D2 sitting on the counter. I never put it away and the other is in storage.... someday will have enough space again I guess...

Austin! hope you find a good man to hang out with! you are a wonderful person.

rossella! wow, you are getting ready for the big storm! I always loved being snowed in. It was fun, but then again I didn't have a mama to take care of in the middle of the whole thing. Hope it all works out so you don't have stress!!

Linda! love you sis and am sorry that Pa is declining. Like I have mentioned before, it is a strangely beautiful process because you know that they are headed to a better place and he will see your mom and he won't hurt anymore.
After my daddy died, my mom said that he came to her in a dream and he was like he was when they met. He was young and healthy again. It gave her such peace of mind.

Golf! glad you posted and there's no way you can lose your seat on this here boat! It was good to hear form you though! vent and live!

Jen! I love the red! Enjoy flying your red flag! love you gurl. come and get on this boat.

I wonder about annt too and so many of the crew. Ones who have lost the ones they were caring for and the ones who are so sad. Check in and let us know how you all are doing!
Speaking of which... Kellybean called me the other evening! She is better and has finally placed her mom in a NH. It was time and had been time for a LONG time. Kellybean is wiped out but has a good plan for her 'New Normal'.

Miz! whassup! post girl and let everybody know how you are doing!

We continue to have a great crew and I know that I am grateful to be able to wake up and check in to see what you incredible people are up to.
Cuz! I read all of your jokes to the boat angel. Not much makes him laugh these days but your jokes always do the trick. That and we always watch a funny movie from the redbox.
he especially like the joke about the man with only one arm.
'my balls itch...' oh yeah......

ok, off to drink this here coffee and get to work.
love you guys way more than you'll ever know.


Linda -God has not sent me a man yet- keep hopeing - I am not a patient person.

And went red as well. looks crazy but I like it, one wash in regular shampoo to soften it and it'll be fine.

Gonna put down the new carpet/rug in fp room tomorrow while he is at adult day health. Hope it helps some with the stink. maybe now that he is permanently in Depends, less urine will hit the floor. we shall see...or smell. and then...nope...he had diarrhea some time today and it is all over the rug...well so we start fresh with a new one and he can befoul that. It is what it is...

Pro choice here, glad the baby was healthy after all that...

meanwhile - i love what u just did , horses and those good walks and horse appreciate you to walk side by side . i bet u talk to him too dont ya . we all here are so kinded heart i tell ya !
austin - did u find the man u fell in love with yet ? gone out to eat here lately ? takes ur food to take home to eat later lol lol . men men men !!

hey i love that dentist joke lol . that made me smile .
angelhair - love what u posetd , i read em agin and again ,

christina - you better get u some b grades . elvis be comin back in and sing u some bbbbb then slip an a along there too . heeheee , u did nails today ! hell i did too , clip pa s toenails and smother his feet with coconut oil . ohhhhhhhhhhhh felt so good . was going to do his finger nails then but didnt cuz my sis in law andmy aunt stop by , had a good visit ...

cricket - happy for u to get an b , thats is realy close to an a . if it was me i be havin an f lalala , i do not care , i dislike school . always have and always will . walk in the school building im sick already ! beh like jen would say .... :-)

rossella - more cats will come by and meow at ya . few more dogs too . you have a big heart ! opens ur arms to any creature god created for u . hope you stay warm and have plenty of cigg and food till spring rolls in .

ground hog just woke up the wrong side of bed and says we re havin 6 more weeks of winter . well hell .

nurse came and said pa is declinin more and i said ure talkin months ? she said no im talking weeks . :-( . broke my heart and sis just sobb and sobb . wow , happens so fast .....
bro s all heart broken cuz he lives so far away ... i think im going to tell him to come up soon . just a feeling i have ..
i love each one of you guys . i think about each one of you everyday . where is annt ???? selfishsibblings , jenny louuuuu . pamela !!!! i always see her name at the first page , top line aww lord !! love it and i sure miss her .

goodnight folks and will try to post again soon . it seems i dont have time to be on puter anymore . wow go go go .. goodnight xoxoxo

