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Roselle ~ Oh, yes, it's definitely a true story. You just can't make up shit like that! And, if you like that one, I've got a million of them. My life might be hell, but it's sure not boring.

Golf ~ I wouldn't doubt that he will succeed one day in burning the house down. One of his OCD things is grilled cheese sandwiches. I'd always seemed to wake up when he did, but I didn't this one day. I awoke to the screech of the smoke detector. He decided to make himself a grilled cheese sandwich and melted two sticks of butter in a frying pan and apparently walked away from it, and it caught fire. Another time I went out to the garage to grab something from the garage freezer. I came back to find ashes on my new kitchen table and burn spots on the placemats, along with a horrible smell, which I found out was scorching in the microwave--you know that smell like when popcorn burns. He'd put three teabags on top of something plastic into the microwave, and the teabag staples arced and caught the teabags on fire, so he grabbed the firey mess and tossed it on the table. When I asked him what in the HELL he was doing, he said he thought he was making popcorn.

Believe me when I say I have to keep my eye on him EVERY SECOND.

I can laugh about it now. But I'm trying to keep from a meltdown right now. I visited Alan in the NH. this evening. He's in there for stroke rehab. This is the first time he didn't know me right away, and it came as a god awful shock. After a few minutes, he knew me. He previously has, for a few seconds, called me Karen or Ellen, his ex- and late wives. I seriously don't think I'll be able to handle it if it comes to the point when he completely doesn't recognize me.

On the upside, he's making significant physical progress.

JSomebody Rocks beyond Rocking!
She is my hero!
Wish she would write more ...

Phahahahaaa. hmmm flea bomb? If I could bottle it up, I'd send some to ya to try.....
Plenty of that oooozzzzing around...

I'd just like to thank the academy and say how wonderful it is just to be nominated. I would also like to express my deep admiration for my fellow nominees... I am truly blessed....

Good Weekend All.....

Okay...if Bobbie is our Captain, I nominate Christina as our Cruise Director, Julie McCoy (Love Boat old am I???????)

Stillstanding: here is the post about the coconut oil:

Also, I buy my coconut from Tropical Traditions, although there are many companies who sell it. But, they have really good articles about research etc. and recipes too. You need to buy virgin and expellar pressed c.o.

Someone asked if it tastes like coconut. There are two kinds. One is flavored the other has no flavor at all. One of our forum members makes coconut chocolate candies by melting choclate chips and coconut oil together in the microwave and pouring them into ice cube trays...nyom, nyom.

For some, coconut oil can have a "drying" effect when used on the skin. I noticed this when I used in on my face. Crafters who make hand made soap often use coconut oil as a drying agent for people who have oily skin.

Others claim that c.o. also aids in weight's hoping!!


oh ~ Cricket ... You can't imagine the "caring" siblings ...
How do we start a sub title?

no sorry's Golf....I love outta control, but then I have had some of my posts deleted by AC Admin, oopSie. Okay I'm outta here to go watch a movie with, where's my gas mask....bbl

Thanks Christina for the flea info.
Maybe Fartpants can fumigate the house to get rid of the fleas. Sorry Jen, couldn't resist.

haha Golf..... Sheila didn't do it so she can't get the award O.o , but maybe the messiest bodily fluids/solids mix award!

Cleaning up the worst shit award...............all of us! I was thinking of Jen with Fartpants, but then even though my dad's not in diapers I remember the dog shit shuffles throughout the entire house all to well, and then there was Kimbo, AnnT, oh hell to many names to mention.


How about the most cruel siblings award? I know there are many out there but I think most of that was before I joined so someone else has to make the nominees for that...

Hey, sorry. I'm bored..............

Golf, please don't take advantage. Really. Hahaha! Out of control!!! Whoo Hoo!
Ssk: check out 'stop the fleas dot com' all one word. Good natural remedies. Even in cold weather the fleas are jumping? Whoa. We only see fleas here when it's hot. Hope they don't get on your puppy:(

How about Sheila for the jack off award....can I say that here?

