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I'll throw out a couple of ideas for awards, but my evil streak is prominent last couple of days. I don't want to walk the plank for insubordination. LindaHeart wins in my book for biggest heart, hands down. Closest to an Angel. It's a toss up for foul mouth between Linda, Jen, and a cameo role by Austin. Boy, I think Linda's going to sweep the awards this time. Who is up for the PMS-- "Putting up with Mom's Shit"--award? Definitely Golf. Carolyn--shit does not have to be literal, can be figurative. Ok. Somebody, catch the ball.

still standing . it is ok to cry , i know i would have bawled for days , yes it is a very good idea to donate the clothes to the need , it was mom telling u that . i love it when i hear voices and yep mom will always be around .

morning to all my best pal for life ....
cricket i love the way u designs the stars and all i saw that little bity heart down below ur name . awesome ! i just love it .

cindyray - once a caregiver is always a caregiver ., like what christina said .
u go visit ur dad that is still a caregiver , u take care of dad at where ever he is , ure still a caregiver . once u signed up here to meow at us all is always stuck here , we aint letting you go anywhere . so vent it all out pal , we re here for you . many hugs dear ....
i dont know what the hells matter with me i just cant get my hindend a moving . only for pa i can .
i took the dogs for a walk while ago , kinda helps put a smile on my face . watching bandit all happy go boy .
sheba loves bandit . he always makes her smile , makes me smile too . thank you jesus for letting my hubby givin in to let me keep bandit . :-)
i just feel like crawlin on the couch and just sleep away .
woke up at 930 cuz my phone rang , i thought ohhhh shit ! its late !!! ran in pa s room , he s still sleeping . whew . poor guy he just dont feel g ood , oh lord .

bobbie - i think of u every day and how is ur friend ? are u with him to make him comfertable ? my heart goes out to him . text me anytime dear . love u tons xoxox

jen !! yep she gets the award too for dealin with FP every day ., love u jenny girl ...

alright the rest of you i am blessed to have you all in my life . take care and be meowing at ya all later . shitofranic here lalalala ,,,,, xo

Started cleaning the rooms after Christmas decorating and started at the back rooms. When I got to the guest room where mom kept her clothes I started to become anxious. Thoughts of me selling her clothes, what was left from my crazy "sick sister" was in my mind but wait, I heard a little voice in my head telling me, "Oh no, darling... There are people out there who need them to wear much more than a few dollars in your pocket. I smiled and knew she's still around and will always be to help with certain decisions! Dad really took it hard and asked if he wanted to reminisce with me, thought that he needed to work through this also but he just started crying! Really made me feel bad but I know that donating her clothes will eventually make me feel better, right?

Cricket~ I love it! A Poop Hoop! She is a sports fan. Purdue fan. Used to pee her pants at the games getting too excited.

Yes, I'll take the hard ball any day. When she has diarrhea she says "I just shit a blue streek".....that is what her mom always said.
Hope you all have a great day...It's cold here but some sun.
Christine, thanks for being so welcoming ...

Hi y'all,
I'm home today with a "didn't sleep all night" headache. Woke up at 1:30am and couldn't get back to sleep. Just exhausted I think. Just gonna veg out and take Fioricet all day.

Hope you all have as pleasant day as possible under the circumstances.

Love and Hugs,

Now back to the 2011 AC GO AWARDS..

For the most pissed off foul mouthed vent... I nominate our angry little sister JEN! Woohoo! SEE JEN RUN...GO JEN GO!

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricketღ

Good Morning everyone,

Cindyray, like Chris says.. you are still a caregiver, just in a different way. Your presence is so important for your Dad. You can oversee his care.

Golf-- how about putting a hoop up on the wall with a trash bag attached? LOL I swear there is always something going on but poop balls takes the cake, ewww!
Still I would rather clean up poop balls than diarrhea! Hang in there!