I wish you warmth from the inside and I'll see you in Rome. I'll be flying by in my dreams. Look up and you'll think you see a shooting star. And no, Cricket, I will Not be on a broom. "O Solo Mio, it's cold up here, Rosella Bella, be of good cheer, Tomorrow, it WILL be warm, you'll do some swimming, no MORRRRe forelorn"
Or something like that. I know, now you'll be humming that tune off and on a day and into the shower. Elvis just left the building.
I just gave Mother her manicure while she talked to some guy she did not want to be in her room. She held still and her nails are perfect.
Too cold here for her walk. We had a pear and now she is starting to wake up.
Have a good evening y'all. xo

Cricket how do you manage to make all those drawings.
Girls, I had 20 cats at the beginning of 2010. I lost 15! (between the ones who live at home and the others who live outside, of course). I think it's understandable that I love more the ones who live inside, we have a stronger relationship. I lost almost all of them! Very hard those 2 years, and those last months especially.
It's very cold here, we are awaiting the snow. Tomorrow I am going to Rome and I hope I can take some pictures of Rome under the snow, it should be beautiful. I had 5 sweaters on top of another today, and the anorak. I looked like the Michelin Man. I couldn't even move. I bought pellets, kerosene, food because we could be isolated the next days.
My mother the Iron Woman doesn't even feel the cold.

Hi Everyone,
I checked out the Green juice! Is that what you have been living on this last week? Super energy, Cricket. Congratulations on your test. I took my midterm in Bio Anthropology this morning. Mostly essay and it was scary but fun:)
Golf, so nice to see you. Hope you are feeling better. Did you get your caregiver through an agency? There are online registries for caregivers--like and I found all three of Mother's caregivers there and they were great. You need to interview them after you determine what your criteria are. Have questions ready to ask and know the answer you want to hear, then see how they respond. You are the boss. What about changing the depends?I have no patience with good for nothing people. Next.
Going to do Mother's manicure then get my own pedicure today. I found out in class today that my longer second toe is an inherited deformity, and now that I also have Morton's Neuroma, I am doomed. haha Nanu, Nanu.
Gotta go. Takes forever to do Mother's manicure anymore. Difficult to polish nails because she cannot hold still:( I'm going to try anyway. Looks prettier.
TTYL, Hugs and Love to ALL!!!
Christina xo.

Thanks everyone, I'm glad you posted golfhard! I was wondering where you were.
And it's terrible how someone with the caregiving profession will go on and on like that about the job, maybe she needs to change professions. Austin many of them aren't even satisfied with $25 an hour!

For anyone who wants a good green juice recipe I am going to go post mine at "recipes" It's great for energy!

Love you all XOXOXOXOX

That is her job for peat sakes-I am glad you gave her the answer-I did worse while a nurse and never got 25 dollars an hour doing it and then went home to a sick husband.

Hello everyone. Congrats Cricket, pretty cool. And to everyone else that I don't know that well - hope your day is stress free and happy. I haven't been on here for awhile and I just wanted to keep my seat on the boat. I love reading all your posts. We had a caregiver the other day so we could go to the Super Bowl festivities, wonderful day away. Well mom was trying to change her depend and she had a real load in there and I guess it spilt out on the bed and down her leg. The caregiver told me about it over and over (there was corn in there). I apologized over and over and finally said "well I guess that is part of your job, right" and she just shrugged. Isn't that what caregivers are suppose to do?

Cricket -a B is very good.

I got brave enough to go for a walk with super girl again today. Sort of cheated though. We weren't finished before lunch until 12:15, so I knew we only had time for a 30 minute walk.
I managed an even longer walk last Sunday. Got to take the horses for a ride on an old mining trail thru the Christmas Mountians, in the Big Bend Park. It was a 16 mile trail, with a 5000 foot change in elevation. I'm so out of shape, just had to get off and walk. Ended up walking almost 4 miles. My horse appreciated that. Now I have shin splints, but it was worth it. Beautiful ride.
Congrats on your B Cricket. Not bad at all. Your Boat Angel is lucky to have you.
Sorry your Dad is doing worse, Linda. I know how hard it is to watch.
Rosella, hope your cold spell isn't too bad. I 'm not sure if you have me beat on pets or not, can I count my barn animals?
Thanks for the laughs Cuz.
OK this is bad, but someone sent it to my boss (I work for a Dentist).
I man comes to the Dentist to get a tooth pulled. But when the Dentist starts to give him a shot, the man says, "no way, I hate needles". So the Dentist turns on the nitrous oxide gas, and the man says "I can't stand the gas mask, it makes me feel like I'm suffocating". So the Dentist asks if the patient can take a pill. The man says that would be fine, no problem taking pills. So the Dentist leaves the room and comes back with a bottle of Viagra. The patient is surprised, says " I didn't know viagra worked as a pain killer". Dentist, says "It doesn't, but it will give you something to hang onto while I pull your tooth.