Hi , just barging in here, I"m shitofrantic about fleas in the house. I had rented to a woman with 2 cats, she moved out and now the house is full of fleas. The new tenant has complained of being bitten. Anyhoo, I got some flea bombs for tomorrow , but wondered if anyone has any good flea remedys. Someone said use borax on the carpets.

Putting up with awful siblings... Many contenders

And back to the 2011 AC GO Awards....

Biggest Heart goes to Linda for sure.
PMS-- "Putting up with Mom's Shit"--award? Definitely Golf
PDS- Putting up with Dad's Shit- award.... I nominate Kimmy.. ♫ ♬ ♪ ♩ ♪"They call it the Streak! ♫ ♬ ♪ ♩ ♪

Rossella I love the Italian people, what's not to love someone who cooks, can talk with flailing arms and screams like a raving loonies, haha at least that's how all my Italian friends are and I love them. I wish I were Italian to Christine!

Shiela, OMG! Loved the story about your Hubby! At least he didn't bore you O.o
Both you and Golf have given me some good laughs today..weeeeeeeeeee! Is your Husband still in rehab? I am thinking maybe a chastity belt, I wonder if those can be used for men to? LOL Just for basement use of course. hehe

Sheila~ No way! That takes the shitofrantic award...Picture in my mind this man doing this....the combo is making my stomach hurt from laughing. Setting fire to the hems of the womens pants he was wearing with poop and ejacular stuff.....maybe you should have let him burn the house down..(just kidding)
And I'm not sur what shitofrantic means yet

Sheila, it is real? Is it a real story? Am I a monster if I say that I am glad my mother can't almost move anymore, so she can't possibly make this kind of mess.
Christina, Anna Magnani was a rare woman! A woman who 90% of Italian women are afraid of..... You can guess why. Anyway if Burt Lancaster were here, I would behave like her. Plain and simple!!!!! What a body he had. May I say so?

Yes, I meant DeNiro, but Bobby Darren was also Italian. Scorsese, yes. I don't think he is raging, he is a pussycat. His talent is raging, however. Well, thanks to Marco Polo, we have spaghetti. When I saw Anna Magnani in "Rose Tatoo" as little girl, I thought--oh, I should have been dropped down her chimney as a baby. There is passion there, not this dead, boring existence in California. Even though the subject matter was not good for a small child--I think I was 6 or 7, but like I am now, except for no experience haha--, I seemed to understand the angst. So alive.
Yes, sheilab, you can talk about anything here. We seem to simply take it in stride.
How often I would love to show some of our discussions to my sister and freak her out royally. Alas, and a lack, I am too kind. Yet, I scheme to someday convey the grossities to her in my subtle, but obnoxious, way. That is, If I ever speak to her again. haha!

Golf ~ Poop basketball! OMG! Somewhere where my husband Alan's antics are the norm. He has a fascination with silky fabric and with poop. He had been "working on a model boat" in the basement. One day, when I went to check on him, I found he had ejaculated on several pair of my panties and some poly blouses and had stuffed them in a bucket. He had pooped on a vinyl-covered pillow. He was wearing two pair of my slacks, and he was in the process of burning the hems with a long-nosed lighter. He had already tried to set fire to the stuff in the bucket, but, being poly, they didn't catch fire, just melted. Talk about shitofrantic! I didn't know how to act, so I went through the whole emotional spectrum. Screamed my lungs out at him. Stomach roiled in revulsion. Frightened about the fire part. Cried. Realized I shouldn't have screamed at him, so I tried to talk rationally to him. How does one talk rationally about THAT! Put that one in an article:"Signs That Your Loved One May Have Dementia"

Golf ~ You may find out that Mom may have actually pooped out the ball, rather than dug it out. Alan had a poop like that once, and it clogged the toilet. The fact that it was hard enough to compress and comprised of rabbit turds indicates that Mom isn't ingesting enough liquids and fiber.

