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Cricketypoo: I am getting ready to serve meatloaf, mashed potatoes and broccoli.
My brain is very sore, and I did not know I could absorb so much info. My brain is a tad bit bigger than a cricket but not much. hahahaha. Just kidding. I have to know the seven levels of primates and the geologic scale from 540 ma til today. OMG
Thank goodness I do not have to fill in the things that occurred. haha
I am already thinking about Superbowl next weekend and the ribs and coleslaw. Maybe fix my chicken WIng Dings that are on the recipe thread. Check it out, friends. Excellent finger foods. Even elders with bad habits can "handle it". JEN?
Cricket, soon. Thelma and Louise. Shhh. don't tell.
TTYL. Love you. Christina xo

Did someone say road trip? I wanna go!

Christina! LOL

Linda you do so good with your Pa! Please get some rest though so you can feel better.

My brain hurts from studying today..

I made shredded beef taco's for dinner tonight and they were good.

love you all,

christina ! i like penny slot machine . lol i wont tel cricket that ure on the puter . shhhshhh . heee yawww .
pa said i have to go to anderson to pick up my paycheck and let them know when im comn back to work . i said oh i thought ure retired ? he said i am retired but i can still go get my paycheck and work for a while . i said yes you can pa . put jammies pant on him and mockin shoes on him and oh boy lift him all by myself to get him in wheelchair . hauled him off to kitchen and gave him all kinds of snacks . he watch me do the dishes . then i said oh i recorded lawrence welk lastnight u wanna go watch it ? yes yes so i wheeled him in living room, lift him up again and set him to recliner . now he is watching it ,,, happy camper ,,, now my back is achin a bit .
hubby is takin a nap . poor guy , down in the dump he is . tmr back to work after missing all last week .
i think i shall walk the dogs . hopefully bandit wont make me excerise too hard .
love you al xoxo

LindaHeart, if you are coming all the way to New Mexico, then California is just a hop skip and a jump away. If you mean Lost Wages, NV, let me know and we'll meet there. Hubby has a friend and we are doing work there. YeeHaw! I only play dime slots cuz I'm a chicken in the gambling department. Chubby Hubby makes up for it at the craps table.
(Oops, I'm not supposed to be here right now because I am studying. Don't tell Cricket.) bye bye for now. xo

good morning you all !!!
woke up sneezing , coughin up mucus . ahhh hope im not catching the colds .
had my coffee and start zoomin around sweepin the floors , done 2 loads of laundry , of course i took care of pa first . he ate lit bit of his bfast , then put awau his dishes . came back to wash his face . he said when is bfast ready ? uhh dad u just ate , no i did not !! he said . told him what he had and he stared at me said that was yesterday . i talked about how purrty it is outside and sun s a shining ! im getting a cold pa . its going around . blah blah blah . he didnt finish all his bfast thats why i didnt offer for him more . got him all comfty and he went to sleep .
zoom around cleaning . have dishes left to do , folded laundry needs to be put away and more dirty laundry lookin at me .
where are we ?, we re in the twighlite zone , some is swimmin in the black hole . im in between , one leg in black hole and other leg is on the solid ground and my head is in twilight zone . my sis in law is in circles of everything , bless her heart . i told her that we shall go to bobbie s boat again cuz bobbie said we shall come . she said oh thats nice of bobbie . i told her we will be a cheech chong traveling everywhere .
she wants to go to new york to see her long lost families on her moms side , we shall do that . then go have a good time with bobbie lou . then wizz by to see my brother then off to texas to se my sis , then zip on by to new mexcio to see sis in law s oldest daughter . then ummmm where shal we go next ? any ideas ??
that is it if we have money to go lol . maybe we ll do dishes somewhere and make some mooohlah ,
wont hurt to dream . that is my fav thing to do is dream . hope it ll come true .
cricket - u hubby sure knows how to get ya outta the bed doesnt he ? get ya a cute puppy ! my hubby found a tiney black kitten when i was preg for my oldest daughter . ohhh lord ! i was on cloud nine when he brought that kitten home .
sure does perk ya up i tell ya ! thenit beacme a pain in the ass ! change the liter box and feed em etc . i still love em anyways .
louie s white hair turned my brown carpet white ! thats why i swept and swept , his long hair realy turns everything white ! pain in the ass and yet he is still my baby boy .
you all have a happy sunday , love you tons xoxox

Ok, Cricket, guess our brains will be engaged at the same time because I have my first midterm on Thursday. Maybe we will set off some kind of planetary disruption from our intense brainwaves. What do you think? Then, where will we be? Whoo Hoo!! Love you, Chirpypoo!!!