4 dogs and 5 cats! dang RO you are worse than me, hehe pile all them dogs and cats in the bed with you and they will keep you warm :)

Hi everyone, I hope everyone is safe and warm tonight. Linda give Pa a hug from me and here's one for you to {{{{{{Linda}}}}}}

I passed my test today, not with flying colors but hey I got a B :)

.......♥*................ *♥
.......*♥............… ..´*✫
¸....✫........*♥Group Hug*✫♥*
´¸.•✫ ..............
/ \................ Chirp Chirp, Cricket ღ

be safe and warm dear

I am just checking in... Major snowstorms are expected the next days and a temperature drop... I only have 4 dogs and 5 cats now and we are all gathering around the stove. I am not used to cold weather!

Hi Y'all,
Nothing new and exciting here. Just wanted to stop in and let you know I'm thinking of you and appreciate each and everyone of you.

Love ya,

hi there folks . shitofranic here ... letting you all know that i am thinking of you and wove you all .
rossella . u made me smile when u said i am happy when i etc . yep happy go lady we are .
pa s acting like a dead man . i ck him , his skin is kinda hard and cool but he s breathing . bath lady came and gave him spnoge bath , it was all wa wa wa . then i fixed him bfast , kept his eyes closed while i fed him , ate very little , drank very little . back to actin like a dead man .
i dont like that one bit . makin me sad .
oh mercy sakes .
love you all and bobbie give ur angel boat a big hug for me .
shitofranic needs to go to town . cvs here i come . needing more drugs to keep us alive woo woo whooo .
yack at ya later gators xoxoxo

If any of you have already heard this I apologize, but it was so funny that I just had to share it.

If you didn't see this on the Tonight show, I hope you're sitting down when you read it. This is probably the funniest date story ever, first date or not!!! We have all had bad dates but this takes the cake.

Jay Leno went into the audience to find the most embarrassing first date that a woman ever had. The winner described her worst first date experience.
There was absolutely no question as to why her tale took the prize!
She said it was midwinter...Snowing and quite cold... and the guy had taken her skiing in the mountains outside Salt Lake City, Utah.
It was a day trip (no overnight). They were strangers, after all, and had never met before. The outing was fun but relatively uneventful until they were headed home late that afternoon.
They were driving back down the mountain, when she gradually began to realize that she should not have had that extra latte. ! ! They were about an hour away from anywhere with a rest room and in the middle of nowhere! Her companion suggested she try to hold it, which she did for a while. Unfortunately, because of the heavy snow and slow going, there came a point here she told him that he had better stop and let her go beside the road, or it would be the front seat of his car.
They stopped and she quickly crawled out beside the car, yanked her pants down and started. In the deep snow she didn't have good footing, so she let her butt rest against the rear fender to steady herself. Her companion stood on the side of the car watching for traffic and indeed was a real gentleman and refrained from peeking. All she could think about was the relief she felt despite the rather embarrassing nature of the situation.
Upon finishing however, she soon became aware of another sensation. As she bent to pull up her pants, the young lady discovered her buttocks were firmly glued against the car's fender. Thoughts of tongues frozen to poles immediately came to mind as she attempted to disengage her flesh from the icy metal. It was quickly apparent that she had a brand new problem, due to the extreme cold.
Horrified by her plight and yet aware of the humor of the moment, she answered her date's concerns about' what is taking so long' with a reply that indeed, she was 'freezing her butt off' and in need of some assistance! He came around the car as she tried to cover herself with her sweater and then, as she looked imploringly into his eyes, he burst out laughing. She too, got the giggles and when they finally managed to compose themselves, they assessed her dilemma. Obviously, as hysterical as the situation was, they also were faced with a real problem.
Both agreed it would take something hot to free her chilly cheeks from the grip of the icy metal! Thinking about what had gotten her into the predicament in the first place, both quickly realized that there was only one way to get her free. So, as she looked the other way, her first time date proceeded to unzip his pants and pee her butt off the fender.
As the audience screamed in laughter, she took the Tonight Show prize hands down. Or perhaps that should be 'pants down’. And you thought your first date was embarrassing. Jay Leno's comment... 'This gives a whole new meaning to being pissed off.
Oh and how did the first date turn out? He became her husband and was sitting next to her on the Leno show.

