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Oh, now Cricket, you are inspiring my little evil streak. Enough: VELCRO!!!!!
Oh, man. I'm cracking up just imagining the consequences! How about Velcro and flannel. Remember flannel boards in elementary school? Well, most of you know because we are all in relative age Boat. Now they use velcro...
meanwhile2, that is very cool. I have several rocks shaped like hearts, in a little box in my office. I have found all of them but one. Angels surround you:)
They are tearing up my house. I have had to remove artwork and a huge mirror in my dining room--that was secured at the bottom by VELCRO! That little ripping sound gave me the idea for Enough's. Afix to bottom of wine glass. SNORT!!!

Hi Chris, sometimes the middle finger is all we need to get a good laugh going, I plead innocent because my intentions.. O.o I am sensing that Kimbo isn't getting enough sleep and chances are 99.9% that I am right! Whahaha!!
Enough, I loved the flannel tablecloth! Might I suggest ditching the tablecloth and switch to placemats? You could put a rubber backing on them..If that doesn't work how about using a couple Yoga mats? Muhahah I have an evil me side to.
Meanwhile2, I love that rock gift. What a wonderful idea! Years ago one of my girls found a little rock in the shape of a heart and she painted her name on it and gave it to me and years later I was heartbroken to discover it had been lost in some of the moves. That was done by someone who really loves you.

Yesterday, someone left a rock in front of my gate. It is painted with a little sail boat, and says "turn me over". The other side says "Ahhh, that feels good". Don't know who left it, but is cute. Put it by the front door.

I think you're going to make it. You have an evil humor streak. Very healthy. heehee, heehee Do you give her ativan or something to soothe her?

Wow I missed alot over the weekend but catching up was good. Made it through the weekend with minor problems with Mother but she sure is something else. Since we had the party for New Years Eve and "bothered" her she has been making everyone misable by not eating, not wearing appropriate clothing (it is 12 degrees here today and she is in summer cloths) and yelling whenever the mood fills her. Lucky I am working in my office and leaving her to he son to tend to.

Cricket I bought a table cover over the weekend that has a flannel backing so it is hard to move, well she tried last nght and almost knocked herself out of the wheelchair I tried very hard not to laugh but it made it worst and I had to leave the table or fall off my chair. Okay that may have been some of the problems this morning with her but it did give me a laugh last night. I love flannel!

Good Morning my Friends,
Austin, I send you a very warm California HUG. Being a southern CA native, I don't now what cold is, but if the first number is less than "6", I'm outta there. Weather Wuss:) xo
Angelhair! Good to see your return to the Boat. Hope you enjoyed happy times over the Holidays. xo
LindaHeart, Love and Hugs to you and Pa. Healing energy, cyber massage:) xo
Cricketintrouble! haha! Well, your artwork evoked many snorts, guffaws, tears of hysteria, and if it cured anyone's depression, Whoo Hoo, if they can't take a joke!
Timing was good. wha ha ha! xo
Kimbo, how's it going? Something brewing with you, I can feel it:) xo
I heard from anniegirl in Ireland and she is hanging in there. Same ol, same ol, as on this side of the Atlantic with some of you: isolated care, no time, siblings. I am sure a "chat" would help her. xo
Annt, you have more endurance than a workhorse. Aye Carumba. More power to you, Dear One. xo
WTLMM, Sheila, Enough, Angelhair, calling all newbies, all hands on deck. Love you girls and need you here to help row. hehe xoxo
Lilliput, while I am stuck in the house with insurance guy and plumber today, I should have time to post some good Mexican recipes. My baked chile relleno casserole has all the flavor and no frying. Easy Schmeezy. xo
Rossella, Miz, Cuz, Captain, Kuli, SelfishSibs, BJ/Stillstanding, Diane, MariesMom, meanwhile2, Deefer, Carolyn, et al. Thinking of you all with much Love, sending hugs and Blessings. Have a good day. Christina xo

Good Morning, Linda, a posture bra would help support your upper back. Meanwhile2, loved the joke and I to like Miz wanna be a dog! Ah, a dogs life.
Austin, I pray for your good friend Winnie to pass in peace. The only thing worse than 15 outside is 15 and windy! Stay bundled up!! The sun is shinning here even though the temp is 42 and I am going out for a walk. I count my blessings every time I see the weather reports. I see the graphic post I made was deleted, lol better it than me :) xoxoxoxox to all.

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricketღ

It is 15 outside here this morning-I am glad my brother is picking me up to go to see our 95 yr. old aunt instead of me meeting him part way.