Good Morning all,

Bobbie it always brings a smile to my face when you post. You are so thoughtful. I'm sorry that you haven't been well. In any case, here's a hug and a prayer from me.
Diane, I know exactly how you feel about the energy, I've been there many times and know what a struggle it is just to get through each day. Being Diabetic and suffering with Depression put me in a really bad place and for years I've struggled with life. I wish I had the magic words to say for you but we are all so different and what helps one might not be what the next person needs. I can share with you what's helped me in my struggle if you want me to. Just send me a message at my page or email me. Anyway, for now know that you are not alone. I would LOVE to see pictures of your flowers, my two favorite things in the world are puppies and flowers! About eleven years ago when I was really sick and in bed most of the time my husband came into the room with my first boston terrier, he pulled him out from behind his back and he looked like a little cow with a smashed in face! He was so ugly/cute!! I sat up in the bed and I literally could not stop giggling for an hour with my new joy! He was the best present in my entire life! When I was able to get out of bed I would carry him around in the kangaroo pocket of my sweatshirt. LOL
Hi to everyone else here, and Diane I'm glad were not in hell but the Twilight Zone! Christina, leave it to you to ask where we are at? o.O My heads been in the book for my class. I'm studying for the first Exam on Wednesday, it's good to be taking a class. I think we should all make it a point to do something, even if it is just one thing we choose to do just for ourselves, for our lives and no one else s'. We need to remind ourselves that this life we live is OURS even if we choose to be a caregiver and caregiving can be so ALL consuming if we let it. My advice for today is for each one of us to find one thing and grab on to it, breathe and know that everything is going to be alright. Even if it's to sit for 5 minutes in silence.
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,/ *_) . -♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-
,,,,, _,—-,_/,,/ , RAWR Means .
,,,,/,,,,,,,,,,,,,,/ , I Love You .
_/…(…|.(…|) , In Dinosaur .

Morning from the left coast. Roger that, Captain, and thank you. You are a great comfort and inspiration. When I was in the throes of Mother being here, never getting sleep, frustrated and "in the Twilight Zone", I found this Boat, and for the first time in my life, felt I belonged to a group of women and a couple of guys. I had never felt comfortable or welcome, except with my husband and kids, of course, and a few other oddballs. I say 'oddball' because we are Givers, Tryers, and Doers. Most people are selfish out there and avoid difficult situations, not jump with both hands and feet into the shit. Come On!!
Diane, I always admire the way Jen writes, and Rossella, and Mariesmom, but each person has their own gift of expression. Since childhood writing and playing piano helped me express feelings. I wrote poems and stories for my family, and my Dad was the only one who read them and said anything. Once, my stepmother told me Daddy was inspired to quit drinking for 6 months. I guess that means he stayed around for 6 months longer than he would have. Did that encourage me to keep writing? I don't know. I think we simply do what we do. I know discouragement or lack of Encouragement can cause people to stop pursuing dreams and flounder. I like to encourage people, even strangers, because it might make a difference in their life, then the world will be better.
Each of us does our part. We are givers.
I have much studying to do next couple of days, but will check in later.
My daughter and her bf got engaged last night in Vegas at a Brad Paisley concert. It was coincidently the 29th anniversary of my first date with Hubby.
We kept getting texts from all her friends, all night. It was funny. Sounded like an erratic pinball machine in our family room. Haha! Love you all, Christina xo

Bobbie it was good to hear from you -you are always in my thoughts -it has been almost 2 yrs. ago you started this amazing thread-what a great group you brought together real friends -ones who really care-you take care and pop in whenever you are able to do that.

Hey Bob, I see we were posting at the same time. Love to you girl!

It's a beautiful morning outside and I have the energy of a slug. I get tired of feeling tired all the time. I can't remember the last time I woke up full of energy to enjoy the day ahead. I'm having a cup of coffee and trying to muster up the energy to go to church.

Christna, "where are we"? Most of the time I want to say hell but I'll settle for the Twilight Zone. Nothing is what is seems. I wish I could be as eloquent as you in your thoughts and words. About the only time I have to myself to ponder life is driving to and from work. Even that is frequently used to make appointments and calls about mom.