Angelhair thank you so much for sharing that story-I know a young lady whose grandparents wanted her to be abored because it was not convient for their daughter to be pregnant and thank God her mother decided to have her-she is a blessing to many of us.

I found a true, heart warming story.

Pam's Story
In a recent email, I read about a woman named Pam, who knows the pain of considering abortion. More than 24 years ago, she and her husband Bob were serving as missionaries to the Philippines and praying for a fifth child. Pam contracted amoebic dysentery, an infection of the intestine caused by a parasite found in contaminated food or drink. She went into a coma and was treated with strong... antibiotics before they discovered she was pregnant.
Doctors urged her to abort the baby for her own safety and told her that the medicines had caused irreversible damage to her baby. She refused the abortion and cited her Christian faith as the reason for her hope that her son would be born without the devastating disabilities physicians predicted. Pam said the doctors didn't think of it as a life, they thought of it as a mass of fetal tissue.
While pregnant, Pam nearly lost their baby four times but refused to consider abortion. She recalled making a pledge to God with her husband: If you willgive us a son, we'll name him Timothy and we'll make him a preacher.
Pam ultimately spent the last two months of her pregnancy in bed and eventually gave birth to a healthy baby boy August 14, 1987. Pam's youngest son is indeed a preacher. He preaches in prisons, makes hospital visits, and serves with his father's ministry in the Philippines. He also plays football. Pam's son is Tim Tebow.
The University of Florida's star quarterback became the first sophomore in history to win college football's highest award, the Heisman Trophy. His current role as quarterback of the Denver Broncos has provided an incredible platform for Christian witness. As a result, he is being called The Mile-High Messiah.
Tim's notoriety and the family's inspiring story have given Pam numerous opportunities to speak on behalf of women's centers across the country. Pam Tebow believes that every little baby you save matters.

"Sometimes Courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says...
...I'll try again tomorrow."
Thomas S. Monson

Heard a good story that I thought you guys might like.

~ Never Judge Anyone ~

A doctor entered the hospital in a hurry after being called in for an urgent surgery. He answered the call ASAP, changed his clothes and went directly to the surgery block.
He found the boy’s father going and coming in the hall waiting for the doctor. Once seeing him, the dad yelled:
“Why did you take all this time to come? Don’t you know that my son’s life is in danger? Don’t you have the sense of responsibility?”
The doctor smiled and said:
“I am sorry, I wasn’t in the hospital and I came the fastest I could after receiving the call…… And now, I wish you’d calm down so that I can do my work”
“Calm down?! What if your son was in this room right now, would you calm down? If your own son dies now what will you do??” said the father angrily
The doctor smiled again and replied: “I will say what Job said in the Holy Bible “From dust we came and to dust we return, blessed be the name of God”. Doctors cannot prolong lives. Go and intercede for your son, we will do our best by God’s grace”
“Giving advice when we’re not concerned is so easy” Murmured the father.
The surgery took some hours after which the doctor went out happy, “Thank God! Your son is saved!”
And without waiting for the father’s reply he carried on his way running. “If you have any question, ask the nurse!!”
“Why is he so arrogant? He couldn’t wait some minutes so that I ask about my son’s state” Commented the father when seeing the nurse minutes after the doctor left.
The nurse answered, tears coming down her face: “His son died yesterday in a road accident, he was in the burial when we called him for your son’s surgery. And now that he saved your son’s life, he left running to finish his son’s burial.”
NEVER JUDGE ANYONE because you never know how their life is and as to what is happening or what they’re going through.

That's awesome Jsomebody. I just went and had four inches taken off of my hair also. I also got all of my facial waxing done, which I have to say is a vast improvement. It's been over three months since my last hair cut and it was getting rather shaggy. To be trimmed and tidy. How nice to feel like myself again.

SS ask your lawyer about spousal refusal it is legal in NY and a friend of mine was able to get some of her husbands pensio-it is worth a try-you made the right decision -pick a nursing home near by so you can pop in often-once the staff knows you it will be better-and a box of cookies once in a whilestay away from Danish butter cookies-they get tons of them because they are cheaper.

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