Hello everyone. I hope you all had a great Christmas and New
Year. We were so busy I never got a chance to sit at the computer let alone check my e-mail. I had a total of 432 unread emails! Holy smokes! Any way, I hope you all had terrific holidays. Gotta go now. Love you all.

Hi guys my good friend that I visit in the nursing home is on the way to passing -she sees her late husband -I probably will never have a conversation with her-her sister tried to wake her up and she seemed anoyed-my husband worked with her husband in the 60's and I worked with her and her daughter and sister in 74 on-sheseems at peace-she had bee n in the nursing home for about 15 years and her heart is not in staying here -she wants to be with her late husband and I know God will get her there soon-she was an amazing nurse and person and her daughter is amazing-I feel sad but know she wants to leave-she was anoyed when her sister wanted her to wake up today-I pray that our God takes me before I go though wha she has gone through-our world is better for her being here with us-but she needs to go to heaven to be with her husbandshe has been a good friend and a good person-but I am sad to lose her-W innie I love you-knowing you has made me a better person.

I wanna be a dog!!

Meanwhile, My dogs agree with you! LOL


Inner Peace
If you can start the day without caffeine,
If you can always be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains,
If you can resist complaining and boring people with your troubles,
If you can eat the same food every day, and be grateful for it,
If you can understand when your loved ones are too busy to give you any time,
If you can take criticism and blame without resentment,
If you can conquer tension without medication,
If you can relax without alcohol,
If you can sleep without the aid of drugs

Linda I see you are organizing yourself and saying to the doctors what they deserve. Good for you! Sometimes you have to scream a little bit, to be heard!
I am having a peaceful hour in my room after a crazy day. The two daughters of one of my helpers have decided to sleep at my house tonight. They are sleeping in the same room as my mother's, because it is the warmest one. I hear them screaming and fighting and I just hope they don't wake my mother up, because otherwise tomorrow it will be a hell of a day. I am too tired to go into the other room and tell them to stop. You know, sisters... Always love/hate between them. Now I hear silence. Are they watching TV or they have killed each other? I will check tomorrow morning. I am going to bed now. Good nite everybody. My mother tonight is the less insane in the house. And this is hard to say, as yesterday she put 2 syringes in my boots. She found the syringes in the car (we had bought them to give her antibiotics) and she hid them in my boots. (Do you remember Ladeeda, the bananas and the butter knives?) I am lucky she hadn't opened the packaging! Otherwise it would have been very painful.
Another story of ordinary madness....

nance - thank you for offerin me ur back brace , i have one around here somewhere . its realy not in my lower back , it is upper back under the shoulder blade . i ve always had that pblm , once a great while my lower back will hurt . as for now its my upper back by the shoulder blade , thank you nance and bless ur heart for offering me the brace , xoxo
hospice called and they re comin out tmr at 1030 . tld my sis in law , shes gonna see if she can get off work and come here too , she wants to hear what the hospices are gonna say , prevent my head going around and around .
i bundle up and took the dogs for a walk . it was nice and the dogs were so happy . hubby called ask me if i feel like cookin i said well i can but not realy so hes brinin home papa john bq chicken pizza , havent had that in a long time . he s a sweetheart .
annt- bless ur heart for wantin to keep mom at home once rehab is over . i know the feeling and that is why dad is here . he hated it at rehab and do did i . i just hope and pray my kids will do what ive done for my pa . but if they do throw me in nursng home i guess i ll die quicker ugh ?
ok coffee s ready and gonna stand by the door and greet my hubby , he returned back to work today after begin on vacation for 3 weeks . :-) , house so quite without him here ,
love you all u have a great day . xoxoxo

Linda-Happy to hear hospice is coming to your house! Good news! Sun shine outside!

I will have a shitofranic night! Dad still sleeping! He will be up around 10pm tonight! Worn out physically and mentally! Dad did get up once today! Had taken off depends and noticed a huge wet spot on his sweat pants! Got him cleaned and changed! He seems out of it completely in the day and more with it at night! We bought some spiced rum for egg nog just used a little! Had it out on kitchen counter! Christmas day noticed the level had gone down by half! When Dad got up to open his presents in the afternoon, he was acting really weird! Walking was more impaired than normal. Took him up to get shower, and he started gagging like he was going to throw up! Smelled like rum! Mystery solved! Rum now hidden in a dark corner of the cabinet! Got to go! Wanted to check in with you all! Laying floor in the apartment! Not too hard, just physically draining with everything else! Laundry going non-stop! Love you all! XXOO

Linda,I have an extra back brace, They run close to $100, but they really help. I would be more then glad to send it to you, if ya want it, e-mail me your address-love ya-hugs

Hang in the everyone...Know what you are talking about, doctor insanity and just the inevitable of this is my job right now...Hope your burdens are not too great but I know what they are in many ways though not in all....still kickin' here...Adult Day Health Day so he is out of the house at least...