I need to clean my house from top to bottom but I know it isn't happening today. I do need to throw out some of my dead plants. I found the little cat peeing them so that explains why they are dead. My kitchen still looks like a greenhouse. I have two dendrobium orchids blooming and three phalenopsis putting up spikes to bloom. The jewel orchids have spikes too, though not as many as last year. Maybe I will take some pictures and post on FB or email them to yall. I bought some clearance pansies yesterday so I may plant them today. Need something bright and cheery outside.

Well crew, have a great day and I'll say a prayer for you each. Anyone heard from the captain lately?

Love ya,

Good Sunday Morning Crew!

I am still alive and read everything that you folks write on a daily basis. I am sorry that I haven't been posting; just don't know what to say most of the time.
I feel for each and every one of you, for all of the challenges that each of you face and for all of the crap that is flung in your direction by outside forces whether they be relatives, 'friends' or less evolved people that just happen to 'drive by'.

Christina! you have been amazing in your druise director capacity. Hope you and your husband get to the boat!
Cricket! I always enjoy reading you and you have so much to offer everyone and I am so glad that you are here!

LindaHeart! love you and can't wait for you guys to come back to the boat. We had a blast and want to do it again! Love to your SIL. I can't even imagine...

Rossella! love the heart and really enjoy what you write. I hope your burdens get lighter and I hope you get to put your toes on the beach and into the water.

ksobie!kuli!mariesmom! always good to see from you guys even if it's just checking in for a minute.

MaxineJune! love you girl and really wish you could come and hang out on the boat with me for a while. You are a good, good lady.

Flex! and the insanity continues but happy your brother is trying. (Ya, very trying)

Deef! Rip! hope you guys are doing well.

jen! Brilliant as always and hope your situation ends and you get to come to the boat! Whatta writer.... just sayin...

For the new folks who have stopped by... Ya, it's gross and that's a fact and we all hope you guys come back and hang out with us for awhile.

Ted! you maniac! really enjoyed hanging out with you a few months ago.

Cuz!! hey cuz how are you? love your jokes and I am as big a fan as everyone else on the thread and possibly the site. Hope all is well and love to you and J and M and D and and and.
I haven't heard from C so I guess j is still hanging on?
ok enough family code talk...

Lilliput! whassup with Anonymous? tell us the backstory! thanks for the hugs and sorry I haven't been well enough to be here on a daily basis. Just when I think I can do it something happens and well, there you go.

Miz! hope you and M are doing well and are happy.

Selfish Siblings! Meanwhile2! Angelhair! Golfbhard! Shielablake! Stillstanding! cgfollansbee! Nothingisenough! hannalee!

For those I left out, post and chew me a new one.

We all get busy with our lives but there is a truth and that is that we are all interested in each other and I hope that you guys will continue to post and keep us up to date on what's going on good or bad.

Love you guys more than you'll ever know.


I hope Zulu and hadassah come back and read about 'where' we are now on this thread. Where are we, anyway? Does anyone know?

Yes, when helpful is not helping! It is either well meaning relatives full o'advice or the person needing the care trying to "help out" and causing more harm than good...pretty common I think and living in a house that now reeks of urine, just forget it already please! You can't help, you just can't! You didn't let the two year old drive, YOU no longer get to touch the food...It is a matter of self defense!

Morning Everyone,
Going to study today and visit my Mother. Home health care nurse closed my Mom's case yesterday, but said she is susceptible to getting more wounds because of her physical and mental state. She was very helpful and listened to
my questions and concerns. She reassured me that the residential care home where Mother lives is about the best. I am thankful I had her with me while she was still active and semi-aware. I talk to myself back and forth about the decisions I have made about her care. I think about the family dynamics: who the supportive interested people are, who never asks, who avoids it completely. It is similar to the lyrics of "Nobody Loves You When You're Down and Out." Can I get an "Amen?"
I am thankful for compassionate friends, besides Care Givers here. It sure is good to know who your friends Really are, isn't it? No more wasting time expecting people to change to be the people you want them to be. Haha! I did that for 50 some years and it took this chapter to finally learn.
Except for my stressed, out fatter body, enflamed feet and patches of psorriasis, I believe this has been my most rewarding chapter so far. Next to my 30s when my kids were small, I was thin, beautiful and had money. LMAO, but serious.
I am into my next race, overlapping caregiving with accomplishing my academic goals. Soon adding account coordinator for our new construction business. I like being busy. I also like "being over" the things that were driving me crazy, like my sister. Of course, my brain has been taxed to process so many aspects, but it feels like things are in order. Doesn't mean it's perfect, but as human organisms we are adaptable to our environment. Have a good weekend. Love, Christina xo

Welcome hadassah414 You have come to the right place.