Golf--there you are. maybe Metamucil, more fluids, fruit? Which reminds me--I must take Metamucil over to Mother's this morning.
Cindyray: YES, YOU ARE A CAREGIVER! Take this time for your own respite. Regain your strength so you can visit Dad. Your presence in his world is so very important. Tell us more, Cindyray. What's going on? BIG HUGS

Morning Fellow Rowers of the Boat,
Carolyn, kitchens are my specialty. You should have seen mine when we moved in 6 years ago. I had already been redesigning it in my mind, so I was reaching for things that were not there--yet. haha. My thoughts became my reality. Now, we have a beautiful, functioning kitchen, and my hubby is very loving, too. Had to talk him through fixing Campbell's soup a few years ago. Now, he can make a sandwich and open beer cans. Remarkably talented. How is your new lens? Yes, you are missed, but we will hold the boat while you are ashore. {{{BEE}}} xo
Kimbo, are you groggy today? Did you sleep a little too hard? Yay! I did that the other night. Stayed up too late researching a murder mystery from high school days--didn't get anywhere--and did not go to bed until 2 am. Then I woke up at 5. Caught up the next night. Felt like crappola. How is Dad? How is Hannah doing with her driving? Hugs, dear Kimbo:) xo
Missing lots of crew last couple of days:( Love you all: Diane, BJ, Miz, Bobbie, Jen, Rip, angelhair, enough, GOLF--where you be, Suzie?, sheilab, Austin, Selfish Sibs, Kuli, meanwhile2, WTLMM, Barb, Lilliput, LindaHeart, Crickety-poo, et al.
Talk to y'all soon. Have a great day! Sending WARM hugs to ALL! Christina xo

Hi everyone! This thread is fun to read. Bunch of funny gals you are.
Mom is playing poop basket ball...This is something new (and disgusting) It seems she must be digging out poop wadding it in a ball and throwing it in the wastebasket. They are fist sized!! The other day a smaller one stuck on the wall above the basket. She wears depends and still has them on but is somehow getting it out. You can tell she is packing it into a ball because there are small chuncks (rabbit turds) all squeezed together. Any ideas?

my dad ended up back in the hospital and back to a facility. I am no longer a caregiver

Good morning all. I'm laughing this morning! Chricket, Chris and Enough....OMG ! I love this thread. I've missed you a lot.

I have a lot going on right now. Mom's IH service started yesterday and she is mad as a hornet. She didn't want to talk with me last night - and told me not to call her later. lol

I called one of her friends yesterday morning (a Good Samaratin at the church) and prompted her to call Mom. (She needed groceries and to go to the bank but is reluctant to call on anyone to take her now that she doesn't have a car.) I also told the woman about the IH coming so that she'd be sure Mom was home in time. Evidently, Mom was "trying" not to be home when they arrived. Good thing I said something! She arrived home minutes before the caregiver arrived and was fuming because she "doesn't want these people hanging around".

Personally, I'd rather hear Mom complain about flesh and blood people "hanging around" than her imagined visitors! Just saying.
I can't wait for the next phone conversation with Mom. With luck, she'll forget about it and all will be well. I should be so lucky!

I'll probably be MIA again for a couple of days again. Part of our kitchen configuration is being rearranged starting tomorrow. The moron who designed this house put an island in the middle of the room with a breakfast bar on the side where the frig is. Consequently, when someone is sitting at the bar you can't get into the frig.

We are a loving couple. Hubby loves to sit at the bar when I'm cooking. Get the picture?

So we're simply flipping the frig and cabinets which will fix the problem. No big expense involved - but I can't wait! At the same time the gas fire logs which are no longer working will be replaced in the family room. These frigid mornings have been rough without the logs to warm the room. I feel like a scarecrow when I have to layer to stay warm.

It will be a little warmer here today but I do wish the sun would come out. Many folks in this area a afflicted with SAD because we have so many cloudy days. I can be sad - and I don't need a cloudy day for that to happen. But, you guys brighten my days. Now if you could just turn up the heat a little, please?

Got to run. I have to unload the cabinets for the job tomorrow. Love you all!
(((hugs))) Bee

Read quietly then send it back on its journey

To realize
The value of a sister/brother
Ask someone
Who doesn't have one.

To realize
The value of ten years:
Ask a newly
Divorced couple.

To realize
The value of four years:
Ask a graduate.

To realize
The value of one year:
Ask a student who
Has failed a final exam.

To realize
The value of nine months:
Ask a mother who gave birth to a stillborn.

To realize
The value of one month:
Ask a mother
Who has given birth to
A premature baby.

To realize
The value of one week:
Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.

To realize
The value of one minute:
Ask a person
Who has missed the train, bus or plane.

The value of one second:
Ask a person
Who has survived an accident.

Time waits for no one.

Treasure every moment you have.

You will treasure it even more when
You can share it with someone special.

To realize the value of a friend or family member:


The origin of this letter is unknown,
But it brings good luck to everyone who passes it on.


Hold on tight to the ones you love!