When I said I'd found a home here with you ladies... I can't believe I'm telling the Alan story without embarrassment and discussing our loved ones' poop.

Who is Bobby D, Christina? You forgot the craziest of them all: De Niro, (wow is Bobby D De Niro?) and Scorsese! You are Italian by the way, you have not realized it yet.
I am not sure we have discovered America, and I am not sure we have discovered pizza either. Spaghetti as you know come from China.
oh my I am having a Kerosene fit. Those stoves send you to Heaven.... Kerosene is a laughing gas. A laughing and sleeping gas. It costs much more than wine, unfortunately

Rosella, you are Italiano, so of course, you are part raging beast. We would not have Italians any other way: Sophia, Anna, Federico, Bobby D., Frank, etc. Not to mention Stallone. He has a crazy Mother. The Italians discovered America, the radio, they have been the best football coaches and singers. Not to mentions lovers and cooks. I would love to be Italian. It would suit me in many ways. I would have made a great Benedictine nun, after I was finished with Stallone, Marcello, and Giancarlo. Sigh. It's never too late. I think You should win Best Semi-Shitofrantic CareGiver in a Foreign Environment. xo

My head is too foggy tonight. I read your posts but I don't know what to say. I agree that Linda wins the prize for the 2nd time (she won last year too) but there are several sweet ladies here, and a sweet cuz. I won't say who the sweetest ladies are. And of course it is always a matter of opinion. I am not one of them, I am a raging beast...
I have a new dog, her name is Dorothy Lamour. I decided I needed something good in my life. She is cute and funny. I'll post photos on Facebook... What a shitofrantic period for me. (and for many of us)

i agree that cocnut is great . i use that on dad s flakey dry skin , now his legs are better lookin than mine ! i also cook stuff in with it too . great for everything , i like em onmy face and u be amaze how those black head falls off ! wish it would smooth my face real good and wrinkles disappeard but nana .
my face is full of wrinkles , lack of whatever , old age woo woo whooo . xoxo

Still, a member of ours started a thread awhile ago about the benefits of coconut oil in reversing Alz, and also, PD. It is also being studied as a preventative for these ailments for those who have a family history. I use it as well.
Our forum member's husband was exhibiting the signs of Alz. to the point where his doctor recommended placement in a memory care facility. She researched online and found the Dr. you mentionedwho had done research on the positive effects of co and used this info. for her husband who also was slipping into the "fog" of Alz.

The main issue is that for years the government has touted the use of other types of oils that were deemed "healthier." But the lack of other essential oils "starved" the brain.

I'll see if I can find the thread...caused a bit of controversy from those that think Western medicine has all the answers ;o)


Ahh Diane.....sending some cyber chicken soup....darn no liquids in that, sorry.... how about this...

wishing you a strong heartbeat...√v^√v^√♥

♥«´¨`•°Diane .°•´¨`»♥

/ \ please get better soon!

Did you guys hear about the coconut oil that has been proven to reverse and slow down Alz's? Test were done on the husband of a doctor that has had him on it for quite some time. She showed some of his tests, i.e.: the clock drawn with numbers on it. Was really amazing to see the difference after just three weeks!

I'm still here blowing my nose, running a fever and coughing my head off.

Thanks guys... Are you ready for this one? Dad doesn't have an appetite but sure doesn't have a problem with going out and buying a Marie Callandar's bananna cream pie! Told him that he has until this sunday and I'm going to start hand-feeding him!!! Talk about a sugar high! Perhaps, I'll just take a 'samll' bite from it, LOL

Still: Yes, by all means give the clothing to you know how many people that would help? I can imagine that is what your mother would want. Keep a few pieces, if they have sentimental value.
So sorry about your Dad and his grief. There are just no words that can help you through this time...just time itself, I guess.
Everyone thinks that once a loved one is passed, that all the caregiver stress is over. That has not been my experience. But, fortunately all the grieving eventually turns into good memories and peace.
Take care...reminicing, when your Dad is ready, is a good thing. Men tend to keep things bottled up.
You are such a good daughter...

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