I'm so glad to hear like minded grossouts! My mominlaw is OCD and HAS to touch everything! It's only gotten worse as her vision is nearly gone now. I found out that every time I brought in a can of mixed nuts, she thought she had to dump them out on a paper towel & roll them around, then pick them up & put them back in the serving dish.
Takes chips out of bag with hands & into serving dish, then back in the bag.
Also has to offer her mangled food to us, instead of us getting seconds' yuck!
Thinks she's being helpfull...

My husband thinks I've become a germophobe...he may be right!!

hi there . jsomebody i thought ya meant opie . lol
not no pissnapplesauce either :-) . man im loving this .
drove 80 miles to pick up my husband , he stayed with his brother an dmom since week ago thurs , his brother is in emotional wreck losin a daughter just aint right ... im worried about him takin care of mom .
mom took the bread out of the bag and laid it all over the top flat stove and turned on the burner ! i worry about em both ! oh lord plz ....
sheba decided she wasnt going to wait on me , she pissed somewhere and i do not know where . stunk out in family room so damn bad , got my shampooer out and its not helpin any , i used dawns soap and vinagear in it . i still can smell her piss somewhere ! damn i tell u when it rains it pours !!!
am about to buy a damn dog house and let her sleep out in it . poor old bones just cant handle cold weather . its it cruel to put a 15 yrs old dog down when she looks happy and healthy ? maybe i ll give her some choclate candy ? donut be ok ? oh shit im talking shitofranic here . its all bandits fault , :-)

yes big hugs to bobbie !!
love you all and am happy to hear from all of you . some is still missing .
you all have a good happy day atleast try to . xoxo

"One" not Obe...

I've been reading but not posting too like Ksobhie. Hi Christina am still alive here thank you...Pee'd her butt off the fender...Pahahaha, you know, in several South American nations and 24 U S states, that would actually have made them a married couple with out the license I believe....
Cold here in Spokane, Grandpa on his Friday outing to Adult day...and we run errands...
Obe of the "Sweathoghs" has dies at 60 and fart pants is still here at 90. what the hell ever..

Thoughts are with Linda, I think we are all in a sort of Twilight Zone truly, some sort of stasis between mourning and normal life....Hang in all....

Morning All!
What is 'stfu'? Duh. I have rocks in my head this morning. Literally. I like the truck. So cute. {{{Cricket}}}
Sending big hugs out to the Captain this morning. {{{{{{BOBBIE}}}}}}}}}
Lindaheart and her Bandit doggie. Watch out for kitties on the loose. heehee xo
Kimbo: another name for you: Lucy. As in Lucy and Ethyl. You make me laugh and smile no matter what you post. You are so good natured, or delirious. Whatever, you ROCK, and hopefully, Dad rolls. Whoo Hoo! Be CAREFUL, Kimmie:)
Diane, brother is being a Blessing. Give him a hug from me. You got sleep, and I feel that things are starting to improve for you. Answered Prayers. Thank God.
{{{meanwhile2}}} if you walk with Supergirl every day, soon she will be trying to keep up with you. So good for you. When I went to Machu Picchu a few years ago, the guide--who lived at 9K alt.--was huffing and puffing, and I was not, and I am 15 years older than he. All from walking up and down the bridle trails. Whoo Hoo!
Rossella, I hope your days get warmer soon. It is cooler here today, but it is our winter, we must have some rain before the long, hot summer. My wardrobe is generally jeans and a long sleeved tee shirt in winter, jeans and a lighter weight long sleeved tee shirt in summer. Boots or bare feet, throw on a poncho, or throw it down. hehe When you come to California, you must visit the Missions. It's not exactly the Vatican, but you will enjoy the historical info, and feel the spirits of the Native Americans. My favorite: Santa Barbara. Five hours drive to Carmel.
Have a great day everyone. Time for studying and retaining info.
Thinking of all caregiver friends, past and present. {{Hugs}}
Christina xo

Good Morning all,
Christina you were on fire last night! I love it!!

I took Dad out for a chocolate shake yesterday and he really enjoyed it. I was watching him drink it and remembered how good they taste and wished I could of had one to, but I was content with my memory. lol What is wrong with those people, asking the attorney if your Mother was still alive!! OMG, makes me want to call them up and ask them if they would like the address to the NH so they can go visit her or are they just wanting to know when she dies to see if they inherit anything? Bastards! ^$%#$@!!!

