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Gloomy day here in western PA but it is warmer than usual. I have laundry staring me in the face and a load of paperwork to do. It's been difficult to file paid bills etc. because I couldn't see the tabs very well - so I let it pile up. ugh. Well,, at least I have some time before I have to pull the tax information together.

Cricket, good luck on the exam! You go girl! I agree with you - Kim is a super hero! Oh, by the way , Cricket, how on earth do you do the art thing? It intrigues me!
Jsome - red hair - now there's a statement! Glad you are doing something for yourself.
Ucant - keep on laughing. There's nothing wrong with laughing - in fact, it's great medicine. I even laugh with mom when she's telling me about her hallucinated visitors.. She has dementia and I can't change her reality, so I make jokes sometimes to redirect her thinking. It works - for both of us because I get depressed listening to how sad her life is believing the hallucinated people ignore and disrespect her. So I say - Laugh out loud and often!
Ksobhie - I loved the Groundhog movie mention. You brought a thought to my mind - my life is like that movie, too. Scary thought! That's why we caregivers have to cherish the little "good" things or rainbows that appear now and again.

I will tell you that I had a rainbow the other day. I told Mom I was going to reconcile her bank account and just send her a report that she can file. Instead of arguing with me, she said "I appreciate all you do for me". I almost fainted!

On that note, I am smiling because of that little happy moment and now I will tackle the laundry. ((hugs))) and happy thoughts of all of you! Carolyn

Ugh.....I'm back. No matter what I type, I know someone on this thread is going say --- been there, done that. That's why I write. So thank you in advance! Dad's medicare coverage runs out on Friday so we decided that he will stay in the NH and private pay until we spend down to medicaid. I convinced him and Mom that it was the right thing to do since he needs lots of care to function (in every way) and there is no room in a one bedroom apartment for a full time caregiver, which is what he would need. That's all ok. Now, I'm meeting with a lawyer this week to discuss how to legally spend down to medicaid. If anyone has any good links for me to read up on this, I would appreciate it. And my stupid a$$ sibling has reared it's ugly head (hasn't called or written to me since October '10 when I asked for help and she said no), because she heard we are spending all their money (except for what Mom is allowed as the community spouse), and there won't be any for her. I cried so hard last night knowing what is ahead for Dad. But I know it is the right thing for him. Mom has hip surgery in a few weeks and will be at the same home rehabbing. Then she'll go home and he won't. That will be a tough one.

Luv u all.


Good Morning Crew,

Wow! the toilet story! Loved it Kimmy! Need you on the boat big time!

Rossella, I remember that part in American Beauty and yes, it generates a good feeling. I know that you have had a rough winter with so much loss. The winter is gone in about another 6 weeks and you will feel better and better I bet. Then you will go and put your toes in the sea. the best healer!

Cuz, you sick so and so. thank God you're here. How's everybody?

Ucantcare2much, good to see you here and ya, without humor we are screwed, blued and tattooed! I know when I was in the trenches caring for my mom I kept saying to myself that there's got to be a joke in here somewhere..... somewhere...

all of you caregivers are incredible as you all well know. And Cuz too!

The Boat Angel has to go back to the hospital tomorrow for 2 or 3 rounds of chemo. Insane.
Meanwhile, even though he is sick he keeps the galley spotless and is always polite and sweet. He is depressed of course, who wouldn't be, and thanks Cricket for the iPod idea.
The difference in caring for an 89 year old demented parent and a 54 year old cancer patient is staggering. This one is in his right mind and helpful when he can be and when he can't it's because of the aftereffects of chemo and the cancer itself.
I am pulling out the Macrobiotic tricks that I learned years ago and have saved my own bacon with more than once. He is a Southern boy through and through and is having a little trouble adjusting to something that isn't sweet tea and fried chicken.
Last night, his head throbbing, I put a mix of Sesame oil and grated Ginger on the spots that hurt and just lightly rubbed until I could feel his breathing change and he fell asleep. Worked better than Excedrin haha. of course you have to put a towel down and he smelled like he fell into a wok at the China House but so what.