Hi I've not fallen off the face of the earth. Mom is now in rehab trying to learn to walk again with her broken hip. She is doing her best, but I'm not really hopeful that she will walk. I've decided that I just cannot place her in a NH if the rehab doesn't work. I'll have to deal with it at home as I always have. God help me!

I'm afraid I haven't kept up with what's going on here. I just haven't had the time or when I get home at night I just want to drop dead.

My goodness we have so many new ones on the thread now. Hello to you all and welcome. This is a great place to be.
Hello to all my old know who you are so I won't tax my muddled brain trying to name everyone. I love you guys!!

I'm taking a half day off to get a little house work done so I had better get to work. I'm sure Mom is fretting over my not being there. She wants me there every minute. She has stopped eating unless I'm there to help her, but today she'll just have to do without me for a while.

Love to you all,

got a ph call returned back to me . yep they got all settled and pa is getting hospices . theyre suppose to call me today .
austin - u made me smile . ure a sweetheart love u bunches .
cricket ! ure cold !! yep bro said its cold down there and he is wearing long johns , lol ... bobbie looo !! hope ure warm . kitty keep ur feet warm wont she ? hug her for me and tell her to hug u back for me .
ill keep u guys update on hospice s thangs . but i think i am going to bundle up in my coverhauls and go walk my bandit . sheba is needing to go poop bad but she wont do it near the house she wants to g down the street , phhhhhhhht i aint walkin in that cold wind last night , sorry girl ..
alright got all my bills paid . gawd ! it realy adds up ! fkin bullshit .
have a merry day and have a shitofranic day lalala . xoxoxo

Good Morning Guy and Gals,

Looking good this morning, I'm still here and didn't get kicked off the site after the graphic posts last night, lol

Omg, I had to put a sweatshirt on when I took the dogs out this morning! Whahaha!!
Just goading those of you living where it's really really cold. Before you have a "shitofrantic" moment let me say; I lived in PA for 5 yrs so I remember what real cold is like. Linda I love that word and promise to use it a lot. :) Just a little suggestion about Pa's doc... if he doesn't follow through and get hospice out to you instead of expecting you to bring Pa in, FIRE him. Call Hospice yourself and they will have their own doc come to you. Remember there is always another way and there are always people out there who will help. In the meanwhile how about getting yourself a back-brace? It might help. You might even be able to go to Wallyworld and find one of those waist belts to give your back some support, Lord knows you need it..."pop" omg! that is not good.

Thank you Lilli and Carolyn for the New Years wishes through emails.

Jen, are you still alive? I hope no one lit a match and you all when BOOM!

Have a good day everyone, you to Kimmy, lol

Love Cricket

linda it is amazing how doc's office can fuck things up-I am glad you are getting hospice-that should make things easier for you.

hello good morning , just a quickie here .
called the dr and told t he nurse about it all . she said she s suprise that the hospital did not set up the hospices since dr there had ordered one . said he has appt on 18 th and on the 19 th she was blown away , she said she ll get back with me after meowin at the dr all about it and let me know what he says .
yep it sure is shitofranic lalalala .
love you all and have a great day woo woo . xoxox

Linda -yes put your foot down about taking him to doc visits and blood work -they can send someone to the house-I had to put my foot down with the husband-no more unnessasary doc visits just because he was bored and liked the attention.

Shitofranic. Tee hee.

Dear God, Thank you for adding Xanax and Paxil to my life over 15 years ago, it's SUREEEEEEEEE comin in handy now - all those saved up bottles. Love, Kat

cricket you had me laughin ! love ya girl .
christina i have some dynomite here woo hoo , lets go kick some hinneys lalala .

hey dad sure was puttin me to work ! he wante dto sit in recliner after begin in it all day , i said no ure going to bed . he said no and pointed the recliner i tld him i wasnt about to get him up again to go for bed . u have tv in there and u be more comfty in bed . go him in bed and my back went pop . then he wanted to go to bathroom , uhhhh no pa . golly liftin 180 lbs man around geeze !
i just dont want him layin in bed all day but i will if i have to . most ofthe times he wants to stay in bed , so thats good .
ok gotta shut this down and you all have a good night sleep .
love you all tons . xoxox

Cricket: you go girl...the single-finger doctor salute... I hope it catches on.

Man, we are feisty tonight...

♥ . ))(
♫ .(ړײ) ♫.
♥ .«▓» ♥.
♫ ..╝╚.. ♫

Now that that's out of the way I feel happier!

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