Here's a picture for the selfish sibs we all have...

You've just been hit by the ...
| STFU Truck ||l “”|””\__,_

Haha, sighs... now that being said I feel a little better.

More studying today and this afternoon I am headed out to get some cranial-sacral bodywork done on me. Hopefully a healing will occur. I was woke up this morning by a thunderstorm and it was raining cats and dogs outside. Dad and the dogs are all well.. well one of the dogs "deebo" just had oral surgery and is walking around the house with a cone on clanking into the walls and anything else that he gets next to.. it's rather funny...clank clank clank walk clank clank, LOL I renamed him conehead for the time being.

I hope everyone is well and hanging in there. Kimbo, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well. I'm sending hugs out to everyone this morning.
Love Cricket

Evening, my favorite people next to my family that I like, which makes Y'all in the majority. Whoo Hoo!!! Rossella, I think the governments of the world or whoever is in charge of earthly bs, look for and target convenient catastrophes to distract from their nasty shenanigans. ( do you like that word? It's a Gma word, old)
Yes, I think there is something to conspiracies, but it could be coincidence and as I said, convenience. "Whew, Thank God for this or that tragedy to get "the people's" attention off of the government's atrocities." I am afraid I am a bit cynical with the presidential drama heating up in the US. Ok. I have calmed down:) Hey, let's all join the revolution!! I'm ready to stir things up. Always. I got that from Cricket. She incites me to revolt. Or make meatloaf.
I'm sorry if I put too much pressure on the crew this morning. Hey, i understand and will continue to read minds instead of posts if I am worried about or missing someone.
Mother is going on day 2 of the chocolate milkshake from In n' Out. Getting a lot of mileage out of it. She is still a little grumpy, but I give her lots of hugs and kisses and sing to her, eventually she giggles. That is my goal, just to make her comfortable, amused, content. I didn't tell you that our attorney emailed me the other day, telling me that Mother's late husband's family--the adult children--are asking if she is "still alive." Omg. And would I make sure to notify them when she, um, Isn't anymore. Hey, we all know it's the truth and we know these people and they are all mercenary, selfish, single-minded bastards. Luckily, our attorney is quick-witted and direct--like someone else I know and love--and he sent a good reply without consulting me. I am less and less shocked at people's bad behavior. On the other hand, I am so delighted to be here in the company of sweet, humble, generous loving souls. Oh, we SO make up for the idiots out there. Makes me smile peacefully:) Love you, Christina xo


I grew up with practical parents. A mother, God love her, who washed aluminum foil after she cooked in it, then reused it. She was the original recycle queen, before they had a name for it... A father who was happier getting old shoes fixed than buying new ones.

Their marriage was good, their dreams focused. Their best friends lived barely a wave away..

I can see them now, Dad in trousers, tee shirt and a hat and Mom in a house dress, lawn mower in one hand, and dish-towel in the other. It was the time for fixing things.. A curtain rod, the kitchen radio, screen door, the oven door, the hem in a dress. Things we keep.

It was a way of life, and sometimes it made me crazy.. All that re-fixing, eating, renewing, I wanted just once to be wasteful. Waste meant affluence. Throwing things away meant you knew there would always be more.

But then my mother died, and on that clear summer's night, in the warmth of the hospital room, I was struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there isn't any more.

Sometimes, what we care about most gets all used up and goes away...never to return.. So... while we have it..... it's best we love it.... and care for it... and fix it when it's broken......... and heal it when it's sick.

This is true for marriage....... and old cars..... and children with bad report cards..... and dogs with bad hips.... and aging parents..... and grandparents. We keep them because they are worth it, because we are worth it.
Some things we keep. Like a best friend that moved away or a classmate we grew up with.

There are just some things that make life important, like people we know who are special........ and so, we keep them close!

I received this from someone who thinks I am a 'keeper', so I've sent it to the people I think of in the same way... Now it's your turn to send this to those people that are "keepers" in your life. Good friends are like stars.... You don't always see them, but you know they are always there. Keep them close!


A woman goes into Bass Pro Shop to buy a rod and reel for her
grandson's birthday. She doesn't know which one to get so she just grabs one and goes over to the counter.

A Bass Pro Shop associate is standing there wearing dark shades. She says, "Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me anything about this rod and reel?"

He says, "Ma'am, I'm completely blind; but if you'll drop it on the counter, I can tell you everything from the sound it makes."

She doesn't believe him but drops it on the counter anyway.