Hopefully the chemo will work, he will respond and get better and now that he is in a supportive environment and not suffering alone perhaps that will make a positive difference also.

ok, off to make myself some Joe. just had my Macrobiotic 'morning drink' and now am going to balance it out with some kick butt coffee.

love you guys and thx for your patience with me while I attempted to overcome the grieving process of my mom, the house and all of the memories and now this new period where I am caring for a sick person and a boat!
This is my New Normal.


Cuz you kill me

The Black Bra

I had lunch with 2 of my unmarried friends.
One is engaged, one is a mistress, and I have been married for 20+ years.

We were chatting about our relationships and decided to amaze our men by greeting them at the door
Wearing a black bra, stiletto heels and a mask over our eyes. We agreed to meet in a few days to exchange notes..

Here's how it all went.

My engaged friend:
The other night when my boyfriend came over he found me with a black leather bodice, tall stilettos and a mask.
He saw me and said, 'You are the woman of my dreams.
I love you.' Then we made passionate love all night long.

The mistress:
Me too! The other night I met my lover at his office and I was wearing a raincoat, under it only the black bra, heels and Mask over my eyes. When I opened the raincoat he didn't say a word, but he started to tremble and we had wild sex all night.

Then I had to share my story:
When my husband came home I was wearing the black bra, Black stockings, stilettos and a mask over my eyes.
When he came in the door and saw me he said,

(you are going to love this…..

"What's for dinner, Zorro?"

Texas Midget ........

The testicles of a Texas midget hurt and ached almost all the time.

The midget went to the doctor and told him about his problem.
The doctor told him to drop his pants and he would have a look.

The midget dropped his pants. The doctor stood him up
Onto the examining table, and started to examine him.

The doctor put one finger under his left testicle
And told the midget to turn his head and cough, the usual method
To check for a hernia.

"Hmm..." mumbled the doctor, and as he put his finger under the
Right testicle, he asked the midget to cough again.
"Aha!" said the doctor, and reached for his surgical scissors....

Snip-snip-snip-snip on the right side... Then
Snip-snip-snip-snip on the left side.

The midget was so scared he was afraid to look, but noted
With amazement that the snipping did not hurt.

The doctor then told the midget to walk around the
Examining room to see if his testicles still hurt.

The midget was absolutely delighted as he walked around and discovered his testicles were no longer aching.

The doctor said, "How does that feel now?"

The midget replied, "Perfect Doc, and I didn't
Even feel it. What did you do?"

The doctor replied;
"I cut two inches off the top of your cowboy boots...."

a truly heartwarming story

Once there was a man who lost one of his arms in an accident. He became very depressed because he had loved to play Golf .

One day in his despair, he decided to commit suicide. He got on an elevator and went to the top of a building to jump off.

As he was standing on the ledge looking down, he saw this man skipping along, whooping and kicking up his heels. He looked closer and saw that the man didn't have any arms at all.

He started thinking, what am I doing up here feeling sorry for myself, I still have one good arm to do things with. There goes a man with no arms skipping down the sidewalk so happy, and going on with his life.

He hurried down and caught up with the man with no arms. He told him how glad he was to see him because he had lost one of his arms and felt useless and was going to kill himself. He thanked him again for saving his life and said he knew he could make it with one arm if that guy could go on with no arms.

The man with no arms began dancing and whooping and kicking up his heels again. He asked, 'Why are you so happy anyway?'

He said, "'I'm NOT happy.

My balls itch."

Stories like this just makes one want to heart-warming.


My wife told me to go to the doctors and get some of those
tablets that 'help' get an erection.

You should have seen her face when I came back and tossed
her some diet pills!

I'm still looking for a place to live.

You know who you are when you are so nervous you can't sleep and so excited you get dressed up..........over a hair cut.....

I tried to trim it myself just wasn't taking. Took off about four inches and am going red, my head, my fun!

I have watched for the 5th time "American Beauty". What a beautiful film. Do you remember the sequence of the paper bag dancing in the wind?

"It was one of those days when it's a minute away from snowing and there's this electricity in the air, you can almost hear it. Right? And this bag was just dancing with me. Like a little kid begging me to play with it. For fifteen minutes. That's the day I realized that there was this entire life behind things, and this incredibly benevolent force that wanted me to know there was no reason to be afraid, ever."

It is the most reassuring thing I have ever seen or read in my life!