Do not keep this letter.

Send it to friends & family to whom you wish good
fortune. And don't forget the one who sent it to you!


KimBo, hope you get restful sleep tonight. LindaHeart, glad you are surrounded by support and love. Austin, keep warm. Angels abound, they are all around:)
Night night. good buddies. Love. Christina xo

I think it's time that we hold the 2011 AC Grossed Out thread Awards.... I will start the Nominations and a Nominee to give you all an example but then you have to help by coming up with the other Nominations and Nominees.

I Nominated Linda for the Category of Best Misunderstood by being called a Schizophrenic.

I Nominate Linda for giving birth to the most loved new word...Shitofrantic (of course she came up with that only after being called a Schizophrenic)

Now many of you have been here longer than I so I am counting on you to come up with more.. Good luck and may the best/worse Man or Woman take the most awards!

howdy u all ! , kimmy i feel for you and do never feel bad about ur daughter begin part of it . it ll let her know how it is when ure old and gray and following ur dad s foot step lalala . no feel bad dear . its all part of life and it goes in cycles , round and round tag ure it !
hubby and i was slurpin beers and meowing about life sucks and how my dad is the wise man blah blah , nothing come sout of my pocket , he pays for his own briefs diapers meds and food and have a good life , no money worries for him . and i thank dad for all that cuz i sure would not able to afford his care . he would have to go on medicaid and ship off to nursing home . thank u jesus that he is the wise man and i am able to take care of my daddy , thank u jesus in the name of jesus !
meanwhile- wow a rock ! oh my goodness , where did that come from ? i love rocks , i have all kinds of rocks and its in my flower bed , some angel sent u the rock , christina ! did u do that ?? :-) .
austin - i feel for u havin to deal with ur mom , just put ur fingers in ur ear and smile away and say oh yes mommy i love u too . big hugs to u austin ....
yep shitofranic ohh lala . i love that and i also love SHAME ON YOU SHAME ON U !!! and ummm oh yes , OBMAJ !!! PISSINAPLLESAUCE ohh lala . wheres my margaritta christina ? i had bud ice 2 of em , mmm good and makin myhead spin even faster .
i love you all !
pa is restin and sleeping , got him outta the bed after 12 and ate lunch in kitchen and to the recliner , we all took a nappy poo and slept hard , woke up thinkin ohh crap supper !!! so i fix pa something to eat , hubby brought home his own supper and i thank him for that cuz i overselpt , pa ate in the kitchen , all yum yum . then put him in bed for the nite , changed him and cleaned him up . he s comfty ,
then i ran out to the barn and purrin at my hubby and we had beers and talked about life and death and what to expect of me after death blah blah blah . had mr heater a going to keep us nice and warm ,
now im feeling calm and smiling . love u all goodnight xoxoxo

Christina-Yep Shitofrantic x100! It should be in the dictionary soon! We should all pass the word on so it will become official! I adore that word! Protection? Yep must be genetic! Probably a recessive trait that some inherit and some don't! You and I certainly inherited the gene and everybody else on the thread! Your radar was certainly spot on with me and the situation going on with Dad! Love you Christina XXOO

Hell's Bells!, no one protected me from anything! It must skip a generation.
KimBo, I think you went shitofrantic. Yep, that word is now accepted by my iPhone. All I have to type is 'shit' and iPhone does the rest.

M y Mom has done it again she complained to my brother about my sister I am saying it again-how can one 93 year old almost 100 lb. women cause so much trouble at least it is not about me this timeGod give me strength.

Thanks Cricket! Love you to the moon and back! Kimbo

Kimbo, Even though you feel bad for Hanna, I am really glad she is there for you! Never underestimate your daughter's ability...if she is anything at all like you be glad she is there. I know as Mom's we want to shield our daughters but sometimes they learn how to be better people by seeing what we go through and going through it with us to a degree. So you had to use the NH card with your Dad.... funny how he got right over to that chair when he knew you meant business! haha Bless you both, and bless your Husband and Daughter Hanna for their support. I'm glad you were able to release some of the tension by having a good cry. Sometimes that's all we can do and it's best to just feel the emotions and let them flow otherwise they will stagnate and make us truly bitter. It's a priority of mine to get to the other side of Caregiving and be a better person as a result. That doesn't mean we don't have our moments because WE all know we do and thanks to AC site we can vent and find love and understanding here. Now to see about that Angel with a devils tail....

Love you Kimbo!