He says, "That's a six-foot Shakespeare graphite rod with a Zebco 404 reel and 10-LB. test line. It's a good all around combination and it's on sale this week for only $20.00."

She says, "It's amazing that you can tell all that just by the sound of it dropping on the counter. I'll take it!" As she opens her purse, her credit card drops on the floor.

"Oh, that sounds like a Master Card," he says.

She bends down to pick it up and accidentally farts. At first she is really embarrassed, but then realizes there is no way the blind clerk could tell it was she who tooted. Being blind, he wouldn't know that she was the only person around.

The man rings up the sale and says, "That'll be $34.50 please."

The woman is totally confused by this and asks, "Didn't you tell me the rod and reel were on sale for $20.00? How did you get $34.50?"

He replies, "Yes, Ma'am. The rod and reel is $20.00, but the Duck Call is $11.00 and the Bear Repellent is $3.50."

Cold and snow yesterday, but back up to 60 today. The office manager talked me into going for a walk on our lunch hour. I should have known better. She played on the women's soccor team in the Olympics! I had to pretend my shoe was untied to catch my breath. When we got the city limit sign I was afraid we were headed for the next town over. Didn't think to bring a cell phone to call an ambulance to come pick me up. But, I made it, not going to let some pretty, young ex olympic soccor player show me up. The rest of the afternoon, she kept asking "are you all right". Well, I am still alive, and not limping too badly.

Oh Linda yes you are right. Bandit is your exercise for the day! My Rexy was like this when he was young. I am glad he got older.
Diane, you work 8 hours a day, you take care of the house and of your mother, you don't sleep in the night and you wonder why you collapse and you don't hear the clock? Girl! I am glad your brother is of some help.
Kim, I see you are very tired with your father, too.
Christina how's the weather like? Nancy, my friend who lives in Carmel, just posted a photo on FB where she wears a summer outfit (at least, a spring outfit) and I am jealous because we are FREEEEZING here!
Cuz I liked the post about the italian ship. You don't have an idea how they are crucifying the captain in Italy. The government is very happy about it because they must turn the people's attention away from what is happening to the Euro, but it doesn't work because people are furious about the new taxes and a revolution has started.,.. I think I will join the revolution.

zoey - welcome ! and ewwww gross and im glad u saw it too , lol , my mil would take off her socks and wipe my kitchen table with it :-) barf . lord knows what eles she has done ? gotta keep a wondering did she touch this or that ummmm .?

cricket i love your heart ! i imagin it shiney red too , thanks cricket big hugs to u dear .
kimmy - horray in a few more days ur dad be going to a new home . that be a wonderful feeling . that may perk him up and feeling wow ive got my own place , youre so good to him ,,
wheres jenny girl ? stuck in my mind . jen are you ok ? winter storms hammering your area ?
we ve been gettin lot of rain and that is ok i need it for my well .
thinking about getting some kind of picket fence and put em in the back yard . damn bandit oh my gosh i wanted to get my shot gun out and blow his ass !
sheba was sleeping so i snuck out and had bandit to walk with me up and down the road , he did good . then got in my back yard i let him lose so he ran and ran and ran into the woods . i thought oh crap ! i went down the hollow and was lookin around and whistle for bandit to come back , yep whiaa on past by me . i thought oh shit thats not good , then he got over to the neighbors pond , 6 ducks swimmin in it , bandits thinkin to jump in after them ducks . oh noooooooooo! i cream and scream and hollared and acted like i have food in my hand and went chasin after him .
round and round the pond , damn it u bastard ! get ur ass here ! nope he zoom on over to the barn where theres chickens , oh noooooo i took off running after him chase him around the barn and finaly caught him in the corner of barn ! . i beated his ass ! here i am gasping for air ! draged his ass all the way home . told him he s grounded ! i dont want him to bite the chicken cuz once he tatse the blood he will never stop killin . sheba s bad about that . last summer she killed a rooster , grrrr .
well i got my excersise for the day . lol . then i walked sheba later on and poor ole bandit cried and cried when he saw us going for a walk . hope he ll learn his lesson not to take off like that , stay in the yard !
alrighty im blubbering away ... shitofranic dog ! lol
love ya all xoxox

Thanks Austin! It has been a long and winding road! Hope things are good with you! Sending lots of love and hugs your way! :) Kim

Gross!!! I just caught my mother in law blowing her nose in a paper towel and hanging it back on top of the clean roll...... Thank godness i saw that.

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