Never underestimate the POWER of a caregiver when she is determined to fight for her control of her life! That's the way I see Kimbo's extraordinary shitzofrantic display of strength to move that otherwise unmovable Toilet! GO KIMBO GO!! I loved the story and am still laughing about it!!

Hi everyone here and welcome back Bee! I can't stay and chat because I need to get back to learning everything I slept through in School (a lot), my brain hurts but tomorrow is my first exam and I want to do good.

Have a good night all, love you and sending you hugs!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricket Hugsღ

Kimmie, I thing we should call you Super K!!!! No toilet is too tuff for you! Show those sissy

Some may say it is cruel to laugh, but we have to...otherwise we would all go crazy! I gave you all a star! :)

Hi everyone! Boy have I missed you...need to climb aboard. Bobbie, can yuo ask the barkeep to make mine a double? I'd like to lay up on the bow and forget the world. Between Mom and my one son and his life drama I've been in a black hole and haven't slept right for ....I don't know. I lost track.

Yesterday I thought I'd handled all the financial stuff with Mom and we were in sync. IThis morning I called to give her some new information and she side stepped me into revisiting all of yesterdays "accomplishments". I know. She needs to convince herself she isn't loosing her memory, but she is. It's so sad for her and my blood pressure is taking a hit because I'm being so patient.

So, I am climbing aboard, Captain. I'll give you moral support with the caulking .
Kimmy - you are a hoot! I loved the toilet story and I'm happy things are moving along a little now!
Christina. - What happy news about your daughter And, by the way, you make me hungry! We've been on a "non processed foods" diet since 1/3 and I lost 4 lbs . Other than craving some familiar comfort foods, I think this is something I can do long term.
Cricket - I love your Ipod idea. I need to get inventive to find something to calm me when I'm on the phone with Mom. I usually wear a head set because the calls are so long. Maybe I plug music into the other ear?
Ro- my goodness, you are such a strong and loving woman.
Austin, Linda, Diane, Jsomebody, et al., Thanks to all of you for the fun, caring , sharing and reminder that we have each other through all of it, even in the Twilight Zone. (((hugs))) to you all and a warm welcome to the newbies. Carolyn

Morning. Austin, you are such a LOVE. You are doing the Lord's work and will be Blessed a thousand fold. I know how comforting those wraps are, as the elders are always cold, poor things:) And even when they can no longer TELL you they are cold, like my Mother, they must be wrapped up. My Mother is always cold, even when it isn't cold. Somedays I go to see her and she is in her room in her chair, the door is open to the backyard, and she does not have a sweater or a shawl, or her favorite fake fur stole from the 60s (!!!). She CANNOT express at this point that she is cold! I also freak out when I see babies without hats or even socks on cold days! I am overly protective:) Austin, crochet away, dear one.
Rosella, I love that you dream of passed loved ones. I have, but not for a long time. I do not remember my dreams very often, but I do wake up singing odd songs. I wonder where I was during those hours on another plane...
Cricket, what can I say, but: Whoo Hoo! Meatloaf and margaritas, coming up!
Kimbo, I know now why we haven't seen you: The Shitofrantic Hulk must wind down and become human again after moving toilets. And what color are we today? Whoo Hoo! to you, too, precious one!!! {{{{HANNAH}}}}} xo
LindaHeart, continuing hugs and prayers sent to you and your family. Extra warm hugs to Pa, and Hubby:) Love you mucho. See you at the slots. xo
Captain, many present and accounted for. Hugs and chicken soup to you and Boat Angel, many Blessings for healing.
Jenster, do you think the vanilla just overpowers the olfactory system, rather than absorb the piss odor? You can leave a dish of lemon Ammonia out and it does the same thing. Better yet, hide your shoes. How is your plant coming through the cold this year? {{{{{{{{JEN}}}}}}}}}} xo
Oh, you people make me smile, cry, laugh, and feel very thankful. I love to visit other people on this site and help where I can, but this is my HOME. {{{ BOAT}}}
Now, I must turn my attention to my books until late tonight. Have a wonderful day.
Christina xo

Good morning everyone-nice to see many on other threads also. Linda I am crocheting up a storm I beged and beged and got some free yarn ans producing the lap robes like crazy-the NH I go to to see my old friend is the one we made over 300 shawls for and it does my heart good to see the ladies wearing them-the ones who are alert I stop to talk to them-they do appreciate the shawls'

Kim, what a nice story about the toilet! I can see you while you do it. There is a quote by Richard Bach, (I am retranslating from Italian to English so the quote is not correct) "The idea of being in the desert without water, makes you fix the pump with a piece of cardboard" which is true for almost everything in life.
Groundhog day is one of my favorite movies, i guess you don't like it anymore!