Hi everybody! You are right! I haven't been getting enough sleep! Christina and Cricket you know me so well! Dad fell out of his bed four times last night! Took depends off and peed bed and pants! Got all that changed! Laundry again! Last straw was when his air bed sprung a leak! Oh shit.....Had a smaller air bed close to the floor. Set it up and then realized he couldn't get into it! Then he kept going over to the bed and trying to get into it! I was screaming No, No No! He kept doing it not listening! I lost it and told him to look at me and said "If you don't go over to the recliner right now, you are going to a nursing home!! That got his attention and I helped him get into the recliner! Hannah was helping me! God I feel so bad for her! Had a mini break down today and cried and cried! Feel a little better after the cry! The aphasia seems to be getting worse! Just a bad day...This too shall pass....I posted last night about him getting into the spiced rum on Christmas eve! Post was before the night really turned into a nightmare! I will be OK! Ron is off tomorrow! He will take over and I might just get out for a little bit! Getting out a bit does a body and mind good! I love all of you! Thanks for listening to my rant! XXOO Kimbo

Yum, meatloaf. I have not thought beyond a margarita yet. Have not left house and it's 3. I have lots of little square cut-outs along the baseboard in my dining room. Cat is hitting stuff across the floor. Hope nothing is living in there, or she could squeeze in and be a cat sandwich. Did I mention it's 84 degrees at 3 pm? I notice everyone posting today does indeed have a little evil streak. I expected Lilli to show up. wha ha ha.
Must get out of here, going, going gone...BBL Love you little demon girls xoxo
ps Cricket: maybe you can figure out drawing of Angels with horns and a tail?

Lilli, Christina, I feel that energy bouncing off the walls! I just got all the decorations where is Christina's meatloaf recipe....==========
/▌ ==========headed to the recipe thread.
/ \

Enough, if you're house is anything like mine you better put a lock on your sanctuary! My sanctuary has become more like a bomb shelter! no kidding!!

First, may I say, ya'll have a evil streak...why do you think I hang out here??....hoo, hoo, hee, hee..."velcro?", evil, pure evil.... Have you seen the article on the AC main page, something like "Is it okay to laugh at our loved ones?" No, it most certainly is not. Now, laughing "next to" our loved ones is perfectly alright.

Sheila: I have a glass table top that I is one of those Danish designs (kinda like Christina). But I swear, at least once a month, I cut the corner to sharply and run into it. Then I get this big egg-sized bruise on my thigh. And yes, they are a bugger to pack and move...have done it several times and it hasn't cracked yet...can't say the same for me.

Cricket: they hi-jacked your artwork!!! Would they do that to Picasso?? I think not. We marvel at your creativity and the message therein.

Meanwhile: I love the rock story...and the mystery behind it. I think I am going to do that and surprise my neighbors...they already think I am "unusual."

C: Yes, I would love any recipes with training wheels that you may have. I haven't had good Mexican food in eons. (btw, have they done a "Cooking for Dummies" book yet?)

It was a balmy 8 degrees when I went to my meeting this morning....warmed up to a sweltering 18 by noon...currently 27 on my little weather icon....breaking out my swim suit...that'll send ya' running.

Hello everyone else I missed...Linda, hope you are doing okay...welcome newbies...sit, stay, don't let us scare you off...we are only this way 98% of the time....Lilli

I too was going to suggest Velcro. Relative to placemats... Someone in a previous comment complained about glass-top tables. I foolishly bought one, because our table space was very small, and I thought the glass top would open up the space, which it did. But it also opened me up to making a career out of keeping the tabletop presentable. So when we moved, I decreed that the table wasn't going with us, and I splurged on a table with a beautiful wood inlay top. Unbeknownst to me, my husband spilled something on the table, and actually had the wherewithall to wipe it up. It was later that day that I noticed, because he didn't do a perfect job of wiping (surprise, surprise), he hadn't bothered to wipe up UNDER the placemat--it was still wet--and the finish was completely ruined.

Tried placemats, cloth ones were to easy to blow her nose in and the vinyl rooms she throw across the table in a fit one night. She is fiesty I will give her that. Today the father-in-law decided to play foolish and go out in a light spring jacket. Not bad except that it is 12 degrees out. He did wear gloves so I guess it is okay. After getting upset I stopped and then just thought at least if we have to commit him he is giving us cause.

Oh well keeping warm in my office I now refer to as "Sanctuary".

lmao! love it!!

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