Rossella, We were writing at the same time! I think we feel the same way about "life" as it is now for us! Mom is in my dreams all the time! A dream that keeps repeating is the two of us looking for a house! I don't know what to think of it, but that dream happens at least once a week! All the dogs are getting old! Makes me sad! Linde is 15, Sophie and Maisy 14 and Luke 11. Agnes is 5 and Oliver 6. Hannah will be 17 this Thursday on Groundhog day! Pregnancy was horrible and movie Groundhog Day kept playing! Of course that was the day she was born! LOL

I think we are in a state of transition right now! That is scary to say the least! We can still hold each others hand while we are on this journey! We will come out beautiful butterflies when all is said and done! Love you Rosella! XXOO

When I was talking about the Mom at Irish Dance, I meant the performances for St. Patrick's day! Since it falls on a Saturday this year, Performances will be on Friday and Saturday! She is doing all Friday-Saturday performances, but we can't manage the ones that are not Friday and Saturday! Read my post and something got lost in the translation! LOL Anywho.....That woman will end up on the STFU truck/bus if I have to explain again! Once is enough! Twice is overkill and the third time......Strike three she's out and on the Shitofrantic STFU bus/truck and into the Night Gallery! Ha Ha Love and hugs again! Kimbo-Kimmy

Hello everybody! News flash! News flash! Tomorrow the bed is being delivered! We have a couch, and a small dinette set already here for the apartment! Got curtains and bed linens for bed! Yay! Oh shouldn't say that too loud and now I am knocking on wood! Cricket, we have a big garter snake in the yard named Oscar, and I will put Oscar in his bed if he gives any trouble about the move! LOL I know he is gonna put up a protest, but I am ready Freddy! I know it will take some time to get him used to a new routine but that is life!

OK! Remember earlier I mentioned a fight wit a toilet? Well......last Tuesday the guys came to install the floor and only had a small tiny area around the toilet to get finished.......These were two very large men.......they said they couldn't get the toilet off the was stuck.....Ron went out and tried to help......three men......installers left......Ron called the answer.....I am getting furious.......I go out to the apartment.........FURIOUS.......thought I was gonna explode......RIPPED the sucker out of the floor myself.......Came back in.......told Ron to go out and look what I did..........Crazed look in my eyes I am sure, but there was not going to be anymore delays.....Next day......flooring guys got the job done and put the toilet back !!! I am still laughing about it! The look on Ron's face....priceless! The original plumbers did not even put a wax ring around toilet! They put this putty there which was like super glue!! Must have forgot the wax ring and improvised! WTF x 100! All I can say is a that a huge amount of adrenaline throughout the body can go a long way! It kind of felt like an out of body experience! Any way as Larry the Cable Guy would say "Git r done". LOL

Christina, I am pretending to be Miss Mary and throwing out a big HELLO CHRISTINA!! Big hugs too! Congrats on your Daughter's engagement! You are right about me.....I think I am a hybrid though.....part Lucy and part Betty Boop! LOL! I can really get myself into some funny situations! Passed on to me from my Mom!

Linda- It was a beautiful Spring day out there for sure and weather like this lifts the spirit! I'll remember the vanilla to get rid of piss smell! Give your Pa a hug for me!

Jen, keep those shoes! Might come in handy one day! Self defense, caulking, or just put em in a special box and bring em out when you need em! I think we all have a pair of those shoes!

Diane, try to get some rest! So hard just to sleep! I think when I do sleep, one eye is open! The zzzzzzzzzs are sometimes hard to catch! Very elusive those little zzzzzs!

Bobbie-So good to hear from you! You have your plate full! Take care of yourself and give the Boat Angel a hug for me! Lots of love and hugs being sent your way!

Rossella hope things are going OK! Say hello to Dorothy and the gang! My gang is all quiet now! Even Dad is quiet, but that will change shortly!

Cricket-I loved your STFU bus! Hannah does Irish dance! Has been dancing for the past 11 years! Ron has taken Friday and Saturday off so she can get to her performances! The list of them goes on and on, but the Mother who is on charge of the performances does not understand that we can't do some because of our situation! I have told her and told her, but she just won't absorb it through her thick skull! I am gonna put her on the STFU truck! I think she will understand that for sure!

I will leave you all with some words I think we are all familiar with! "You're traveling through another another dimension. A dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind: A journey into a wondrous land of imagination. That's a sign post up ahead: Your next stop: The Twilight Zone!" Well, we all went through that sign post and onto our next stop! The Twlight Zone! Only special people get into the Zone!

I love every single one of you and will keep you posted on what is going on here in Indy! Super Bowl this weekend downtown! I have front row seats here in the family room!! Hope you all get a good sleep! Just starting the night shift here!
Hugs to everyone! You all keep me sane! Kimbo-Kimmy

Diane, I am not going anywhere either! Couldn't do it without everybody here!

Hi everybody! I was MIA because after 3 weeks of almost complete unemployment, which I used well because I overslept every night, the last week everybody woke up and I had a looooot of work. I am happy about it but I don't know what will happen in the future. Right now I have to accept every work they offer to me even if it means I don't sleep at all.
I was happy to hear from Bobbie. I am happy that Linda continues to post even if she is having a hell of a period. I am happy that Diane has a little help from her brother. I am happy that Chris is always busy and she is a fighter. I am happy that Jen is back. I am happy that Barb has a new house and a new life (she posts on Facebook). I am happy that Kim is solving some of her problems even if I miss she is not writing too much. I am happy to hear from Cricket and her cyber drawings, Austin, Cuz and his jokes, Meanwhile, and all the newbies and the people who are writing here in this period.
I am happy I slept on the couch tonight and I dreamed of my father and spent some time with him. He was the same age I am now, and I was young (in the dream!). He seemed peaceful and honestly when I see him, even in this strange way, he makes me feel better all the time.
Where am I? 1) Making extreme conversations with my mother. When I gave her an omelette yesterday night she looked at it and she asked me: "Which area does it come from?" and I answered: "it comes from the dish area". I could have answered it came from the chicken's butt area, too. I have to write down something she says, sometimes it is cute, sometimes it comes out from nowhere. B) I am so cold that when I am in my room I put roots in the space between the kerosene stove and the electric stove (I have to use both in the same time) and I hate moving from there. C) I am in the twilight zone because during these last months I lost 3/4 of my pets for one reason or another, and the few ones who are still alive feel as lonely as I do. It seems to me we have reached the end of an era. I am constantly living between the world of the dead and the alive. I see my dead pets, my dead father, and they are as important for me as the people and pets who are still alive. I don't think this is a very good sign, but when more than a half of the beings you love are on the other side, you start to wonder.... Those of you who have children probably don't feel the same. This is a bad feeling, really!
Anyway I try to keep safe and enjoy my walks, and whatever good moment life can still offer!
Huge kiss everybody!

Hello all you crazy boat people! Ha, I am one too. Bobbie, you are a really hard worker to be doing all that cocking whoops I mean caulking work, hell I can't even get myself to redo the caulking around my kitchen sink.. Maybe you can get yourself a little ipod shuffle and put some encouraging audiobooks on it to listen to while you work.. I say this because it's tough being around a sick, depressed person 24/7 and it can zap your energy after awhile.. I just made myself laugh because I think most of us are constantly battling depression and it's energy zapping affects all the time, myself included. Anyway, My Dad is like that to and sometimes he lays in bed and when he hears me in the kitchen next to his room he starts moaning like a dying cow, mostly to try to manipulate me to do things for him that he should do for him self and this can drive me crazy so I started using my ipod and downloaded audiobooks onto it. Now I notice that Dad doesn't even bother with all that fake moaning if he thinks I'm wearing my ipod. And I get the benefit of encouragement from the positive stuff I listen to. My Motto is if I'm listening to positive material then I won't be able to hear or listen to the negative crap, even if it's from my own thoughts! lol Boy I can go on and on, LOL
Jen, I know what you mean about it not being worth all the drama and crap to stand up for yourself, hehe sometimes it's easier to just go lock yourself in a room. We get like that when we are just to tired to deal with it. Jen, you rock!
Christina, my brain hurts too! I think I have a Cricket brain, lol When I come visit you in CALI I want your meatloaf o.O, I am hoping that I can come sometime in the late summer.
Diane, It's probably to late to cook your shrimp now but what I like to do is grill them and you can use fresh lemon instead of the salt. Not sure if you are using any salt but if you are keep in mind that sea salt is lower in sodium than regular salt so you can use a little more of it. Anyway I hope your shrimp dinner turned out well and was enjoyed.
Okay, now are we in the twilight zone where people disappear or something? Where is everyone tonight? Kimbo, are you fighting with Dad about moving out to the apartment? If he gives you a hard time maybe you can get a harmless little snake and put it in his bed when he's sleeping, teehee... When I was 7 I did that to my Mom when she wouldn't get out of bed (I might have been a little to mischievous), anyway if you do it don't say you got the idea from me :)
I think I might start looking into the idea of building a treehouse in the oak tree in the backyard for an escape hatch..
Oh my I better say goodnight cause I'm getting giddy.
Love you all,
Chirp Chirp

jsomebody ure funny lol . heck stop at a yard sale on the way to bobbies boat im sure ud find ya a nice lookin shoes there , ohh wait a min just throw that shoes inthe water and go barefoot on bobbie s boat , woo woo whooo ., ur feet will be happy campers .
yes piss stinks so damn bad it makes my eyes watered , sheba peed somewhere oh my gosh , i gotthe shampooer out and added dawn soap and half cup vinegar , now i dont smell any piss . some guy told me to use the vanillia that u put in ur mixer of cakes or cookies , he said to pour the vanilla in a bowl , it draws the smell of oder , so i tried it and mmm i smell nothing . i guess its working . u shall try that .
bobbie i am so happy that u re back again . u had me grinnin .
we all were getting so lonley and things just went so quite for a long while , like everybody says i read but dont feel like posting . i have done that myself too alot . boy do i get lonley ,
austin , hope ure doing ok . thinking of u today , are u still crocheing ?
im thinkin about buyin me some paint and paint the wood trim . its so dark brown an dmakes my hall way dark , told hubby about what i wante dto do .
he said ugh paint what color whats wrong with whats on there now . ??? hell i lived here 22 yrs and its been like that for 22 yrs , damn ,, who cares what color im sick of that dark gloomey brown that looks like shit !
psst feb is right around the corner whooo hoo . springs a coming lalala .
seeing tulips and dafiolds are perking its head out of the ground .

gotta go .. love you all and have a good night sleep . xoxo

maybe they would fix the leaks?

I'm coming on that boat but I will have to remove my shoes the aged piss on em' would last through three planes and the dock and melt into the fiberglass on board! And I be laughing on the inside all the time now....probably scare the neighbors.....

I'm still here! You can't get me off this BOAT! I guess my other hang out is the freakin carousel of life...Oy vey!
It's Monday and I awoke at 5am with a headache. Definitely not a good sign for the day. I've been to work for my measely 4.5 hours and waiting to take mom to the foot doctor.
Y'all got any good lowfat low sodium ideas for shrinp? I need to cook some for dinner and just can't think of a good way to prepare them. Maybe shrimp creole? I have tomatoes and some nice green peppers. That may be the ticket.

Jen, the smell of piss is AWEFUL!!!!! Every once in awhile on of the aids will not clean moms bathroom properly and I could just scream because of the odor. Clorox is my bestest I opened the windows today just to air out the place a little.

Christina you mentioned my job. We haven't had the "talk" yet, but they seem happy that I keep showing up. If my brother can continue helping me out some through the week now that his job is ending, that will help alot.

Got to take mom to the bathroom. Have a good day everyone!

Love ya,

hey Christina,
thanks for the kind words.
The fiberglass is fine it's the seams on the boat deck (dinghy deck) that are shot out and need to have the caulking replaced. Most of the seams on the boat need to have the caulking replaced but that's just part of the ongoing maintenance.

The hull of this boat is in pristine shape and she doesn't leak! Yay! the leaky parts are just cracks in caulking from direct sun and rain. No biggie, it's just the BOAT!!

Sanding and scraping and making repairs where there were only patch jobs before. At least this way I know exactly where each and every little spot is and what it will take to keep it caulked and dry. omg..... and there's a lot of little spots...

OK, off to do some more.
love you guys,

Mirrors. Oh Captain. Prayers sent out to the Boat Angel. We just do what needs to be done without thinking and carry on. BOAT.

Jen, what is worse than piss, I don't know. I have not smelled everything on the planet, but cat and old human piss is probably the worst. I don't mean FROM old human's, although, you would probably agree with that one, I mean from piss that has been pissed and has been left to evolve into a new chemical comp.

Bobbie, if I were there I could cut your hair for you. I just had all mine chopped off, as I was starting to look like a crone. Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble. I'll take the bubble part and leave the toil and trouble for someone who wants more of it. I've had enough.

Well, it's lonely on the Boat when crew is missing. I hate to think of Dead Calm, the movie, but that's what goes through my mind. Is that the calm before the storm?
So, Bobbie, is it the fiberglass that cracks and causes leaks? I have not spent time on any boat but this one, except for a sail once in a blue moon. And on this boat I am mostly in the galley.

Chicken soup for you and Boat Angel would be comforting. You can find the recipe on the thread Cricket started called "Favorite Recipes". It's on the second page right before Chicken Wing Dings, which, as I was telling ZoeyZulu earlier today, are great for Superbowl next Sunday, and the Cheese Ball.

I wonder how the apartment for Kimbo's Dad is doing? Diane's search for Mom and her job? SelfishSiblings Dad and Mom's sitch,

Carolyn's care giving from a distance--and Lilliput, too. I don't know how you do that. I would be a bigger wreck than I already am.

Rip, Kuli, Miz, Barb, etc. in the aftermath of care giving and reestablishing their lives.

I hope you are all well, and if not reading, then moving on and finding your purpose.

Wonder if Barb got moved yet? Hope to see Rossella's words of wisdom later.

HAHA! when I go through all the names I think of Miss Mary on Romper room years ago, and how she would look into her (empty) mirror and say hi to all the children watching. I thought that was so nice. My name was not common then as it is now, and I don't think she ever mentioned my name, and I watched all the time.
Have a great day everyone! as LindaHeart says, lalalalalala.

Christina xo

Good Morning Crew,
I made the mistake of looking in the mirror earlier.
Was in a good mood because I had forgotten that I look like 10 miles of bad road.
Covered in Cat hair.

I'm thinking about going to Supercuts and collecting some of the hair off the floor and bringing it back to the boat and throwing it on the Cat.

I have been working on the caulking (leaking) issues on the boat and boy oh boy just when you think there's hope, count the caulk lines on this giant barge.
We have a lovely weather window for the next 5 days and hopefully I can finish the dinghy deck. Next stop is the pilothouse roof.

Jen! wish you could come and hang out with me. we would have some huge laughs.
Linda! get better soon.
Christina! so proud of you to be learning what you are learning. Hard Core.
Cricket! you're studying as well. what an amazing group of people here...
And I have to study all things boats.

the boat angel is on the boat with me and it is pretty sad. He is sick and depressed and I am doing the best I can to not lose my mind.
Just thought I'd throw that out there....

love you guys way more than you'll ever know.


YAY bobbie is here! Hope all is well on the boat!
Linda sorry you got the crud..who needs it! Get well soon!
Definitely Twilight Zone now which episode are we all living?....

Pouring rain here, better than snow...
Just mopped the wood hallway can NOT take the piss stench anymore have broached the topic of "The Rug" again...told here we should just go ahead and rwent the rug dr, we even have the soaps from 4 years ago.........
Nope she says we mnay as well pull up the old room size rug nd put down the new one we bought...what last March?....I said OK but that is gonna be a lot more work...s'up to YOU...and went and wal;ked my Poor elderly dog..

Here is another groused for grossed from that all time whiner Jen...I got out and sit and read and put on 60 minutes becasue she watched it every week..NOPE! She wanted it back on TCM to watch a Jack Webb film-30-....That runs till 9:00 right over the One TV program I watch all week long..I don't say anything I don't hit reminder and for all the "You teach people how you want to be treated" stuff, which I agree is true..I t i s NOT worth the pain I get served when she doesn't get what she wants....It juts isn't worth it. The way she looks over at me after significant scenes I see she has seen it before...what ever. Going back to bed...I live there now...

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